LISA RENEE on “Total Solar Eclipse”

“A solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partly obscuring the image of the Sun for a viewer on Earth. A Total Solar Eclipse occurs when the Moon‘s apparent diameter is larger than the Sun’s, blocking all direct sunlight, turning day into darkness. The Moon is an artificial satellite is that is locked into orbit with the earth body’s magnetic core. It was brought here during the last war between the Pleiadeans and Reptilians. The moon is a craft stolen from war and stripped to be refitted for its current use as a Reptilian and Zeta Grey Alien base. Apparently, there are many beings living inside of it, even now. Its use was for practical reasons to be able to have a “moon base” in close proximity to monitor and adjust the magnetic fields of the planet. The Moon base has technology that keeps the magnetic spin rates that keep the connections open to the wormholes they have created. Our solar system is damaged because these entities were creating rips and holes in time as well as, inorganic wormholes. Recently, solar plasma emissions interacting with Earth’s ionosphere rapidly changed the shape and direction of the magnetic field, as well as generating geomagnetic storms, auroras and increased the range of the earth’s plasma fountain. It is clear evidence that we are undergoing an intense Solar Initiation of radiating plasmic light, as well as enduring the upcoming total eclipse event, which is rapidly progressing humanities evolution on our chosen spiritual journey upon this earth. This Total Solar Eclipse has special consideration in the activation of the north node in the Four Royal Stars, sitting in the northern position of Regulus, which is the dominant star in the Leo constellation. The number 23 is assigned to Regulus in Leo for the Royal Star of the Lion, and as such there are occult rituals that use the number 23 for amplifying Black Magic Grids and their anti-life structures. It is the reason that the Number 23 appears in many different levels of manipulated events on the planet, as well as used in occult ritual to manipulate outcomes. Well we now know why. If we use the number 23 in occult ritual we are tapping into the manipulated mind control field of the artificial Lunar Forces. If we do not utilize our sovereignty and self determination in God’s authority we become subjected to these magnetic forces controlling us into a subverted reality of mind control. Mind Control creates psychotic break and is the reason for these inorganic ‘lunar/luna’ consciousness episodes in people seeking illumination through the mind. These people go insane. 115 years ago, NAA Alien Abductee cooperates with Zeta infiltration of Earth grid networks, sets up Satanic Black Magic, Blood Sacrifice and portals that become Human Energy harvesting networks. Enochian and Thoth-Annunaki Thelema Language, OTO. The collective consciousness of Black Magic Grids were controlled and installed by the manipulated Consciousness of an Atlantian teacher and Solar Lord archetype — Aleister Crowley and his mentor Thoth and the Negative Aliens to increase the embodiment of Satanic forces on the earth. Crowley’s influence into the mainstream was used to gain popularity into controlling the masses, because NAA religion was losing its grip of Mind Control. The manipulation of consciousness technology and the world of forces for Service to Self and Negative Ego purposes without regard to the consent or consequence of others. There are many different levels of the propagation of Black Magic. Black Magic is a form of Satanism. For many eons, as appearing in our mythological archetypes, humans have inherently understood the lunacy in the Lunar Forces. However, as one is being accelerated into Spiritual Initiation into higher frequencies which instigate DNA Activation, such as when the Lightbody connects with the transmission of solar Plasmas and the shifting foundation as a result of the total solar eclipse, many people may experience a range of Ascension Symptoms. Many of these symptoms are related to the movement and clearing of energy blockages, and the detoxification from the toxic waste releases which is known as die-off. During spiritual activation and the subsequent die-off phase, one may experience Ascension Symptoms, like Ascension flu and exhaustion. The immune system is essentially rearranging the body’s Grounding Mechanism, and resetting the metabolic and homeostatic base levels for the necessary higher functioning of the body to be capable to embody higher solar frequencies in the cells. Eclipses shift the foundation and the structure of cosmic order to push consciousness evolution into another pathway, the result is a shakedown of the status quo and breaking up of stagnant energies. Along with the sensation of being squeezed through the eye of a needle, in order to come out on the other side into completely different situations or even as a different and changed person.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Total Solar Eclipse / Moon / Number 23 / Zeta / Black Magic Grids

‘QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE’ ~ “Is the Frequency in Our Cells and Brains Causing Us to Feel Ungrounded and Take Naps?”


“Is the frequency in our cells and brains being raised up and reordered causing us to feel ungrounded and take naps?


“Yes. The Schumann Resonance of earth is changing and what we were used to had a certain phasing, this had a certain rhythm to it. The global brain, the magnetic field of earth is changing. Our interface and connection to the earth, our sleep state, our grounding mechanism is starting to change also, so many of us are feeling this disorientation during this time. We may require cycles of lots of sleep. The frequency changes result in brain upgrades and the neural net which causes a conflict between the operating hemispheres in our brain, making us feel tired. The brain chemistry and the brain waves that we were used to having when we were ‘awake’ and ‘asleep’ are shifting frequencies. This changes what is called the circadian rhythm, the natural biorhythm and movement of our body in respect to planetary energies, such as when we are awake and when we are asleep. Sometimes the brain is operating with brain waves that the body remembers used to be when we were in a sleep state.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “January 22, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Krystal explores Greenville, a Friendly City in the US, and Grace from Belgium shares the vibrant spirit of the Filipino Community. In New Earth News: we are learning about Off Planet Remote Viewing; Yard Work for Credit; and other topics! In World News: China Stock Decline; Nigerians No Electricity; Berlin Rental Market; Swedish Citizens Stop Smoking; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings (Kim’s report begins at the 37:00 mark).

~via United Network News

‘MUST-WATCH’!!! ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “January 19, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Susan explores an Art Exhibition in Japan, and Florian enjoys Ski Mountaineering in Austria. In New Earth News: we are learning about Good Reasons for Saying No; Library of Things; and other topics! In World News: Ireland Public Sector Strike; Argentina High Inflation; Comoros Night Curfew; Australia Blackouts; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

Kim & Tom discuss the issuance & circulation of ‘funny money’ by the Order of the Black Dragon’:

(KIM): “So this has been going on for a long time. Remember, the Order of the Black Suns’ job is, quote unquote — ‘Global Security’ (winces). Not really, not. Not to OUR favor. Security for the Elites, and the financial and a number of other sectors were handled by the Order of the Dragon — which is no longer the case, either. So then after the pallets of cash started to fail, they moved into these these Iraqi ‘dinar’ — and they started paying everyone from ISIS to the Taliban to Blackwater, to all the operatives, to you know, countries and this, and ‘these new dinar that are gonna revaluate’ you know, and that kind of started to go to the wayside a few years ago, which is why they introduced — now the currency of the Underworld was the US Treasury (bit)coin — so ‘digital currency’. And they started giving that to everybody. And everybody worked and worked and worked you know, for these wallets that just never came to fruition… don’t forget ‘Trump Bucks’. Zelensky even has Trump Bucks — if he could cash them in. And then they started scamming people out of money, the same group of people — I know people are gonna have a heart attack when I say Bush, AND TRUMP — are in the same group of people with the Clintons — there’s videos all over the place of him (Trump) supporting the Clintons and being at events, and galas and what not with the Clintons. But Tom am I right here?”

(TOM): “No, you’re absolutely right. Coming from that world, I could tell you they —- just like all of the major corporations of the world — all the Elitist families are interlinked, bred into, utilized. Utilized, because now they have something on everybody. It’s all interlinked. From Trump’s family lineage to Bush’s family lineage, and Rothschild — all of them are interlinked in some way. It’s sad, because we were never told any of this. And so, quite in essence, we have to change everything. Just scrap it all and start again. Because there is nobody out there that you can trust. Nobody — because they just want to continue with — “The Narrative”.

(KIM): “Right. And the only difference here in my opinion, between Trump and Bush is that Bush was a little better if a liar, to get people to work. Because you know Trump was so arrogant, he put his face on currency and talked about Federal Reserve cards and ‘Trump’ this and ‘Trump’ that you know, and then you know, had said they were gonna be cashable in the future — a day ending with ‘y’ — in the future. Just keep goin’ operatives — just keep goin’. Just keep goin’, everyday average folk who bought into it and bought those cards, and bought those bucks…”

Kim & Tom ~ January 19, 2024

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings (Kim’s report begins at the 37:00 mark).

~via United Network News

MUST SEE!!! ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “January 17, 2024 World Situation Report”

Ascension Avatar note: As a rule, I selectively provide links to site sources that have a track record of posting only TRUE news and updates; in that sense I regret having to use Nicole Morgan’s site for a link to this video, since I feel she basically posts whatever will be popular and generate viewership, whether it is truthful OR controlled-opposition propaganda. Fortunately for humanity and for the sake of our planet, planetary Guardian Alliance steward/host Kim gives us the TRUTH we all deserve to know!

On politicians:

“Again, I’m going to repeat myself — they are actors in a movie. They are actors in a movie. They may be arrogant, rude, disgusting humans in some cases as we’ve seen in some videos circulating around the internet — from politicians not only from the United States, but from China to Russia to the Middle East — we’ve seen it all, you know. We KNOW the rituals, we KNOW what happens. But right now — it’s gonna stop at the OPERATIVES level — because the OPERATIVES are the ones that provide them with the CHILDREN. The OPERATIVES are the ones that arrange for all the deals that are being made. Davos here is no exception. Operatives at Davos are in for a REAL TREAT today. And have BEEN in for a real treat. SO — there’s no backing down now. There’s no going backwards.”

~Kimberly Goguen ~ January 17, 2024

Comment from the thread:

“When will she release the Trump child birthday party sacrifice video? Look what Princess Diana missed… But Barron was there… He got to watch his dad eat-consume a little girl… along with all his elite globalist ghoul friends.”


(Kim’s report begins @ 41:00 mark)

~via United Network News