LISA RENEE on “Law of Correspondence”

“The Universal Law of Correspondence shows us that which is expressed from the inner world, is matched in what expresses in the outer world, and vice versa. On the spiritual path, our ultimate goal is to express more balance and symmetry between the layers of correspondence that we become aware of. The principle expresses the idea that there is always a correspondence which can be observed in patterns between the Natural Laws of consciousness that exist simultaneously in the multiple dimensional planes of being and life. As above, so below; as below, so above. What is manifested in the material world, reflects the quality of the thought behind the pattern from the unmanifest layers. If we want to understand more about the causal reality and events happening around us, we look at the macrocosm to the microcosm, and the microcosm to the macrocosm and we observe the interconnections and patterns that are present there. To understand the nature of problems and life lessons, we look beyond the linear thinking of the issue. Instead we look at what exists in the energetic layers that created it, to see the patterns and the shadows of what generated that situation. If we want to see the accumulated thoughtforms that have created an organization, if we want to reverse engineer something that has manifested, we look for the correspondences. We look at how that thing was created by observing the macro to micro patterns, the influence of the system of energy that was co-created, and the motivations that are behind it. The Law of Correspondence informs us of the original intent and quality of thoughtforms that were used to co-create a manifestation, in which we can observe causality through the mirror of reality. In this way, it is very similar to the basic comprehension of the Law of Attraction.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

SUE MAISANO: “How To Daydream and Achieve Your Goals”

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”

~Albert Einstein


Daydreaming is like meditation or hypnosis except for that it is more effortless and natural. Done properly, daydreaming can be very effective in helping us achieve our goals.

Your mind and body already know how to get into the zone of daydreaming because you had been doing it unconsciously all the time.

Perhaps when you are driving, the lengthy, repetitive and boring activity sends your mind to a space of peacefulness, or what seems like to be void and silent. With this quieting of the mind, you wander away from daily mundane and goes on a mental exploration. In other words, you started to daydream.

Everybody daydreams, it is human nature.

I had a daydream 15 years ago.

How could I remember a random daydream that long ago you ask? Well, the daydream I had seemed too foolish to me at the time, so it stood out and stuck with me. I remember I had to stop myself on the tracks and put on a mental break to get myself out of the daydream.

As a frustrated Chinese college student who wanted to come to America, I had a lot of worries, one of which was relationship. I didn’t have any relationship problems per se actually, because I had no one to have a relationship with, aka I was a desperate single.

One day as I was randomly strolling the campus on the walkway my mind slips away. Admit this light, glowing and pleasant feeling, I thought maybe I would marry an American guy one day and have a bunch of cute mixes.

I was not sure if I initiated the thought or the thought found me. I felt that the latter was more appropriate. The thought was soft and gentle, and it brought pleasant sensations. I was free from everyday struggles for a few brief seconds while I was bathed in the daydream.

Then my logical thinking kicked in. My inner voice said this was not possible so stop thinking like this and fool yourself. I brought myself out of the daydream by deciding to focus on something more “practical”.

Nevertheless, that daydream was realized years later, against all odds.

Many inventions, scientific breakthroughs and writings were conceived in the daydream like state.

Einstein came up with the Special Theory of Relativity in daydreams. His saying that “Imagination is more important than knowledge” further testifies the importance of imagination and daydreaming.

Edison kept a small bed in his office where he daydreamed about his next inventions. If not for his immense creativity the world might still be a “dark” place.

And as your mind and body grow accustomed to a certain amount of sleep each night — six hours, seven, maybe the recommended eight — so can you train your waking mind to sleep creatively and work out the vividly imagined waking dreams which are successful works of fiction.”

You see, great minds recognize the importance of imagination and daydream to bring out creativity as well as accomplish personal goals.

How to use daydreaming to reach your goals?

Daydreaming is a state of being that we naturally go through each day. You can choose to purposefully daydream and raise your vibrations. When you daydream, you somewhat detach from the physical and access higher planes where energies can manifest into physical existence. You start to tap into the source where physical realities spring from. In other words, you become more creative.

Practicing entering the daydream space purposefully will help you draw closer what you desire. Here are a few steps to help you initiate and deepen your daydream abilities:

1. Find a quiet space.

Daydreaming is a type of “dream” so treat it like a dream. When you go to sleep each night, you put on your soft pajamas, retreat to your bed, cover yourself with warm blankets, and turn off the light. You close your eyes and side aside the day’s happenings.

You drop deeper and deeper into sleep where dreams may occur. You do it at each night at around the same time, same place, same procedures that it’s almost like a ritual. Similarly, with a daydream you need a quiet space, especially a quiet mental space where you can safely set aside the daily mundane.

Find a time and place where you won’t be constantly interrupted. Maybe take a short walk in the woods or on a trail. Maybe use the mental space in the soothing shower in the morning. Maybe it’s a place in your house where you feel comfortable for your daily daydreaming. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to daydream first when you go to bed each night.

2. Let go of logical thinking.

Sometimes you dream of your deceased relatives, but in that dream it may not occur to you that your relative had already passed. Sometimes in your dream you have a completely different identity than what you are in your waking hours. However, the dream self does not question its own validity.

It’s because your logical thinking is in suspension when you are in a dream. You are free from your logical restrictions. Your imagination grows wings when you dream. Similarly, when you daydream, suspend your logical thinking. Einstein said: “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”

If your logical thinking is interfering with your daydream you certainly are restricted and won’t be able to access the Universal energy with unlimited potential. In fact, you won’t even be able to daydream if you cannot let go of your logical thinking for even a brief moment.

Of course that is not to deny the power of your logical thinking at other times. What you need to practice on is to let go of logical thinking when you intent to do so. It’s a mental discipline to direct your will.

3. Let go of expectations.

After your daydream, carry out your daily activities as if nothing had happened. Don’t become obsessed with what you daydreamed about. When you do the actual daydreaming, you are delivering your message to the Universe. The Universe is always hearing and responding, and it initiates motion, which may not be visible on the physical plane, towards manifestations of your dream.

Let go of expectations is to allow it to happen and is perhaps the hardest part of bringing your daydream to reality. For everything we do we tend to cast our bet, our preferences of how things should go. If things go our way we are happy, if things are going against us we are worried. Our emotions are greatly controlled by what’s happening outside of us. We truly become a victim with no control.

We entangle ourselves in the process of creation and block the process of manifestation. What we are doing is to compare the outside happenings with what we hold in our expectations and we see this discrepancy. We then mess the process of creation with our negative emotions, further pushing our dream reality away from us.

It’s a downward spiral. With letting go of expectations we lose the comparison. Then the outside happenings become neither good nor bad because we don’t cast our bets, our preferences. This level of letting go allows the Universal energy to proceed naturally without any restrictions.

Then all of a sudden, when you are least expecting it your dream become a reality in a magical way! By then you might have already forgot that once you daydreamed about it. Such is the beauty of letting go of expectations.

Now you have it, three steps to bring your daydream to reality. Find a quiet space, let go of logical thinking, and let go of expectation. Which one do you think is the easiest? Which one do you think is the hardest part? Can you let go, even just a little bit? What are you daydreaming today?



NEZEL PADAYHAG: “5 Tools You Need To Make Your Dreams Come True — Despite Having A Strong Will”

Ascension Avatar note: You may take this as haughty, but I always get what I want in life… always have. I don’t ‘do’ anything except KNOW how it’s going to be… and that’s that! 

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We all know that in order to make your dreams come true the essential, necessary ingredient is a strong will. But it’s not that simple after all. It’s not just will that you need, and you can’t make your dreams come true just by thinking about them.

If making your dreams come true was that easy, everybody would have been living their dream by now.

To have a dream and a strong will is the easy part but moving forward is where the go getters rise above the ‘dreamers’.

Even if you have all the talents and all the predispositions you need it’s not a clear way to fulfilling your dreams. Probably the most important thing, even more important, or at least equally important as a strong will, is to have the right mindset and the right tools in hand.

First and foremost, you need to know what your dream is. Second, you have to believe that you have the full capability to fulfill your dreams and have a strong will to do that. Third, you need the right tools in chasing those dreams. If you have these three, then you’re good to go. Here are the 5 tools that will help you on your journey!

If You Want To Make Your Dreams Come True You Need These 5 Tools:

1. The right intentions.

Dreams that aren’t founded on the right intentions are bound to be swayed by the ego and feelings of not having enough. Setting the right intentions connects you to the sacred place within you that already embodies the states you wish for yourself.

Your intentions should be based on the reasons behind your dreams. Once you have set the right intentions, you will be guided to act in accordance with your profound values as you pursue your dreams.

2. A clear list of your dreams and intentions.

Your dreams become tangible when you put it on paper. By writing it down, you will have a clearer picture of the things you want to have or want to become.

This releases your dreams from your heart, which means you’re ready to face them and work for them in the real world.

Once you have made your list, read them before bed at night and after you wake up, trusting fully that they’re being released to the field of pure potentiality and will happen in accordance to divine timing.

3. A vision board.

If you haven’t created one yet, vision boards do help a lot. First, vision boards can entice you to visualize your dreams throughout the day if you see them often. Second, your dreams will likely come into reality when you have created a sacred space for them.

The fact that you intend the vision boards to bring whatever is on it to life will set everything in motion.

You don’t have to be super creative to make an amazing vision board. Just focus on the things you want including the feelings you want to feel.

You can check out on the internet for the best vision boards samples.

4. An accountability partner.

Sharing your dreams with someone you trust makes them more real and attainable.

Seek out an accountability partner whom you know will give you encouragement and knows how to cheer you up when the going gets tough.

Most often these people are your loved ones who are always supportive of all your undertakings.

People who already have what you want are the best mentors too. They’ll likely help you if you’re bold enough to ask them.

5. A visualization practice.

The best time to practice visualization is before going to bed because your unconscious mind will do its magnificent work while you’re asleep.

Begin by asking what you want then let the emotions flow having an imagery of yourself already fulfilling your dreams. Involve all the five senses: see it, touch it, smell it, hear it, and taste it.

Do this practice every night or even during the day when you feel like doing it.

Remember, what you focus on, expands.



MITCH GANNON: “Top 3 Ways To Tune And Change Your Frequency To Alter Your Reality”

Want to change your reality? You must tune into a different frequency to experience a new one. You can change it within seconds and by continuing to hold the frequency of what you desire your reality begins physically shift.

1. Imagination

Use your imagination to tune into the exact frequency of your desire. Imagination is a gift from God. Use it wisely. Most people are sloppy and unfocused in what they are thinking about. By becoming aware of what you are thinking you can then deliberately and purposely hold in your mind (imagination) exactly what you want to bring into your experience. By imagining any person, place, thing, experience, reality, etc., you have the unlimited freedom to undertake and assume the emotions, feelings, and vibrations of what you want your reality to be and contain. Keep returning and staying in the perceived imagined place to continue building up and increasing the strength of the frequency to change your reality.

2. Emotions and Feelings

Emotional states greatly impact vibration which in turn influences frequency. Bring about, through thoughts or your external observations, the feelings of the desired reality. Thoughts create your emotions and feelings. That is why forced effort and action are not required to elicit specific frequency bandwidths. You could sit and do nothing except think your way through thoughts to tune to your desired reality and experience it instantly.

Frequencies are vibrational in nature which are translated and interpreted through our emotions, thoughts, and senses. That is why what you think about and imagine appears as though you are actually experiencing it now based on the feelings and emotions elicited. As a result, you are then automatically tuning to the frequency of the wanted reality because emotions and feelings impact frequency.

3. Meditation

Observing thoughts through an unattached way can be helpful in allowing you to tune to a precise frequency. By focusing on the breath or simply watching thoughts come and go you can release tension and focus on things undesired, which then allows for a cleared mind for refocusing in the direction of the desired frequency.

Enjoy creating your own reality. Afterall, planet Earth is just a hologram anyway. Meant for a sandbox of creation. What frequency are you choosing?


About the author: Mitch is a gifted intuitive, psychic, and energy reader. He has been helping clients for over 10 years in all areas of their lives. If interested in an intuitive session with Mitch please visit



TIM BRYANT: “Healing A World Disconnected From Its Imagination”

As the world continues to awaken to the true nature of reality, the frequency of real truth gets stronger and stronger amongst the collective consciousness. The longer this journey goes on, the closer it gets to identifying the root causes of what’s fundamentally wrong with today’s world. While the alternative media often discusses all the things broken in the system and they ways in which the masses are controlled, we don’t often talk about how we are going to go about changing it for the betterment of humanity.

While this shouldn’t take away from the importance of identifying problems, the truth is that problem-analysis only brings about any real difference if we are willing and able to come up with tangible solutions that are then put into action. Although there are many solutions that can be discussed, it seems that one thing stands out above all else when it comes to changing the world. That solution is none other than pure imagination.

Imagination is authentic mental and physical creation. It is the manifestation of something not previously there, either by creating something new or connecting points previously disconnected. This is in direct opposition to something that is fixed or controlled, whereas the idea is already considered whole or complete, so the mind perceives that there is no more value that can be added. Whole or complete concepts cease to exist as areas in which the imagination can wonder.

Some people might ask why is this so important when there are so many direct problems that need to be addressed. Albert Einstein best sums up the reasoning behind the importance of imagination when he was quoted as saying, “We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” What is so profoundly important about this statement is that it demonstrates that we have to cultivate the appropriate mindset, such as having an open and curious mind that is full of knowledge, before we can go about solving any problem. It does no good having a bunch of people ready to take action, if those actions are misguided due to old, faulty thought patterns. This only leads to dead ends, which force people to start over or even worse, become discouraged and quit.

It’s pretty fair to assume that the people in control know that cutting off the circulation of people to their imagination is absolutely vital to maintaining dominance. This is well documented, being that we know the people at the upper echelons of power are very well versed in the occult. Many are none other then black magicians, who create a reality for people to buy into. The elite gain power by designing systems that benefit themselves, while the public buys in without knowing the system is against their very interests. This is rampant all over society today, as people continue to believe in systems that have little to no benefit to them.

When you present a system to people which you have built and control, the last thing you want is for people to start seeing through the illusion and imagining something else. It’s imperative to keep their minds in a box, constantly running in circles with the same thought patterns. To counter this, the black magicians make their created reality so real that they even place levers of change within the system to give the appearance that change is possible within their design. However, the reality is that the system is very much rigged in their favor, despite how the illusions might appear. People have simply fallen victim to believing in this reality, often uttering the phrase “that’s just the way it is.” Though in reality, people just cannot imagine a different world, and those who do are seen as taboo.

However, this can change anytime we want it to. The first and most important step is for people to reconnect with this core function of imagination that is present within us all. This is our direct connection to the universe and its infinite possibility. In fact, human society wouldn’t have grown into what it is today, if it were not first imagined into existence by someone.

We need to literally create new systems that are not there, yet are waiting in the infinite void of all possibility to be tapped into. This means starting new ideas within your own mind and starting new systems within your local environment. It’s about creating a new monetary system for economic transactions because you know that the current monetary system isn’t the only possibility. It’s about building new systems of power because you know the current one is only powerful because we buy into it. This means taking direct actions to starve the beast, that is our current system, because there is the self-confidence that you can create something better. We are not dependent upon the system. We just think we are because we lack the confidence and creativity in our imagination to envision something better.

It’s time to break the mold and challenge what we originally thought to be concrete. Things are not fixed and can change at anytime. It really just comes down to our perception of reality. As I have learned from my own journey, once you start manifesting this imagination within yourself, the world around you literally starts to change and the pieces begin to fall right into place. It might not be exactly as you had planned out, but that’s the entire definition of imagination, the manifestation of paths that were not previously there.

The law of the universe is love, and imagination is the universes way of speaking to us directly. We simply have to learn how to tap into this voice and listen to it. The world is changing and the old ways are beginning not to work anymore. This makes it ever important that we envision something new and better, rather than reverting back to previous designs. We always complain about history repeating its self, yet somehow do not realize that we are simply reverting back to old ways of thinking that lack imagination.

This is the foundation of all change; manifesting something new that was not previously there before. The external environment is powerless to strong imagination, no matter how developed the external controlling system is. The only thing stopping us is the limitations we place upon our own mind. However, if we can let them go, we will transcend this world and bring about something far more beautiful and just. This is something undoubtedly that we all want, now we just have to have the confidence that we can create it. There are no rules; the possibilities are endless.

