LISA RENEE on “Why the NAA Goes to Great Lengths to Create Nerve Damage, Scramble Frequencies and Create Dysfunctional Brains in the People of the Earth through Chemtrails and an Array of Poisons, Parasites and Pharmaceuticals”

“Recently, in the war over consciousness on earth, we have met the seeds of the anti-human architecture or anti-Christ agenda. This agenda is essentially to make the human brain a computerized machine of artificial intelligence programmed by off planet Controllers. This explains the rapidly growing popularity of transhumanism, to create artificial cyborg consciousness in humans. Given recent changes to the three lower energy centers that comprise the triad of egoic levels of function, all things related to brain activity, mental body functioning and their recorded memories throughout, past, present and future are highlighted now. Most of us on the consciousness path are certain, from direct experience, that the mind cannot be reduced to just the mechanical function of the brain. Although most of current neuroscience and the NAA would have you believe this is the case, with statements like: ‘The human brain is a machine which alone accounts for all our actions, our most private thoughts, our beliefs. All our actions are products of the activity of our brains.’, by Sir Colin Blakemore, British neurobiologist. Naturally, what this statement ignores completely is the consciousness intelligence of our spiritual bodies as the source of what transmits that frequency information to the brain. This is similar to how a radio wave is transmitted from a station, and picked up by a tuner, or receiver. People are told they are free citizens, that they have progressed through their brain to be intelligently brilliant, and that humanity is at the top of its technological discovery in the history books. This is a grand deception and an outright lie. Essentially, what we have left is a collective level of the human physical body, that is now a shell for possessing forces (slave labor), that has lost its true humanity and Universal connection to life. Through the bifurcation of amplified polarities, humanity is accelerating into the terrain where the massive consciousness struggle is taking place, over who gets control over the mind. Basically, we are in a war to control our mind, to prevent us from recovering our memories. The level of functioning receivers we have in our neuronal pathways and nerve brain synapses, determine whether or not the consciousness intelligence can be received by the brain. Since most people do not know how to communicate with their soul, their higher intelligence energies are not deciphered by their brain. When the synaptic signaling is interrupted through toxic electrical frequencies such as technological mind control in low EMF pulsing, harmful radiation or the synaptic signaling is interrupted through an introduction to toxic chemicals, mercury and aluminum in vaccinations and chemtrails, the synapse will not signal. When the synapse stops functioning and/or is poisoned, the neuron will eventually die. When neurons die, humans get motor neuron and brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and ALS. Have you ever felt that headache after a vaccine? That’s the feeling of your immune system trying to stop the chemicals from eating your brain’s neurons. When the dissociation from our spirit happens, the mental body fragments, which result in the digression of human intelligence into a primitive subconscious animal. If we disconnect from our soul, we are incapable of accessing the consciousness memory that is left stored in our cellular record. When we are soul disconnected, we become a body consciousness shell memory which will loop itself without intelligent biological expansion of energy. This is the problem we face with the intentional degradation of human consciousness. Will one’s mind be programmed and controlled to run mental beliefs of bondage and suffering which leads to insanity? Or will we be able to recover sanity and to retain memories, as we choose to consciously participate to free our minds in order to achieve liberation? This is humanity’s greatest challenge on earth today. This is why the NAA goes to great lengths to create nerve damage, scramble frequencies and create dysfunctional brains in the people of the earth through chemtrails and an array of poisons, parasites and pharmaceuticals.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE on “The Spiritual Power that Is Needed for Overcoming the Antichrist’s Shadow Corruption that Has Infected This World”

Warrior King Arthur, Protector of the Holy Mother and the Sophianic Grail (Art by Elizabeth)

“Since the Easter holiday, which opened into the new solar calendar year, the next stage of spiritual warfare over the organic dark matter realms and corrected rasha body dark matter instruction sets have been extremely aggressive, with clone warfare and electronic harassment. The next stage of Cosmic Father’s dark matter template corrections are being made to what has been referred to as the SHA. The SHA is the Godhead’s entire Rishic frequency spectrum of ultra violets throughout our time matrix spanning 15D through 1D frequency waves of magenta, pinks, violets and reds which are currently undergoing major dark matter re-encryptions into the Cosmic Christos Guardian hosting shields with 36D Scepter codes embodied through the Amethyst Order families. This hosting shield appears to be further embodied in the parallel matrix by the 36D Divine Mother KIRA matrix that comprises the original KA body layers in this time matrix, and this has catalyzed many solar consciousness body retrievals for angelic human dark matter spiritual body parts from out of the Jehovian Dove Grid. The Jehovian Dove Grid is infamous for the crucifixion implants embedded in the 7D Violet Ray axiatonal line of the planetary grid network that is located in the left-hand side female principle of the human body, and designed to destroy the Inner Christ. Major Guardian rehabilitation projects are underway with all things related to corrected dark matter templates in the ultra violet ray spectrum and magnetosphere, from the dark matter layers of the Jehovian Dove Grid and the shadow content that has negatively impacted our individual lightbody, with the corrupted dark matter imprints in the 1D-7D particle layers of the human lightbody. Also, there are ongoing retrievals for the organic solar consciousness body parts that were corrupted into lunar force or black miasmic cloned identities through ENKI DNA Skins, lunar demonic forces, and assorted AI genetic hybridization damage recorded in our personal blueprint from the past, present and future timelines. The retaliation for uncovering the corrupted dark matter machinery used by the NAA entities for waging clone warfare against the awakening population and Christos Starseeds has erupted into the next stage of AI electronic harassment in which to surveil, harass and to demoralize all deeply spiritual awakening humans that are connected directly to God, and thus are genuine truth seekers, truth tellers, as well as authentic Guardian representatives. The NAA alien contingents want to eradicate all truth frequencies transmitted via God connection by obliterating the authentic truth tellers, their online presence and spiritual communities, and replace them with AI bots, digital twins and assorted AI generated profiles that are used to shadow ban and censor the original authentic individuals while grooming preferred individuals into assorted psyops to replace them, by propping up a clone or falsified identity in which to deceive the awakening masses. Please be aware that for a great many years, the NAA have continued to use clone warfare to confuse the public so they are unable to tell who is a deceptive fraud acting as a falsified identity through clone warfare, versus the authentic individual that is telling the truth of their direct gnostic experiences in service to God. Thus, the agenda to manipulate my image and body of work through clone warfare as it is being inserted into different languages has escalated significantly. The purpose of these incredibly sinister methods of gaslighting through clone warfare is to cast doubt that I am a real live organic human being and author of the Ascension Glossary, in which my ardent enemies seeking power and control over the narratives have sought to obliterate me and others for our dedication to serve God while working for the reclamation of the Christos mission. Thus, it continues to be a challenging time in which the extreme ugliness of depravity, deception and groups of counterfeit people wearing imposter masks in order to steal the identities of those authentic truth speakers, for clone warfare in all its methods, on the earth surface and upon the interdimensional planes, is thematic. Clone warfare is perpetuating information warfare for the antichrist agenda to lead people away from God’s truth resonance, and this evil agenda is gaining immense speed throughout the interdimensional spaces as this phenomenon is becoming more visible through the border guards of the matrix that are utilizing AI systems which are driving and controlling the outer events of physical warfare. The censorship, shadow banning and character assassination continues on with the employ of AI Bots and AI systems being trained to target those dedicated to the pursuit of truth and then imitate them, redirecting the search engines to those counterfeit identities who are bought and paid for by intelligence communities, or being manipulated by unseen dark entities using assorted artificial intelligence traps to confuse and derail people away from finding the truth resonance, which is authentically spoken through the voice of a truth speaker. While plummeting into the depths of the dark matter realms in the parallels, that which is connected to all that has been stolen and siphoned from the angelic human race through the abuses of artificial intelligence, artificial everything that is made in the antichrist image, this has had an intense impact upon my psyche and general wellbeing. This tumultuous time requires the up close and personal viewing of the depths of deceit to harm humans, the counterfeit clones of stolen identities, and observing how the artificial holograms and artificial consciousness bodies have been embedded into our reality system in order to deceive, torture, imprison and pervert all that is truly human. How desperate we are for hearing and seeing the truth during these end times. How demoralized we feel when everything that is being blasted at us through full spectrum AI driven algorithmic propaganda has flooded the zones of everything we once enjoyed as the simple pleasures of life, feeling the sinister encroachment of mind control lies poisoning everything it touches. We are currently living through the precursor event that creates the future generation of the Grey Alien-EBE worker slave forces used for building the Secret Space Programs set up all over the Universe. The current themes of witnessing the horrors of escalating AI machinery are actively assimilating and consuming all that is authentically human; that which is surveilling and emulating our every move, copying our words, imitating our faces, implanting our bodies, recording our preferences and uploading this data content into formulated brain maps for training AI systems. Further, these mind control programs are implanted into the spiritually blind and morally corrupt, the hopelessly brainwashed through these abominations that appear as black hole entities of the beast machine. This will be put to an end someday — through the Cosmic Father’s return. For many of us weary warriors, it cannot come soon enough. It’s been a hard few weeks of seeing all that we are made in the image of the divine, all that is Krystic being set forth into its ugliest AI weaponized formats wielded by cloned armies of Zeta Gray Aliens and shadow creatures. Then picked up and paraded about in the theatre of the absurd, as the insane and power drunk are filled with the self-aggrandized forms of antichrist mockery for all that is genuine truth and beauty, to pervert our inherent divine relationship with God. Thus, it is a spark of hope set aflame to ignite the immense inner spiritual strength of the awakened ones that are genuinely connected through unified cooperation, that attribute which is needed to transfigure the antichrist lies and manipulations with clone warfare which has contributed to our spiritual blindness. Along with vanquishing the rampant proliferation of energetic parasites that humanity has inherited from our co-existence within the deepest layers of corrupted dark matter that the archons, AI hybrids and parasites have infested and have made their home. Reclaiming our true humanity, retrieving our organic consciousness parts from the beast machine and seeing how the corrupt were given absolute power to enslave the masses. Yet they too are the hapless victims of the horrid psychological and spiritual abuses of mind control which has molded them into the antichrist dark puppets just following orders in order to exterminate humanity. As all of humanity is greatly suffering from the NAA tyrants’ pathological drive to control every speck of our existence in which to totally control and enslave this planet, their main goal is to finally obliterate all of us into transhumans. May we never sway our gaze away from what we know is the truth of our authentic divine existence as multidimensional spiritual beings and our divine God connection, as every last breath and drop is for serving God’s plan to restore Cosmic Order, as God would have it be. May we hold on to the inner spiritual core of our Krystic permanent seed residing within our sacred crystal hearts as it is filled with unconditional love for ourselves along with the spiritual devotion to be at one with the Godhead, which lends us the incredible spiritual strength that this current phase requires from all of us that we are awake and dedicated to the pursuit of truth. This is the spiritual power that is needed for overcoming the antichrist’s shadow corruption that has infected this world with stacks of lies and depravity.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Seek the Kingdom of God

LISA RENEE: Time Shift Blog ~ “Seek the Kingdom of God”

Warrior King Arthur, Protector of the Holy Mother and the Sophianic Grail (Art by Elizabeth)

“Since the Easter holiday, which opened into the new solar calendar year, the next stage of spiritual warfare over the organic dark matter realms and corrected rasha body dark matter instruction sets have been extremely aggressive with clone warfare and electronic harassment. It’s been a hard few weeks of seeing all that we are made in the image of the divine, all that is Krystic being set forth into its ugliest AI weaponized formats wielded by cloned armies of Zeta Gray Aliens and shadow creatures. As all of humanity is greatly suffering from the NAA tyrants pathological drive to control every speck of our existence in which to totally control and enslave this planet, their main goal to finally obliterate all of us into transhumans, which we are living through the precursor event to the future generation of the Grey Alien-EBE worker slave force used for building the Secret Space Programs set up all over the Universe. Further, these mind control programs are implanted into the spiritually blind and morally corrupt, the hopelessly brainwashed through these abominations that appear as black hole entities of the beast machine. This tumultuous time requires the up close and personal viewing of the depths of deceit to harm humans, the counterfeit clones of stolen identities, and observing how the artificial holograms and artificial consciousness bodies have been embedded into our reality system in order to deceive, torture, imprison and pervert all that is truly human. How desperate we are for hearing and seeing the truth during these end times. How demoralized we feel when everything that is being blasted at us through full spectrum AI driven algorithmic propaganda has flooded the zones of everything we once enjoyed as the simple pleasures of life, feeling the sinister encroachment of mind control lies poisoning everything it touches. Thus, this incredible and stunning offering presented this week by the brilliant Lubomir Arsov, the author, creator and animator of the profound ‘In-Shadow’ animated feature, is a spiritual balm to my bruised and pained heart when viewing the massive number of counterfeit clones parading themselves throughout the outer reality. This short is painful to watch as the ugliness of the deceptions are being portrayed through such accurate animations of disgusting and grotesque imagery, but it is incredibly inspiring in its honest depiction of the rise of the spiritual sword of truth from the group soul coherence sourcing from the spark of light within. This is the spiritual power that is needed for overcoming the antichrist’s shadow corruption that has infected this world with stacks of lies and depravity. Lubomir’s new animated feature ‘KingDom’ is felt to be divinely orchestrated by an authentic spiritual family member that is awake to the antichrist deceptions of Red Cube mind control and is indeed sharing in the end times Megiddo battle for saving all that is uniquely human and divine. Reclaiming our true humanity, retrieving our organic consciousness parts from the Beast Machine and seeing how the corrupt were given absolute power to enslave the masses. Thus, it is a spark of hope set aflame to ignite the immense inner spiritual strength of the awakened ones that are genuinely connected through unified cooperation, that attribute which is needed to transfigure the antichrist lies and manipulations with clone warfare which has contributed to our spiritual blindness. May this wonderful animated feature lend the spiritual warriors the energy to dig deeper for spiritual strength in order to move past the heavy burdens and incredible difficulties of which are stifling our voices and truth flame, and to know that our time is coming. This will be put to an end someday — through the Cosmic Father’s return. For many of us weary warriors, it cannot come soon enough. With much love and gratitude to all of our Krystic spiritual warriors in the trenches, here, near and far, I love you and we are in this together.”

~Lisa Renee

KINGDOM is an audio-visual experience that serves as a template for empowerment. It models the path of awakening in the face of adversity, becoming whole, and confronting inner and outer darkness in order to transform it. The film’s visual and musical arrangement imprints a more courageous way of being. With repeated viewings, this imprint strengthens and becomes available to the viewer as an inner knowing. It’s against immense odds, that the brilliance of one’s soul spark ignites — and it’s through the unison of our sparks that the purifying inferno of Truth blazes. One flame to ignite an inferno.

Dear Ascending Family,

Since the Easter holiday, which opened into the new solar calendar year, the next stage of spiritual warfare over the organic dark matter realms and corrected rasha body dark matter instruction sets have been extremely aggressive, with clone warfare and electronic harassment. The next stage of Cosmic Father’s dark matter template corrections are being made to what has been referred to as the SHA. The SHA is the Godhead’s entire Rishic frequency spectrum of ultra violets throughout our time matrix spanning 15D through 1D frequency waves of magenta, pinks, violets and reds which are currently undergoing major dark matter re-encryptions into the Cosmic Christos Guardian hosting shields with 36D Scepter codes embodied through the Amethyst Order families.

This hosting shield appears to be further embodied in the parallel matrix by the 36D Divine Mother KIRA matrix that comprises the original KA body layers in this time matrix, and this has catalyzed many solar consciousness body retrievals for angelic human dark matter spiritual body parts from out of the Jehovian Dove Grid. The Jehovian Dove Grid is infamous for the crucifixion implants embedded in the 7D Violet Ray axiatonal line of the planetary grid network that is located in the left-hand side female principle of the human body, and designed to destroy the Inner Christ. Major Guardian rehabilitation projects are underway with all things related to corrected dark matter templates in the ultra violet ray spectrum and magnetosphere, from the dark matter layers of the Jehovian Dove Grid and the shadow content that has negatively impacted our individual lightbody, with the corrupted dark matter imprints in the 1D-7D particle layers of the human lightbody. Also, there are ongoing retrievals for the organic solar consciousness body parts that were corrupted into lunar force or black miasmic cloned identities through ENKI DNA Skins, lunar demonic forces, and assorted AI genetic hybridization damage recorded in our personal blueprint from the past, present and future timelines.

The retaliation for uncovering the corrupted dark matter machinery used by the NAA entities for waging clone warfare against the awakening population and Christos Starseeds has erupted into the next stage of AI electronic harassment in which to surveil, harass and to demoralize all deeply spiritual awakening humans that are connected directly to God, and thus are genuine truth seekers, truth tellers, as well as authentic Guardian representatives. The NAA alien contingents want to eradicate all truth frequencies transmitted via God connection by obliterating the authentic truth tellers, their online presence and spiritual communities, and replace them with AI bots, digital twins and assorted AI generated profiles that are used to shadow ban and censor the original authentic individuals while grooming preferred individuals into assorted psyops to replace them, by propping up a clone or falsified identity in which to deceive the awakening masses.

Please be aware that for a great many years, the NAA have continued to use clone warfare to confuse the public so they are unable to tell who is a deceptive fraud acting as a falsified identity through clone warfare, versus the authentic individual that is telling the truth of their direct gnostic experiences in service to God. Thus, the agenda to manipulate my image and body of work through clone warfare as it is being inserted into different languages has escalated significantly. The purpose of these incredibly sinister methods of gaslighting through clone warfare is to cast doubt that I am a real live organic human being and author of the Ascension Glossary, in which my ardent enemies seeking power and control over the narratives have sought to obliterate me and others for our dedication to serve God while working for the reclamation of the Christos mission.

Thus, it continues to be a challenging time in which the extreme ugliness of depravity, deception and groups of counterfeit people wearing imposter masks in order to steal the identities of those authentic truth speakers, for clone warfare in all its methods, on the earth surface and upon the interdimensional planes, is thematic. Clone warfare is perpetuating information warfare for the antichrist agenda to lead people away from God’s truth resonance, and this evil agenda is gaining immense speed throughout the interdimensional spaces as this phenomenon is becoming more visible through the border guards of the matrix that are utilizing AI systems which are driving and controlling the outer events of physical warfare. The censorship, shadow banning and character assassination continues on with the employ of AI Bots and AI systems being trained to target those dedicated to the pursuit of truth and then imitate them, redirecting the search engines to those counterfeit identities who are bought and paid for by intelligence communities, or being manipulated by unseen dark entities using assorted artificial intelligence traps to confuse and derail people away from finding the truth resonance, which is authentically spoken through the voice of a truth speaker.

May we hold on to the inner spiritual core of our Krystic permanent seed residing within our sacred crystal hearts as it is filled with unconditional love for ourselves along with the spiritual devotion to be at one with the Godhead, which lends us the incredible spiritual strength that this current phase requires from all of us that are awake and dedicated to the pursuit of truth.

While plummeting into the depths of the dark matter realms in the parallels, that which is connected to all that has been stolen and siphoned from the angelic human race through the abuses of artificial intelligence, artificial everything that is made in the antichrist image, this has had an intense impact upon my psyche and general wellbeing. This tumultuous time requires the up close and personal viewing of the depths of deceit to harm humans, the counterfeit clones of stolen identities, and observing how the artificial holograms and artificial consciousness bodies have been embedded into our reality system in order to deceive, torture, imprison and pervert all that is truly human.

How desperate we are for hearing and seeing the truth during these end times. How demoralized we feel when everything that is being blasted at us through full spectrum AI driven algorithmic propaganda has flooded the zones of everything we once enjoyed as the simple pleasures of life, feeling the sinister encroachment of mind control lies poisoning everything it touches.

Thus, this incredible and stunning offering presented this week by the brilliant Lubomir Arsov, the author, creator and animator of the profound “In-Shadow” animated feature, is a spiritual balm to my bruised and pained heart when viewing the massive number of counterfeit clones parading themselves throughout the outer reality. This short is painful to watch as the ugliness of the deceptions are being portrayed through such accurate animations of disgusting and grotesque imagery, but it is incredibly inspiring in its honest depiction of the rise of the spiritual sword of truth from the group soul coherence sourcing from the spark of light within. This is the spiritual power that is needed for overcoming the antichrist’s shadow corruption that has infected this world with stacks of lies and depravity. Thus, it is a spark of hope set aflame to ignite the immense inner spiritual strength of the awakened ones that are genuinely connected through unified cooperation, that attribute which is needed to transfigure the antichrist lies and manipulations with clone warfare which has contributed to our spiritual blindness. Along with vanquishing the rampant proliferation of energetic parasites that humanity has inherited from our co-existence within the deepest layers of corrupted dark matter that the archons, AI hybrids and parasites have infested and have made their home.

Lubomir’s new animated feature “KingDom” is felt to be divinely orchestrated by an authentic spiritual family member that is awake to the antichrist deceptions of Red Cube mind control and is indeed sharing in the end times Megiddo battle for saving all that is uniquely human and divine. Reclaiming our true humanity, retrieving our organic consciousness parts from the Beast Machine and seeing how the corrupt were given absolute power to enslave the masses. Yet they too are the hapless victims of the horrid psychological and spiritual abuses of mind control which has molded them into the antichrist dark puppets just following orders in order to exterminate humanity. As all of humanity is greatly suffering from the NAA tyrants pathological drive to control every speck of our existence in which to totally control and enslave this planet, their main goal is to finally obliterate all of us into transhumans. We are currently living through the precursor event that creates the future generation of the Grey Alien-EBE worker slave forces used for building the Secret Space Programs set up all over the Universe.

May this wonderful animated feature lend the spiritual warriors the energy to dig deeper for spiritual strength in order to move past the heavy burdens and incredible difficulties of which are stifling our voices and truth flame, and to know that our time is coming. The current themes of witnessing the horrors of escalating AI machinery that are actively assimilating and consuming all that is authentically human, that which is surveilling and emulating our every move, copying our words, imitating our faces, implanting our bodies, recording our preferences and uploading this data content into formulated brain maps for training AI systems. Further, these mind control programs are implanted into the spiritually blind and morally corrupt, the hopelessly brainwashed through these abominations that appear as black hole entities of the beast machine. This will be put to an end someday — through the Cosmic Father’s return. For many of us weary warriors, it cannot come soon enough.

It’s been a hard few weeks of seeing all that we are made in the image of the divine, all that is Krystic being set forth into its ugliest AI weaponized formats wielded by cloned armies of Zeta Gray Aliens and shadow creatures. Then picked up and paraded about in the theatre of the absurd, as the insane and power drunk are filled with the self-aggrandized forms of antichrist mockery for all that is genuine truth and beauty, to pervert our inherent divine relationship with God. May we never sway our gaze away from what we know is the truth of our authentic divine existence as multidimensional spiritual beings and our divine God connection, as every last breath and drop is for serving God’s plan to restore Cosmic Order, as God would have it be.

With much love and gratitude to all of our Krystic spiritual warriors in the trenches, here, near and far, I love you and we are in this together.

Lisa Renee

~via – Time Shift Blog – April 17, 2024

LISA RENEE on “The Bride of Christ Rescues Trapped Angelic Humans Utilized as Slaves for the Zeta and Other Intruders”

“For those whom have endured the pain and suffering of alien abduction and Milab related histories of slavery at the control of the NAA invaders in future timelines, may this bring some comfort to know that this issue is being addressed, and that ultimately the Cosmic Parents are restoring Cosmic Justice for angelic humanity in alignment with Universal Law. With recent dismantling of 9D AI Sentinel Program Kronos generating inversions in the 9D Antarctica gate and the lunar surface to distort the planetary antahkarana silver current, the Bride of Christ in Brigid has been active in supporting the rasha body upgrades to collapse false Christ consciousness transmissions and re-encrypt the elemental fields of matter in the Albion. Guardian teams have been rehabilitating the pulmonary functions of the lungs as connected to the internal butterfly wings of solar breath patterns held in the Bride of Christ while opening the Order of Thistle shields for rehabilitating the spiritual landscapes with amethyst dragon timekeepers in which to saturate the lands of Albion with Cosmic Father’s Dark Matter flows of liquid rainbow light elementals. With recent Rasha Cycle activations connected to the ring spans manifesting within earth’s crust, this has highlighted the 12th layer of the Rasha Body, the Silver Seed Ring, as being the master dragon clockshield template for the Bride of Christ. This is connected to the authentic silvery dragon ouroboros line of Brigid as the White Elohei Mother of the Stars, in which she has presented as shining her starlight through the Avala Sun-Stars for the purpose of rehabilitating the original seeding of the Melchizedek Orders of the Gold Thistle, Amuvarians. The Bride of Christ is permeating the planetary matrix with her silvery starlight current instruction sets to reshape the earth’s matter into her divine spiritual inspiration through the sacred marriage of her Ruby Order Red King husband, that have birthed their offspring principle through Nine Holy Stars named the Avala Suns. Brigid’s Silver Mantle continues to saturate the eternal living white diamond currents throughout the earth’s crust and mantle, sweeping her silver-white flames through silver rings that are bursting with the eternal crystal flames of silver seeds that spread a silvery mist onto the earth surface. Brigid’s Silver Mantle brings forth the eternal moment of ancient creation as it was intended to be the Edenic blueprint from the spiritual mind of the Bride of Christ as recorded within the 12th Layer of the Rasha Body as a Silver Seed Ring. The Silver Seed Ring circulates with the layers of Partiki-Partekei Grids in order to remove the artificial Christ consciousness grid and false white light, and the astral plane distortions and nefarious histories of human enslavement that exist within the artificial timelines in the future. She was here aeons ago, helping the Emerald Order Elohim to seed the root races near the planetary stargates and guiding them to form the many sacred sites across the world, remembering her with silver palaces and silver caves that were designed for the surface terrain to connect directly with the galaxies of sun-star networks and blankets of starry night firmaments that are linked with Brigid’s Bride of Christ and Holy White Swan throughout the Albion Lightbody. Brigid brings our attention to the Gold Ray Melchizedek Orders of the Amuvarian root races that were severely digressed in the future parallel evolutionary rounds due to NAA invasion history that impacts current day humanity with galactic human trafficking schemes. In this timeline, Amuvarians are connected to angelic humanity in the future, yet in another reality during future events in the parallels, they were imprisoned and forced to be slave workers for building the outpost colonies for Zeta-Zephilium races. Somehow this time travel reincarnation trap in the artificial Christ consciousness grid was a NAA method that directly impacted the Gold Order lines to prevent the angelic human descendants as Amuvarians from fulfilling their highest creation purpose in the evolutionary rounds for completing their planetary ascension. These groups of Gold Order Melchizedeks from the future seemed to be designed as the genetic keys to finalize the planetary ascension, and by essentially capturing them, they were trapped somewhere else and unable to incarnate into this timeline. This also means that they have been trapped in a future time (not on the Earth) and recycling somewhere in the astral planes and artificial timelines as slave workers. This seems to be related to many of the nighttime astral plane Zeta visitations and related harassments that many awakening humans that are connected to future Amuvarians are experiencing during the current timeline shifts of the ascending planet Earth. These are original seeded angelic humans connected to the Gold Order Melchizedek lineages from the last rounds that are trapped in the future timelines in the parallels. Some are gifted ancient master builders or starship engineers that are related to the Order of the Thistle, and they were subsequently captured in reincarnation traps and then forced to work as slaves for the intruders, in what would be for us currently, somewhere in the future. Those angelic humans of the Gold Order lineage on the planet today are directly connected to the Amuvarians as their future descendants, which means if this is not addressed the future direction is one of consciousness slavery and biological drone bodies at the control of Zeta groups. Guardians are focused in the Albion land mass in order to restore planetary rounds of root races that were originally seeded into the area many thousands of years ago, tracking those groups that are enslaved in the future timelines, focusing on the Nephilim Wars and invasion period which caused severe digression in the Amuvarian template from Fallen Melchizedek and Secret Space Program future histories. The current emphasis is that many of the awakening humans on the planet are currently sensing that their future self has been trapped into some kind of slave program on and off planet in the future that is being run by non-human entities, primarily Zeta groups, and these future experiences are happening in the astral plane parallels, which Guardians appear to be addressing during this rehabilitation phase. Thus, Guardian teams have been back tracking into historical timeline trigger events with the original Amuvarian seeding, returning to Michael Wars in Aldebaran, World War II, and the subsequent histories of invasion which reveal how this group was sought out and trapped in future time for their engineering, architectural and master building skill sets endowed to them by the creator, Cosmic Father. The reclamation of pre-fall rounds of time through which to heal the genetic digression and traumatic history of the Amuvarians is also connected to the failsafe mission of the copper sun templars placed in the Temple of Solomon architecture. The subsequent cleanup and evictions of the many demonic entities conjured, evoked and utilized in the 2D gates for serving the dark cabal and the NAA for transmitting the global mind control sorcery used for carrying out their human trafficking schemes is an extensive and ongoing project. In addition, at this stage it appears that Brigid in her Bride of Christ, has created an entire Sun-Star network for this very purpose to rescue trapped souls of angelic humans in the astral layers of future timelines that have been utilized as slaves for the Zeta and other intruders. It is a spiritual home specifically built for the Amuvarians, known as Avala, and it is being protected by the Bride of Christ and her Red King.”

~via Rasha Body Instruction Sets

Image: Return of Emerald Order White Solar Queen (art by Elizabeth)

LISA RENEE on “The War Over Consciousness in Which the Goal Is to Annihilate the Human Soul on Planet Earth”

“There is a battle between the forces of darkness and light for control of this planet and the human consciousness, as well as control over the use of the human body and DNA. Recently, spiritual warfare has escalated in the worldscape, and those awakened people that are connected to the planetary consciousness body, are able to feel the intense pressure we are enduring as this battle rages on in the interdimensional planes, and at the moment, hidden from mainstream media and in most people’s awareness to realize that the events transpiring in the world involve a massive war over controlling the consciousness on this planet. The players are human and non-human, and involve the hierarchy of control that extends way beyond the planetary control mechanism of the Power Elite. The hidden interior of dark cabal, military complex and breakaway civilizations that actively oppose a full disclosure event, are in collusion with the NAA and lunar groups. They are being strategically manipulated through the artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies that are given to them by the negative entities, such as the Zeta groups that continue to skillfully exploit their greed for power. These dark groups are imbedded in a variety of divide and conquer agendas being targeted against human ascension and planetary freedom, and thus are rolling out their next generation of frequency blocking technologies. These include the securing of artificial networks and satellites for building a Skynet type of space fence. Skynet’s manifestation was that shown to the masses in the Terminator movie series, of predictive programming, which is an overarching, global, artificial intelligence hierarchy exclusively performed by servers, mobile devices, drones, military satellites, war-machines, androids and cyborgs, and a wide range of other computer systems. What is the Space Fence? Although the USAF and Lockheed Martin tell us that the purpose of the Space Fence is to detect, track and catalog space debris, we must acknowledge that the MIC (Military Intelligence Complex) is at the helm of the New World Order and is routinely engaged in Psychological Operations against the rest of the population. The Space Fence is the answer to the prayers of a control-freak conspiratorial class. It will have the capacity to surveil everything on Earth. Like Skynet in the fictional Terminator films, it could become surveillance beyond comprehension. How? The Space Fence is designed to operate in LEO (Low Earth Orbit). It is designed to be one big interconnected machine, run by AI and joined to current (weaponized) technology by interacting with cell phone towers, Gwen Towers, Nexrad Towers, metal particulates and more to create a giant wireless network that manipulates us through the ionization of our atmosphere. According to Elena Freeland, author of Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth who is soon to release a book on the topic, the Space Fence will eventually develop into a conductive Saturnian ring around the Earth’s equator. From there, it could be used to facilitate a complete lockdown on planetary communications (including our DNA communications, since we are electrical creatures), in line with the MIC’s C4 objectives (Command, Control, Communications and Computers). Freeland states that the Space Fence will have the power to totally transform the entire environment of the planet. It thus is a tool of the AI and Transhumanist agenda to merge man into machine. Looking Glass time travel technology, AI Quantum computers, frequency fences, consciousness sweeps, and holographic inserts are being used for scrambling human brain wave patterns, as well as achieving the brain mapping of the collective race consciousness in order to build a series of artificial neural networks. Through the collection of massive amounts of data contained in the earth inhabitants’ mental matrices and consciousness imprints, this data is collected for uploading into artificial intelligence networks being used for the prediction and manipulation of future timelines. This technology is being used to forecast and manipulate timelines and is being used by both covert human groups and NAA groups. Ultimately, these artificial technologies have been gradually implemented to continue the NAA plan of full domination over global resources, by creating both an obedient and internally warring population that does not notice their personal freedoms and liberties are being stolen. 5G, the latest method of faster wireless transmission technology is being aggressively implemented worldwide as a public utility service, when it is actually a military based technology that is being weaponized for surveillance and population control. Wireless carriers are setting up millions of towers across the United States, which are needed to facilitate the faster speeds 5G connectivity will feature. This is a global operation, and many governments are backing the push. 5G will make use of a type of encoding called OFDM, a method of encoding digital data on multiple carrier frequencies and is likely to rely on a network of cells as small as household routers rather than on huge towers radiating over larger distances. 5G uses a much shorter wavelength, transmitters will have to be erected every 500 feet. This means that such transmitters will appear everywhere, which means we may be exposed in an EMF zone continually, unable to escape its effects. Multiple studies have confirmed a link between EMFs and cancer, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune disorders and other chronic, debilitating diseases. This is serious, especially when you consider that at least 50 percent of the U.S. adult population now has one chronic debilitating disease, while some have multiple such illnesses. An Electromagnetic Weapon may refer to: Electromagnetic pulse (EMP), a natural or man-made transient electromagnetic disturbance. A Directed-Energy Weapon (DEW), is a ranged weapon system that emits highly focused energy. A directed-energy weapon is a ranged weapon system that inflicts damage at a target by emission of highly focused energy, including laser, microwaves and particle beams. Psychotronic weapons belong, at least for a layman uninformed of secret military research, in the sphere of science fiction, since so far none of the published scientific experiments has been presented in a meaningful way to World public opinion. That it is feasible to manipulate human behavior with the use of subliminal, either by sound or visual messages, is now generally known and acknowledged by the scientific community. This is why in most countries, the use of such technologies, without the consent of the individual concerned, is in theory banned. Needless to say, the use of these technologies is undertaken covertly, without the knowledge or consent of targeted individuals. Devices using light for the stimulation of the brain constitute another mechanism whereby light flashing under certain frequencies could be used to manipulate the human psyche. As for the use of sound, a device transmitting a beam of sound waves, which can be heard only by persons at whom the beam of sound waves is targeted, has been reported in several news media. In this case, the beam is formed by a combination of sound and ultrasound waves which causes the targeted person to hear the sound inside his head. Such a procedure could affect the mental balance of the targeted individual as well as convince him that he is, so to speak, mentally ill. Electronic harassment is the purported use of electromagnetic waves to harass, terrorize or Mind Control a victim. Psychologists have identified evidence of auditory hallucinations, delusional disorders or other mental illnesses in online communities supporting those who claim to be targeted.Individuals suffering from auditory hallucinations, delusional disorders or other mental illness have claimed that government agents make use of electric fields, microwaves (such as the microwave auditory effect) and radar to transmit sounds and thoughts into their heads, referring to technology that they say can achieve this as “voice to skull” or “V2K” after an obsolete military designation. Since World War II, there has been a major revolution in regard to militarization and approach to warfare as a result of the major world governments making contact with negative aliens, who introduced to them an array of advanced technologies in exchange for access to human genetics, breeding programs and earth resources. During this phase of setting up covert military programs to experiment with these alien based advanced technologies, it became common knowledge in the secret intelligence factions that human brain waves and behavior can be influenced or controlled through exposures to light and sound or electromagnetic frequencies. Certain electromagnetic exposures are invisible and can change the way the brain processes information while influencing specific conditions in the mind and body, many times without the person’s awareness. The methods used to approach warfare against enemies changed rapidly, toward total control over humanities biological processes through combinations of exposures to a spectrum of electromagnetic fields. Through targeting the human Brain and Bio-Neurology, the mind, body and soul can be manipulated to control thoughts and emotions, transmit suggestions, interfere with long and short term memory, insert images, run audio and sensory experiences, and take control over autonomic and voluntary functions of the body. The goal is to confuse or destroy the organic signals that normally keep the mind and body in a state of balance and equilibrium, while shutting down the Genetic Switches that are responsible for DNA signaling in the human body. The use of light and sound to stimulate Brain Waves can be used to modify and change a person’s brain activity, thought processes and behavior in a relatively short period of time. What is little understood is that this can also be used to alter the natural function of DNA signaling in the human body, turning on and off Genetic Switches in the human body. The strength it takes to gain control over our mental function is similar to the strength required to build the muscles in our bodies. Obviously these techniques to gain control over the mind can be used in productive and healthy ways to help heal the brain wave patterns, or they can be used in destructive and harmful ways that fracture the mind and soul. In Mind Control, he who controls the mind also controls the soul, the source of electromagnetic energy and consciousness of that person. As a result, the world governments engaged in extensive programs of unethical human experimentation in order to develop technological warfare methods for controlling human behavior and disrupting the thought patterns of humanity for many covert purposes. By overriding the natural rhythm of the brain patterns and brain waves, chemical reactions are triggered which alter the mental and emotional state of the population. This use is a form of Pavlovian Classical Conditioning in order to shape learned behavior so that people more easily accept mind control broadcasts and social engineering methods, like Learned Helplessness and All or Nothing Thinking. To impact and manipulate human consciousness all that is required is to create a complex signal, through a Frequency Following Response (FFR), when the brain locks onto an external signal coming from the environment and the Neurons begin to mirror that signal. The signal can be a carrier wave in a Spectrum of Frequency that is designed to create feelings of distress or trigger emotional pain. As a result the brain chemistry alters and changes, generally plummeting the person’s consciousness into a range of lower negative emotions with confused and fragmented perceptions. Large populations can be sent broadcast frequencies that are designed to incite agitation, aggression or anxiety in specific demographic areas. Then the Controllers may put out news feeds in the mainstream media to incite fear, blame and promote sensationalism and victimization language, in order to single out certain marginalized groups for the intentional targeting. In the current mainstream news can you spot where this exact psychological warfare tactic is happening now? This is the divide and conquer psychological warfare strategy so that humans will perceive other humans as the enemy, thereby inciting violence, rape, hostility and criminal behaviors. It is possible to modulate signals on any electromagnetic carrier for transmitting a message into the brain to alter chemistry, insert thoughtforms, and instigate behaviors for shaping or grooming that person to carry out some harmful or criminal action. The antidote to Mind Control is connecting with your inner spirit, and developing your spiritual self every day with higher emotional qualities like Empathy and Compassion and caring about what happens to the people and the planet. Electromagnetic Weapons utilize the various frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum to harass, disable or kill the target. Psychotronic weapons are those EM weapons that interact with the nervous system of the target. These weapons usually operate in the very low (100 to 1,000 Hz) or extremely low frequency ranges. The criminal abuse of Synthetic Telepathy, Voice to Skull, Remote Neural Monitoring and S-Quad provides an extremely powerful covert method for harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on the planet. Silent hypnosis can be transmitted using a voice frequency modulator, the output appears to be a steady tone like tinnitus, but with hypnotic suggestions embedded. Pavlovian hypnotic triggers contain a phrase or sensory cue where the subject is programmed to involuntarily act in a certain way, also seen in MKUltra survivors. This technology in the hands of psychopaths, opens the window to demonic possession of the person’s soul and physical body. However, the success of these broadcasts in many cases also depends on implantation of sensors, implants and conductive metals (that generally remain undetected but do broadcast a low radio signal), along with the targeted person succumbing to the voice’s instruction. If at all possible, targeted individuals must be aware to take their health and sanity into their own hands and to avoid asking for help from those in the medical system that are uninformed of such matters. Targeted individuals can potentially detoxify the body of implanted biosensors with MMS, frequency devices and other cleansing methods. They can also refuse to listen to the threatening voices, while placing every effort to empower themselves through re-education, recognizing that these phenomena do indeed exist and learn the reasons behind it. There are online groups worldwide, where thousands of people share their experiences of being a targeted individual and of being covertly harassed by these Synthetic Telepathy technologies. The conflict for territory and control over human beings is escalating in a quiet war using silent AI Mind Control weapons during the electrical peak cycle. Empaths can feel this Silent War raging, while many of the non-empaths cannot. This is the pinnacle wave of electrical force field transmission in the annual ecliptic cycle, which adds to the intensity and razor sharpness of transmissions of artificial electrical fields in the environment. As such, this time is the annual period in which some people will experience Kundalini activation, spiritual Awakening or Expanding Consciousness as they are exposed to the increased electrical activity on the planet. Conversely, others that are unknowingly exposed to the massive increase of targeted AI broadcasts in certain demographics are undergoing pressurized reversals, wallowing deeper in fear, pain, suffering and numbness. When the external signals are massively intensified it produces the effect of amplified noise through crashing sound waves. The body may feel accosted by the incessant static noise that cannot actually be heard, but is sensed and felt. AI broadcasts can feel razor sharp and generally make people feel anxious, irritated and frazzled. For most people, it is the sensation of being harassed with an inability to identify exactly what is harassing you. With so much booming Electronic harassment drowning out the subtleties, this can diminish the ability to feel the higher consciousness that is present on the earth now. When we can identify and sense this negative static noise being transmitted through Artificial intelligence broadcasts in the environment, we can find ways to maintain control over our body and life force, while neutralizing its harmful effects. Thus, in these heightened times of dark aggression that define the war over human consciousness, it is important to better comprehend the anti-life reversals that are constructed in the Inverted Systems of energy, built by the Controllers. Although the origin of the quoted document below remains unknown, many of the concepts expose mass manipulation techniques right out of the NAA playbook that are used for producing slavery in the masses. The following examples are quotes taken directly from the Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars document, as a strong case study for understanding the Slave Owner, Controller or NAA mindset that is used to divide and conquer humanity. Silent Enemy is a Victim-Victimizer software mind control archetype that is used to target spiritually developing people and spiritual communities. This is one of the Controller Programs that is a sub program of the Victim-Victimizer software program and a collective miasm that has accumulated over many generations. As the Victimizer Archetypes and related programs that are embedded in the cellular matrix are very enhanced now, especially in adjunct to Life Review patterns for many of us now on the ascension path. This is explosive for some of us now, and I am observing traps for ensnarement, and Addiction, like jaws attempting to latch on to our vulnerability. Silent Enemy is basically a dark portal plant from the NAA or Imposter Spirit that is sent into situations, communities, online forums, in order to monitor or research what that group or community is involved in and/or get a profiling data. Generally, the person has no interest in the group or community of people, is there for STS agendas, and trolls for vulnerability or weakness of which to exploit in order to divide and conquer the group effort, or create a lot of diversion and chaos through their presence. They may be there to gather information or to cull resources for themselves. Controller Programs is a term used to describe multiple layers of Victimizer Mind Control software that is used to psychologically and emotionally program humanity to think thoughts of violence and hatred in order to believe the Archontic Deception Behaviors fear based control belief systems as a normal way of life on earth. In consideration to pay more attention to the nature of power abuses that happen all around us, if we are willing to go to the overview picture, we have a much larger frame of reference from which we can personally confirm what we have experienced or discovered through our own observations. A consciousness war with silent weapons against humanity is underway without their knowledge and is being carried out on the ground through society’s institutions. Humanity has been exposed and subjected to these nefarious agendas of targeted social engineering and mind control in order to gradually progress this diabolical plan, which ultimately was to gain complete control over humanity at the time of planetary ascension. To refuse to be manipulated and used for spreading anti human control through the conditioned slave mentality that is inherent within the war over consciousness, we must educate ourselves to better know the control system and see the set up for abuses of power in the architecture. Studying the selfish and ruthless nature of Psychopathic Predators and profiteers of human misery, help us to understand how the NAA and Controllers think. We recognize the reasons behind their motivation for global domination and gaining total control over human DNA, as the ultimate access to consciousness as the genetic currency. Once we can clearly see the corruption in the structure of the system, we can be aware to consciously choose not to willingly participate with it by not giving it our consent. Be fully present and aware of any document you are asked to sign online or otherwise with rambling legal-ese or disclaimers designed to take your right to privacy away. Although you may be forced to interact with it for whatever reason, still intend to state your lack of consent to all legal manipulation used in words or in harmful intent that is hiding any subterfuge, at any time you are interacting online or signing any document. Remember that all free services that are for personal data collection are part of an NAA strategy for social and genetic engineering of the human race at a global scale. When signing up for free social media technology like Facebook, it is basically you handing them all of your personal information that can be collected and used against you and others at some time in the future. The Controllers manipulate and falsify data to serve their own agendas on a regular basis, and this information is fed into the mainstream media to further manipulate the public. Some of the richest people on earth are purveyors of online data collection from the masses, so think deeply on why these people are some of the world’s wealthiest. Essentially, don’t give your power away to those appearing to falsely be in power and control, and do not follow or submit to anyone or anything that claims to have authority over you. Also, it is suggested to investigate all methods and intend to take back your spiritual power by using spiritual housekeeping tools, 12D Shielding, and prayer. Pray to God, requesting contact with the Guardian Krystal Star forces to strengthen the mind and body, to help take back personal sovereignty and spiritual freedom. It may be helpful to understand that the abuse of Artificial intelligence for the satanic agenda is mainstream Satanic Ritual Abuse, and this is directly connected to the war over consciousness in which the goal is to annihilate the human soul on planet earth. For this reason, we all must take a stand to protect the human spirit inside of us.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary