LISA RENEE: “Self Acceptance”

“Before people start to consider how Self Acceptance plays a key role in the development of one’s personal character, many have forgotten that building character through having a better comprehension of one’s own Self Esteem is indeed one of the most important aspects of personality development and spiritual development. Through gaining self acceptance, we build healthy self-esteem and this supports us to make realistic goals with higher spiritual purpose, to cultivate virtues, which are strengths of character and the power of our spiritual person. In order to progress through the Ascension process, strengthening ourselves to grow into well balanced and healthy functioning people, we will need to address areas of our self-acceptance and ability to access states of forgiveness. Finding genuine self-acceptance and the ability to feel and generate actions of forgiveness towards the self and others are important to progress beyond emotional stagnation. Both are deeply entwined with each other in developing a stronger base of self-esteem and inner core. One who understands they are a loved and worthy spiritual vessel for the spirit of God Source, will begin to learn that self-love is at the core of self-acceptance which is the quality one must build to truly feel and experience God’s love for all of us. Once we feel love for ourselves we build inner confidence which further builds our trust with the process of life. In these chaotic times, it is very important to build trust in our communications and relationship with our higher power to help us navigate the challenges we find now in earthy life. A person who is more confident about himself, feels more stable in their spiritual foundation and will be more focused and determined to achieve a better state of consciousness with all of life, regardless of whether it is for career, spiritual purpose, inspiration, family or personal goals. A peaceful and fulfilling life is most possible when one seeks inner truth and self-knowledge while building a relationship with God and the relationship to the self.”

~Lisa Renee

Before people start to consider how Self Acceptance plays a key role in the development of one’s personal character, many have forgotten that building character through having a better comprehension of one’s own Self Esteem is indeed one of the most important aspects of personality development and spiritual development. Through gaining self acceptance, we build healthy self-esteem and this supports us to make realistic goals with higher spiritual purpose, to cultivate virtues, which are strengths of character and the power of our spiritual person. In order to progress through the Ascension process, strengthening ourselves to grow into well balanced and healthy functioning people, we will need to address areas of our self-acceptance and ability to access states of forgiveness. Finding genuine self-acceptance and the ability to feel and generate actions of forgiveness towards the self and others are important to progress beyond emotional stagnation. Both are deeply entwined with each other in developing a stronger base of self-esteem and inner core. To go beyond personal issues of low self-worth, we are required to build our inner foundation which will progress us further to develop stronger character Virtues. [1]

Character Virtues

Character Virtues such as embodying the spirits of purity, kindness, patience, diligence, discipline, generosity all of which require great personal strength to help develop our character. It is the strength of character which allows us to more easily endure life’s challenges and deal with stressors in productive and peaceful ways. As we develop strength in our character, the virtues are powerful energetic forces which bring great harmony in one’s life, filling it with great peace, comfort and joy.

However, generally what is misunderstood is that Virtues appear as weakness to many people, when they are actually great strengths in spiritual forces of power. It is much easier to live with character defects blaming others for all our problems in our life. This creates great weakness in our energetic foundation and our prayer focus and meditation strength. It takes great courage and strength to really be honest, face ourselves and be willing to do the inner emotional work. When we have reached a degree of Spiritual Maturity and we are willing to do our own emotional work, we are extremely rewarded later on the spiritual path with an incredible amount of spiritual power, strength and focus. It is the strength of one’s inner foundation and character which far supersedes the ego weaknesses of instant gratification. This strengthening of one’s internal character allows one to more easily cope with the many challenges and stressors in our everyday life on planet earth. When we are stronger spiritual people, and we have a strong internal core, this builds our relating skills through building inner confidence without ego arrogance. It improves our ability to better communicate with a variety of kinds of people, whether they are on the Ascension path or not.

Strong Core Self

A person with a strong core does not need others to be something they are not, and does not take on others’ pain, their ego suffering and desperate actions as personal affronts or insults. At this level of awareness, we can see people are in pain when they lash out or play out emotional tantrums. Thus, we refuse to play the archetypes of drama which energetically feed into that same pain. As much as many people may not want to admit it, a stronger inner core foundation can be established with how a person builds character, especially when self-worth is a primary factor in shaping and molding the values and virtues of a balanced individual. Without a strong core developed with healthy self-acceptance and self-esteem , personal goals and spiritual goals are directly impacted leaving one feeling confused and chaotic about their life circumstances. In the swirling chaos a person without a strong core cannot read what is truth and what is deception.

Overcoming Self Deception

On the spiritual ascension pathway, recognizing the importance of character building as a necessary part of having self-love and self-acceptance is critical to progress through self-deception ego blocks. Self-deception blocks are levels of ego denial, the half-truths we tell ourselves because we are really afraid to see all of the picture that currently blocks our awareness. When we have low self-esteem, our ego defense mechanisms will act to block our progress moving forward in our spiritual ascension and evolving in our life. One who understands they are a loved and worthy spiritual vessel for the spirit of God Source, will begin to learn that self-love is at the core of self-acceptance which is the quality one must build to truly feel and experience God’s love for all of us. Once we feel love for ourselves we build inner confidence which further builds our trust with the process of life. In these chaotic times, it is very important to build trust in our communications and relationship with our higher power to help us navigate the challenges we find now in earthy life. A person who is more confident about himself, feels more stable in their spiritual foundation and will be more focused and determined to achieve a better state of consciousness with all of life, regardless of whether it is for career, spiritual purpose, inspiration, family or personal goals. A peaceful and fulfilling life is most possible when one seeks inner truth and self-knowledge while building a relationship with God and the relationship to the self. When building the relationship with the self it may mean we are taken through character building life experiences that we do not prefer. We must push through our fears that live in the Houses of Ego in order to experience the accomplishment of moving past our perceived mental limitations and negative ego habits. If our mental limitations and/or self-entitlement govern our actions, we will become stunted in our emotional-spiritual growth and fall into symptoms of low self-esteem. [2]

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Observe Discern Accept”

“If we are a person that has primarily linear, mental and social orientation, it takes devotion and discipline to reach discernment of one’s mental impulses and develop Self Awareness. Our society has developed our negative ego as the primary identity of which is recognized as the self. The stronger and more dominating the Ego Mind, the higher the academic pursuit or repetitive conditioning, those groups of people have the hardest time naturally recognizing negative ego, false identity and releasing the Mind Control. When learning about the functions of the mind it may seem like a purely educational study. However, this is the key to transcending the Negative Ego, transcending mind control which oppress higher Consciousness and suppress higher sensory and feeling functions. One cannot only think themselves to higher consciousness. One must allow the deeper feelings, emotions and sensory experience to override the strict intellectual control the ego has over the body and mind. Practicing Meditation and developing the observer point is the critical skill which can be learned, trained and developed to discipline an unruly ego mind. With an unruly and undisciplined mind one cannot reach higher consciousness and access Higher Sensory Perception. The process is one of self-observation and gaining increased self-awareness. Through dedicated observation of the self and gradually discerning between these functioning aspects of the mind, one can attain the direct experience of the consciousness they are. The still point of which this consciousness connects to in the parts of our mind is that which forms all of our thoughts, emotions, and experiences that direct us through life.To begin this process one must observe the functions of the mind and discern them in action and intend to return that part of that mind function, or thought back into the internal still point or neutral. As we observe the thought, action or behaviour in ourselves externally, we source this as an aspect of our mind that is connected to the internal whole and return that thought to the still point of consciousness inside our heart. In the earlier stages this is the intention and goal of specific meditation to become aware of inner stillness without the mind interfering. Later it is a walking meditation in which every single thought, behaviour and activity is witnessed by the Observer Point in the day to day activity. As this skill is developed this becomes possible with little to no effort to remain in the Observer Point. It is at this point a massive leap in higher consciousness and awareness of sentient forms may be experienced. To allow the deeper comprehension of the self to discern the functions of mind one will need to discern the functioning of each part of the mind and accept its nature without judgment of its content. This means to train the mind one must learn to observe, discern the part of the mind and accept its nature. Through observation, discernment and acceptance one can train the mind to be disciplined back to Neutral, which allows access to still point of higher consciousness. Once in meditation there is ability to Observe, Discern and Accept thoughts back into Neutral, the next stage is to develop skill in coordinating multiple functions of the mind that happen simultaneously. Set the intention to coordinate the multiple functions of speaking, behavior and actions while at the same time observing the inner thought process. Observing one’s communication, speaking and actions reveal the underlying thought process and belief system which is operating in the mind. When we observe our movement and words they reflect the contents of the mind. We may learn our mental and emotional state by observing our gestures, body language, our actions, behaviours and words. This is helpful for people who are not aware of their feelings on the surface and have little emotional recall. This way one can learn how to identify current states of sensory feelings. What are you feeling now? What is your body doing? What part of your body does not remain still or stationary? While observing outward actions and speech, directly observe the inner process of thoughts and feelings at the same time. In the earlier stages one may have realizations delayed later after the action occurs. The goal is to become aware at the moment, fully present to observe the outward actions and behaviors along with the inner thoughts, while they are occurring in that moment. In full presence in the now moment, observe the outward actions, behaviours or words while observing the inner thoughts and observe how all of these parts have their own function and yet are interacting with each other. This may take some practice however; this skill brings heightened awareness along with a sense of Inner Peace.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

BARBARA BUCK: “Hiding The Wounded Healer”

Suffering can appear in our lives with little warning. It startles us out of complacency. One day we are swimming with the tide, just breezing through life, then wham! Disease and discord hit us when we aren’t looking. Suddenly our nice dip in the ocean becomes a terrifying race from the sharks that we had no idea were right below the surface.

Hardship in whatever form it manifests, can cause us to lose faith that life is on our side. It can render us incapable of trusting the ebb and flow of reality as we understand it.

When I was diagnosed with a chronic disease, I was utterly blindsided. I am a healing practitioner, so in the beginning stages of being sick I had faith that I would be more than capable of handling the issue and moving on with my life. I had multiple tools to help me.

I did all the work, taking a mind/body/spirit approach to the disease, but instead of getting better, I got worse. I did everything that I knew how to do as a healing practitioner, but all my knowledge was useless in the face of my wretched suffering.

I stopped trusting the process and began to believe that I must have done something horribly wrong to deserve the physical and emotional trauma that I was experiencing.

To top it all off, I had a belief that no one would want to see a healer with a chronic disease. How could anyone put their faith in me to help them, if I couldn’t even heal myself? A sick healer is a paradox.

I spent a good deal of time stoically putting on my best game face while seeking help from other practitioners behind closed doors. Everyone that I knew had plenty of advice to give me, from why I got sick to what might help me get better.

Conventional medicine, naturopaths, homeopaths, nutritionists, spiritual counselors, acupuncturists, biofeedback therapists, energy healers of all different types; you name it, I tried it. I stopped trusting the healthcare industry to give me answers, but the worst part about it all is that I stopped trusting my ability to help myself.

Suffering makes us feel weak, and in that weakness we become vulnerable. It’s a terrifying experience to recognize that no matter what we’ve been taught to believe, there are some things we don’t have control over. Sometimes when we allow ourselves to step into our vulnerability, we can feel like victims, victims to our bodies, our thoughts, our creative process that’s gone awry, to God, to the Universe, to genetics.

I have vacillated back and forth between all of these things. I blamed my ancestors, the environment, but mostly I held myself accountable for this disease. I have a firmly held belief that I am a co-creator of my reality, so clearly I must have made this happen.

I played the self-blame game very well. I decided that I can’t be trusted to care for myself when I am in this open, susceptible state. The Universe can’t be trusted either because it certainly didn’t have my back and stop me from creating this horrible mistake.

It didn’t even give me fair warning.

When we are raw and wounded, the first thing we throw out of the window is usually trust. The most natural reaction to our loss of faith is to wrap ourselves in a protective shell because we are afraid of what might come next. The world no longer feels safe.

When we become ill, whether it’s emotionally, spiritually, or physically, we tend to try to keep the world at a comfortable distance. Instead of stepping into our vulnerability, we hide it under the guise of courage and dignity.

Society rewards stoicism with praise. If we see a cancer patient, we say “Isn’t she brave? She never complains about the pain she’s in. She just keeps fighting. It’s amazing!” Very rarely do we acknowledge it when someone courageously embraces their vulnerability by taking a step into the darkness of their condition and seeing what gifts lie within the murky depths.

When we voice our fears or expose our vulnerability, it can frighten our loved ones. It makes people uncomfortable when they can see our wounds. It makes them remember their mortality and their own ability to suffer.

We often respond to this behavior by hiding behind a courageous mask, when the truth is that it makes us feel guilt, anger, and shame.

It’s time for us as healers to take that mask off. It is impossible to heal if we don’t allow the shadows of our creation to surface for healing, or try to hide them. Ignoring them is no longer an option.


Barbara Buck is a Foundational Reconnective Healing Practitioner, writer, and teacher. For more information, please visit her website at


~via We Are the Dreamwalkers