LISA RENEE on “Why the NAA Goes to Great Lengths to Create Nerve Damage, Scramble Frequencies and Create Dysfunctional Brains in the People of the Earth through Chemtrails and an Array of Poisons, Parasites and Pharmaceuticals”

“Recently, in the war over consciousness on earth, we have met the seeds of the anti-human architecture or anti-Christ agenda. This agenda is essentially to make the human brain a computerized machine of artificial intelligence programmed by off planet Controllers. This explains the rapidly growing popularity of transhumanism, to create artificial cyborg consciousness in humans. Given recent changes to the three lower energy centers that comprise the triad of egoic levels of function, all things related to brain activity, mental body functioning and their recorded memories throughout, past, present and future are highlighted now. Most of us on the consciousness path are certain, from direct experience, that the mind cannot be reduced to just the mechanical function of the brain. Although most of current neuroscience and the NAA would have you believe this is the case, with statements like: ‘The human brain is a machine which alone accounts for all our actions, our most private thoughts, our beliefs. All our actions are products of the activity of our brains.’, by Sir Colin Blakemore, British neurobiologist. Naturally, what this statement ignores completely is the consciousness intelligence of our spiritual bodies as the source of what transmits that frequency information to the brain. This is similar to how a radio wave is transmitted from a station, and picked up by a tuner, or receiver. People are told they are free citizens, that they have progressed through their brain to be intelligently brilliant, and that humanity is at the top of its technological discovery in the history books. This is a grand deception and an outright lie. Essentially, what we have left is a collective level of the human physical body, that is now a shell for possessing forces (slave labor), that has lost its true humanity and Universal connection to life. Through the bifurcation of amplified polarities, humanity is accelerating into the terrain where the massive consciousness struggle is taking place, over who gets control over the mind. Basically, we are in a war to control our mind, to prevent us from recovering our memories. The level of functioning receivers we have in our neuronal pathways and nerve brain synapses, determine whether or not the consciousness intelligence can be received by the brain. Since most people do not know how to communicate with their soul, their higher intelligence energies are not deciphered by their brain. When the synaptic signaling is interrupted through toxic electrical frequencies such as technological mind control in low EMF pulsing, harmful radiation or the synaptic signaling is interrupted through an introduction to toxic chemicals, mercury and aluminum in vaccinations and chemtrails, the synapse will not signal. When the synapse stops functioning and/or is poisoned, the neuron will eventually die. When neurons die, humans get motor neuron and brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and ALS. Have you ever felt that headache after a vaccine? That’s the feeling of your immune system trying to stop the chemicals from eating your brain’s neurons. When the dissociation from our spirit happens, the mental body fragments, which result in the digression of human intelligence into a primitive subconscious animal. If we disconnect from our soul, we are incapable of accessing the consciousness memory that is left stored in our cellular record. When we are soul disconnected, we become a body consciousness shell memory which will loop itself without intelligent biological expansion of energy. This is the problem we face with the intentional degradation of human consciousness. Will one’s mind be programmed and controlled to run mental beliefs of bondage and suffering which leads to insanity? Or will we be able to recover sanity and to retain memories, as we choose to consciously participate to free our minds in order to achieve liberation? This is humanity’s greatest challenge on earth today. This is why the NAA goes to great lengths to create nerve damage, scramble frequencies and create dysfunctional brains in the people of the earth through chemtrails and an array of poisons, parasites and pharmaceuticals.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE on “Desperate Attempts to Maintain Mind Control over the Asleep Population while the Coup Taking down the Dark Cabal Is Happening behind the Scenes”

Alien Implants are a bio-engineering technology designed to shape the human body into the submission to NAA Mind Control agendas, while chemical Nanoparticle geo-engineering is used to control the weather by harming the ozone layer and create excessive methane gases. Alien Implants work in the human body similarly as the chemical process of Geoengineering is used in spraying Chemtrails in the skies. In both examples, when the foreign unnatural material is introduced to the natural body it disrupts the electromagnetic energetic balance and the homeostatic rhythm of the body. These AI programs infiltrate the biological neurological processes of the body like a virus to infect the natural frequencies from running. When a person is mentally unstable they are more vulnerable to Dark Force Manipulation Methods and Possession. Mind Control scripts and their string commands are being used to sweep and locate unstable people to act out and spread this artificial intelligence program to infect more people with a sick or imbalanced mental state. Large events of gatherings are a perfect terrain for executing these kinds of triggers into the field. Implanting the spine, tailbone and neck are the usual places to hijack the nervous system. For those of us in the Indigo and Star families, it is important to understand this program is artificial machinery, inorganic and is being used in the planetary field. The vulnerability is that ‘collective viral program’ influencing or interfering with our personal natural bodily and nervous system processes. When the radio frequencies and Heavy Metals are exposed to the human body, they disrupt the Electromagnetic Signals, disturbing energetic balance and the homeostatic rhythms of the body. This puts the body in a hyper-immunity state, or adrenal exhaustion, while fighting off the foreign invader. The body develops coping mechanisms to deal with the foreign invader, while extreme stress is placed on the central nervous system, brain and immune system. The heavy metals being bombarded in the atmosphere help to prepare the earth terrain for running the AI Signal, which is highly conductive with heavy metals and metal toxicity. One chemical process of geoengineering is spraying Chemtrails and other toxic substances into the skies. Additionally, such heavy spraying is used in conjunction with Radio Frequency (RF) transmissions. Powerful radio frequency transmissions have a profound effect on clouds that are converting sprayed chemicals into smaller particulates, light enough to be carried on the air stream. Unmarked or military aircraft are spraying toxic chemicals and electrically conductive heavy metals directly over major cities, power vortices, and over our heads in the sky. During and after chemtrailing, strange cloud configurations commonly occur from the chemicals and radio frequencies that have been bombarding the atmosphere. The ongoing radio frequency saturation in our atmosphere is extremely harmful to living organisms, including all humans. Some Chemtrails also seem to have magnetic particle attractors that resonate to certain programmable targets, to adhere to those same frequencies implanted in the human public, when they are sprayed over certain demographics. The particle attractors that may be sprayed in Chemtrails have been observed to trigger bio-etheric implants, we call them Alien Implants, even though some of these implants may have been sourced from human covert military operations. As with chemtrails, Alien Implants most generally act as a ‘metallic’ frequency overload and exposure to impact the overall bodily energies and its auric field. Nanotechnology has many applications being tested covertly and used to control the human population in psychotronic warfare or Mind Control methods and also to track down people and to know what they are thinking. This is a type of military alien technology used for artificial intelligence networks for Brain Mapping. Nanotechnology weapons such as Morgellons are self replicating hollow fibers that are designed to read out the light finger print code of the DNA of the person infected with the Alien Implants technology and transform it to a signal that is detectable to be tracked, tested and harvested. It appears to be self assembly nanobot technology related to transhumanist agenda of the Archons for artificial light harvesting. Many types of nanotechnologies are in full operation in the Secret Space Programs and are already used by many technologically advanced Extraterrestrial races. Synthetic Telepathy is used to describe the process of brain-computer interfaces by which human thoughts are intercepted, processed and a return signal is generated that is able to be communicated and perceived by the human brain and that information can potentially be read through other interfaces. An example of multiple interfaces that could interact with synthetic telepathy and Nanotechnology would be the network of physical devices that are included in the Internet of things. This is the larger mass consciousness network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these things to connect, collect and exchange data. Biosensors, especially those sensors embedded into nanoparticles like Smartdust, are so small as to remain unseen by the naked eye. These are currently being used and experimented with in diagnostic and clinical settings in the mainstream western medical sciences, as well as in military application like chemtrails. Smartdust is a system of tiny microelectromechanical systems, such as sensors, robots or other devices that can detect light, vibration, magnetism, temperature and chemicals. Smartdust and neural dust are operated on wireless signals feeding back sensor information into artificial intelligence computer networks, which are further used to perform a variety of tasks that are programmed by the operator. Neural dust also allows for wirelessly powered bundles of artificial nerve sensors that collect ranges of data, to be sent back to brain-computer interfaces that are used for a variety of synthetic telepathy applications, where that statistical data can be further analyzed or leveraged. Neural dust more specifically can activate action potentials in a cell, spiking nerve impulses, which is the central role of cell to cell communication. These interactions allow the cells to communicate with each other, building cell connectivity in response to changes that are occurring in the environment. Biosensors are used as an analytical device to detect biological information in a targeted person or from the environment. This means the propagation of artificial signals being wirelessly transmitted are being designed for inciting action potential and nerve impulses in the cells of a biological person, which interferes with the natural signals that occur in cell to cell communication. Extremely low frequencies artificially transmitted into the electromagnetic field directly affects intercellular communication. Cell to cell communication is necessary for not only maintaining healthy cell tissue, but in the natural biological function of cellular telepathy. Loss of communication signaling between the cells in a human body, results in entropy of the cell, which causes diseased cells, and this spreads cancer and tumors. Nanotech biosensors can be injected directly through vaccinations, coated in a film on pharmaceutical pills, inhaled from nanoparticle sprays, and placed in the food and water supply where it would remain undetected through current conventional methods used by the public agencies that provide overall quality testing. Nanoparticles can also cross cell membranes. It has been reported that inhaled nanoparticles can reach the blood and reach other organ systems accumulating in the liver, heart or blood cells. There are almost no publications on the effects of engineered nanoparticles on animals and plants in the environment, and this is not accidental. An example of multiple interfaces that could interact with synthetic telepathy technology in the mainstream would be the network of physical devices that are included in the Internet of Things. The concept and implementation of the Internet of things (IoT) is being pushed by the Controllers at this time for greater ease of ‘smart home’ technologies that open the door to in-home surveillance through an array of embedded nanotech biosensors. Whoever controls the Mind controls the body, mind and Soul. Alien Implants are used to Mind Control the masses to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape anti-human value systems which are used to condition humanity to accept spiritual abuse from the Negative Aliens and to self enforce their thought systems of hierarchical enslavement and fear. This is a divide and conquer strategy of the planet and humanity. By controlling the mind and personality connected to a human body, the parasitic entity can access a weakened body and fragile mind to begin its goal of controlling the energies and direction of the Soul. When the extradimensional entity can control multiple millions of human minds in this way — exerting control over the collective mind of humanity, therefore exerting control over the planetary body — the quantic yield and power from harnessing soul and other vital essences become a massive power source. Geoengineering and its direct relationship to bioengineering will not be discussed and disseminated appropriately to the scientific community or public until the earth has a Full Disclosure Event. A Full Disclosure Event means revealing the entire involvement of the shadow military complex, off world human civilizations, multinational corporations feeding Secret Space Programs and hiding advanced technologies, as well as, the history of Archontic Extraterrestrial control exerted upon earthly and human affairs. It is worthwhile to do the research, and look at the skyrocketing statistics for Bio-neurological Diseases, and consider who and what wants to gain complete control over human and animal Bio-Neurology. What are the many unethical methods being used to gain bio-neurological control over people that is making them sick? If we are willing to open our mind to see the clear picture of corporate interests hiding a much larger global agenda of Bio-neurological Control, then we can take some steps to empower ourselves. There is little to no information available to help people understand that our bio-neurological functions are directly responsible for interconnection with our spiritual bodies, and that if our Bio-Neurology is hacked we are effectively disconnected from our emotions, heart and Soul. If our Bio-Neurology is continually assaulted, implanted, drugged, and overloaded with cocktails of energetic and chemical toxins, not only does this negatively impact immunity and health it easily blocks messaging between the body, brain and the higher consciousness bodies. When the human body is inundated with many low frequency electrical signals combined with specific chemical toxins, they produce unique etheric implants that block the higher frequency messaging between the nervous system and brain. Anything that takes control over the functions of the nervous system and brain can potentially impair or damage the self-awareness and consciousness state of that individual. What are the long-term effects of the consistent consumption of combined drugs that act to control the nervous system and brain? Does this break down immunity and eventually generate a host of diseases, like Alzheimer’s later on? Common sense tells us that if we become childhood consumers of an array of medical products, we will grow into adulthood dependent on even more medical products, having spent a lifetime of dependency on the medical system, at a cost of hundreds of thousands of dollars per person. Many people have gone bankrupt trying to pay for the outrageous costs of family medical expenses. Some of us realize that western medical care is not health care. It is a consumer product marketed to the masses in order to be immensely profitable for corporations, and is not designed to heal people. These multinational corporations have far reach that extends to non-human oversight and control over their management operations that ultimately serve off planet agendas. These agendas include mass introduction to methods of bio-neurological impairment, in order to gain full control over the human species and all of life. This hard push for building wireless infrastructure for smart cities everywhere on the globe, is another desperate attempt to maintain Mind Control over the asleep population, while the coup taking down the dark cabal is happening behind the scenes.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Returning to Inner Balance”

“Many times I am asked about what the difference is between 5D Ascension plan (the original plan for our planet) and the Ascension Mission Upgrades which is known as Plan B. Some Ascension Guides or Presenters will say 5D Ascension because they do not have the language to describe what has changed in the time field of planet earth. Some of this Ascension ground crew are working specifically to help those that were working for 5D Ascension to transition to a higher point of comprehension in consciousness and within the layers of dimensionalized time and space. Naturally there is an agenda to prevent and thwart that from happening. The Reptilian preferred method is to create disinformation and confusion, so they can infiltrate — they recruit unaware Indigos to go create groups to take the place of contractually trained Galactic Emissaries. The Founders and participating councils have training methods for Galactic work, and the first order of self mastery is to overcome mind control (psychic self-defense). This is why so few of the human race has been able to move past the density of confusion — the current use of mind control is incredibly destructive, making it nearly impossible to perceive reality from a position of inner clarity and balance. From the place of mind control or emotional wounded-ness, we are then prime targets for reptilian manipulation, through thoughtform manipulation or spiritual possession. With inner ego discipline, and a proper context for what is happening on the earth during the end cycle, there is still potential harassment, however, one is freed of psycho-emotional manipulation or levels of dark possession — eventually and ultimately. One cannot navigate through dark possession and be clear of manipulation, if they are not ego disciplined. The 12 D shield is the beginning tool to protect your aura and spiritual body energies from being misdirected by interlopers, who collect and vampirize life force energies through mainly the abuse of the lower mental bodies, the lower 3 chakra systems. This thread is a snapshot of key points in achieving the Roadmap to Unity during the Ascension Plan B cycle (Guardian perspective) and awareness to apply the antidotes to mind control. Our spiritual work at every level is about returning to Inner Balance.”

~Lisa Renee


What is 3D Mind Control? It is Misuse of Technology:

• Psycho-Tronic technology such as in EMF, Scalar Wave formats that have carrier waves of “Thought” Control programs or Specific Frequency to illicit an automatic Emotional or Addictive state in the “Target” (Bio-Neurological).

• “Target” is defined at multiple levels can be Military or Government personnel, Businesses, Mass Populace demographic areas, or Ego Maniacal World Leaders.

• All Mind Control (MC) Technology Ultimately Serves Reptilian Invasion Agenda. This is a Anti Human Agenda based in Patriarchal Domination to Enslavement. 

• Most Mind Control Technology is harnessing the 3D Levels of Ego Intelligence. Understand this and you can transcend the Mind Control into Personal Sovereignty. 

• The 3D Global MC Agenda has advanced considerably since November 2009. 

• How do we become FREE? One way is understanding your Lightbody’s function and its “Levels of Intelligence”. This helps to increases the Neural Net and Energy Receivers to perceive Multidimensionally.



Why are “12 Levels of Intelligence” and the 12 Tree Grid Important?

• To Discern which Thought Impulses source from Lower-Higher Self or Mind Control Agendas. Learn to be Psycho-Emotionally Balanced to create a Centered Spiritual Self.

• To comprehend the Insidious Nature of “ Mind Control” used in this 3D Realm.

• Allows a Road Map to clear “ Negative Ego “ Impulses and develop Immunity to Thought Control and Automaton Behaviors.

• To Discern False New Age Channeling-Modalities or Presumed Authority that want to take your Power or Manipulate you through Lower Emotional States (Most New Age Material is Hijacked with ego).

• To Discern Emotional Manipulation at the many levels its perpetrated in your life and be free of its impact upon you.

• To Claim 100% Responsibility for your Thoughts and Emotional States through Personal Self Containment and Inner Sustainability.

• This develops your Inner Personal Power to Command Dominion within Your Personal Space.

Therefore you cannot be mind-controlled.


  • Inner sustainability as an Unity Model (12 D shielding and reprogram mental, emotional and energetic vampirism)
  • Conscious participation and commitment to personal spiritual evolution
  • Discipline and Transcend Ego and Addiction (lower emotion) control (First Triad of Evolution healing)
  • Connect to your God Core, Still Point Inner Source Daily
  • Eradicate Fears, Mind Control and Heal your Emotional Body
  • Accept that we are in a Invaded Reality of Mind Control and know that is why you agreed to come here and help humanity. Do not let this fact have control over your personal power. 
  • Practice Now Moment Observer Awareness
  • Cultivate and practice building Higher Sensory Perception (HSP)
  • HSP is the Key to Unlock Cellular Knowingness and cognition of energy signatures.
  • HSP communicates with Universal Intelligence in principle. As you learn the language of HSP you are able to tune into Universal Intelligence.

We are receiving more tools for that task of returning to Inner Balance, and I hope this Blog is supportive in that intention.

With Love, Lisa

~via Krystal Aegis

REALLYGRACEFUL: “The April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse is Getting REALLY Weird…”

“What’s going on with this total solar eclipse set to darken our skies on April 8th? Many states have declared a state of emergency preemptively out of an abundance of caution, NASA has announced they plan to launch 3 rockets 260 miles above earth during the eclipse, and CERN, or the European Organization for Nuclear Research, decided it would be a good time to fire up the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator on April 8th…”

Grace @ ReallyGraceful

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Comments from the thread

“I won’t be paying attention to the eclipse but rather what our government is up to.”

“The CERN part is really conCERNing me…”

“Spiritual attack increases during a highly significant period.”

“It’s a Fear tactic. That extra negative energy by pushing fear could help CERN.”

“Cern’s logo is literally 666.”

“Don’t look at what they’re pointing at, look at what they’re not.”

“What are they distracting us from?”

“It’s the everything else they are going to do we need to focus on because the eclipse is the distraction.”

“The matrix demands our attention. I think I’ll sit this eclipse out.”

“Boycott the eclipse.”

“April 8 is being hyped up intentionally to create a national state of fear and anxiety. I think the best thing we can do personally is just to ignore the event and not give it our energy which the dark side obviously wants from us so that we help create the future they desire.”

“So long as the people continue to blindly obey and believe the propaganda, there will always be another threat, another emergency, another plot, or another scam meant to subdue and control them.

~Gary D. Barnett

“A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A Total Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon‘s apparent diameter is larger than the Sun’s, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. The Moon is an artificial satellite is that is locked into orbit with the earth body’s magnetic core. It was brought here during the last war between the Pleiadeans and Reptilians. The moon is a craft stolen from war and stripped to be refitted for its current use as a Reptilian and Zeta Grey Alien base. Apparently, there are many beings living inside of it, even now. Its use was for practical reasons to be able to have a “moon base” in close proximity to monitor and adjust the magnetic fields of the planet. The Moon base has technology that keeps the magnetic spin rates that keep the connections open to the wormholes they have created. Our solar system is damaged because these entities were creating rips and holes in time as well as, inorganic wormholes. Recently, solar plasma emissions interacting with Earth’s ionosphere rapidly changed the shape and direction of the magnetic field, as well as generating geomagnetic storms, auroras and increased the range of the earth’s plasma fountain. It is clear evidence that we are undergoing an intense Solar Initiation of radiating plasmic light, as well as enduring the upcoming total eclipse event, which is rapidly progressing humanities evolution on our chosen spiritual journey upon this earth. This Total Solar Eclipse has special consideration in the activation of the north node in the Four Royal Stars, sitting in the northern position of Regulus, which is the dominant star in the Leo constellation. The number 23 is assigned to Regulus in Leo for the Royal Star of the Lion, and as such there are occult rituals that use the number 23 for amplifying Black Magic Grids and their anti-life structures. It is the reason that the Number 23 appears in many different levels of manipulated events on the planet, as well as used in occult ritual to manipulate outcomes. Well we now know why. If we use the number 23 in occult ritual we are tapping into the manipulated mind control field of the artificial Lunar Forces. If we do not utilize our sovereignty and self determination in God’s authority we become subjected to these magnetic forces controlling us into a subverted reality of mind control. Mind Control creates psychotic break and is the reason for these inorganic ‘lunar/luna’ consciousness episodes in people seeking illumination through the mind. These people go insane. 115 years ago, NAA Alien Abductee cooperates with Zeta infiltration of Earth grid networks, sets up Satanic Black Magic, Blood Sacrifice and portals that become Human Energy harvesting networks. Enochian and Thoth-Annunaki Thelema Language, OTO. The collective consciousness of Black Magic Grids were controlled and installed by the manipulated Consciousness of an Atlantian teacher and Solar Lord archetype — Aleister Crowley and his mentor Thoth and the Negative Aliens to increase the embodiment of Satanic forces on the earth. Crowley’s influence into the mainstream was used to gain popularity into controlling the masses, because NAA religion was losing its grip of Mind Control. The manipulation of consciousness technology and the world of forces for Service to Self and Negative Ego purposes without regard to the consent or consequence of others. There are many different levels of the propagation of Black Magic. Black Magic is a form of Satanism. For many eons, as appearing in our mythological archetypes, humans have inherently understood the lunacy in the Lunar Forces. However, as one is being accelerated into Spiritual Initiation into higher frequencies which instigate DNA Activation, such as when the Lightbody connects with the transmission of solar Plasmas and the shifting foundation as a result of the total solar eclipse, many people may experience a range of Ascension Symptoms. Many of these symptoms are related to the movement and clearing of energy blockages, and the detoxification from the toxic waste releases which is known as die-off. During spiritual activation and the subsequent die-off phase, one may experience Ascension Symptoms, like Ascension flu and exhaustion. The immune system is essentially rearranging the body’s Grounding Mechanism, and resetting the metabolic and homeostatic base levels for the necessary higher functioning of the body to be capable to embody higher solar frequencies in the cells. Eclipses shift the foundation and the structure of cosmic order to push consciousness evolution into another pathway, the result is a shakedown of the status quo and breaking up of stagnant energies. Along with the sensation of being squeezed through the eye of a needle, in order to come out on the other side into completely different situations or even as a different and changed person.”

~Lisa Renee

~via ReallyGraceful

“WHAT WAS THE Q CREW PLAN?” ~ Kim Goguen & Sunny Gault: World Situation Report Video Excerpt (2/24/2024)

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Secret Space Force Operatives final 50 discussions. We invite you to watch the full report here:…

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~via United Network News