MARION SELISTA: “15 Keys To Unleash Your True Authentic Self”

Every person is unique and has something to offer the world. Being authentic means embracing who you are and accepting your uniqueness.

However, being the real you is a challenge to most people because they either don’t know how to connect with their true self or how to unleash it. You are always trying to please others, and live up to society’s expectations, forgetting yourself.

When you finally make yourself a priority, that’s when your life starts. You honor yourself by unleashing your true self. You can now say NO to things and people that do not serve you.

Here’s how you can unleash your true authentic self by using the below 15 key ways.

1. Hello, it is you

Being real starts with discovering who you are deep at the core; what you stand for; your strengths and weaknesses; your passion; and what makes you happy. Knowing yourself will make you happy and experience less inner conflict thus make better decisions. You can also resist social pressure and understand others which makes you a better individual.

2. Self-acceptance

What you think of yourself is shaped over the years by both positive and negative experiences. You will be on the path to self-acceptance when you start restructuring the way you view yourself. You must learn to admit your flaws, and accept what you can’t change. Always set small goals every day, never give up and surround yourself with positivity.

3. Reframe your life according to your principles

The expectations placed on you by society are challenging to live up to. Reframe your life by creating rules for yourself that match your values. Focus on self-care and things that bring the best in you. You will no longer have to follow what everyone expects and can take charge of your life.

4. Meditate

Meditation is a very effective method of unleashing your true self. It draws you into a place deep within yourself for self-reflection and awareness hence giving you a push in the right direction. Daily meditation can result in a rewiring of your brain allowing the decreasing stress and tension.

5. Follow your bliss

You get increased happiness and satisfaction when you do what makes you happy. Doing what you love gives you a sense of purpose and belonging, clear objectivity and self-awareness. Identify what you are genuinely passionate about and give yourself to it thus unleash your true self.

6. Find your purpose

You find your place in life when you identify the reasons for your actions and set meaningful goals. It keeps you motivated throughout your life and you remain focused on meeting them.

7. Don’t look for external approval

Seeking external validation is a burden and affects your decisions in your life. Stop letting the outside world dictate your opinions or actions. Your dreams don’t have to be acceptable to everyone. You will be happier living by your beliefs.

8. Practice gratitude

Being a grateful person has numerous benefits; it makes your life easier, happier, and healthier both physically and psychologically. You look at life with a positive attitude. You can maintain excellent relationships with others. Practice it through; letters of appreciation when someone does a good thing for you; sharing with family everything you are grateful for during meals; Writing on paper what you are thankful for and putting it in a jar; keep a journal of things you are thankful for and not taking what you have for granted.

9. Be present

You embrace the real you when you start living in the present and avoid obsessing about the past. Enjoy every moment.

10. Compare yourself to you only

Comparing yourself to others only results in evaluating and rating yourself by chasing symbols of status and success. Unlock your authentic self by accepting yourself the way you are and measuring yourself by your standards.

11. Become your best self

Master these three elements that make you the best you can be;

Connectedness appreciate what you have now by showing love for what you have and don’t take anything for granted.

Calm observe your thoughts as they pass through your mind by staying calm.

Motivation — understanding the reason you do the things you do will spur you to continue striving to accomplish your objective.

12. Love

People often ridicule and give you a strange look when you are authentic. Self-love entails accepting and expressing your true self. It involves loving yourself and living life to the fullest just the way you are. You can’t give love if you don’t love yourself first.

13. Trust

Follow your wisdom and gut instead of looking externally for inner peace. Avoid seeking others’ opinions and get guidance from within yourself. Honor your emotions instead of hiding them thus unleashing the real you.

14. Authenticity

If you can’t be yourself, who else can you be? Connect with your inner self. It involves letting go of the false identity of who you think you should be and instead allowing the real you to emerge.

15. Affirmation

Affirmations are very easy and powerful to use. They train your mind through repetition and positive encouragement to connect to yourself. It entails thinking good thoughts, expressing who you are, taking actions to meet your needs and doing what you want. It builds self-esteem and unleashes your true self.

Final words

Learning to unleash your true authentic self is not an easy task- though it is a rewarding challenge. You discover yourself; identify your true passions; let go of past mistakes and accept yourself. You break free from crippling self-doubts and love yourself just the way you are. Being the real you helps you find your purpose, build your self-esteem; and brings you happiness in life.



NEZEL PADAYHAG: “15 Ways To Open Your Heart And Find Unconditional Love”

“Infinite love is the only truth. Everything else is illusion.”

~David Icke


Love is full of wonders. It’s even said to move mountains. Regardless of your own definition of love, it has the power to make the hearts speak and establish a connection with others.

In the presence of infinite love, verbal communication is sometimes unnecessary. There is deeper communication that does not need words.

However, emotional blocks that hide in the masks of fear, pain, suffering, judgments, heartaches, illness, isolation, prevent us from loving infinitely and unconditionally.

We allow these things to limit our capability to love. Most people don’t know what love is, at its core, and how to express it. This can be possible by opening our hearts to love.

15 Ways To Open Your Heart:

1. Commune with nature.

In nature, there’s no chaos, no confusion, and no pain. There’s only peace, connectedness, and love.

The first step to opening your heart is to establish a deeper connection with Mother Earth and all its creatures.

It’s where you can ground yourself while letting go of negative vibes and being present in the moment.

2. Stay in the present moment.

Staying in the present moment allows you to focus on your breath, which aligns you to your higher self.

When you tune in to your higher self, you open your heart to the loving connection with yourself and everything that is.

Staying in the present moment is something that can make you feel better immediately, and it can also improve your outlook on things.

3. Be still.

Stillness connects you to your inner knowing. It invites you to be detached and be the observer of everything that’s going on within you and through you.

Meditation is one way of practicing stillness. As you meditate, you see your thoughts come and go.

Seeing that you are not your thoughts allows your heart to feel safe. This triggers your heart to open up and allows love to flow through you freely.

4. Do something you love doing.

When you do something that your heart lights up while doing time seems to pass without noticing. And you can do this thing the whole day without feeling tired at all.

This means that the activity comes straight from your heart, it’s something that your soul resonates with and it lights up your shine.

When you do activities that you really love doing your heart opens up. Your soul shines and you are energized.

5. Honor your breath.

Your breath is the life force that brings you to the present moment.

When you feel you’re out of alignment, pause and take deep breaths. Through the awareness of your breath, you will remember who you are, a person born out of love.

By remembering love, your heart finds its center.

6. Connect with your tribe.

Your tribe could be your group of friends or the people who see you as you are without judgment.

You vibrate at the same frequency, which makes you feel comfortable and safe.

Being with the people whose frequency resonates with yours allows you to be aligned with your eternal nature. This encourages your heart to open up and stay balanced.

7. Practice color therapy.

Color therapy works with the aid of visualization.

Finding a quiet place, make yourself comfortable and focus on your heart. Take a few deep breaths as you visualize the first color that comes to you.

Trust your inner guidance to bring you the color of your aura that needs harmony, balance, and self healing.

8. Keep a journal.

A journal serves as something that helps you process thoughts and emotions. It’s a place where you can dump all your emotional baggage, confusions, pains.

By pouring on the pages things that no longer serve you, you come in fresh and with a clearer mind.

Once your mind is clear, it’s easier for you to open up and be aware of the love around you.

9. Be genuine.

In whatever circumstances you are in your life now, you’re playing a role in someone else’s life. Oftentimes, these people want you to play the role they expect you to play.

When playing that role is against your will, you’re being inauthentic with yourself.

You’re left with the choice of disappointing others by being your authentic self, or play with their dramas and be untrue to yourself. Just remember, true love can only flow when you’re being true to yourself.

10. Establish healthy boundaries.

Establishing healthy boundaries doesn’t mean closing your doors for other people. On the contrary, it is the first step in showing compassion to others.

When you set boundaries, you are being compassionate with yourself, giving it the necessities of life that it needs to stay healthy, balanced, and capable of love.

Once you’ve developed this compassion with yourself, it naturally extends to other people, allowing more love to flow.

11. Speak your own truth.

You don’t need to argue others to speak your own truth. Being your authentic self is one way of speaking your own truth.

Do the things that matter to you even if they appear unconventional. Never be afraid of being different.

When you’re confident of who you are despite the criticisms thrown at you, people will slowly show you respect and find inspiration in speaking their own truth too.

12. Send love to anyone who needs it.

When you send love, your focus is on love. The more you focus on love, the more it comes into your reality.

Send your loved ones love by imagining them to be standing in front of you. You can even send love to strangers or people who may have hurt you.

Sending love is the quickest way to heal and raise your vibrations.

13. Listen to your heart.

Self healing begins with listening to what your heart is telling you.

Set aside time for yourself and listen deeply to the messages your heart wants you to know.

Allow yourself to find safety in the quiet place of Surrender.

14. Follow your bliss.

“Follow what your heart is telling you” is a common phrase we hear. And there is truth in that.

When you follow your heart, you follow your bliss, the passion that points you to your life purpose. Whatever your passion in life is, love is at its core.

Thus, following your bliss is the shortest way to finding yourself and finding love.

15. Practice unconditional love.

Unconditional love is a sacred place where respect and honor resides. It’s loving people despite their weaknesses, shortcomings, and even indifference.

However, unconditional love is not a ticket that others can use to abuse you. You must have enough self respect so that people will respect you in like manner.

Show unconditional love without being tolerant, without apologizing, and without seeking approval from anyone. Just love with all your heart. Give love to the world.

