LISA RENEE on “Initiation”

“Most people when they’re attempting to manifest something, it’s coming from the ego mind desires. When you say you want to achieve your spiritual goals, understand that you will achieve your spiritual goals naturally by always choosing to deflect ego to serve your higher Divine Will. You will always be guided to achieve your spiritual goals when you intend this to be so. The ego mind desire isn’t going to work too well in this new structure, because you’ve got to learn to let it go. It’s got to be ‘it is what it is’ in this moment. You set forth your intentions. You look at what’s in the now-moment present for you, and you address what’s in front of you to the best of your known ability. You see it as an initiation and a lesson which you need to master before you can move to the next stage of your spiritual development. There are consequences to the decisions we make. We must think upon and hold these consequences, and potential consequences made to our lives and other lives, especially if we’re not entirely clear if they’re in Divine alignment. If something is stuck and it is in front of you, there is something there that you need to figure out. Why is it there? Now sometimes it’s a situational awareness. We are in the end game stages of the final conflict for Earth. This is a time to lay low, get strong, get your lightbody on, power up those shields, and get your tools really working. This will impact how things manifest in our world because we are in the middle of the most intense levels of spiritual warfare to control humanity and the planetary resources. And again, as I’ve mentioned to you several times in the past, when you achieve your spiritual goals, when you’re living your spiritual purpose, when you feel it resonating out of every cell of your body, this brings the utmost fulfillment, contentment, and joy in the moment. Even when you’re living in the chaos of the end times, or in the end game and subjected to spiritual warfare as we are now. Because this is an initiation. You may not see it that way, but that’s what it is.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Five Principles to Practice Now

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