LISA RENEE on “Sacred Crystal Heart”

“All of us have an inner compass that is our spiritual guidance system that is based in the forces of love flowing from within our heart complex. During the Ascension Cycle, as humanity raises and expands collective race consciousness, the impacts ripple out to influence the neighboring worlds and other species. The earth body functions as the Sacred Crystal Heart complex for the entire Solar System, and thus it is more important now than ever for humanity to consciously work to open their hearts in order to elevate the entire planet, which even raises the consciousness in the worlds that exist beyond. To open the Crystal Heart means to devote oneself to learn how to be Love, loving ourselves, loving others, loving the earth and her creatures. This heart-based quality is a distinctly angelic human quality, it is our Sacred Crystal Heart that defines what it truly means to be a spiritualized and eternal human being. When we open our Crystal Heart, we begin to work with spiritual powers which are sentient living forces in themselves, such as the heart-based qualities of feeling and expressing Compassion, Empathy, Forgiveness and generosity towards others. During this time, it is of critical importance to explore and understand the workings of our Sacred Crystal Heart, our pure heart, which holds the feelings and language that communicates directly with the God Source and gives us the gift of experiencing unconditional love and peace. Thus, the most important organ system and spiritual lightbody component for every person on the earth is their Sacred Crystal Heart complex, which functions to receive and transmit the omnidirectional forces of love, and through which the inner wisdom of cellular knowing arises. By finding the true love that exists from within the self, the Crystal Heart complex is activated from within the lightbody which is further designed to attract and embody the highest qualities of soul-spiritual intelligence. The Cosmic Kristos heart principle is gender based and generates the inner and outer heart flame twinning, a male and female heart complex that unites in order to merge into Oneness. This can be achieved through the biological spiritual ascension process on the earth which naturally evolves into inner heart flame twinning between the gender principles, circulating and generating forces of omnidirectional Love through hierogamic union. Our Sacred Crystal Heart will lead us to safety and it will make the best choice for us at any given time, if we can quiet the mind and indeed listen to it.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Sacred Crystal Heart

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