LISA RENEE on “Initiation”

“Most people when they’re attempting to manifest something, it’s coming from the ego mind desires. When you say you want to achieve your spiritual goals, understand that you will achieve your spiritual goals naturally by always choosing to deflect ego to serve your higher Divine Will. You will always be guided to achieve your spiritual goals when you intend this to be so. The ego mind desire isn’t going to work too well in this new structure, because you’ve got to learn to let it go. It’s got to be ‘it is what it is’ in this moment. You set forth your intentions. You look at what’s in the now-moment present for you, and you address what’s in front of you to the best of your known ability. You see it as an initiation and a lesson which you need to master before you can move to the next stage of your spiritual development. There are consequences to the decisions we make. We must think upon and hold these consequences, and potential consequences made to our lives and other lives, especially if we’re not entirely clear if they’re in Divine alignment. If something is stuck and it is in front of you, there is something there that you need to figure out. Why is it there? Now sometimes it’s a situational awareness. We are in the end game stages of the final conflict for Earth. This is a time to lay low, get strong, get your lightbody on, power up those shields, and get your tools really working. This will impact how things manifest in our world because we are in the middle of the most intense levels of spiritual warfare to control humanity and the planetary resources. And again, as I’ve mentioned to you several times in the past, when you achieve your spiritual goals, when you’re living your spiritual purpose, when you feel it resonating out of every cell of your body, this brings the utmost fulfillment, contentment, and joy in the moment. Even when you’re living in the chaos of the end times, or in the end game and subjected to spiritual warfare as we are now. Because this is an initiation. You may not see it that way, but that’s what it is.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Five Principles to Practice Now

‘MASKS OF THE ARCHONS’ ~ Elva Thompson: “All Matter Is Evil”


I’ve always felt that I don’t belong in this barbaric reality. That there is something more profound and meaningful than the drag of earthly existence. So many people go through life on their hands and knees. It makes you wonder what this life is really all about.

We live in an apocalyptic time. A time of revelation and some things that are revealed are uncomfortable to say the least. The topic of this article is one of them. But, as spiritual warriors we must investigate all possibilities.

All Matter is Evil

It was Plotinus (204/5 – 270 C.E.), the founder of Neoplatonism who declared “That all matter is evil.”

That is one hell of a statement…

Instead of just sloughing it off as the ramblings of a maniac, I pondered over the concept for weeks trying to intuitively understand what it could mean. After all, we live in a reality of matter, a tangible, dense physicality of form that defines us and our world, a realm of sight, touch, taste and smell. Without matter there would be nothing… no planet and no life.

So is matter evil?…. if matter is evil so is its creator.

The Demiurge

Our creator or god is portrayed by world religions as good. He is our father, compassionate and forgiving, and he loves his children. Therefore if god is good it follows that we can regard matter as good.

But how can we believe that god is good. He has created a construct of misery…the third dimension of fire in which all living things have to destroy something else in order to survive. In short, a blood soaked, conflicted and brutal world.

In ancient texts, the creator of this construct was often portrayed as being vindictive, narcissistic, and insecure. An imposter god, a warmonger that delighted in blood sacrifice, genocide, theft of lands, and the murdering of women, children and animals. A god that liked to be worshipped, served, feared and obeyed.

Gnostics called him Laldabaoth which means “Son of Chaos,” Kosmocrator or the Great Arconte, (Archon): the creator and arranger of matter, and the Demiurge.

I’m the Only God

How many times in the Old Testament do we find the Demiurge constantly telling us that he is the only god, and that he is a jealous god? Here are a couple of examples. “For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.” Deuteronomy 4:24

“For the LORD your God in the midst of you is a jealous God; otherwise the anger of the LORD your God will be kindled against you, and He will wipe you off the face of the earth.” Deuteronomy 6:15

Wiping living beings off the face of the earth… is that benevolent?

The god of this world sounds insecure to me! (grins) Why else would he keep repeating himself. Perhaps because he knows that there is a Source Creator God much more powerful and profound than he could ever be.

Indoctrinated With a Lie

The Gnostics and other communities like the Cathars held the view that the world of form was created not by good but by evil. It may well be, that the god we have been indoctrinated or coerced to believe is loving and compassionate… is in truth a monster. A heartless geneticist… a vivisector who created all species and imprisoned them in a very narrow spectrum of visible light that we call the universe.

The Trinity

Metaphysics teaches that human beings are threefold entities: body, soul and Spirit. In the Nag Hammadi there is a Gnostic Work called the Tripartite Tractate, where we find the same differentiation in man. The Cathars also divided man into three different types: terrestrial (hyletics), if ruled by the body; psychic, if ruled by the soul and spiritual (pneumatic) if ruled by the Spirit. They also held the view that the body and soul of man are tied to the earthly construct whereas the Spirit, our connection to Source Creator has been shackled, trapped in form and imprisoned in a hell world.

The Body and Soul

“Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.” Gen 2:7

God made man from the dust of the earth and his breath gave man his soul. To me that means that our physical body and our soul (the breath) belong to the Demiurge. Somehow by deceit, he managed to trap the Source Field… our Spirit, and imprisoned it against its will into this deranged and violent duality.

The Demiurge makes sure he keeps us in control. Hormonal secretions drive our desires and our need to replicate. Sex and attracting a mate is at the root of 90% of our endeavours. To bind us further in chains the impostor god gave us the neo cortex so we would be conscious of our need for sex and the reptile mind to carry out premeditated sexual violence, paedophilia and rape. The ace up his sleeve is our ego with its pontifications and smug conceit… the AI installation, the chattering voice that on one hand eggs us on and on the other tells us we are worthless. See my article Prisoners of the Voice.

To add to our Spiritual problems, we are fed daily doses of fear by the media, brainwashed by false narratives, and kept in fear by the control religions.

Let’s be honest as a species we are a mess! And, our spiritual disease is reflected in our daily lives.

The Demiurge makes sure we are constantly distracted and does not allow our Spirit, our connection to Source Creator to manifest Itself. Instead he wants us to act through his soul (the nous) and not our Divine Spirit. This is the reason for the constant bloodshed of war and the horrific trade in animal flesh. Killing our fellow man and the creatures is an attack upon our Spiritual self and arrests our spiritual development. But most people… the hyletics don’t give a sh*t as long as their depraved appetites are satiated.

In other articles on the blog, we have read about the Archetype of Man containing all creation. That the animals are aspects of Self spread out across the external world… the fox nature, the rat nature are all within us. In metaphysical understanding ‘out there’ the external world is an illusion and we are All One Life.

God’s End-Game

We are told that God made us in his image. I think his end-game is to transform us into spirit-less beings like himself: Homo Borgiensis! And, for him to succeed in killing our Divine connection, it is essential that we do not wake up to our plight… that we stay sleepwalking… so that he can lead us, like zombies, through successive reincarnations, and keep us chained to the wheel of energetic debt.

Digital reality is becoming the new reality for billions of people… next comes the chip and man’s connection to Source Creation will be entirely extinguished. Then the Demiurge can build his army of cyborgs to go to other realms and genetically manipulate those who walk with True Creator and make them fall into density. And, if that doesn’t turn out the way he wants it… he’ll throw a tantrum, destroy this world and build another construct.

We call it extinction and it has happened before.

All a bit much this, isn’t it… but it sure explains a lot.

The Horror of Waking Up

When we wake up and start to see things as they really are, we think we have lost it! gone stark staring mad. This paradigm if true is shattering to the hive mind and will be instantly rejected.

It’s uncomfortable and disorientating to ‘real-eyes’ that everything we have been taught is a lie. It’s unnerving to find out that we are living in an open air lunatic asylum and controlled by a madman who thinks he is a god. For the average Joe it’s just too much to handle. He can’t assimilate… or find sense in the information because it is so contrary to his programming. So he swigs his beer and

We’ll leave it for right now… there’s a lot to digest. If the information in the article interests you then please watch the video. “I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and billows of smoke.” Acts 2:19

Remphan the Star of Saturn appeared around the sun during the ring of fire eclipse on DEC 26th… the last day of Saturnalia. I think this is indicative of something coming and we will talk about it next time.

Stay strong in the Spirit.

Until next time much love.


About the Author

Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the Heartstar Series; Book One: The Key made of Air, and Book Two: The Gates to Pandemonia. Her other interests include organic gardening, ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils. Elva Thompson is on Amazon Author Central @


~via Waking Times


“The matrix mind is blown when we ‘real eyes’… the truth about the manipulation of our genome, the fabrication of our history, and how human beings that once walked the path of interdimensionality became the blood sacrifice, the cannon fodder for an alien species proxy wars… battles between evil and evil. The games are designed for two things — to waste our life in a fantasy world — while in the name of profit, the natural world is being destroyed all around us. And secondly to stimulate the unthinking survival mind of the reptile brain, so we can go on a rampage, beat up our partner, or go on a killing spree… because that is exactly what we are being programmed to do by the media of whatever form. And, the crime of all crimes is that these soulless creatures are targeting children… Does our path in life have a heart or are we cogs in the matrix machine?”

~Elva Thompson


Speak I of Ancient Atlantis, speak of the days of the Kingdom of Shadows, speak of the coming of the children of shadows.
Out of the great deep were they called by the wisdom of earth-men, called for the purpose of gaining great power.

Far in the past before Atlantis existed, men there were who delved into darkness, using dark magic, calling up beings from the great deep below us.

The Grand Cosmic Year of twenty-six thousand years ended on December 21st 2012. The auspicious date recorded on the Mayan Calendar when the age of Piscean materialism gave way to the mental Age of Aquarius.

In the reset from the old to the new, the rulers of this construct have paved the way for their vision of a new world order. They have abolished the remainder of our freedoms under the guise of safety and protection; blatantly stolen public lands for the benefit of their political oil and gas money machine, and other anti-life interests that keep them in power. Without a whimper from the public, government officials have scrapped environmental protection, opened up the wholesale slaughter of endangered species, and spied on everything we write and say…and still we sleepwalk through life thinking the future is a promise.

And, while we dream, the ‘smooth savage clean-cut nice guy of TV scenes’, the psychopathic beast that is elected to represent us is feathering its own nest and plotting our demise.

When we consider all the ways we are being betrayed by the elected snake oil salesman that are supposed to represent us… it is breathtaking!

A Spiritual Smack

It’s time the Cosmos knocked some sense into us… make us ‘real eyes’ what’s going on in a ‘whirled’ that seeks to divide us on every level: sex, class, race and creed. On a heart based level, humans are one Nation, one Archetype… so, why have we allowed the programme of Duality, and our inherited thought forms to divide us?

Does our path in life have a heart or are we cogs in the matrix machine?

In the isolation of the ‘special individual’, we have become polarised — controlled by our investment in self to become pawns on the chess board of life, and at the mercy of pull and push governments, out of control dictators, and faceless corporations… entities that have done everything in their power to destroy our spiritual connection to Source Creation… and trample on our hearts.

When we consider all the ways we are being betrayed by the elected snake oil salesman that is supposed to represent us… it is breathtaking!

Constant war, starvation by design, weather manipulation, nano particulates sprayed into our environment to modify our DNA, fluoride in our water, GMOs, vaccinations, glyphosate laced food, the decimation of our wildlife, the deforestation of our planet, destruction of heart based music, and of course sacrificing us on the digital altar of destructive science.

Estranged From Nature

From tribal people free to roam a world without fences and walls, we have been rounded up and put into cities of concrete and glass — shut off from spiritual reality and put in a box along with our thinking.

Researchers from the Douglas Mental Health Institute in Montreal found that city dwellers showed the highest levels of activity in the amygdala, and anterior cingulate cortex of the brain. These complex brain structures regulate emotions, store memories and have been associated with various mental health illnesses including depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and phobias…

…in other words mental illness.

We were all aboriginal people at one time — is the forced destruction of our inclusive sonic reality the root cause of our spiritual unease — the cause of our constant searching for meaningful connection with life?

The War on Consciousness

The managers of the human farm: the royal blue bloods and their fawning political errand boys on both sides of the ‘red and blue’ aisle are well aware of how we, the compromised animals called homo sapiens operate. They are up to speed manipulators of our emotions, and are well aware that we as co-creators with Source define our reality by our thinking on an individual and collective basis. Therefore, because our thoughts are electromagnetic extensions of our intent, our rulers can deliberately manipulate and programme our minds with fear and negatively charged information. This negativity is further compounded by blood sacrifice at the energetic centres and sacred places on our planet.

The negative thought forms released by torture and sacrifice go into the energy grid that bathes our third dimensional conflict driven plane, and consequently into the ‘non thinking’ collective hive mind. This ‘hateful vibration’ creates havoc and negative effects in our own lives — and in the life of the planet. In our ignorance we have become prisoners of the black mirror — the looking-glass of our opposite energetic reality.

The world is a scary place when we wake up to the truth about who runs the fractal geometric construct we call earth. The matrix mind is blown when we ‘real eyes’… the truth about the manipulation of our genome, the fabrication of our history, and how human beings that once walked the path of interdimensionality became the blood sacrifice, the cannon fodder for an alien species proxy wars… battles between evil and evil.

It’s hard to deal with… full bloody stop.

The Alien Agenda

The secret alien agenda has always controlled the flow of information on this plane, fomented wars by funding both sides, and created all patriarchal fear based control religions.

It is they who decide what we are taught as ‘truth’ — it gets beaten into us. The bigger the trauma the better… and many never recover from the programming… never claim their right to live their lives. Instead, they adhere to status quo thinking and poison themselves, and sentient reality with unfulfilled lives, hate and resentment.

Social Engineering

The culture of violence that has taken over the world’s stage is a direct result of social engineering. The satanic cabal that runs the show want humanity to turn on itself, to behave like armies of sub-human brutes and turn the planet into a massive killing field. They have turned us into instruments of their own parasitic will, pitted nation against nation, brother against brother, and mother against son.

The Luciferian agenda has attacked us on every level of our being using fear, indoctrinated ideals and a bogeyman of someone else’s thinking. Through lies, misdirection and waving a carrot on a stick in front of our noses, they have led us into slavery, cashed in on our ‘greed and need’ for ‘smart’ everything.

They even control the music we listen to. They make sure that our modern-day songs resonate with the devils chord. Standard tuning A-440 Hz only resonates on the three lower chakras. It is heartless music, purely third dimensional, and a war on spiritual consciousness, all courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation. Information on A-440hz can be found:

Illuminati Much!

It is no accident that the daily dose of information projected at us by the media is inherently violent, divisive and narcissistic. Violence is encouraged even glorified under the bloody banner of patriotism in main stream news’ tv shows, Hollywood films… and let’s not forget video games.

Definition of gamer: a person who plays video games or participates in role-playing games.

According to statistics as of July 2018 there were 2.2 billion gamers in the world… are you shocked? I was.

That is a staggering third of the population playing computer games… games that mirror life….

Games about the picking of sides and a fight for alpha status… to be a winner! Everyone is programmed to want to be a winner just like a male dog pissing on a tree to mark its ‘winning’ territory.

The games are designed for two things — to waste our life in a fantasy world — while in the name of profit, the natural world is being destroyed all around us. And secondly to stimulate the unthinking survival mind of the reptile brain, so we can go on a rampage, beat up our partner, or go on a killing spree…because that is exactly what we are being programmed to do by the media of whatever form.

And, the crime of all crimes is that these soulless creatures are targeting children….

Children at Risk

“As many as 97% of US kids age 12-17 play video games, contributing to the $21.53 billion domestic video game industry. More than half of the 50 top-selling video games contain violence. Violent video games that have been blamed for school shootings, increases bullying and violence towards women. Critics argue that these games desensitize players to violence, reward players for simulating violence, and teach children that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflicts.” [Source:]

And it doesn’t stop there. Now we have untested 5G to contend with.

5G and Mind Control

Here’s an interesting piece of information from CH4 News, Feb 5th, 2001… note the date and imagine how far they have got with their zombifying tech in 2019.

“Mass UK mind control technology and zombification of Britain’s Police has been a reality. The British government spent 2 and a half billion pounds on a 400 MHz pulse modulated microwave transmitter network which broadcast 17.6 Hz into the brains of all Britain’s police and anyone living near the planned transmitters, to be used by the CIA in research in optimal mind-control. The TETRA system will also flood the New York and London underground, so commuters will regularly be exposed to behavioural modification during rush hour.’

But there is nothing to see here for the hive. After all, it’s all for their safety and convenience.

The New World Order for the Next Grand Cosmic Year

The cabal’s end-game is to micro chip us. It should be easy in this convenience now world of sheeple people. Everyone who doesn’t get the game play wants to be superman or superwoman, and will queue up for digital enhancement and, is it possible that this old/new technology will transform their reality into a new matrix?

Remember that to get around Cosmic Law the scum bags have to tell us what they intend to do. Is the film the Matrix their karmic escape route? if so… their agenda is almost a faite accompli and all done in secrecy while we were sleep walking.

Viola! The New World Order will have created a new species of digitally controlled zombie slaves called homo borgiensis.

Coming Out of Denial and Cognitive Dissonance

The evil that has taken root in our minds is energetic and its aim is to disconnect us individually, and as a species from original Source Creator.

For those of us who still have our own mind, it’s time to stand back and take a good look at the concept we call life. Time to start investigating the causes of the hateful, divisive rhetoric that has taken hold of our thinking, and our world… and see if any resonance in that quagmire belongs to Self, and if so, how deeply we are invested in the game.

Go Into the Looking Glass

Reality is dual — there is a physical world and an energetic mirror image and, in the moments of everyone’s now, billions of thoughts… good and bad are creating our reality ‘brick by thinking brick’, on a personal and collective level. Our lives, and the fate of nations are the result of our thinking and its extension action.

Don’t you think it’s time to get our thinking house in order and align ourselves with Life?

There is a lot of hype and expectation about the Age of Aquarius, so lets take a look. Aquarius is the first house in the New Grand Cosmic Year. It is ruled by Uranus, the seventh ray planet of the violet force… the seventh colour of the rainbow. Uranus is explosive, breaking up old thought forms and habits. It is the spiritual wrecking ball that leads us through the restricting rings of Saturn with its cemented traditions and limitations into occult understandings where the hidden is revealed.

Uranus is the planet of spiritual rebellion and redemption…

We are in a time of transition — Uranus will rock the boat of this world and we should expect to see our lives in upheaval, empires rise and fall, and a new order take its place. What that order is… is up to us. It depends upon our thinking.

Uranus… uranium is the force of change on every level of our spiritual awareness and physical existence. It is the cleansing wind of Soul Creation — nothing will be left untouched, and so my fellow travellers it is time to re-forge our links with nature and its kingdoms. Rise above the petty squabbles, the drama, the hate of the hive mind, and be sovereign once again.

We walk this journey on our own, and at this stage of the game, humanity in its divisive vibrational state will never rise to ascension frequency, nor partake of the promise offered by mystical Christianity.

But we can. Let’s align ourselves with life…take care of our little space and become creators of the Beauty Road.

We are on our own walk back to Source Creation. Follow your heart and join the fourth dimensional rebellion.

