KIM RUSSO (The Happy Medium): “This Will Be The Unveiling Of Hidden Illusions That May Make Your Head Spin”

Head Spin Mask.gif

“This is not one party over another.  It is about how we are going to grow into our highest spiritual being.  The bigger picture is why this will happen.  No fears.  It must go down this way.  I feel it will be for the highest good.  It will open our eyes to many truths.  I feel it will teach us once and for all to trust in a higher power in the Universe.  And that power is not left or right.  THAT POWER IS UP.  GET READY FOR THE PLOT TWIST PEOPLE.  Not just for the United States but for the betterment of humanity and to raise the consciousness of our world to a higher vibration.”

~Kim Russo (“The Happy Medium”)


Ascension Avatar note: I first published this November 1, 2016 right before the election… and am re-posting it now. I believe the “final outcome” Kim sees here (as many outcomes psychics see are ‘timeless’) resonates with what Lisa Renee has been revealing as of late, with the Amethyst Order taking over 5D Councils, the clean-up and removal of ‘bad actors’ and the ‘interdimensional tribunals’ she’s mentioned regarding many ‘UP’grades in government and humanity in the NOW timeline…


November 1, 2016

As a Medium I am often asked who will win this upcoming election.  Okay so I have dropped some hints here and there on Twitter, as I do not wish to start a political debate and I do not wish for anyone to post anything negative here about either candidate.  Please be mature adults.  I respect your opinions.  All of you.  This post is not about anyone’s opinion.  It’s about what I’ve seen and been told by the other side regarding this election.  Now everyone has their favourite candidate and everyone has a reason to back it up.  I am here to tell you that what you think you know — YOU DON’T.  Whether you are a republican or democrat, what I see is not about either party.  The structure of government as we think we know, it will no longer exist.  The election may have one winner over the other but then the outcome will quickly change.

This election is not cut and dry as you know elections to be.  One winner right?  Wrong. Wrong wrong.  There is going to be a plot twist like you’ve never seen before.  It will change everything in our system.  I say system because that is what it is.  It’s a system that we were programmed to buy into.  A system that does our thinking for us.  A system that allows us to believe that if one has more paper money over another then they are affluent and the other is a failure.  A sure way of segregating humans into categories.  Okay back to my vision.  You will say omg how didn’t I see this before.  You will scratch your head in amazement.  You will think it’s the biggest show on earth.  Bigger than any drama that you can ever watch in the media.  If you think it’s what’s been shown on the news already?  Well, it’s more involved and has not yet been revealed.  I say between the election and the new year we will know.  I RARELY give world predictions.  In fact, I never do.  I usually keep them to myself.

Spirit told me to let you know to let go of what you think you know.  Do not assume it will be an outcome that the media has you so brainwashed to believe or that your personal opinion is based on what you think you know.  This will be the unveiling of hidden illusions that may make your head spin.  Don’t ask me what it is.  I only have some glimpses.  If you know me and how I receive my information, you know my Guides typically show me the final outcome which is what I just wrote.  This is not one party over another.  It is about how we are going to grow into our highest spiritual being.  The bigger picture is why this will happen.  No fears.  It must go down this way.  I feel it will be for the highest good.  It will open our eyes to many truths.  I feel it will teach us once and for all to trust in a higher power in the Universe.  And that power is not left or right.  THAT POWER IS UP.  GET READY FOR THE PLOT TWIST PEOPLE.  Not just for the United States — but for the betterment of humanity and to raise the consciousness of our world to a higher vibration.


~via The Happy Medium

LOGOS WARS: “Tulsi Gabbard Kills New World Order Bloodbath In Thirty Seconds”



~via Logos Wars

BARBARA BUCK: “6 Supportive Supplements Your Body Needs for This Ascension Cycle”

The earth is currently experiencing massive infusions of light which are part of the ascension process. The cells of our body are using it to transmute into less dense forms. The amount of light entering us right now is causing what many people call “ascension symptoms.”

We’re re-calibrating, and even when we stay physically healthy and do our self-work to clear old, stuck emotions, and energy that might be making it difficult to accrete the new frequencies, it’s tough to clear everything at the speed necessary for the ascension process. The light comes in and it waits for no man. Or woman.

On top of that, Mother Earth is also going through the ascension process. The biological, electromagnetic, and chemical systems of the planet are changing, which affects us. Toxicity in the environment, food, and water doesn’t help matters.

Ascension symptoms are the absolute worst. Sometimes it feels like the more frequency we accumulate, the more uncomfortable we are in our meat suits. Here are just a few of the more common physical and emotional symptoms:

  • head and neck pressure and pain
  • constant dehydration
  • ringing in the ears, noise sensitivity
  • muscle cramps, pain, and weakness
  • immune system malfunction
  • intestinal issues
  • food, chemical, and environmental sensitivities
  • extreme fatigue
  • inability to acclimate to changes in temperature, and hot and cold flashes
  • brain fog
  • dizziness
  • tingling and numbness
  • anxiety or depression
  • hyper-awareness of certain organs, like the heart beating
  • rashes and other skin issues
  • inflammation

Many of these symptoms can be due to a medical issue, but for most of us, we’ve done the doctor thing and found nothing technically wrong. It’s clear that we are experiencing a process because the symptoms are so common among people who come from all walks of life.

Most people perceive the transmutation we experience during an ascension cycle as an energetic thing, but it’s actually a biological process that is the result of all this new light coming in. defines transmutation this way:


“Transmutation is the internal change going on inside the body that puts together the combination of parts or chemical elements, groups or simpler compounds or by the degradation of a complex compound so as to form a whole new combination. During mutation, this new combination may be constructed by the body from diverse conceptions into a coherent whole body that may be different from previous bodies. The physical transmutation change within your bodies is a significant and basic alteration in the body.

Within human body cells are light-encoded filaments, fine gossamer threads of energy that carry information. When these gossamer threads are working together like a fiber optic type of cable, they form the helix of your DNA. Imagine that your frequencies are starting to detach from each other and where they are still connected, they’re just threaded together. They aren’t so congealed that they create that much matter anymore. What’s going to happen then is that the energy that is coming into you is going to start to come in more easily. It’s as if the cells have to break apart a bit.”


In layman’s terms, our bodies and brains are getting royally worked. Fortunately, there are certain supplements that can help ease the symptoms that we’re experiencing during this ascension cycle.

As in all things, please check in with your Higher Mind to make sure that these supplements are right for you. What works for one person might not work for another. If you’re under a doctor’s care or taking medication of any kind, practice due diligence and discernment.

Always ask your body what it needs.


Those of us going through the ascension process are notoriously dehydrated. Even when we drink a ton of water, it still feels like we never get enough. If you always feel dehydrated, it’s probably not because you’re not drinking enough water, but because the water you’re drinking doesn’t have enough electrolytes in it.

Electrolytes are minerals in the body that have an electric charge known as ions. All of our bodily fluids, tissues, and cells have them. Maintaining the right balance of electrolytes helps the body’s blood chemistry, muscle function, pH levels, and a host of other processes. They also control our fluid balance and the ability to hydrate.

They are primarily composed of the minerals sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chloride, phosphates, and sulfates. They’re essential because they’re used by our cells to create and carry energy across cell membranes, and they aid in the communication between our cells. We get them from the foods we eat and the fluids we drink.

At least we’re supposed to, anyway. Most of us drink purified, filtered, or chemically treated water, so we don’t get a lot of electrolytes. We can also get it from food, but current farming practices don’t include nutrient rich soil.

Even if we’re eating and drinking what would normally be enough electrolytes, ascension burns nutrients! A good electrolyte supplement will help.

Biochemic Cell Salt Remedies (Tissue Salts)

It takes quite a bit of energy for cells to go through the transmutation process. Cell salts are the energetic form of the minerals that are needed to nourish cells. They form the basic constituents of the cells, tissues, and organs, and our bodies use their energy for metabolism and ionization.

If a cell doesn’t have enough water or ionic substances, like salts, to produce balanced electrolytes, the cells convert their material structure to provide the energy, then go into a depleted state. Cell salt remedies can bring cells back into balance, which is vital to being able to hold the huge amounts of light we’re receiving right now.

They work in a similar fashion to homeopathic remedies, but are essentially the same as micro-dosing the specific mineral that the remedy is made from. There are 12 cell salt remedies that can be used for different ailments, as well as a remedy made up of all 12 called Bioplasma.

The cells of the brain and nervous system take a big hit during the ascension cycle, so Bioplasma is a starseed’s best friend. They don’t call it the “starseed supplement” for no reason.

Fulvic Acid

Many of the ascension symptoms that we experience are due to inflammation in one form or another, especially when it comes to digestive issues, food sensitivities, and pH imbalance. Fulvic acid is an organic compound that we don’t produce naturally, but we need it to survive.

Fulvic acid can be found in soil, rocks, and water. It’s one of the reasons why “earthing” is a thing right now. There are a number of humic substances found in dirt that most people rarely get enough of because their bare skin doesn’t often get immersed in soil, unless they garden free of shoes and gloves.

It contains a plethora of electrolytes, trace minerals, prebiotics, probiotics, fatty acids, and silica, all ingredients for a healthy digestive system. When used regularly, fulvic acid can heal gut permeability, which decreases problems like bloating, diarrhea, and food allergies.

Once the gut is healed, inflammation throughout the body can also decrease, along with an increase in the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. It also protects the body against cognitive impairments, so it helps with the brain fog many of us get.


You’ve probably figured out by now that the cleaner you eat, the less ascension symptoms you have. Supplements that support detoxification are a must because the body’s ability to eliminate toxins is decreased. It only has so much energy to spend, and it’s busy building new cells that can handle more light.

Chlorophyll is a plant pigment that’s responsible for their green color, and for the absorption of light, aka photosynthesis. We get it when we eat green vegetables, but supplementing can help with quite a few ascension symptoms. It can help us absorb more light, too!

It can bind to substances that are potential carcinogens and interfere with how they’re absorbed within the gastrointestinal system, which protects the cells from damage. This can impact everything from skin issues to digestion, which makes chlorophyll a go-to supplement during this process.

Our livers are getting an intense work out right now. Chlorophyll has been clinically proven to increase phase II biotransformational enzymes, which improve our ability to eliminate potentially harmful toxins.

Nascent Iodine (Atomic Iodine)

Iodine is another one of those essential minerals that we don’t produce on our own, so we have to ingest it. Most soil we use for crops is iodine deficient because of poor farming practices, so many of us don’t get enough, especially if we don’t use iodized salt.

It’s responsible for the proper function of the thyroid. It keeps the production of thyroid hormones in check, so we don’t become hypo or hyperthyroid. Starseeds and Indigos are notorious for thyroid and endocrine disorders.

Nascent iodine is a supplemental form of iodine that has a higher energy state than other forms because it’s atomic. It’s negatively charged ions suspended in a solution are more readily absorbed by the body, making it a more efficient form of iodine.

If you’re experiencing depression, a slow metabolism, difficulty sleeping, or get sick at the drop of a hat, you might have an iodine deficiency.


We are constantly exposed to radiation and EMFs, and the higher our frequency is, the more sensitive we are. The use of cell phones, computers, wifi, and other devices can cause physical issues like headaches, dizziness, nausea, and hot and cold flashes. Many of our ascension symptoms can go away when we are in nature away from all these things.

Yarrow is an old healing herb that has been scientifically proven to protect the body against exposure to electromagnetic radiation, including from microwaves. It’s even been shown to reduce the side-effects of radiation treatments for cancer.

It works well as an essential oil, extract, or flower essence.


Barbara Buck practices energy medicine, quantum creation support, and is an ascension guide. For more information, please visit her website at



TULSI GABBARD: “Warmongers In Their Ivory Towers”

“We must stand up. Stand up against powerful politicians from both parties who sit in ivory towers thinking up new wars to wage, new places for people to die. Wasting trillions of our taxpayer dollars, hundreds of thousands of lives, and undermining our economy and security, and destroying our middle class.”

~Tulsi Gabbard


Ascension Avatar note: Having never sided with ‘Democrat’ nor ‘Republican’ my entire life — for the first time ever I LIKE a presidential candidate.  And what is there to not like about Tulsi Gabbard, who promotes LOVE?  What a refreshing change to see actual concern, without ulterior agenda motives.  This is certainly no cloned, controlled establishment puppet bombarding us with ‘666’ New World Order hand signals and showing allegiance to secret societies, Lucifer and Satan…

Wow… who ever knew? 💡 💡 💡


“For The Country We Love”…

TULSI 2020


ANGELINA STOJIC: “Feed The Frequency — Choosing Our Vibes”

What does this mean? Our energy systems are always changing and evolving with the input that we give it. We constantly nourish our mind body emotions and spirit with all that we say, think, feel, eat, see and do and we process all this data through our system whether it be biological, emotional, mental or spiritual. We do it on a subconscious level even though at times we feel we may be totally ‘aware’ of all input, but there are times that aspects of what we process are not always going to be completely clear as our eyes, brain input exceeds all we can process at this time.

Our DNA system is very complex and important to our evolution. Our DNA centered within our cellular structure, is made up mostly of water and energy. All the information stored within this system seems complex, but the thing is, to nourish it is simple.

What we feed ourselves on every level will sustain us eternally.

When I talk frequency, I talk light quotient or light particle mass within a structure. How much light is in that? This is the light that makes up the energy part of all that is on a molecular level. The higher or lighter the frequency, the lighter quotient makes up that structure. For example, with food, the closer it is to the state of the natural law, being purest form, like an organic carrot, the lighter or higher the frequency. It is natural, nourishing and gives, to replenish us. The further away from natural form, like a can of coke, which gives us an instant buzz but asks you to drink it again to have another hit, this type frequency is low, dense or holds less light.

It is that simple.

It goes the same with every single thing we surround ourselves with.

The brilliant Japanese scientist, Dr Masaru Emoto, who showed us how simply music, words and pictures shifted water molecules in different ways, gave us experiments that showed us how simply certain stimuli can affect water particles. The harshest most frenetic and disjointed music showed us erratic and malformed water particles, where the gentler, kinder, calmer music created beautifully shaped mandalas or flowers. The frequency of the harsh music is heavy, and the light quotient is low which does not transcribe easily into the human cellular structure causing discord, with the gentler music, holding higher light quotient is able to transmit light into the water for an easy transcription.

Frequency likes to flow. It likes a constant ease of motion which is usually a tri-wave meaning 3 bands of light. Take painting for example, when we use two colors to paint, we can mix them together to create a third, therefore it is constantly creating something new. This is what the tri-wave likes. It wants to create from a place within a structure already there. This is a give and receive frequency.

The bi-wave frequency, which is harsher, is a take frequency. This only holds 2 bands of light that are separate and never combine to create new energy but works on taking energy from one to give rise to the other. It is always in duality.

The bi-wave is all about the external power and fueling fear.

An example of bi-wave in action is harsh music as an example. Some of the harshest sounds or most erratic music gives a sensation of discord within, awakening feelings of anger, confusion, rage or fear. These feelings are intensive and can overtake you, feeling more of a battle energy. These feelings give the music more power than it does you for you which you end up giving away your power to the music, leaving you feeling depleted. The bi-wave is you and the music. It does not create replenishment within, like that hit of Coca-Cola. My disclaimer here is that there is nothing wrong with feeling these feelings for there is much stored within our systems that we need to experience and help heal and clear, but to evoke them and create them intentionally and regularly will only bring your energies down, circling in less light and more discord. The less light held within your system, the less connected you will become to your true power.

When the tri-wave is in play, the sounds or music created with gentler format, gives rise to feelings of calm and peace. These feelings are created from within, naturally triggering higher healthier cellular renewal. As this light lifts you and your feelings, it returns into your cellular structure and shifts your DNA into creative energy. This is the tri-wave giving a continual cycle of nourishing, lifting energy and cellular health which is all created from within, allowing us to feel healthier and happier. It is here in these feelings of love and fulfillment, we can create our most magnificent life.

To be in create, we need to be in the tri-wave.

Music is but one example of how we give our power away. As we know, things like the news, social media, reality shows, newspapers, movies, songs are created from a lower frequency, the bi-wave, to connect you to the fear. Here it is easier to take the power that you give so easily, to evoke these feelings of fear within you giving rise to a hit or addictive style of feeding.

This is how we feed the frequency.

We give power to that upon which we focus. And yes, there are still those things in our world that we perceive to be tragedy, there is suffering, pain and heart ache at this time. There are movies that will continue to be destructive, harsh and angry, music and musicians that yell fear into their microphones, producers creating shows that pit people against one another, and of course we are human so these things are always about, so the choice lies with us as it always has. There too is much love, kindness and compassion in our world and we have so much to choose from, and when we choose for ourselves, we shift for all.

I know that life is exactly as it should be and all that is here and now is how it is meant to be for us to take the next step into our evolution or ascension. Remember God does not test us. Source does not judge us. We have always had free will. We can choose to nourish the frequency that feeds us in every possible way.

The choice is ours, that simple.

So what frequency do you choose to feed your soul with?

Blessings in Light now and forever.

Angie xx

