LISA RENEE: “Culture Wars”

The Culture Wars are a planned psychological warfare tactic used against the population to attack concepts of Individualism, Autonomy and Self-leadership, designed to demoralize the public into class struggles that generate more victims and victimizers. Demoralization tactics attack our mental body and distorts our mental map, so that we give up our personal autonomy and capacity for self-leadership, not believing in our own innate abilities to co-create a fulfilling and meaningful life for ourselves. Dehumanization tactics are attacks made against our core soul essence, distorting our minds into believing that humans are not worthy of humane treatment, leading to increased violence, war crimes and Genocide. As a result, many people have been conditioned to dehumanize themselves, believing they are worthless, and thus easily give up their personal right to express Individualism, Autonomy and Self-leadership. These are human rights that are protected in the Natural Laws, and when we live in alignment to natural laws, our divine right to express our authentic spiritual nature and true self becomes increasingly evident as we spiritually awaken.”

~Lisa Renee


The current Culture Wars are using aggressive Mind Control tactics to purposely attack Individualism, Autonomy and Self-Leadership, to cultivate a generation of non-critical thinkers who automatically follow Collectivism, coercion and blind obedience to another level of global tyranny. The problem, reaction, solution stage is being set, pushing for another round of Cultural Marxism or Socialism instigated from the World War era, designed to fulfill the satanic collectivist nightmare of the New World Order. As more awakening people choose to become public figures to help guide the paradigm shift, they need to become aware of their sphere of influence and recognize that they have become a leader by default. With whistleblowers, independent journalists, disclosure teams, experiencers and spiritually awakening people are acting as the main platforms of relevant news dissemination of ongoing planetary events, it is easy to see why cultivating self-leadership is important. The spiritual-disclosure-ascension communities are plagued by psychological warfare tactics to incite meaningless dramas that confuse and derail those thrust into the leadership by default position. Given the current escalation in War Over Consciousness, how do we more deeply understand Individualism, Autonomy and Self-Leadership? How do we recognize the NAA playbook and pressures being exerted, while staying focused on full spiritual embodiment, capable of travelling freely on multiple dimensional planes, where autonomy and freedom are the natural state of existence for the eternal living spirit?

Humanity is currently enduring a powerfully transformative phase in the planetary Dark Night of the Soul, which has generated deep divisions between many societal groups as a result of the socially engineered culture wars. The Culture Wars are a planned psychological warfare tactic used against the population to attack concepts of Individualism, Autonomy and Self-leadership, designed to demoralize the public into class struggles that generate more victims and victimizers. Demoralization tactics attack our mental body and distorts our mental map, so that we give up our personal autonomy and capacity for self-leadership, not believing in our own innate abilities to co-create a fulfilling and meaningful life for ourselves. Dehumanization tactics are attacks made against our core soul essence, distorting our minds into believing that humans are not worthy of humane treatment, leading to increased violence, war crimes and Genocide. As a result, many people have been conditioned to dehumanize themselves, believing they are worthless, and thus easily give up their personal right to express Individualism, Autonomy and Self-leadership. These are human rights that are protected in the Natural Laws, and when we live in alignment to natural laws, our divine right to express our authentic spiritual nature and true self becomes increasingly evident as we spiritually awaken.

The acceleration of the Culture Wars also reflects the global war over consciousness that is occurring in the macrocosm at the planetary, galactic and Universal levels. The intensifying culture wars manifesting in the outer physical reality are a direct reflection of the intensifying events occurring in the war over consciousness, the spiritual warfare that is happening in the inner non-physical realities and within many of the invisible realms. The spiritual war is being waged at the end of the Ascension Cycle to attempt to enslave the human body, human mind and human soul, in order to strip individuals of their divine rights of personal autonomy and to hand over their consent to the Controller’s or False Alien Gods, who then have full authority over the consciousness of that individual.

In the center of this chaotic struggle for full spectrum dominance, the primary goal of the Controllers is to continue to push for the centralization of their global control efforts through the manipulation of these culture wars into a fragmented assortment of class struggles. The culture wars are based on problem, reaction and solution, a mass marketing and Propaganda effort for selling a structure of society to the people. In this case, in order to get them to believe that the Power Elite want to enact a world centralized government that intends to equally serve the working classes of the entire global population. Essentially, this is the same flavor of the Black Sun satanic ideology that came from the German philosophers of the late nineteenth century, leading into the World Wars, which slaughtered untold multiple millions from the promotion of these same class struggle ideologies.

Engineered culture wars are used to incite intense conflicts between an assortment of social groups and classifications, in which the people use to identify with different ideals, beliefs and philosophies. To weaken a powerful group or nation the goal is to infiltrate the culture, destroy traditions and historical records, and promote conflicts into greater division in order to continually spread confusion and misdirection into violence. The invasion happening in Europe to destroy the historical records and the existing culture of powerful cities and nations reveals this tyrannical strategy very clearly.

Thus, the seeds of the culture wars are pushing for another round of Cultural Marxism or socialism instigated from the World War era and is designed to manipulate and lead assorted nation’s leadership and the world population into global tyranny to fulfill the satanic collectivist nightmare of the New World Order. This is the Controller agenda backed by the NAA. This oppressive structure of tyrannical rule will never treat individuals as individuals, it will never recognize the divine right of the unique living soul expression to freely exist on the living soil of planet earth. The planet earth is the macrocosm of our human body and we belong to each other.

The current culture wars are using aggressive mind control tactics to purposely attack individualism, autonomy and self-leadership, to cultivate a generation of non-critical thinkers who automatically follow Collectivism, Heteronomy (coercion), and blind obedience to another level of global tyranny. This culture war is being marketed through the acceptable mainstreaming of satanism, as many are unaware that the roots of these slavery ideologies are indeed satanic. With this in mind, it is worth reflecting on the current macrocosm of world events, and noting how these many mainstream influences may impact your personal life.

  • What do I believe in and give value to in my life?
  • What are my strengths and weaknesses, what can I improve?
  • Where am I going?
  • Am I able to withstand discomfort in order to make the changes required to be my highest self?

When enduring times of great turmoil that can act as a Spiritual Catalyst, this is when we undergo tests of moral character, tests of self-awareness in order to refine and distill the purity of our inner spiritual essence. In these challenging stages, we may be met with an increased sensation of dark entity attacks, astral related phenomena, victimizer programming, audio inserts of self-doubt dialogues, all related to perpetuating fear-based programming out to the masses. The intensity of these experiences can help us to better comprehend the self-mastery we must develop over the hidden shadow aspects, as we rise above the fear in order to propel ourselves forward to another stage of spiritual awakening, to arrive at inner clarity. [1]

Main Goals of Power Elite

What are the primary goals and methods used by the NAA and Power Elite in their quest to fulfill the Luciferian Covenant and install the New World Order, a totalitarian and dystopian nightmare of consciousness enslavement?

Many people still believe that the current state of world suffering, poverty, disease and violence was created accidentally, and that what we see today in the globalscape was the organic evolution of humanity since the industrial age. This is inaccurate. The Power Elite families have methodically and patiently grown their global agenda through specific objectives, which they sought to create through the use of Social Engineering and hidden technological Mind Control, along with gaining surveillance over our every move. Let’s review a brief summation of these goals. See Main Goals of the Power Elite. [2]



  1. Individualism, Autonomy and Self Leadership
  2. Mainstreaming of Satanism and Luciferianism

See Also:


Death Culture

War Over Consciousness


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Male and Female Principles”

“When the Male body is circulating energy and connecting with all earthly elements, it is represented by the five pointed star geometry, which is known as the Pentagram. We can understand why the Pentagram has been flung around as a symbol of fear and Satan by those uninformed to its true meaning. When the female spiritual principle unites with all of the five principle earthly elements, the sixth point of the Heavenly Staff is created. The Staff is the vertical connection to the Godhead, which is represented in the evolution of the five pointed star to the six pointed star. This is represented in the six pointed star geometry, which is also widely known as the Merkaba Star, or Star of David. Thus, the six pointed Merkaba Star represents Unity through Energetic Balance introduced through the Female Spiritual Principle. Many occult practices have abused this symbol for witchcraft, and conjuring satanic forces. This does not mean this symbol is inherently dark or evil. We cannot be terrified of what we are actually composed of and created from, as a part of our gender principle. Whether we are in a male body or female body, until we are activated in our true spiritual and female principle, we remain the symbol of a five pointed star. This is the earth human before it conjoins with heaven or the animating Holy Spirit to build the Staff.”

~Lisa Renee


The Male and Female principles of creation are represented within our bodies, and the function of each gender body obeys that principle in the direction of electromagnetic energy and consciousness. When we expand consciousness and unify our energetic aspects of gender, we become androgynous or hermaphroditic. That means no matter what body we are in, we have a gender body that is unified in both male and female principle, which potentially manifests the Risen Christ-Sophianic Diamond Sun Body.

The Male Principle

The male sexual organs represent the material body of creation in the numerology of Five (5). When the Male body is circulating energy and connecting with all earthly elements, it is represented by the five pointed star geometry, which is known as the Pentagram. This is Man represented in the microcosm, symbolizing our place in the macrocosm and the Hermetic philosophy, as above, so below. The example can be visualized by Leonardo Di Vinci’s Vitruvian Man as a five pointed Star. We can understand why the Pentagram has been flung around as a symbol of fear and Satan by those uninformed to its true meaning. We cannot be terrified of what we are actually composed of and created from, as a part of our gender principle. Whether we are in a male body or female body, until we are activated in our true spiritual and female principle, we remain the symbol of a five pointed star. This is the earth human before it conjoins with heaven or the animating Holy Spirit to build the Staff.

The Female Principle

The female sexual organs represent heaven, or the spiritual principle of creation, the unification of earth with heaven, and is represented in the numerology of Six (6). When the female spiritual principle unites with all of the five principle earthly elements, the sixth point of the Heavenly Staff is created. The Staff is the vertical connection to the Godhead, which is represented in the evolution of the five pointed star to the six pointed star. This is represented in the six pointed star geometry, which is also widely known as the Merkaba Star, or Star of David. The Star of David is taken from the term “House of David” referring to the Davidic dynasty that appears many times in the Bible. This is actually quite confusing, as the namesake of the Davidic Line of Kings is actually passed down through the Mother, the Holy Spirit bloodline, and belongs to the Matriarchal lineage. (Perhaps the Star of David should be renamed The Star of Nitzevet, the supposed mother of King David). The Female principle is represented here as the Holy Spirit descended from heaven, she incorporates the balanced male principle on earth within her, and animates spirit to both male and female energy to birth unification. Thus, the six pointed Merkaba Star represents Unity through Energetic Balance introduced through the Female Spiritual Principle. Many occult practices have abused this symbol for witchcraft, and conjuring satanic forces. This does not mean this symbol is inherently dark or evil.

It means the Mother Principle and her creative forces are being abused by selfish Black Magicians. When her principle is reversed, as we are well aware, it is anti-life, anti-heaven, and forms the satanic belly of the beast, 666. Satanic forces are born out of the rape and pillage of the fallen female principle, misogyny and the sacrilege and defamation of the Holy Spirit. When humans hate the female principle and abuse the Mother’s spirit, we spread and create a variety of Satanic forces on the earth.These are energetic principles being described and not fully dependent on the physical gender body, but both of these internal energies are present inside all human beings. Whether you are a man or woman, you have both the male principle and female principle energetic consciousness within you, and this is accessed by your knowledge of this fact. The Geometric Form of Five is inherently connected to the sexual organs of a male.

Universal Male and Female

When we take the seven facial orifices and unite them with male sexual orifice and dimensional portals we get the number Twelve (12). The correct pattern of the electrical spin for the Universal Male principle is 12:12. The same architecture in the planet body is the 12 Tree Grid and when the 12:12 is projected as the first image of God as a Hu-Man (Adam), it is called the Albion. The Geometric Form of Six is inherently connected to the sexual organs of a female. When we take the seven facial orifices and unite them with female sexual orifice and dimensional portals we get the number Thirteen (13). The correct pattern of the electrotonal spin for the Universal Female principle is 13:13. The same architecture exists in the planetary core as Mother Arc. When the 13:13 is projected as the first Sound field of God from the Universal Creatrix, it descends the Holy Spirit and the colors created fill the Albion with a palette of colored music. This music is called the Cathar.

When these electromagnetic patterns of Male Albion Star Code and Female Cathar Star Code unite in balance with each other, they create the Rod and Staff.

Male Organs are the Earth Principle

All sexual organs are orifices that function as sacred principles which serve as a physical conduit to its spiritual counterpart connected in another dimension. In most people that do not take care of their sexual organs or do not view them as sacred vessels, the sex organs are directly connected to the 2nd dimension through the lower sacral chakra. To keep people unaware of their sexual organs, guilt, shame, and categorizing sex as taboo or as a casual sporting activity, are used to keep people ignorant of their own bodies. The 2nd dimension is the location hijacked by the fallen entities who attach implants to the sexual organs to drain the creative energy, and create pain or addiction through the sexual misery program. When we gain consciousness, we want to redirect our sexual energies to higher dimensions, through our heart chakra, and eventually hand over our sexual organs to our loving Christ Avatar self. We should set our spiritual goal to not engage in sexual intercourse unless we are fully loving in our heart, in full consent to the act and committed to another to explore monogamous relationship. The more people we have sex with, the more astral cords are created and our sexual organs are drained of energy, and we are exposed to more entities. Remember that sexual energy is potentially the highest yield of life force energy that the NAA and fallen entities can harvest from your body. It is critical to never engage in sexual activity with any violent or dominating person. Do not let them have access to your sacred sexual centers! Let us review all five of the male sexual organs that function as a Portal of Consciousness to other dimensions:

  • Prostate Gland (hidden, accessed through rectum)
  • Right Testicle to Right Ureter
  • Left Testicle to Left Ureter
  • Rectum
  • Penis/urethra

Sexual Possession

Because Male sexual organs are mostly external, they have slightly less vulnerability to energetic attack. The testicles and the rectum are more vulnerable in homosexual males. Generally, in sexual possession, the male organ is used to take energy from where the organ has been placed, such as in a female organ or in a rectum. The perineum is an area where eight major meridians meet that connect into the astral layers of the soul body. When we are careless with our sexual organs, or in such cases as rape or sexual violence, if the person committing the rape has a conduit in the form of a penis, they can be hijacked to steal and siphon soul energy from the person they are abusing or having disconnected sexual relations with. In Satanic Ritual Abuse involving sex, a woman will use a fake penis as a conduit when being hijacked by satanic forces to siphon energy from her victim, as directed by the entity that has possessed her during that ritual. When sexual organs are littered with implants and negative energy, holes can be burrowed through them via the aura and meridian channels that can directly access the higher spiritual bodies. A negative entity prefers that because when they access the spiritual body from inside the sexual organs, they can yield a lot of life force energy from that person. The deeper they burrow into the body, the more pain, agony, addiction and misery the person will experience. In direct demonic possession, the area of the body infiltrated will have a deep burning sensation that is felt on the skin area or inside the organ itself. In SRA, children subjected to sexual abuse are tormented in this way because when the sexual organs are penetrated, the satanic entity can easily attach and bind to the child. The entity will continue to use that body throughout the person’s lifetime.

Female Organs are the Spiritual Principle

When we start to learn more about how we are made in the gender principle of creation, we can see why the female spiritual principle has been crucified and destroyed, and why disinformation is spread in every way possible. When the earth element in the male principle unifies with the spiritual force of the female principle and their gender energy is balanced through sacred union, heaven is united with the earth. Some women may be orientated in their mental body and expressing themselves as males. Some men may be orientated in the feeling body and heart and expressing themselves as females. Some people balance both principles. It is important to understand both are equal in value and both are required to be in balance in order to achieve hierogamic union, heaven on earth. Let us review all six of the female sexual organs that function as a Portal of Consciousness to other dimensions:

  • Cervix Opening to Uterus
  • Right Ovary
  • Left Ovary
  • Rectum
  • Vagina
  • Clitoris/Urethra

Because Female sexual organs are mostly internal, and there is a culture of misogyny on the earth, the female organs have a much higher vulnerability to energetic attack from consistent sexual abuse. A woman, because her sexual organs are internal and her cervical opening is accessible through sexual intercourse, can incur much more damage to her spiritual energies. Whatever thought-forms are held in the person that enters a women’s body and accesses her cervical opening, will be implanted there. So if a woman has sex with a man who does not love her, is possessed by lust, violence or entities during sexual intercourse, those entities will transfer into her body through the cervical opening. This is why rape is a serious spiritual violation and hurts women in every area of their body making it very hard for them to heal from that event. Until the implant of the rape and offending entity is removed, the rape victim is emotionally paralyzed, because it is a direct soul violation. A person consistently raped or prostituted will dissociate from the act and find coping mechanisms, usually through addictions.

Genital Mutilation and Cutting

In the NAA Violent Religions, it is the belief that genital cutting makes the sexual organs pure. Genital cutting in both sexes is a sexual misery and child abuse program to destroy the sacred principles that are inherently designed in the organs. When the genitals are cut, it damages the portal of consciousness in the sexual area, making it more prone to alien control to harvest the sexual energies. The main source of implantation in the genital areas created from child genital cutting is called Moloch. Wherever the body is cut with a scalpel, etheric and auric damage is incurred along with the skin and nerves.When a male is circumcised, the organic geometry (blueprint in the aura) in the sexual organs is damaged, which remove and prevent the design of the male reaching 12:12 Balance in his portals of consciousness, destroying his connection to the Albion body. The same happens for the female being genitally mutilated, to prevent her from reaching 13:13 balance in her portals of consciousness, destroying her connection to the Cathar body. Our spiritual goal is to bring spiritual energy, energetic balance into all of our portals of consciousness. Genital mutilation is to disrupt and prevent sacred marriage between the genders on the earth, which is the anti-christ agenda. The NAA figured out the easiest way to remove these inherent numerical geometric principles from natural function in the body was to damage the sexual organs and to continually abuse the sexual energies of the human being. This is why they start the indoctrination of sexual abuse as young as possible, to make child abuse and forms of sexual abuse acceptable in society. (Child brides, etc.) In more advanced stages of SRA, it is further designed to fragment the child to become dissociated and develop multiple personalities as a result of intentionally administering severe pain and abuse to the child (and adults). Please pay attention and notice that children are targets, and as we spiritually mature as a society, that we may seek to inform and better protect our children. Abuse and torture of women and children is the black plague of the human race today, and it is spread through the infection of the alien predator mind. 


Through the perfect union of the two forces, as an example of the Gender Principle with Adam and Eve in the waters of sex with chastity, the pillar of the hermai is perfected and made into the image of God through the hierogamic union of the inner Christos-Sophia. This is represented in Alchemy of unified polarities. In this term of hermaphrodite we see Mercury (Hermes) uniting with the goddess of love. Her name is Venus or Aphrodite. When Hermes and Aphrodite unite they form Hermaphrodite, the perfect balance of unified male and female principle. A hermaphrodite really, truly has nothing to do with what people currently think that it is. The mystical understanding of a hermaphrodite, is the etymology of the word comes from the union between Mercury and Venus (hermes-aphrodite), and is the hierogamic union of a god and goddess, a perfected being, the perfect balance and union between masculine and feminine, united as one. When we enter the sexual act, we mimic that process in varying degrees of Consciousness. We enter into a sacred temple, the union of polarities to form a unity. Because we are ignorant and subjected to the Sexual Misery programming on the earth, but we corrupt it with our lust, jealousy, pride, arrogance, with animal desire – the Houses of Ego. When we think with the Negative Ego mind and allow the Imposter Spirit to dwell inside of us, we do not have a clean, pure temple; our inner temple has been made into a brothel.



  1. Portals of Consciousness

See Also:

Gender Principle

Religious Violence

Sexual Misery


~via Ascension Glossary


Sky Photos by Ascension Avatar (7/4/2018)

“Organs in the Oregon Skies…” 😳

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Personal Autonomy in Manifestation”

“We must remember that when focusing or obsessing on our fears held in the shadow self, it may manifest the very things that frighten us the most. This can weaken our energy field and open us to experience negativity in situations, which ultimately is our personal lesson to overcome. There is a balance required to be effective at clearing fears and emotional conflicts that is very important to our continued progress on the path of personal spiritual growth. It is not productive to deny negativity, or evil for that matter, when it does exist in this reality and it does impact us every day in the 3D world. Ultimately, when we are connected to the inner spark of our eternal spirit body, there is nothing to fear within negativity, as the permanence of who we really are cannot be threatened on the external.”

~Lisa Renee


Humanity must learn the mental discipline of controlling impulses that lead to thoughts and feelings, as well as directing the focus of where we place our attention. The higher dimensions are subjected to the Natural Laws, where forms of thought create energetic alignments that synchronize with the trinity waves and thus, lead to instant Manifestation.

Manifestation occurs by using focused thought substance, the raw materials energized by our emotional bodies natural state when we feel the joy of creating, which is the inspiration of vital forces. Developing control over our mind is the critical factor in our ascension and transformation process. The skill set of directing our attention is necessary in cellular Transfiguration, in order to experience these higher realms of co-creating and manifestation within the trinity wave architecture that is connected to the Christos. Hence, human beings are getting the quick study of learning the art of manifestation in the current terrain of rapidly changing architecture. And this is not a basic course study my dear awakening friends. This is going from kindergarten to master or graduate level, in a very short time frame. And on some days this earth school curriculum can be quite tough!

When we perpetually turn our attention to the patterns of spiritual perfection, that are inherently aligned within our Higher Self and Christ Mind, we place ourselves in service to our highest selves and we magnetize our ultimate manifestations, as designed by our inner spirit. Our light can then flow into these patterns of spiritual perfection, empowering them without limit, and the appearance of the imperfection that conflicts with those patterns starts to dissolve away. When this process is happening, day after day, we build the positive power within our consciousness that along with the strength that is gathered from consistency in spiritual practice, transcends the onslaught of external negativity or adversity when it may come our way.

We must remember that when focusing or obsessing on our fears held in the shadow self, it may manifest the very things that frighten us the most. This can weaken our energy field and open us to experience negativity in situations, which ultimately is our personal lesson to overcome. There is a balance required to be effective at clearing fears and emotional conflicts that is very important to our continued progress on the path of personal spiritual growth. It is not productive to deny negativity, or evil for that matter, when it does exist in this reality and it does impact us every day in the 3D world. Ultimately, when we are connected to the inner spark of our eternal spirit body, there is nothing to fear within negativity, as the permanence of who we really are cannot be threatened on the external. See Overcoming Fear.

Systems of Energy

Manifestation is the result of personal belief systems and how the accumulation of those beliefs over time will make up the experience of a station of identity, while in a consciousness hologram or Reality Bubble. It is important to understand that in our world and in all creation, that all systems of energy are connected to larger systems of energy, that help to organize and define what that consciousness energy will actually become. We can direct Negative Polarity, Positive Polarity and Neutral point as positions for energy to manifest, and the quality of the manifested thing will reflect that same vibration within the creation point of its structure.

Systems of consciousness energy are directed through Architecture that has been designed and built upon the concepts, ideas and thoughtforms which are ultimately based upon the first consciousness laws set forth by the Astrological Precession or Aeon. In the previous cycle, humanity has been enduring a Dark Aeon and has been subjected to covert artificial machinery and Mind Control imposed by the Controllers, which is now in transition and coming to an end. Individuals are subjected to the Architecture that the larger system of energy has generated from the majority of collective consciousness thoughtforms, along with their soul group and the superimposed Mind Control from the NAA, until they awaken and seek inner truth within their own thoughtforms and beliefs. When we seek spiritual truth from within ourselves, we begin to pull away from the unconsciousness streams of the larger systems of energy and start to direct our consciousness towards building an Architecture for higher spiritual expression and Personal Autonomy. Thoughts become substances that crystalize manifestations, and the crystalline substance is composed of patterns of frequency that project the Hologram of one’s experience from within a creation point. To change our consciousness experience within the creation point and live in the joy of higher expression, we must change our inner Architecture to become a spiritually healthy dwelling that honors and houses our inner spirit.

Personal Autonomy

Personal Autonomy is the capacity to make an informed, un-coerced decision for oneself and to pursue that course of action in one’s life, to be self-governing towards free expression as long as these actions do not infringe on others liberties and freedoms to exist as they are. Autonomy is the concept of protecting the right of each individual to develop one’s own unique self, giving them freedom of expression as long as it does not generate harm towards others right to exist. Autonomy allows people to choose for themselves what is in alignment to their interests, and that social structures refrain from infringement of those rights unless they are incapacitated from making choices based on Informed Consent. When individuals have a concept of Personal Autonomy, they own their own actions and have the opportunity to live in their personal truth, which builds confidence, critical thinking and strength in their purpose in life and manifestations. However, as we make informed decisions for ourselves, in some cases we must consider unified cooperation or reasonable interactions that are required to achieve the balance in our decision making, that allows us to develop and exercise our right to live in autonomy while living in a world with many others.

The concept of Personal Autonomy takes on a multidimensional orientation when recognizing the existence of consciousness as an intelligent energy, along with the structural anatomy of the consciousness bodies of Soul, Monad and Avatar. In this context, personal autonomy is defined as the most coherently harmonized and highest spiritually embodied person, as a station of identity travelling freely on multiple dimensional planes, as autonomy and freedom are the natural state of existence for the eternal living spirit. The complete soul-spirit body infuses the personality to align itself in accordance to the Natural Laws through synchronistic alignment and natural self-governance by living in truth, as it is. When we are existing as our true selves, our natural state of being aligns us to divine laws, and we are removed from artificial laws and synchronistically self-organized into direct connection with our Source. This means we have removed authority to serve the ego or manmade laws, and instead align to the higher authority of serving our spiritual expression and inner truth based upon the divine laws. This changes the fundamental basis of our manifestations in the world, as we create with intent to align to our highest spiritual blueprint, and allow that expression to be freed from the rigid control of the egoic mind.

Self-Actualization and becoming an authentic and awakened human being, knowing the higher identity and divine purpose for allowing our unique expression to permeate our personal manifestations, is the goal of spiritual ascension. Awakening to embody our soul and spirit is to ultimately achieve self-realization into complete personal autonomy governed by our higher consciousness, which grants us spiritual freedom and Cosmic Citizenship beyond the fetters of time. To achieve Self-Ownership, one must make the effort to know their innermost selves, understand how their body and consciousness works, and become aware of personal motivations and perceptions that influence their life decisions and quality of lifestyle. To master ourselves on the earth plane is to attain self-mastery, which is the process by which a person may have the freedom to take control over the direction of their own life, body, mind and spirit. To accept Personal Autonomy or sovereignty over one’s complete self, also means that person must accept Self-Responsibility no matter what has happened to them. As you increase your use of free will, you also increase the responsibility for your own actions and reactions. Taking ownership over your life and manifestations, becoming the captain of the ship which fully directs your consciousness body.

(Source: ES News – Changing Architecture and Individualism, Autonomy and Self Leadership)


~via – Time Shift Blog – September 9, 2019

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Human Orifices are Portals”

In the human body design, all orifices function as divine principles which serve as a physical conduit to its spiritual counterpart connected in another dimension. In most people that are spiritually activated at the soul level, all seven orifices on the face are directly connected to the archetypal mind in the fifth dimension and directly connect to the throat chakra. This is why we will observe a predominate wave of disease patterns in the public, from the blocked throat chakra or 5D pattern. First, let’s review all seven orifices located on the face.

Open Portals in the Human Body:

  • Right Eye, Nasolacrimal duct (Father’s Eye, Rods, Cones and Optic Nerve)
  • Left Eye, Nasolacrimal duct (Mother’s Eye, Rods, Cones and Optic Nerve)
  • Right Ear, (Balance and motion, auditory/cranial nerve bundles)
  • Left Ear, (Balance and motion, auditory/cranial nerve bundles)
  • Right Nostril (Male-Mental Principle, Pranic-Vital Force, Solar Principle)
  • Left Nostril (Female –Emotional Principle, Lunar Force, Spirit Principle)
  • Mouth and Tongue (Male and Female Principles United)

Our eyes collect light from the surrounding environment, then regulate and focus it through lenses to form an image, converting this image into a set of electrical signals, and transmitting these signals to the brain through complex neural pathways. Our negative ego belief systems form filters which can become implants that limit what spectrum of light will form images that are acceptable to our eyes. This is why it is crucial to maintain on open and flexible mind, or the light spectrum and filters of your eyes will become incredibly limited, and thus subjected to control. This means mind control through negative ego also controls your vision, what you can see, and what you do not see. A mind-controlled person will see much less in their vision, then a person with an open and free mind.

Our hearing from our right ear corresponds to the axiatonal lines that resonate primarily with the mental planes 3D, 6D and 9D. Our hearing with our left hear corresponds to axiatonal lines 4D, 7D and 10D. Because of the issues of the astral plane, the left ear is used to broadcast from the astral plane. As a result, many astral and fallen entities send messages to the human nervous system mainly through this area. Our goal is to heal this area from astral manipulation by being aware of it. As we heal our left side and left ear, by removing alien machinery and astral intermediaries, we are able to receive the frequency broadcast from our Avatar Christ self. The Avatar Christ Self is formed from our original Lyran body and directs the carrier wave through the 10th dimension to communicate directly with our body and consciousness. Eventually, we want to have our body completely governed and controlled by our Christ Avatar self.

The right nostril represents physical energy for the body and mind. Breathing through the right nostril is important for circulating more energy and is important in balancing metabolic processes. Breathing in through your left nostril will access the right feeling hemisphere of your brain. Breathing in through your right nostril, will access the left thinking hemisphere of your brain. Consciously alternating your breath between either nostrils will allow you to activate and access your whole brain. This brings balance through both breath channels located in the right and left nostril pathway. If your breathing pathway through your nose is not easy, this means there is some breathwork and meditation needed to clear this area, both energetically and physically. Imbalance in thinking will clog your nostrils and breathing pathway.

The mouth and tongue are extremely important because this orifice represents the male and female union and the breath pathway in the mouth connects directly to the sexual organs. The mouth represents the word as spoken by the logos of Creator. When the throat chakra is clear, the voice and spirit fire breath is carried in the words spoken. The mouth opening and the external lips are the female organ. The tongue represents the intonation of frequency of the words generated and represents the male organ. Together the mouth and tongue, represent the union of male and female, and when used correctly form inner hierogamic union. What we put in our mouth, becomes a part of our body. What we speak out of our mouth becomes manifested in the world. When this area is infiltrated or sick, it will impact our sexual organs functioning.

Male and Female Principle Stars

The Male and Female principles of creation are represented within our bodies, and the function of each gender body obeys that principle in the direction of electromagnetic energy and consciousness. When we expand consciousness and unify our energetic aspects of gender, we become androgynous or hermaphroditic. That means no matter what body we are in, we have a gender body that is unified in both male and female principle, which potentially manifests the Risen Christos-Sophia Diamond Sun Body.

Whether you are a man or woman, you have both the male principle and female principle energetic consciousness within you, and this is accessed by your knowledge of this fact.

The Geometric Form of Five is inherently connected to the sexual organs of a male. When we take the seven facial orifices and unite them with male sexual orifice and dimensional portals we get the number Twelve (12). The correct pattern of the electrical spin for the Universal Male principle is 12:12. The same architecture in the planet body is the 12 Tree Grid and when the 12:12 is projected as the first image of God as a Hu-Man (Adam), it is called the Albion.

The Geometric Form of Six is inherently connected to the sexual organs of a female. When we take the seven facial orifices and unite them with female sexual orifice and dimensional portals we get the number Thirteen (13). The correct pattern of the electrotonal spin for the Universal Female principle is 13:13. The same architecture exists in the planetary core as Mother Arc. When the 13:13 is projected as the first Sound field of God from the Universal Creatrix, it descends the Holy Spirit and the colors created fill the Albion with a palette of colored music. This music is called the Cathar.

When these electromagnetic patterns of Male Albion Star Code and Female Cathar Star Code unite in balance with each other, they create the Rod and Staff.

(Source: ES News – Portals of Consciousness)


~via – Time Shift Blog – December 4, 2018

MITCH GANNON: “Top 3 Ways To Tune And Change Your Frequency To Alter Your Reality”

Want to change your reality? You must tune into a different frequency to experience a new one. You can change it within seconds and by continuing to hold the frequency of what you desire your reality begins physically shift.

1. Imagination

Use your imagination to tune into the exact frequency of your desire. Imagination is a gift from God. Use it wisely. Most people are sloppy and unfocused in what they are thinking about. By becoming aware of what you are thinking you can then deliberately and purposely hold in your mind (imagination) exactly what you want to bring into your experience. By imagining any person, place, thing, experience, reality, etc., you have the unlimited freedom to undertake and assume the emotions, feelings, and vibrations of what you want your reality to be and contain. Keep returning and staying in the perceived imagined place to continue building up and increasing the strength of the frequency to change your reality.

2. Emotions and Feelings

Emotional states greatly impact vibration which in turn influences frequency. Bring about, through thoughts or your external observations, the feelings of the desired reality. Thoughts create your emotions and feelings. That is why forced effort and action are not required to elicit specific frequency bandwidths. You could sit and do nothing except think your way through thoughts to tune to your desired reality and experience it instantly.

Frequencies are vibrational in nature which are translated and interpreted through our emotions, thoughts, and senses. That is why what you think about and imagine appears as though you are actually experiencing it now based on the feelings and emotions elicited. As a result, you are then automatically tuning to the frequency of the wanted reality because emotions and feelings impact frequency.

3. Meditation

Observing thoughts through an unattached way can be helpful in allowing you to tune to a precise frequency. By focusing on the breath or simply watching thoughts come and go you can release tension and focus on things undesired, which then allows for a cleared mind for refocusing in the direction of the desired frequency.

Enjoy creating your own reality. Afterall, planet Earth is just a hologram anyway. Meant for a sandbox of creation. What frequency are you choosing?


About the author: Mitch is a gifted intuitive, psychic, and energy reader. He has been helping clients for over 10 years in all areas of their lives. If interested in an intuitive session with Mitch please visit

