WHO ARE ‘THE GUARDIANS’? ~ LISA RENEE on “Guardian Defender Forces & Special Operation Team Projects”

“There are realms where groups exist that are called the Defender Forces of the Cosmic Sovereign Law. These defender forces are a part of those higher level light beings that are willing to lose their status of existing in a purely blissful or heavenly realm in order to come into a body and potentially lose their access into the free worlds, because they want to defend God’s Sovereign Law of One in the lower creation realms or throughout various worlds undergoing evolutionary transition. The first time that I became aware of the Defender Forces, because I had never heard of them before, was in April of 2008, when I was asked to open a Stargate in the Himalayan area. Sometimes as a part of my job down here, I am called upon in the middle of the night in sort of crisis setting when they need a point person to be able to open or create a Handshake Hub or an open portal field in a certain location. This was one of these cases. So in April of 2008, I woke up into remote viewing a part of my Consciousness body, and I was in a valley in between the Himalayan mountains, and my team from upstairs said to open the gate from this location now, right now! It felt as if there was an urgency in the timing, and to get in and out quickly. And as we opened the gate, a bunch of Defender Forces and Guardian beings came dropping in from above me. It would seem like they were dropping in parachutes from the sky, but they weren’t. My team said these are the Defender Forces and from then on I knew the Defender Forces were here on the earth and they were part of defending the Cosmic Sovereign Law for earth and humanity. So in my experience, the Defender Forces are very much a part of the Guardian host families. They are a section of light beings that work as sentinels and gatekeepers to support those of us that are incarnated here and working with the Cosmic Sovereign Law. With the return of the Solar Rishi into dimensionalization, there are many Special Operation Teams forming now that are strategically organized to find souls in very fragile states or delicate situations, based upon the level of trauma that has been suffered as a result of repeatedly incarnating on a Prison Planet. The Special Operation Teams are under the umbrella of the Interdimensional Free World Councils and Defender Guardian Forces that have expertise in certain skill sets that are needed to identify, locate, remove and repair an assortment of traumatic issues that have contributed to soul fracturing, excessive spiritual trauma and Consciousness Traps. This includes exposures to the alien machinery and nets embedded in the earth which have functions for operating such things as electrocution fences, blank slating, alien implants, electromagnetic weaponry, genetic experiments, alien hybridization, technological mind control programs, AI assimilation transhuman experiments, timeline distortion and blending realities, inserting false memories and identities, astral raping and guarding soul prison colonies scattered upon the earth and other planets. The process of liberating earth from being used as a prison colony and Satanic ritual abuse human farming system by the NAA forces, is directly relative to the spiritual ascension cycle and ultimately achieving planetary emancipation. They ensure that the beings that are here on earth during Ascension cycle that are working with Christic principles will not be enslaved in the higher realms or get trapped in the phantom realms because there’s a lot of those dark shenanigans that are still being played out. In what I call the smash and grab phenomena, where you have dark entities or beings that are still confused about what’s going on during the Bifurcation, and frantically attack or are desperately grabbing pieces that they can grab on their way out. And that’s really what we are dealing with now with the intense forces of chaos, a type of thuggery similar to smash and grab. We are enduring the most difficult time cycle of the Planetary Emancipation now, in which we are waiting for critical mass for a Full Disclosure Event to wake up those completely brainwashed by the cabal plandemic death cult, those that are willingly participating in the spread of worldwide genocidal agendas at the behest of Archontic Controllers. Current Guardian Projects are focused upon the Electric War and the Gaian Matrix phantom timelines from millions of years ago, when the installation of sophisticated black hole technology from invading Wesa entities to generate soul capture devices through layers of frequency fences and AI nets permeated into layers of our time matrix system. Thus, a Special Operation Team for accessing the Gaian Matrix in pre-fall timelines to retrieve original Azurite identities that were lost during the invasion is happening now, which is a critical development in reclaiming Azurite 48 stranded DNA cellular memories. Working up to handle this next stage of planetary emancipation gridwork has been very tough, in terms of physical symptoms to embody the Solar Rishic braids. The soul prison colonies or consciousness traps are guarded by AI assimilated entities and interdimensional machinery that have been engineered to perform this specific function as the border guards of the matrix. This is for the purpose of keeping spiritually activated souls or powerful Christos warriors from leaving the boundaries of their dimensional control through electrocution via frequency fences, electromagnetic targeting, Mind Wiping and attaching false identities. To avoid these traps, we must know they exist and focus our mind to identify the differences between artificial technology used as consciousness traps, and organic creator code consciousness that is directly connected to the Zero Point and God Source. There are many of us that may be starting to remember that we are a part of these Defender Forces or Special Operation Teams, that are involved in multidimensional soul retrievals, finding and escorting groups to safe harbor, or performing transits for safe passage into Guardian hosted safe zones. Many have sleep state adventures or memories surfacing that relate to soul retrieval projects, rescuing souls stuck in death traps, such as the lunar matrix or black hole technology nets, and redirecting these groups to Guardian Host platforms for safe passage. The people we are crossing over got stuck in the past timeline of 3D from experiencing terror and confusion in the death process, which in combination with taking the injection does not move you into the light tunnel but into the False Ascension Matrix. Instead, this fear plus nanotech programmed injection projects the consciousness body backwards in time and staples them into some previous timeline in 3D, in some kind of apparatus like a pocket or pit that is a consciousness trap playing out repeated memories of their fears. The soul appears to be stuck in a consciousness trap somewhere in the past 3D timeline or AI timeline pocket, and they appear to be zombified and/or in a lot of emotional and physical pain. There is a mountain of grief that is associated with this from all of us that are aware of the severe brainwashing that is happening right now. The good news is that these people are being retrieved by special op teams, although the death that has occurred by injection or nano exposure is many more numbers than we have been led to believe by the lying mainstream media. Recently, a special op has been involved in the safe transit of people that have been mutilated by the injection and the AI related signal spray with the CV insignia connected to G.O.A.T., that has rendered them in the past timeline. G.O.A.T. is God of All Things, and this insignia is satanic and appears as a Baphomet head that has overlaid itself on the person’s brain and or 3D mental body. This is like an electrocuted brand in the person’s head and crown, identifying them through this brand as satanic entity food. It appears they leveraged the G.O.A.T. brand recently with AI Signals transmitted out from the Satanic Superbowl rituals and their propaganda-based commercials. Finally, we are standing on the crest peering into the capstone where we are able to see everything around us clearly. Many of us that are connected to the Guardian teams realize we have waited lifetimes to finally get to this exact moment, when we have climbed and crawled through every crag to get to the very top of the mountain. As we spiritually awaken and clear the negative ego to expand our consciousness and reclaim organic memories, we begin to remember ourselves as eternal spiritual beings, and this gives us the spiritual power to dismantle the prison planet machinery.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Defender Forces / Guardian Defender Special Operation Teams

KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “January 22, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Krystal explores Greenville, a Friendly City in the US, and Grace from Belgium shares the vibrant spirit of the Filipino Community. In New Earth News: we are learning about Off Planet Remote Viewing; Yard Work for Credit; and other topics! In World News: China Stock Decline; Nigerians No Electricity; Berlin Rental Market; Swedish Citizens Stop Smoking; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings (Kim’s report begins at the 37:00 mark).

~via United Network News

‘MUST-WATCH’!!! ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “January 19, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Susan explores an Art Exhibition in Japan, and Florian enjoys Ski Mountaineering in Austria. In New Earth News: we are learning about Good Reasons for Saying No; Library of Things; and other topics! In World News: Ireland Public Sector Strike; Argentina High Inflation; Comoros Night Curfew; Australia Blackouts; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

Kim & Tom discuss the issuance & circulation of ‘funny money’ by the Order of the Black Dragon’:

(KIM): “So this has been going on for a long time. Remember, the Order of the Black Suns’ job is, quote unquote — ‘Global Security’ (winces). Not really, not. Not to OUR favor. Security for the Elites, and the financial and a number of other sectors were handled by the Order of the Dragon — which is no longer the case, either. So then after the pallets of cash started to fail, they moved into these these Iraqi ‘dinar’ — and they started paying everyone from ISIS to the Taliban to Blackwater, to all the operatives, to you know, countries and this, and ‘these new dinar that are gonna revaluate’ you know, and that kind of started to go to the wayside a few years ago, which is why they introduced — now the currency of the Underworld was the US Treasury (bit)coin — so ‘digital currency’. And they started giving that to everybody. And everybody worked and worked and worked you know, for these wallets that just never came to fruition… don’t forget ‘Trump Bucks’. Zelensky even has Trump Bucks — if he could cash them in. And then they started scamming people out of money, the same group of people — I know people are gonna have a heart attack when I say Bush, AND TRUMP — are in the same group of people with the Clintons — there’s videos all over the place of him (Trump) supporting the Clintons and being at events, and galas and what not with the Clintons. But Tom am I right here?”

(TOM): “No, you’re absolutely right. Coming from that world, I could tell you they —- just like all of the major corporations of the world — all the Elitist families are interlinked, bred into, utilized. Utilized, because now they have something on everybody. It’s all interlinked. From Trump’s family lineage to Bush’s family lineage, and Rothschild — all of them are interlinked in some way. It’s sad, because we were never told any of this. And so, quite in essence, we have to change everything. Just scrap it all and start again. Because there is nobody out there that you can trust. Nobody — because they just want to continue with — “The Narrative”.

(KIM): “Right. And the only difference here in my opinion, between Trump and Bush is that Bush was a little better if a liar, to get people to work. Because you know Trump was so arrogant, he put his face on currency and talked about Federal Reserve cards and ‘Trump’ this and ‘Trump’ that you know, and then you know, had said they were gonna be cashable in the future — a day ending with ‘y’ — in the future. Just keep goin’ operatives — just keep goin’. Just keep goin’, everyday average folk who bought into it and bought those cards, and bought those bucks…”

Kim & Tom ~ January 19, 2024

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings (Kim’s report begins at the 37:00 mark).

~via United Network News

MUST SEE!!! ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “January 17, 2024 World Situation Report”

Ascension Avatar note: As a rule, I selectively provide links to site sources that have a track record of posting only TRUE news and updates; in that sense I regret having to use Nicole Morgan’s site for a link to this video, since I feel she basically posts whatever will be popular and generate viewership, whether it is truthful OR controlled-opposition propaganda. Fortunately for humanity and for the sake of our planet, planetary Guardian Alliance steward/host Kim gives us the TRUTH we all deserve to know!

On politicians:

“Again, I’m going to repeat myself — they are actors in a movie. They are actors in a movie. They may be arrogant, rude, disgusting humans in some cases as we’ve seen in some videos circulating around the internet — from politicians not only from the United States, but from China to Russia to the Middle East — we’ve seen it all, you know. We KNOW the rituals, we KNOW what happens. But right now — it’s gonna stop at the OPERATIVES level — because the OPERATIVES are the ones that provide them with the CHILDREN. The OPERATIVES are the ones that arrange for all the deals that are being made. Davos here is no exception. Operatives at Davos are in for a REAL TREAT today. And have BEEN in for a real treat. SO — there’s no backing down now. There’s no going backwards.”

~Kimberly Goguen ~ January 17, 2024

Comment from the thread:

“When will she release the Trump child birthday party sacrifice video? Look what Princess Diana missed… But Barron was there… He got to watch his dad eat-consume a little girl… along with all his elite globalist ghoul friends.”


(Kim’s report begins @ 41:00 mark)

~via United Network News





Snide and sarcastic; usually out of irritation, often humorously.

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

Comments from the thread

“Non-compliance! Yeah! That is the way! Love your snark, Peggy! You rock!!!!”

“Another Xcellent Xpose!!”

“I love it when you connect the dots. Your communication skills are extraordinary.”

“I would encourage everyone to listen to what Peggy is saying about NOT complying. Not only don’t comply, but don’t put your life in the hands of these doctors and nurses. In March 2020, my dearest friend Nora made the horrible mistake of going to the hospital. They vented her. When they couldn’t figure out how to get her off the vent, they gave her a tracheotomy. Then her kidneys failed (one ‘side effect’ of being on a ventilator). They sent her from Southeastern Michigan to a hospital in Toledo Ohio where she could be put on dialysis. While she was there the nurse (our heroes) put her feeding tube in wrong and she died of septic shock! Of course her death certificate said the main cause of her demise was cooties. The heroic nurses and doctors MURDERED her! I suppose that she was counted as a cooties death in Michigan and Ohio! These leaders and ‘health care professionals’ are insane! Trust God and His creation natural foods and substances like herbs and essential oils and not the poison of big pharma!”

“God doesn’t make mistakes… Thank you Peggy for all of your time and energy to wake people up.

“Their obsession with anything X is so cringe. These ‘controllers’ are so laughable outside their obvious and continuous assault on humanity.”

“They know what they spraying — then they know what X is. Very simple. Too bad majority of people keep looking for acorns so they never know what is above.”

“X is one of their favorite designs they do with the chemtrails!”

“New variant BS 24/7 loved it ♥️

~via The Healthy American Peggy Hall