LISA RENEE on “Our Mother God Parent Returns”

“Mother and Father’s Sun is a Diamond Krystal Sphere of Liquid Plasma Eternal Light. The Double Diamond Sun Body is the Krystal Star matrix from the Seven Higher Heavens, the next Universe. Mother and Father have returned their Diamond Sun Oraphim to this Universe, through their Heavenly House, with the return of the liquid Christos light upon this earth. As we move into the Solar Calendar Time Cycle, guided directly by the Cosmic Elohei God parents, the planet and many awakening Starseeds are the first ascension prototypers that are beginning to detoxify the synthetic overlays of ENKI DNA SKINS and are in entering the process of clearing ancestral miasma, shedding the Reptilian Tail and clearing the alien hybrid genetic modifications made to the chemical DNA and physical DNA of the organic diamond sun angelic human biology. Thus, the planet and Christos ascending groups are entering into the trifurcation phase where our physical and chemical DNA are being purged and detoxified from the genetic distortions and parasitical entities connected to Enki DNA Overlays, and this will result in physical ascension symptoms and a variety of spiritual initiations. The AI program of that information became the basis of how they built these extensive and complex anti-Christ structures into our time matrix. So this is a part of timeline control and creating an Anti-Christ that is in control of these timelines so that we are experiencing these timeline reversals and the inability to evolve and expand forward into higher frequencies and so on. This is a part of that construct as well, in that those who control or hold Rod and Staff, control time. So this is an Anti-Christ version of rod and staff to control timelines, and it’s also referred to as Red Trident. Enki signature embodies lunar male rod black dragon that lives in the anti-hierogamic Leviathan black dragon trident false staff and false rod structure with a serpent tail. The Enki body connects through a part of 11 D distortions connected to Typhon Tunnels in Lyra, and is connected to hive mind constructs in the Ai system through black cube and red cube spawning. So the black and red cube they multiply or maybe replicate would be a better word. Red Cube AI cloning and soul capturing of 18th dynasty identities along with human soul snapshots brings up Baphomet forces. As you know, baphomet is all inversions of Sophianic consciousness that uses the reversal 10:10 or electrified Reversal Current that powers up the base 10 structures. The Anti-Christ lunar staff is represented on top. And this is fed through the trident, which then sends power into the hierarchies underneath it. Remember every dimension has hierarchies of demons and entities that answer to MolochConsettia, it answers to this construct in the 10D Pluto Matrix. So, there’s a downstream of many demonic hierarchies connected to this which power up satanism. We had to go get through all of these fallen hierarchies to finally get to the big cheese, get to the capstone that’s in control of all of these other fallen hierarchies. This construct is in control of the lunar demons. This construct is in control of Dark Mother. The dark Ai mother lunar constructs that hijacked the solar female and that we have lived with since birth on this planet has been controlled by this Anti-Christ lunar staff construct. Then you’ll see the red cube. Red Cube is all about cloned identities, cloned holograms, cloning everything into virtual realities in order to lure unsuspecting souls into the virtual realities of false light matrices through whatever means of trickery, deception, and manipulation. With the invaders agendas for genetic modification to usurp and even eliminate the Mother’s DNA Language from the planet, the human race suffers without properly functioning Mitochondrial DNA that is unable to effectively generate the new proteins for DNA Synthesis for the activating the Krystal Gene. Apparently, current events of shedding Enki DNA Overlays and lunar Transfiguration combined with cosmic cycle spiritual activations with the Elaysa Mother of Life principle, allows for the chemicals required for the diamond sun template to braid into the correct genetic pairing sequences for building the 12 double helix strand DNA template, which prepares the ascending physical body to become trans-dimensional through atomic transmutation changes that are occurring with the Transduction Sequence birth imprint. We may be starting to feel the new energy platform supporting our foundation so this group of us is not feeling such an energy burden in our personal bodies. The chakra at the base of the skull has been referred to as the “Mouth of God” and its opening is exactly at the back of the neck where the skull lays on top of the spine. It connects to the Medulla Oblongata and the reticular formation of the Brain and spinal cord. This area esoterically has been called the Golden Chalice for it is the Occipital Cup that holds the Cosmic Intelligence or Sophianic Wisdom. It is a etheric type of brain rewiring and spiritual body activation in order to hold and be receptive to the Golden Chalice of transmitted Universal Knowledge. Many of us are becoming aware that we are being connected to another language, another octave, another dimensional layer of accessing knowledge through energetic transmission. There are waves of us accelerated into this spiritual body development of accessing Universal Knowledge from the Golden Chalice as it activates processes in the base of our brain. We may not comprehend it quite yet, as it involves a language of “code”, “syntax” or “archetype”. However our sensory faculties are aware of something that is changing the “energy field” that is a new cycle and it is beginning to change our relationships to everything around us. Knowledge and the wisdom required to be responsible for that knowledge comes with the great purification of fire. This purification fire has been rearranging the cells and for some of us it manifested into symptoms of head and sinus infection, throat and lung congestion and other physical ailments and body aches. Some of this has been felt deeply with the new consciousness children, as they are more deeply connected to the changes on the earth. The dropping density requirement has been feeling very intense recently to prepare our bodies to hold what is coming next. Many of us have been isolated, sequestered and sleeping a lot over the last quarter quite busily building this structure as well as step down fields that act as circuit boards to transduce and moderate high frequencies in these various energetic circulatory complexes. A tremendous amount of change is underway now. This has also been evidenced lately as the planetary body is shaking and quaking lately to reposition itself for an entirely new Magnetic Field Grid Network System to power up and connect new stages of the 13th Pillar or The Mother Arc. This is the sequential return of the bodies of God which are represented as the feminine-spiritual principle, to bring her manifestation into more objects in physical matter. It is time to embody her principle. The Guardians refer to this aspect of Mother as the Aquamarine Ray energy, a part of her magnetic force powering up in our Earth Core through the newly reconnected levels of the 9D Quad Merkaba Template — The Mother Arc. The awareness and systematic dismantling of several obsolete controlled architectures in the planetary field have allowed this to come on line. It is similar to understand we have poked a hole in the mind controlled frequency fence and reconnected our Handshake Hub to reconnect our relationship to Divine Mother through the Mother Arc. It is through the Mother’s Perfect Proton Seed (or “Cosmic Egg”) that Creation can Heal Itself to its Original Divine Blueprint. A new Mother Language vibration and its seed codes began transmission from the planet’s newly activated Arc Gates portal network and its reconnected portions in the planetary grid system. From this vantage point of human reality the seed codes are being called the “Universal Grandmother Codes“. These codes have been embodied, protected and hidden by the Aboriginal and Indigenous cultures of the earth for eons of time. These are like a God Inoculation and a surprise revelation as to what is beginning to transpire in consciousness fields –an event that has never transpired before in the history of creation. Our group of planetary consciousness has been traversing another in depth sensing of the Underworld energies through the portal of the Astral Plane in order to heal and unify the collective emotional body of the planet, therefore reconnecting and healing the human being’s group soul and its heart center. In order to heal, one must be able to ‘feel’. The Mother and female God principle is what nudges us to feel safe enough to feel our heart again as we merge with her heart. Personal emotional distortions need to be first realized, then witnessed in order to be synthesized into a higher frequency and harmonic alignment. This is how individual and planetary DNA is recoded and healed through the energy blueprinting architecture, through higher light, sound frequency arranged in tones of scalar wave arrangements. This is the Mother God composition — also a part of the Music of the Spheres. Our Mother God parent returns to show us how to create beautifully harmonically arranged music that allows us to merge with the Higher Kingdoms of God. This way we become in harmony with the Universal Laws and in harmony with ourselves.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Maji Grail Line Indigo Children / Enki DNA / Mother’s Language /

LISA RENEE: “Common Ascension Symptoms”

“During the Ascension process as we accrete frequency and light we may undergo a variety of ascension symptoms, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual-energetic. These transmutational symptoms can be extreme. Many of the ascension symptoms are vague to describe and inexpressible in linear thought and language. Certain symptoms are now becoming more apparent and when we know this as a ‘process’ and that many others are feeling the same things, a certain serenity can be brought into the mind. Many can rest in the knowledge that they are being transformed in ways that may feel extremely hard on the physical body. Also, our bodies often experience a rush of heat and energy bursts that are not comfortable. Our bodies are being shifted in thermodynamic ways and with so much light entering the fields of the body, some of the ‘symptoms’ we experience are actually preventing our physical vehicles from bursting with the intensity of light. We may experience a ‘triad’ sleep pattern (waking up every 3 hours) or interrupted sleep as we are being recalibrated and worked on energetically at night. This adds to our being restless and tired in the morning. Remember to be gentle with your hearts and being and only allow others within your boundaries of inner sanctum that treat you the same. This can be an extremely vulnerable time emotionally. When people go to doctors, they are being told to take drugs or they are being instructed to seek professional psychological help. We must follow our own inner guidance on how to proceed with what is occurring within our physical and energy body systems at this unprecedented time of acceleration. The 12D Shield is helpful to harmonize the body through many ascension symptoms.”

~Lisa Renee

Some of the most common symptoms reported include:

  • Cranial pressure and headaches
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Heating up of the physical body
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Forgetfulness
  • Irritability
  • Sleeplessness
  • Joint pain
  • Body aches
  • Muscle cramps in legs and calves and shoulders
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Kundalini experiences
  • Diarrhea
  • Feeling out of sorts, sadness or feeligns of loss or grieving
  • Muscle pains
  • Skin rashes
  • Tingling in body parts
  • Having specific awareness of a internal organ or body part unlike the past
  • Diminution of spatial awareness
  • Clumsiness
  • Feverish feeling
  • Feelings of being there and not being here
  • Loss of visual acuity
  • Memory loss
  • Changes with body and head hair
  • Lack of the ability to concentrate
  • Feelings of standing up or moving too quickly that create “vertigo”
  • Feeling that you cannot accomplish anything because there is not enough time
  • Anxiety attacks that happen suddenly and disappear just as suddenly
  • Seeing multidimensional energies, i.e. colors, entities, matrices, numbers, symbol codes
  • Seeing extraterrestrials both human and nonhuman in appearance
  • Communicating with nature, animals and people that have passed on

~via Transmutational Symptoms

LISA RENEE: “Transmutational Symptoms”

Ascending Lightbody

“On the planetary scale, a massive shift is taking place. Huge infusions of Light are coming to the Earth plane as the veil of separation and denial are lifting. Earth Ascension Changes are creating physical changes in our bodies right now. The planet is mutating, and so are the beings on it. There is a transmutation taking place in the very cells of your body. These transmutational symptoms can be extreme. Many of the ascension symptoms are vague to describe and inexpressible in linear thought and language. When people go to doctors, they are being told to take drugs or they are being instructed to seek professional psychological help. This site is not professing to be giving any medical advice. We must follow our own inner guidance on how to proceed with what is occurring within our physical and energy body systems at this unprecedented time of acceleration. Certain symptoms are now becoming more apparent and when we know this as a ‘process’ and that many others are feeling the same things, a certain serenity can be brought into the mind. Many can rest in the knowledge that they are being transformed in ways that may feel extremely hard on the physical body. The 12D Shield is helpful to harmonize the body through many ascension symptoms.”

~Lisa Renee

During the Ascension process as we accrete frequency and light we may undergo a variety of ascension symptoms, physical, mental, emotional or spiritual-energetic.

These transmutational symptoms can be extreme. The 12D Shield is helpful to harmonize the body through many ascension symptoms. Many of the ascension symptoms are vague to describe and inexpressible in linear thought and language. When people go to doctors, they are being told to take drugs or they are being instructed to seek professional psychological help. This site is not professing to be giving any medical advice. It may be beneficial for some of us to seek out medical or psychological treatment during our process. We must follow our own inner guidance on how to proceed with what is occurring within our physical and energy body systems at this unprecedented time of acceleration.

Certain symptoms are now becoming more apparent and when we know this as a “process” and that many others are feeling the same things, a certain serenity can be brought into the mind. Many can rest in the knowledge that they are being transformed in ways that may feel extremely hard on the physical body.

Some of the most common symptoms reported include:

  • Cranial pressure and headaches
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Heating up of the physical body
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Forgetfulness
  • Irritability
  • Sleeplessness
  • Joint pain
  • Body aches
  • Muscle cramps in legs and calves and shoulders
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Kundalini experiences
  • Diarrhea
  • Feeling out of sorts, sadness or feeligns of loss or grieving
  • Muscle pains
  • Skin rashes
  • Tingling in body parts
  • Having specific awareness of a internal organ or body part unlike the past
  • Diminution of spatial awareness
  • Clumsiness
  • Feverish feeling
  • Feelings of being there and not being here
  • Loss of visual acuity
  • Memory loss
  • Changes with body and head hair
  • Lack of the ability to concentrate
  • Feelings of standing up or moving too quickly that create “vertigo”
  • Feeling that you cannot accomplish anything because there is not enough time
  • Anxiety attacks that happen suddenly and disappear just as suddenly
  • Seeing multidimensional energies, i.e. colors, entities, matrices, numbers, symbol codes
  • Seeing extraterrestrials both human and nonhuman in appearance
  • Communicating with nature, animals and people that have passed o

Also, our bodies often experience a rush of heat and energy bursts that are not comfortable. Our bodies are being shifted in thermodynamic ways and with so much light entering the fields of the body, some of the “symptoms” we experience are actually preventing our physical vehicles from bursting with the intensity of light. We may experience a “triad” sleep pattern (waking up every 3 hours) or interrupted sleep as we are being recalibrated and worked on energetically at night. This adds to our being restless and tired in the morning.

Remember to be gentle with your hearts and being and only allow others within your boundaries of inner sanctum that treat you the same. This can be an extremely vulnerable time emotionally. We need to release the fear of asking for help and investing in ourselves to feel balanced and healthy. Massage, Bodywork, Hydration, Supplementation, Energy Work, Spiritual Counsel. [1]

Body Changes

On the planetary scale, a massive shift is taking place. Huge infusions of Light are coming to the Earth plane as the veil of separation and denial are lifting. Earth Ascension Changes are creating physical changes in our bodies right now. The planet is mutating, and so are the beings on it. There is a transmutation taking place in the very cells of your body.

A transmutation is the act of being transmuted or changed or altered in form, appearance, nature to a higher form. transmutation is the internal change going on inside the body that puts together the combination of parts or chemical elements, groups or simpler compounds or by the degradation of a complex compound so as to form a whole new combination. During mutation, this new combination may be constructed by the body from diverse conceptions into a coherent whole body that may be different from previous bodies.

The physical transmutation change within your bodies is a significant and basic alteration in the body. [2]

Ascension Alchemy Principles

The Zodiac structural principles are both energetic and geometric which are being aligned to the Alchemical Laws of God. When astrological alignments occur through major conjunctions between planetary and stellar bodies, forces of alchemy occur which alter frequency current and manifest new creations. This new cosmic alignment changes the stellar architecture of how the Sun transmits the influences of the Zodiac in the Ray System throughout our Solar System. These stages of transmitting alchemical forces to aid consciousness evolution are qualities of which have never been previously exposed to this planet. This is allowing the Alchemical Laws of consciousness evolution to be transmitted through the constellations of which are inherently a part of the organic processes of planetary biological ascension. 

The movement of stars, planets, comets and asteroids through space affects the solar magnetic field; which in turn impact the geomagnetic field influencing collective and individual electromagnetic, chemical and biological systems on the earth. These forces impact our consciousness and bodies in unprecedented ways, manifesting many unusual symptoms and changes. [3]

Biochemic Cell Salts

Biochemic tissue salts, also called cell salts are minerals in an energy form. (see Biochemic Cell Salts) The first signs of tissue salt deficiencies are visible in the face, much before physical symptoms occur. By reading the face signs and supplementing with the appropriate tissue salts, one can achieve a balanced correction at the cellular level, which enables the body to heal itself. Together all 12 of these mineral cell salts combined are called Bioplasma. In our spiritual community the necessity of soothing the brain and nervous system during many Ascension Symptoms have given Bioplasma the nickname of the “Starseed Supplement”.


  1. Surviving the Ascension Process
  2. Body Changes
  3. Magnum Opus

See Also:

Awakening Symptoms

What is Ascension?

Self Definition

~via Transmutational Symptoms

IRELAND CLARK: “Why You Have NO Motivation During Spiritual Awakening (And What To Do About It)…

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

~via Ireland Clark

LISA RENEE on “Higher Self Embodiment Symptoms”

“When we integrate and embody more aspects of the multidimensional higher self we also access higher dimensions of consciousness, thus our experience and perception of the physical realm greatly changes. As we acclimate to the current planetary shifts it can feel incredibly disorientating and physically uncomfortable, and at times we may experience great energetic pressure inside the body that may feel overwhelming. The sensations of massive pressure exerted upon the physical body has been described as oscillation to vibration incompatibilities, another Ascension Symptom. This occurs during the Embodiment process as we endure electromagnetic recalibration between the particle layers of matter vibration and higher frequency oscillations throughout the collective consciousness Blueprint levels. Biochemic Cell Salts, also called cell salts are minerals in an energy form. This ancient knowledge was studied and understood by many of the Ancient Mystery Schools, such as in Alexandria, Egypt and Greece, the importance of mineral cell salts in the process of spiritual initiation into hierogamic union (Hieros Gamos), which allows higher frequencies to be embodied through the nourishing of the cells with the mineralized energy form that is required to transmutate the cell. Together all 12 of these mineral cell salts combined are called Bioplasma. In our spiritual community the necessity of soothing the brain and nervous system from exhaustion during many Ascension Symptoms have given Bioplasma the nickname of the ‘Starseed Supplement’. When tissue salts are required for these functions, there should be an adequate supply available in the body and its fluids to draw upon. The first signs of tissue salt deficiencies are visible in the face, much before physical symptoms occur (See Biochemic Cell Salt Deficiency for a list of symptoms that may be seen on performing facial analysis). So, this further takes us to understand the process of Electromagnetic radiation, as this is a propagating wave in space with electric and magnetic components. We are transforming from carbon based matter into silica based forms. This is occurring at an incredibly rapid and accelerated rate as we are exposed to these ‘New Energies’ never before felt or experienced in these realities that we are sharing now! Electromagnetic (EM) Fields are constantly emitting (or absorbing) photonic fluid, which is more commonly known as Light. There can be disturbances in the electromagnetic fields or we can be overexposed to these frequencies. This can lead to symptoms in the body. Electromagnetic Overexposure Symptoms: (1) Spaciness, dizziness/vertigo, disorientation, lost time spaces or voids, inner ear sensations like buzzing or humming, feeling out of your body, feeling like you are spinning or oscillating with your eyes closed (or open!), feeling light headed as if you are mildly drunk, cannot mentally focus, feverish or heat pulses that stop and start, blurred vision, seeing spots or flashing tiny lights, cranial aches or pain (back of neck, third eye — pineal), wanting to lie down, taking excessive naps or sleeping from exhaustion for no apparent reason. The brain hemispheres (right and left, front back) and our neurological net are being adjusted and recalibrating. We feel all kinds of odd neurological stress. (2) Solar plexus discomfort brings, consistent nausea, digestive complaints, weird bowel, food needs change, (starving, you are scarfing down food at 3 am, during the day nothing looks right or tastes right), weight gain or bloated feeling. Some muscle achey-ness generally occurs after you have passed through the first levels of ‘spaced out’ and dizzy feeling. Patterns appear mostly in the lower body such as the sacrum, legs, lower body aches. A few days of this and intermittent symptoms. Much of this is dropping density and releasing the past ancestral issues. (3) Mild falls or accidents, hitting your head or toe several times in a row or in a short period of time. Clumsy — you are not! Sometimes spirit uses this way to repattern and reorganize a ‘stubborn area’ in your auric field. Say hello to your evolution support team next time you fall over! Do pay attention however… Sometimes your guidance is whacking you over your head to lay down, rest and listen internally. (4) Ancestral and family of origin issues or conflicts from the past come to a head, are surfaced, then cleared, resolved, or terminated. People are cut away and terminated from being an active part of your life. Directing energy towards developing ourselves spiritually, gaining virtues, and staying awake while others are asleep, can be an exhausting job. This is not entropic. As we commit to our personal spiritual development and live a lifestyle in accordance to the Law of One, all energy will be returned to you, and over time, it will be made Krystal clear!”

~Lisa Renee

~via EMF Disturbance / Biochemic Cell Salts / Biochemic Cell Salt Deficiency / Oscillation to Vibration Incompatibility