DEANE THOMAS: “Love And A Snow Flake”

A snow flake is such an intricate structure; full of molecular bonds and connections. Molecular structures can be so complex that we never fully get to truly appreciate how unique they are. Snowflakes melt very quickly, when they come into contact with our skin. Yet a group together will form a small mound to be appreciated.

Imagine the amount of energy required to create a snow flake, the journey that it undertakes, and the process which it follows. Enduring, yet so beautiful at the same time. The fragility of its very existence is challenged from the moment it is created. Very much like a human love story!!

Much like most things that are created in nature, there is a cycle and a process for its evolution. We all know the beginning and the end of our life story; we are born and we will die! But what happens to our essence? What happens to our spirit? There are many written theories, and no doubt we already know the answer to that! Much the same as coming to terms with love.

In many ways love can be compared to a snow flake. Beautiful experience, complicated structure, and always melts/disappears when we don’t wish it to! Once we grasp the true concept of love then it all begins to make sense. It is throughout life that our soul reminds us through experiences and encounters. Knowing this we shall certainly learn to trust our inner guide not an illusion from the outside.

We will always be guided to where we are needed, where we are going, and when to heal/regenerate. When we are open to receive love, it will be presented. Our soul, our intuition, our instinct will always “know” when it meets or senses true love. This is one thing we can be grateful for. There is no doubt about it, for the universal laws apply. This can happen when we least expect it, and the wonder is simply magic.

The true love essence will be stronger than before because we have healed. Our energy levels will be higher, and our vibration too. We will then begin to follow our inner guidance. Whether we are guided to a new place or a new opportunity or a new person, we shall simply stop questioning and just enjoy everything. Our internal guidance is never wrong, but our thoughts often are and can be!

After years of healing and getting to the truth of our self, it is not time to be repeating the same old stuff we have done for eons. We woke for a reason, and it is not something that has been written about. We were not given any rule book or guidance, we are simply relying on like-minded soul family members to get us to this point. We have conquered the biggest battles any man or woman can, to reach a place of Oneness.

We have prepared the present and future generations with the right balance of information, so that they too understand what love actually is. Now is the time for the hard work to be rewarded with the pleasure of a whole life. A life full of love, happiness and joy — in a place we create for ourselves and our families. We will bring together those that are meant to be with and around us, and together we will create loving communities.

The significance of a snow flake in our lives is one we shall consider, particularly when its beauty and presence are magical. We can always preserve the essence of a snow flake in our mind and body, much the same as love itself. Once we have preserved the essence, we are complete and whole. It is for us then to maintain that wholeness, knowing we are love.

Unconditional love is our natural essence, it is our state of being, and it is who we are!



NIKKI SAPP: “Giving Advice and Being the Light for Others”

“I find the best way to love someone is not to change them but instead, help them reveal the greatest version of themselves”

~Dr. Steve Maraboli


At a certain point in our spiritual journey we begin to unlock our own inner truth. We no longer are looking to outside sources such as religions, gurus, self-help books, etc. to tell us what to do and how to be, but instead we begin to realize that the answers were inside of us all along.

Not to say that we still don’t read books or open ourselves up to learning from others, but rather we have a more clear connection with our own intuition, which allows us to FEEL the “truth” rather than intellectualize it only.

When we were at the point that we needed outside sources to show us the way, they were coincidentally brought into our lives, either in the forms of other people, reading material, or any modality of spirituality that best fit our own personal needs.

Once, we have graduated from needing the constant affirmation and validation from these outside entities, we most likely will find that we have become the “teacher” that has manifested in someone else’s life in the form of a way-shower.

Then it becomes our turn to be the light on someone else’s path. If you have found yourself in this position, consider your responsibility very carefully. Life is a constant journey of learning and growing, and just like there will be countless teachers on our path of growth, we will also find ourselves in situations that we must be the teacher.

So what is the most effective way of being the light and giving someone advice? How do we go about showing someone the way to their own inner truth while still allowing them to learn their own lessons without our interference?

“A teacher is never a giver of truth; he is a guide, a pointer to the truth that each student must find for himself.”

~Bruce Lee


The only person we will have the power to change is ourselves. No matter how much we want the best for someone, want them to be happy, want them to realize their inner light, or want them to be their best self, we cannot force them to do any of these things.

And just like we had to walk our own journey, complete with struggle, adversity, heartache, sadness, anger, etc.. we must realize that all these things are a part of the human experience, so they too will most likely have to go through all of them.

When we give advice to others we must always realize we are only speaking from our own inner truth, the truth as we know it given the situations and circumstances that we’ve experienced.

However, their life is not ours. Their truth will never be exactly the same as our truth because their mind is not our mind and their life has not been exactly as ours has. What we can do however is be in our own awareness and light so strongly that we become an inspiration for them to find their own awareness and light.

If a person comes to us for advice and questions we can’t come up with a million “You need to…” or “You should do this…”, directives, but instead, only point them in the direction of their own inner light and unconditional love. The only advice there ever is to really give is to accept the “what is” and love yourself anyway.

All arrows should point back to unconditional love of the self… no matter if the person is sad, depressed, frustrated, insecure, it doesn’t matter. As long as they have identified the feeling, felt it without resisting it, accepted themselves for having it and loved it, there can be nothing else to do. Without attaching ourselves to the outcome of whether they follow our advice or not, we actually free ourselves and them.

We don’t fear for them, because we trust that their journey is bringing them to the right people and situations that are perfect for them. And they don’t abandon their own inner self by blindly attaching to whatever we are saying as their ultimate truth, which may not always be what’s best for them.

However, if we find that we have been put in another person’s life to help them, guide them or show them something, we must trust that the Universe is speaking through us in the best and most effective way possible. Without doubting ourselves, we find that our inner light shines automatically and manifests in the best way possible for all parties involved, as long as we trust that it always will.

“As we let our light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence actually liberates others.”

~Marianne Williamson


We will sometimes be students and we will sometimes be teachers in life. Since we cannot ever know everything about everything, we will find that this role reversal happens over and over throughout our lives.

The most amazing thing about all of this is that as soon as we think we are giving someone else advice and showing them the way, as most teachers know, we realize that we were also giving ourselves the same advice.

Sometimes the Universe brings another person to us in the form of a student, but in actuality in our helping of them, we are actually helping ourselves with the same issue. By being in the form of another person, we were able to look at the situation in a different way, from a 3rd party perspective, that we weren’t able to do when dealing with ourselves and our own life.

As always, we must be the change we wish to see in the world. In doing this, we find that we always attract the right people into our lives, either to teach us something about ourselves or to be the teacher for them.

But if we really pay attention and become super aware of how things happen in this ironic Universe, we realize…. it is always both.



NEZEL PADAYHAG: “10 Ways To Strengthen The Love Within Your Family”

“The best ideal for unity is love.”

~Nezel Padayhag


Every family is a building block in the society we live in. In order to have a strong and loving society, we must ensure that it starts with the family.

Love is what keeps a family strong and intact. Without love, a family can’t stand the tests of time. No relationship can.

This doesn’t mean that because you have genuine love, conflicts would no longer arise. On the contrary, genuine love can be tough but is not conditioned.

Family love is a safe haven for unconditional love. Unconditional love means even if there are arguments and fighting at times, your love for each other stays the same.

The stronger the bond of love we can create within the family, the better and more loving society we can constitute. Here are some ways you can strengthen the love of your family.

10 Ways To Strengthen The Love Within Your Family

1. Include some form of spirituality.

Whatever you and your family believe in, include some form of spirituality within your home and your interactions. Have a mutual ideal that you all follow, so even if your beliefs are different, you can meet at this ideal. The best ideal for unity is love.

2. Eat together.

The dining table is the best place to share exciting experiences. Eating together can be hell if your relationships are difficult, if you can’t handle each other. However, that’s exactly why eating together is important, it highlights all the areas you need to work on.

3. Let others feel loved and accepted.

When you interact with your family, it’s much more important to let them feel loved and be kind, than be right, even if you really are right and they are wrong. The most important ingredient is love and your relationship is about love, not about who is right.

4. Go somewhere together.

Taking a trip together, even if it’s for just one day, can bring you much closer. Sometimes it’s the environment you always interact with that stimulates bad behavior and irritates old wounds. Changing the environment can give you a different perspective of who they are.

5. Laugh together.

When you laugh with someone you are bonding with them on a deeper level. And laughing with your siblings can be more healing than you can even imagine.

6. Set strong boundaries for yourself.

In order to be open with our family and love them freely, without getting drained of our energy it’s important to have strong boundaries. You need to let your family know the importance of your boundaries. Show respect, trust and honesty so they can show it back.

7. Nurture the relationship with each other.

Have weekly hang outs with your family. If you can’t do it once per week do it once per two weeks. Spend an extra bonding time with each member in the family to make them feel special. Maintain your relationships.

8. Don’t gossip or keep secrets from each other.

Keeping secrets within your family and gossiping is going to rust your family apart. Secrets and gossip create bonding but in a form of triangulation, you are bonding with one member while using another member as the topic for the conversation, as a punching bag.

9. Talk about things that matter.

Instead of small talk, gossip and shallow conversations, or topics that lead you to argue with each other, speak about things that are real. Speak about your feelings, speak about what really matters to you, what you are passionate about. That’s what family is for.

10. Do not try to change anyone.

Nobody is perfect. And yeah, some family members might function with an old, really outdated operating system. But it’s not your job to change them, it’s not their job to change you either. Accept each other with all your flaws and try to love who you are.

A home that is full of love is felt not only by adults but also by babies.



NEZEL PADAYHAG: “15 Ways To Open Your Heart And Find Unconditional Love”

“Infinite love is the only truth. Everything else is illusion.”

~David Icke


Love is full of wonders. It’s even said to move mountains. Regardless of your own definition of love, it has the power to make the hearts speak and establish a connection with others.

In the presence of infinite love, verbal communication is sometimes unnecessary. There is deeper communication that does not need words.

However, emotional blocks that hide in the masks of fear, pain, suffering, judgments, heartaches, illness, isolation, prevent us from loving infinitely and unconditionally.

We allow these things to limit our capability to love. Most people don’t know what love is, at its core, and how to express it. This can be possible by opening our hearts to love.

15 Ways To Open Your Heart:

1. Commune with nature.

In nature, there’s no chaos, no confusion, and no pain. There’s only peace, connectedness, and love.

The first step to opening your heart is to establish a deeper connection with Mother Earth and all its creatures.

It’s where you can ground yourself while letting go of negative vibes and being present in the moment.

2. Stay in the present moment.

Staying in the present moment allows you to focus on your breath, which aligns you to your higher self.

When you tune in to your higher self, you open your heart to the loving connection with yourself and everything that is.

Staying in the present moment is something that can make you feel better immediately, and it can also improve your outlook on things.

3. Be still.

Stillness connects you to your inner knowing. It invites you to be detached and be the observer of everything that’s going on within you and through you.

Meditation is one way of practicing stillness. As you meditate, you see your thoughts come and go.

Seeing that you are not your thoughts allows your heart to feel safe. This triggers your heart to open up and allows love to flow through you freely.

4. Do something you love doing.

When you do something that your heart lights up while doing time seems to pass without noticing. And you can do this thing the whole day without feeling tired at all.

This means that the activity comes straight from your heart, it’s something that your soul resonates with and it lights up your shine.

When you do activities that you really love doing your heart opens up. Your soul shines and you are energized.

5. Honor your breath.

Your breath is the life force that brings you to the present moment.

When you feel you’re out of alignment, pause and take deep breaths. Through the awareness of your breath, you will remember who you are, a person born out of love.

By remembering love, your heart finds its center.

6. Connect with your tribe.

Your tribe could be your group of friends or the people who see you as you are without judgment.

You vibrate at the same frequency, which makes you feel comfortable and safe.

Being with the people whose frequency resonates with yours allows you to be aligned with your eternal nature. This encourages your heart to open up and stay balanced.

7. Practice color therapy.

Color therapy works with the aid of visualization.

Finding a quiet place, make yourself comfortable and focus on your heart. Take a few deep breaths as you visualize the first color that comes to you.

Trust your inner guidance to bring you the color of your aura that needs harmony, balance, and self healing.

8. Keep a journal.

A journal serves as something that helps you process thoughts and emotions. It’s a place where you can dump all your emotional baggage, confusions, pains.

By pouring on the pages things that no longer serve you, you come in fresh and with a clearer mind.

Once your mind is clear, it’s easier for you to open up and be aware of the love around you.

9. Be genuine.

In whatever circumstances you are in your life now, you’re playing a role in someone else’s life. Oftentimes, these people want you to play the role they expect you to play.

When playing that role is against your will, you’re being inauthentic with yourself.

You’re left with the choice of disappointing others by being your authentic self, or play with their dramas and be untrue to yourself. Just remember, true love can only flow when you’re being true to yourself.

10. Establish healthy boundaries.

Establishing healthy boundaries doesn’t mean closing your doors for other people. On the contrary, it is the first step in showing compassion to others.

When you set boundaries, you are being compassionate with yourself, giving it the necessities of life that it needs to stay healthy, balanced, and capable of love.

Once you’ve developed this compassion with yourself, it naturally extends to other people, allowing more love to flow.

11. Speak your own truth.

You don’t need to argue others to speak your own truth. Being your authentic self is one way of speaking your own truth.

Do the things that matter to you even if they appear unconventional. Never be afraid of being different.

When you’re confident of who you are despite the criticisms thrown at you, people will slowly show you respect and find inspiration in speaking their own truth too.

12. Send love to anyone who needs it.

When you send love, your focus is on love. The more you focus on love, the more it comes into your reality.

Send your loved ones love by imagining them to be standing in front of you. You can even send love to strangers or people who may have hurt you.

Sending love is the quickest way to heal and raise your vibrations.

13. Listen to your heart.

Self healing begins with listening to what your heart is telling you.

Set aside time for yourself and listen deeply to the messages your heart wants you to know.

Allow yourself to find safety in the quiet place of Surrender.

14. Follow your bliss.

“Follow what your heart is telling you” is a common phrase we hear. And there is truth in that.

When you follow your heart, you follow your bliss, the passion that points you to your life purpose. Whatever your passion in life is, love is at its core.

Thus, following your bliss is the shortest way to finding yourself and finding love.

15. Practice unconditional love.

Unconditional love is a sacred place where respect and honor resides. It’s loving people despite their weaknesses, shortcomings, and even indifference.

However, unconditional love is not a ticket that others can use to abuse you. You must have enough self respect so that people will respect you in like manner.

Show unconditional love without being tolerant, without apologizing, and without seeking approval from anyone. Just love with all your heart. Give love to the world.



DIANE CANFIELD: “Sociopathic Behavior And The Cure”

The Butterfly Effect

Since there is only LOVE — there is a separation with some that have not been loved and do not know what LOVE is.  This behavior when to the extreme can play out as what is termed sociopathic behavior.  What is really — lack of LOVE and separation from Source.

One of the attributes of a sociopath is to accuse others of what they themselves are doing.  This accomplishes two things for them, it takes the attention off of them and puts the victim in a defensive mode.

The victim then has to try to explain themselves when it is actually the sociopath that should be doing the explaining.  This is a common mechanism that is used by someone with no conscious and no connection to SOURCE.

They also feel they are above everyone else and untouchable.  They may also be charming and likable by many.  Yet few know the hidden secrets they carry and the way they manipulate others.

They do not operate on the same code of ethics that most of us do.  They operate on service to self, while making it look like they are service to others.

Empaths are especially vulnerable to this because we have a tendency to “care too much”.  We are the ULTIMATE nurturers and support for others.  This is the opposite of a sociopath that looks to use others for their own gain.

Energetically they feel chaotic and not peaceful.  They may seem to always be on edge waiting for someone to find them out.

We can see this in all walks of life, in business, family and all places where there are high profile people.

The answer to this is to LOVE ourselves enough to be able to spot this immediately when we see it.  We can not “care enough” to fix this person.  They have to at some point learn to love themselves enough to work on themselves and learn how to genuinely care for others without expecting anything in return.

The answer in the higher states is to have healing centers where they are shown what LOVE is and how to love others — just for the sake of LOVE

– Diane Canfield


