LISA RENEE: “Themes That May Present Themselves as a BIG EVENT between Now and March 2022 and Ongoing . . .”

• Surreal global events, such as declaring wars with other countries. The nuclear program in UK is called Trident with Poseidon craft and it connects to the red cube system. This will be mostly for show out of desperation if they pull this out, know that there will not be any type of nuclear event.

• Smaller false flag operations, black military intelligence run terrorism for distraction and cover.

• Collapsing of western financial markets and currency.

• Sudden deaths and disappearances of world figures, celebrity types, royals, such as the Queen in UK.

• People we were told were dead, are revealed to have been in witness protection and alive.

• Emergency Broadcast system being directed from military base or space program crew from satellite military systems.

• Temporary shut down of certain online services or internet access.

• Collapse and controlled demolition of controller structures, i.e. hospitals, medical system, airlines, travel industry, shipping supplies, etc.

• This may shut down supply chains in certain areas, such as in US we will not have access to certain goods or products from overseas anymore.

• EMP type of destruction or repurposing of some landmarks, such as the White House, Washington DC area. This area as a political capital is done.

• Awareness that many more people have been killed by the bio weapon injection than we are being told. They have been hiding deaths, and cataloguing who has received which vaccine lots. Genocide will be known and those involved ultimately prosecuted by tribunal. 5D benevolent groups were notified of human genocide violations recently, they are deciding what to do about that.

• Secret space program coordinated disclosure of their existence in breakaway civilization, and the technologies they have, exposing the war against nonhuman entities or demonic forces known as aliens.

• Human trafficking harvesting for blood and body parts, organ trafficking, pedophilia, and child adrenochrome farms in underground bases and bunkers and off planet supply.

• Existence of the deep underground tunnels and military bases that acted as cover for nonhuman demonic entities and aliens to prey on humans. Existence of underground cities used by the Luciferian bloodlines and nameless billionaires for hiding depraved satanic elite activities. 

• Sudden implementation of new technologies or radical changes that impact society as we know it.

• Fall of mainstream media and invasion and/or breakdown of Israel.

~via The Collective Awakening Event

KIM RUSSO (The Happy Medium): “This Will Be The Unveiling Of Hidden Illusions That May Make Your Head Spin”

Head Spin Mask.gif

“This is not one party over another.  It is about how we are going to grow into our highest spiritual being.  The bigger picture is why this will happen.  No fears.  It must go down this way.  I feel it will be for the highest good.  It will open our eyes to many truths.  I feel it will teach us once and for all to trust in a higher power in the Universe.  And that power is not left or right.  THAT POWER IS UP.  GET READY FOR THE PLOT TWIST PEOPLE.  Not just for the United States but for the betterment of humanity and to raise the consciousness of our world to a higher vibration.”

~Kim Russo (“The Happy Medium”)


Ascension Avatar note: I first published this November 1, 2016 right before the election… and am re-posting it now. I believe the “final outcome” Kim sees here (as many outcomes psychics see are ‘timeless’) resonates with what Lisa Renee has been revealing as of late, with the Amethyst Order taking over 5D Councils, the clean-up and removal of ‘bad actors’ and the ‘interdimensional tribunals’ she’s mentioned regarding many ‘UP’grades in government and humanity in the NOW timeline…


November 1, 2016

As a Medium I am often asked who will win this upcoming election.  Okay so I have dropped some hints here and there on Twitter, as I do not wish to start a political debate and I do not wish for anyone to post anything negative here about either candidate.  Please be mature adults.  I respect your opinions.  All of you.  This post is not about anyone’s opinion.  It’s about what I’ve seen and been told by the other side regarding this election.  Now everyone has their favourite candidate and everyone has a reason to back it up.  I am here to tell you that what you think you know — YOU DON’T.  Whether you are a republican or democrat, what I see is not about either party.  The structure of government as we think we know, it will no longer exist.  The election may have one winner over the other but then the outcome will quickly change.

This election is not cut and dry as you know elections to be.  One winner right?  Wrong. Wrong wrong.  There is going to be a plot twist like you’ve never seen before.  It will change everything in our system.  I say system because that is what it is.  It’s a system that we were programmed to buy into.  A system that does our thinking for us.  A system that allows us to believe that if one has more paper money over another then they are affluent and the other is a failure.  A sure way of segregating humans into categories.  Okay back to my vision.  You will say omg how didn’t I see this before.  You will scratch your head in amazement.  You will think it’s the biggest show on earth.  Bigger than any drama that you can ever watch in the media.  If you think it’s what’s been shown on the news already?  Well, it’s more involved and has not yet been revealed.  I say between the election and the new year we will know.  I RARELY give world predictions.  In fact, I never do.  I usually keep them to myself.

Spirit told me to let you know to let go of what you think you know.  Do not assume it will be an outcome that the media has you so brainwashed to believe or that your personal opinion is based on what you think you know.  This will be the unveiling of hidden illusions that may make your head spin.  Don’t ask me what it is.  I only have some glimpses.  If you know me and how I receive my information, you know my Guides typically show me the final outcome which is what I just wrote.  This is not one party over another.  It is about how we are going to grow into our highest spiritual being.  The bigger picture is why this will happen.  No fears.  It must go down this way.  I feel it will be for the highest good.  It will open our eyes to many truths.  I feel it will teach us once and for all to trust in a higher power in the Universe.  And that power is not left or right.  THAT POWER IS UP.  GET READY FOR THE PLOT TWIST PEOPLE.  Not just for the United States — but for the betterment of humanity and to raise the consciousness of our world to a higher vibration.


~via The Happy Medium

2020 ELECTION PREDICTIONS ~ Redefining God: “Global Agenda Watch — November 5, 2020”

“There is a very good chance that after the vote counts are fully complete (either the initial counts or the recounts), the election is going to swing back to Trump. Today’s claim of victory by Biden after Nevada announces their count is meant to ensure that the Democrats will go berserk when the swingback happens. What occurs after that will be determined by whether or not Trump meets with an unfortunate fate by then (assassination or incapacitation). So keep an eye on Trump, because this might be the last you see of him for a while. His removal by assassination or medical incapacitation appears imminent. The globalists have put an awful lot of preparation into the Pence/Parolin scenario, and I sense that they would very much prefer to go in that direction over the communist one. Let’s see how bad they want it…”

~Ken @ Redefining God — 11/5/2020


There is a very good chance that after the vote counts are fully complete (either the initial counts or the recounts), the election is going to swing back to Trump. Today’s claim of victory by Biden after Nevada announces their count is meant to ensure that the Democrats will go berserk when the swingback happens. What occurs after that will be determined by whether or not Trump meets with an unfortunate fate by then (assassination or incapacitation).

It looks like they’ve momentarily backed off of the Nevada scenario, but I doubt they’ve changed their basic plan yet. So let’s have a look at the plan starting with what I wrote about our current situation back in the 25 August update…

…In the leadup to the election, the mainstream media will heavily publicize manipulated polling data showing a Biden lead, and soon after the election, they’ll declare Biden the projected winner “based on exit polls of in-person voters and telephone polls of mail-in voters.” This MSM declaration of Biden’s victory will come long before the actual vote counts are completed and verified.

The actual election result will likely show a Biden victory if disputed and invalid mail-in votes are counted and a Trump victory if only valid votes are counted. This, paired with Trump’s unwillingness to accept a loss by Democrat fraud, will lead to an escalating showdown between the two sides…
Except for the part about the exit polls, things are breaking pretty much as expected. And the globalist strategy for escalating the showdown between the two sides is becoming clear…

First, prematurely call the election for Biden amidst clear signs of election fraud. This will get Republicans fighting mad over “a victory stolen with suspicious ballots.”

Later, call the election for Trump after the suspicious ballots have been disallowed. This will get Democrats fighting mad over “a victory stolen with legal technicalities and disenfranchisement of voters.”

Pissing off the Republicans first makes sense because they aren’t the kind of people who will go out in the streets and create chaos (they’re the kind who will go out and stop it). And pissing off the Democrats second makes sense because they are the kind who will get out and create chaos, to which the pissed off Republicans will happily respond. Of course, the globalists will send their agents-provocateur out on the streets to draw both sides together and get the fighting started. And once it does, the President can invoke the Insurrection Act and clean house. But which President, Trump or Pence?

If Trump is still in office when the election outcome flips back, he’d do the “Whole of the Deep State” Mass Arrest Psyop and start taking us towards the “good” NWO. But if he is replaced by Pence before then, Pence would do the “Communist Deep State” Mass Arrest Psyop and start taking us towards the “evil” NWO. And the swingback election victory would be necessary to give Pence a legitimate claim to the presidency after the end of Trump’s term.

So keep an eye on Trump, because this might be the last you see of him for a while. His removal by assassination or medical incapacitation appears imminent. The globalists have put an awful lot of preparation into the Pence/Parolin scenario, and I sense that they would very much prefer to go in that direction over the communist one. Let’s see how bad they want it…



‘THE OMEN lll: The Final Conflict’ ~ Benjamin Fulford on “A Worst Case Scenario”

“In a sign of how intense the conflict now raging at the highest levels of world power has become Russian FSB, Asian secret society and Pentagon sources say serious moves behind the scenes are aiming to replace key world leaders in November. The sources say in each case the replacement may take the form of a new body double reading a new script, or may involve an entirely different public figure. In a worst-case scenario, US President Donald Trump is killed and replaced by his same-looking actor (the one with the loose cheeks and white eyes). This fake Trump will then proceed with RFID chip vaccinations, lockdowns and the issuance of digital currency in conjunction with vaccination record cards (COVID). It will also provoke the Third World War between the US and China. Remember that these people are actively trying to either murder or enslave you and your loved ones. This is not the right time to sit on the fence. This is a fight between those who want humanity to be free and those who want us to be enslaved.”

~Benjamin Fulford



~via Uncooperative World Leaders Targeted for Replacement as Early as November






From Lisa Renee:


“When the antichrist force is using the shadow body that appears to be coming through another person, place or thing in matter, do not believe it is really them or make the mistake to assign it to that person. Most of the time it is really the forces of the antichrist using that person’s unhealed shadow body or cloned representative to carry out its agenda. We must discern and know what the antichrist is at every level of spiritual growth, as it is the Great Pretender or Ultimate Imposter that is designed to create shadows, agony and division in humanity.”


~Lisa Renee

~via Universal Shadow




‘THE OMEN II’ ~ Redefining God: “Watch For A Sudden Trump Heart Attack Or Stroke”

“Upon looking around a bit, I’ve detected a propaganda backstory for Trump coming down with congestive heart failure. This would not immediately incapacitate or kill him, but it would force him to withdraw from the presidential race. Trump put on a show to convince the public that he’s feeling better, Rudy Giuliani pointed the finger at China (‘the commies’) for Trump’s illness, and the Senate Republican leader has so far refused to back down from holding the confirmation hearings for the Supreme Court nominee before the election. But what will happen to the markets today or tomorrow if Trump is suddenly incapacitated or drops dead from a ‘COVID-caused’ heart attack or stroke? The media have already narrated that he has a pre-existing heart disease, and they have also narrated that his vital signs are ‘very concerning’. And that could lead to the Republican National Committee handing the baton to Pence or Romney, which would ensure a ‘Deep State’ victory in the election, since Romney/Pence and Biden/Harris/Clinton have been assigned ‘black hats’ in the globalist drama. The obvious replacement for a presidential candidate who dies or drops out is the person’s running mate — who, after all, is running for the post of presidential understudy. But neither party would be formally bound to move the vice-presidential nominee up to the top of the ticket. With the stakes as high as they are, no one should be surprised if other candidates were to make a play for the top spot. And if the running mate were to be chosen, the party would need to pick a new vice-presidential nominee — a process that would necessarily be wide open. Drama would surely ensue. My instincts tell me that this last paragraph telegraphs the possibility that Mitt Romney might be chosen as the nominee. Having voted for Trump’s impeachment conviction, he would be ‘free from the taint of Trump.’ And there’s also the ‘White Horse Prophecy’ the globalists may want to fulfill. And it would be said that with Romney’s election and stabilization of the country, the White Horse Prophecy would be fulfilled. Of course, Romney is also a ‘black hat’ and a ‘Western antichrist’ which makes him perfect for taking the country into the ‘evil NWO’ in 2023.”

~Ken @

— October 5, 2020


