LISA RENEE: “Characteristics of Trustworthy People”

Characteristics of Trustworthy People


Actions and words match

Able to say “no” respectfully and “yes” dependably

Keep agreements or renegotiate if necessary

Able to admit it when they do not know something

Able to be both flexible and reliable

Show genuine feeling for you if they need to let you down

Willing to make compromises but never compromise core principles or personal integrity

Consistent ethics, positive values, and principles inform their behavior

Willing and able to tell you things you do not like to hear, kindly

Able to disagree without needing to argue, or to have friendly disagreements that lead to increased understanding

Let you know how they feel, where they stand, and how you stand with them

Able to recognize, accept, and enjoy the differences between you

After considering others, be sure to turn the same list around on yourself.

~via Krystal Aegis

LISA RENEE: “This Is a Test of the Spiritual Emergency Broadcast System!”

“During this turbulent phase, we must recognize that many of the controlling dark forces are desperate, and that any traumatic experience or fear program they have an opportunity to exploit, they will manipulate those events with the purpose to intentionally corrupt, betray and break the human heart. The means by which they scheme to corrupt the human heart, is by attempting to intimidate and force people to unknowingly walk into traps where their personal Consent is being manipulated and their intent usurped. To intentionally confuse by deceiving, Gaslighting, and manipulating people to play out betrayal and abandonment fears, that further trigger Victim-Victimizer archetypes that can be hijacked by dark spiritual attachments. What many of us are being told on the surface by the mainstream media is not accurate or real. Where underneath are the complex deceptions designed to manipulate the masses into making unconscious agreements, to be in Consent with a harmful system that is inverted, dead energy or feeding into the anti-human agendas. When we feel overwhelmed in such harsh circumstances, when we see others we care for getting carried away by the pounding crash of the energetic tsunami in the world of forces, it is normal to sense feelings of powerlessness. When we feel powerless in certain difficult situations, we may have challenges with hopelessness and disbelief. These current alignments are digging deep into the fields of chaos in order to birth the new, resurrected from the dark ashes of this debris in lower matter, to be transformed into better alignment with the new Timelines that hold the potential of our highest expression. The shadow and death energy that exist in our past timelines in the lower matter fields, the dark matter templates, are being incinerated during this cycle. For some of us it means liberation in some area of our life, for others that refuse to adapt and be flexible to great changes, it may mean descending into madness. If we can work with these pressurized forces without resisting, it will burn away the shadow elements and take out the garbage. If we fight against the changes, it can burn us up quite badly in the process. Take great care to find the inner sanctum, stillness and communicate every day with your inner spirit. During this time more than ever, there is critical importance in making the daily effort to preserve our sacred hearts, to remain open by feeling, experiencing and exchanging loving feelings. This means that in all things that we decide for ourselves, in every moment, that we do not ever forget what Love and Compassion feels like when flowing through our heart. This heart-based quality is a distinctly angelic human quality, it is our sacred crystal heart that defines what it truly means to be a spiritualized and eternal human being. To become aware so that when we face adversity, that we are not disconnecting any part of our body from the forces of love; from giving, receiving and exchanging love, compassion, and Empathy for life. We must keep our mind and thoughts focused upon those higher qualities of love and appreciation that we experience in our daily lives, and identify that which we can share to circulate more unconditional love and kindness with other people. Our faith in ourselves is tested to the maximum and our true spiritual purpose is brought into questioning. Where our Spirit is true and pure this allows us to be in the flow with life. Where we must assert ourselves to be true to our heart, on the other hand, this becomes a potential spiritual crisis. Where is the line between being true to our heart and living authentically, harmlessly, and exerting our personal power to take control over situations through our own actions and impulses? What boundaries do we need to place in order to keep ourselves sane when other people may be trying to exert great force against us? Recent difficult situations have come with gravity and finality. The deep gravity of life altering changes, and the internal changes being made inside our body while our relationships with other people change or end. We must remember the darkness is before the dawn, knowing we can clear away the darkness from us, by building the power of our inner light through our spiritual practice. We cannot succumb to the feelings of powerlessness that are intentionally created to take advantage of our innocent heart or purity. We cannot succumb to the temptations pushing on us in daily interactions, the lack of ethics, nastiness, greed, or taking advantage of our fellow human, as our brother or sister. The harshness in the world can harden hearts, can weaken lesser souls, and can make the average person bitter and resentful. No matter what scheme, no matter what manipulation or game is being played against us by another human or alien force, we must stay strong and not bargain our ethics. Our job is to stay spiritually strong, to stay on course, and to stay in alignment to the ethics of the Spirits of Christ. If you feel you are being held hostage by some tentacle in the material world structure, you must stay strong and not bargain your ethics. This is a test of the spiritual emergency broadcast system!”

~Lisa Renee

~via Calling Upon Spiritual Strength

LISA RENEE ~ Time Shift Blog: “Calling Upon Spiritual Strength”

“The harshness in the world can harden hearts, can weaken lesser souls, and can make the average person bitter and resentful. Our job is to stay spiritually strong, to stay on course, and to stay in alignment to the ethics of the Spirits of Christ. During this time more than ever, there is critical importance in making the daily effort to preserve our sacred hearts, to remain open by feeling, experiencing and exchanging loving feelings. This means that in all things that we decide for ourselves, in every moment, that we do not ever forget what Love and Compassion feels like when flowing through our heart. This heart-based quality is a distinctly angelic human quality, it is our sacred crystal heart that defines what it truly means to be a spiritualized and eternal human being. To become aware so that when we face adversity, that we are not disconnecting any part of our body from the forces of love; from giving, receiving and exchanging love, compassion, and Empathy for life. We must keep our mind and thoughts focused upon those higher qualities of love and appreciation that we experience in our daily lives, and identify that which we can share to circulate more unconditional love and kindness with other people. These current alignments are digging deep into the fields of chaos in order to birth the new, resurrected from the dark ashes of this debris in lower matter, to be transformed into better alignment with the new Timelines that hold the potential of our highest expression. The shadow and death energy that exist in our past timelines in the lower matter fields, the dark matter templates, are being incinerated during this cycle. For some of us it means liberation in some area of our life, for others that refuse to adapt and be flexible to great changes, it may mean descending into madness. If we can work with these pressurized forces without resisting, it will burn away the shadow elements and take out the garbage. If we fight against the changes, it can burn us up quite badly in the process. Take great care to find the inner sanctum, stillness and communicate every day with your inner spirit.”

~Lisa Renee

When we feel overwhelmed in such harsh circumstances, when we see others we care for getting carried away by the pounding crash of the energetic tsunami in the world of forces, it is normal to sense feelings of powerlessness. When we feel powerless in certain difficult situations, we may have challenges with hopelessness and disbelief. Our faith in ourselves is tested to the maximum and our true spiritual purpose is brought into questioning. Where our Spirit is true and pure this allows us to be in the flow with life. Where we must assert ourselves to be true to our heart, on the other hand, this becomes a potential spiritual crisis. Where is the line between being true to our heart and living authentically, harmlessly, and exerting our personal power to take control over situations through our own actions and impulses? What boundaries do we need to place in order to keep ourselves sane when other people may be trying to exert great force against us? Recent difficult situations have come with gravity and finality. The deep gravity of life altering changes, and the internal changes being made inside our body while our relationships with other people change or end.

If we can stay awake and aware in this Dark Night of the Soul phase, we can see it more clearly in order to call it out and cast it away. We can cast away our burdens to open new ways and new opportunities that are coming in during this next stage of bifurcation in the ascension cycle. These current alignments are digging deep into the fields of chaos in order to birth the new, resurrected from the dark ashes of this debris in lower matter, to be transformed into better alignment with the new Timelines that hold the potential of our highest expression. The shadow and death energy that exist in our past timelines in the lower matter fields, the dark matter templates, are being incinerated during this cycle. For some of us it means liberation in some area of our life, for others that refuse to adapt and be flexible to great changes, it may mean descending into madness. If we can work with these pressurized forces without resisting, it will burn away the shadow elements and take out the garbage. If we fight against the changes, it can burn us up quite badly in the process. Take great care to find the inner sanctum, stillness and communicate every day with your inner spirit. For more support in building spiritual toolkits to help survive the ascension process, please review the free ES website, Krystal Aegis.

~via Energetic – Time Shift Blog – March 11, 2024

LISA RENEE on “Spirit of Generosity”

“Being generous with your loving kindness and goodness as in the giving of your self to others without expectation nor attachment to receiving anything in return, is a compassionate action in the Spirit of Generosity. The Spirit of Generosity is a gift that you can give to others and yourself. The Spirits of Christ are that which attract Virtues which are a form of the bestowal of Divine Grace. Virtues are qualities of goodness which inhabit in the world of forces, as a ‘spiritual force’. When one builds strength in virtue, one builds strength in the power of our goodness which translates into the power of God Force. As the Universal Law of Structure states; we can build our house in so that the spirit we design it for can reside. This is what it means to create a House for Christ and to purify ourselves for the Spirit of Christ. The Spirits of Christ requires a House in which to dwell inside our mind and body. As you devote your attention and focus on the quality of the Spirits of Christ, the Houses for Christ grow stronger. Where we focus our energy and attention its energetic form materializes. As we allow the Spirit of Generosity to fill our own hearts, we spread our love and goodwill towards others in the world. We reap the quality of our cultivated virtue in that which brings incredible gifts directly from the God spirit. The Spirit of Generosity is the antidote to Greed and Avarice. Imagine the positive impact that you have on others’ lives with a openness to be consistently generous with them. Imagine how much joy and fulfillment you can feel by expressing this level of generosity through out your day. Thus, greatly increasing one’s relationship to God and experiencing energetic balance which returns us into feelings of self-love, peace and happiness. These are the Spirits of Christ.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Virtues

LISA RENEE on “Spiritual Blindness”

“Most people on this planet are living out of alignment with their authentic and natural self, which means they are unable to express Personal Integrity and Coherence. Without personal integrity we exist in the unnatural state of internal and external disconnection, unable to actually see how the things around us are interconnected and cause things to manifest. When we are confused about who we are, the Collective Unconsciousness takes over our direction in life, and this ultimately produces poor decisions and self-destructive manifestations. In the state of being disconnected from our authentic self, we feel deep unresolved pain and the inner emptiness that causes the lack of fulfillment and contentment in our life. Pain is created when you are inauthentic and living outside of Personal Integrity, believing in your mind you are something you’re not, expressing something to others in an identity that you really are not. Beyond experiencing abusive physical Trauma, it is important to remember that when experiencing painful negative emotions, the pain being generated is based upon lies and deceptions. Many times painful emotions are created from a deception in your mind that you believed to be true, when it’s really not true. When we do not know who we really are inside, when we do not have clarity on our life lessons and purpose, when we have not taken time to develop a close relationship with our body and self, we lack self-awareness. When a person lacks self-awareness, they can easily become delusional. If a person does not know what their personal values are, they will have no understanding of the guiding principles that motivate their direction throughout life. This is the state of disconnection within the inner self that generates Spiritual Blindness and energetic weakness that is set up for exploitation. We must see the times when we represent ourselves to others in a way that is out of alignment with our Personal Integrity. When we realize we are out of integrity, it is imperative to correct the behavior or make amends immediately, changing the destructive behavior to more positively aligned behavior in the future. When we dedicate the day to day effort to neutrally observe our thoughts and reactions to people and things, we gain self-awareness by discerning the reasons why we have reacted in the ways that we have. What is critical in these intense times, is to make the effort to move away from inner confusion and disconnection, by taking positive steps towards discovering inner clarity. To help us develop the right relationship to our core self, we must study ourselves. We must gain deeper self-knowledge so that we can discover the personal core values we have that reflect the deepest inner contents of our being. Only when we gain self-awareness can we begin to even know the guiding principle for the highest expression for our authentic nature. We cannot live within personal integrity until we dedicate some effort to truly knowing who we really are and what inspires heart based motivations in the way we live life. In the 3D world, blind spots and energetic weaknesses are aggressively exploited by Controller archetypes, to keep people disconnected from their authentic core self so that they can be easily controlled by the external forces. Spiritual Blindness is the lack of self-awareness that continually produces blind spots that operate in the periphery of our consciousness or lack thereof. Many times our spiritual blindness shows up as recurring themes of intense obstacles, hurdles and dark attack. On a planet that places power in the hands of those that use deception as imposters, these blind spots are potentially exploited in every area of our lives. As we start to recognize deceptions and the imposters manipulating in the environment, then we must also see closely inside ourselves any places where we may be deceiving or lying to ourselves.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary