LISA RENEE: “Building Self Esteem”

Self Esteem is the value of a person’s worth and there are a lot of factors that come into play, especially in helping a person feel more confident about himself, which is also a primary factor in establishing a person’s outlook towards personal inspiration and feeling of success. On the spiritual Ascension pathway, recognizing the importance of character building as a necessary part of having self love and self acceptance is critical. in order to progress through self deception blocks. When we have low self esteem our psychological defense mechanisms will act to block our progress moving forward and evolving in life.

One who understands they are a loved and worthy spiritual vessel for the spirit of God Source, will begin to learn that self love is at the core of self acceptance, which is the quality one must build to truly feel and experience God’s love for all of us. Once we feel love for ourselves we build inner confidence, which further builds our trust with life.

The more confident a person is, the more focused and determined the person is to aim for achieving a better state in life, regardless of whether it is for career, success, spiritual purpose, inspiration, family or personal goals. A peaceful and fulfilling life is most possible when one seeks inner truth and self knowledge, while building a relationship with God and a relationship to the self. When building a relationship with the self it may mean we are taken through character building life experiences we do not prefer. We must push through our fears in order to experience the accomplishment of moving past our perceived mental limitations. If our mental limitations or self entitlement govern our actions, we will become stunted in our growth and fall into low self esteem. 

Self Esteem Makes Better Choices

Self-esteem can also align to help a person make better choices, especially when it comes to personal character development, improved learning and coping skills in life, which often lead to more abundance. Self-esteem improves mental and emotional clarity. Self-esteem in one’s personality starts at birth, through parenting, environmental and other factors. As a person’s consciousness develops and takes shape into adulthood, this is when a person starts to measure himself, as to his own value and belief system around self worth. It then shapes how a person looks at himself and compares or assesses himself with the environment or his surroundings and starts to ask himself, do people like me and accept me for being me? Do other people regard me as an example or inspiration for others? How do other people look at me? What is my attitude and behavior towards life? Am I a deserving and worthy person to be loved, appreciated and to experience abundance? These are but some of the common social questions that help a human being gain self understanding, in the earlier growth stages, which help to gauge or measure his value and worth as a person.

Self Respect

All humans have a need to feel respected. This includes the need to have Self-Esteem and self-respect. Esteem presents the typical human instinct to be accepted in community and to be a valued member by others. People often engage in activities which give the person a sense of contribution or value. Low self-esteem or an inferiority complex may result from imbalances that have not been addressed or healed, such as unhealed emotional conflicts. People with low self-esteem often look to gain respect from others and they may feel the need to seek fame or glory. However, fame and glory will not help the person to build self-esteem until they accept who they are internally. Psychological imbalances such as depression can hinder a person from obtaining a higher level of self-esteem or self-respect. Most people have a need for stable self-respect and self-esteem. Deprivation of these needs may lead to an inferiority complex, weakness, and feelings of helplessness.

Building Self Esteem

Self-esteem formally is “the disposition to experience oneself as competent to cope with the basic challenges of life and as worthy of happiness”. While others like parents, teachers, and friends can nurture and support self-esteem in an individual, self-esteem relies upon various internally generated practices. To be responsible to take care of oneself is one way of building self esteem. In Nathan Branden’s framework, there are six “pillars” of generating and building self-esteem. Branden distinguishes his approach to self-esteem from that of many others by his inclusion of both confidence and worth in his definition of self-esteem, and by his emphasis on the importance of internally generated practices for the improvement and maintenance of self-esteem in every day life.

  • Living consciously: the practice of being aware of what one is doing while one is doing it, i.e., the practice of mindfulness.
  • Self-acceptance: the practice of owning truths regarding one’s thoughts, emotions, and behaviors; of being kind toward oneself with respect to them; and of being “for” oneself in a basic sense.
  • Self-responsibility: the practice of owning one’s authorship of one’s actions and of owning one’s capacity to be the cause of the effects one desires.
  • Self-assertiveness: the practice of treating one’s needs and interests with respect and of expressing them in appropriate ways.
  • Living purposefully: the practice of formulating goals and of formulating and implementing action plans to achieve them.
  • Personal integrity: the practice of maintaining alignment between one’s behaviors and convictions.

~via Krystal Aegis

NIKKI SAPP: “How To Be Confident While Remaining Humble”

“There’s a thin line between confidence and arrogance… it’s called humility. Confidence smiles, arrogance smirks.”



Somewhere along the line what we recognized as confidence may have been misconstrued a little. We started associating traits like aggressive, loud, opinionated and arrogant with being a confident person. You’ve probably seen the type, or maybe you are the type.

They know FOR SURE that what they believe is the unequivocal truth. Therefore they need to tell everyone about it… constantly.

When they aren’t able to convince someone to believe exactly as they believe they may be caught calling others, “asleep” or a “sheep” or any other plethora of derogatory names that I probably can’t mention here. We also may have misconstrued what it means to be humble a little bit too. Being Humble is associated with weak, shy, meek, and someone who cowers to others.

Someone who is so unsure of themselves or their beliefs that they keep them to themselves and are too insecure to tell everyone they meet their opinion on everything. Is there a way to be both? Can a confident person also be a humble person? In order to answer that question we must dissect what it means to be truly confident, and how does “artificial confidence” come about.

“Because one believes in oneself, one doesn’t try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, doesn’t need others’ approval. Because one accepts oneself the whole world accepts him or her”

~Lao Tzu


There are many reasons a person may develop artificial/arrogant confidence. One may be cognitive dissonance, which means they may be holding on to a belief so tightly that when evidence is presented that contradicts this belief they may be completely unwilling to look at the new evidence. They may have become so attached to this belief that it has become a part of their sense of self.

Since they are completely attached to who they think they are it may be a painful experience for them to open their mind up and see things from a different perspective. The actual energy behind holding on to a belief so tightly that you are unwilling to let it go is fear.

The human ego is always afraid to be found out, so to speak, therefore, any threat of someone or something coming along and debunking one of its belief attachments may bring about a negative emotional reaction such as anger. Anytime anger is involved we can be assured that fear is the culprit behind it.

Genuine confidence doesn’t need to get angry because there is no part that fears being wrong or that others aren’t believing them. Another reason a person may develop artificial confidence is because they are insecure.

An insecure person may not truly believe in their theory or themselves so they feel if they can convince others that they are absolutely the right one they can at the same time convince themselves.

This is often done in an aggressive manner, because they are attached to the outcome of people believing them. Again, the fear behind not achieving the outcome they desire is causing them to act in a rude or aggressive manner. Genuine confidence can remain quiet, kind and humble because there is no underlying fear that needs other people to believe exactly what they are saying.

Genuine confidence is humble. It kind of realizes that most people are operating from their own level of understanding and trying to convince them that they are “stupid” or “wrong” usually won’t work anyway. The humble part of them realizes that LIVING and BEING their truth is always more effective than incessant talking or convincing ever will be.

Also, humble confidence isn’t attached to being right. In fact, it happily welcomes new ideas and beliefs because it knows that only when it opens itself up to seeing things from all perspectives is it able to perhaps learn something new.

“The time which people spend in convincing others, even half of this time if they spend on themselves, they can achieve a lot in life.”

~Arvind Katoch


In order to maintain humble confidence about our beliefs we must do two things. One is question ourselves….constantly. You may ask yourself, “Do I know absolutely without a doubt that this belief is true?” Meaning, “Did I see it with my own eyes”- normally the answer to this will be no.

So not to say that you won’t have some beliefs about things that involve situations that you weren’t physically there, but it just means that you always maintain a healthy sense of doubt about your beliefs.

This doesn’t mean that you’re unsure of yourself, it means you are wise, because it means you are open to hearing new evidence. Or you can ask yourself, “Is it possible that I am so attached to this belief that it has become a part of who I think I am?” Or even, “Does it matter if the person I am telling about my belief believes me or not? In this present moment does the fact that they are convinced or not convinced change anything in this exact moment in time?”

“Confidence is silent.

Insecurity is loud.”



You may find that most of the time, the answer to that is “no.” The other thing a person can do in order to remain humbly confident in their beliefs is to realize that every person they come in contact with can only understand things from their own level of understanding. Which means they are only operating from their own personal programming which may or may not be completely different than yours.

So yes, there may be times when you tell someone something and you enlighten them to something that they hadn’t thought of before but there will also be times where any effort to convince will fall on deaf ears.

When you are unattached to the outcome, you will be fine with either without getting frustrated or angered. Once we realize that our “truth” may not be someone else’s “truth” we can completely relax into interpersonal relationships and take every interaction with a human being as a potential learning experience, which will allow us to always be learning and growing as a person.



LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “The Road to Resilience”

Dear ES Family, Over the last decade, with the steady amplification of polarities, the rising intensity of external energies and forces, the challenges that we may have to face that test our character, test our mettle, seem to have been greatly magnified. We have often spoken about the planetary Dark Night of the Soul, and by observing the outer world, its clear that its in full swing. Over the past year, I have prayed countless times for guidance on what is the best process for helping people that are enduring extreme challenges, and painful transitions, when they have not been educated with strong coping skills or given proper support towards knowing the absolute necessity of cultivating resilience. We live in a culture of mind control to shape weak characters, and habits that weaken our mind, body and energy field, so that we are easily overwhelmed by dominating forces and challenges. Life on earth is not easy, it is a tough school of knocks in which we can learn a tremendous amount, especially now. To survive these challenges, we have to look at life on earth as lessons and learning, looking at painful or negative events as an opportunity to see something that we did not see before, or to change how we perceive the world around us. As we learn from our life experiences and we can observe more clearly, we gain more emotional intelligence and the ability to explore our true purpose. Why did you come to earth now? All of us have things to accomplish on earth during the ascension cycle, and these experiences are deeply personal, intimate and unique to who we are. No other person can define the spiritual purpose for another, this is our responsibility to find out. To gain an accurate assessment of the reality we find ourselves, we will need to know ourselves very deeply. We may need to take off the rose colored glasses of denial in order to to see the accurate truth inside things, or we may need to find the light that does exist in the darkness while it sleeps, finding faith, love and acceptance in the spirit of humanity. At the rate of change and transformation we are enduring resilience is an important skill to cultivate for mental and emotional wellbeing.

Stability, Resilience and Tough Times

People may have gathered many delusions in their belief system about what it means to be happy and to feel pleasure, which is instant gratification that is portrayed by the mainstream media and consumptive modeling to make us believe in such fantasies and crafted advertisements as if they are real stories. Instant gratification teaches us little, we cannot learn about ourselves and the world we live in, if we believe instant gratification and selfish desires are the meaning of life. This is a luciferian and satanic narrative to keep us weakened and trapped in material delusions and Service to Self ego games. Learning how to deal with difficulty, being willing to really see the truth of the matter, is much more productive than clinging to an illusion. To feel content and connected, it is required that you learn how to be strong and self reliant, that you pick yourself up after a fall, and that you know how to refocus your mind away from emotional sadness when you don’t succeed or get your needs met. One of the most important skills we need today, is to live in peace with unmet desires and needs. Attachments make us suffer greatly, and as such we should have preferences and not attachment to the outcome. This does not mean you give up, it means you never give up and look at life as lessons that build character and strength, you keep moving forward the best way you know how to in the moment. How can you find the inspiration to persist instead of getting depressed or angry when things go awry, and to accept that they often will. Much of the time, life on planet earth is about conflict resolution and learning how to synthesize energies in the world of extremes, to neutralize polarity and return to peace. How do people deal with difficult events that completely transform and change their lives? The death of a loved one, loss of a job, serious illness, criminal attacks and other traumatic events. These are all examples of very challenging life experiences. Many people react to such difficult circumstances with a flood of strong emotions and a sense of uncertainty and fear, bringing on mental paralysis or anxiety. What enables people to generally adapt well over time to life-changing situations and stressful conditions? Navigating life’s challenges requires life skills. To develop life skills, you have to live through your life, gaining experience, gaining wisdom from hard earned lessons. This process involves resilience, it is an ongoing process that requires time and effort and engages people in taking a number of steps. Developing resilience is a personal journey towards maturity whereby each person will have to choose different approaches in order to build personal resilience. Resilience is an important energy building tool, being resilient also helps to keep healthy boundaries that build a stronger energy field, or aura.

Building Resilience Principles

  • Connect to your higher purpose and meaning in life.
  • Maintain perspective, look for the larger picture.
  • Find ways to implement your unique talents and strengths.
  • Be realistically optimistic, seek truth for accurate assessments.
  • Generate postive feelings and gratitude for what you do have.
  • Be open minded and flexible in situations, be willing to persevere.
  • Reach out to like minded souls, find connection with others that understand.

Learning from the Past Focusing on past experiences and sources of personal strength can help you learn about what strategies for building resilience might work for you. By exploring answers to the following questions about yourself and your reactions to challenging life events, you may discover how you can respond effectively to difficult situations in your life.

Consider the following:

  • What kinds of events have been most stressful for me?
  • How have those events typically affected me?
  • Have I found it helpful to think of important people in my life when I am distressed?
  • To whom have I reached out for support in working through a traumatic or stressful experience?
  • What have I learned about myself and my interactions with others during difficult times?
  • Has it been helpful for me to assist someone else going through a similar experience?
  • Have I been able to overcome obstacles, and if so, how?
  • What has helped make me feel more hopeful about the future?

Emotional Intelligence

To cultivate resilience we will also need to understand emotional intelligence. Over the years, I’ve noticed a theme that the older you are, it may be easier to gain emotional intelligence, some people are very emotionally competent and managing emotions is easy for them. While others have to work a lot harder to tame unruly emotions, and need a different approach to clear pain body impulses. The more experience you have in exploring and managing emotional states, the deeper you know yourself, the easier it is to have emotional intelligence. Younger folks seem to struggle with this more in the current tumultuous terrain. Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to monitor one’s own emotional state and be able to observe other people’s emotions and to distinguish between different emotions and identify them appropriately. When emotional states are able to be observed and discerned for their quality, one may use this emotional sensory information to help guide thinking, behavior and actions. All humans experience some emotional state that help guide our actions in life. As our Emotional Intelligence increases, one will experience a variety of positive transformations in one’s life. Destructive behavior patterns of the past may transform into more positive behavior as one begins to solve the mysterious puzzle of human interactions and gain a quiet and confident understanding of them. Anxiety may yield to more peaceful, tranquil, and contented feelings as ones deeper emotional understanding increases. One starts to gain improved self-confidence and feel empowered, and less confused and frustrated with circumstances. Overall, one can transform from confused to confident; from clueless to comprehending and enlightened, from fragmented to coherent, from shallow to deep, and from oppressed to liberated, as one learns how to become the authentic self. We must remember that we are in a war over control over the mind, and limitations and pain we feel are also created in the mind, which means we have the power to remove and clear them from impacting us. Our goal is to build strength in our inner world via inner reflection and meditation, which is building the energetic strength of our energy field, while learning how to observe and remain neutral to what happens in the outer world. We change the locus of power, giving power to our inner spirit and inner world, while removing external influences form having power over us. This takes some time to master. How do we get there? Building Resilience over time. Thus, this blog is dedicated to inspirations and discussion on building resilience and finding what works as a strategy for you. The energies in the outer world can be tough, harsh, painful and surreal. That is a fact, and it is what it is. The truth is that this does not have to disturb your inner peace, connection and purpose. May we share more about the quality of resilience, knowing we are in this together, and we all have to do our own inner work. I hope this is helpful, and sending much love, strength and peace to all. Love and GSF, Lisa


(Adapted Source: Learning from the Past


~via – Time Shift Blog – November 19, 2018

ALEXANDER PAPAGEORGHIOU: “How To Be A REAL Man In 5D — The New Masculinity”

“In this new age we speak of truth, of the veil lifting and whatever is being left is what was always there. Whatever man one is today, and I speak as a man who has gone full circle on this issue, he was once a boy, he cried, he feared, and he was comforted by a woman who shielded him from harm, who loved him, and taught him she would be there if he ever needed her, his mother. That same boy never went away. He lives in every man.”

~Alexander Papageorghiou


Throughout our lives in the Third Dimension, we have gotten to know a monosyllabic, rugged, brutal, and often cold side of masculinity which has stayed engraved in us. It has become synonymous with our heroes, on the silver screen, in sports, and in our personal lives. 3D Man has been extolled for, or expected to be strong, unwavering, in control and able to deal with any situation. Emotions have been branded as something that must be totally internalized. Showing them has become equitable with weakness and femininity.

Over the years this notion has become engraved in our psyches, whether we like to accept it or not, and thus become as real as we have allowed to be. This perception was manufactured by the society of that time and we have succumbed to this false ideology. We can see it the world over, the mere notion that men are a certain way and women must be a certain way, dictated by gender roles, themselves a fabrication of the 3D male ego. Unfortunately for this old energy, the world has changed, a paradigm shift has occurred, and it now finds itself obsolete, grasping for its last breath.

Our Gender roles are morphing with the Ascension, the judgement, the pressure to be a certain way and the total lie that all this is, is being revealed more day after day. The Male EGO from 3D is being seen as more and more juvenile in its desire to control, rule and avoid accepting its own faults.

The truth is simple and unveiled in 5D. All beings on this planet have emotions, they all experience sadness, love, loneliness. The notion that a real man has to be above all that is the notion that he must be inhuman, since all these things are exactly what makes us human. All these emotions are synonymous with weakness in this faulty mindset, emotions are feminine and femininity, in a man’s eyes, takes a negative connotation. Overall, the 3D Male EGO has been very unevolved and simplistic for the last 5000 years, it couldn’t envision the truth, that emotion is strength, love is strength, and honesty with oneself, the willingness to address the darkest parts of our psyche and to face the real pain, that is the truest form of strength that can exist. The 3D strength exists only in the most superficial of ways and will erode at the first sight of deep emotional upset. In that sense, women immediately have the benefit, the conviviality, the sisterhood, and they do not fear that ever-pervasive word which all men run from at one point or another: LOVE.

In this new age we speak of truth, of the veil lifting and whatever is being left is what was always there. Whatever man one is today, and I speak as a man who has gone full circle on this issue, he was once a boy, he cried, he feared, and he was comforted by a woman who shielded him from harm, who loved him, and taught him she would be there if he ever needed her, his mother. That same boy never went away. He lives in every man. How the male ego, before the Ascension, created and accepted that sentiment, love, and femininity were suddenly a weakness is a mystery, the same energy that brought them into this world, raised them and safeguarded them for so many years.

In every man lives a woman and in every woman lives a man. We are inseparable. The Source has no gender identity. We are merely experiencing this reality in this polarity this time around. Men who wish to evolve and progress with Ascension must accept their right-brain, their femininity, the stream of love, not as a negative thing but as the salvation of their spirit, as the nutrition their heart has needed for so, so long. They need to shed this fear of being vulnerable and accept that by breaking through this they can address the issues that haunt them at their deepest core, and be liberated finally. It is infinitely more difficult to be a man who is honourable, accountable, vulnerable, loving, flexible and willing to change through introspection, than to be a hyper-masculine, bullheaded, closed-off, pugilistic archetypal MAN. There is more juvenile in than man than anything else, and the time to grow up is right now.

A man wrote this, and he has been through the full cycle. It isn’t easy, but nothing real ever is. It is the most gratifying and liberating thing he has ever done. He is now free of the pressure of being what he thought he needed to be a “man”.

Much Love,



