LISA RENEE: “Theatre of the Absurd”

“Absurdism is a philosophical school of thought stating the belief that human beings exist without meaning, purposelessly floating in a chaotic universe. The covert mainstream agenda is to control social norms to be intentionally guided into extremism and fanaticism, to bring forth the Theatre of the Absurd and absurdist behavior. Essentially, a reality bubble that is devoid of meaning in establishing humanitarian values, personal Accountability and common sense, breaking down society into a well-designed parody of tragic comedy. To maximize the efficiency of the Negative Alien Agenda’s gradual takeover of the planet through psychological warfare, their goal is to intentionally destroy moderate and humanitarian social norms as value systems, in order to covertly infiltrate the main societal organizational structures of humanity. Thus, this absurdist social climate intentionally destroys integrity to produce psychopathic behaviors, making it increasingly hard to energetically interact with many of the corrupt 3D systems.”

~Lisa Renee


To maximize the efficiency of the Negative Alien Agenda’s gradual takeover of the planet through psychological warfare, their goal is to intentionally destroy moderate and humanitarian social norms as value systems, in order to covertly infiltrate the main societal organizational structures of humanity. Social Norms are familiar understandings that govern the behavior of members in a society. The roles of norms are collective consciousness representations, which emphasize and guide human behavior in certain situations or are observed in the environment as mental representations that inform appropriate behavior. The covert mainstream agenda is to control social norms to be intentionally guided into extremism and fanaticism, to bring forth the Theatre of the Absurd and absurdist behavior. Essentially, a reality bubble that is devoid of meaning in establishing humanitarian values, personal Accountability and common sense, breaking down society into a well-designed parody of tragic comedy.

Absurdism is a philosophical school of thought stating the belief that human beings exist without meaning, purposelessly floating in a chaotic universe. In the Theatre of the Absurd, the conflict is the human tendency to seek inherent value and meaning in life and God when there is no meaning to be found. The destructive and bloody aftermath of World War II stimulated absurdist views to rationalize such examples of human anguish and annihilation, which allowed for its popular development in many of the war torn social environments. Black Sun Programming took advantage of this vulnerable time in human history to up their game, through advancing Social Engineering experiments into absurdism.

Thus, our 3D world was socially engineered to produce a myopic mental polarization upon gratifying purely physical sensations and indulging excessive materialistic based pursuits to produce a spiritually bankrupt population. Such a superficial culture is set up to place value on gaining power and control in any way that fosters instant gratification for selfish motivations, rewarding those without Impulse Control or Empathy. When there is no value or meaning given to life, there is no accountability, no moral or ethical consideration towards the consequences of actions that are directly related to radically increasing world pain and human suffering, such as what happened in World War II. Thus, this absurdist social climate intentionally destroys integrity to produce psychopathic behaviors, making it increasingly hard to energetically interact with many of the corrupt 3D systems. [1]



  1. Personal Integrity

See Also:


Spirit of Self-Righteousness

War Over Consciousness


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Usurping Personal Intent”

“Many charitable organizations are storefronts for hiding criminal behavior in other countries, such as human trafficking, sex slavery, bribery and money laundering. The propaganda marketing team shows media images of refugee children in need, while the good hearted people send in their cash donation. Yet, that is not where the funds are being delivered. What happens to the time, energy and love that good hearted human intended to send to help the starving child? It’s been co-opted to support criminal enterprises. This is an example of an organization using a model for inverted energy systems that is designed to usurp personal intent. When feeding into criminal networks, there is an impact to all of humanity because we become complicit with the dark forces that are committing those criminal acts. Don’t give your time, energy, money and trust to just anyone, especially those people that demonstrate unethical behavior, irresponsibility and selfish motivations. This better equips us to be able to recognize how we can responsibly co-create with the qualities inherent in the higher consciousness forces.

~Lisa Renee


Now that we better understand how reversals and Inverted Systems are being used to usurp consciousness energy to generate Loosh that feeds into the NAA psychopathic systems, how does feeding into these reversals impact the power of our personal intentions? Inverted systems feed upon human co-creative consciousness by purposely tricking people out of their personal intent and Consent. Being psychopathic systems, they deceive and lie to trick people to believe their intentions are humanitarian or positive, therefore manipulating good hearted people to align their intentions with organizations, leaders or celebrities that actually serve to produce more Loosh.

A good example is the larger charitable organizations that are run by the boards of the power elite families. Many charitable organizations are storefronts for hiding criminal behavior in other countries, such as human trafficking, sex slavery, bribery and money laundering. The propaganda marketing team shows media images of refugee children in need, while the good hearted people send in their cash donation. In their minds the money is going to that child in need. Yet, that is not where the funds are being delivered. What happens to the time, energy and love that good hearted human intended to send to help the starving child? It’s been co-opted to support criminal enterprises. This is an example of an organization using a model for inverted energy systems that is designed to usurp personal intent. The energetic result of this exchange is the good-hearted intention of that human being is hijacked to continually feed the NAA structures, without realizing that is what is happening. When feeding into criminal networks, there is an impact to all of humanity because we become complicit with the dark forces that are committing those criminal acts. This is how humanities co-creative consciousness is being hijacked. They are told positive narratives on the surface for appearances, while the ugly truth behind the façade is that organization is harboring the hidden activity for a den of psychopathic criminals.

If we are unable to discern the manipulation in the quality of energy that is the real intention behind the Controller structures, or we continually ignore blatant negativity and harm perpetrated by leaders, we can be manipulated to feed into these inverted systems through our own misdirected consciousness energy and misplaced intentions.

Let us drill this down further to better understand how Inverted Systems or Reversal Networks can hijack the quality of our intentions, when they go unrecognized and unidentified around us. Becoming aware of how inverted systems work in order to hijack human consciousness energy, greatly improves our accurate assessment of this reality, and also greatly increases the frequency of truth that exists in our intention.

Quality of Intention

When we direct our consciousness energy onto a singular focus or goal, this event produces a powerful and significant force known as intention. When we place attention on cultivating our connection with higher consciousness in order to develop deeper clarity of our truthful intentions, this act towards self-realization conducts the transformation of our energies into the manifestation of whatever we have intended. Concentrating our attention with a specific purpose or intention directs consciousness energy towards its manifestation, which causes this area of concentrated attention to continue to grow and expand in our lives. Simply put, where we place our attention is what directs our consciousness energy, while where we place our intention is what transforms that energy. This is the power of Human Co-creative Consciousness and every human being has this ability. Gaining this self-knowledge is the starting point of developing the proper perspective, which allows us to make progress towards evolving and transforming ourselves into our higher expression potentials. This is the foundation required for making powerful changes in our lives that serve to stabilize long-term personal development and spiritual growth.

Let’s explore the different potentials that are possible in our manifestations by first studying the links that connect the frequency of consciousness energy we access, combined with the quality of our intention.

Consciousness energy and intention are not the same function in manifestation but are interconnected and entwined with the fundamental mechanics of creation.

First all consciousness is energy, and all energy is conscious, thus they are both interchangeable. Yet the quality of consciousness energy is not all the same or undifferentiated, it can be considered very similarly as the raw material that is chosen to create something into matter form. So remembering that all consciousness energy is intelligent, but has different qualities of intelligence that will need to be checked for resonance. Do we choose to co-create our consciousness with egoic intentions or higher self intentions? The higher the quality of the raw material and the higher the frequency of intention that one has to co-create with, results in a much higher quality of manifestation. We are unable to manifest higher frequency structures until we can direct our attention upon higher consciousness energy and intentions, while holding the singular focus that increases energy to vitalize and grow those same structures. This requires the Spirit of Diligence so that we never give up our singular focus to serve the longer-term goal. The singular focus is described as the personal spiritual mission of each person and the higher purpose they are to fulfill while on the earth, at this time during the Ascension Cycle.

Yet we must temper this knowledge of the functions of consciousness energy with the current conditions of inverted energy systems that we are exposed to on earth, that are propagated by the psychopathic systems that carry out the enslavement agenda of the NAA. This necessitates that we develop a stronger mental and emotional body that is capable of holding a singular focus, observer point, and control over our impulses, or the power of our intention will be inverted into these reversal systems created by these negative forces. We must discern the quality of forces and recognize inverted or reversal systems, so that we can gain clarity over the consciousness energy that we direct with our intention.

Raw Material of Consciousness Energy

Consciousness energy exists in multiple scales with unique qualities and intelligence factors, electromagnetic tonal sounds and colors that impact how that consciousness energy will form into matter. The consciousness energy is comprised of distinct vibratory patterns that determines the frequency rate and how that frequency is translated into Blueprints of manifestation. The quality of consciousness energy accessed is also informed by the frequency generated by the real intentions of the creator, and this also determines the higher quality or lower quality result of the energy manifestation. Everything in our universe consists of these multiple layers of vibrational frequency, which constitute the multiple scales of consciousness energy in existence, and can be compared to as the available raw materials of the creator. It happens to be that the available raw materials are shifting in their scale during the Bifurcation, and this allows for improvements in the quality of manifesting in the future.

Thus, this raw material of consciousness energy is available on many scales of dimensional frequency that exist throughout time, and in the higher scales the consciousness energy goes beyond the scale of dimensionalization and into no time. As we move up the consciousness scale, we access higher and more refined levels of consciousness energy, or the higher intelligence stations of our more refined vibrating aspects. As we move up the scale of consciousness energy, our intelligence is heightened while our awareness enlightens, and as a result this greatly transforms the power and quality of our intention made into manifestation. So when we think of our Soul, our Monad Oversoul and Avatar Christ body, these are the higher aspects of our consciousness-energetic identity.

This is where the understanding of the cosmology of dimensions is helpful in determining the quality of consciousness energy that is being used in creation or being directed at us. We can more easily observe when the NAA is sucking energy from the lower levels of consciousness energy, such as manipulating sexual energies from out of the Pain Body. Or sudden impulses that make us feel pain and emotionally trigger us into acting out some unhealthy or destructive action against ourselves or others. These are the common results of manipulating lower levels of consciousness energy, through mind control broadcasts. When we observe the current terrain of the global scape and collective consciousness stream, where do you feel these manifestations are sourcing from? Where are they being created? Do you intend to co-create with that same quality of energy? What happens when you do?

To increase the frequency and quality of consciousness energy and intention that are made into manifestation, the single most important thing we must do is remove the ego personality and outer forces from exerting their control over our personal consciousness energy or intention. Consciousness energy is generated wherever we place our focus and attention, and the quality of frequency will be gathered in the system of energy, with which our intention vibrates. If we match the vibration of the collective consciousness in the organizations that we can observe in 3D currently, we are co-creating more of the same lower quality Negative Ego consciousness.

Thus, it is imperative we are able to discern the differences in qualities of energy, qualities of intention, and to consider placing energetic assessments on the organizations or things that we are involved with. Don’t give your time, energy, money and trust to just anyone, especially those people that demonstrate unethical behavior, irresponsibility and selfish motivations. This better equips us to be able to recognize how we can responsibly co-create with the qualities inherent in the higher consciousness forces. We cannot manifest higher consciousness creations until we can discern the accurate conditions of the NAA mind control culture, in which we find ourselves on earth. We must recognize these inverted systems operating around us, as the beginning step.

(source: ES News- Inverted Systems)


~via – Time Shift Blog – August 13, 2019