LISA RENEE: “We are Form and We are Formless”

“The planetary elements of earth, water, air and fire are the fundamental building blocks of nature and form into compounds that make up our physical body. If we recognize our physical body is made up of these elements, particles and atoms, and our light body is made up of consciousness units that exist at an even smaller scale, and those quantum units are generating new levels of photonic or plasmic energy, then we realize that our entire consciousness body is undergoing a massive change at the quantum scale. This massive shift at the quantum scale is changing the laws of structure in the architecture that governs functions over our matter body, as well as our consciousness bodies. Ascending humans are evolving into developing new abilities that change the characteristics of what was previously thought to be a human. Adaptations are occurring so that our higher consciousness intelligence can exist in matter, and simultaneously, we can experience multidimensional awareness in other timelines, yet be as unbound to time as Plasma Waves while travelling in the field. Eventually, we evolve to the point that we shift out of the Chakra configurations in the Lightbody that exist in the lower creation realms, in order to build a plasma lightbody structure. This structure (merkaba) is for a traveling orb body that can house our higher plasma consciousness. This state of lightbody structure, chakras or orb body, signify the difference between reincarnation through the lower densities of space-time, or being freed from the lower constructs of space and time that allow our consciousness body to travel beyond the Solar System. As an example, in meditation or consciousness transport, we are experiencing another level of timeless, formless, and flowing movement that is not bound to space and time, in which our consciousness may more easily time travel or bi-locate. The lightbody becomes free from the constraints of time and space to more easily time travel. When time travelling or Dreamwalking we can merge our consciousness body with the available consciousness energy to generate more Plasma substance, uniting with the manifestation of new structural supports, such as holding pillars, Stargates and portals that help the earth and humanity to evolve in the Ascension timeline. Ascending humans are becoming aware that both states of being, formless and in form, are possible to exist within simultaneously or in spiral time, and as the conscious observer of time, we can still remain unbound to the station of time and its constructs. In this new structure, we are able to experience our consciousness body as formless, shapeless, and moving through time functioning as a wave, while our physical body form is connected to earth and still functioning within the principles of matter. We are form and we are formless, simultaneously.”

~Lisa Renee

The planetary elements of earth, water, air and fire are the fundamental building blocks of nature and form into compounds that make up our physical body. If we recognize our physical body is made up of these elements, particles and atoms, and our light body is made up of consciousness units that exist at an even smaller scale, and those quantum units are generating new levels of photonic or plasmic energy, then we realize that our entire consciousness body is undergoing a massive change at the quantum scale. This massive shift at the quantum scale is changing the laws of structure in the architecture that governs functions over our matter body, as well as our consciousness bodies. Ascending humans are evolving into developing new abilities that change the characteristics of what was previously thought to be a human.

Adaptations are occurring so that our higher consciousness intelligence can exist in matter, and simultaneously, we can experience multidimensional awareness in other timelines, yet be as unbound to time as Plasma Waves while travelling in the field.

This is comprehending that our human energy field and physical body is reaching a new threshold of consciousness experience, through which we can directly experience the mechanics of wave and particle duality, happening in our body simultaneously. This was always functioning in our body at the quantum level, but we now can recognize and participate with that function in our consciousness, as its happening. We are form and we are formless, simultaneously. In this new structure, we are able to experience our consciousness body as formless, shapeless, and moving through time functioning as a wave, while our physical body form is connected to earth and still functioning within the principles of matter. Ascending humans are becoming aware that both states of being, formless and in form, are possible to exist within simultaneously or in spiral time, and as the conscious observer of time, we can still remain unbound to the station of time and its constructs. As an example, in meditation or consciousness transport, we are experiencing another level of timeless, formless, and flowing movement that is not bound to space and time, in which our consciousness may more easily time travel or bi-locate. The lightbody becomes free from the constraints of time and space to more easily time travel. When time travelling or Dreamwalking we can merge our consciousness body with the available consciousness energy to generate more Plasma substance, uniting with the manifestation of new structural supports, such as holding pillars, Stargates and portals that help the earth and humanity to evolve in the Ascension timeline. The Diamond Sunconsciousness body has the capacity to function as its own Stargate, from the inner space, quantum level, where the consciousness transforms into nonvisible waves of light and travels great distances very quickly.

For those that have embodied beyond the Soulmatrix and into Monadic consciousness, this new sensation of the change of quantum scale and properties in the function of one’s Consciousness energy, will be experienced in much more tangible ways. Something intangible that is occurring in the quantum of our own body, is gradually becoming more tangible and substantial in the physical. The consciousness body is adapting into new functions that provide structural supports for the planet outside of time, and to bridge for the genetic tribe or group to which we are connected, to achieve higher consciousness attainment in this ending cycle. For those that are newly awakening, and beginning to embody the soul and Chakra functions, this macrocosmic structure will not yet be apparent. The primary focus for those Soul groups will be to work on self-mastery over the lower chakras, and to develop the foundation of the structure for the inner spirit to fully inhabit the physical body.

This is very important, as for many multidimensional people on the path of Ascension, this means how we connect into many levels of the consciousness structure has radically changed, our lightbody is radically changing, and our physical body is undergoing a series of adaptations in order to meet the new energy requirements. Our body may feel different and exhibit strange symptoms. Our previous ways of consciousness connection and communication are in fluctuation, while our lightbody is being reconfigured to accommodate the changing planetary architecture, solar architecture and beyond. [1]


  1. Adaptations

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Releasing Ego Attachments to 3D Paradigm”

“As we move into the next phases of crumbling 3D paradigms, a major task for each individual is to release or surrender the emotional energy that the ego-Personality has attached to material possessions and the necessity of living in the 3D social structures (Controller Pillars). The goal is not to create hardships or abandon everything in our lifestyle, but to examine personal belief systems and determine what is no longer necessary, to remove physical attachments so that you can be Observer Point whether you have something or do not have something. Paying attention to the things that the ego has generated strong attachments to is a gradual exercise of detaching mental and emotional dependence upon the 3D structures, cultural beliefs, As we set conscious intention to release 3D attachments, reflect on the things you need to clear from your life and that which your consciousness energy should stop supporting because its obsolete, wasteful or harmful. Basic tasks such as simplifying your lifestyle, refusing to engage with draining relationships, and clearing out clutter also supports releasing energy attachments connected to physical things. This is the time to give some deeper contemplation and reflection upon what 3D belief systems you may have and how that influences Personal Value Systems that inform how you orient yourself in the world. As you consider the belief systems connecting you to the 3D paradigm, think how you would feel if suddenly that 3D system or pillar of society just did not exist any longer. How you would feel about that? Are you able to get into neutral and let all of it go, as the divinity existing inside you would have it be? This will also be a helpful process which you can guide others through when their belief systems and lifestyle are being dismantled.”

~Lisa Renee

As we move into the next phases of crumbling 3D paradigms, a major task for each individual is to release or surrender the emotional energy that the ego-Personality has attached to material possessions and the necessity of living in the 3D social structures (Controller Pillars). Humanity will be moving towards an increase in true humanitarian objectives which include a conscious orientation towards being in Service to Others as a primary lifestyle. This begins with the inner consciousness shift in which we are willing to release and clear obsolete 3D patterns of thought and embrace a lifestyle in which we dedicate ourselves to be in Service to Others. The first practice of the natural law is Unity Consciousness and when we reflect on this law as a personal value system in our lifestyle, the miracles of God appear to help us achieve our objectives, which are the byproduct of our spiritual alignment.

The goal is not to create hardships or abandon everything in our lifestyle, but to examine personal belief systems and determine what is no longer necessary, to remove physical attachments so that you can be Observer Point whether you have something or do not have something. Paying attention to the things that the ego has generated strong attachments to is a gradual exercise of detaching mental and emotional dependence upon the 3D structures, cultural beliefs, Materialism and the obsolete way of doing things in the 3D paradigm.

As we set conscious intention to release 3D attachments, reflect on the things you need to clear from your life and that which your consciousness energy should stop supporting because its obsolete, wasteful or harmful. Be willing to identify and feel emotional connections made with egoic attachments and be willing to refocus and detach from the need to have those things, placing trust in your material needs being met and being grateful for what you do have in the moment. Basic tasks such as simplifying your lifestyle, refusing to engage with draining relationships, and clearing out clutter also supports releasing energy attachments connected to physical things.

This is the time to give some deeper contemplation and reflection upon what 3D belief systems you may have and how that influences Personal Value Systems that inform how you orient yourself in the world. This will also be a helpful process which you can guide others through when their belief systems and lifestyle are being dismantled.

As you consider the belief systems connecting you to the 3D paradigm, think how you would feel if suddenly that 3D system or pillar of society just did not exist any longer. How you would feel about that? Are you able to get into neutral and let all of it go, as the divinity existing inside you would have it be?

To more deeply meditate on releasing egoic attachments and resetting them back to neutral, we would hold the contrast of comprehending what it would feel like if you stopped a certain belief system or pattern in your lifestyle, by thinking about how much that would change your life. As you imagine your life and the world without that belief system or institution, feel how much energy you may have connected or attached to that belief system, the 3D cultural aspects and the organization it may represent. Such as what would life be like if my family and I did not go to the hospital or doctor any longer as a standard of medical or health care? Can I let that go knowing that I can be healthy with natural immunity and learn alternative methods to take good care of myself?

The goal on examining personal beliefs is to help your mental and emotional body release strong attachments based on fear or wrong thinking, and instead find inner spiritual connection and neutral association that allows a surrendering release to what it is to be without the need to exert control over anything. When you unplug from the 3D paradigm your personality no longer needs that belief system and the energy around that system ceases to have control over you.

The shifting architecture will continue to increase energetic support for building organizations for truly ethical humanitarian objectives and being in service to others, while systematically dismantling belief systems and the 3D institutions which generate division, inequality and rank based on elitism, fame, social status, physical attributes and classifications which infer superiority over others. Every individual has the right to exist and no person has the right to take the life of another, or force others to damage the energetic integrity of their physical being or damage their right to live as they see fit when it does not harm others.

Belief Systems and Cultural Energy Transference

Every individual human being transfers their consciousness energy to a given set of belief systems that have been formed from a learned part of their culture. Therefore, this means that each individual has assigned levels of significance and importance to those particular belief systems formed in the culture that they have been exposed to. Humanity has been groomed to accept the 3D controlled narratives being enforced by nonhuman entities, thus these negative beliefs have accumulated energetic distortions within the three levels of ego, with emphasis on dead energy blockages formed within the solar plexus area. Blockages in the consciousness layers are formed through negative energy transference and dark force manipulation, this means the individual is unaware of the damaging impacts that 3D beliefs and 3D attachments have upon the consciousness and lightbody functions. Cords and energy attachments form in the consciousness layers and physical body which are generated from the negative ego belief systems that have been groomed by any particular 3D culture, which has an assortment of anti-human or anti-soul belief systems.

Individuals are often manipulated by dark forces in the reality in order to constantly feed their consciousness energy into the controlled narrative 3D belief systems, which are the mind control programs running in the collective consciousness. The sum total of the collective consciousness energy that is being manipulated to power up those 3D belief systems is what keeps it active and working within that culture. When people refuse to assign importance or significance to a particular belief system, they withdraw their consciousness energy from the social conditions that feed into that particular belief system, then the belief system begins to wither and die out in that culture. The more that humanity begins to detach their consciousness energy from supporting harmful or negative belief systems, the less that belief system will remain rooted in that culture.

The 3D world structures hold a lower vibration that is energetically associated with the preoccupation and quest for all experiences related to maintaining power and control over others, including the perpetuation of consciousness enslavement. Assorted methods of Mind Control have been used against humanity to manipulate the Collective Consciousness towards Service to Self orientation, by driving unconscious desires and consciousness energy towards maintaining the 3D Death Culture and through implanting negative beliefs, emotions, and attitudes in order to form physical attachments. The Solar Plexus is the conscious mind, and so the personality ego’s unresolved fears and negative beliefs will form corded attachments to material things, as well as form into energy blockages within the Lightbody. These energy blockages and egoic 3D attachments are used to manipulate the individual’s shadow body and energy signature, so the uncleared negative ego parts along with attachments formed to 3D belief systems continue to manipulate our outer perceptions through subconscious blind spots and ego defense mechanisms.

The ego personality is preoccupied with selfishness and making decisions for personal gain, with the 3D belief system that money, status or self-interests are the main priority in life, while disregarding the genuine social and ethical concerns for the welfare of others. The 3D personality ego is the survival consciousness energy stream of humanity that has invested in the belief systems perpetuated by the 3D Controller structures that have formed into energetic exchanges of physical attachments. These attachments formed by 3D beliefs keep the consciousness and lightbody bound and enmeshed with an assortment of material and physical things, which hold significance or symbolism for that individual, such as the meaning of one’s personal security or warding off perceived threats. Attachments are energy cords that are vibrational in nature, and in order to awaken beyond the 3D reality each person must free themselves from these strong emotional attachments, which bind and block access from experiencing higher spiritual consciousness.

Attachments and bindings are generally formed from previous uncleared trauma or fear, which generally forms a strong energetic resistance to change or a refusal to adapt to a new lifestyle or thought process. The negative ego entraps the emotional body with the sensation that the individual cannot survive in the world without conditional attachments to those things that are found in the 3D landscape, material or otherwise, which ultimately stunt emotional and spiritual growth. During the spiritual ascension and awakening growth phases, every individual will be pushed to transform beyond attachments and fear-based belief systems, to remove and clear the attachments formed that keep that person bound to the 3D timelines and its low frequency lifestyle.

Thus, all Controller Pillars of Society that are pre-occupied with 3D egoic concepts of power and control over others driven by Materialism, domination and greed, will begin to dismantle throughout the societal systems and cease to exist in the same way. It is helpful to prepare yourself now to know what it means to examine belief systems and clear out energy attachments to the 3D reality, as this preparation will make the transition to the Disclosure timeline much easier to handle. [1]


  1. Examining Beliefs

See Also:

Ending the Death Culture

Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe

Bifurcation of Time

Planetary Chakra Reconfiguration

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Dissolving Lower Dimensional Layers”

“The process of dissolving the lower-dimensional energy layers within the consciousness field and transmuting their particle content into the next dimensional band of Frequency, is a part of the mechanics of Ascension. As the planetary body or human body evolves through these multiple levels of bands of frequency, the energetic layers within the aura progressively undergo transmutation of form. Once a personal energy field has accreted most of the frequency bands from the dimensions that compose one Harmonic Universe, the energy layers that correspond to these lower dimensions begin to dissolve. These are the Ascension dynamics by which humanity and consciousness progressively evolve, from one dimensional span of experience to the next. The frequency activations are a natural part of the light accretion and consciousness evolution process, and occur as the pulsation rate of particles in the lower dimensions speeds up into the rhythms of the next dimensional frequency bands. This amplifies all of the energetic polarities on the globe, so for some this shift amplifies the inner darkness, while for many others, it greatly amplifies the inner light and spiritual support. This also means the core foundation of the principles of matter are also being altered and changed now, which can radically shift our experiences and memories in matter, altering memories as they were recorded in time and space. Things that we have known or have remembered as our memories from the past, may start to alter themselves and feel differently, as if they were another emotional experience entirely. As we shift into the new timelines, we also shift the focus of our consciousness, which directly impacts our identity evolution throughout all Timelines. This may shift the alignment or embodiment process we undergo with our higher spiritual identity. It is possible for earth inhabitants to reconnect with the stage of consciousness development that is connected to one of their spiritual identities in future time. At each stage of consciousness evolution, depending on the pieces that have been reconnected, they may identify with their Soul identity, Monadic identity, or Avatar Christ identity, which allows the eternal self to fully govern the body on the earth with divine will.”

~Lisa Renee

The process of dissolving the lower-dimensional energy layers within the consciousness field and transmuting their particle content into the next dimensional band of Frequency, is a part of the mechanics of Ascension. As the planetary body or human body evolves through these multiple levels of bands of frequency, the energetic layers within the aura progressively undergo transmutation of form. Once a personal energy field has accreted most of the frequency bands from the dimensions that compose one Harmonic Universe, the energy layers that correspond to these lower dimensions begin to dissolve. The particles contained within the dissolving auric layers open into the auric layers of the next highest dimensions, which are in the next Harmonic Universe up. These are the Ascension dynamics by which humanity and consciousness progressively evolve, from one dimensional span of experience to the next. The frequency activations are a natural part of the light accretion and consciousness evolution process, and occur as the pulsation rate of particles in the lower dimensions speeds up into the rhythms of the next dimensional frequency bands.

Some of us have noted for many years now our lower energy centers were shifting, and chakra membranes were dissolving. The main energy centers are still present, yet are newly circuited to run vital forces throughout the body’s entire system of glands, organs and meridians more effectively. The Chakra cones eventually become absorbed into the higher consciousness aspects of the body and reconfigured within the auric energies completely. This same transmutation process has become visible in the outer fields as it’s occurring in the planetary body, as these lower energy centers are dissolving in the collective fields. The planetary body is transmuting its 3D form in order to prepare for the upcoming alignment in the next time cycle.

Transmutation of the 3D forms

This amplifies all of the energetic polarities on the globe, so for some this shift amplifies the inner darkness, while for many others, it greatly amplifies the inner light and spiritual support. This changes the atmospheric layer of the planet’s magnetic field, as well as the magnetic tone resonance that emanates from the inner core of our planet. This changes the magnetic resonances that are related to the collective consciousness thoughtforms and archetypes that are held in the global brain. This also means the core foundation of the principles of matter are also being altered and changed now, which can radically shift our experiences and memories in matter, altering memories as they were recorded in time and space. Things that we have known or have remembered as our memories from the past, may start to alter themselves and feel differently, as if they were another emotional experience entirely. As we shift into the new timelines, we also shift the focus of our consciousness, which directly impacts our identity evolution throughout all Timelines. This may shift the alignment or embodiment process we undergo with our higher spiritual identity. It is possible for earth inhabitants to reconnect with the stage of consciousness development that is connected to one of their spiritual identities in future time. At each stage of consciousness evolution, depending on the pieces that have been reconnected, they may identify with their Soul identity, Monadic identity, or Avatar Christ identity, which allows the eternal self to fully govern the body on the earth with divine will. When we intend to evolve into the infinite and eternal self as our true identity, we become harmonized and aligned with the ascending GSF timelines of the Cosmic Sovereign Law. [1]


  1. Timelines Shift

See Also:

Timelines Shift

Planetary Chakra Reconfiguration

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Planetary Chakra Reconfiguration”

“The Chakras that exist in the 3D earth’s energetic consciousness body are replicated in the 3D human energetic body at the point we incarnate on this 3D earth, as a result of coming here, we accept the planetary body imprint on our consciousness body, which configures itself into what we know as the main chakra cones. Each of the chakras have membranes that separate the dimensions and the Ray forces that exist within that specific wave spectrum. As the planetary membranes collapse as a result of collapsing timelines and collapsing obsolete dimensional spaces (pockets of space time), so do the membranes dissolve that have created these separate compartments for the chakra cones. What is happening to dissolve the chakras membrane and the chakra panel is a result of the Ascension cycle and is an evolutionary event. In our perspective here, the Chakra overlays on top of the main core manifestation body, were originally designed in the earth body and imprinted in the earthlings as an energy center connected to a specific timeline, dimension and identities, that would operate to help that individual being, in concert with the collective planet earth consciousness and human tribes, to recollect soul fragments, recollect missing identities of exploded pieces that had been lost during many of the cataclysms. These fragments are identities in the higher dimensional planes that through a variety of disastrous events, such as planetary bodies exploding with all of its lifeforms, this consciousness became fallen in 3D matter, they became what we know as the broken mirrors of consciousness that were shattered into pieces, which need to be recollected and pieced back together. For people that have these pieces strewn on the earth, they will most likely still need these chakras, but for many of us, this is nonexistent, we do not have these chakras anymore. These identities and body parts are strewn across the main seven solar planes of this earth, and these pieces of identity did not have any opening to evolve or move out from the location of where they had been stuck for eons of time. Yet, some of the masses are not ready to leave the chakra system because they are fully interdependent on the energy centers governing the life force to circulate into their bodes functioning, until they awaken to choose to go beyond the ego programming, it is nearly impossible to remove or clear these membranes, as they will be seriously impacted. Some people on this earth are going absolutely crazy from this change happening in the chakra fields, as they have not been prepared for what is occurring. Once you reintegrate your spiritual bodies beyond the Solar planes, they collapse. This dissolution of chakras will happen at a faster rate, and in relationship to our work with planet body, the 3 lower dimensions are rolling up, and the chakra and energetic wave spectrum that existed at that level will cease to exist on the earth.”

~Lisa Renee

In regards to the information and inquiry in regards to the validity of the Chakras as mind control devices, I will give a particular perspective in an larger overview of their function and purpose, although, much of the content shared about chakras as Alien Implants has many kernels of truth within it, this is a matter which needs a balanced perspective, as there are different roles that are related to the spiritual Blueprint of an individual and that is exactly relative to the earth’s planetary lightbody. As always, with this information, take in what is resonant and discard the rest. This is an extensive topic that a simple written response here is not adequate, and it is a topic that is unraveling right now during this particular time of bifurcation, as there is a reconfiguration of many energy centers, such as the Stargates and the Chakra centers that exist in the collective consciousness fields that make up the human race, and this is simultaneously occurring with the earth body.

The Chakras that exist in the 3D earth’s energetic consciousness body are replicated in the 3D human energetic body at the point we incarnate on this 3D earth , as a result of coming here, we accept the planetary body imprint on our consciousness body, which configures itself into what we know as the main chakra cones. Each of these cones have an opening that directly interfaces with the same dimensional plane of the earth’s consciousness body and the 12 planets in our Solar System, that together, make up the total consciousness body of the original earth. Each of the chakras have membranes that separate the dimensions and the Ray forces that exist within that specific wave spectrum. As the planetary membranes collapse as a result of collapsing timelines and collapsing obsolete dimensional spaces (pockets of space time), so do the membranes dissolve that have created these separate compartments for the chakra cones. What is happening to dissolve the chakras membrane and the chakra panel is a result of the Ascension cycle and is an evolutionary event. Yet, some of the masses are not ready to leave the chakra system because they are fully interdependent on the energy centers governing the life force to circulate into their bodes functioning, until they awaken to choose to go beyond the ego programming, it is nearly impossible to remove or clear these membranes, as they will be seriously impacted. Some people on this earth are going absolutely crazy from this change happening in the chakra fields, as they have not been prepared for what is occurring. So it is helpful to comprehend that all beings that incarnate on the 3D timelines of earth, currently have this configuration in their personal energy centers, or through spiritual Ascension and developing their lightbody, they may have evolved past the chakra membranes that created the separation in-between the dimensional planes, that are represented as the chakra energy cones in an individual. A person incarnating into this density, a very low vibration, will not be able to hold the necessary high frequency that allows them to join fully with all of their many stations of identities that had been split apart and sitting inside the dimensional access of their own chakra cones. The person through developing consciousness, gets their identities integrated, retrieves missing pieces, and those pieces reintegrate through the chakra cone, so this in itself is an appropriate function for the overall collective consciousness state that exists on the earth right now. The majority of people will not have the consciousness ability to be involved in what you are referring to in evolving out of chakras yet, and many of us here are not only here to develop our lightbody, but to hold the necessary energetic space for the entire planet, the human tribes in the collective consciousness, to be the prototype that allows future humans to continue where we have left off.

In our perspective here, the Chakra overlays on top of the main core manifestation body, were originally designed in the earth body and imprinted in the earthlings as an energy center connected to a specific timeline, dimension and identities, that would operate to help that individual being, in concert with the collective planet earth consciousness and human tribes, to recollect soul fragments, recollect missing identities of exploded pieces that had been lost during many of the cataclysms. The Chakra panel would act as a homing pigeon, with a magnetic imprint, that acts as a way to recollect missing body parts, DNA imprints, and identities that had been lodged, impaled or stuck in multiple dimensional planes o the earthly body. These identities and body parts are strewn across the main seven solar planes of this earth, and these pieces of identity did not have any opening to evolve or move out from the location of where they had been stuck for eons of time. These fragments are identities in the higher dimensional planes that through a variety of disastrous events, such as planetary bodies exploding with all of its lifeforms, this consciousness became fallen in 3D matter, they became what we know as the broken mirrors of consciousness that were shattered into pieces, which need to be recollected and pieced back together. For people that have these pieces strewn on the earth, they will most likely still need these chakras, but for many of us, this is nonexistent, we do not have these chakras anymore. Once you reintegrate your spiritual bodies beyond the Solar planes, they collapse. This dissolution of chakras will happen at a faster rate, and in relationship to our work with planet body, the 3 lower dimensions are rolling up, and the chakra and energetic wave spectrum that existed at that level will cease to exist on the earth.

We have spoken of the three main AI programs loaded into in the lower chakras, that have hijacked people’s minds. Most of us here may realize by now, that if you clear the AI functioning in the Negative Ego or Predator Mind, the chakra membranes will collapse. They collapse when you do not use the energies that were keeping them operating. By focusing on developing Virtues, goodness and alignment to God/Christ, the Law of One, this collapse will happen naturally. If you are still feeding and using that consciousness body, maybe because there are spiritual lessons that need to be learned, and identities that need to be reintegrated, you will still have these chakras operating, even when they collapse on the earth body, because it has been abused as a mind control system by the NAA and the negative forces that work very hard to keep humanity mind controlled. Many people are repeating the history of the repository of memories that were created as false identities from the use of negative ego. If you were to look at the chakras from a myopic view, you could say the chakras are potentially alien implants, because they have been connected to AI program and architecture that exists at that frequency level. The three AI programs are VV software, Sexual Misery and Armageddon Software, a code written to control the lower chakras and the physical body. As we know we live in the timelines of earth that are a consciousness prison, we are working with planetary architecture to lead the way out of this prison, and for those of us on that path, we will lose the chakras. They cease to be appropriate. However, one has to understand the larger picture of their function in the interface of the planet body, and it is not accurate to say they were created by alien forces of enslavement, it is more accurate to say these centers have been abused and taken advantage of by the NAA and dark forces of mind control. We have some information that is attempting to be transcribed relating to the chakras being replaced with orb bodies, as this is planetary and not an individual event. So this means that many Star people have been preparing for this event, beforehand, and have been operating without the original chakras since about 2012. This event changes the chakra energy center configuration in the earth and individual people.

I hope that this helps to balance the perspective with a larger macrocosmic view, and that people’s individual experiences, may reflect a different message from how they perceive what is happening in their own lightbody based on their unique blueprint and spiritual mission. We all know we are enslaved here, and I would not say it is the chakra systems to fault for that, as it was intrinsic architecture to help this low dimensional plane be able to connect into higher planes, although it is abused by the negative forces that take advantage of that system. As energetic healers, we need to know the chakras are dissolving for those of us on the Ascending path, but we will still be sharing a planet with many people that still have these chakras operating, and they are valid for those groups. [1]


  1. [ES Forum, Planetary Updates Reconfiguration to Planetary Chakra Centers]

See Also:

Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe

Bifurcation of Time

~via Ascension Glossary