LISA RENEE: “Birth of Cosmic Melchizedek Sun Heralds 5D Shift!”

“The final stage of the reunification of the Triple Solar Masculine Christos template through the Cosmic Holy Father Rod Coding that forms the Universal Rod Trinity shield for Cosmic Christos Suns, Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek was anchored on June 24, 2022. This momentous event was synchronized on the day of the nativity of John the Baptist (or Birth of John the Baptist, or St. John’s Day). The entire planetary grid network was synchronized with the authentic Cosmic Melchizedek Sun Logos and as the result, this tremendous solar surge of Ultra Neon, Azurite-Opalene plasma waves shifted the timelines into the final subharmonic strings of the second harmonic universe. Anchoring the entire World Soul matrix into the grid position of the stargates that are fully hosted by Guardian Alliance and their ancient Andromedan portal system, through which they are controlling the organic 5D timelines for planetary ascension. As this planetary shift was synchronized with the anchoring of the Cosmic Melchizedek Blue Ray shield uniting with Cosmic Michael and Cosmic Metatron, it manifested into many Cosmic Solar Dragon bodies, which the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father Suns utilize to travel throughout the Universal Time Matrix. These Cosmic Solar Dragon travelling vehicles are formed by an assortment of Cosmic Sun Ankh solar ouroboros rings that appear similar to djedi rings which the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragons utilize for time travel, and to communicate and commune with their offspring, the Indigo families of awakening angelic humans. What we have prepared for during multiple Astrological Ages has finally commenced, the planetary soul matrix has undergone the astral reconstruction necessary to ascend into the three layers of the soul matrix which are currently undergoing unification, intensified purification and radical detoxification in order to spiritually heal, and to align fully with the outer domain section of organic 5D timelines. Each time vector has a chamber that crosses into its adjunct time field. This represents that which is manifest in a time field, and which has its same quality imprinted in its spirit twin as a time vector. When these twin chambers meet and the Adjunct Time Vectors merge, they become manifested as event horizons in the time fields. These event horizons born of paired adjunct time vectors mean the blended reality can be observed clearly and then corrections can be made to assorted timeline distortions. This happens at the end of Ascension Cycles when the Krystal Star spiral begins to merge with their hierogamic union or Twin Sparks for core Krystal encryption, which creates new elemental currents that combine into Celestalline for transmutation of base elementals. The Maharaji Sirius B lineages have reached the momentous event of restoring their Universal Melchizedek Logos in the Milky Way, and the spiritual realization of eons of painful strife and toil that has brought the victory of God’s truth in the light!”

~Lisa Renee

The final stage of the reunification of the Triple Solar Masculine Christos template through the Cosmic Holy Father Rod Coding that forms the Universal Rod Trinity shield for Cosmic Christos Suns, Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek was anchored on June 24, 2022. Interestingly, setting free the Melchizedek Logos brought on the anchoring of the Cosmic Melchizedek Blue Sun Star shield, as it was being integrated into the Cosmic Michael and Metatron Sun-Star shield network. This momentous event was synchronized on the day of the nativity of John the Baptist (or Birth of John the Baptist, or St. John’s Day).

If the reclamation of the Triple Solar Masculine Christos-Sophia Templates that herald the Cosmic Dragon Awakening, along with the announcement in the Stars of the Reborn Inner Christ and return of the Blue Ray Melchizedek Logos in his Cosmic Maharaji body wasn’t miraculous enough, there’s more. The entire planetary grid network was synchronized with the authentic Cosmic Melchizedek Sun Logos and as the result, this tremendous solar surge of Ultra Neon, Azurite-Opalene plasma waves shifted the timelines into the final subharmonic strings of the second harmonic universe. Anchoring the entire World Soul matrix into the grid position of the stargates that are fully hosted by Guardian Alliance and their ancient Andromedan portal system, through which they are controlling the organic 5D timelines for planetary ascension.

As this planetary shift was synchronized with the anchoring of the Cosmic Melchizedek Blue Ray shield uniting with Cosmic Michael and Cosmic Metatron, it manifested into many Cosmic Solar Dragon bodies, which the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father Suns utilize to travel throughout the Universal Time Matrix. These Cosmic Solar Dragon travelling vehicles are formed by an assortment of Cosmic Sun Ankh solar ouroboros rings that appear similar to djedi rings which the Cosmic Christos Solar Dragons utilize for time travel, and to communicate and commune with their offspring, the Indigo families of awakening angelic humans.

What we have prepared for during multiple Astrological Ages has finally commenced, the planetary soul matrix has undergone the astral reconstruction necessary to ascend into the three layers of the soul matrix which are currently undergoing unification, intensified purification and radical detoxification in order to spiritually heal, and to align fully with the outer domain section of organic 5D timelines.

At the end of 2017, collectively we started this journey of the ascension wave that was gradually moving the entire planetary body into the next section of the 36 subharmonic strings making up the dimensional scales of future timelines. Finally five years later, the collective human race has completely moved into the next harmonic universe. This is the second harmonic universe that has been rehabilitated by Guardian Alliance gridworkers, that makes up the corrected pre-Fall crystalline Taran matrix which accesses the organic fourth, fifth and sixth dimensional layers, which further connects into the corrected Gaian matrix solar core.

As the result of the Christos Mission Ascension Plan B’s ‘incension plan’ that has been co-created from future timelines to build out the Pre-Fall templating for organic instruction sets for planetary ascension, many authentic Melchizedeks, such as those from the Inner Earth Shambali, Maharaji Sirius B lineages and those stationed in the Inner World Domains, have been collaborating with us as interdimensional teams. The Maharaji Sirius B lineages have reached the momentous event of restoring their Universal Melchizedek Logos in the Milky Way, and the spiritual realization of eons of painful strife and toil that has brought the victory of God’s truth in the light! The ongoing teamwork between surface dwellers and Inner Earthers has reached this moment of effectively bonding the Inner World Domain of Krystic Pre-fall templates with the Outer World Domains of manifested timelines. This merge between inner and outer domains has been made possible from teamwork and is explained as Adjunct Time Vectors. There are sets of horizontal counter-rotating chambers that move clockwise to bring in energy from the Unified Field of God-Source and disperse it through the vertical Hara lines that impact time vectors. Each time vector has a chamber that crosses into its adjunct time field. This represents that which is manifest in a time field, and which has its same quality imprinted in its spirit twin as a time vector. When these twin chambers meet and the Adjunct Time Vectors merge, they become manifested as event horizons in the time fields. These event horizons born of paired adjunct time vectors mean the blended reality can be observed clearly and then corrections can be made to assorted timeline distortions. This happens at the end of Ascension Cycles when the Krystal Star spiral begins to merge with their hierogamic union or Twin Sparks for core Krystal encryption, which creates new elemental currents that combine into Celestalline for transmutation of base elementals.

~via Melchizedek Logos

Photos 1 & 3 by Ascension Avatar – 8-13-2019

VIDYA FRAZIER: “Shifting Toward the Fifth Dimension”

“If you look closely, you will realize that the disappearing parts of yourself are just parts of your personality self that are leaving.  You discover that there’s a Higher YOU inside that never changes.   It’s the YOU that was the same when you were 3 years old, 15 and 35 years old.  It is, and always has been, the YOU that is real.  It is also the one that has always been leading you through life, whether you’ve been aware of it or not.  In these current experiences of deep insecurity and loss of connection to outer supports, know that you are being called to trust this Higher YOU — your Higher Self.”

~Vidya Frazier


If you’ve been experiencing a lot of change, loss and uncertainty in your life lately, you can know you are deep into your ascension process. These are perhaps the most common indications that you’re in the process of making your way through the higher Fourth Dimension, preparing you to eventually enter the Fifth.

But it’s generally not a lot of fun, dealing with this process. Many people are finding that so much is changing in their lives and within their being, it can be frightening. They feel lost, without a compass to guide them through the ever-shifting reality they’ve entered into.

It seems to be harder than ever to know which decision to make in any moment, not knowing where it might take you. The old ways of feeling certain about your life seem to be falling away — the old relationships that used to provide comfort, the old situations that gave you a sense of financial stability, and the old beliefs that used to guide you. There’s nothing much to hold onto anymore to feel safe and certain of who you are and where you’re going.

You are a Pioneer

And this is because you are a pioneer on this path into the Fifth Dimension. Most people haven’t a clue yet about this journey. It’s a whole new experience for humanity — and one also that evidently no other beings in the universe have ever made before, while taking their physical bodies with them. So much of it is still unknown.

But you, as a courageous lightworker, have volunteered to go ahead as a pioneer to help forge this path.

As a result, you may find there are not yet a lot of road signs where you are traveling or obvious pointers as to which way to go at any given point. You may feel totally alone on the path. Unidentified crossroads may confuse you; apparent dead ends may cause you to doubt yourself. You may have to backtrack and choose a different unknown road to take, often to another unknown destination. It’s no wonder you can feel lost for a while until you find your bearings again.

Trust is the Only Option

There are times when your only option is to make the leap into total trust — trust of the Universe, Source, Higher Self — whatever you want to call the guidance you find within you. Outer sources of information — opinions of friends and family, or experts you find — just don’t cut it anymore.

Nor do the thoughts your rational mind is generating based on information you’ve received from the outside. Your mind only knows how to fruitlessly spin its wheels when trying to understand things that are beyond its capabilities.

What you hear from these sources may have worked in the past when you were still functioning fully within third-dimensional consciousness. But you’re now in unknown higher-dimensional territory, and your guidance at this point has to come from within you.

Trusting the messages from this inner source requires a trust you may have never had to develop before. In the past, it was relatively easy to determine how to survive — physically, financially, and emotionally. You could figure out how to get the things you needed and the emotional support you craved from people and circumstances around you.

But now, you may have come to realize that this strategy doesn’t work very well anymore. And, if you’re really self-aware, you may also see how trying to continue living in this way keeps you in a low-level state of anxiety, especially if you come to realize in the end that you have very little control over many outer conditions.

Shifting Toward the Fifth Dimension

As you move toward fifth-dimensional consciousness, you will find you need to let go of this limited strategy. If you are strongly attached to believing that things and people outside of you are responsible for your sense of safety, survival and happiness, you will probably be given the opportunity to find out that they are not. Many of these outer supports may disappear (either temporarily or permanently) to show you this.

If, for example, you lose your job, your life savings, your health, or an important relationship — know that this learning dynamic may be what’s operating. Instead of panicking, see if you can drop inside yourself and align with a trust that you will find the means of survival and stability in other ways — perhaps in ways that will bring you an even greater sense of joy, security and freedom.

Stay in the Present Moment

Remember: if you can stay in the present moment and not be panicked about what may happen in the future, you can usually find you are really okay right now. You have all the essential things you need to be reasonably comfortable and at peace.

And think about it: you really never know what’s around the corner up ahead of you — especially these days. Something very surprising can appear that will help you handle the hurdle you see in the future, something that will “save” you. If you reflect for a moment, you have probably had little miracles like this occur for you in the past. There are so many things that can happen out of the blue that you have no idea about.

Expect miracles, truly expect them — and they will happen. The higher fourth-dimensional energies now flooding the planet can create them for you with ease.

Surrender to What-Is

Still, it’s true — expecting miracles and looking within yourself for your security may be difficult at those times when you’re in great fear. If all familiar supports are falling away, and who you’ve known yourself to be seems to be disappearing, it can feel terrifying.

What you need to do at such times is to simply surrender to what-is in the moment — fully accept all of the situation, along with all your emotional reactions to it, as your reality at the present moment — without judgment, struggle, or grasping. Allow yourself to let go and just be with yourself with all of it, while consciously loving yourself with compassion. But don’t fall into your misery or wallow in it. Stay conscious and be fully with yourself, choosing to surrender to what feels beyond you to fix — and trust that a higher YOU will step in to resolve the situation.

Discover the Real YOU

If you look closely, you will realize that the disappearing parts of yourself are just parts of your personality self that are leaving. You discover that there’s a Higher YOU inside that never changes. It’s the YOU that was the same when you were 3 years old, 15 and 35 years old. It is, and always has been, the YOU that is real.

It is also the one that has always been leading you through life, whether you’ve been aware of it or not. In these current experiences of deep insecurity and loss of connection to outer supports, know that you are being called to trust this Higher YOU — your Higher Self.

See if you can trust that it knows exactly what it’s doing in bringing about changes in your life, including losses that initially seem painful. Know that the things you are losing are likely essential for you to lose so as to prepare you for entering the Fifth Dimension.

Trust Turns into Knowing

In fifth-dimensional consciousness, there is no reliance on anything in the outer world for a sense of safety or survival. There is only reliance on trust — trust that life will bring you absolutely everything you need, when you need it. And you find that this happens over and over again. Eventually this trust is replaced by a secure knowing, a certainty based on your own experience in seeing that you are always taken care of.

But until that knowing fully develops, trust is what you need to rely on. Trust that you are being guided and taken care of with the utmost compassion and wisdom. And, with trust as your guide, you will find synchronicities blooming all around you; little miracles will become commonplace in your life. And the more you live from this place of trust, the stronger your trust will become.

You’ll see that there is nothing outside in the world that is permanent or totally dependable for your safety or survival. But with the trust you have inside, it won’t matter. You’ll have everything you need.

Learning to live fully from a place of trust is not always easy. But the relaxation and freedom from fear you experience when you begin to achieve this are monumental and will change your entire experience of life.



MICHELLE WALLING: “4D Frequency Brings Full Transparency”

“Those who have had their psychic abilities for a while will see a huge leap in the magnitude of their abilities in the month of July. Those who are awakening will begin to understand what their abilities are, and they will be shocked and astounded at their capability.”

~Michelle Walling


3d has completely merged with the 4d frequency. New levels of psychic abilities are activating and the veils are almost completely down. If you haven’t already, you may soon encounter a situation where you realize someone is not being truthful with you. It is important to know why this is happening and what to do about it.

As we weave in and out of time towards the end of time, you begin to connect with your higher self on a galactic level. The higher you go, the higher you vibrate. As we continue to merge and ascend, our etheric DNA is activating. As our DNA activates, we have more of our Superpowers coming online.

Those who have had their psychic abilities for a while will see a huge leap in the magnitude of their abilities in the month of July. Those who are awakening will begin to understand what their abilities are, and they will be shocked and astounded at their capability.

Precognition is increasing. This is the ability to know when something is going to happen before it happens. Many of us have an increased sense of knowing, which is called claircognizance. The veil is lifting more each day so that we see beyond the programming of the matrix.

One of the most prevalent abilities will be feeling when someone’s vibrational truth is not matching their words. This is due to the activation of our astral DNA and when we connect our energy field to another’s (aura), our “spidy senses” activate, as if the tiny tendrils in your aura connect with theirs. If you are an empath you have probably already been able to feel other people’s emotions but this is a whole new level of gauging their energy. You may be able to clearly tell if someone is not telling the truth, including if they are hiding something or not fully disclosing something.

It’s important to know this because society has been programmed to not be fully transparent out of fear, even if we tell a little white lie or omit the full story to protect someone else’s feelings. If you do this to your children, they can sense it and this can cause confusion. Some people have not been honest all of their lives and do not even realize it.

If you are “reading” an energy signature or pattern and are confused as to why something is not adding up, you can ask your higher guidance to show you the answer. Pay attention to dreams internally and outward manifestations in your individual matrix. If things are balanced and benevolent, things should flow smoothly in your day. When barriers, sirens, and difficulties begin to happen, this is a sign that something is off or is about to be off (precognition). Go within to find out what this all means to you and operate accordingly or with more awareness that something is coming up to be seen. These recent waves of energy are bringing all things to the surface that are not in integrity.

It can be difficult to witness people not being honest with you or themselves. If you call them out on it, their ego can kick in their defense mechanism and they may go to many lengths to salvage their integrity. It’s not about the subject matter of the deception as much as the energy mis-match and responsibility. Either we are creating our thoughts and words with an open heart in truth, or we are creating with an semi-opened or closed heart in fear. An untruth or omission matches the vibration of fear. Even there is no wrong or right int the eyes of Creator and in a free willed creation, there is a vibration that matches when someone is in integrity, saying what they feel or when they are in fear and in deception.

On a soul level, they would never want to do anything to hurt you, and in many cases they are not aware of the damage they are causing by not being responsible for what they are creating energetically. You have to decode if you want to become the teacher or allow them to learn through another.

If you decide to address the energetic imbalance, it is important to stay balanced and centered in order to not match their energy. Otherwise, you may fall down into a negative energetic spiral in a dance of argument and proof. Sometimes the only way to understand how not to do this is to have it happen a few times and learn how to emotionally remove yourself.

After experiencing a blatant energetic mismatch, you may wonder if you can ever trust this person in the future. You can also wonder if you are projecting dishonesty with yourself onto them for them to mirror back to you. It is important to dissect but do not overthink the situation. After all, this energetic dishonesty has been the norm for thousands of years. Being able to see and feel it and having it surface is something new that we will all need to be able to compassionately work through.

This initiation will also come in handy when we are finally visited by our extraterrestrial family. Because of the increase in energetic intention discernment there should never be a fear behind whether you will be able to trust a particular fourth dimensional being (or higher). You are being given all the tools you need.

This initiation takes practice in order to break down the underlying energetic imbalance. Be forgiving and compassionate, even when you are hurt over dishonesty. Imagine how this all fades in 5d as everyone operates with an open heart and treats each other as they would want to be treated. We can learn a huge lesson from being involved with a situation like distrust and untruth. It is a huge opportunity to look within to make sure that you are being honest with yourself and are creating the highest and best possible reality you are capable of.

“We are in a matrix of lies and deception and by witnessing and standing up for truth, we are breaking down the illusions and the matrix itself. It is a part of the work that we came here to do.”

Take time for yourself to heal your emotional wounds if you feel hurt after witnessing distrust, try to remember not to take it personal. We are in a matrix of lies and deception and by witnessing and standing up for truth, we are breaking down the illusions and the matrix itself. It is a part of the work that we came here to do.




ALEXANDER PAPAGEORGHIOU: “The Secret to Creating in 5D — Releasing”

Throughout our lives so far, we have gotten used to living, or surviving, with fear as a mechanism to protect ourselves against the world, courtesy of our egos. As we enter and begin to settle in the Fifth Dimension, one of the hardest parts of the acclimatization process is learning to let go.

This has become overused as a term since we are often told by spiritual guides to let go, to breathe, but this time it is more complex, and more rewarding. We have gotten used to being on our own, throughout the Third Dimension construct, but there has to be an elementary change that must take place: TRUST. This time we have a partner that merges with us to be part of a mechanism we now call Conscious Creation: the Universe.

In order to create we need to make two elementary changes. We need to learn to trust in the Source completely and to believe in our ability to create. Then, we need to learn to let go of all the things we cannot control, on a complete basis, to the Universe so that it can deal with this obsolete energy and discard it. The longer we hold onto it, the more we meddle with the energy that is supposed to come down and replace it and we stall the process, making it difficult for ourselves to be in acceptance of the abundance of waves that flush our bodies and our reality in this tumultuous and rewarding time. We are not creating alone. We are visualizers, we anticipate and create the reality that we wish for. We must learn to believe in this ability and to have full faith that after we release it the Universe will do its part. This is a complete partnership that relies of both sides to fully create.

We need to erase the past view of ourselves as physical bodies at the mercy of the dense world. We are infinite light beings existing in infinite dimensions with a loving Counterpart watching over us and rewarding our release of the past and the archaic.

We can never create fully until we have accepted that we are creators and that we now have a symbiotic relationship with the UNIVERSE, which is the physical manifestation of the Creator. Secondly, we must accept that, as opposed to all the lifetimes when we have been swallowed by fear and anger, this time around, two constants have changed: We are AWAKE, and we are NOT ALONE: We are LOVED. That is the most powerful tool for creating and understanding that manifestation is not only willing things into being. We have to tear down all the blockages of the past, the desire to rush things, the anticipation, the fear that we will not get what we want, the meddling of the ego, etc…

For example, in the past, one may have tried to create and things weren’t moving, so they started meddling, trying to accelerate the process, fear started creeping in, and the ego started dictating that either this was not meant to be, or that the person had to take more action. All these actions we lead by FEAR of not accomplishing this. There was no TRUST, no LOVE, and no RELEASE. This process was stifled repeatedly until the person gave up and let it go. After some inner changes, the situation would pop later having taken form. Unfortunately, it took a toll on said person and the fear remained.

This really doesn’t have to take place this way anymore. This is the first time we are fully awake in millennia. We are creating, we are revealing our true selves to ourselves, and we MUST stop being afraid and start trusting, in the process, in our power, in LOVE, and in our GUIDANCE and the UNIVERSE.

Let go completely and let your light find you again and take you where it needs to. Whatever you are enduring, the last layers of pain, fear, anger, it is all for the best and you really should not fear anything anymore. The light is here and it has started shining within you. Trust yourself, the process, be patient and know that you loved more than you can fathom. That is your mantra in the difficult moments.





TIFFANY STILES: “We Have Gone Quantum!”

Dear Beautiful Souls!

We are going quantum over the past two weeks! We have a multitude of frequencies bombarding us in which all serve a different purpose in our physical body ascension and acclimation to New Earth.

We have the fluidity of photons bouncing around our cells converting to plasma. This occurs now due to solar minimum, and high geomagnetic activity entering the New Earth atmosphere penetrating all on a cellular level. This specific barrage of photonic light is hitting the muscular network within where the old gridwork breaks down. This is where your personal grid/meridian lines exist, and tie into the New Earth crystalline grid. Old programming held within this gridwork also breaks down. This is why muscle soreness, even painful to the touch is experienced. A new gridding process is taking place within with more deep seating purging occurring. Many times these will be held in the teeth, skeletal bones, skull, nerves and the muscles, so you may experience discomfort in these areas while the purging process and re-gridding/re-wiring/integration takes place.

For those who have been in this physical body ascension process for a few years now, this is where the last bit of limiting programming leaves the body on a cellular and DNA stored levels. All is processed through the Higher Self and Over Soul. It is much easier and quicker to “see”, then perceive from the higher self the full picture, forgive, release and let go… with a great deal of love. This can happen in a matter of linear minutes, or hours as you connect to higher geometrical information through the Akashic and Source. Much is cleared very quickly. As this density continues to leave the physical body, your crystalline light body becomes lighter and you enter the next phase of Avatar crystalline, plasma light body where you are activated and fully multi-dimensional. You are able to navigate the dimensions with great ease by adjusting your frequency to match each unique dimensional reality. You go up, and you anchor back down into the physical in full light body form. Here is there is no attachment to anything, or anyone as you anchor back down into the 3rd dimension to perform your soul calling/misssion in service to others. Here is where your focus returns, and you can easily translate what you’ve been shown from your Higher Self to help teach others. This is also done with a great deal of love, and care for here is there no more ego getting in the way. As you are now a walker of dimensions, you notice it’s so much easier on New Earth. Things just flow as all is done on an Energetic level. All is in the now moment. Nothing is planned or controlled. Each is recognized from their dominant radiant auric field. Each auric field of dominance holds its own set of metaphysical and physical gifts to be in service of others. On New Earth everything is an energy exchange as all work together to maintain the harmonic resonance, and all live by the Universal Laws. Each holds themselves accountable to maintain this integrity with themselves and with others. It is impossible to lie as all see telepathically, and most communication in person is held this way including; the animals, plants and trees. You may have noticed over the past month, as I have written about before, also posted personal animal videos on my FB page… how now on New Earth the animals are more trusting to humans as we uphold respect for all creatures that inhabit the same energetic space we do. They telepathically know this, so they come to you, or allow you to approach them without fear on either side. There is no fear on New Earth. All trust in the Universal energetic flow. With a fluent and over soul understanding of the Universal Laws alchemy is normal. Abundance freely flows to all who remain open. On New Earth everything is heart centered and balanced. Every thing is done with pure unconditional love. All intentions are set, and sent with pure unconditional love. This is how the harmonic resonance is maintained. You cannot walk New Earth without having the purest of intentions at all times. Your karma is cleared from past lives through the Akashic and you obtain no more karma. You walk New Earth with a clean and clear slate.

This is why the Crystal and Rainbow children come here with zero past karma, and why is it difficult for them to acclimate to 3rd dimensional density. They were the first to arrive to show us the way in unconditional love, telepathic communication and instant manifestation. They arrived on New Earth first. They are born here already inter-dimensional beings of Light and Love. They access New Earth and anchor the frequencies back down to 3D for adults to acclimate to higher frequency output who are directly tied to them. It becomes contagious as more want to catch that vibe and ride the wave.

As inter-dimensional walkers, we do much work in the Astral collasping the old timelines, and allowing the new ones to present that are aligned to the New Earth crystalline grid. As above, so below. A lot of inner work is done as we deep sleep and twilight sleep. Twilight sleep in a calm, peaceful state allows the 3rd eye to open on command to “see” all through a higher state. All past lifetimes can be viewed here, and all karma cleared in 1-3 successive sessions. Your clean slate begins. Now the inner work continues on a DNA cellular level as new codes are received as the magnetite crystals throughout the body heat to activate and cool to rewire and reprogram. ALL old must go! All old thinking. All old thought patterns. All old grudges and un-forgiveness. All old friendships, relationships, acquaintances that wish to remain at the 3D frequency of lack and lower vibrational frequency. We honor their path and we lovingly let them go. For us to obtain physical ascension as a light body, we have very few, and very limited humans we interact with and allow in our energetic field now. Only those of the same vibrational frequency and New Earth mission are invited into our vibrational field, and the timeline/reality we are anchoring for others to access too when they are ready.

When you get to this level there is nothing, or no one that will stand in your way, for you have worked too hard to allow someone to keep dragging you back, or down. In a loving, but sometimes firm manner you are prompted to call these people out on their bullsh**! You let your boundaries be known, and be it known that if they are crossed the relationship must dissolve. For many on the ascension journey there are circumstances where you live with these souls who choose to remain on 3D Earth. For many there is no choice in some situations caring for an elderly parent. We can only honor the soul contract on the highest level, and understand the the lessons we chose to learn and grow from, on both sides. Surround in love.

With all of this being said, know there are many levels to obtain in the physical light body ascension process. It takes years to complete. What I am experiencing may be entirely different from what you are. At each level there are different experiences and different inner work that must be completed which make it different for all at any given time. There are times many of you are experiencing the same exact thing as me on a global scale. We write to explain it at all levels, and perspectives for those who are guided and drawn to the information to learn and understand. Particularly so not one soul going through this feels alone as you are never alone. The more one increases in frequency, the more you are pulled to your soul tribe, and they are pulled to you as you return to authentic self. These souls are your support system, your sounding board, where ideas and collaborations take place for New Earth. Where you give and receive love freely without expectations of anything in return. I have had many express to me that they met their soul mate through my FB page. Or they met a soul sister, or brother and have remained connected for years and are very close. This makes my heart feel so good!! I take with great care and love a higher responsibility for my page, and my websites to carry the highest vibrational frequency of love. I have blocked many nefarious beings off my page to maintain the ingrity of the space energetically. So when those come to visit, they have an uplifting experience, and “feel” the vibarational frequency of “love.” Souls are brought together in support so they don’t feel alone. Information and education are given freely to those who are guided to it. If I am processing, releasing, etc…(and yes, it is a continuous process of inner work for all), and I need downtime to do this… I do not post, or put any work out until I recharge to my highest vibrational frequency of love.

Make note that there are those in this field who do take advantage of unsuspecting, trusting souls. You must always use your intuition to discern the information you are given. Does it feel right and resonate? Or does it feel bad and it’s sending off red flags? If someone tells you they have all the answers, we don’t. We share what we are guided to share, and what we have experienced thus far to assist, or have tapped into from our higher selves to see and share. If someone tells you they can help you ascend, this is a lie. They can only plant seeds that help you remember to go within and do the work. No one reaches physical light body ascension without putting in the personal time, self focus, introspection, energy and self inner work that is needed to get there. We must all do our part. When the plateau of enough souls reaches physical light body ascension, New Earth is visible to all who align with its vibrational frequency. There are those here now that shift back and forth from New Earth to 3D Earth, all the way to the 13th higher dimension, and walk between all. We will continue to do so to constantly anchor higher vibrational frequency here until the plateau is reached. When this occurs we will then only view 3D Earth from a higher dimension. We will no longer have to participate in it, and lower our frequency to deal with linear demands, or those who choose to remain on 3D Earth and run linearly until they transition. We will be able to see them, but they will no longer be able to see us. Higher dimensional realms of 4D, and higher cannot be seen unless you are in alignment and a vibrational match to that dimensional reality. This is why most cannot hear, see, smell, or feel their guardian angels, spirit guides, ascended masters (avatars), or Archangels. All reside in a higher dimensional realms of existence. To reach them, you must meet them where they are. They will not lower their vibrational frequency to meet you. They will give you signs, and synchronicities that trigger you to remember until you increase in frequency enough to match them… then see, hear, smell or feel them.

We have now anchored New Earth frequency some years ago to create this new dimensional existence for all who are ready to see and dwell here permanently. I have some people say, “When I get to New Earth.” When I say, I’m already here, it’s hard for them to comprehend that this is a vibrational dimensional existence in a parallel Universe to 3D Earth, easily accessible for all to see who are in alignment. It is how other’s interact, it is how the animals interact with us. It is being connected to your soul tribe. It is being accepted for who you truly are at the soul level. It is practicing a service to others career, and practicing even energy exchange in your daily interactions with others. It is where your physical senses are heightened and your metaphysical gifts are online and on point…. and you use them in service to others, and for all involved highest good. It’s where unconditional love is given freely, and received freely. It is where the air is clean and fragrant. It is where All dwell in harmony. And so much more…. It’s only a matter of time until more come, and the plateau has been reached. You hear some ascension teachers talk of New Earth like we live here daily. We do, and then we open portals and star gates to come back to show and teach more. Then we travel back again. I’ve got to tell you, New Earth is absolutely stunning and incomparably beautiful to 3D Earth. The evolved HUmans that dwell here are the most unconditional loving souls I’ve ever encountered with nothing but the purest intentions. All are healed through an energetic level and with crystals, oils, plants and herbs. Many heal themselves through focused thought and intention spontaneously. There is zero negativity, and zero fear for everyone is responsible for their energetic output following the Law of Attraction. There are no souls here with egos as all transcended the ego before arrival. There are only fresh veggies and fruits to eat for those who “miss the taste.” No food is actually required as New Earth sun is the food to maintain the Light body in the physical. ALL animals and mammals are respected and honored, and therefore not killed for food. All dwell in harmony. All work together. Everything is an energy exchange. This is a glimpse many others have confirmed they witness as well in conversations I’ve had. Many see themselves as teachers in Metaphysical Schools where Metaphysical gifts are excepted, taught how to use in service of others. And where the strict laws of the Universe(s) are taught, and a code of conduct is verbally accepted to maintain the highest integrity of work in service of others. A higher counsel of elders make sure harmonic resonance is maintained at all times. The colors are more vibrant of New Earth, the water is fresh and clean. And all of the elementals, fairies, sprites, sylphs, etc.. allow themselves to be visible to you, as they now trust us enough to do so, whereas in the past they did not. There are no lower dimensional beings on New Earth. Everything is in vibrational alignment to the vibrational frequency of New Earth. There is so much more I see, but I will wait to share more later as this is getting a bit long. But I will add…The New Earth hologram is strictly of the light and love where all come with their “free will” intact. Instant manifestation of what is needed is done, well….instantly, but very responsibly. There is no greed here, but abundance is unlimited for those who remain in harmonic alignment of the vibrational frequency of New Earth. Most live very minimally by choice. I’m sure many of you will resonate with some, or maybe all of these descriptions as many have now experienced New Earth reality by being walkers of inter-dimensional realms and realities.

Now, to the last few weeks….What has transpired as many have increased in higher frequency, and have completed more of the ascension light body levels I described above.

1.) Increased animal telepathy. Increased wild animal interactions, especially with birds, frogs, butterflies, squirrels. Our family fur babies as well; dogs, cats, have became way more “chatty” and we can clearly understand what they are saying and what they want. And all of the sudden many can now see their fur babies who have crossed the rainbow bridge. The little souls of the animals are making themselves visible to all now who wish to see.

2.) More babies when out in public are staring at us, then burst out in smiles, and wave. They are looking above the head and see your energetic frequency and Aura. They are in Joy to incarnate into a less dense 3rd dimension than the last time. They also see our Angels and Guides hanging around us smiling at them too.

3.) The past four nights have brought a sweet, heavy floral smell that comes out of nowhere, and isn’t derived from flowers blooming near. For me personally, this scent only comes at night, the past four nights, and smells like gardenias, but a much heavier scent that lingers. I’m not the only one who can smell it, all who are with me at the time smell it too. I asked my friends on FB if they were experiencing this too a couple of days ago, and the response was overwhelming! See link at the end of the article for more info. A woman even noted she was out in the desert where there are no flowers at all around her and she smells this heavy floral scent too.

4.) The past couple of weeks sleep has been illusive. I have been unable to get to sleep until 3am-4am, or 5am. The past two days all I want to do is sleep, and went to bed at 9:30pm last night. A nap will be in order today, and it was all I could do to get this Energy Report out.

5.) Massive clearings through the sacral and root chakra causing many to run to the bathroom and just make it in time.

6.) Calling people out on their bullsh** and setting firm boundaries.

7.) Recalling past patterns that resulted in unsavory situations are being broken now. A life review of sorts to learn from the past and create a higher timeline now by collapsing the old.

8.) Psychic activity has ramped up as it keeps doing so.

9.) The elementals, fairies, sprites, sylphs are now letting humans capture them in pictures and video.

10.) Dreams are more lucid and precognitive dreams are happening now more than ever.

11.) All physical senses are heightened.

12.) More conversations are happening from the heart and not the ego.

13.) The urge to move now where you are being called to is now unavoidable and undeniable. Now’s the time you make it happen.

14.) The left and right hemispheres of the brain have rewired and new neuropathways have been connected.

15.) Your sensitivity to everything on a energetic level is at an all time high.

16.) I’ve had reports of those healing themselves with focused intention and thought.

17.) The ability to instantly manifest is at an all time high.

18.) Your intuition and discernment have increased to be your guide.

19.) Metaphysical gifts are coming back online for many.

20.) Many now live daily being very responsible for, and cognizant of their thoughts and actions. Keeping it positive to manifest the same.

21.) Many are no longer willing to share their sacred space with those of a lower vibrational frequency. Even announcing, “This is my sacred space for you to share in. Respect that or you’ll have to leave.” There is zero tolerance for negativity, drama, narcissism, selfishness, or self serving behaviors. We just refuse to participate in toxic, or dysfunctional behaviors anymore.

22.) Many now make it a point to clean their space more frequently to keep the energy free flowing through their space, smudging or burning incense often too.

23.) Technology glitching is a daily occurrence now. We have increased in frequency so much, the frequency at which technology runs on is often times not a match to ours, therefore it will glitch and we can cause it to permanently malfunction if we are not in a good state of mind, or angry. I have “talked” a many electronics by into working. Try it! Some of these “new children” just have the magic touch too.

As always, please share in the comments section what you are currently experiencing, and if it’s any of the above as a confirmation for you.

I’d like to finish this update with some links for you to refer back to in reference to what I have talked about here today. It’s always nice to read other’s comments to know that you are not alone in what you are going through, or experiencing.

[Click below to view full article with links]: 

Energy Report Update-June 4th, 2018 by Tiffany Stiles. We have gone Quantum!

Please feel free to share this latest report. Sharing is caring to let others know they are not alone. 💞

Much love, light and blessings on your continued journey.

Tiffany Stiles
Metaphysical Life Coach


You may share this content with all source links attached and credit issued to the creator of the content. Mystical Lotus LLC copyrighted 2018.


