LISA RENEE on “Unresolved Emotional Conflicts”

Unresolved Emotional Conflicts are Spiritual Barriers. Thus, these emotional conflicts in our Pain Body must be willingly dealt with in our relationships, in order to take Personal Responsibility for our Behaviors, Attitudes or Beliefs. Many times we cannot see these Dysfunctional Patterns playing out from the family of origin, until our relationship is ready to explode. This propagates many unsuccessful and unhappy marriages, and the partners will seek Coping Mechanisms on the external, or the relationship will explode apart entirely. All Unresolved emotional conflicts are barriers to our spiritual growth and Expanding Consciousness. We must learn how to be present and Self-Aware with all interactions in our relationships, especially in our Intimate ones, so that we can remove Spiritual Blockages and continue our emotional growth.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Plasma

Image courtesy of this blog’s editor and does not reflect Lisa Renee’s views or the source article.

LISA RENEE on “Emotional Competence”

Emotional Competence refers to one’s ability to express or release one’s inner feelings and emotions in positive or productive ways. It allows the ease to communicate with other people, the ability to face stressful challenges without indulging in destructive behaviors, and determines one’s ability to effectively and successfully self-lead and communicate in social situations. Emotional Competence is an essential social skill to recognize and interpret, including the capacity to respond positively to emotions in our selves and others. Emotional competence creates an increased energetic coherence, as well as improved health, through avoiding stress that comes as the result of suppressed emotions. It leads to improved relationships since destructive emotions are far less likely to be expressed, while appropriate communication is not avoided through unhealed fears of triggering some unwanted emotion. Negative and destructive emotions that are suppressed and hidden greatly cloud our discernment and interpretation of events in our life. Without personal goals of desiring to increase our emotional competence and being honest with ourselves, we risk playing out destructive emotions in our self-talk, and when interacting with others. Unfortunately, if we do not heal our negative emotions, we will become prisoners of this inner violence, without understanding why we have been consumed in pain throughout so much of our lives. When we are prisoners of our own Inner Violence, we are in bondage to the negative behaviors that fuel levels of psychosis or neurosis. This unhealed state of inner violence leads to splitting behaviors of the Negative Ego. As a result of the bifurcation, if unhealed inner violence is still present, these uncleared negative energies create a lot of pain and suffering that commonly produce Splitting Behaviors in people. To build inner Coherence, and ultimately find harmony with the world as it exists now, the first major task is to improve our emotional competency.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Coherence

Image courtesy of this blog’s editor and does not reflect Lisa Renee’s views or the source article.

LISA RENEE: “Clarity”

“To develop strong Discernment of the energies around us, we must develop some degree of self-awareness and Self-Responsibility for the situations we may find ourselves, in order to arrive in some degree of personal Clarity. Clarity and Discernment are life mastery skills that we must cultivate into positive attributes that radically improve the quality of our life, and which take time, dedication and practice. Having clarity about things that are happening in our life, by seeing the macrocosm or bigger picture, helps us to avoid entangling ourselves into difficulties in such way we increase the dark resistance to those energies that we have labeled as negative or bad. If we increase resistance to the negative energy we have perceived through our intellect, the negative ego, those particular energies will tend to amplify and magnify to become even stronger. Therefore, to neutralize energetic entanglements and dark manipulation, we observe, discern and accept those energies into Neutral Association. Our blind spots are generally caused by subconscious wounds, Pain Body, and lack of self awareness that generates the filter for Confirmation Bias that clouds our vision and reactions. To develop personal Clarity, we need to discipline our intellect to have stillness within, generating a clear inner mirror which allows for Engaged Detachment to discern outer influences, even when these influences make us incredibly uncomfortable. Spiritual Maturity is the process of dedicating to the expansion of consciousness in that one is willing to be uncomfortable in order to stretch beyond personal limitations. The opposing forces use dark manipulation to direct strong resistance to amplify the areas we carry pain, and these events will reveal to us where we have energetic weakness and vulnerability through these unhealed wounds. Dark forces will continue to agitate us through our energetic weakness, caused from pain, fear and avoidance, in order to generate as much confusion and misery in the human mind as possible. If we are feeling mental and emotional pain, we must be willing to do the inner work at some level, and ask for help, in order to come to some resolution that allows neutrality to replace the pain. The more clarity we have developed, the more authentic we become and the stronger our energetic aura to repel dark forces.”

~Lisa Renee

Clarity is the quality of being clear through developing Self Awareness, it is the quality of Coherence that is the natural result of having a full comprehension, awareness or perception of something. To develop strong Discernment of the energies around us, we must develop some degree of self-awareness and Self-Responsibility for the situations we may find ourselves, in order to arrive in some degree of personal Clarity. Clarity and Discernment are life mastery skills that we must cultivate into positive attributes that radically improve the quality of our life, and which take time, dedication and practice. Having clarity about things that are happening in our life, by seeing the macrocosm or bigger picture, helps us to avoid entangling ourselves into difficulties in such way we increase the dark resistance to those energies that we have labeled as negative or bad. If we increase resistance to the negative energy we have perceived through our intellect, the negative ego, those particular energies will tend to amplify and magnify to become even stronger. Therefore, to neutralize energetic entanglements and dark manipulation, we observe, discern and accept those energies into Neutral Association. Our blind spots are generally caused by subconscious wounds, Pain Body, and lack of self awareness that generates the filter for Confirmation Bias that clouds our vision and reactions.

To develop personal Clarity, we need to discipline our intellect to have stillness within, generating a clear inner mirror which allows for Engaged Detachment to discern outer influences, even when these influences make us incredibly uncomfortable. Spiritual Maturity is the process of dedicating to the expansion of consciousness in that one is willing to be uncomfortable in order to stretch beyond personal limitations. Generally, we do not see our personal limitations and areas we can improve, until we are made very uncomfortable inside ourselves. This discomfort can be mental, emotional and even physical. Spiritual and emotional growth requires that we get comfortable with discomfort, knowing that we can learn something by inquiring on the reasons we feel uncomfortable.

When we have clarity, it produces the authentic state of energetic coherence in such way it allows more light, intuition, insight and energy to pass through you Transparently. Clarity supports an increased accurate assessment of our environment and the humble ability to assess ourselves in our competencies, which is an effective tool for gaining self mastery. To arrive at personal clarity for increased discernment in order to remain transparent to adversarial or opposing energies, we must do the inner work and be able to resolve, integrate and neutralize the subconscious wounds or emotional conflicts we carry. The opposing forces use dark manipulation to direct strong resistance to amplify the areas we carry pain, and these events will reveal to us where we have energetic weakness and vulnerability through these unhealed wounds. Dark forces will continue to agitate us through our energetic weakness, caused from pain, fear and avoidance, in order to generate as much confusion and misery in the human mind as possible. If we are feeling mental and emotional pain, we must be willing to do the inner work at some level, and ask for help, in order to come to some resolution that allows neutrality to replace the pain.

The more clarity we have developed, the more authentic we become and the stronger our energetic aura to repel dark forces.

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Collective Unconsciousness”

“Our mental map acts as a mainframe network that forms our Personal Schema and decoding of language, it is the lens from which we perceive all things. Most people’s mental map and personal schema have been formed from automatic thoughts that are generated from the unconscious mind content in the Collective Unconsciousness. Thus, most people tend to pay attention only to the things that fit onto their personal schema of unconscious and Conscious Mind beliefs, which they use to explain the nature of reality and to understand the world around them. They tend to re-interpret any new information that has contradictions to their beliefs, in order to fit that into their personal schema. Our Personal Schema influences the way we perceive things and can ultimately block the uptake of new information, if our beliefs are mentally rigid. When we are confused about who we are, the Collective Unconsciousness takes over our direction in life, and this ultimately produces poor decisions and self-destructive manifestations. In the state of being disconnected from our authentic self, we feel deep unresolved pain and the inner emptiness that causes the lack of fulfillment and contentment in our life.”

~Lisa Renee

Those that have been distorting higher laws existing in the dimensions of the God Worlds on earth are coming to be fully witnessed on the earth. These are areas where human order and Negative Ego have abused the Laws placed for the benefit of all people. The dark places of Collective Unconsciousness that were asleep while existing in multiple dimensions, are awakening to become conscious to exactly what has happened to this earth and humanity. These events are completely hidden from the masses, and most people will have little to no awareness this revelation is happening. [1]

Spiritual Blindness

Without Personal Integrity we exist in the unnatural state of internal and external disconnection, unable to actually see how the things around us are interconnected and cause things to manifest. When we are confused about who we are, the Collective Unconsciousness takes over our direction in life, and this ultimately produces poor decisions and self-destructive manifestations. In the state of being disconnected from our authentic self, we feel deep unresolved pain and the inner emptiness that causes the lack of fulfillment and contentment in our life.

Pain is created when you are inauthentic and living outside of Personal Integrity, believing in your mind you are something you’re not, expressing something to others in an identity that you really are not. [2]

Mental Map

Our mental map acts as a mainframe network that forms our Personal Schema and decoding of language, it is the lens from which we perceive all things. Most people’s mental map and personal schema have been formed from automatic thoughts that are generated from the unconscious mind content in the Collective Unconsciousness.

Thus, most people tend to pay attention only to the things that fit onto their personal schema of unconscious and Conscious Mind beliefs, which they use to explain the nature of reality and to understand the world around them. They tend to re-interpret any new information that has contradictions to their beliefs, in order to fit that into their personal schema. Our Personal Schema influences the way we perceive things and can ultimately block the uptake of new information, if our beliefs are mentally rigid. This may lead the person to selectively remember only certain things, taking in a small sliver of the actual data in situations, in order to have that information fit into their schema of thought. [3]


1 Restoring Energetic Balance

2 Personal Integrity

3 Bio-Neurology

See Also:

False Identity

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Theatre of the Absurd”

“Absurdism is a philosophical school of thought stating the belief that human beings exist without meaning, purposelessly floating in a chaotic universe. The covert mainstream agenda is to control social norms to be intentionally guided into extremism and fanaticism, to bring forth the Theatre of the Absurd and absurdist behavior. Essentially, a reality bubble that is devoid of meaning in establishing humanitarian values, personal Accountability and common sense, breaking down society into a well-designed parody of tragic comedy. To maximize the efficiency of the Negative Alien Agenda’s gradual takeover of the planet through psychological warfare, their goal is to intentionally destroy moderate and humanitarian social norms as value systems, in order to covertly infiltrate the main societal organizational structures of humanity. Thus, this absurdist social climate intentionally destroys integrity to produce psychopathic behaviors, making it increasingly hard to energetically interact with many of the corrupt 3D systems.”

~Lisa Renee


To maximize the efficiency of the Negative Alien Agenda’s gradual takeover of the planet through psychological warfare, their goal is to intentionally destroy moderate and humanitarian social norms as value systems, in order to covertly infiltrate the main societal organizational structures of humanity. Social Norms are familiar understandings that govern the behavior of members in a society. The roles of norms are collective consciousness representations, which emphasize and guide human behavior in certain situations or are observed in the environment as mental representations that inform appropriate behavior. The covert mainstream agenda is to control social norms to be intentionally guided into extremism and fanaticism, to bring forth the Theatre of the Absurd and absurdist behavior. Essentially, a reality bubble that is devoid of meaning in establishing humanitarian values, personal Accountability and common sense, breaking down society into a well-designed parody of tragic comedy.

Absurdism is a philosophical school of thought stating the belief that human beings exist without meaning, purposelessly floating in a chaotic universe. In the Theatre of the Absurd, the conflict is the human tendency to seek inherent value and meaning in life and God when there is no meaning to be found. The destructive and bloody aftermath of World War II stimulated absurdist views to rationalize such examples of human anguish and annihilation, which allowed for its popular development in many of the war torn social environments. Black Sun Programming took advantage of this vulnerable time in human history to up their game, through advancing Social Engineering experiments into absurdism.

Thus, our 3D world was socially engineered to produce a myopic mental polarization upon gratifying purely physical sensations and indulging excessive materialistic based pursuits to produce a spiritually bankrupt population. Such a superficial culture is set up to place value on gaining power and control in any way that fosters instant gratification for selfish motivations, rewarding those without Impulse Control or Empathy. When there is no value or meaning given to life, there is no accountability, no moral or ethical consideration towards the consequences of actions that are directly related to radically increasing world pain and human suffering, such as what happened in World War II. Thus, this absurdist social climate intentionally destroys integrity to produce psychopathic behaviors, making it increasingly hard to energetically interact with many of the corrupt 3D systems. [1]



  1. Personal Integrity

See Also:


Spirit of Self-Righteousness

War Over Consciousness


~via Ascension Glossary