LISA RENEE on “Higher Self Embodiment Symptoms”

“When we integrate and embody more aspects of the multidimensional higher self we also access higher dimensions of consciousness, thus our experience and perception of the physical realm greatly changes. As we acclimate to the current planetary shifts it can feel incredibly disorientating and physically uncomfortable, and at times we may experience great energetic pressure inside the body that may feel overwhelming. The sensations of massive pressure exerted upon the physical body has been described as oscillation to vibration incompatibilities, another Ascension Symptom. This occurs during the Embodiment process as we endure electromagnetic recalibration between the particle layers of matter vibration and higher frequency oscillations throughout the collective consciousness Blueprint levels. Biochemic Cell Salts, also called cell salts are minerals in an energy form. This ancient knowledge was studied and understood by many of the Ancient Mystery Schools, such as in Alexandria, Egypt and Greece, the importance of mineral cell salts in the process of spiritual initiation into hierogamic union (Hieros Gamos), which allows higher frequencies to be embodied through the nourishing of the cells with the mineralized energy form that is required to transmutate the cell. Together all 12 of these mineral cell salts combined are called Bioplasma. In our spiritual community the necessity of soothing the brain and nervous system from exhaustion during many Ascension Symptoms have given Bioplasma the nickname of the ‘Starseed Supplement’. When tissue salts are required for these functions, there should be an adequate supply available in the body and its fluids to draw upon. The first signs of tissue salt deficiencies are visible in the face, much before physical symptoms occur (See Biochemic Cell Salt Deficiency for a list of symptoms that may be seen on performing facial analysis). So, this further takes us to understand the process of Electromagnetic radiation, as this is a propagating wave in space with electric and magnetic components. We are transforming from carbon based matter into silica based forms. This is occurring at an incredibly rapid and accelerated rate as we are exposed to these ‘New Energies’ never before felt or experienced in these realities that we are sharing now! Electromagnetic (EM) Fields are constantly emitting (or absorbing) photonic fluid, which is more commonly known as Light. There can be disturbances in the electromagnetic fields or we can be overexposed to these frequencies. This can lead to symptoms in the body. Electromagnetic Overexposure Symptoms: (1) Spaciness, dizziness/vertigo, disorientation, lost time spaces or voids, inner ear sensations like buzzing or humming, feeling out of your body, feeling like you are spinning or oscillating with your eyes closed (or open!), feeling light headed as if you are mildly drunk, cannot mentally focus, feverish or heat pulses that stop and start, blurred vision, seeing spots or flashing tiny lights, cranial aches or pain (back of neck, third eye — pineal), wanting to lie down, taking excessive naps or sleeping from exhaustion for no apparent reason. The brain hemispheres (right and left, front back) and our neurological net are being adjusted and recalibrating. We feel all kinds of odd neurological stress. (2) Solar plexus discomfort brings, consistent nausea, digestive complaints, weird bowel, food needs change, (starving, you are scarfing down food at 3 am, during the day nothing looks right or tastes right), weight gain or bloated feeling. Some muscle achey-ness generally occurs after you have passed through the first levels of ‘spaced out’ and dizzy feeling. Patterns appear mostly in the lower body such as the sacrum, legs, lower body aches. A few days of this and intermittent symptoms. Much of this is dropping density and releasing the past ancestral issues. (3) Mild falls or accidents, hitting your head or toe several times in a row or in a short period of time. Clumsy — you are not! Sometimes spirit uses this way to repattern and reorganize a ‘stubborn area’ in your auric field. Say hello to your evolution support team next time you fall over! Do pay attention however… Sometimes your guidance is whacking you over your head to lay down, rest and listen internally. (4) Ancestral and family of origin issues or conflicts from the past come to a head, are surfaced, then cleared, resolved, or terminated. People are cut away and terminated from being an active part of your life. Directing energy towards developing ourselves spiritually, gaining virtues, and staying awake while others are asleep, can be an exhausting job. This is not entropic. As we commit to our personal spiritual development and live a lifestyle in accordance to the Law of One, all energy will be returned to you, and over time, it will be made Krystal clear!”

~Lisa Renee

~via EMF Disturbance / Biochemic Cell Salts / Biochemic Cell Salt Deficiency / Oscillation to Vibration Incompatibility

LISA RENEE: “Rebuilding the Crystal Heart Diamond Network”

White Diamond Sun Shield (art by Elizabeth)

“The diamond heart is a crystalline network in the earth crust that gives the instruction set to direct the energetic frequencies running through the planet’s energetic circulatory system. This works exactly like a human heart by pumping blood into the veins and arterial system of the physical body. Like a cross hatch pattern, there are vertical, horizontal and diagonal intersections of the planetary grid network. The Diamond Heart or the crystal cluster networks of Crystal Hearts in the earth grid have been either artificially programmed, dormant or cut off since the negative alien invasion. To receive Sophia into the earth, the diamond heart diagonal lines need to be turned back on and able to hold the high frequencies running in the Sophianic plasma shield. In order to rebuild the crystal heart diamond network, the ley lines, dimensional bodies and their related structures have to be shifted to make way for the new sound bodies and sonic pillars to run the spark of 144 harmonics throughout the energetic currents in order to activate the diamond grids. During the Ascension Cycle, the Guardian Host mission is to gradually support rehabilitation of the planetary grid network to conduct and transmit tri-wave fields, and as a result these central Diamond Heart hubs are systematically becoming more active or brought online. That is what is transpiring now, a demolition of blockages and artificial grid structures that hold distortions in the personality layers, clearing out damage and waste products generated by miasma that had blocked the 45-degree angle position of the diamond grids. The result is collapsing false timelines and dissolving chakra membranes which greatly deteriorate the functioning of the 3D personality matrix. The planetary Diamond Hearts are systematically being reprogrammed with Krystallah coding and Sophianic sonic pillars that are able to transmit Cosmic Divine Mother frequencies back into the earth core, and circulate the Sophianic plasma grid on the surface grid for supporting the human lightbody. Since the beginning of this year, the Guardian host has been directing teams in the installation of Sophianic Sonic Pillars into many areas of the earth grid to run the Mother Stream into the earth. The Mother Stream comes from planetary Krystallah activation which opens a liquid crystal light stream of tiny crystal sparks that appear like mini pearlescent snowflakes floating into the hair line of the forehead and crown which circulates throughout the entire head. This serves many purposes, most importantly it announces to the hierarchies in the earth and surrounding matrices that Cosmic Mother has returned and there is no stopping her from fulfilling the divine plan for creation.”

~Lisa Renee

Like a cross hatch pattern, there are vertical, horizontal and diagonal intersections of the planetary grid network. In some of the larger networks such as in the main Dragon Lines and Stargates there are massive spinning vortex fields that are directed by a crystal diamond heart. The diamond heart is a crystalline network in the earth crust that gives the instruction set to direct the energetic frequencies running through the planet’s energetic circulatory system. This works exactly like a human heart by pumping blood into the veins and arterial system of the physical body. To receive Sophia into the earth, the diamond heart diagonal lines need to be turned back on and able to hold the high frequencies running in the Sophianic plasma shield.

In order to rebuild the crystal heart diamond network, the ley lines, dimensional bodies and their related structures have to be shifted to make way for the new sound bodies and sonic pillars to run the spark of 144 harmonics throughout the energetic currents in order to activate the diamond grids. That is what is transpiring now, a demolition of blockages and artificial grid structures that hold distortions in the personality layers, clearing out damage and waste products generated by miasma that had blocked the 45-degree angle position of the diamond grids. The debris and contents are being broken down into smaller consciousness units that are re-assimilated or transmuted out from these damaged grid areas on the earth. The result is collapsing false timelines and dissolving chakra membranes which greatly deteriorate the functioning of the 3D personality matrix. This phenomenon can be observed in public personalities or celebrities that may appear to be losing mental body coherence at a rapid rate, or other forms of sudden and apparent onset of physical deterioration.

The Diamond Heart or the crystal cluster networks of Crystal Hearts in the earth grid have been either artificially programmed, dormant or cut off since the negative alien invasion. The planetary circulatory system has accumulated massive amounts of dead energy and miasma that has been built up in its network and this eventually kills the crystal heart and the crystal seed existing within. This dead energy structure damages or crushes the permanent seed atom, it creates metatronic reversals when the heart is filled with dead energy. This is the blackened heart that exists in the planetary body and in some of the human bodies carrying the Black Sun template, this is called the Anubian Black Heart.

During the Ascension Cycle, the Guardian Host mission is to gradually support rehabilitation of the planetary grid network to conduct and transmit tri-wave fields, and as a result these central Diamond Heart hubs are systematically becoming more active or brought online. The planetary Diamond Hearts are systematically being reprogrammed with Krystallah coding and Sophianic sonic pillars that are able to transmit Cosmic Divine Mother frequencies back into the earth core, and circulate the Sophianic plasma grid on the surface grid for supporting the human lightbody.

Krystallah Sophianic Sonic Pillars

Since the beginning of this year, the Guardian host has been directing teams in the installation of Sophianic Sonic Pillars into many areas of the earth grid to run the Mother Stream into the earth. The Mother Stream comes from planetary Krystallah activation which opens a liquid crystal light stream of tiny crystal sparks that appear like mini pearlescent snowflakes floating into the hair line of the forehead and crown which circulates throughout the entire head.

This serves many purposes, most importantly it announces to the hierarchies in the earth and surrounding matrices that Cosmic Mother has returned and there is no stopping her from fulfilling the divine plan for creation. This architecture has allowed many of us to go underground into the phantom spaces safely and recollect our Cathar body parts, reassembling our Sophianic template through corrected sound wave patterns. This has largely contributed to Michael-Mary healing by finding trapped aspects in order to clear out negative forms and machined body parts that were used to capture their solar image into lunar reversals, that leads back to the histories of the Taran explosion event and collapse of multiple Stargates.

The evolution of the embodiment of the Krystallah female principle architecture has been producing “Mother Plasma Rings” around the diamond sun lightbody which link directly into the Universal Creatrix field and have a function of installing sonic pillars in the planetary grid for the purpose of correcting the inverted sound wave formations, collapsing AI timelines and anchoring Sophianic codes. The Cosmic Trinity connects directly through these plasma rings forming into sonic pillars that are creating new structures in time, adjusting the Cosmic Clock through the upgraded sound tones. [1]


  1. Sophianic Plasma Shield

See Also:

Diamond Heart

Sophianic Body


Krystal Star

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Meritaten, the Queen of Dragons”

“The Cosmic Holy Father in his Amethyst God body emanated the Metatron Cosmic Lilac Sun and began weaving the Cosmic Christos Metatron Solar Dragon King God body into the 7D ley lines intersecting in Lake Titicaca and Macchu Picchu. The Metatron Collective are from the 1st God World Creation of the Emerald Order, and millions of years ago had become trapped in the Wesa tunnel and inverted through the AI entanglement technology, which was called Metatronic Reversal. Thus, the Cosmic Father is heavily involved in Metatronic body restoration to rehabilitate and heal all plasmic flowering expressions for reclaiming the organic Metatron family through their genetic bonds, being reconnected to the recently birthed Metatron Sun. These gorgeous pastel rays of pinks, lilac and periwinkles are the organic consciousness of the newly formed Metatron Sun as gifted from out of the Cosmic Father Pink Diamond Elohei, which include the sustenance for spiritually healing the masculine principles of the Mer lineages. Cosmic Father merges his Cosmic Pink Diamond Elohei Sun with the Cosmic Mother’s White Diamond Elohei Sun, and this further announced the sacred marriage between Metatron finally united with his beloved, Meritaten, the Queen of Dragons and speaker of TA Dragon tones. Beloved MeTAtron and his counterpart MeriTAten awaken to embody the sequences of the Christos-SophiaSolar Dragon aspects into direct unification with their Cosmic Holy Parents of the Emerald and Amethyst Order and return their organic Christos-Sophia consciousness to the Earth. The Celtic Goddess lineages are from the authentic grail lines of the Mother of Dragons, and with the much anticipated return of Tu’Atha Celtic Goddess MeriTAten has opened a floodgate of Celtic Grail Kings tribal fire letter DNA activations. The identity of MeriTAten was hidden and obscured from view as her Mother of Dragon power source is located in Scotland, and was not only coveted but any trace of her embodiment is viciously despised by the hostile invading groups, thus there are several counterfeits in red cube projections throughout timelines that are using the same name signature. The war over timelines includes a war over authentic Christos-Sophia hierogamic identities, as all invading groups have generated their versions of the imposters for gaining strategic dominance in the antichrist wars.

~Lisa Renee

The Cosmic Holy Father in his Amethyst God body emanated the Metatron Cosmic Lilac Sun and began weaving the Cosmic Christos Metatron Solar Dragon King God body into the 7D ley lines intersecting in Lake Titicaca and Macchu Picchu. The Metatron Collective are from the 1st God World Creation of the Emerald Order, and millions of years ago had become trapped in the Wesa tunnel and inverted through the AI entanglement technology, which was called Metatronic Reversal. Thus, the Cosmic Father is heavily involved in Metatronic body restoration to rehabilitate and heal all plasmic flowering expressions for reclaiming the organic Metatron family through their genetic bonds, being reconnected to the recently birthed Metatron Sun. These gorgeous pastel rays of pinks, lilac and periwinkles are the organic consciousness of the newly formed Metatron Sun as gifted from out of the Cosmic Father Pink Diamond Elohei, which include the sustenance for spiritually healing the masculine principles of the Mer lineages. Cosmic Father merges his Cosmic Pink Diamond Elohei Sun with the Cosmic Mother’s White Diamond Elohei Sun, and this further announced the sacred marriage between Metatron finally united with his beloved, Meritaten, the Queen of Dragons and speaker of TA Dragon tones. Beloved MeTAtron and his counterpart MeriTAten awaken to embody the sequences of the Christos-SophiaSolar Dragon aspects into direct unification with their Cosmic Holy Parents of the Emerald and Amethyst Order and return their organic Christos-Sophia consciousness to the Earth. [1]

Cosmic Dragon Mother Awakens Earth Dragons

We have learned that during the planetary Ascension, the Mother of Dragons must take her place as the Cosmic Dragon overseer on the Earth, so the Dragons’ many parts can finally be restored and reanimated by her life giving presence and sacred holy spirit. The Dragons and their spiritual body parts exist everywhere on the planet in physical and energetic expressions, although their consciousness properties have been in stasis during the Dark Aeon when we were spiritually adrift in the seas of chaos, without our Cosmic Holy Mother. [2]

Mother of Dragons

The Celtic Goddess lineages are from the authentic grail lines of the Mother of Dragons, and with the much anticipated return of Tu’Atha Celtic Goddess MeriTAten has opened a floodgate of Celtic Grail Kings tribal fire letter DNA activations. Thus, many ascending females connected directly to this particular lineage in their ancestry are beginning to be systematically downloaded with these Solar Dragon Queen Celtic Triquetra Codes. The identity of MeriTAten was hidden and obscured from view as her Mother of Dragon power source is located in Scotland, and was not only coveted but any trace of her embodiment is viciously despised by the hostile invading groups, thus there are several counterfeits in red cube projections throughout timelines that are using the same name signature. Any contact made with this identity from genetic blood lines was being tracked and marked for death by those invaders having taken possession of the planetary Cathedral architecture, thus the ongoing attempt to kill the female Christos lineages, such as the Cathars and Essene lines from Gaul, which can give birth and bring forth the true Christos teachings and eternal life coding of the Law of One. The war over timelines includes a war over authentic Christos-Sophia hierogamic identities, as all invading groups have generated their versions of the imposters for gaining strategic dominance in the antichrist wars. [3]


  1. Thuban
  2. Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings
  3. Cathedral Activation Begins

See Also:

Mother of Dragons

Cosmic Christos Metatron

Cosmic Dragon Awakening

Cosmic Mother

Mother of Dragons

Solar Female Christ

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Cosminya Hall of Records”

“What is important to comprehend is that when the ascending individual’s lightbody is directly connected to the Cosmic Spirit Body, this is the ultimate ascension initiation that opens the Cosminya Hall of Records, which holds the divine perfection of the organic creation’s blueprint records in the Natural Laws of God. Within the central cluster of multiple cosmic matrixes within the stairway to heaven, exists the highest layers of the central core of the Godhead which contains the eternal seven suns of the one. The eternal seven suns of the inner and outer creation hide yet another solar body, as the Eighth Sun. During the convergence of multiple universal time cycles coming into completion, the cosmic records of Cosminya which hold the entire cosmic memory matrix during the many evolution cycles begins to open and become accessible to authentic Ascended Masters. This cosmic cluster of multiple merging time matrices functions similar to the Hall of Records, in which the tri-matrix of cosmic memory records are unified through the opening of multiple creation cores and are then made accessible through the emerging factors of the hidden Eighth Sun. The only way to gain access to the cosmic memory matrix is to have Cosmic Mother’s triple solar female dragon TA tones, which ignite the Elaysian Flame and tri-tone Staff wave that is held in the Emerald Crystal Heart of the Cosmic Solar Reisha sun star network, which further forms into the Universal Mother’s spirit body for Elaysa-Melchizedek. And when initiated into this Universal Elaysian coded frequency set, all of that which is artificial and inorganic to the unique consciousness body and spirit family begins to purge and dissolve within all of the holographic instruction sets of the core lightbody structure, resetting the Tree of Life to organic living consciousness streams. The accumulated superimposed layers of karmic miasma, shadow, Black Goo, artificial intelligence machinery, implants, suppressor entities, clones and antichrist weaponry — will cease to exist in the blueprint of that ascending individual. Who is then aligned with the organic creator’s perfected blueprint as the Krystal Tree of Life as it was originally created for them by God. They are freed from the burdens of karmic overlays and miasmatic records that had been accumulated from their Stations of Identity in all timelines that were further manipulated into mind control consciousness slavery by the invading species.”

~Lisa Renee

What is important to comprehend is that when the ascending individual’s lightbody is directly connected to the Cosmic Spirit Body, this is the ultimate ascension initiation that opens the Cosminya Hall of Records, which holds the divine perfection of the organic creation’s blueprint records in the Natural Laws of God. And when initiated into this Universal Elaysian coded frequency set, all of that which is artificial and inorganic to the unique consciousness body and spirit family begins to purge and dissolve within all of the holographic instruction sets of the core lightbody structure, resetting the Tree of Life to organic living consciousness streams. The accumulated superimposed layers of karmic miasma, shadow, Black Goo, artificial intelligence machinery, implants, suppressor entities, clones and antichrist weaponry — will cease to exist in the blueprint of that ascending individual. Who is then aligned with the organic creator’s perfected blueprint as the Krystal Tree of Life as it was originally created for them by God. They are freed from the burdens of karmic overlays and miasmatic records that had been accumulated from their Stations of Identity in all timelines that were further manipulated into mind control consciousness slavery by the invading species.

Cosmic Records of Cosminya

Within the central cluster of multiple cosmic matrixes within the stairway to heaven, exists the highest layers of the central core of the Godhead which contains the eternal seven suns of the one. The eternal seven suns of the inner and outer creation hide yet another solar body, as the Eighth Sun. During the convergence of multiple universal time cycles coming into completion, the cosmic records of Cosminya which hold the entire cosmic memory matrix during the many evolution cycles begins to open and become accessible to authentic Ascended Masters. This cosmic cluster of multiple merging time matrices functions similar to the Hall of Records, in which the tri-matrix of cosmic memory records are unified through the opening of multiple creation cores and are then made accessible through the emerging factors of the hidden Eighth Sun. The only way to gain access to the cosmic memory matrix is to have Cosmic Mother’s triple solar female dragon TA tones, which ignite the Elaysian Flame and tri-tone Staff wave that is held in the Emerald Crystal Heart of the Cosmic Solar Reisha sun star network, which further forms into the Universal Mother’s spirit body for Elaysa-Melchizedek.

Thus, Cosmic Mother Dragon in her Elaysa God Spirit Body reveals her parallel creations from the Elaysian matrix, and is now beginning to reclaim various parts of her body that make up the living crystal architecture in the planet. This includes the emergence of the core creation crystals and silver seeds from the eighth sun, that form into opalescent white-gold plasma currents and living water vapors that are called the Elaysian Fields. These eternal Mother sophianic currents were once known by the ancient Ascended Masters that were attempting to preserve this knowledge through hidden mystery schools that were training devoted adepts in esoteric ascension rites. These are eternal life currents flowing from the Halls of Cosminya that run the Eternal Flames of Elaysa, and these Holy Mother Sophia coded fields are the creation matrix of the Internal God world domains held within the energy to manifestation layers of the Outer God world domains. Ascended Masters must ride the Flame of Elaysa into the Elaysian fields which open into the Halls of Cosminya, which are made up of three merged Halls of Records. These three halls synchronize and become one Cosminyacorridor that is accessed through the tri-matrix of Akasha-TA, Ecoushsa-TA and Reisha-TA. All are the sacred tones of the TA Sun which is the source of triple solar dragon language, spoken through the Mother of Dragons with the white diamond throated tongue. [1]

Restoring Central Core into Cosminya

The Mahara Reisha Suns are connected to the Seven Spirit Suns of Eire Adonis that hold eternal living memory crystals in the Mother’s Solar Reisha spirit worlds in what is referred to as the Ecoushic or parallel layers of the time matrix. The Mahara Reisha is the central heart or core of the larger Mahara spirit realm body that exists in the Reisha worlds. Through the inner heart complex of the Kryst seed atom, the Krystic consciousness must enter the Ecoushsa spirit side and then into the Mahara Reisha Seven Spirit Sun layers, which further lead into the central core of the massive Cosmic Spirit Body that also functions as the Cosmic Hall of Records, or Cosminya.

As we are remembering and reacquainting ourselves with the Triple Solar Feminine Christ, or Solar Reisha of the Mahara Reisha, it is apparent that many of the divine female sophianic counterparts of our Emerald Order Christos teams were from the Mahara Reisha Suns and were doing all they could to defend the Hara Krysta Staff access that leads directly into the central core of the Cosminya. [2] [3]

Staff of Elaysa

The building out of repair sequences during the planetary Eukatharistic Activation last year [2022] has resulted in the next stages of Emerald Guardian Ascension Hosting mission upgrades, with our direct attention being placed upon the Cosmic Spirit Body which is connected to the Elaysa Staff, which is the authentic Cosmic Spirit Sun down stepping into the Universal Melchizedek Solar Mother principle of our time matrix. [4]

The Triple Solar Reisha from the Mahara Reisha Worlds are Spirit Suns that are from the dark matter layers and function as the spirit cell clusters that make up the massive eternal Cosmic Spirit Body of God source. The Cosmic Spirit Body is describing the function of a massive macrocosmic grouping of interlinked spiritual suns embodied into the smaller groupings of individual spirit suns embodying the Solar Reisha staff principle, in which the Elaysa Staff is required to gain access into the domains of the Cosmic Records. The Cosmic Spirit Body holds its own tri-matrix of Cosmic Hall of Records which then begin to rejoin with the matter worlds throughout creation in order to correct the instruction sets back into the Diamond Sun DNA pattern by restoring the Universal Laws.


  1. Elaysa-Melchizedek
  2. Cosmic Spirit Body
  3. Elaysa-Melchizedek
  4. Cosmic Spirit Body

See Also:

Cosmic Dragon Awakening

Cosmic Mother

Triple Taras

Triple Solar Goddess

Holy Mother Sophia

Mary Magdalene Sophia

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Universal Diamond Pillar”

Universal Diamond Pillar (art by Elizabeth)

“At this time during March Equinox 2017, the Universal Diamond Pillars were connecting into the Avatar Christos frequencies within the individual’s central vertical column to build and grow into the Universal Staff function, which was anchored within the personal Christos 12D Maharata pillar. The Universal Diamond Pillar Gateway emerged into a clock shield that was built with the Ruby pillar in the 6’o clock position, Sapphire pillar in the 9’ o clock left hand position, the Emerald pillar in the 3 o’ clock right hand position, with the Diamond pillar placed in the 12’ o clock northern position. The Solar Reisha are the direct sophianic embodiments of the dark matter field that birth light seeds which ignites the eternal spirit body source field into the planet, and brings about the correct proportions of electromagnetic properties in the planetary grid system that naturally generates the abundant and free energy source of Zero Point. As the planet integrated the further dimensional expansions into the completed anti-particle merge which includes 22D, 23D and 24D, this functions as the Emerald Founder capstone in 24D required for anchoring the Cosmic to Universal Emerald Rod, and the necessary Emerald Order architecture for reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere in the Albion. Thus, along with these recent events, the Universal Diamond Pillar merged into another expression of the twinned hierogamic template in which the Ruby and Diamond Pillar merged together, and the Sapphire and Emerald Pillar merged together. This rotated the clock shield template that is currently generating new positions on the Universal Staff of Elaysa-Melchizedek, and this is connected to the Hara Krysta Staff which connects into the Cosmic Hall of Records and synchronizes with the Cosmic Clock and Reuche Pillars. When the Universal Diamond Pillars twinned themselves recently, this synchronized with the Emerald Sun DNA quad template of the Cosmic Starhuman and formed into a tesseract God cube that fully synchronized with the Eye of God between the Akashic, Ecoushic and Reisha matrices. The hierogamic merge that occurred between Emerald and Sapphire pillars, along with Diamond and Ruby Pillars shifted the Universal Diamond Gateway to the Emerald Pillar as the 12 o’clock north position in the Cosmic Clock, that links directly to the Emerald Founders in 24D and the extensive circuitry of the Cosmic Emerald Crystal Heart and purified 24D Emerald Ray. From the synchronization of these three matrices, the center Hara Krysta began transmitting the Universal Rose Spiral Breath pattern which began to pour through the central Azura heart of all three matrices further linking them together in the Rosetta pattern, also fondly referred to as the Universal Breath of Roses. The Rosetta is the beautiful living light current of our Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father united as one holy spirit breath which takes the form of blooming roses, in which the Universal Diamond Rose template for all angelic human beings is imbued within these refined divine fire water and ice genetic codes from the core of the Cosmic Hall of Records that saturate the human bio-neurology and breath with many plasma flowering roses. This is the Universal Rose breath pattern where roses may appear in every section of the breath channel, inner vertical channel, sacral center, and in the inhalation and exhalation of the holy rose infused breath, which circulates the Rosetta pattern in the sacred crystal heart of Diamond Sun in the Christos embodied males and females.”

~Lisa Renee

Leading up to the March Equinox in 2017, the planetary body underwent a massive geomagnetic transformation that was required to support the future emergence of the Solar Feminine Melchizedek aspects, Elaysa, which we are discovering more about through the mysteries of Holy Mother Sophia during this phase. As has been mentioned many times before, the magnetic field and gravitational waves on the planet have been highly controlled and manipulated to suppress human consciousness in a variety of ways. The magnetic control of the consciousness units of the Planetary Logos mind was primarily designed to conquer the Holy Mother Sophia presence and damage her Triple Solar Feminine Christ emanations from merging with the Rasha Body dark matter connections leading into the Reisha Worlds, which is the location of the Seven Spirit Suns of Eire-Adonis.

The magnetic control has been connected to the extensive networks of Mind Control, Gender Reversal and glandular suppression that have been operating on and off planet. This includes the alien built enslavement systems of saturnian-moon matrix and its artificial energy currents that have been pulsed into the planetary grid system, to keep humans asleep and to keep the matter worlds perpetually disconnected from the eternal spirit worlds. When the Planetary Grid Network is rehabilitated and corrected from the many layers of Metatronic Reversal and Alien Machinery running artificial currents controlled by the NAA, this floods the planet with tremendous amounts of spirit source and consciousness energy for global awakening. Humanity is actually living on the planet as this reset is shifting timelines and accelerating the Bifurcation Madness in some of the unaware population, while the correct organic frequencies are returning and resetting the entire planetary grid system so our true spiritual family and Cosmic Parents can return to help humanity liberate this realm.

The Solar Reisha are the direct sophianic embodiments of the dark matter field that birth light seeds which ignites the eternal spirit body source field into the planet, and brings about the correct proportions of electromagnetic properties in the planetary grid system that naturally generates the abundant and free energy source of Zero Point.

About six years ago, Christos Guardian teams began to introduce Krystic Diamond Sun DNA architecture in the form of the Universal Diamond Pillar Gateway to reinforce the Aurora re-encryption projects of correcting elementals and carbon matter substances running in Sextant Matrix and biological clock shields. The Universal Diamond Pillars were intended to align us to the correct cardinal directions for planetary Maji Grail Crown and to energetically heal the fallen entity imbalances infecting the primal forces on the planet. The primal forces are governors of the movement of energy and consciousness in our human body and world, all of that etheric-matter substance which is co-created in the minds of Collective Consciousness. The goal was to help restore and circulate the neutral force state in order to more effectively co-create the feedback loops made directly with the zero-point field that connects the planetary body and humanity into the organic timelines of God source.

Thus, the Christos families began working on the Universal Diamond Pillars to bring about the Diamond Sun corrections required for the planetary Eukatharista Activation, which correspond to the solar symbiosis cycle of personal Eukachristic lightbody activation for creating dark matter light seeds or the Rasha body. At this time during March Equinox 2017, the Universal Diamond Pillars were connecting into the Avatar Christos frequencies within the individual’s central vertical column to build and grow into the Universal Staff function, which was anchored within the personal Christos 12D Maharata pillar. The Universal Diamond Pillar Gateway emerged into a clock shield that was built with the Ruby pillar in the 6’o clock position, Sapphire pillar in the 9’ o clock left hand position, the Emerald pillar in the 3 o’ clock right hand position, with the Diamond pillar placed in the 12’ o clock northern position.

Recently, we learned that this configuration of the Universal Pillar Gateway in 2017 was for the purpose of administering blueprint corrections that supported the reconnection of the planetary staff into the Universal Staff, that which would help unite the matter worlds Maharata with the spirit worlds Maharata. Further linking the Universal Staff into the Hara Krysta Staff of the Hara-Mahara Reisha world’s that are interconnected as cell clusters of the Cosmic Spirit Body, and which are the location of the Mahara Reisha Spirit Suns of Eire-Adonis. Each of the four Universal Diamond Pillars contain the Emerald Order records for the Christos Diamond Sun DNA template at every developmental stage and its progression throughout the Universal Time Matrix; Ruby pillar is for Ruby Sun DNA and Rosetta, Sapphire pillar is for the family of Indigo’s Diamond Sun DNA and Mahara Reisha, Emerald pillar is for the founders Emerald Sun DNA for Cosmic Starhuman Dragons, and the Diamond pillar is for the Double Diamond Sun DNA template for Oraphim and other lineages requiring genetic rehabilitation. The Oraphim have helped bring through the expansions into the Cosmic Founder God Source Domains that expanded all the way throughout dimensions, 16D to 24D, in which they would eventually shift timelines in order to evolve into the Emerald Sun DNA.

As the planet integrated the further dimensional expansions into the completed anti-particle merge which includes 22D, 23D and 24D, this functions as the Emerald Founder capstone in 24D required for anchoring the Cosmic to Universal Emerald Rod, and the necessary Emerald Order architecture for reseating King Arthur and Queen Guinevere in the Albion. Thus, along with these recent events, the Universal Diamond Pillar merged into another expression of the twinned hierogamic template in which the Ruby and Diamond Pillar merged together, and the Sapphire and Emerald Pillar merged together. This rotated the clock shield template that is currently generating new positions on the Universal Staff of Elaysa-Melchizedek, and this is connected to the Hara Krysta Staff which connects into the Cosmic Hall of Records and synchronizes with the Cosmic Clock and Reuche Pillars.

When the Universal Diamond Pillars twinned themselves recently, this synchronized with the Emerald Sun DNA quad template of the Cosmic Starhuman and formed into a tesseract God cube that fully synchronized with the Eye of God between the Akashic, Ecoushic and Reisha matrices. The hierogamic merge that occurred between Emerald and Sapphire pillars, along with Diamond and Ruby Pillars shifted the Universal Diamond Gateway to the Emerald Pillar as the 12 o’clock north position in the Cosmic Clock, that links directly to the Emerald Founders in 24D and the extensive circuitry of the Cosmic Emerald Crystal Heart and purified 24D Emerald Ray. From the synchronization of these three matrices, the center Hara Krysta began transmitting the Universal Rose Spiral Breath pattern which began to pour through the central Azura heart of all three matrices further linking them together in the Rosetta pattern, also fondly referred to as the Universal Breath of Roses.

Universal Rose Breath

The Rosetta is the beautiful living light current of our Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father united as one holy spirit breath which takes the form of blooming roses, in which the Universal Diamond Rose template for all angelic human beings is imbued within these refined divine fire water and ice genetic codes from the core of the Cosmic Hall of Records that saturate the human bio-neurology and breath with many plasma flowering roses. This is the Universal Rose breath pattern where roses may appear in every section of the breath channel, inner vertical channel, sacral center, and in the inhalation and exhalation of the holy rose infused breath, which circulates the Rosetta pattern in the sacred crystal heart of Diamond Sun in the Christos embodied males and females. [1]


  1.  Cosmic Spirit Body

See Also

Rasha Body

Universal Ankh Body

Failsafe Plan

Mother of Dragons

Mary Magdalene Sophia


Return of Solar Rishi

~via Ascension Glossary