2020 ELECTION PREDICTIONS ~ Redefining God: “Global Agenda Watch — November 5, 2020”

“There is a very good chance that after the vote counts are fully complete (either the initial counts or the recounts), the election is going to swing back to Trump. Today’s claim of victory by Biden after Nevada announces their count is meant to ensure that the Democrats will go berserk when the swingback happens. What occurs after that will be determined by whether or not Trump meets with an unfortunate fate by then (assassination or incapacitation). So keep an eye on Trump, because this might be the last you see of him for a while. His removal by assassination or medical incapacitation appears imminent. The globalists have put an awful lot of preparation into the Pence/Parolin scenario, and I sense that they would very much prefer to go in that direction over the communist one. Let’s see how bad they want it…”

~Ken @ Redefining God — 11/5/2020


There is a very good chance that after the vote counts are fully complete (either the initial counts or the recounts), the election is going to swing back to Trump. Today’s claim of victory by Biden after Nevada announces their count is meant to ensure that the Democrats will go berserk when the swingback happens. What occurs after that will be determined by whether or not Trump meets with an unfortunate fate by then (assassination or incapacitation).

It looks like they’ve momentarily backed off of the Nevada scenario, but I doubt they’ve changed their basic plan yet. So let’s have a look at the plan starting with what I wrote about our current situation back in the 25 August update…

…In the leadup to the election, the mainstream media will heavily publicize manipulated polling data showing a Biden lead, and soon after the election, they’ll declare Biden the projected winner “based on exit polls of in-person voters and telephone polls of mail-in voters.” This MSM declaration of Biden’s victory will come long before the actual vote counts are completed and verified.

The actual election result will likely show a Biden victory if disputed and invalid mail-in votes are counted and a Trump victory if only valid votes are counted. This, paired with Trump’s unwillingness to accept a loss by Democrat fraud, will lead to an escalating showdown between the two sides…
Except for the part about the exit polls, things are breaking pretty much as expected. And the globalist strategy for escalating the showdown between the two sides is becoming clear…

First, prematurely call the election for Biden amidst clear signs of election fraud. This will get Republicans fighting mad over “a victory stolen with suspicious ballots.”

Later, call the election for Trump after the suspicious ballots have been disallowed. This will get Democrats fighting mad over “a victory stolen with legal technicalities and disenfranchisement of voters.”

Pissing off the Republicans first makes sense because they aren’t the kind of people who will go out in the streets and create chaos (they’re the kind who will go out and stop it). And pissing off the Democrats second makes sense because they are the kind who will get out and create chaos, to which the pissed off Republicans will happily respond. Of course, the globalists will send their agents-provocateur out on the streets to draw both sides together and get the fighting started. And once it does, the President can invoke the Insurrection Act and clean house. But which President, Trump or Pence?

If Trump is still in office when the election outcome flips back, he’d do the “Whole of the Deep State” Mass Arrest Psyop and start taking us towards the “good” NWO. But if he is replaced by Pence before then, Pence would do the “Communist Deep State” Mass Arrest Psyop and start taking us towards the “evil” NWO. And the swingback election victory would be necessary to give Pence a legitimate claim to the presidency after the end of Trump’s term.

So keep an eye on Trump, because this might be the last you see of him for a while. His removal by assassination or medical incapacitation appears imminent. The globalists have put an awful lot of preparation into the Pence/Parolin scenario, and I sense that they would very much prefer to go in that direction over the communist one. Let’s see how bad they want it…


~via RedefiningGod.com