LISA RENEE: “Theatre of the Absurd”

“Absurdism is a philosophical school of thought stating the belief that human beings exist without meaning, purposelessly floating in a chaotic universe. The covert mainstream agenda is to control social norms to be intentionally guided into extremism and fanaticism, to bring forth the Theatre of the Absurd and absurdist behavior. Essentially, a reality bubble that is devoid of meaning in establishing humanitarian values, personal Accountability and common sense, breaking down society into a well-designed parody of tragic comedy. To maximize the efficiency of the Negative Alien Agenda’s gradual takeover of the planet through psychological warfare, their goal is to intentionally destroy moderate and humanitarian social norms as value systems, in order to covertly infiltrate the main societal organizational structures of humanity. Thus, this absurdist social climate intentionally destroys integrity to produce psychopathic behaviors, making it increasingly hard to energetically interact with many of the corrupt 3D systems.”

~Lisa Renee


To maximize the efficiency of the Negative Alien Agenda’s gradual takeover of the planet through psychological warfare, their goal is to intentionally destroy moderate and humanitarian social norms as value systems, in order to covertly infiltrate the main societal organizational structures of humanity. Social Norms are familiar understandings that govern the behavior of members in a society. The roles of norms are collective consciousness representations, which emphasize and guide human behavior in certain situations or are observed in the environment as mental representations that inform appropriate behavior. The covert mainstream agenda is to control social norms to be intentionally guided into extremism and fanaticism, to bring forth the Theatre of the Absurd and absurdist behavior. Essentially, a reality bubble that is devoid of meaning in establishing humanitarian values, personal Accountability and common sense, breaking down society into a well-designed parody of tragic comedy.

Absurdism is a philosophical school of thought stating the belief that human beings exist without meaning, purposelessly floating in a chaotic universe. In the Theatre of the Absurd, the conflict is the human tendency to seek inherent value and meaning in life and God when there is no meaning to be found. The destructive and bloody aftermath of World War II stimulated absurdist views to rationalize such examples of human anguish and annihilation, which allowed for its popular development in many of the war torn social environments. Black Sun Programming took advantage of this vulnerable time in human history to up their game, through advancing Social Engineering experiments into absurdism.

Thus, our 3D world was socially engineered to produce a myopic mental polarization upon gratifying purely physical sensations and indulging excessive materialistic based pursuits to produce a spiritually bankrupt population. Such a superficial culture is set up to place value on gaining power and control in any way that fosters instant gratification for selfish motivations, rewarding those without Impulse Control or Empathy. When there is no value or meaning given to life, there is no accountability, no moral or ethical consideration towards the consequences of actions that are directly related to radically increasing world pain and human suffering, such as what happened in World War II. Thus, this absurdist social climate intentionally destroys integrity to produce psychopathic behaviors, making it increasingly hard to energetically interact with many of the corrupt 3D systems. [1]



  1. Personal Integrity

See Also:


Spirit of Self-Righteousness

War Over Consciousness


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Reeducation of Human Values”

“How do we continue to allow Sociopaths and their psychosis to be the rulers and decision makers of our human kingdom on the earth? As we in the mass human population continue to place value upon what the Sociopaths feed us in deception and lies, it is their centralized power center that continues to carry out the Negative Alien Agenda through multiple subsidiaries and syndicates. These mafia thug syndicates are cabal groups that have been given the power from our misaligned values that shape social control structures, to ultimately decide who has resources or not, who lives and dies, who gets to eat or starve, who gets an education and who dies of cancer or can be healed. Most of what is made available to the human masses as acceptable standards of contaminated food, medical treatment or technology would not be touched by a Power Elite family with a ten foot pole. Republican-Democrat, Trump-Hillary, they are all interchangeable images projecting the lie of the Hero-Enemy that the public has wanted to hear in a lullaby to stay asleep. A system built on Archontic Deception Strategy and manipulation, in order to herd the cattle of the sleeping masses straight into the slaughterhouse. As long as we allow these cabal groups to assign and control human value and life, humans will never become free on the earth.”

~Lisa Renee


In ES community, we describe the higher concept for defining new thoughts and behaviors as based upon practicing the basic principles of the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. This is because these are the Universal Natural Laws, which define and govern the highest expression of love that is the source of our divinity and inner spirit, the source made possible through the ultimate expression and embodiment of the Krystal Consciousness. When we practice the Law of One guidelines, we automatically access Unity Consciousness, which connects us to Krystal consciousness thus, we become increasingly coherent in all of our systems of energy. Spiritual Ascension is the process of spiritual initiation, where we undergo tests of personal mastery in order to demonstrate our competency level, before we can move on to the next frequency, dimension or consciousness expansion experience. On the Ascension path, we are given a series of life experiences based upon our personal Blueprint, designed for higher learning to support reaching our ultimate expression or heroic probability. In the course of our lifetime, our competency level is being tested in order to determine if we are ready to spiritually progress to the next frequency and consciousness level. This is purely an energetic Resonance process, devoid of intellect or judgment. We must embody the higher frequencies of aligned resonances, and we can be harmed if exposed too quickly. If we hold unhealed Inner Violence while we are being exposed to high frequencies in our Lightbody, whatever is hidden in the unconscious will explode to the surface, potentially creating more confusion and trauma for that person who is not prepared for what is occurring.

Comprehending new ways of thinking about our life as a consciousness experience lesson on earth during the Ascension Cycle helps us to assess and recognize that we must have Accountability to all of our thoughts, behaviors and life choices. If we are committed to the reeducation process that is required to expand into our highest spiritual consciousness, this path will create important learning opportunities that help us to gain major improvement in our competency levels. As we become more competent and confident in dealing with any kind of life situation, positive or negative, we increase our energetic Coherence, which directly impacts our level of access to higher consciousness.

When we are a part of a spiritual community or group consciousness based upon the Law of One, it generally raises the bar for adopting more rigorous ethical standards that help us to gain quicker access to personal spiritual learning that is helpful in the development of the self-mastery process. These rigorous ethical standards are reflected in the needed strengthening of one’s moral character, finding personal Accountability towards behavior or actions within that group, contemplating the nature of personal ethics, which all describe Personal Competency levels. We must decide if the inner resonance is there to commit to the spiritual ascension process, as it will challenge us to develop increased Coherence in every interaction we have at every level of our life. This is for our highest good with spiritual evolution in mind, yet it may bring us great challenges so that we can master our fears.

This is where the decision framework comes in for each person. Some people do not value a spiritual platform where unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and peace are the set goals for achieving Coherence, while practicing higher standards of ethical behavior with others. Instead, they may believe that these are the qualities and attributes of weak and ignorant people. Each person must decide if they are willing to be aligned to their purposes of spiritual growth, by accepting the challenges they face which help them to build increasing competencies within themselves. If we refuse to recognize life challenges as lessons and opportunities for spiritual growth, we are missing the most important message. There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to making decisions in our life or within our spiritual development, it is merely reflected by the state of consciousness we have achieved in that moment. However if we refuse to change, our spiritual growth can be easily stunted and we return back to repeating old and limiting patterns of behavior. Our personal energetic influences will give shape to our motivations, our motivations influence our perceptions, our perceptions influence our belief systems, and these beliefs will influence our actions and choices in life. Thus, this is the time to reflect deeply on knowing our authentic motivations, both hidden and on the surface. As we more deeply reflect on our personal goals and priorities in life, we must find the goals relative to us, and hopefully seek to improve upon them, which is the natural process of consciousness evolution.

Unified Cooperation

To participate effectively in building Coherence within any kind of system, such as in our personal Lightbody layers or in the state of Group Consciousness, there must be elements of willingness and Unified Cooperation. We will hit the block wall of our own making, when we refuse to give up Ego Defense Mechanisms and continue to spar with others in meaningless circular debates in order to defend belief systems. Unified Cooperation is recognizing the interdependence between all living things with the desire to engender cooperation between groups of all living systems. In coherent systems, Unified Cooperation is valued in order to unify the whole in energetically beneficial exchanges for creating healthy holistic systems. Cooperation becomes the natural behavior to align coherent groups synchronistically in a naturally self-organizing system that is arranged upon a core spiritual mission or humanitarian philosophy. Unified Cooperation is only successful in environments of honesty, transparency, and heart, where self-interest is sublimated to caring about the larger group interest. In commitment to heart based Transparency and non-judgment, with the ability to let go of petty differences, group trust can be formed and bonded to be supportive of larger objectives.

GSF Behavior

When we are in Energetic Balance with ourselves, we are in balance with our spiritual self, our heart and we cease to have great personal turmoil or suffering. This is how we become increasingly healthy and peaceful. When we are emotionally healthy and peaceful we are able to access our spiritual self and heart intelligence easily. So this is to comprehend our natural spiritual-energetic state of being is one of emotional balance, inner peace, health and connection with Life. This state is not dependent on the external outcomes and can be experienced even when others around you and the world are undergoing great turmoil. To improve peace in a largely dysfunctional world, we may require attitudinal behavior guidelines which help us to overcome the insanity of the Archontic Deception Strategy and their anti-life forces which abuse its mechanism.

To understand the polarity of the world of forces on earth and identify how satanic force methods are used every day to destroy the feeling heart and soul of human beings, let’s review both sides of spiritually healthy behaviors (GSF) and spiritually abusive behaviors (AD). Spiritually healthy behaviors naturally connect one with God Source and Christ and are God-Sovereign-Free or GSF behaviors based on the Law of One. Spiritually abusive behaviors disconnect you from God and Christ and are promoted in the Archontic Deception Behavior or AD Behaviors.

World Humanism

Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance that emphasizes the value and capacity of human beings to be able to act independently and to feel benevolence toward one’s fellow humans through practicing humanitarian values imparted by humane learning and in our interpretation, Consciousness development.

Humanism is based in the re-education of human value which emphasize the importance of shifting anti-human ideological beliefs into humanist based ethics and related philosophical and egalitarian principles. All human beings deserve humane treatment in order to live upon the planet with dignity through having basic access to supply fundamental human needs. Our goal is to apply humanistic ethical philosophy blended with the spiritual egalitarian principles of the Law of One to expand consciousness which inspires direct knowledge or “Gnosis” of direct Consciousness experiences.

Main stream Humanism defines itself distinctly as the disconnection of the human being from its inherent spiritual-energetic intelligence or Soul in an attempt to remove the concept of Humanism away from the learned bias and practices of Religion. There is no way to separate humanity from its soul, and practice Humanism. Once direct knowledge of the Soul is known as a reality, this fact is experienced without need to control religious bias, nor conform to religious rhetoric or scientific judgments.

Ascension essentially encompasses an Universal perspective towards the compassionate practice of World Humanism and includes the entire spectrum of life, of all inhabitants of the world, no matter what race, religion, belief or creed, to be equally deserving of benevolence and Compassion.

The Value of Money vs. The Value of Life

To become transparent to view plainly the corruption running in all Controller systems (and blindly allowing it to continue to infect our lives) we must change the weighted average of valuing money (finite) over valuing life force (infinite). In order to transform how we arrived at this current human station of spiritual disconnection and emotional torment, it will require we take a deep dark look into the crevices of our Shadow Self. Many humans have allowed their shadow self to be manipulated by an anti human sentiment through the anti human controller agenda set forth by the NAA. This agenda now has the stronghold on the mass population Consciousness based upon all that we have fed it through giving our resources, time, energy, money towards forming anti-human societal values and therefore handing over our human Consciousness power to enslavement.

The Value of Money, and the Value of Currency has taken precedent over protecting any value for promoting human life, humanitarianism or protecting any other living thing. Investment in the finite worlds of money and materialism have taken priority in most humans desire, rather than invest the time or effort in growing the infinite nature of their consciousness. There are serious energetic consequences to that ignorance. The Reptilian Contingent and its small percentage of human puppeteers have created the organizations that became the corrupted priesthood that humans now worship on the altar of materialism. As they consume our planetary resources and steal human wealth and well being, making us sicker and more distorted through social and genetic engineering, they have no remorse and laugh at how stupid we are. They couldn’t care less about human beings creative potential or respecting Human Rights to live on this planet with a sense of well being and human based values. They enjoy and feed on human terror and human pain, and therefore have set up self-enforced Mind Control systems that ensure that happens continually. How do we continue to allow Sociopaths and their psychosis to be the rulers and decision makers of our human kingdom on the earth?

As we in the mass human population continue to place value upon what the Sociopaths feed us in deception and lies, it is their centralized power center that continues to carry out the Negative Alien Agenda through multiple subsidiaries and syndicates. Ultimately at the top of the food chain it is the Negative Alien Agenda that is behind the manipulated control of our World currencies and their markets, which resources are siphoned off planet. Money, resources and unchecked power is the controller group tool of manipulation that is given to the corrupted human Power Elite used to carry out these agendas based on wars, economic terrorism and genocide. These mafia thug syndicates are cabal groups that have been given the power from our misaligned values that shape social control structures, to ultimately decide who has resources or not, who lives and dies, who gets to eat or starve, who gets an education and who dies of cancer or can be healed. Most of what is made available to the human masses as acceptable standards of contaminated food, medical treatment or technology would not be touched by a Power Elite family with a ten foot pole. And this is all propagated in the manufactured belief of propaganda that humans are free and have free will in this enslaved consciousness system. As long as we allow these cabal groups to assign and control human value and life, humans will never become free on the earth.

Surrender without Submission to Manipulation

The Golden Rule to remember with surrendering to our highest expression in spirit is: Do not manipulate. For those resisting these radical life changes from the fear of the unknown, it can be a brutal time. In these chaotic times, it is important to stay alert and awake and walk through the Dark Night of the Soul without impulsive behaviors causing reactions in the mind to manipulate control over others. The anti life force primary tool to harvest and siphon energy is control plus manipulation. If you emotionally manipulate others or manipulate circumstances from your own fear and anxiety, you just allowed them a big weak spot to exploit that darkness in your life. If you are a Lightworker or Starseed the impact of unchecked behaviors like Emotional Manipulation is a thousand times greater to impede your greater spiritual mission, and this will submit your service work to negativity. We must discipline and heal our emotions and Negative Ego.

The acceleration from recent planetary shifts is impacting people at all levels of spiritual development and who are experiencing a forced submission into surrendering to What IS the actual state of reality in this moment. The state of what is, or the accurate assessment of current conditions, is very different than the story that most people believe and have been telling themselves as the nature of reality. The more you think you are in control of your life from the ego by manipulating what is present in the moment, the worse the accumulated onslaught of negativity that will return to you as the consequence of that behavior. In this new unity architecture, if you have begun the process of spiritual Ascension, any forms of control or manipulation is amplified as a heavy external price to pay for your rapid learning for preparing for the next dimensional levels of frequency.

To be peacefully initiated into the world of a changing paradigm this time period requires Energetic Balance and calm neutrality be attained even when panic or anxiety ensues. For those of us who have been involved in our personal evolutionary work on the road to Self-Responsibility and energetic Accountability, this is par for the course. We saw this coming as the global macrocosm movement that has led the way to the same patterns to manifest at the microcosm levels of our own every day personal experiences. We must learn to [[Commanding Personal Space|command our personal space in Gods sovereignty to achieve inner peace and energetic Coherence. Some of these ascending groups are blessed to finally reach the energetic support and are the first waves that experience living in alignment with the natural laws, as the ascended human prototypes.

The old energy foundation of 3D materialism has shifted and is no longer there at the same level for ascending humans, and they have found their personal creations from that old identity crumbling away as the entire foundation collapses. Those standing at the crossroads of human evolution, with or without an understanding of the planetary Ascension changes, are being squarely directed to face the horrifying truth found in the pile of lies that had been covering up what is made of Real Value.

In the globalscape, the horrifying truth of uncovering deception is unraveling in front of every public touchstone of media. Republican-Democrat, Trump-Hillary, they are all interchangeable images projecting the lie of the Hero-Enemy that the public has wanted to hear in a lullaby to stay asleep. It is all a game of deception and manipulation to gain control over planetary resources of energy. Increased transparency and accountability for disclosure to the public is the only guarantee as the systems collapse. What many human beings have invested in as a stable reality in materialism is crumbling, as it was built and formed upon a deteriorating foundation of lies. All lies create webs of deception and deceit, and many of those lies told to the masses are being unraveled through a decrepit and broken system. A system built on Archontic Deception Strategy and manipulation, in order to herd the cattle of the sleeping masses straight into the slaughterhouse. To stop being herded by the psychological and emotional manipulation of Mind Control we must be awakened, even if what we see is painful. Illusions and deceptions are shattering everywhere.



Reeducation of Human Values

LISA RENEE: “Whistleblower”

“How does the human heart and emotional body actually handle being an agent of killing, murder, genetic experimentation and having to hide such secrets under penalty of death? Additionally, the personality has been intentionally groomed into aspects of Sociopathy, and these sociopathic aspects surface when the person is feeling fear, triggered or being terrorized. The point to make is that Whistleblowers are not necessarily enlightened or conscious people, because they have been intentionally influenced through military level psychological warfare tactics to become a functioning workplace psychopath, a cog in the wheel of the mass production of anti-human objectives. The intentional creation of psychopaths in the workplace, in all Controller Pillars of Society, especially in the military and intelligence agencies, is a desired and rewarded trait. Without an open heart, there is no real higher consciousness, it’s just a 3D mind recounting extraordinary details of involvement with non-human entities and military secrets.”

~Lisa Renee


There is a pattern of witnessing more people that have been entrenched deeply within the various covert factions that underpin the basis for the Controller Pillars of Society, as they are coming forward as Whistleblowers. We have entered a time ripe for disclosure, and the next five years will flush more Whistleblowers out to the surface to tell their stories. Many of these people have firsthand experience working within the massively funded secret areas that involve nefarious genetic experiments and in some cases, well-meaning covert projects of the government and military, where they were subjected to extreme forms of psychological and emotional warfare. Like all of us in the civilian world, the military and government people also endure intense levels of trauma based mind control and generally are threatened in order to keep them compliant, subdued and quiet.

Observing more of the people that have been privy to access such intelligence covert projects, such as advanced off planet technologies, extraterrestrial interaction, black operations, that which is assigned under military top secret, national security and high level clearances; these people also undergo extremely sophisticated levels of psychological warfare that increases brainwashing and emotional trauma. Many are direct test subjects of trauma based mind control experiments that are directly connected to Satanic Ritual Abuse. I believe it is important to realize that the people that have been entrenched in the covert military and alien anti-human control projects, are just as traumatized, if not even more than the civilians on the surface of earth. The bottom line is that we all have been subjected to Psychological Warfare, Divide and Conquer Tactics, and we have been compartmentalized in strategic and methodical means to separate each of us from connecting the larger dots. What is really happening on the earth? Through compartmentalization along with a series of psychological warfare tactics, this strategy enforces the mind control deceptions, false narratives, Gaslighting and rampant manipulations towards producing Learned Helplessness, which is an extremely effective negative thought form used to subjugate the majority. The Controllers have been successful in making us feel we do not have the power to change anything, that we are helpless and incapable. In order to prove them wrong we have to educate ourselves to the methods of the control agenda and be willing to change the way we have been brainwashed to think. This is the only way to shift global consciousness, to change our thinking.

Whistleblowers are people that have arrived at a time in their own moral, human and spiritual development to gain a greater conscience in telling the truth. Many were drugged and blank slated, also making memory recall difficult. We can see at some point in the general whistleblower psyche, whether on their death bed or after several assassination attempts to silence them, more people are coming forward and talking about working in covert and secret factions that have been involved in a variety of massive global projects that were kept secret. Many of these covert projects could be qualified as global level crimes committed against humanity, those that have sold out the rest of us to their overlords, deals made for wealth, status, power, security, immortality, and access to extremely advanced extraterrestrial technology. As well, they have been involved in the perpetration of Mind Control projects that are intentionally used to terrorize, paralyze, and traumatize the people of earth at a mass scale.

In my personal experience when watching whistleblowers, many times the internal trauma and immense pain they hold from years of being subjected to this kind of stress and pressure is made visible, that experience has taken its toll on their physical, mental and emotional health. It is obvious that military training is designed to destroy compassion and empathy, and that higher heart emotional qualities are not desired in a soldier, or a scientific military strategist that has been put in projects to kill living things or harvest their DNA. How does the human heart and emotional body actually handle being an agent of killing, murder, genetic experimentation and having to hide such secrets under penalty of death? Most people cannot cope with this kind of stress well, and as a result of needing to cope with the immense pressure, they shut down their heart in order to survive the sheer brutality or terrorism that they may be surrounded by. They fragment through Compartmentalization, because they only see the small lens of which they are allowed to see through their compartment window, even though they have been allowed to see so much more of the true nature of reality than the majority of humanity.

Whistleblowers are extremely important for the future of humanity in moving our world towards disclosure, but at the same time we must consider the source of extreme trauma they have had, along with the compartmentalization that has been used to limit their full spectrum heart based awareness. When we are emotionally traumatized, our higher sensory perception is obfuscated, many times trauma shuts down high emotional ranges that stimulate loving feelings like compassion and empathy. Additionally, the personality has been intentionally groomed into aspects of Sociopathy, and these sociopathic aspects surface when the person is feeling fear, triggered or being terrorized. The point to make is that Whistleblowers are not necessarily enlightened or conscious people, because they have been intentionally influenced through military level psychological warfare tactics to become a functioning workplace psychopath, a cog in the wheel of the mass production of anti-human objectives. The intentional creation of psychopaths in the workplace, in all Controller Pillars of Society, especially in the military and intelligence agencies, is a desired and rewarded trait. To break out of this psychological warfare and to move towards heart based loving expression, is very hard for many people that have been severely conditioned to be soldiers in the silent war, especially when they become more exposed as public figures to the civilian culture.

In considering the following information, take a moment to think how workplace psychopaths are formed, and the reasons that this would be desirable for the Controllers, both human and nonhuman. One of the most important strategies for mind control and subjugation to be effective in large populations is the hierarchical architecture laid out for Compartmentalization. Wherever there is secrecy, wherever there are deceptions, there lies the seed of corruption. There is no way to lie and deceive as a lifestyle and not become corrupted. When we are made aware of the lifestyle of deceit, corruption and hiding secrets that have been the extreme burden carried by the Whistleblowers, we must find nonjudgment, Compassionate Witnessing, and yet exercise common sense and critical thinking. Many of these people are severely traumatized and they require nonjudgmental spiritual assistance to heal their sociopathic aspects and learn how to open their heart in order to feel empathy again. Certainly they cannot open their heart when they do not feel safe, and are being attacked by unconscious humans and those directed to harm them with an agenda. Without an open heart, there is no real higher consciousness, it’s just a 3D mind recounting extraordinary details of involvement with non-human entities and military secrets.

Let’s drill down some deeper aspects of the methods used to commit deception and Gaslighting that are used in conjunction with strategic Compartmentalization. The never ending labyrinth of the pyramidal ruling oligarchy that forms the closed door hierarchy into pay grades, wealth, rank and clearance levels entrenched in the Controller Pillars. This is an expert level of mind control manipulation used by the NAA and the human Controllers to divide and conquer the earth and the masses. This is why we should understand it, and understand what we are looking at when we listen to a Whistleblower, any of the brave people that come forward to talk about covert projects kept from the public. [1]



Whistleblowers and Compartmentalization

See Also:

Secret Space Programs


Galactic Federation

Galactic Wars


~via Ascension Glossary

THE NEW WORLD DISORDER ~ Lisa Renee on “Soulless AI Infected Synthetic Beings”

“The NAA and their minions of soulless AI infected synthetic beings do not have the bio-circuitry for empathy. We are in essence, in a struggle between human Empaths, and alien hybridized humans and extra-dimensional aliens that are Non-Empaths. Without experiencing feelings of empathy for humanity that give rise to holding reverence for the sentient consciousness within all life, we can more easily see how those put into power are capable of committing grave harm to others without remorse. The escalation of corruption, bribery and technological abuse that are being forced upon us by the controlled powers of the corporatocracy are very difficult to observe.”

~Lisa Renee


What Is Lack of Empathy?