LISA RENEE on “Initiation”

“Most people when they’re attempting to manifest something, it’s coming from the ego mind desires. When you say you want to achieve your spiritual goals, understand that you will achieve your spiritual goals naturally by always choosing to deflect ego to serve your higher Divine Will. You will always be guided to achieve your spiritual goals when you intend this to be so. The ego mind desire isn’t going to work too well in this new structure, because you’ve got to learn to let it go. It’s got to be ‘it is what it is’ in this moment. You set forth your intentions. You look at what’s in the now-moment present for you, and you address what’s in front of you to the best of your known ability. You see it as an initiation and a lesson which you need to master before you can move to the next stage of your spiritual development. There are consequences to the decisions we make. We must think upon and hold these consequences, and potential consequences made to our lives and other lives, especially if we’re not entirely clear if they’re in Divine alignment. If something is stuck and it is in front of you, there is something there that you need to figure out. Why is it there? Now sometimes it’s a situational awareness. We are in the end game stages of the final conflict for Earth. This is a time to lay low, get strong, get your lightbody on, power up those shields, and get your tools really working. This will impact how things manifest in our world because we are in the middle of the most intense levels of spiritual warfare to control humanity and the planetary resources. And again, as I’ve mentioned to you several times in the past, when you achieve your spiritual goals, when you’re living your spiritual purpose, when you feel it resonating out of every cell of your body, this brings the utmost fulfillment, contentment, and joy in the moment. Even when you’re living in the chaos of the end times, or in the end game and subjected to spiritual warfare as we are now. Because this is an initiation. You may not see it that way, but that’s what it is.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Five Principles to Practice Now


“The matrix mind is blown when we ‘real eyes’… the truth about the manipulation of our genome, the fabrication of our history, and how human beings that once walked the path of interdimensionality became the blood sacrifice, the cannon fodder for an alien species proxy wars… battles between evil and evil. The games are designed for two things — to waste our life in a fantasy world — while in the name of profit, the natural world is being destroyed all around us. And secondly to stimulate the unthinking survival mind of the reptile brain, so we can go on a rampage, beat up our partner, or go on a killing spree… because that is exactly what we are being programmed to do by the media of whatever form. And, the crime of all crimes is that these soulless creatures are targeting children… Does our path in life have a heart or are we cogs in the matrix machine?”

~Elva Thompson


Speak I of Ancient Atlantis, speak of the days of the Kingdom of Shadows, speak of the coming of the children of shadows.
Out of the great deep were they called by the wisdom of earth-men, called for the purpose of gaining great power.

Far in the past before Atlantis existed, men there were who delved into darkness, using dark magic, calling up beings from the great deep below us.

The Grand Cosmic Year of twenty-six thousand years ended on December 21st 2012. The auspicious date recorded on the Mayan Calendar when the age of Piscean materialism gave way to the mental Age of Aquarius.

In the reset from the old to the new, the rulers of this construct have paved the way for their vision of a new world order. They have abolished the remainder of our freedoms under the guise of safety and protection; blatantly stolen public lands for the benefit of their political oil and gas money machine, and other anti-life interests that keep them in power. Without a whimper from the public, government officials have scrapped environmental protection, opened up the wholesale slaughter of endangered species, and spied on everything we write and say…and still we sleepwalk through life thinking the future is a promise.

And, while we dream, the ‘smooth savage clean-cut nice guy of TV scenes’, the psychopathic beast that is elected to represent us is feathering its own nest and plotting our demise.

When we consider all the ways we are being betrayed by the elected snake oil salesman that are supposed to represent us… it is breathtaking!

A Spiritual Smack

It’s time the Cosmos knocked some sense into us… make us ‘real eyes’ what’s going on in a ‘whirled’ that seeks to divide us on every level: sex, class, race and creed. On a heart based level, humans are one Nation, one Archetype… so, why have we allowed the programme of Duality, and our inherited thought forms to divide us?

Does our path in life have a heart or are we cogs in the matrix machine?

In the isolation of the ‘special individual’, we have become polarised — controlled by our investment in self to become pawns on the chess board of life, and at the mercy of pull and push governments, out of control dictators, and faceless corporations… entities that have done everything in their power to destroy our spiritual connection to Source Creation… and trample on our hearts.

When we consider all the ways we are being betrayed by the elected snake oil salesman that is supposed to represent us… it is breathtaking!

Constant war, starvation by design, weather manipulation, nano particulates sprayed into our environment to modify our DNA, fluoride in our water, GMOs, vaccinations, glyphosate laced food, the decimation of our wildlife, the deforestation of our planet, destruction of heart based music, and of course sacrificing us on the digital altar of destructive science.

Estranged From Nature

From tribal people free to roam a world without fences and walls, we have been rounded up and put into cities of concrete and glass — shut off from spiritual reality and put in a box along with our thinking.

Researchers from the Douglas Mental Health Institute in Montreal found that city dwellers showed the highest levels of activity in the amygdala, and anterior cingulate cortex of the brain. These complex brain structures regulate emotions, store memories and have been associated with various mental health illnesses including depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic attacks, post-traumatic stress disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, and phobias…

…in other words mental illness.

We were all aboriginal people at one time — is the forced destruction of our inclusive sonic reality the root cause of our spiritual unease — the cause of our constant searching for meaningful connection with life?

The War on Consciousness

The managers of the human farm: the royal blue bloods and their fawning political errand boys on both sides of the ‘red and blue’ aisle are well aware of how we, the compromised animals called homo sapiens operate. They are up to speed manipulators of our emotions, and are well aware that we as co-creators with Source define our reality by our thinking on an individual and collective basis. Therefore, because our thoughts are electromagnetic extensions of our intent, our rulers can deliberately manipulate and programme our minds with fear and negatively charged information. This negativity is further compounded by blood sacrifice at the energetic centres and sacred places on our planet.

The negative thought forms released by torture and sacrifice go into the energy grid that bathes our third dimensional conflict driven plane, and consequently into the ‘non thinking’ collective hive mind. This ‘hateful vibration’ creates havoc and negative effects in our own lives — and in the life of the planet. In our ignorance we have become prisoners of the black mirror — the looking-glass of our opposite energetic reality.

The world is a scary place when we wake up to the truth about who runs the fractal geometric construct we call earth. The matrix mind is blown when we ‘real eyes’… the truth about the manipulation of our genome, the fabrication of our history, and how human beings that once walked the path of interdimensionality became the blood sacrifice, the cannon fodder for an alien species proxy wars… battles between evil and evil.

It’s hard to deal with… full bloody stop.

The Alien Agenda

The secret alien agenda has always controlled the flow of information on this plane, fomented wars by funding both sides, and created all patriarchal fear based control religions.

It is they who decide what we are taught as ‘truth’ — it gets beaten into us. The bigger the trauma the better… and many never recover from the programming… never claim their right to live their lives. Instead, they adhere to status quo thinking and poison themselves, and sentient reality with unfulfilled lives, hate and resentment.

Social Engineering

The culture of violence that has taken over the world’s stage is a direct result of social engineering. The satanic cabal that runs the show want humanity to turn on itself, to behave like armies of sub-human brutes and turn the planet into a massive killing field. They have turned us into instruments of their own parasitic will, pitted nation against nation, brother against brother, and mother against son.

The Luciferian agenda has attacked us on every level of our being using fear, indoctrinated ideals and a bogeyman of someone else’s thinking. Through lies, misdirection and waving a carrot on a stick in front of our noses, they have led us into slavery, cashed in on our ‘greed and need’ for ‘smart’ everything.

They even control the music we listen to. They make sure that our modern-day songs resonate with the devils chord. Standard tuning A-440 Hz only resonates on the three lower chakras. It is heartless music, purely third dimensional, and a war on spiritual consciousness, all courtesy of the Rockefeller Foundation. Information on A-440hz can be found:

Illuminati Much!

It is no accident that the daily dose of information projected at us by the media is inherently violent, divisive and narcissistic. Violence is encouraged even glorified under the bloody banner of patriotism in main stream news’ tv shows, Hollywood films… and let’s not forget video games.

Definition of gamer: a person who plays video games or participates in role-playing games.

According to statistics as of July 2018 there were 2.2 billion gamers in the world… are you shocked? I was.

That is a staggering third of the population playing computer games… games that mirror life….

Games about the picking of sides and a fight for alpha status… to be a winner! Everyone is programmed to want to be a winner just like a male dog pissing on a tree to mark its ‘winning’ territory.

The games are designed for two things — to waste our life in a fantasy world — while in the name of profit, the natural world is being destroyed all around us. And secondly to stimulate the unthinking survival mind of the reptile brain, so we can go on a rampage, beat up our partner, or go on a killing spree…because that is exactly what we are being programmed to do by the media of whatever form.

And, the crime of all crimes is that these soulless creatures are targeting children….

Children at Risk

“As many as 97% of US kids age 12-17 play video games, contributing to the $21.53 billion domestic video game industry. More than half of the 50 top-selling video games contain violence. Violent video games that have been blamed for school shootings, increases bullying and violence towards women. Critics argue that these games desensitize players to violence, reward players for simulating violence, and teach children that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflicts.” [Source:]

And it doesn’t stop there. Now we have untested 5G to contend with.

5G and Mind Control

Here’s an interesting piece of information from CH4 News, Feb 5th, 2001… note the date and imagine how far they have got with their zombifying tech in 2019.

“Mass UK mind control technology and zombification of Britain’s Police has been a reality. The British government spent 2 and a half billion pounds on a 400 MHz pulse modulated microwave transmitter network which broadcast 17.6 Hz into the brains of all Britain’s police and anyone living near the planned transmitters, to be used by the CIA in research in optimal mind-control. The TETRA system will also flood the New York and London underground, so commuters will regularly be exposed to behavioural modification during rush hour.’

But there is nothing to see here for the hive. After all, it’s all for their safety and convenience.

The New World Order for the Next Grand Cosmic Year

The cabal’s end-game is to micro chip us. It should be easy in this convenience now world of sheeple people. Everyone who doesn’t get the game play wants to be superman or superwoman, and will queue up for digital enhancement and, is it possible that this old/new technology will transform their reality into a new matrix?

Remember that to get around Cosmic Law the scum bags have to tell us what they intend to do. Is the film the Matrix their karmic escape route? if so… their agenda is almost a faite accompli and all done in secrecy while we were sleep walking.

Viola! The New World Order will have created a new species of digitally controlled zombie slaves called homo borgiensis.

Coming Out of Denial and Cognitive Dissonance

The evil that has taken root in our minds is energetic and its aim is to disconnect us individually, and as a species from original Source Creator.

For those of us who still have our own mind, it’s time to stand back and take a good look at the concept we call life. Time to start investigating the causes of the hateful, divisive rhetoric that has taken hold of our thinking, and our world… and see if any resonance in that quagmire belongs to Self, and if so, how deeply we are invested in the game.

Go Into the Looking Glass

Reality is dual — there is a physical world and an energetic mirror image and, in the moments of everyone’s now, billions of thoughts… good and bad are creating our reality ‘brick by thinking brick’, on a personal and collective level. Our lives, and the fate of nations are the result of our thinking and its extension action.

Don’t you think it’s time to get our thinking house in order and align ourselves with Life?

There is a lot of hype and expectation about the Age of Aquarius, so lets take a look. Aquarius is the first house in the New Grand Cosmic Year. It is ruled by Uranus, the seventh ray planet of the violet force… the seventh colour of the rainbow. Uranus is explosive, breaking up old thought forms and habits. It is the spiritual wrecking ball that leads us through the restricting rings of Saturn with its cemented traditions and limitations into occult understandings where the hidden is revealed.

Uranus is the planet of spiritual rebellion and redemption…

We are in a time of transition — Uranus will rock the boat of this world and we should expect to see our lives in upheaval, empires rise and fall, and a new order take its place. What that order is… is up to us. It depends upon our thinking.

Uranus… uranium is the force of change on every level of our spiritual awareness and physical existence. It is the cleansing wind of Soul Creation — nothing will be left untouched, and so my fellow travellers it is time to re-forge our links with nature and its kingdoms. Rise above the petty squabbles, the drama, the hate of the hive mind, and be sovereign once again.

We walk this journey on our own, and at this stage of the game, humanity in its divisive vibrational state will never rise to ascension frequency, nor partake of the promise offered by mystical Christianity.

But we can. Let’s align ourselves with life…take care of our little space and become creators of the Beauty Road.

We are on our own walk back to Source Creation. Follow your heart and join the fourth dimensional rebellion.



LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Evolving Beyond Closed Source Systems”

“We are in the end times, the crossroads that define who on the earth is willing to evolve beyond the closed source systems of consciousness-energy enslavement that was administered through off planet Archontic Engineered Parasitism. Those who refuse to change their parasitic behaviors will have more dire consequences to their actions, individually and globally, and thus the fight for control over the access to others’ energy resources will appear to be greatly magnified on the earth surface as this transition occurs on the planet.”

~Lisa Renee


Some of us have been given new lessons in order to adjust our thought processes or daily activities into the next dimensional level of the Law of Structure, that governs the movement of energy towards open source energy systems within the Collective Consciousness fields.  Now to align with the field where we receive the most spiritual-energetic support, we must evolve into the next stage of spiritual development, which requires we learn how to evolve beyond closed systems and manifest in the material reality without using, manipulating or taking other people’s energy.  Thus, we begin a new cycle to gain more confidence in this process, similar as the baby bird being flung out of the nest and forced to learn how to fly.  For some, this may mean moving residence into a more supportive area or preparing for a major life style change.

We have to stand upon our own inner foundation, building core self and developing personal merit to support ourselves in the physical world by sourcing the energy we need to manifest from within us, rather than needing to take from other people’s energy in the external.  The more advanced the stages of manipulation that a person uses for parasitic means in order to take energy away from others for Service to Self motivations, the more difficult the repercussion will become in the future.  Many people are enduring this hard lesson of gaining more self-reliance and choosing self-sourcing in order to end co-dependent or parasitic relationships and stop engaging in harmful exchanges during this time.  Even if we are upset at the perceived transgressions of others, we must not have intent to harm anyone including ourselves.  In the final accounting, no one gets away with anything, all that has been hidden in this dark aeon will be revealed and seen in the longer term.

Rather than continue to behave in the co-dependent ways that we have been socially engineered through implanted thoughts by the NAA, we must learn to free ourselves from Energetic Parasites and the parasitic control that is commonly used within the microcosm and macrocosm.  This is the beginning cycle for phase transition that pushes us strongly forward to change these parasitic habits, whether known or unknown to us.  Simultaneously, as we take steps to end parasitic exchanges, we must learn how to generate balanced value exchanges in our personal and professional lives that are mutually beneficial, and not one sided drains based upon purely selfish motivations or with intent to harm.

To become freed of the consciousness prison on earth that is based on the principles of Predatorial Parasitism, we have to begin to evolve beyond it and learn new ways to sustain ourselves from our own internally generated spiritual energy.

One important lesson many people are learning now is that we must remove the concepts we had around money as the first directive to achieve in life and begin to see that the primary motivation for money lies in our darkest fears of survival that have been manipulated by the Controllers.  People should not pray for money, they should pray for their fear to be removed and their higher spiritual purpose to be revealed.  As with higher spiritual purpose in action, dedicated in Service to Others, comes everything that you will need to fulfill that higher purpose, which brings unconditional love and meaningful connection into your life.

Most people are unaware that satanic forces are actually hiding behind an astral mirage made up of a colossal field of ravenous energy parasites.  Satanic controlled systems are also closed source parasitic systems that a few people benefit from.  Taking the overall energy resources for their personal advantage at an extreme energetic cost to many others, generating severe imbalances that contribute to energy wars, poverty, disease and world suffering.  We are in the end times, the crossroads that define who on the earth is willing to evolve beyond the closed source systems of consciousness-energy enslavement that was administered through off planet Archontic Engineered Parasitism.  Those who refuse to change their parasitic behaviors will have more dire consequences to their actions, individually and globally, and thus the fight for control over the access to others’ energy resources will appear to be greatly magnified on the earth surface as this transition occurs on the planet.

Closed Source or Bi-Wave Systems

Closed Source systems of bi-wave, anti-life reversals and fragmented polarity consciousness within the planetary field are falling into descension spirals, and then being transmuted into smaller units and transited out.  Therefore, these systems are losing access to the same energy resources that were being harvested from the artificial networks or closed systems throughout the previous cycle.  Simultaneously, the open source systems of tri-wave consciousness architecture is pulling away from the dead energy spirals in the parasitic systems and gaining momentum through increased access to higher quality open source energetic resources.  These open source energy resources are being transferred into the earth body by circulating the higher frequency Krystal Spirals that help to build the blueprint foundation that is required to support planetary hosting for Ascension.

An Open Source system is able to receive new energy from within and outside of itself. This means that open source systems will be able to continue to run internal and external energy, in order to maintain energetic balance and homeostasis throughout its systems.  An open source system will be able to replenish lost energy and tend towards maintaining states of Negentropy, which keeps its overall functioning over time, balanced and stable.  With an open source system, time is on its side.  Eventually, time will reveal the truth of the source of energy it is circulating through its ability to maintain balance and stability of its overall functioning, without using parasitic means to accomplish its purpose.

To participate with the Ascension Cycle, requires our transformation away from serving the individualistic egocentric self.  It also requires finding our place within group consciousness, without losing the core of our real self or draining our energy.  When we are not being our true self, we are drained of energy, used for putting up an egoic facade.  While we are losing our negative ego identity, we are in the process of finding the real inner self and finding new ways to increase our personal energy.  This is how we learn to expand our ability to feel comfortable with ourselves while we are participating or observing a variety of roles or archetypes that may reveal themselves within a group consciousness.  Eventually, our goal is to become aware of the roles or archetypes that we play unconsciously, and to clear ourselves from hiding behind them as masks that we show the public.  Unconscious masks drain our energy and are created from; wounded ego, unresolved conflicts, ingrained fears of vulnerability and betrayals of misplaced trust in others.  Becoming authentic while in a group setting, requires us to shed our false identities and express ourselves transparently and authentically, without ever needing to defend who we are.  This takes practice to finally get it right.

Whatever group you may be connected to at this time, has a higher purpose for personal spiritual growth, completing karmic cycles, as well as learning how to maintain, conserve or increase personal energy.  Increasing our personal energy from extracting energy parasites leads to higher consciousness states and is what helps us to spiritually heal.  This experience while in a group helps us to develop into greater spiritual maturity, to gain the direct knowledge and experience of unity in diversity that is inherently present within group consciousness.  When we have self-realization of this fact, we experience the deep connection we have to others, which further increases our genuine feelings of empathy and compassion for the world.


(Source: ES Newsletters: Energetic Parasites, Entropy and Negentropy)

~via – Time Shift Blog – May 14, 2018

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Psycho-Spiritual Warfare”

At the moment, hidden from what the mainstream media reports and excluded from most people’s awareness, is the major events transpiring in the world involve a massive war over controlling the consciousness timelines on this planet. The players are human and non-human, and involve the hierarchy of control that extends way beyond the planetary control mechanism of the Power Elite.

~Lisa Renee


There is a battle between the forces of darkness and tyranny and the forces of light and liberation for the control of this planet and human consciousness, as well as attempting to free those taken over for the use of the human body and access to earth human DNA.  Recently, spiritual warfare has escalated in the worldscape, and those awakened people that are connected to the planetary consciousness body, are able to feel the intense pressure we are enduring as this battle rages on in the interdimensional planes.  Currently, the agenda is to target any organization or leadership type person that is embodying or attempting to represent Christ Consciousness, Unity or the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, anything that is connected to truth spirit Krystic attributes, is under another stage of aggressive targeting for assorted levels of electronic harassment, holographic inserts, AI clones, character assassination and dark manipulation.  Many unstable people are becoming unhinged, and being used as dark portals, to attack others as a part of the self-enforcement of deceptions and lies that are commonly believed in the 3D narrative that is promoted in the mainstream.  When people are under attack by another, they have a general reaction to fight back, spreading even more negativity, pain and dark entities.  It is important to be able to identify abusers, liars, predators and psychopaths as people traumatized by terrible pain, soul fragmentation and spiritual disconnection that are acting incoherently and erratically, as they lose their grip on reality.  It is true that it is unproductive to have any direct interaction with people that are unhinged and expressing violence towards you.

When people are utterly controlled by negative ego dysfunction and inner pain, they have no impulse control and they live in self-deception, fear and confusion.  A person who is deceiving themselves through their unwillingness to address their own shadow has no other alternative but to spew negativity upon others, as they are used as dark portal puppets by the dominating forces of the negatives with a specific agenda to squash access to truthful or accurate information about the planetary ascension.  If information does not fit into the 3D narrative box of what has been dictated by social engineering to be made acceptable by the negative ego, the negative ego goes into narcissistic rage and starts labeling and attacking everyone that does not have the same belief system.  Gone are the days of human courtesy in mutual dialoguing, there is little tolerance of others or being willing to have a respectful and courteous discussion of debate, whether it’s in the mainstream or people on the streets with different points of view.  We can see the divide and conquer agenda of the NAA raising its ugly head everywhere in the average social setting infecting group environments.

We can see traumatized and confused people overwhelmed with their negative ego and pain be used as agents of chaos and destruction to inflict demoralization upon their target, whomever it is they believe is their enemy.  It could be the president, it could be their neighbor, it could be someone they saw on the street, and they don’t like how they look.  Whatever it may be that acts as a catalyst to their inner shadow and conflicts that incites them to inflict hatred.  Demoralization is excessively being amplified in psychological warfare tactics that are designed to generate great pain to human beings that are being perceived as the enemy, for whatever the reasons.  By intending to destroy that person’s dignity and morale, it can grossly mentally and emotionally weaken them, which weakens their ability to function well.  Demoralization and dehumanization is the most important tool of psychological warfare and intentional torture that is used to break down a person.  The Satanics know this tactic well and use it very methodically in trauma based mind control and other forms of psychological manipulation used to gain full control over a person’s mental state.  Demoralization is most commonly implemented through various forms of fabricated propaganda that is used to weaken people, while dehumanization is commonly used by the satanic agenda to mock and defile human dignity or attack the spirit within the person.  By intentionally defiling human dignity as a mass agenda, it spreads unconscious and conscious hatred to be directed to human beings and the human condition.  This is the genocidal plan in which people start easily killing each other, because they have lost all empathy for other human beings or the state of the human condition, all they care about is people that agree with their own narrow perspectives formed by the mind control of their choice.  One of the hardest issues to reconcile on coming to planet earth is comprehending that earth people murder each other in cold blood over the tiniest of differences within basic belief systems.  The NAA are capitalizing on this frailty now.

Dark portal puppets have no idea their mind is filled with the hatred they allowed in by these unscrupulous controllers and dark entities that don’t care how much pain and destruction they cause.  The only thing they want is to divide and conquer the human race and win the war on earth at great cost to human life.

Thus, in the Ascension arena we are not immune to the current chaotic terrain.  A tremendous amount of effort is being made by the NAA to incite fear and confusion in the spiritual communities to divide and conquer, and purposely disrupt and impair people’s internal compass, as many cannot figure out what is truth or purposeful deception, and have no idea of the direction they are actually travelling.  When people have not worked on disciplining their mind and pain body, they have no core self, and thus are an instinctual slave to knee jerk reactions and random impulses that take control over their body.  This is an epidemic now.

At the moment, hidden from what the mainstream media reports and excluded from most people’s awareness, is the major events transpiring in the world involve a massive war over controlling the consciousness timelines on this planet.  The players are human and non-human, and involve the hierarchy of control that extends way beyond the planetary control mechanism of the Power Elite.

As we are provided dispensations that allow us to embody divine energy in physical form, and move the planetary awareness toward the higher light and higher consciousness, the survival and force of the darkness and its artificial intelligence control networks on this planet is threatened.  Most of these artificial intelligence software systems installed in the planetary consciousness body, explicitly rely on the matter fields vibrating at certain parameters of low frequency, in order to maintain their invisibility within the human visible light spectrum.  As these lower dimensions roll up into the next harmonic scale, these dark forces, their agendas, such as the mainstreaming of Satanism, become much more visible and clear to the people of this earth, who are starting to see the clear evidence of the crimes made against humanity, and humanity’s children.  Those in positions of power have been put there explicitly because of their consent and willingness to carry out the crimes against humanity on behalf of the Negative Alien Agenda, in exchange for money, resources, power, temporary life extension (immortality) and control over the rest of the people.  Some have been told they will be escorted to safety onto other planets, when and if disclosure events happen on a mass scale.  In order to take the attention off themselves, they have to work overtime on targeting others for character assassination or creating diversions to derail people from actually seeing the truth of what’s really happening.  Look over there and don’t look at the predators, and see who is actually siphoning all of your consciousness energy and has taken ownership over your body.

Thus, we are in difficult and challenging times as there are new multi-dimensional challenges for those ascending humans that are taking a conscious, pro-active and leading role in their own evolution and the evolution of the planet.  These challenges come in many forms including psychic attack, artificial intelligence trackers, negative implants, holographic inserts, tags and dark entities that direct interference in order to diminish the quality of our energetic resources, physical vitality and optimum functioning by harvesting and utilizing our precious resources.  Hence, suppressing our ability to perceive greater realities of truth and live our maximum soul’s potential of experiencing spiritual fulfillment, sovereignty and freedom on the Earth Plane.  Inserts are sent to agents of chaos, or extremely traumatized people that are unable to discern that they have been implanted with audio or visions of hatred for spiritual leaders or anyone that can act as a random catalyst of their inner pain.  Egoic people don’t like to be reminded of the pain they carry, and ascending heart based people can reflect back to them how much shadow they actually have.  When they have a tantrum or fly into narcissitic rage they cannot tell that they are being puppeted while in the throes of possession or dark attachments that are manipulating them for their dark agendas.

Our discernment and spiritual maturity is being heavily tested, in that no matter what others do or say, that we remain steadfast on the ascending path that is aligned to our heart and personal truth.  We must be able to discern what is in alignment for us personally without judgment and to not care what others may think of our choices to live authentically.  As you allow yourself to be who you really are as an embodiment of soul purposed truth, you will allow all others to be exactly who they need to be.  At this level of spiritual growth your inner serenity and state of inner peace will upset or baffle many around you.  Stay serene anyway.  We will need the commitment, courage and strength to stand in our personal soul truth and its purpose, no matter what.  Our soul fulfillment is the mirror for other’s soul fulfillment and is the highest contribution of Service to Others that one can make to the world.

After we have made the commitment we will need to learn how to be energetically impeccable with our soul truth and its discernment as we move forward.  The simple principles of Law of One, Golden Rule as in “Do onto others as you would Do onto yourself”, “Always speak compassion” or “What would Christ Do?”  Choose a spiritual framework that has personal meaning and relevance for you.  You may find you decide to gather small pearls of wisdom from many different spiritual philosophies to create your own personal spiritual framework, to help support creating a personal necklace of higher love and truth.

Those awakening to remember themselves as multidimensional light-beings and becoming a part of the collective ascending network on this planet tend to be the targets for these dark forces and their technologies, such as the methods used for electronic harassment.  The energy of a highly conscious human being creates a frequency signal that activates the radar screen of awareness at the center of control for dark consciousness.  Once on the radar screen of darkness, darkness places a tag, artifact, attachment or cord on the enlightened being to track them and determine if they are a threat to the survival of the ego predator mind, and the type of self-awareness that the darkness represents as a consciousness.  The forces of darkness include many broad streams of sentient beings that are trapped in the planetary consciousness body, and they exist as spiritual forces that are locked into time and matter, unable to evolve, until humanity stops feeding them.  It is important to understand that the forces of Satanism are not intellectual forces as claimed by the atheists behind the Church of Satan, but encompass a massive hierarchy of darkly primitive conscious beings, many of these forces can be described by an energetic signature that directly connects them with Fallen Angelics, Watchers, such as the Baphomet or Leviathan fields.  These collective satanic forces make up collective consciousness streams that then can be connected to demonic bodies or generated to create more groupings of satanic hierarchy in the earth.  These forces can hop into a human vessel that is unaware, weakened, and mind controlled by the consent of the satanic vibration.  These satanic beings exist at different levels of darkness and depravity, however, they operate together as a collective consciousness force that is directed by off planet entities that are higher and more powerful in the Satanic chain of command.  Satanic forces are not sovereign entities, they are parasitic and need human energy to exist, they can appear human or not human as Negative Alien bodies, and they are trapped in the matter fields or low densities, unable to evolve beyond the bondage and servitude to the earth plane, and are slaves to those dark forces that are higher on the food chain.

Those of us committed to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One, to promote sovereignty and freedom for this planet and humanity, have more grid and energetic support than we have ever had.  Even though on the earth surface, the battle wages on to attack the Christ Consciousness and Law of One principles, it is in remembering that the truth will always come out eventually.  We must remember we have returned to this earth to master ourselves and master these Fallen Angelic entities and the negative energies here that are having a full scale tantrum because they are losing control.  This requires we learn exactly how these entities think, what their strategies are, where they came from and how they infiltrated this planet.  We are in a War over Consciousness that requires we master the Psycho-Spiritual Warfare being directed toward humanity and ourselves.  3D Humans are being dragged into the conflict as pawns to act out this drama and actualize the battle over God in the physical world.  As above, so below, and the War Over God has been the Battle of Personal Wills to come to the Great Revelation of Truth to be discovered in these End Times.

Stay strong and do not let these creatures get you down.  These forces are parasites, psychopaths, sociopaths, emotional illiterates, tyrants, unable to feel empathy for any living creature and are driven by the most primitive levels of profanity and base desires with no impulse control.  It is what it is.

We must be strong now and it will take every part of our commitment to remain strong in dedication of your service to God in the face of the satanic scourge.  We cannot walk on eggshells for those people who are easily offended or insulted.  Be kind but be fierce in the defense of your inner spirit and preserving your direct relationship with the Godhead.

We send our blessings of love, peace and spiritual strength to our warrior families for serving the light of God, the light of truth, may peace be with your heart in all ways during these intense times of spiritual warfare.  Bless you.

With a loving heart, Lisa


~via Energetic Synthesis – Time Shift Blog – May 8, 2018