SUE MAISANO: “How To Daydream and Achieve Your Goals”

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”

~Albert Einstein


Daydreaming is like meditation or hypnosis except for that it is more effortless and natural. Done properly, daydreaming can be very effective in helping us achieve our goals.

Your mind and body already know how to get into the zone of daydreaming because you had been doing it unconsciously all the time.

Perhaps when you are driving, the lengthy, repetitive and boring activity sends your mind to a space of peacefulness, or what seems like to be void and silent. With this quieting of the mind, you wander away from daily mundane and goes on a mental exploration. In other words, you started to daydream.

Everybody daydreams, it is human nature.

I had a daydream 15 years ago.

How could I remember a random daydream that long ago you ask? Well, the daydream I had seemed too foolish to me at the time, so it stood out and stuck with me. I remember I had to stop myself on the tracks and put on a mental break to get myself out of the daydream.

As a frustrated Chinese college student who wanted to come to America, I had a lot of worries, one of which was relationship. I didn’t have any relationship problems per se actually, because I had no one to have a relationship with, aka I was a desperate single.

One day as I was randomly strolling the campus on the walkway my mind slips away. Admit this light, glowing and pleasant feeling, I thought maybe I would marry an American guy one day and have a bunch of cute mixes.

I was not sure if I initiated the thought or the thought found me. I felt that the latter was more appropriate. The thought was soft and gentle, and it brought pleasant sensations. I was free from everyday struggles for a few brief seconds while I was bathed in the daydream.

Then my logical thinking kicked in. My inner voice said this was not possible so stop thinking like this and fool yourself. I brought myself out of the daydream by deciding to focus on something more “practical”.

Nevertheless, that daydream was realized years later, against all odds.

Many inventions, scientific breakthroughs and writings were conceived in the daydream like state.

Einstein came up with the Special Theory of Relativity in daydreams. His saying that “Imagination is more important than knowledge” further testifies the importance of imagination and daydreaming.

Edison kept a small bed in his office where he daydreamed about his next inventions. If not for his immense creativity the world might still be a “dark” place.

And as your mind and body grow accustomed to a certain amount of sleep each night — six hours, seven, maybe the recommended eight — so can you train your waking mind to sleep creatively and work out the vividly imagined waking dreams which are successful works of fiction.”

You see, great minds recognize the importance of imagination and daydream to bring out creativity as well as accomplish personal goals.

How to use daydreaming to reach your goals?

Daydreaming is a state of being that we naturally go through each day. You can choose to purposefully daydream and raise your vibrations. When you daydream, you somewhat detach from the physical and access higher planes where energies can manifest into physical existence. You start to tap into the source where physical realities spring from. In other words, you become more creative.

Practicing entering the daydream space purposefully will help you draw closer what you desire. Here are a few steps to help you initiate and deepen your daydream abilities:

1. Find a quiet space.

Daydreaming is a type of “dream” so treat it like a dream. When you go to sleep each night, you put on your soft pajamas, retreat to your bed, cover yourself with warm blankets, and turn off the light. You close your eyes and side aside the day’s happenings.

You drop deeper and deeper into sleep where dreams may occur. You do it at each night at around the same time, same place, same procedures that it’s almost like a ritual. Similarly, with a daydream you need a quiet space, especially a quiet mental space where you can safely set aside the daily mundane.

Find a time and place where you won’t be constantly interrupted. Maybe take a short walk in the woods or on a trail. Maybe use the mental space in the soothing shower in the morning. Maybe it’s a place in your house where you feel comfortable for your daily daydreaming. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to daydream first when you go to bed each night.

2. Let go of logical thinking.

Sometimes you dream of your deceased relatives, but in that dream it may not occur to you that your relative had already passed. Sometimes in your dream you have a completely different identity than what you are in your waking hours. However, the dream self does not question its own validity.

It’s because your logical thinking is in suspension when you are in a dream. You are free from your logical restrictions. Your imagination grows wings when you dream. Similarly, when you daydream, suspend your logical thinking. Einstein said: “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”

If your logical thinking is interfering with your daydream you certainly are restricted and won’t be able to access the Universal energy with unlimited potential. In fact, you won’t even be able to daydream if you cannot let go of your logical thinking for even a brief moment.

Of course that is not to deny the power of your logical thinking at other times. What you need to practice on is to let go of logical thinking when you intent to do so. It’s a mental discipline to direct your will.

3. Let go of expectations.

After your daydream, carry out your daily activities as if nothing had happened. Don’t become obsessed with what you daydreamed about. When you do the actual daydreaming, you are delivering your message to the Universe. The Universe is always hearing and responding, and it initiates motion, which may not be visible on the physical plane, towards manifestations of your dream.

Let go of expectations is to allow it to happen and is perhaps the hardest part of bringing your daydream to reality. For everything we do we tend to cast our bet, our preferences of how things should go. If things go our way we are happy, if things are going against us we are worried. Our emotions are greatly controlled by what’s happening outside of us. We truly become a victim with no control.

We entangle ourselves in the process of creation and block the process of manifestation. What we are doing is to compare the outside happenings with what we hold in our expectations and we see this discrepancy. We then mess the process of creation with our negative emotions, further pushing our dream reality away from us.

It’s a downward spiral. With letting go of expectations we lose the comparison. Then the outside happenings become neither good nor bad because we don’t cast our bets, our preferences. This level of letting go allows the Universal energy to proceed naturally without any restrictions.

Then all of a sudden, when you are least expecting it your dream become a reality in a magical way! By then you might have already forgot that once you daydreamed about it. Such is the beauty of letting go of expectations.

Now you have it, three steps to bring your daydream to reality. Find a quiet space, let go of logical thinking, and let go of expectation. Which one do you think is the easiest? Which one do you think is the hardest part? Can you let go, even just a little bit? What are you daydreaming today?



JUDI LYNCH: “Practicing Spiritual Optimism”

“Learning how to live in the light of the spiritual consciousness while still in human form on the Earth is no easy task. How do we balance these two worlds together so that it makes sense?”

~Judi Lynch


The Earth needs our Spiritual Optimism now to create the energy to heal it. If we know right and wrong in our humanity, if it is possible to become part of the human mind to inherit not to hurt another living being, then let that spiritual optimism be our goal.

Practicing Spiritual Optimism

Have you ever known someone who, no matter what you say, continues to respond negatively to your suggestions after asking you for advice? Even if it appears they are destined to complain for a lifetime, remember that your words may just take more time to sink in. You might hear later, “I thought about what you said.” Also, there is more than just one answer to a life challenge, and the solution depends on the person along with the unique circumstances they are facing. We as humans operate on different levels of understanding. It’s not a judgment of good or better but of vibration, soul level, and maturity. We are on this Earth in a giant classroom filled with every ridiculous mixture of blood, bones, and consciousness through zillions of lifetimes spinning along in our own little universe. How do we stay optimistic when there is a divide, unrest, and hatred all around us?

Energy is something we can take responsibility for. Optimism creates an energy of hope and manifestation. If we want to manifest success and true ability to assist others in raising their vibration, it is imperative that we learn to control our energy fields. If we are still bitter, unforgiving, judgmental or seeking revenge, we will create a very shaky ground in which to walk our talk of living in loving spirit. If we could only look at someone and see the beauty of their face. The trueness of their heart through their soulful eyes, reading their words of pain and cry in empathy for what they have endured, we are learning. We learn how to recognize these feelings because we have felt them in the past and we sought out ways to heal them. We hold space for their tears. We also know that there is healing in letting those feelings evolve into a higher form of learning. Forgiveness, clarity, acceptance, compassion, and charity. Not only for others but for ourselves as well.

Spiritual Optimism is learning to flow with the lessons and glow with the blessings. If we are aware of our thoughts, words, and actions concerning our challenges, we can stop the self-doubt and criticism from bringing us and our vibration down. It’s okay to feel angry. It’s okay to feel slighted sometimes. It’s holding onto the feelings and letting them define us that makes us pessimistic. Anyone who tells you that thoughts don’t matter or that we are destined to live as our ancestors are listening to the voice of negativity. Soul mastery takes courage and perseverance. It takes a big heart but well worth the investment.

Learning how to live in the light of the spiritual consciousness while still in human form on the Earth is no easy task. How do we balance these two worlds together so that it makes sense? Very carefully it seems. If we go running off on cloud nine because we can feel the spirit, Intuit for others and heal by channeling energy then forget to pay the electric bill, it will get mighty cold in the house. If we know, there is more to this life than traffic jams, mean people and yes, bills, we are blessed to be sure. Many people have no clue what they are doing, why they are here or how they got here. It doesn’t mean they won’t learn over a lifetime of love, mistakes, missteps, crazy adventures and misguided fortune hunting.

Knowing what you believe in can help keep you optimistic as well. It gives you a base of peace to know that you have purpose and meaning. Helping others not because you were asked to but because it is a part of who you are. The human mind intertwined with the soul spinning in harmony and balance is the real power in our spiritual evolution. How long it takes us to get there is an arguable subject. The Earth needs our optimism now to create the energy to heal it.

The energy of hope can permeate the minds of those who have the power to help change it. If we understand this, we understand how history can be used about what to and what “not” to do. If we know right and wrong in our humanity, if it is possible to become part of the human mind to inherit not to hurt another living being, then let that optimism be our goal.




SUSAN VIVYAN: “Thoughts And Words Are So Important”

Watch your words carefully as they carry more power than you realize.  Many are becoming aware of the power of thoughts, words and are more discerning in their choices.  Yes, it is a choice moment by moment.  More immediate results than you realize.

It is via stillness, meditation, concentration, awareness that you become aware of the power of your thoughts; words leading to actions.  When one is the observer in the 3rd person and not immersed in the drama of their own making a wiser perspective emerges.  Greater understanding with more discernment guides daily choices.  The inner reflects the outer and more discretionary decisions are made.

One can still be very present, live in the moment; however, the focus of an aware life is more refined like sand which slowly and gently flows through your fingers with little abrasive quality.

Listen to the words of others but more importantly discern your own thoughts and words.  Become a detached observer with no judgment or criticism.  Allow corrections to your thought patterns and/or actions to be done with gentleness and softness.

Treat yourself with respect.  Embrace your imperfections.  Allow growth to emerge with constant nurturing and self-love.  Focus on your thoughts, your words.  Refine your choices.

You are important!


Susan Vivyan; M.A.T. (Art Therapy), B.S. (Art Education); Art Transformative Facilitator/Educator, Writer, Artist. You can find her Soul Essence paintings on Facebook @EssenceArtBySusanVivyan



THERESA DUVAUCHELLE: “8 Simple Steps To Manifest Anything You Want”

“It is time to start dreaming big.  It is time for you to manifest the life you have always wanted to live. There is nothing holding you back you are a creator and this is what you came here to do.  You had to be a master at manifesting before you incarnated and it is time for you to remember who you are and how to attain the life you want to live to be the example you set out to be.”

~Theresa Duvauchelle


If you knew how powerful your thoughts were you would never think a negative thought again.  Most people get caught up in their thoughts and are unable to attain the life that they desire.  The day to day things just get in the way more and more and you are frustrated to no end.  The more you think about the bills and not having enough money the more bills you acquire.  You pray for the madness to stop but it keeps coming full force.

Did you know that your thoughts are creating your future?

Did you know the thought waves you are sending out are actually asking for more of what you do not want?

The universe does not know the difference between wanting and not wanting.

The universe feels if you are giving thought it is something you want and grants your every wish.

Today, I am going to show you 8 ways that you can manifest the life you have dreamed of.

1. Gratitude

Show gratitude for everything and everyone you have in your life.  Gratitude is one one the things we often leave out and it is one of the most important steps in manifestation.  So if you are thinking I do not like where I live and try to manifest from there you will be going the wrong direction and just getting more of what you do not want.  When you show gratitude for the things you already have it opens the door for more to come through.

2. Visualize

You need to visualize what you wish to manifest, what you long for.  Your thoughts and visions have a creative force behind them so it is important to envision a clear picture of what you are desiring to attract into your life.  Be specific.  The universe is waiting for you to create so it can bring into existence exactly what aspire to have.  When you are visualizing make sure you are in the now like it has already happened. This is a very important step!

3. Vibration

Your vibration is what sets the tone for manifestation.  Like attracts like.  If you are vibrating high you are emitting love, happiness and fulfillment. If you are vibrating low you are emitting anger, sadness and despair.  So we always need to be mindful of the energy we are carrying from moment to moment.  We want to vibrate high and feel the energy in our stomach as it rises to our heart as we pulsate the energy.  Feel it, be it!

4. Eliminate

Get rid of what no longer serves you.  It is difficult to manifest something new when you are hanging onto the old.  We want to move into the present and leave the past behind.

5. Affirmations

When you affirm something you are actually acknowledging it to be authentic.  With repeating affirmations you are setting an intention for the universe to fulfill your wish.  Daily repetition affords that you are purposefully creating your future.  Some examples of affirmations are as follows.


I am open to receive abundance from the universe

I manifest my deepest desires daily

My dreams are coming to fruition

I am raising my vibration daily and manifesting what I desire

I am the creator of my experience

Everyday I am moving towards my goals
I am confident and successful


These are just a few examples to get you started.


6. No Doubt

You want to release any fears or the thought that you cannot have what you are yearning for.  Believe that you can have anything your heart desires without a doubt.  It is so much easier to swim with the current rather than swimming upstream.  In order to achieve this you need stop thinking analytically and start feeling with your heart.

7. Receive

Ask and you shall receive.  Be open to receive and make sure it is what you want.  Know that you are deserving to receive.  This will open the door to abundance and allow you to manifest quickly with ease.

8. Dream

It is time to start dreaming big. It is time for you to manifest the life you have always wanted to live.  There is nothing holding you back you are a creator and this is what you came here to do.  You had to be a master at manifesting before you incarnated and it is time for you to remember who you are and how to attain the life you want to live to be the example you set out to be.

If you follow these eight easy steps, you should be well on your way to manifesting anything you want.  The power is in your hands and it is time to create.  Have fun and live!


Theresa Duvauchelle




CREATOR COURSE: “The Power Of Thought”


You are responsible for everything you have brought into your life, everything you have left out of your life, and everything that you are currently intending to bring into your life.  Every single relationship, association, difficulty, failure, fear, plan, hope, and success is in your control no matter whether you have been guided there consciously or subconsciously.  Every mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual state of being that you are experiencing right now is completely under your power.  If you think not, then you are giving away your innate power to others.  Everything in your life that I have just spoken about above originated, originates, and will originate from one matter — thought.

Your thoughts harness all your power and you wield this power through your thinking.  What you think about is up to you.  Thoughts trigger every word that comes out of your mouth, every action you go forward with, and every habit you form.  In turn, these self-expressions shape and mold your character and as we all know it, your character determines the destiny that guides you.  Thoughts actually emanate and radiate energy to and from your body.  They directly influence the physical, mental, emotional, social, sexual, and spiritual effort your body, mind, and spirit is willing to produce.  Since your thoughts directly correlate to the frequency of your vibrational being, be mindful of what you express — remember love is that of a high vibration and fear is that of a low one.  Each thought you create sends a vibration through your being and out into the universe.

At their most basic purpose, thoughts are how you creatively express your individuality.  Nurture your thoughts and take intense care after what you feed to your mentality.  Be mindful of what you mentally create as it has a majority of the effect in what you intend and create within your reality.


You form about 60,000 thoughts every single day and about 95% of those thoughts get exactly recreated the following day.  That 95%, as you could have guessed, is subconsciously created.  Make sure that those thoughts are what you consciously intend to create within your reality.

If you are unsure how powerful your thoughts and intentions really are, then let me explain to you the work of Dr. Masaru Emoto.  He gathered distilled water and blessed the specimens with a simple thought or intention as well as labeled others with words such as love or gratitude.  He froze the droplet samples and then placed them under a microscope to astonishingly find beautiful crystals react and reflect the initial thought or intention.  The crystals bore symmetrical and hexagonal snowflakes that all remained unique to one another.  It is interesting to think if this is how thoughts affected water, suppose how powerful they could affect you.


