LISA RENEE on “Initiation”

“Most people when they’re attempting to manifest something, it’s coming from the ego mind desires. When you say you want to achieve your spiritual goals, understand that you will achieve your spiritual goals naturally by always choosing to deflect ego to serve your higher Divine Will. You will always be guided to achieve your spiritual goals when you intend this to be so. The ego mind desire isn’t going to work too well in this new structure, because you’ve got to learn to let it go. It’s got to be ‘it is what it is’ in this moment. You set forth your intentions. You look at what’s in the now-moment present for you, and you address what’s in front of you to the best of your known ability. You see it as an initiation and a lesson which you need to master before you can move to the next stage of your spiritual development. There are consequences to the decisions we make. We must think upon and hold these consequences, and potential consequences made to our lives and other lives, especially if we’re not entirely clear if they’re in Divine alignment. If something is stuck and it is in front of you, there is something there that you need to figure out. Why is it there? Now sometimes it’s a situational awareness. We are in the end game stages of the final conflict for Earth. This is a time to lay low, get strong, get your lightbody on, power up those shields, and get your tools really working. This will impact how things manifest in our world because we are in the middle of the most intense levels of spiritual warfare to control humanity and the planetary resources. And again, as I’ve mentioned to you several times in the past, when you achieve your spiritual goals, when you’re living your spiritual purpose, when you feel it resonating out of every cell of your body, this brings the utmost fulfillment, contentment, and joy in the moment. Even when you’re living in the chaos of the end times, or in the end game and subjected to spiritual warfare as we are now. Because this is an initiation. You may not see it that way, but that’s what it is.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Five Principles to Practice Now

LISA RENEE: “Solar Flare”

“The Consciousness within our Solar System is undergoing its own level of solar initiation through the massive amount of solar flare plasma emissions. A Solar Flare is a burst of light, radiation and intelligent energy which erupts from the sun’s magnetic atmosphere. Currently, the sun is consistently firing off the strongest solar flares we have experienced in which science measures as an X class flare, falling into the category of the most intense levels of solar explosions. It is clear evidence we are undergoing an intense Solar Initiation of radiating plasmic light which is rapidly progressing humanities evolution (or digression) on our chosen spiritual journey upon this earth.”

~Lisa Renee


A Solar Flare is a burst of light, radiation and intelligent energy which erupts from the sun’s magnetic atmosphere. Solar flares affect all layers of the solar atmosphere, when the plasma is heated into millions of kelvins, the flares produce radiation across the Electromagnetic Field spectrum at all wavelengths. These light frequencies range from radio waves to gamma rays, although most of the energy is spread over frequencies outside the visible spectrum to the naked eye.

Solar Flares affect all layers of the solar atmosphere (photosphere, chromosphere, and corona), when the plasma medium is heated to tens of millions of kelvin, while the electrons, protons, and heavier ions are accelerated to near the speed of light. Flares occur in active regions around sunspots, where intense magnetic fields penetrate the photosphere to link the corona to the solar interior. Flares are powered by the sudden release of magnetic energy stored in the corona.

During the Ascension Cycle the planet is exposed to Solar Flares and Stellar Activations which cause the levels of the planetary auric field progressively open up into each other, dissolving the dimensional Frequency barriers that kept the levels separate at one time within the planetary auric field. The levels continue to dissolve as these energetic and auric fields progressively draw in more frequency patterns from the higher dimensional “Unified Fields”. As these levels dissolve, progressively more Consciousness energy and awareness merge with and become held within, the biological matter-life form, and the biological life form shifts from one set of dimensional time continuum cycles to another. [1]

Solar Flares Change Magnetic Field

The Consciousness within our Solar System is undergoing its own level of solar initiation through the massive amount of solar flare plasma emissions. A Solar Flare is a burst of light, radiation and intelligent energy which erupts from the sun’s magnetic atmosphere. Currently, the sun is consistently firing off the strongest solar flares we have experienced in which science measures as an X class flare, falling into the category of the most intense levels of solar explosions. In less than two weeks the sun has released over 28 solar flares, with some of the most powerful coronal mass ejections that have reached the earth. Coronal Mass Ejections (CME’s) are a mass of charged particles and magnetic field energy that bursts from the sun like a volcanic eruption. Coronal mass ejections interact with Earth’s Ionosphere which change the shape and direction of the magnetic field, as well as generate geomagnetic storms, auroras and increase the range of the earth’s plasma fountain. It is clear evidence we are undergoing an intense Solar Initiation of radiating plasmic light which is rapidly progressing humanities evolution (or digression) on our chosen spiritual journey upon this earth. [2]

Solar DNA Activation

The original instruction set (Blueprint) of our DNA is a lattice of pure liquid crystal, an ideal transmitter and receiver of energetic resonance, inter-communication and perceiving a variety of levels of consciousness. Planetary and Human DNA is activated through the communicating with the intelligent plasma emitted from the Sun through Solar Flares and Coronal Mass Ejections. The original instruction set is what connects our Consciousness to experience the God Source levels of our Personal Christ Consciousness. [3]



  1. Solar Flare
  2. Spiritual Sun Behind the Sun
  3. Deconstruction of the Cross


~via Ascension Glossary


Photo by Ascension Avatar (July 12, 2019)

“Aqualine Solar Flare”


LISA RENEE: “Solar King”

“The Solar King provides warmth, growth, solar nourishment and protection for our solar plexus, for building our inner spiritual light to blend with our will center. To build and activate our sacred Sun Temple to be illumined as a House of Light, the Solar King is the amplifier to call upon. The Solar King will connect you again to the Sun Temple of your genetic coding to mirror the reflection of rebuilding your inner sun temple with rebuilding the sun temples of the earth. This meditation is purposed for activating and opening the Inner Solar Temple in our heart complex through the Double Diamond Body Amplifier and accessing the Crystal Heart Seed and its Permanent Atom within our 8D Chakra.”

~Lisa Renee


The Solar Logos and access to the Solar Deities, is the collective Solar King or Sun God Complex. Within our light bodies we have a Sun Temple, the place of light that illumines our spiritual inner core and stokes our heart flame through the Eye of RA. (The Eye of RA is located within the solar plexus and still point area of the chakra system.) The Solar King provides warmth, growth, solar nourishment and protection for our solar plexus, for building our inner spiritual light to blend with our will center. To build and activate our sacred Sun Temple to be illumined as a House of Light, the Solar King is the amplifier to call upon. If our heart is blackened from the use of excessive will, fear, pain or wounds, we call the Solar Deity to build the inner temple within. Upon the altar of our inner sun temple, we find comfort and refuge from the dark night to return back into the light to heal our wounds. Through refuge within the inner Sun Temple, we are risen again back to the light source upon the ashes of our pain. This is the amplifier for sudden traumas, shocks, betrayal and losses, to gain inner strength and endurance quickly. Many of us have root memories of resonant affiliation connecting to a planetary “sun temple”, which are where many pyramids that have been built to mark the primary energy vortices of planet earth. The Solar King will connect you again to the Sun Temple of your genetic coding to mirror the reflection of rebuilding your inner sun temple with rebuilding the sun temples of the earth. This is to help heal the Astral Body and its collective Solar energies within and without (Overtone).

Heart of the Solar King 

This meditation is purposed for activating and opening the Inner Solar Temple in our heart complex through the Double Diamond Body Amplifier and accessing the Crystal Heart Seed and its Permanent Atom within our 8D Chakra.

Through the initiation into the Crown of the Magi via the Aurora Crown’s 144 point Merkaba star, we activate the Four Living Creatures of consciousness in our 10D Chakra, or Solar Star. Through the Four Living Creatures, we call upon the Guardians of the 12 Pillars to Surround and Protect the Earth. As we breathe and sense our Oneness with the entire Universe, we ask to visit the Solar Temple within the Sun’s body (The Heart Of the Solar King). We participate with the Solar Template Initiation and pass through the Rite of Anubis to gain access to the holy of holies, the altar of the Solar King, which is the heart of the RA Complex. This is to reunite the Solar King with the Earth, by igniting the crystal heart and returning the Inner Sun temple and its Soul back into the hearts of humanity.




Heart of the Solar King


As an Amplifier (Talisman) used in a HGS Session – Solar Deity RA Complex – Triple Solar Grid

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 163


~via Ascension Glossary


Photo by Ascension Avatar (July 13, 2019)

“Solar King”


LISA RENEE: “Ascension Stages”

The Ascension Stages are about the bringing of layers of light, the Kundalini force existing within the levels of our spiritual bodies (our Multidimensional God Selves) by descending these layers into matter and anchoring them into the physical plane of reality. Simultaneously, Ascension is a shift in energetic Spectrum of Frequency patterns held in a dimensional space which, when absorbed and activated into the layers of the planetary and human bio-energetic field, activates its DNA Silicate Matrix template instruction set. This catalyzes a chain of events that creates a complete transformation and transmutation of various patterns and programs held in the energetic templates of the Human Soul’s journey within a cycle of evolutionary time. When activated, these patterns begin to shift, re-emerge and clear from the layers of experiences coded into every cell and memory pattern held as an energetic vibration within the bodies. This part of the biological ascension process may manifest physical, mental and emotional Ascension Symptoms as well as the spiritual crisis of the Dark Night of the Soul.

Inner Sustainability

Inner Sustainability is Integrated Spiritual Ascension and is the ultimate energetic sustainability when we self source from within our Soul and Monad connection, our personal spiritual source field connected directly with God. As we progressively undergo Expanding Consciousness through the activation of internal Kundalini energies traveling up the spinal column and into our Chakra system, we end consumptive modeling and vampirism of other people’s energies. Then we are capable to self source internal life force energies and develop our spiritual bodies into their highest expression and purpose, clearing Negative Ego and the Pain Body.

  • Inner Sustained Vs. Energetic Parasitism (ending recycling of reincarnation and Alien Mind Control),
  • The Ultimate Energetic Sustainability is within your Core God Being,
  • As We are Fully Connected to our Soul-Spirit We are Inner Directed, thus Inner Sustained,
  • Connection to the In Breath and Out Breath of Source – Direct relationship to God with no intermediary,
  • Everyone is accountable to claim personal Sovereignty and Freedom by consciously choosing to participate in personal evolution, this is the GSF Ascension timeline,
  • Divine Will and Divine Source is The Ultimate Intelligence. Choose Divine Will over Personal Will and observe the magic around you. You Now become a part of the Guardianship of the Divine Plan for Humanity,
  • How do we get there? One way is understanding your Lightbody’s function, which is Spiritual Ascension or Kundalini awakening, by focusing on Chakras and our stair step up the 12 Bodies of Intelligence to reconenct with our Diamond Sun body and the Threefold Founder Flame.

Ascension Stages of Bio-Neurological Consciousness Expansion

The Ascension Stages are about the bringing down of the layers of light and sound from our higher frequency spiritual bodies, by descending these layers into matter and anchoring them into our physical body via successive kundalini activations. The transmissions of electromagnetic frequencies occur throughout many functions of our bio-neurology, between the CNS, Brain and physical body parts, as well as the Nadial Structure and spiritual body parts. Simultaneously, Ascension is a shift in the energetic spectrum of frequency patterns held in our physical self. When absorbed and activated into the layers of the human bio-energetic field, it activates the higher DNA instruction set. This catalyzes a chain of events that creates a complete transformation and transmutation of various patterns and thought programs held in the identity, which shifts Timelines and changes the direction the consciousness of that person is travelling. When spiritually activated, these old identity patterns begin to shift, re-emerge and clear from the layers of experiences coded into every cell and memory pattern held as an energetic vibration within the person’s bodies. The biological ascension process manifests physical, mental and emotional Ascension symptoms that ignite spiritual crisis, which is referred to as the Dark Night of the Soul. Many people without Ascension context are captured into the medical system and are being prescribed drugs that interfere with their spiritual development, because they are being told that they have a disease. We all must do our research and due diligence to find our own personal truth to take control over our personal health and wellbeing. We cannot give that responsibility away to others.

Stage One – Initiation

Spiritual Initiation: This is about the initiation of your physical body as it connects into a new electromagnetic frequency wave that is contained in the intelligent layers of your personal Soul-Spiritual bodies. This will activate in collaboration with what higher frequencies are becoming available, or are being generated onto the planet, as well as in connection to the personal Blueprint. The goal is to initiate the bio-neurological connection with a frequency layer of coded electromagnetic information that is designed to help you to activate and plug in the higher DNA codes. Each of us has a higher self intelligence, and it is this higher self aspect that directs the Ascension process with our physical self. Sometimes, there are teams of Ascension Guides related to the person’s spiritual family line, which come to help the person undergo the initiation process. Essentially, a person is activated into spiritual initiation when their neurological structure gets plugged in and begins to accrete the electromagnetic light codes and frequencies of the Soul through kundalini activation. Kundalini activation pulls in new neurological structures and neural networks that act as energy receivers so the person can absorb the new frequencies and intelligence into their auric body. Kundalini activation is also about activating DNA frequency receivers called Apparthi receivers, which act as a bundled nerve plexus for transmitting DNA Encodements and intelligence transmissions into the Lightbody. DNA also has 12 sub-strands, and those are called fire-codes or Fire Letters. Fire letters are the cellular alphabet of our DNA, and they become activated and organized by our neurological receivers, when we start to absorb the frequencies from the first octave of our next dimensional ascension. The body usually follows the consistent process of initiating into the next higher frequency layers, in order of each harmonic tone, to help the physical self and body more easily acclimate the frequencies into the lightbody. Too much exposure to high electromagnetic frequency too soon, can seriously damage the neurological system and brain, resulting in psychosis. Each individual has a specific energy signature (incarnation path) that determines the detail of awakening. Indigos and Starseeds are the first waves of people spiritually awakened to be initiated into kundalini activation during the Ascension Cycle. Every person has a unique path of Ascension, yet the same internal connection of an electromagnetic process of bio-spiritual transformation occurs. Consciousness expansion occurs through the progressive states of initiation that are made through successive and increasing electromagnetic frequencies of kundalini activation, which are transmitted to the entire Bio-Neurology.

Stage Two – Absorption

Absorption: Once the new electromagnetic frequency is initiated into the Aura and being transmitted into the body by the CNS and Brain, the frequency and information it carries is gradually being completely absorbed within the Lightbody. Each individual has a specific process during the personal frequency absorption process, as the new frequency will hold information that will bring to the surface many different kinds of experiences, as it reveals karmic lessons, issues of self-mastery, other lifetimes, seeing deceased relatives, emotional and spiritual conflict resolution, etc. Kundalini spirals move up the spinal column, conducting with the spinal nerves, and its electromagnetic frequency will move up the central column and flood into the Chakras and spiritual bodies. As the new frequency starts to accrete in the lightbody, it will come up against energy blockages in the body. At this stage karmic patterns may appear to dislodge or clear out Dead Energy or False White Light blockages or Miasma that need to be cleared to spiritually progress. During this stage, many strange things can occur as the spiritual energies are becoming physicalized. Successive clearing of psycho-emotional energy blockages allow access to higher intelligence and begin expanding consciousness through the person’s higher spiritual identity.

When this movement through dimensional bands and communication links to higher intelligence comes online, it is perceived by extra-dimensionals, such as advanced ETs. They will attack an ascending person to keep them controlled or derailed from the ascension process. As an example, when ascending into the Soul dimensions, the person starts to absorb Soul frequencies into their heart center via the Nadial Structure, which relays that information to their CNS and Brain. There are twelve (12) subharmonic tones within each dimension (4D-5D-6D), which make up the three layers of the Soul body. The person starts to accrete the 1st subharmonic of the Soul layers and must absorb all 12 to complete the entire 4D spectrum. This continues all the way up the harmonic scale of dimensions where we all have aspects of our spiritual bodies. These frequency notes drill down through the layers of our Lightbody until they’re fully anchored and interconnected into our physical structure. This process is also referred to as light accretion. The combination of our natural biology, Soul and Monad intelligence is in charge of this process, and the higher intelligence does this as smoothly as possible. If the person resists or does not understand what is happening to them, it can block progress, and block spiritual communication from continuing. The NAA promotes fear in the spiritual development process to stop it from occurring.

Stage Three – Integration

Integration: Upon the Aura receiving the maximum frequency absorption of the newly absorbed Electromagnetic Signals that came from the Kundalini spiral up the spine, the higher consciousness identity, Chakras or Orb Bodies, as well as DNA is activated to integrate into the physical self. The individual will begin to integrate new energies, may grow new neural networks and become more telepathic or develop higher sensory abilities. There are many Ascension Symptoms, which make changes to every area of the person’s make-up, including physical, mental, and emotional changes that shift perceptions or the sense of identity leading to Ego Death. If the ego mind is not prepared for this change in consciousness, it may result in Spiritual Crisis and problems coping with letting go. Because there is no information on Ascension, most people feel extremely disorientated and even scared that they are ill or that they are losing sanity. The NAA is happy to reinforce this distorted narrative. Ascension Symptoms, Kundalini activation, Spiritual Crisis and the recall of trauma and abuse memories from current or other lifetimes, can be misidentified as medical issues.

Stage Four – Ascension

Ascension: After absorbing all of the frequency bands and codes in a dimensional instruction set that is held within the Kundalini triad current, the frequencies will cause systemic upgrades that result in new levels of spiritual Consciousness in terms of greater planetary awareness, Higher Sensory Perception, and experiencing energy as intelligent. Humanity is growing their consciousness to evolve and become interconnected with the planetary consciousness, and that is shifting earth humans to be rehabilitated and to practice the higher principles of Service to Others. When a person evolves into the higher realms of the monad (8D+) or they are Starseeds, they will start to have interactions and awareness of higher intelligent ETs, light and dark beings, and other levels of planetary or stellar consciousness. The monadic body will start to build an orb body to accrete liquid Plasma light, and this builds our eternal divine source body, or Krystal Diamond Sun body. The Krystal Diamond Sun body is equated with the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, over which there is a Galactic War to control the content and it’s Diamond Architecture. These are the dimensions of liquid plasma light or hydroplasmic light in the anti-particle fields which unite with the Zero Point God fields, beyond time and dimensionalization. When a person is communicating with and embodying the Monadic and Avatar levels, they are guided solely on missions to be in Service to Others. When in a life of earth service or incarnated with a specific spiritual mission, they will start to perceive holographic architecture, such as the Planetary Gates, Stargates, and the Planetary Grid Networks, which usually makes them a Gridworker.

Guidelines in First Triad of Evolution Phases

This is the first triad of Spiritual Awakening, of which the life lessons are the Tests of Personal Self Mastery upon where one pays attention and focus of directing one’s Consciousness. These are intended to support harmony as one develops and expands Consciousness.

  • Ask and Inquire on the Way of your Soul and its purposes.
  • Listen, learn the language of the Heart, which is the Soul Higher Sensory Perception and take action on the guidance of your Soul.
  • Develop your Inner Connection to Soul that supersedes all reliance on the External Connections or perceptions of reality, release fears of being judged by others.
  • Live a Life congruent to your Soul and is purposes, and that it serves as an example to others. Practice 12D Shield, Law of One and GSF Behaviors.
  • Clear Negative Ego, Fears and Emotional Pain in the lower Chakra centers, become aware of the Unconscious Mind, Instinctual Mind and Conscious Mind functioning.
  • Practice giving Unconditional Love and Compassion to others and learn to love oneself and practice Empathy.
  • Educate yourself about Ascension, Kundalini and the spiritual process of awakening one’s Consciousness to help clear Ego/Personality fears that create pain and confusion around this natural process. (See Four Phases of Spiritual Evolution)



Galactivation Presentation, July 2009


See Also:





MICHELLE WALLING: “4D Frequency Brings Full Transparency”

“Those who have had their psychic abilities for a while will see a huge leap in the magnitude of their abilities in the month of July. Those who are awakening will begin to understand what their abilities are, and they will be shocked and astounded at their capability.”

~Michelle Walling


3d has completely merged with the 4d frequency. New levels of psychic abilities are activating and the veils are almost completely down. If you haven’t already, you may soon encounter a situation where you realize someone is not being truthful with you. It is important to know why this is happening and what to do about it.

As we weave in and out of time towards the end of time, you begin to connect with your higher self on a galactic level. The higher you go, the higher you vibrate. As we continue to merge and ascend, our etheric DNA is activating. As our DNA activates, we have more of our Superpowers coming online.

Those who have had their psychic abilities for a while will see a huge leap in the magnitude of their abilities in the month of July. Those who are awakening will begin to understand what their abilities are, and they will be shocked and astounded at their capability.

Precognition is increasing. This is the ability to know when something is going to happen before it happens. Many of us have an increased sense of knowing, which is called claircognizance. The veil is lifting more each day so that we see beyond the programming of the matrix.

One of the most prevalent abilities will be feeling when someone’s vibrational truth is not matching their words. This is due to the activation of our astral DNA and when we connect our energy field to another’s (aura), our “spidy senses” activate, as if the tiny tendrils in your aura connect with theirs. If you are an empath you have probably already been able to feel other people’s emotions but this is a whole new level of gauging their energy. You may be able to clearly tell if someone is not telling the truth, including if they are hiding something or not fully disclosing something.

It’s important to know this because society has been programmed to not be fully transparent out of fear, even if we tell a little white lie or omit the full story to protect someone else’s feelings. If you do this to your children, they can sense it and this can cause confusion. Some people have not been honest all of their lives and do not even realize it.

If you are “reading” an energy signature or pattern and are confused as to why something is not adding up, you can ask your higher guidance to show you the answer. Pay attention to dreams internally and outward manifestations in your individual matrix. If things are balanced and benevolent, things should flow smoothly in your day. When barriers, sirens, and difficulties begin to happen, this is a sign that something is off or is about to be off (precognition). Go within to find out what this all means to you and operate accordingly or with more awareness that something is coming up to be seen. These recent waves of energy are bringing all things to the surface that are not in integrity.

It can be difficult to witness people not being honest with you or themselves. If you call them out on it, their ego can kick in their defense mechanism and they may go to many lengths to salvage their integrity. It’s not about the subject matter of the deception as much as the energy mis-match and responsibility. Either we are creating our thoughts and words with an open heart in truth, or we are creating with an semi-opened or closed heart in fear. An untruth or omission matches the vibration of fear. Even there is no wrong or right int the eyes of Creator and in a free willed creation, there is a vibration that matches when someone is in integrity, saying what they feel or when they are in fear and in deception.

On a soul level, they would never want to do anything to hurt you, and in many cases they are not aware of the damage they are causing by not being responsible for what they are creating energetically. You have to decode if you want to become the teacher or allow them to learn through another.

If you decide to address the energetic imbalance, it is important to stay balanced and centered in order to not match their energy. Otherwise, you may fall down into a negative energetic spiral in a dance of argument and proof. Sometimes the only way to understand how not to do this is to have it happen a few times and learn how to emotionally remove yourself.

After experiencing a blatant energetic mismatch, you may wonder if you can ever trust this person in the future. You can also wonder if you are projecting dishonesty with yourself onto them for them to mirror back to you. It is important to dissect but do not overthink the situation. After all, this energetic dishonesty has been the norm for thousands of years. Being able to see and feel it and having it surface is something new that we will all need to be able to compassionately work through.

This initiation will also come in handy when we are finally visited by our extraterrestrial family. Because of the increase in energetic intention discernment there should never be a fear behind whether you will be able to trust a particular fourth dimensional being (or higher). You are being given all the tools you need.

This initiation takes practice in order to break down the underlying energetic imbalance. Be forgiving and compassionate, even when you are hurt over dishonesty. Imagine how this all fades in 5d as everyone operates with an open heart and treats each other as they would want to be treated. We can learn a huge lesson from being involved with a situation like distrust and untruth. It is a huge opportunity to look within to make sure that you are being honest with yourself and are creating the highest and best possible reality you are capable of.

“We are in a matrix of lies and deception and by witnessing and standing up for truth, we are breaking down the illusions and the matrix itself. It is a part of the work that we came here to do.”

Take time for yourself to heal your emotional wounds if you feel hurt after witnessing distrust, try to remember not to take it personal. We are in a matrix of lies and deception and by witnessing and standing up for truth, we are breaking down the illusions and the matrix itself. It is a part of the work that we came here to do.


