LISA RENEE: “Ascension Madness”

“Many of us are aware and observing the accumulative effects of the Bifurcation in which a Point of Divergence has occurred in the perception of reality and the chasm between the 3D Controlled Narrative and those on the ascending path is growing rapidly. There are groups of humans that are connected to a third dimensional morphogenetic blueprint, and there are groups of humans connected to a fifth dimensional and higher morphogenetic blueprint. This energetic chasm generates difficulty in connecting or communicating with those on the descending timeline, as they simply cannot see or perceive what those on the higher timeline are seeing and perceiving. If we can see the current soft kill measures in the environment that have been methodically put in place through the well thought out long-term planning of the Controllers, we can easily see the hidden purpose of these genocidal methods, including the eugenicist policies and censorship put in place by the Global Health Mafia. An example of active soft kill agendas is the enforcement of legal poisoning in the general public through vaccinations, water fluoridation, GMOs, Chemtrails, herbicides, pharmaceutical drugs, aborted fetal tissues, nanotech and other pathogenic biological weapons. All of these examples change the electromagnetic frequency and chemistry of the human body, radically impairing the functioning of the brain, central nervous system, immunity and RNA-DNA communication signals. The latest mRNA vaccine abomination is targeting the human Brain and bio-neurology in such way that the spiritual layers of the consciousness body are shown to disintegrate at cellular levels and then disconnect from the physical matrix entirely. This is the retaliation tactic to counter the impacts of the current planetary Plasma Activations in which Solar Synthesis is occurring, but is being blocked by those who are terrorized in fear while running AI mind control algorithms in their Limbic System, which is referred to as GOAT Mind. G.O.A.T. represents God of All Things to the satanists and Luciferians, who commonly refer to goats or use goat heads in their rituals. This mark of the beast symbolism is viewed on multiple dimensions of reality to denote satanic branding on people or things connected to Baphomet grids or to represent satanic astral portal systems. The purpose of directing covert electromagnetic targeting towards the sympathetic nervous system is to trigger distortions within the Unconscious Mind layers to form the GOAT Mind algorithms to spur uncontrollable impulses in the limbic system that overwhelm and then take over brain function. Whether asleep or awake, our self-mastery is measured through how we personally deal with the stress and chaos of the environment and knowing when to exercise discernment by limiting our daily exposure to a host of Mind Control-based deceptions. No person on this earth is exempt from sensing the massive fields of fear, chaos and Confusion that exist in the collective mind of humanity and the spiritual warfare that is being transmitted from the darkest non-human fields of Anti-Christ. We will have some casualties at this time, with those who are not awake and are suffering from trauma-based mind control and the uncontrollable impulses of GOAT Mind. However, it is important to know that the planetary Ascension is accelerating now with the return of the Solar Consciousness of Christos to the Earth, and nothing can or will stop the organic timeline of disclosure. This is the time to take stock of how well we are coping with the Bifurcation Madness on the earth, as the collective mind of humanity travels the path of the Dark Night of the Soul.”

~Lisa Renee

Many of us are aware and observing the accumulative effects of the Bifurcation in which a Point of Divergence has occurred in the perception of reality and the chasm between the 3D Controlled Narrative and those on the ascending path is growing rapidly. This is the time to take stock of how well we are coping with the Bifurcation Madness on the earth, as the collective mind of humanity travels the path of the Dark Night of the Soul. There are groups of humans that are connected to a third dimensional morphogenetic blueprint, and there are groups of humans connected to a fifth dimensional and higher morphogenetic blueprint. This energetic chasm generates difficulty in connecting or communicating with those on the descending timeline, as they simply cannot see or perceive what those on the higher timeline are seeing and perceiving.

We will have some casualties at this time, with those who are not awake and are suffering from trauma-based mind control and the uncontrollable impulses of GOAT Mind. However, it is important to know that the planetary Ascension is accelerating now with the return of the Solar Consciousness of Christos to the Earth, and nothing can or will stop the organic timeline of disclosure. Many incredible things to support humanity are happening from behind the scenes and within the planetary architecture which confirm that the current dark reign of terror and genocidal campaigns are temporary.

Whether asleep or awake, our self-mastery is measured through how we personally deal with the stress and chaos of the environment and knowing when to exercise discernment by limiting our daily exposure to a host of Mind Control-based deceptions. No person on this earth is exempt from sensing the massive fields of fear, chaos and Confusion that exist in the collective mind of humanity and the spiritual warfare that is being transmitted from the darkest non-human fields of Anti-Christ. In every area of our lives, when we generate belief systems, thoughts, behaviors, emotions and actions, this accumulates into energetic content that combines with the vibrationally matched consciousness fields that are circulating in the environment.

Moving forward, we need to seek inner truth and divine purpose to neutralize the external forces of chaos as the energetic content that we send out into the field will return back to us with increasing immediacy, and even instantaneously. Whatever the quality of energy that we broadcast out into the Universe, it sets into motion the accumulative frequency of the energetic content that will be directly returned back to us. This is why it’s crucial to be able to connect to our heart and find our inner stillness in prayer and Meditation, and broadcast as much unconditional love, Forgiveness, peace and gratitude to the Universe as possible. Some of us will be placed in a very uncomfortable position where we will have to take a stand for what is right and truthful in a situation. The only barometer will be the instantaneously powerful sensation of what your heart guides you to do in that exact moment, which is the right action to take even if it is unpopular. These are times in which we must choose to listen to our inner spirit and God above all things.

The current agenda is painful to witness as it comes with consequences to those we love and care for. We can observe the terrorization of humanity to become complicit and compliant to a massively orchestrated global genocidal campaign, along with the roll out of experimental toxic injections and testing swabs filled with NanotechnologyFaulty Proteins, prions and Morgellons fibers. Sadly, many people have fallen prey to the predator’s Propaganda, who desire to destroy as much as they can as they rapidly lose power in the world. On a positive note, there are many doctors, microbiologists, pharmaceutical professionals and concerned citizens that are warning the public and providing hard evidence of the genocidal agenda which is being reported through alternative media.

If we can see the current soft kill measures in the environment that have been methodically put in place through the well thought out long-term planning of the Controllers, we can easily see the hidden purpose of these genocidal methods, including the eugenicist policies and censorship put in place by the Global Health Mafia. An example of active soft kill agendas is the enforcement of legal poisoning in the general public through vaccinations, water fluoridation, GMOs, Chemtrails, herbicides, pharmaceutical drugs, aborted fetal tissues, nanotech and other pathogenic biological weapons. All of these examples change the electromagnetic frequency and chemistry of the human body, radically impairing the functioning of the brain, central nervous system, immunity and RNA-DNA communication signals. To ascend and embody our Inner Christos, we need a relatively functioning Bio-Neurology that connects the Soul and Monadic layers into our physical body via our Brain, nervous system and bodily fluids.

The latest mRNA vaccine abomination is targeting the human Brain and bio-neurology in such way that the spiritual layers of the consciousness body are shown to disintegrate at cellular levels and then disconnect from the physical matrix entirely. This is the retaliation tactic to counter the impacts of the current planetary Plasma Activations in which Solar Synthesis is occurring, but is being blocked by those who are terrorized in fear while running AI mind control algorithms in their Limbic System, which is referred to as GOAT Mind.

The most empowering step we can take now is to refuse to be terrorized in fear and complicit with this human genocidal campaign by compassionately educating others, finding others that know the truth behind this agenda and commit to developing our heart-based relationship to our higher self. We must find within our heart the direct connection to God, our highest power, and to seek inner guidance and higher truth to help direct us forward. When we are spiritually connected, we gain the inner strength, courage and higher intelligence that lends itself to the coping skills we need to overcome this phase of the dark night of the soul and the aggressive effects of spiritual and biological warfare. We came to this earth to hold the light in the darkness, and this is the time we have been called to show up for God, Christ and all Children of the Sun. (For those new to ES we suggest the newsletters; Transhumanism, Bio-Neurology, Pestilence Program, Groupthink and Genetic Modification of Human DNA for further research on the long-term Controller agenda to hack the human bio-neurology for OWO global mind control and transhumanist purposes). [1]

Targeting the Limbic System

There was a significant bifurcation event in the planetary fields at the end of 2015, which began the ramp up of AI Signal frequencies and cube technologies being used by the Controllers for directly targeting the human Limbic System in order to incite a range of fear-based unconscious impulses in the masses. There are mutations and polarity reversals within the planetary elemental forces that drastically impact atomic matter, and the Controllers sought to capitalize on this, by using these inorganic forces as weapons to weaken the mental body and Brain function of humanity.

The purpose of directing covert electromagnetic targeting towards the sympathetic nervous system is to trigger distortions within the Unconscious Mind layers to form the GOAT Mind algorithms to spur uncontrollable impulses in the limbic system that overwhelm and then take over brain function. G.O.A.T. represents God of All Things to the satanists and Luciferians, who commonly refer to goats or use goat heads in their rituals. This mark of the beast symbolism is viewed on multiple dimensions of reality to denote satanic branding on people or things connected to Baphomet grids or to represent satanic astral portal systems. Hence, the symbolism of the goat faced demons Baphomet and Pan that have been commonly associated with the horned devil in Satanic rituals and occult seals used to evoke demonic and negative alien powers. Gridworkers may see mark of the beast goat head repositories on the Astral Plane or in Black Houses used by the practicing satanists, where the most prolific distortions of astral waters have been used to generate artificial realities and portals for the NAA and their demonic hierarchies.

See Also:

Shifting into Second Harmonic Universe

Bifurcation of Time


  1. Solar Synthesis

~via Ascension Glossary

Disclaimer: “The Scream” artwork by Edvard Munch, selected by this blog’s editor, is not a representation of Lisa Renee or her source article.

LISA RENEE: “Breakdown of Mental Faculties”

“During this cycle, the extreme outer pressure caused by the planetary Emerald Cosmic Clock Initiation and the result of shifting timelines may cause an estrangement from certain social circles, including friends and family members that are deeply entrenched in the 3D narrative. Thus, many stuck in the mind control narrative are still harboring emotional conflicts of persecution and traumas that contribute to unresolved subconscious fears of facing the unknown. There are people that we love and care for that will choose to distance themselves even further away from truth and truth seekers. They may suddenly change their personality in such ways that they become unrecognizable and unreachable, seemingly shifting into someone else that you never knew. It will be painful when we realize that no matter what clear and credible disclosure evidence is being shown to an individual suffering from extreme brainwashing, even when it has been proven as factual events in black and white, that the post-traumatic stress may have pushed them past the point of no return. Thus, they may abruptly abandon your relationship or friendship, betraying your trust without any warning or explanation, even going on a campaign to discredit or defame your character. This energetic chasm generates tremendous difficulty in connecting or communicating with those groups that are on the polar opposite or descending timeline, as they simply cannot see or perceive what those on the higher timeline are seeing and perceiving. Additionally, there are the harmful effects of the toxic substances being put in some of the injection lots along with the inorganic and artificial magnetic nanotech frequencies that are digressing mental faculties through a gradual deterioration over time that is similar to sponge brain symptomology. The bio-weapon was designed with many experimental mind control nanotech elements which were intended to degrade the human target’s bio-neurology during real time mental and emotional body processing which can suddenly reach startling levels of incoherence, mental fracturing, memory problems and confusion happening in mid-dialogue. Observing the breakdown of mental faculties and vaccine related accidents happening around us is something that those awakened to this harsh reality must prepare for in coming months. This is especially important when observing others around us fracture and descend into a level of bifurcation madness, demonstrating unstable behaviors and cognitive dissonance that can border on a range of negative ego pathologies and seriously delusional states. And with a loving and compassionate heart that is wrapped in the spiritual armor of God, to know that we must remain committed to a state of unconditional love throughout very difficult circumstances.”

~Lisa Renee

During this cycle, the extreme outer pressure caused by the planetary Emerald Cosmic Clock Initiation and the result of shifting timelines may cause an estrangement from certain social circles, including friends and family members that are deeply entrenched in the 3D narrative. Thus, many stuck in the mind control narrative are still harboring emotional conflicts of persecution and traumas that contribute to unresolved subconscious fears of facing the unknown. There are people that we love and care for that will choose to distance themselves even further away from truth and truth seekers. They may suddenly change their personality in such ways that they become unrecognizable and unreachable, seemingly shifting into someone else that you never knew.

Some people may double down by digging their heels even deeper into the controlled narrative by staunchly denying any evidence that is contrary to their 3D belief system doctrine, which are usually based in similar thoughtforms being reinforced by their immediate social circle. As the 3D Breakdown is occurring, this may incite tremendous amounts of subconscious fear and denial of these events as they are happening. Rather than evolve beyond the status quo, they will instead choose to protect the very social control system that enslaves them with trauma-based mind control deceptions, because they find it more convenient for maintaining the beliefs in their current lifestyle. Sadly, they may unexpectedly consider those family or friends awakening to greater truth and Enlightened Contact to be the main threat to their current reality perception and thus, angrily turn on them. Further, they may transfer their fears and project their shadow wounding upon you as a truth seeker or truth teller, seeking punishment for those choosing personal beliefs different than theirs.  When you are opening dialogue and asking them uncomfortable questions, they may consider you to actually be the source of all their problems. Thus, they may abruptly abandon your relationship or friendship, betraying your trust without any warning or explanation, even going on a campaign to discredit or defame your character.

This energetic chasm generates tremendous difficulty in connecting or communicating with those groups that are on the polar opposite or descending timeline, as they simply cannot see or perceive what those on the higher timeline are seeing and perceiving. The ongoing fear propaganda has fed the negative ego in such ways that many people are being consumed by its shadows and remain disconnected from their hearts and inner spirit which renders them unable to see, feel or discern truth frequencies.

Additionally, there are the harmful effects of the toxic substances being put in some of the injection lots along with the inorganic and artificial magnetic nanotech frequencies that are digressing mental faculties through a gradual deterioration over time that is similar to sponge brain symptomology. The bio-weapon was designed with many experimental mind control nanotech elements which were intended to degrade the human target’s bio-neurology during real time mental and emotional body processing which can suddenly reach startling levels of incoherence, mental fracturing, memory problems and confusion happening in mid-dialogue. Observing the breakdown of mental faculties and vaccine related accidents happening around us is something that those awakened to this harsh reality must prepare for in coming months. The outer environment is shifting with the increased onset of strange or unusual behaviors linked to social situations which surface sudden physical, mental or emotional impairment.  

In these trying moments, we will need a very tough skin to remain neutral within the great changes happening in our lives brought on by ongoing disclosure related events, in witnessing the contrast of vaccine injured people. And with a loving and compassionate heart that is wrapped in the spiritual armor of God, to know that we must remain committed to a state of unconditional love throughout very difficult circumstances. Love must be the inner-directed and primary guiding force in order to remember that we are spiritual warriors for serving truth and light, thus we cannot control others choices or take another’s unkind words with false accusations personally. Even when we are calm, loving, neutral and speaking with compassion within an intentionally respectful mutual dialogue, the loved one, friend or acquaintance may not be able to process the fear they feel when triggered or understand what it is that you are even saying. Instead, they may begin to incessantly accuse you of something as a scapegoat or use mental distraction, such as verbal attacking against your character to quickly derail any conversation around unapproved topics. This dynamic can be emotionally painful and breaks down open communication and trust between people and in groups very quickly. The only thing we can take control over is ourselves in consciously choosing how we will best respond to difficult situations that may include mental impairment and an increase of estranged relationships.

Thus, the chasm continues to grow between those believing the mainstream controlled narrative which feeds into the Armageddon pestilence war programming and those that are breaking through the mind control frequency fence, to align with the forces of love powering world humanism that exists on the other side in this ascending trajectory. As a result of the highly pressurized outer terrain, we will need to find healthy ways to redirect our personal stress in order to protect our mental health and sanity and that of our children. This is especially important when observing others around us fracture and descend into a level of bifurcation madness, demonstrating unstable behaviors and cognitive dissonance that can border on a range of negative ego pathologies and seriously delusional states.

Many people will be unable to reconcile the truth as the clear evidence is revealing to them or will be unable to grapple with the realization of the magnitude of these planetary shifts into disclosure that will change human civilization forever. Sadly, as a result the bifurcation madness will become increasingly apparent with those minds that are unequipped to handle the total collapse of the 3D narrative when they learn that all they ever were taught in school, which was being reinforced by society and by those they trusted, was actually filled with gross deceptions and lies designed to exploit us all.  

It will be painful when we realize that no matter what clear and credible disclosure evidence is being shown to an individual suffering from extreme brainwashing, even when it has been proven as factual events in black and white, that the post-traumatic stress may have pushed them past the point of no return. All we will have to help is silent prayer and giving it to God. Many people are completely unaware that humanity has been engaged in an active spiritual war on multiple fronts. Thus, in the future we will have to face that there is a segment of society that qualify as mentally ill and severely traumatized whom are unable to cope with the stark realization of the many unpleasant truths that will surface about human civilization.

As we enter phases of the breakdown in society, many people are losing trust in the rules and regulations of the establishment and are seeking to reorganize into parallel structures with those that have similar values or like-mindedness. These are the Starseed groups of ascending angelic humans that choose to self-lead from the immense love guiding them from within their hearts, in order to form cooperative alliances with others in which to remove dependence upon this corrupted system that has fueled the death culture of war and division. From within this place of choosing love over fear, many of us are fully guided by our hearts and we will be ushered into a new beginning of co-creation which offers protection, support and meaningful connections. Embarking on these humanitarian and service oriented projects are subjected to divine timing and spiritual guidance, as timing is everything in such matters and many of us will receive more clarity during this year.

~via 3D Breakdown and Enlightened Contact

LISA RENEE: “Insanity and Hell Realms”

“To better understand how to define Insanity, it is to describe the destructive beliefs, behaviors and actions that intentionally commit harm to your self, and by carrying out repeated actions that harm and fracture our inner spirit. This accumulative destructive energy gradually destroys the sacred relationship that exists between our loving heart and our direct relationship with God and spirit. Self-destructive behaviors destroy the heart center, it destroys the force of love within us, and over time implodes the lightbody and produces a black heart, which is a black hole in the center of the body. The black hole within or Black Heart, creates internal sickness that craves to be fed by the external world of forces, and becomes a parasite onto other living things that emanates light radiance. Thus, insanity is a description of the existence of hell realms, a person or black force entity with the unquenchable thirst for energetic power it can never satiate, and the driving need to be fed by something else. The dark entity craves energy and physical experiences, and experiences those sensations through attaching to the body and nervous system of an unaware or asleep human that is carrying out these destructive actions to feed the entity, and satisfy the anxiety of deep unconscious impulses. The Negative Aliens group consciousness body is a hive mind controlled by the Satanic forces which are similar to the phantom spaces of black void, massive gestalts of disembodied black shadow entities that troll for human bodies in order to satisfy their cravings, to suck life force energy and to experience certain physical related sensations in many kinds of realities. The Satanics are addicted to material sensations and physical pleasures, many cannot incarnate on the surface of earth into a human body specifically, so they hijack the human body in the extradimensional planes, such as from in the astral layers, as a substitute body that they can exert control over. A Christos being never will take over another’s body or attempt to assert control over any person to propagate destructive acts. With this clarity about the nature of possessions, there is nothing to fear about deviant behavior when it is understood that these dark entities are completely disconnected from the eternal soul, hence they exhibit insanity and madness. Hence, their extreme hatred is directed towards people that are fully ensouled or at spiritual stages leading them towards the spiritual ascension of the Christos-Sophianic embodiment. The Eternal Soul of Christ- Sophia is the only way the bondage of servitude to the dark forces is permanently removed.”

~Lisa Renee

To better understand how to define Insanity, it is to describe the destructive beliefs, behaviors and actions that intentionally commit harm to your self, and by carrying out repeated actions that harm and fracture our inner spirit. This accumulative destructive energy gradually destroys the sacred relationship that exists between our loving heart and our direct relationship with God and spirit.

Self-destructive behaviors destroy the heart center, it destroys the force of love within us, and over time implodes the lightbody and produces a black heart, which is a black hole in the center of the body. The black hole within or Black Heart, creates internal sickness that craves to be fed by the external world of forces, and becomes a parasite onto other living things that emanates light radiance. Thus, insanity is a description of the existence of hell realms, a person or black force entity with the unquenchable thirst for energetic power it can never satiate, and the driving need to be fed by something else. Observing this pattern is how to easily recognize possession made through satanic (anti-life) behaviors that are further controlled by the possessing entity.

The dark entity craves energy and physical experiences, and experiences those sensations through attaching to the body and nervous system of an unaware or asleep human that is carrying out these destructive actions to feed the entity, and satisfy the anxiety of deep unconscious impulses. This is not limited to just humans or animals, the possessing entity can also be hijacking the negative alien body. The Negative Aliens group consciousness body is a hive mind controlled by the Satanic forces which are similar to the phantom spaces of black void, massive gestalts of disembodied black shadow entities that troll for human bodies in order to satisfy their cravings, to suck life force energy and to experience certain physical related sensations in many kinds of realities.

The Satanics are addicted to material sensations and physical pleasures, many cannot incarnate on the surface of earth into a human body specifically, so they hijack the human body in the extradimensional planes, such as from in the astral layers, as a substitute body that they can exert control over.

Both human and non-human entities that possess others body’s or lightbody layers are referred to as Satanic or anti–life forces, as no other type of benevolent light being will choose to possess the body vehicle and take control of the free will of another being. A Christos being never will take over another’s body or attempt to assert control over any person to propagate destructive acts. However, the eternal Christos being is the only being that can deliver any entity from its satanic bondage back into the heart of the God Source creator, if it is so divinely orchestrated in alignment to the natural laws.

Satanic behaviors in humans and non-humans are the result of being spiritually disconnected and soul fragmented. This makes them parasitic and unable to self generate the energy they need for the reality they have created, so they consume and exist on other people’s soul force and vital energies. With this clarity about the nature of possessions, there is nothing to fear about deviant behavior when it is understood that these dark entities are completely disconnected from the eternal soul, hence they exhibit insanity and madness. Hence, their extreme hatred is directed towards people that are fully ensouled or at spiritual stages leading them towards the spiritual ascension of the Christos-Sophianic embodiment. The Eternal Soul of Christ- Sophia is the only way the bondage of servitude to the dark forces is permanently removed. It is for this reason all representations of Christ, Christos-Sophia on earth have been aggressively distorted into grotesque mutations by the Controllers. This mutation has no bearing on what the actual truth is as the Universal Law is revealed in the presence of the eternal light, the power of the eternal light when embodied cannot be faked, mimicked or replicated. It either is in the body or it isn’t. When we know the difference between false light and eternal light, the proof comes when challenged in the name of Christ, when a person is dedicated to the spiritual path of reclaiming the eternal light of the inner Christ for themselves, all other entities are refused access into that person’s body. [1]


1 ↑ Posession is Common Blog

See Also:

Where Can I Start?

Healthy Boundaries


‘NAVIGATING TUMULTUOUS WATERS’ ~ Caitlin Johnstone: “2020 Is Going To Get Much Crazier — Prioritize Your Mental Health”

As I said back in November, things are going to get weirder and weirder throughout the foreseeable future. We’re coming to a point in history where the only reliable pattern is the disintegration of patterns, and 2020 has come storming out of its corner swinging for the fences working to establish this pattern with extreme aggression. We’re not going to hit a point of stability or normality this year, we’re going to see things get crazier and crazier and crazier. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I know it’s going to be nuts.

In such an environment, it’s going to be absolutely essential to take exceptional care of your psychological health if you want to remain engaged with what’s going on in the world in a positive way.

And I do mean exceptional. Whatever you’re doing now, do more. Start cultivating new habits to keep yourself lucid and serene, and start now before things get super crazy. Work out your issues with your family and with yourself. Remember to move your body in ways that feel good to you. Carve out some time out each day for just being quiet with yourself. Notice the beauty around you. Give cuddles, get cuddles. Take a shower and sing your heart out. Feel your feet on the floor, nestle your bum into your chair and listen to yourself breath like it’s a song on the radio. Yawn. Belch. Stretch. Roar. Put on some loud music and rock out. Whatever you know works for you to get you out of your head and back in to your body, remember to do it, and remember to do it regularly. Make it habitual.

Be proactive with this rather than reactive; if you wait until you have to react to things going ass-side up later on it’s going to feel like you’re fighting to get your head above water. If you do it now you’ll have the mental space needed to navigate tumultuous waters.

This is what will be necessary if you want to engage with the increasingly frenetic narrative matrix in the future. The only alternative will be to disengage completely and throw your attention into escapism, or at least away from politics and news. And if you don’t make the cultivation of mental well-being your first and foremost priority you will be forced, in a very unpleasant way, to disengage anyhow.

And honestly this is something all activist types should be doing anyway. Believing you can help the world without doing serious inner work is like believing you can clean the house while covered in raw sewage. You can always spot the political activists who engage without doing any inner work by the chaotic, unskillful and frequently counterproductive form their actions take. They can’t see clearly enough to operate efficaciously, because their vision is clouded with unresolved suffering and conflict. Get in the shower and wash the yuck off yourself before trying to clean the house.

Above all, be gentle with yourself. We got a ways ahead of us, and we need you fresh and feeling good. You won’t be able to help wake the world up if you let the chaos and confusion drag you down. Know when to take a break from the information stream and all the babbling narratives trying to twist your perception of it. Use your tools to distance yourself from the narratives so that you can perceive them objectively. Ground yourself, find your center, then, when you’re ready, wade back in.

No matter how chaotic things get, your ability to navigate that chaos skillfully needs to be your first and foremost priority. Put your mental well-being first, and everything else will fall into place.

Be the peace and harmony you want to see in the world.


~via Caitlin Johnstone

LISA RENEE: “Dissociative Disorders”

“The term Dissociation describes a wide array of experiences from mild detachment from immediate surroundings to more severe detachment from physical and emotional experience. The major characteristic of all dissociative phenomena involves a detachment from reality, rather than a loss of reality as in psychosis. SRA is administered through performing rituals connecting links with demonic entities at the creation of each file or program that is designed for some function or purpose. Then there is a password or trigger word attached to each program file in order to access that identity function, usually by a handler that is abusing and traumatizing their subject.

~Lisa Renee


Dissociative Disorders (DD) are conditions that involve disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity, or perception. People with dissociative disorders use dissociation, a defense mechanism, pathologically and involuntarily. Dissociative disorders are thought to primarily be caused by psychological trauma.

The term Dissociation describes a wide array of experiences from mild detachment from immediate surroundings to more severe detachment from physical and emotional experience. The major characteristic of all dissociative phenomena involves a detachment from reality, rather than a loss of reality as in psychosis. [1]

Result of Dehumanization Agenda

People without self-awareness and knowledge about their Bio-Neurology and Consciousness functions are being regressed into disconnected mind controlled robots. The people on the earth are undergoing a methodical procedure of controlled Dehumanization through Dissociation. To dehumanize people, the NAA employ trauma based mind control methods, treat people and nature without empathy, dignity or respect, and intentionally disconnect people from accessing their higher intelligence and Consciousness functions. This is easy to accomplish if the entities gain access to the human body through controlling the CNS impulses and the thoughts transmitted to the Brain receiver. [2]

Alternate Identities

Dissociative identity disorder was previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), sometimes incorrectly called “split personality”, it is characterized by the presence of more than one sense of identity within a single human body. These Alternate Identities are commonly known as alters or dissociated parts. A person with multiple identities is often referred to as a multiple. What are Alters? Other terms for alter include: alternate identity, dissociative identity, distinct identity, personality state, personality, dissociated part, self-state, part, part of the mind, part of the self, dissociative part of the personality. [3]

Mind Programming

The brain is like a computer that can be programmed and installed with software. To program trauma based dissociation into subjects is to create multiple files that act as programs or identities in that person. SRA is administered through performing rituals connecting links with demonic entities at the creation of each file or program that is designed for some function or purpose. Then there is a password or trigger word attached to each program file in order to access that identity function, usually by a handler that is abusing and traumatizing their subject.



  1. Dissociative Disorder
  2. Bio-Neurology
  3. Alters

See Also:





~via Ascension Glossary