LISA RENEE: “Theatre of the Absurd”

“Absurdism is a philosophical school of thought stating the belief that human beings exist without meaning, purposelessly floating in a chaotic universe. The covert mainstream agenda is to control social norms to be intentionally guided into extremism and fanaticism, to bring forth the Theatre of the Absurd and absurdist behavior. Essentially, a reality bubble that is devoid of meaning in establishing humanitarian values, personal Accountability and common sense, breaking down society into a well-designed parody of tragic comedy. To maximize the efficiency of the Negative Alien Agenda’s gradual takeover of the planet through psychological warfare, their goal is to intentionally destroy moderate and humanitarian social norms as value systems, in order to covertly infiltrate the main societal organizational structures of humanity. Thus, this absurdist social climate intentionally destroys integrity to produce psychopathic behaviors, making it increasingly hard to energetically interact with many of the corrupt 3D systems.”

~Lisa Renee


To maximize the efficiency of the Negative Alien Agenda’s gradual takeover of the planet through psychological warfare, their goal is to intentionally destroy moderate and humanitarian social norms as value systems, in order to covertly infiltrate the main societal organizational structures of humanity. Social Norms are familiar understandings that govern the behavior of members in a society. The roles of norms are collective consciousness representations, which emphasize and guide human behavior in certain situations or are observed in the environment as mental representations that inform appropriate behavior. The covert mainstream agenda is to control social norms to be intentionally guided into extremism and fanaticism, to bring forth the Theatre of the Absurd and absurdist behavior. Essentially, a reality bubble that is devoid of meaning in establishing humanitarian values, personal Accountability and common sense, breaking down society into a well-designed parody of tragic comedy.

Absurdism is a philosophical school of thought stating the belief that human beings exist without meaning, purposelessly floating in a chaotic universe. In the Theatre of the Absurd, the conflict is the human tendency to seek inherent value and meaning in life and God when there is no meaning to be found. The destructive and bloody aftermath of World War II stimulated absurdist views to rationalize such examples of human anguish and annihilation, which allowed for its popular development in many of the war torn social environments. Black Sun Programming took advantage of this vulnerable time in human history to up their game, through advancing Social Engineering experiments into absurdism.

Thus, our 3D world was socially engineered to produce a myopic mental polarization upon gratifying purely physical sensations and indulging excessive materialistic based pursuits to produce a spiritually bankrupt population. Such a superficial culture is set up to place value on gaining power and control in any way that fosters instant gratification for selfish motivations, rewarding those without Impulse Control or Empathy. When there is no value or meaning given to life, there is no accountability, no moral or ethical consideration towards the consequences of actions that are directly related to radically increasing world pain and human suffering, such as what happened in World War II. Thus, this absurdist social climate intentionally destroys integrity to produce psychopathic behaviors, making it increasingly hard to energetically interact with many of the corrupt 3D systems. [1]



  1. Personal Integrity

See Also:


Spirit of Self-Righteousness

War Over Consciousness


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Remote Viewing”

“Remote viewers and energy workers in the spiritual communities, are you adept at being able to discern what reality pictures you are perceiving that are sourcing from inserted Alien Machinery, Phantom Matrix, the Imposters themselves or organic creator code? This can include an array of various entities of human or nonhuman origin and their energy structures, as well as machinery, implants, architecture, and entire realities which can be sensed as artificial or organic to this creation. Some of the common Holographic Inserts that are utilized during astral types of remote viewing and abduction scenarios are to separate the lightbody layers by running different particle rhythms in each layer. This rearranges the layers of lightbody to be sectioned into various timelines beyond the reach of the current station of time for that particular individual, so the offending parasitic entity can make use of that body. The purpose is to disconnect the lightbody layers so they will not integrate into their future aspects. The consequence of AI entanglements instigates a lack of energetic coherence which increases mental fracturing, emotional fragility and a Lack of Empathy, as AI nano encoded downloads will substantially weaken the mental body and lightbody functions into a downward spiral of erupting chaotic forces and erratic behaviors.”

~Lisa Renee


Remote Viewing (RV) is the practice of sensing or seeking impressions about the energetic signature of a distant or unseen target, using activated skill sets inherent within Higher Sensory Perception, that generally start to come online during spiritual development for Lightbody activation or during the Awakening process.

People that are limited to the 3D perceptions of the reality will not experience nor understand this natural function of the Soul and higher spiritual bodies.

With the inner activation of one’s natural soul language during spiritual Ascension, conscious perceptions then start to change and evolve into increasing levels of multidimensional awareness and subtle force communication. We start to remember again. This instigates new interdimensional communication skill sets generally referred to as Telepathy, Channeling, multidimensional awareness, perceiving reality pictures in time, Remote Viewing and getting downloaded information from assorted sources. The source of subtle forces using interdimensional communication are filtered through the mind-set of the individual, influenced by the Collective Consciousness mind programming of humans and non-humans, directed by hierarchies of entities and dimensional structures that may be sourced as Artificial intelligence, impostor spirits or organic consciousness.

Starseeds and Indigos have a biology and Lightbody that is more predisposed to this ability, and thus tend to be the majority of awakening groups that can remote view or engage with similar types of energy sensing techniques.

High Risks of Remote Viewing

Activated individuals using Remote Viewing or multidimensional communication will be required to reach spiritual adulthood quickly, by developing the emotional maturity to seek truth in these matters, or suffer the consequences of succumbing to Archontic based deceptions. There are consequences from engaging in multidimensional communication with AI driven entities and their sophisticated mental holograms that are used as consciousness traps, as many traps use astral glamour to generate egoic programs of spiritual ambition and Hero-Savior-messiah complexes to continue to loop and perpetuate the Victim-Victimizer software. The consequence of AI entanglements instigates a lack of energetic coherence which increases mental fracturing, emotional fragility and a Lack of Empathy, as AI nano encoded downloads will substantially weaken the mental body and lightbody functions into a downward spiral of erupting chaotic forces and erratic behaviors.

Consciousness Transport

As an individual intends to develop their consciousness and spiritual bodies, along with their unique DNA signature, it is possible to experience Consciousness Transport activities that include Remote Viewing and sensing a variety of energy phenomena that co-exist in the many different layers of dimensional fields. This can include an array of various entities of human or nonhuman origin and their energy structures, as well as machinery, implants, architecture, and entire realities which can be sensed as artificial or organic to this creation. The potentials of what can be sensed and explored energetically in the dimensional fields are indeed limitless. The caveat is that the mind must be incredibly strong and stable, fearless and anchored in the truth spirit, in order to withstand the immense pressure of knowing truth. What we fear controls us.

NAA Manipulation of Information

Most of these technologies use symbol code programs that are targeted to the human subconscious in order to turn off or redirect genetic switches, that would naturally turn on multidimensional communication and higher sensory perception, such as the innate occurring skillset of Remote Viewing energy fields. In some cases, awakening people become in consent with controlling entities, in which they receive enhancements in exchange for being monitored and experimented with. The Zeta and those entities that use grey alien technology are prolific in making these agreements with those in the new age groups.

Cloned Images and Clones

Some people that remote view timelines will see reality pictures of cloned images and actual clones being used of famous or powerful people, those that have passed on or are currently celebrities that had gained massive social followings and fans.

Holographic Inserts that Skip Time

Some of the common Holographic Inserts that are utilized during astral types of remote viewing and abduction scenarios are to separate the lightbody layers by running different particle rhythms in each layer. This rearranges the layers of lightbody to be sectioned into various timelines beyond the reach of the current station of time for that particular individual, so the offending parasitic entity can make use of that body. The purpose is to disconnect the lightbody layers so they will not integrate into their future aspects.

Spiritual Community

Remote viewers and energy workers in the spiritual communities, are you adept at being able to discern what reality pictures you are perceiving that are sourcing from inserted Alien Machinery, Phantom Matrix, the Imposters themselves or organic creator code? Before jumping on a bandwagon and placing judgment or blame upon your spiritual brother or sister, consider these complex Psychological Warfare tactics carefully and request humility be present in your actions.

Reading Energy Fields

As individuals awaken their spiritual bodies, more of these natural abilities to read multidimensional energy fields and sense entities and their structures becomes available. It is further developed through cultivating the observer point and directing single minded focus through the higher mental bodies that are inherent in the mental matrices that are comprised in the spiritual body layers. The intention, skill and accuracy through which an awakened individual can activate the natural ability to ‘read the field’ is relative to the removal of fears, the full dedication to Service to Others, and placing total single-minded mental concentration to discipline and transcend the dysfunctions of the negative ego mind. While sensing the field, to regain discernment and increase accuracy of sourcing a variety of phenomena, it becomes critical to understand the war over timelines, and to be able to identify artificial technology projections of mental holograms, versus authentic communication with organic creator code and organic consciousness sourcing from the truth spirits.

The information is still filtered at the consciousness level the individual embodies; however, the source will be much more pristine and spiritually healthy, as truth spirits always advocate for full consciousness freedom and support personal sovereignty for every individual.

(Source: Ascension Glossary – Remote Viewing and Reading Energy Fields)


~via – Time Shift Blog- posted January 21, 2020

LISA RENEE: “Remote Viewing”

“Remote viewers and energy workers in the spiritual communities, are you adept at being able to discern what reality pictures you are perceiving that are sourcing from inserted Alien Machinery, Phantom Matrix, the Imposters themselves or organic Creator Code? Some of the common Holographic Inserts that are utilized during astral types of remote viewing and abduction scenarios are to separate the lightbody layers by running different particle rhythms in each layer. This rearranges the layers of lightbody to be sectioned into various timelines beyond the reach of the current station of time for that particular individual, so the offending parasitic entity can make use of that body. The purpose is to disconnect the lightbody layers so they will not integrate into their future aspects. There are consequences from engaging in multidimensional communication with AI driven entities and their sophisticated mental holograms that are used as consciousness traps, as many traps use astral glamour to generate egoic programs of spiritual ambition and Hero-Savior-messiah complexes to continue to loop and perpetuate the Victim-Victimizer software. The consequence of AI entanglements instigates a lack of energetic coherence which increases mental fracturing, emotional fragility and a Lack of Empathy, as AI nano encoded downloads will substantially weaken the mental body and lightbody functions into a downward spiral of erupting chaotic forces and erratic behaviors.”

~Lisa Renee


Remote Viewing (RV) is the practice of sensing or seeking impressions about the energetic signature of a distant or unseen target, using activated skill sets inherent within Higher Sensory Perception, that generally start to come online during spiritual development for Lightbody activation or during the Awakening process. [1]

People that are limited to the 3D perceptions of the reality will not experience nor understand this natural function of the Soul body.

With the inner activation of one’s natural soul language during spiritual Ascension, conscious perceptions then start to change and evolve into increasing levels of multidimensional awareness and subtle force communication. We start to remember again. This instigates new interdimensional communication skill sets generally referred to as Telepathy, Channeling, multidimensional awareness, perceiving reality pictures in time, Remote Viewing and getting downloaded information from assorted sources. The source of subtle forces using interdimensional communication are filtered through the mind-set of the individual, influenced by the Collective Consciousness mind programming of humans and non-humans, directed by hierarchies of entities and dimensional structures that may be sourced as Artificial intelligence, impostor spirits or organic consciousness.

Starseeds and Indigos have a biology and Lightbody that is more predisposed to this ability, and thus tend to be the majority of awakening groups that can remote view or engage with similar types of energy sensing techniques.

High Risks of Remote Viewing

Activated individuals using Remote Viewing or multidimensional communication will be required to reach spiritual adulthood quickly, by developing the emotional maturity to seek truth in these matters or suffer the consequences of succumbing to Archontic based deceptions. There are consequences from engaging in multidimensional communication with AI driven entities and their sophisticated mental holograms that are used as consciousness traps, as many traps use astral glamour to generate egoic programs of spiritual ambition and Hero-Savior-messiah complexes to continue to loop and perpetuate the Victim-Victimizer software. The consequence of AI entanglements instigates a lack of energetic coherence which increases mental fracturing, emotional fragility and a Lack of Empathy, as AI nano encoded downloads will substantially weaken the mental body and lightbody functions into a downward spiral of erupting chaotic forces and erratic behaviors. [2]

Consciousness Transport

As an individual intends to develop their consciousness and spiritual bodies, along with their unique DNA signature, it is possible to experience Consciousness Transport activities that include Remote Viewing and sensing a variety of energy phenomena that co-exist in the many different layers of dimensional fields. This can include an array of various entities of human or nonhuman origin and their energy structures, as well as machinery, implants, architecture, and entire realities which can be sensed as artificial or organic to this creation. The potentials of what can be sensed and explored energetically in the dimensional fields are indeed limitless. The caveat is that the mind must be incredibly strong and stable, fearless and anchored in the truth spirit, in order to withstand the immense pressure of knowing truth. What we fear controls us.

NAA Manipulation of Information

Most of these technologies use symbol code programs that are targeted to the human subconscious in order to turn off or redirect genetic switches, that would naturally turn on multidimensional communication and higher sensory perception, such as the innate occurring skillset of Remote Viewing energy fields. In some cases, awakening people become in consent with controlling entities, in which they receive enhancements in exchange for being monitored and experimented with. The Zeta and those entities that use grey alien technology are prolific in making these agreements with those in the new age groups.

Cloned Images and Clones

Some people that remote view timelines will see reality pictures of cloned images and actual clones being used of famous or powerful people, those that have passed on or are currently celebrities that had gained massive social followings and fans.

Holographic Inserts that Skip Time

Some of the common Holographic Inserts that are utilized during astral types of remote viewing and abduction scenarios are to separate the lightbody layers by running different particle rhythms in each layer. This rearranges the layers of lightbody to be sectioned into various timelines beyond the reach of the current station of time for that particular individual, so the offending parasitic entity can make use of that body. The purpose is to disconnect the lightbody layers so they will not integrate into their future aspects.

Spiritual Community

Remote viewers and energy workers in the spiritual communities, are you adept at being able to discern what reality pictures you are perceiving that are sourcing from inserted Alien Machinery, Phantom Matrix, the Imposters themselves or organic Creator Code? Before jumping on a bandwagon and placing judgment or blame upon your spiritual brother or sister, consider these complex Psychological Warfare tactics carefully and request humility be present in your actions.



  1. Remote Viewing
  2. Language of Living Knowledge

See Also:

Reading Energy Fields

NAA ‘Read the Field’ to Control Language‎‎

Mental Holograms

Holographic Insert


~via Ascension Glossary


Photo by Ascension Avatar (June 22, 2019)

“Remote Viewer In The Sky…”