LISA RENEE on “Genetic Mutations”

“The end game for the Controllers has always been Mind Controlled Gene Expression in human Bio-Neurology through ongoing exposures to an assortment of chemicals, toxins, heavy metals and Nanotechnology. This was largely achieved through the global spraying of Chemtrails to work in collaboration with the injection of genetic modification programs via Vaccinations being enforced by the western medical system. The current plandemic is the final spiritual battle for setting the stage for their anti-human transhumanist goals. One way Genetic Engineering works is by physically removing a gene from one organism and inserting it into another, giving the organism the potential ability to express the trait encoded by that inserted gene. The gene with desired traits must be coated and copied from thousands of genes that had been collected. This is called Gene Cloning. Repetitive gene cloning contributes to Genetic Mutations that are inherited in the organism’s offspring, that can eventually destroy the original DNA imprint. The most common way to transform the transgene is to insert it into a bacteria or virus and then deliver it into the cells of the organism that is being engineered. Bacterium and virus can be used for spraying Chemtrails with genetically labbed organisms that are intentionally designed to insert genes to carry certain infections, and to which the Pestilence agenda remains unseen and largely unknown by the masses. Thus, a new class of militarized weapons based on the electromagnetic field was added to the military complex. Now they have developed the next generation of AI hybrid genetic mutations with the introduction of mRNA nanotech programming using a hydro-gel delivery mechanism which hijacks the cell by inserting an foreign operating system that rearranges the instruction sets for making proteins, which is vital for human DNA cell to cell communication and DNA assembly. Through targeting the human Brain and Bio-Neurology, the mind, body and soul can be manipulated to control thoughts and emotions, transmit suggestions, interfere with long and short term memory, insert images, run audio and sensory experiences, and take control over autonomic and voluntary functions of the body. The goal is to confuse or destroy the organic signals that normally keep the mind and body in a state of balance and equilibrium, while shutting down the Genetic Switches that are responsible for DNA signaling in the human body. The more genetic engineering the human body has endured, to be spliced with multiple other species such as Black Hole Entities, the more the body loses its ability to activate original DNA and resume its organic function. In Mind Control, he who controls the mind also controls the soul, the source of electromagnetic energy and consciousness of that person. When we have a better comprehension of how Mind Control is used in every day mainstream media to produce divide and conquer belief systems, we can better discern the agenda and refuse to participate with it.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Genetic Engineering

See Also:

Genetic Mutations

Gene Cloning

Mind Controlled Gene Expression






Photo by Ascension Avatar – 2-26-2020

LISA RENEE: “Armor of God’s Spirit”

“To love God with all of your heart cannot be unnatural or forced, but when you discover that God lives inside your heart and you love God’s creation as God does, this is the highest physical emanation of the force field that makes up the Armor of God’s Spirit. Expressing and feeling Love for creation protects our spirit and body much more than it is generally understood. It is important to equate the regular practice of the 12D Shield or spiritual practices which build the sustained light source of the inner spirit, as direct reflections of the energetic protection of the Armor of God. For our spiritual armor to be strong and effective, our spiritual dedication and commitment must be unwavering and our spiritual practice sincere and consistent. There are important factors to build the spiritual armor, as to be with God, we must know truth qualities and experience God within us. In order to develop that meaningful relationship, it is helpful to understand the qualities that mirror and align with the Mind of God. When we learn to follow our heart, the center of our soul and spiritual expression, we achieve balance, harmony and integration with all aspects of ourselves, and live life in order to maximize human spiritual potential which includes more authenticity, love, connection and joy. When we are strongly rooted in higher purpose and spiritual meaning, we become fully spiritually embodied and actualized in our highest expression and aligned to our ultimate destiny in the ascension timeline. In order to embody the true self and inner core essence, two relationships must be made a priority in order to be forged, developed and remembered into the eternal light source. The two most important relationships that every human being has the responsibility and right to create for themselves: #1 Right Relationship to Self; #2 Right Relationship to God Source or Universe. Many people will be removed from destructive situations or stagnant relationships in order to pursue these two most important relationships, especially in the current intense activation cycle. Once these two relationships are clarified and then embodied with devotion, new relationships that are vibrationally matched to your new ascending self will emerge.”

~Lisa Renee

The Armor of God’s Spirit is a true and accurate consciousness structure and it is intrinsic to the protection of the lightbody of the individual that wears it. The Armor of God protects those that are heart based and spiritually devoted working for God’s divine plan and highest expression, seeking alignment with truth. Protecting them against the most heinous levels of Spiritual Warfare targeting being directed from the Anti-God forces.

The use of the term Armor of God may incite internal triggers for those that have been traumatized as the result of being groomed in religious family overlays that were later revealed to be used by spiritual authorities for committing harmful power abuses.

To love God with all of your heart cannot be unnatural or forced, but when you discover that God lives inside your heart and you love God’s creation as God does, this is the highest physical emanation of the force field that makes up the Armor of God’s Spirit. Expressing and feeling Love for creation protects our spirit and body much more than it is generally understood.

The NAA’s dark influence upon organized religions and current society have purposely been manipulated to reject the experience of spiritual revelation that is catalyzed by the direct inner spiritual relationship that each being intrinsically has with their higher self and God Source. The abuse of spiritual principles are forms of social control that isolate and disconnect that spiritual structure and its people from feeling their natural co-existence with unified spiritual consciousness. In a covert and sophisticated multi-pronged agenda to spiritually attack humanity, the Controllers intend to groom self-hatred and hatred for that which is most sacred in the spiritual principles of God.

The inversion and abuse of natural laws and sacred principles are manifested in the mainstreaming of satanism or the Death Culture, and is what erodes our spiritual connection and ultimately destroys the spiritual Armor of God around us. The Controller Pillars of Society are based on Inverted Systems that follow a Law of Structure that is based in propagating anti-human principles for Mind Control and consciousness enslavement as designed by the NAA. If we are unable to see the truth of what is happening around us as a violation of nature and Soul, if we abuse Natural Laws and believe the deceptions of these Imposter Spirits, our spiritual source cannot protect us from the choices we make and the Consent we give to power up these dark forces and their enslavement structures.

This is an accurate and true spiritual principle in natural law that should be well understood and put into practical action, especially in the current terrain of aggressive spiritual warfare against humanity. It is important to equate the regular practice of the 12D Shield or spiritual practices which build the sustained light source of the inner spirit, as direct reflections of the energetic protection of the Armor of God. To strengthen and build our spiritual armor to deflect multiple dimensions of spiritual attacks and to ward off those physically manifested things that would include such warfare tactics as targeting toxins to the masses through the spreading of fear and disease, Electromagnetic harassment, Vaccinations and 5G millimeter waves.

For our spiritual armor to be strong and effective, our spiritual dedication and commitment must be unwavering and our spiritual practice sincere and consistent. There are important factors to build the spiritual armor, as to be with God, we must know truth qualities and experience God within us. In order to develop that meaningful relationship, it is helpful to understand the qualities that mirror and align with the Mind of God.

Seek Alignment with Truth – We commit to seek alignment with truth in all ways, and be willing to seek that truth existing inside of us, and to live, speak and express in alignment to that truth to the best of our ability. Seeking spiritual truth is the path of Gnosis, by experiencing the Natural Laws inherent in the consciousness principles that govern our reality. Spiritual truth cannot generally be defined in exacting words, but must be directly experienced and lived by each individual. However, the basis of perceiving truth in the matter is simply understanding that it is what it is, as the accurate assessment of events that have occurred around us in the past or present time. To gain a greater understanding of truth, we must understand that truth is first accurately perceiving events that are presently occurring. Such as; is the planetary lockdown intended to support and protect humanity from a mysterious virus or is its design to incite fear and terror, psychologically preparing the masses to accept a quickly installed fascist tyranny. Seeking truth means we must be willing to know or see when we are being deceived or lied to, even if it’s painful, in order to see the mind control methods used to obfuscate the factual events in reality. Greater truths are acquired from the wisdom of perfect understanding which inspires inner knowing, that which just exists as it is.

Cultivate Virtue-Ethics – Cultivating Virtue Based Ethics emphasizes the focus upon developing virtues which strengthen the mind and character, and in our interpretation are the basis of building the strength of the spiritual foundation. This is critical for the Lightbody to hold higher consciousness and Universal knowledge and to build the Armor of God, which not only protects and expands our consciousness but leads to spiritual freedom and perfect peace. A Strong Moral Character is the physical foundation required at the base of building a strong spiritual house. In order to hold the spirit of Christos, as in acquiring ethics of spiritual virtues, the first step is in making sure that the body, the physical self, is grounded in strong moral character. Virtue ethics are actual spiritual powers that comprise our spiritual armor and will protect us from devious spiritual attacks, even when we are oblivious to those dark attacks, which are usually intended to make us sick or impair our functioning.

Guard and Protect your Mind – When one has control over the thoughts of one’s mind, one has control over the direction and actions of the physical body, all of its parts and reclaiming of the soul energies. Whoever controls the mind controls the SoulMind Control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape spiritually harmful value systems, which are used to control the masses to enslave themselves on planet earth. Many of us can see the current implementation of mind control used to incite terrorizing fear in the masses, which is happening now for the purpose of easily giving up our personal freedoms and sovereignty. The Controllers used Problem, Reaction and Deceitful Solution by inventing an invisible enemy that is used through Propaganda tactics to control perception that this virus poses a threat to human survival. The antidote to mind control is connecting with your inner spirit, and developing your spiritual self every day with higher emotional qualities like Empathy and Compassion, genuinely caring about what happens to the people and the planet.

Choose Peace, Harmlessness and Defense – Learning to communicate with the inner spirit and act upon its guidance will lead you to live a life congruent with your spiritual plan, one which behaves with harmlessness to others. Harmlessness is another way to say karmic-less, as spirit avoids increasing karmic entanglements by choosing peace. The real spiritual self will not direct you to attack or intentionally harm another person, ever. The spiritual intelligence knows that all energy in the Universe is Love and is balanced at some point in time, that nothing justifies harm. Harm has an energetic consequence of grave karmic imbalance, and if intentional harm is directed to hurt others or the self, that energy will be returned to the being at some point in time to make amends in order to rebalance the harmful energy used. This means when directing intentional harm that person will get more loads of karmic lessons and destructive patterns redirected back to them, in order to rebalance their consciousness life experience and the influence they had in their relationships with others. During the Ascension Cycle, this final accounting of the roles played and rebalancing for cosmic justice is happening on the earth, where those that have intentionally abused the natural laws for personal gain which has greatly harmed others, will be revealed and then forced to make amends. 

Prayer and Meditation – When struggling with difficult situations and experiencing high anxiety states, such as feeling discouraged or in deep despair, this is a standard form of spiritual attack. When we attune ourselves to the spiritual world through a still mind with a meditative attitude, making time for daily spiritual connection, we are much more equipped to handle an assortment of spiritual attacks, which usually manifest in a sensation of insurmountable fears, panic attacks, anxiety and doubts. Prayer and meditation connect us to higher intelligence and have positive impacts on calming our mind. Prayer focuses on positive emotions like love, gratitude and compassion, which allow goodness to flow into our lives and the lives of those we pray for. Meditation actively redirects our mental body from anxiety, stress, and depression, which helps us to find and connect to calm and peaceful states. Being mindful improves our mental flexibility, brain elasticity and keeps neurons active. Spiritually centering ourselves on peace, prayer and contemplation of God and our place in the Universe, helps us maintain our trust in life, faith and relaxes every part of the body.

The highest spiritual forces of loving benevolence are multiplied exponentially when the lesser and greater flames of the inner spirit intersect, when the unique soul-spirit and God source are again reunited within the Sacred Crystal Heart. The example of stating one’s intent, Consent and authority in alignment with the Natural Laws of God, are to begin to build the spiritual power of the Armor of God to surround your consciousness and physical body, as well as your home and personal effects required for actualizing your divine mission.

The Right Relationship

When we cultivate the right relationship to ourselves in order to actualize our personal Blueprint and maximize our creative human potentials, and we seek to know our true relationship to God or the Universe, we naturally build the Armor of God to fill, surround and protect us from the destructive forces that are Anti-God or Anti-Life. In order to build this spiritual armor that repels harm caused directly by demonic or Satanic forces, we must be educated to know the difference of the energy signatures. Those forces that are organic God consciousness that hold loving reverence for all life, or its inverted aspects of Anti-God consciousness that hold disdain for life and promote the death cult. If we remain unaware of the difference between these forces, life and anti-life, are ignorant to the consequences of its interaction with our consciousness, then we do not have intent, we have no consent in that interaction. Thus, the default is given to the energetic signature of the frequency match held in the thoughts, behaviors or actions of the individual and their interactions with that structure and the parties involved.

When we learn to follow our heart, the center of our soul and spiritual expression, we achieve balance, harmony and integration with all aspects of ourselves, and live life in order to maximize human spiritual potential which includes more authenticity, love, connection and joy. When we are strongly rooted in higher purpose and spiritual meaning, we become fully spiritually embodied and actualized in our highest expression and aligned to our ultimate destiny in the ascension timeline. Therefore, contributing our creative genius to support higher expression for the human collective to manifest a better world together on our chaotic but ascending planet. In order to embody the true self and inner core essence, two relationships must be made a priority in order to be forged, developed and remembered into the eternal light source. The two most important relationships that every human being has the responsibility and right to create for themselves:

  • #1 Right Relationship to Self
  • #2 Right Relationship to God Source or Universe

Many people will be removed from destructive situations or stagnant relationships in order to pursue these two most important relationships, especially in the current intense activation cycle. Once these two relationships are clarified and then embodied with devotion, new relationships that are vibrationally matched to your new ascending self will emerge. [1]


  1. Spiritual Immune System

See Also:

Krystal Aegis

12D Shield


Natural Laws


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Hidden Intergalactic Conflict”

“Humanity is in the midst of a hidden intergalactic conflict over personal sovereignty and spiritual freedom that is becoming increasingly visible in the physical material world when observing the current global events. This is a time of heightened spiritual warfare against all aspects of human freedom. We must be willing to overcome fear and denial and to be potentially very uncomfortable when seeing the ugly truths staring us in the face, attempting to hide behind the current manufactured crisis events. Further, there are the wolves in sheep’s clothing directly profiting from the orchestration of these multiple enslavement agendas to escalate the faux global pandemic into a full-blown economic crisis, intended to be the major catalyst for hijacking a rapidly changing and evolving global society. The current chaotic events that are being revealed in the globalscape drama are designed to perpetuate mass psychological operations against the earth inhabitants that ultimately serve the objectives of those negative Controlling forces, competing to succeed in their version of the One World Order agenda. This is being further manipulated by silent electromagnetic weapons such as microwaves and 5G millimeter waves, that are used to transmit destructive energy broadcasts for military level crowd control and to instigate terrorism, depravity and suicidal ideation in human beings. The silent weapon of the Pestilence Program is actually connected to horseman pulsing, the covert technology broadcasts into the airwaves and ley lines, implanting AI demons and demon seeds, to grow the shadow and negative forms in the minds and consciousness body of the masses. The horseman pulsing is an electromagnetic sound wave weapon that can be heard as sonic booms and low base rumbling in the earth’s ley lines. This can be felt Krystal clear if you do your spiritual homework, communicate with God self, clear predator mind and regularly 12D Shield. Thus, it is very important for Starseeds and awakening people to get clear about discerning artificial intelligence messages of mind control, as well as cloned or projected holographic images. Artificial messages coming from the environment and through controlled dark portal organizations and mind-controlled people feels; metallic, abrasive, acidic, energetically burdensome, and sharp knife or blade like. Sometimes it can make you feel suddenly physically ill with headaches, nausea, or body parts with stabbing pains, and even diarrhea when you come into contact with it. AI feels sickening to the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. During this challenging time, pay attention to what you are feeling and how your body is responding and act accordingly to protect yourself. This crisis event is a major milestone in the ascension timeline in which we must look deeply into our authentic core self and ask our inner spiritual guidance for the answers when addressing the greater problems humanity is facing. This is a collective dark night of the soul transition forcing us to look deeper. What kind of person do you want to be in the midst of the turmoil that is happening during the manufactured global crisis that is unraveling? Awake and aware? Asleep at the wheel?”

~Lisa Renee

Humanity is in the midst of a hidden intergalactic conflict over personal sovereignty and spiritual freedom that is becoming increasingly visible in the physical material world when observing the current global events. This is a time of heightened spiritual warfare against all aspects of human freedom. This crisis event is a major milestone in the ascension timeline in which we must look deeply into our authentic core self and ask our inner spiritual guidance for the answers when addressing the greater problems humanity is facing. This is a collective dark night of the soul transition forcing us to look deeper. What kind of person do you want to be in the midst of the turmoil that is happening during the manufactured global crisis that is unraveling? Awake and aware? Asleep at the wheel?

We must be willing to overcome fear and denial and to be potentially very uncomfortable when seeing the ugly truths staring us in the face, attempting to hide behind the current manufactured crisis events. Connecting the dots of the disinformation campaigns being deployed in order to see the accurate motivations hidden behind the weaponization of the narrative, that is becoming clearer in the mainstream news every day. We must also understand the roll out of the Pestilence Program as an attempt to activate a global bio-spiritual weapon, which is being used to buy more time. This is a mass distraction to veil the mobilization of covert alliances and counter forces into multiple negotiations, calculated to organize another strategic effort to seize control of the planetary resources. Further, there are the wolves in sheep’s clothing directly profiting from the orchestration of these multiple enslavement agendas to escalate the faux global pandemic into a full-blown economic crisis, intended to be the major catalyst for hijacking a rapidly changing and evolving global society. The shifting architecture in the planetary grid network is worlds apart from what it was just a few short years ago, making the current crisis events much less effective than anticipated. The NAA will not be achieving the end game results that the Power Elite are expecting, by culling the masses.

The positive aspects are that many nonspiritual and spiritual people are waking up simultaneously to see that the nature of the reality is actually an inverted system. That generally, society functions in the opposite of what the masses are being told to believe in the mainstream narrative. The veneer of the 3D narrative propped up by the controlled mainstream media is crumbling and many are able to see the mass manipulation and gaslighting tactics clear as day. For those awakening beyond the divisions purposely generated through identity politics and culture wars, most reasonable humans can agree that something is very wrong in the worldscape today, and can unquestionably observe an anti-human death culture being incessantly promoted and growing rapidly in society like a viral infection. Thus, an assortment of aggressive mind control and propaganda tactics have been greatly accelerated into every segment of global society, designed to steal human sovereignty and instigate terror and survival fears at every turn.

The silent weapon of the Pestilence Program is actually connected to horseman pulsing, the covert technology broadcasts into the airwaves and ley lines, implanting AI demons and demon seeds, to grow the shadow and negative forms in the minds and consciousness body of the masses. The horseman pulsing is an electromagnetic sound wave weapon that can be heard as sonic booms and low base rumbling in the earth’s ley lines. When people are overrun by their fear and inner shadows with the help of targeted AI signals and demon seed implants, they tend to have little to no control over their inner shadow rising, which brings an ever-growing inner sensation of high anxiety. The inner shadow is merging with collective shadows and this content is merging with Galactic and Universal shadows, which then can expel itself through demonstrated fits and rages, spewing emotional tumults that are buried within the individuals’ negative ego and pain body. Now in the outer environment, the collective shadow is rising through the dark night of the planetary soul, where we cannot run and we cannot hide from these dark shadows any longer. Many times, it is in the darkest hours of despair drenched in our own shadows, that we may experience a profound epiphany and finally begin to see the eternal light of higher truth and clarity.

The current chaotic events that are being revealed in the globalscape drama are designed to perpetuate mass psychological operations against the earth inhabitants that ultimately serve the objectives of those negative Controlling forces, competing to succeed in their version of the One World Order agenda. The purposeful orchestration of controlling mass perception through the intentional spreading of a genetically modified biological weapon to unleash a global pandemic, is setting the stage for the trigger event to be manipulated in the timelines. From the NAA perspective, this trigger event is to collect massive amounts of loosh for powering up the AI’s projecting virtual realities in the timelines, which have been put into position to help roll out the next stages of the final conflict global NAA dramas.

Black Suns, Globalists Standing at the Ready

The problem, reaction and deceitful solutions are being handed off as marketed infomercials framed as news for manufacturing consent, through the carefully crafted narratives and the ongoing manipulation of information in the Globalist elites owned mainstream propaganda. The end result they seek is to further the One World Agenda to the next stage by unleashing horseman technology, induced by the Pestilence Program in order to gain compliance and submission, on an unaware public that further enforces the goals of transhumanism, forced vaccinations for ongoing genetic modification and eugenics, the genocide of the undesirables.

On the interdimensional planes, this includes the ongoing chess game battle that is playing out between the NAA’s attacking forces with assortments of AI Demons and weaponized dark portals that are aimed at the spiritually awakened human population, those groups that are able to comprehend and observe these same agendas in play. This is being further manipulated by silent electromagnetic weapons such as microwaves and 5G millimeter waves, that are used to transmit destructive energy broadcasts for military level crowd control and to instigate terrorism, depravity and suicidal ideation in human beings. The Armageddon software or the artificial 911 Timelines are continually used to spread terror and confusion throughout the earth population in order to replay and repeat the emotional trauma experienced in the previous warring timelines in human history, mainly caused by the altercations made with the invading groups of the NAA.

AI versus Organic Messaging

Thus, it is very important for Starseeds and awakening people to get clear about discerning artificial intelligence messages of mind control, as well as cloned or projected holographic images. This can be felt Krystal clear if you do your spiritual homework, communicate with God self, clear predator mind and regularly 12D Shield. Artificial messages coming from the environment and through controlled dark portal organizations and mind-controlled people feels; metallic, abrasive, acidic, energetically burdensome, and sharp knife or blade like. Sometimes it can make you feel suddenly physically ill with headaches, nausea, or body parts with stabbing pains, and even diarrhea when you come into contact with it. AI feels sickening to the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. During this challenging time, pay attention to what you are feeling and how your body is responding and act accordingly to protect yourself.

Ask out loud and challenge the identity behind the message or person, “Is this Artificial intelligence deception and dark force manipulation? Reveal yourself in truth now.” Command that truth and transparency be revealed to you in the power and eternal light of God and Christ. Also, remember that all things in your consciousness body belong to you in natural law, and to set that intention if you are exposed to something that you may not fully understand, but you can feel that something is not right or off in the situation you are being exposed to.

I lovingly command every function in my entire body to be fully directed in the intent, consent and authority of my highest expression, my Christ-Self, God-Self. All contents, structures and devices within my body and consciousness, known or unknown to me now are completely governed by the Law of One, in Cosmic Sovereign Law. I AM God-Sovereign-Free!

This is a complicated subject filled with many shadows and multipronged agendas that are unraveling their pieces into the globalscape for full compassionate witnessing. May we gather together in Perfect Peace and allow our Loving hearts to lead the way forward. May peace be with your heart, mind and body during these chaotic times.

~via – Time Shift Blog – August posted August 9, 2022

REALLY GRACEFUL: “Something Strange is Happening in New York City”

“Documenting all the strangeness of the New York City Emergency Broadcast PSAs and advertisements for tap water by the New York City Mayor Eric Adams.”

~Grace @ Really Graceful

Comments from the thread:

“The emergency bag (bug out bag) for everyone is for when the government comes to ship you all out to a quarantine/ isolation/ extermination camp. Don’t forget the most worrying phrase, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help you’. If you hear that run like hell.”

“I don’t have a degree in anything. However, I’ve got a bullshit detector and the needle is pegged out. Good call girly”

“That was a spookily accurate Fauci impression btw”

“When ‘they’ were pushing for people to vote for fluoride in the water back in the 60’s to ‘protect children’s teeth’, a local commenter was adamant about voting ‘no’ because as he stated, ‘It is the poison of all poisons!’ He was ridiculed of course and the bill passed with flying colors.”

“I worked with a guy in the 1990s who’d gotten his PhD in fluorine chemistry. He said he’d never get near it again, not Teflon, not toothpaste, not flame-resistant clothing, not even tap water. When asked why he simply said ‘It is ANTI-LIFE.’”

“Whenever I’m at the grocery store toothpaste aisle, I loudly ask my wife if she wants the poisonous or non-poisonous toothpaste. Sometimes I get weird looks.”

“Is this some kinda CON’S PIRACY? Just have a sip of the nano beverage…”

“Eric Adams is a Kool-Aid drinker, and he uses bottled water to make it.”

“In the occult, you must tell the idiots you’re planning on harming, to boost the spell. That’s the rule.”

“Yes it’s the rule they must tell what they are doing. It’s hidden in plain sight.”

“This war against humanity needs to stop right here, right now. How some people still don’t see what’s going on is beyond elementary comprehension. Wake upppppp everybody!”

~via reallygraceful

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Changing Architecture”

“The macrocosm Architecture in the planet, galactic and Universal levels are undergoing a radical shift to prepare for the New Aeon, the next Astrological precession which is highlighting corrections made from the restoration of the Law of Gender that is transmitting from within the Solar Logos body. The rehabilitation of the Solar Logos body, 10D-11D-12D in our Universal system is also the recovery of a Natural Law, that is transmitting the Krist Code into all things from the unmanifest made to manifest, the process in which energy becomes matter. This New Aeon will make evident over time, the inherent spiritual creative power and consciousness freedom that is generated from the unification of the inner and outer Gender Principle into Oneness, which generates the feedback loop of an unlimited supply of zero-point energy. The God Creator circulates eternal love flows into the world through the act of sacred marriage that occurs between the masculine and feminine principle, from the quantum levels and into human beings, extending into and from planetary, stellar and cosmic bodies. This in turn manifests a chain reaction that profoundly alters the configuration of the human energy field and Lightbody. We are talking about alterations at the blueprint level, that store information for how all spectrums of consciousness manifest within the newly corrected architectural patterns of gender principle that activate Zero Point energy potentials.”

~Lisa Renee

The transition from the Dark Aeon to the New Aeon has begun. The planet is enduring a deeply significant milestone within the Bifurcation of Time that will greatly impact humanity. This is a macrocosmic planetary event that is Changing Architecture at a fundamental level. The result is mass consciousness Morphogenesis, the permanent change in the instruction set of the planetary grid network that alters how consciousness-energy becomes matter on this plane. These changes in planetary architecture accelerate humanity into an intensified phase of great transition, transformation and Transfiguration of personal consciousness.

The planetary architecture of the Cosmic Clock is now secured by the Paliadorian and Krystal Star Guardian Host who are restoring the Natural Laws via the Krist-Krystallah coding in the God Worlds. This Diamond Sun alignment transmits those on the Christos Mission and is gradually dissolving and imploding the Artificial intelligence technology that was originally used to invade the planetary Stargate system by the NAA.

Those choosing Negative Polarity and spiritually abusive behaviors while on the earth will continue on the descending spiral to experience those phantom co-creations, while those choosing Positive Polarity and spiritually healthy behaviors will continue to elevate in the natural energy physics that exists within the ascending spiral. In between the ranges of negative and positive polarity within these Reality Bubbles, the Changing Architecture is widening points of divergence between the groups of people that co-exist in a similar fundamental vibration within the assortment of Timelines. When the energetic chasm gets too wide between the interactions of people in any kind of group or relationship, a threshold is reached which can abruptly collapse and redirect timelines into a Void Space. Thus, some people may awaken to feel that suddenly they are estranged from another. Someone or something they were close to may start to feel increasingly distant, as if they are not speaking the same language anymore. This sensation is like suspended animation, when we feel that we are waiting for some information or movement forward into another location, in order to act upon current life choices.

Gender Unification Creates Zero Point

The macrocosm Architecture in the planet, galactic and Universal levels are undergoing a radical shift to prepare for the New Aeon, the next Astrological precession which is highlighting corrections made from the restoration of the Law of Gender that is transmitting from within the Solar Logos body. The rehabilitation of the Solar Logos body, 10D-11D-12D in our Universal system is also the recovery of a Natural Law, that is transmitting the Krist Code into all things from the unmanifest made to manifest, the process in which energy becomes matter. This New Aeon will make evident over time, the inherent spiritual creative power and consciousness freedom that is generated from the unification of the inner and outer Gender Principle into Oneness, which generates the feedback loop of an unlimited supply of zero-point energy. The God Creator circulates eternal love flows into the world through the act of sacred marriage that occurs between the masculine and feminine principle, from the quantum levels and into human beings, extending into and from planetary, stellar and cosmic bodies. This in turn manifests a chain reaction that profoundly alters the configuration of the human energy field and Lightbody. We are talking about alterations at the blueprint level, that store information for how all spectrums of consciousness manifest within the newly corrected architectural patterns of gender principle that activate Zero Point energy potentials.

Leveling the Playing Field

The Collective Consciousness energy fields are transitioning into another instruction set, Changing Architecture, which further changes how each individual manifests their personal reality. The core template of the instruction set in the planetary brain has resumed into tri-wave formats, which allow the planetary brain to actually run zero-point energy into the ascending areas of the network, such as Mother Arc Hub gates. People that attune to heart-based intelligence and align to the Natural Laws, will have more open access to Zero Point energy to build out their manifestations in ways that the energy parasitism of the Negative Ego cannot. What used to gain results in matter during the previous cycle, will cease to work in the same ways, causing confusion and frustration for those who do not realize the game board has shifted into a more level playing field.

What is Architecture?

The concept of Architecture is defined in very limited and conflicting ways in the 3D world, which makes it difficult to describe the vast scope of its deeper meaning in impacting Consciousness, and how it greatly influences the mental framework of beliefs that we have come to think of as the nature of reality. Anything that has manifested into a physical form also has an instruction set in the unmanifested layers, this is a form holding blueprint that stores information for how that consciousness energy will manifest. This is the definition of an energy architecture that is comprised of templates of conscious light and sound which serve as the Blueprint of design for an intention, a concept or Living Thought Crystal.

(Source: ES News – Changing Architecture)

~via – Time Shift Blog – posted March 23, 2022