QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE ~ “Is there a Reptilian Agenda for the English Monarchy?”


“Is there a Reptilian agenda for the English monarchy??”


“I am on a need-to-know basis. While walking into the mysteries of God, I had no idea that this is what many of these larger issues as they reveal themselves, would look like. I have been given the opportunity to look at the larger pieces in the architecture of the planet, while looking at the breadcrumbs that piece into these larger systems. Doing session and remote grid work, shows many of these histories and their energetic signatures which can be read. Everything has an energy signature and can be recalled from the consciousness fields and the timelines. This is the way to coherently see how these patterns function and who operates them. I have had not an iota of interest in political systems, or governances, to say the least. I am a celestial being and would rather get on a star ship than learn about this level existing in the political arena. This topic is about as uninteresting personally as I could imagine. Clearly, if all of a sudden in the last few months, I am being asked to step up into a role of support clearing miasm and syphilis from Tudor bloodlines within these particular issues of monarch timelines, it would lead us to believe as we become aware of this, that there is a purpose for that awareness and knowledge. We are starting to see the web of deceit that has been woven at every possible level in order to control human intelligence and evolution from naturally moving into the destiny of the divine embodied soul. That has been the most mind blowing part of this discovery, to see how incredibly detailed and orchestrated this control has been. How random it may have appeared that Henry VIII was slaughtering most all monks in Europe during his reign, I had no idea he had done that until coming into the awareness of seeing it happen in the time fields. He was orchestrated by Draconians controlling the Vatican to go and steal all of the light bearers money, possessions, value, wisdom, texts, books, and to destroy and kill them all. This is the same program of ethnic genocide and holocaust that has been played out on earth so many times by the Negative Alien Agenda. As a Tyrant King, he had no clue to the larger purpose of infiltrating the monarchy, he just wanted the power and money. After the Vatican purposes were served he was used to create another rift with those reptilians in the UK area, which was the whole debacle of the Protestant reformation, Act of Supremacy, changing out the House of the Lords, to reptilian bloodlines and making himself as a direct conduit and representative of the Church. Wars over God and more bloodshed were now secured in plenty of future battles used to fuel these Church and State bindings. This was an reptilian agenda and action used to ensnare satanic ritual into the places of ‘worship’, which also supported more killing over Gods and religion. However his actions created a future timeline which supported the Reptilian Agenda to infiltrate deeper into the monarch bloodlines. This was a systematic takeover to give ruling power to the bloodlines the Reptilians directly control. It is a direct repercussion to what we are dealing with today, with the Tyrant King ruling and warring on the earth. This man’s actions from the 1500’s have manifested grave consequences that the planet is still dealing with karmically today. The incredible part is in observing how human beings from their negative ego consciousness have been manipulated at such deep levels over the power structure of the earth, then and now. This is all about gaining ultimate dominion over the earth power resources yet these beings played into these agendas having no clue what this galactic fight and genetic preferencing was about. While Henry VIII was taking all the light bearer’s’ wealth and information was to disempower those indigenous peoples and light peoples, the peoples who held the wisdom and kept it in hiding until the lights would go on, the golden age would return. They were being systematically dismantled and destroyed so they could not have the unity and power that would render them as a threat against the dark agenda of control. So the dark control was using humans to trap and kill ourselves, having some of us sell out the others from personal greed and power, while genetically mutating us to become more like them. War mongers, Tyrants and emotion-less killers. Henry VIII was one man, like many before him, and more after him, that played into the reptilian agenda and changed the future history of the human race through usurping the monarchy. The repercussions are still operating as miasms, controlling the actions the Tyrant Kings of today. Once we understand where we actually come from and what we have been doing to lead us into this moment, we are empowered to have a choice, to make the timeline change into a higher reality structure. So every effort to hide the real human history and lie about alien involvement in our world affairs and its corruption into the ruling blood lines, has been made possible. We all have been tricked and deceived by smiling faces with blood on their hands. I truly feel this is what we are entering into at this time, we must face what has happened to this planet and to the human race. Those that control the world, have controlled our record of human history, and we have been lied to. It is not pleasant, but it is necessary to develop the spiritual maturity and wisdom required to be accountable for our actions and understand our role of responsibility to this reality. Only when we understand the Alien Invasion and ET history will we, as a species, be able to put into place humanitarian systems on this earth that are truly in place to be of service to support the potential of the human race. Until the ET disclosure is made, humanity has only a small Band-Aid for the gaping wounds that have been created by the hidden reptilian manipulation and control. This infiltration of the Monarch lines is just one small slice of the overall deception.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE: “Geoengineering, Bioengineering and Chemtrails”

“Chemtrailing is the public’s term for the classified ongoing artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems using reflective nano-materials (aerosols) to reflect sunlight. The aerosols are dispersed via jet aircraft trails that expand into reflective artificial clouds. Because of the widespread popularity of the conspiracy theory, official agencies have received many inquiries from people demanding an explanation, and rarely do the authorities make attempts for accountability to the public, citing its a conspiracy and not worth investigating. Believers and experiencers in the conspiracy theory speculate that the purpose of the claimed chemical release may be solar radiation management, psychological manipulation, human population control, weather modification, or biological or chemical warfare, and that the trails are causing respiratory illnesses and other health problems. Our ongoing research and direct experiences with Chemtrailing points that this is indeed true. Geoengineering is related to bioengineering, and both point to the Transhumanism agenda implemented by the NAA and their human puppets or representatives in military or government office. We have observed the energetic weakness that occurs in the planetary body as the result of Chemtrailing, such as micro black holes and burned out lesions punched throughout the matrix of the field, as well as the growth and proliferation of a variety of microorganisms that prove to be toxic to the natural flora and fauna of earth. Obviously, what is toxic to the earth is also toxic to humans. Chemtrails also seem to have magnetic particle attractors that resonate to certain programmable targets to adhere to those same frequencies implanted in the human public, when they are sprayed over certain demographics. The particle attractors that may be sprayed in Chemtrails have been observed to trigger bio-etheric implants, we call them Alien implants, even though these implants may have been sourced from human covert military operations. This is because whether it’s a human being acting on classified military orders, or an Alien group contributing to the artificial intelligence signal that is pulsed in the earth to magnetize these implants, all mind control and implant technology ultimately serve one source only — the Negative Alien Agenda.”

~Lisa Renee

Geoengineering is the scientifically used term for artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems through two primary ideologies, Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR). According to the chemtrail conspiracy theory, long-lasting trails left in the sky by high-flying aircraft are chemical or biological agents deliberately sprayed for sinister purposes undisclosed to the general public. Chemtrailing is the public’s term for the classified ongoing artificial modification of Earth’s climate systems using reflective nano-materials (aerosols) to reflect sunlight. The aerosols are dispersed via jet aircraft trails that expand into reflective artificial clouds. Because of the widespread popularity of the conspiracy theory, official agencies have received many inquiries from people demanding an explanation, and rarely do the authorities make attempts for Accountability to the public, citing its a conspiracy and not worth investigating. Believers and experiencers in the conspiracy theory speculate that the purpose of the claimed chemical release may be solar radiation management, psychological manipulation, human population control, weather modification, or biological or chemical warfare, and that the trails are causing respiratory illnesses and other health problems.

Our ongoing research and direct experiences with Chemtrailing points that this is indeed true. Geoengineering is related to bioengineering, and both point to the Transhumanism agenda implemented by the NAA and their human puppets or representatives in military or government office. We have observed the energetic weakness that occurs in the planetary body as the result of Chemtrailing, such as micro black holes and burned out lesions punched throughout the matrix of the field, as well as the growth and proliferation of a variety of microorganisms that prove to be toxic to the natural flora and fauna of earth. Obviously, what is toxic to the earth is also toxic to humans. Chemtrails also seem to have magnetic particle attractors that resonate to certain programmable targets to adhere to those same frequencies implanted in the human public, when they are sprayed over certain demographics. The particle attractors that may be sprayed in Chemtrails have been observed to trigger bio-etheric implants, we call them Alien implants, even though these implants may have been sourced from human covert military operations. This is because whether it’s a human being acting on classified military orders, or an Alien group contributing to the artificial intelligence signal that is pulsed in the earth to magnetize these implants, all mind control and implant technology ultimately serve one source only — the Negative Alien Agenda. Geoengineering and its direct relationship to bioengineering, will not be discussed and disseminated appropriately to the science community or public until the earth has full disclosure on the involvement of off world human civilizations, as well as the Extraterrestrial involvement influencing earthly and human affairs.

Geo-Engineering is Bio-Engineering

Please note that Alien Implants work in the human body similarly as the chemical process of Geoengineering is used in spraying Chemtrails in the skies. Alien implants are a bio-engineering technology designed to shape the human body into the submission to agendas, while chemical (nanoparticle) geo-engineering is used primarily to control the weather by harming the ozone layer, create excessive methane gases and disrupt the nitrogen cycle. Nitrogen is a chemical element with the atomic number 7. It is a transparent, odorless diatomic gas. Nitrogen is a common element in the universe, and many of the invading Reptoids breathe and flourish in 100% nitrogen rich environments, rather than earth’s oxygenated atmosphere. The Reptoids would prefer the earth to return to a full nitrogen atmosphere, as it was during the Triassic age of dinosaurs, who are a reptilian created species that roamed the earth.

In the case of chemical sprays or implants, when foreign (unnatural) material is introduced to the natural body it disrupts the electromagnetic energetic balance and the homeostatic rhythm of the body. This puts the body in hyper-immunity state and/or adrenal exhaustion while fighting off the “invader”. The body develops coping mechanisms to deal with the foreign invader while extreme stress is placed on the central nervous system, brain and immune system. As with chemtrails, Alien Implants most generally act as a “metallic” frequency overload and exposure to impact the overall bodily energies and its auric field. Eventually, this disrupts the body organism and as a result, Parasites, fungi, yeast and other microorganisms become overgrown and imbalanced in the body, creating a variety of disease states. It is important to understand that energetic parasites (this is just one byproduct of alien implants) eventually manifest turning into a variety of physical parasites in the human body. Physical parasites impact all bodily functions, mental body functions and thought-forms, induce emotionally hysterical states, as well as promote disconnection from the inner self and spiritual energies. If the body is heavily implanted, and therefore parasitic, anti-parasitic therapy such as cleanses or fasts are highly suggested along with meditation practices, to regain energetic balance in the homeostatic organism of the entire body, mind and spirit. (If you are new to cleansing please research to help inform yourself of the phases of cleansing the bodily internal organs to help you regain energetic balance and energetic health.)

Q. When will Chemtrails stop?

A. I just want to say that this is obviously very hard on all of us in our hearts, when we recognize the destruction and damage that the chemtrails are intended to place on planet Earth and humanity. The sadness of this is that the many human beings that carry out the particular task of putting chemtrails in our sky are a part of the military, a part of the government; and unfortunately their levels of working, are at an automaton level. They’re not questioning what they’re doing, or the harm they are causing to others, because they’ve been given orders to carry out classified top secret projects, and they are being told that they are saving the human race and earth, rather than hurting them. The military would not be in existence unless they were organized as they are to wield absolute authority in the guise of hidden top secret projects that are a matter of National Security. They exist with factions that have been given absolute power, no accountability, compartmentalized in rank, and many feel they are above the Law, to be able to give orders to those of less rank and tell them, “do this or else”. So unfortunately we have a lot of human beings that just take orders and don’t ask any questions, and carry out these horrible crimes against humanity such as chemtrails.

The issue with chemtrails and why they are not going to stop, is that they’re controlled ultimately, at the higher levels of the food chain here – they’re controlled by the negative aliens.  Even though humans are mostly responsible in carrying this agenda out, the higher level is that there is the agenda to keep the chemtrails going because the chemtrails are changing the geophysical structure of our planet Earth. 

This comes into understanding other branches of the same dark agenda on genetic food modification, that is designed to change the actual physical elemental structures of food and water. There are parts of controlling the food, water and air supply, in so that they will be able to potentially exist on the surface of the earth at some point in the future. If they decide that they want to exist on the surface of the earth, they want to create those conditions, which they aren’t exactly fully able to be on the earth surface right now, unless they hijack a human body. Meaning, the eventual goal for some of these entities is that their physical alien body and non-human body is actually walking around down here, and flourishing in an environment that supports their biology.

The chemtrails, one of the things that’s interesting about chemtrails is that,  the military and the governments are responsible for sending out the chemtrails.  Many people believe that what they’re doing is changing weather patterns and that changing the weather pattern is good.  It is hard to understand logically how going against the natural laws is considered good – when you go that far against nature it’s never a good outcome.  So understanding that arrogant mindset to bend nature to technology doesn’t make any sense to me, but a lot of people actually are very positive about genetic food modification and changing the weather patterns, as if this isn’t going to hurt anybody. Most of these people are not aware of the existence of the bio-energetic field that makes up the living matrix of all things.

The chemtrails are ultimately designed — what I notice and what I feel also — is to create pathogenic material in the form of microorganism fungus and mold in the planetary crust and lower atmosphere. One thing I started to notice about 13 years ago, is that everybody has some level of candida infection; and I often wondered, all of the major diseases that are diagnosed in the medical system today: they are never recognized as sourced from microorganisms, toxins that either pollute, or allow parasites to deeply infest the matrix of the body. When you start to understand the spiritual-energetic organism of the human body and our relationship to nature, and how when we’re out of balance with nature, we start to get infections and then diseases. Microorganisms and pathogens start to grow in the environment and body, when we’re not in balance with ourselves.

So when you put chemtrails out into the air, this creates imbalance: first of all, it can be used for purely medical testing to look for certain genetic anomalies that you created conditions and now want to see what happens.  ‘Well let’s see, if we put some nanoparticles out there and this group of humans breathes it in, what happens to them?  And then let’s give them a vaccination to act as the catalyst for that chemical compound and see what kind of disease comes out of that.’   This is the sick truth of some aspects of this agenda.  The other part is understanding that when we put chemtrails in the sky like this, we’re changing the natural compounds of the various elementals of our planet.  What they’re finding these days is that many species on the surface of the planet are actually expiring, we are in extinction crisis of species because they’re being eaten and overrun by fungus. This is an unapproved topic in the controlled media, so humans see very little of this being reported.

When the fungus is introduced into the body, this creates multiple versions of microorganism hybridization in the body (also known as pleomorphism) which starts to create a terrain for multiple cancers.  This is why when we look at cancer, there is a tremendous amount of relationship and connection in the naturopathic world – not the allopathic or Western medicine world – in knowing that fungus and certain strains of candida, mold and aspergillus, these mold and yeast forms actually create the terrain where cancer can actually be easily cultivated or cultured in the human body. 

So the chemtrails are not going to stop until there is a change with extraterrestrial and Secret Space program disclosure on this planet.  When we understand actually what the ultimate source of the motivation behind the chemtrails are, because that motivation is not being shared with the human public, because it is deeply entrenched with the negative alien agenda.  This is one of the major issues, just like with Monsantos involvement with chemicals, genetic food modification and cloning and whatever else they’re doing out there:  these are all related to the genetic modification agenda of bioengineering and Transhumanism,  which is coming from the Orion groups, from the negative alien groups.  If you want to know how the Orion groups behave and think, bring to mind the insanity of Adolf Hitler’s Nazism. He was personally trained by the Draconians, given the esoteric information to collaborate control in the planetary logos and elements, so that he could wield that particular terrorism on our planet.

So that is the mindset of the Orion group in elitist genetic experimenting.  There is no regard for life or humanity.  It’s practical for them to act like a mad scientist and think, ‘Well if we put an animal genes together with this human, and we sew a horse head on a human body,  what will happen and what does it look like?’ That’s the kind of twisted mentality we’re dealing with in this predator mind of the Orion and negative alien groups.

The good news with this is, is that once we understand what the chemtrails are, we can immediately take steps to help strengthen ourselves.  As an example, for myself I cannot tolerate any sugar or any fruit at all. I believe this is from extreme fungal exposures in my life due to inhalation of toxins and chemtrails, and my mission to heal the Mother principle, of which fungus represents the decay of the Mothers body. I know that this is because I’ve had to strengthen my immune system from an onslaught of candida and fungus that has been there for probably as long as I can remember.

So a lot of us when we understand the source of this, we can take steps from an informed awareness to strengthen and heal our body. Whether it’s qi gong, whether it’s breath work, cleansing and whole foods (when possible) whether it’s meditation — all of this awareness helps to change the impact this has to your body and consciousness. Remember that meditation changes your consciousness, changes your body. You can talk to parts of your body. Resting, and not allowing yourself to get stressed out, while employing periods of intermittent fasting and detoxification is extremely helpful.

One of my favorite things is the implementation of frequency devices that explode the yeast forms via Rife machines or photonic light tubes. Not all of us may have frequency devices available, but there many different things that we can do when we stop and listen to our body and we ask, ‘Body, what do you need? What do I need to strengthen my immunity? What do I need to strengthen my consciousness?’ Because when your consciousness is strengthened, your body is strengthened, and they go two and two together.

We also have meditations in our community that are designed to help — such as the health upgrade. Many of the meditations are about strengthening the physical vehicle, making the physical body a strong spiritual foundation so your spirit can commandeer your physical body. There is a saying in ancient Eastern medicine that the Shen takes over the body at a certain point, and I have experienced this to be exactly true. ‘The Shen’ is a way to say your inner spirit.

When we get beyond certain ego filters and start to understand the world of energy, that everything is a vibration,  and we discipline our mind to not live in fear of our physical health anymore, we start to recognize the Ascension symptoms have certain symptoms in our body, but they’re not disease symptoms. There is a frequency difference from Ascension detox symptoms and disease symptoms generated from the regular 3rd dimensional person, who’s living fully in ego and dealing with the medical system. One starts to feel these changes moving through our body and learn that everything is energetic, and from that particular state, we can get a lot of impressions and information that help bring overall balance to the body at a different level.  This is when the inner spirit has taken over the body, because you allowed a space for the spirit to exist and be nourished inside you. One recognizes that this isn’t exactly an ego faculty that’s doing this symptom. When we don’t understand that, when we don’t have tools to understand that everything is energy and everything is vibrational, we can get really bogged down and scared when our physical body starts having these types of symptoms.  So know that we have the consciousness, we have the strength. When we start to come into the monadic level of our being and our crystal seed atom starts to become open in the higher chest area, this also strengthens the immune system and is another level of where the monad body starts to take over the physical functions of the physical self, and it’s a much different process than the uninitiated third dimensional person.   

It doesn’t mean you feel fantastic all the time, because we are going through Ascension symptoms and you’re transmuting lower density patterns into higher vibrating forms. There will be a type of byproduct of purification that is needed with that.  This process of embodiment of higher frequency is way beyond us, this body has an intelligence and once we connect it with our spiritual selves, it changes everything.

Being aware of chemtrails is important.  Being scared of them is another thing.  Don’t be scared or in terror of chemtrails;  know that our first objective is to strengthen our bodies, strengthen our consciousness. 

When we become more adept on the Ascension path, we can also communicate with the forces of nature such as the Sylphs, such as the wind spirits, to help us with chemtrails.  I know that there are some people in our community that are already doing that and have been doing that for a long time, communicating with the devas of the Sylphs. This means the living consciousness spirits of the clouds, of the wind, the consciousness of air, and working in companionship, partnership and love with these particular natural elements to help us to deflect the harmful impacts of chemtrails.

If all humans had access to this knowledge, we would have nothing to worry about with these chemtrails.  But the issue is, is that the majority of people don’t know the purpose of them, it’s a hidden agenda, and they are deceiving the public, and this is where they get their foot in the door and are allowed to burrow in deeper.  Because we don’t understand what’s going on and the web of deceit grows and grows, it gets even more complicated and compartmentalized, so that, very few people know the whole truth at all.

Be aware that any person who seeks to find the truth about Geoengineering, Bioengineering and Chemtrails, will be accused of being a conspiracy theorist and further, marginalized, discredited and in some cases, psychically attacked.

Conspiracy theorist is a label used to create negative stigma towards any person that wants to share researched information and open dialogue to get answers to troubling questions that arise about the Archontic Deception Strategy, and those military agendas that are being hidden and suppressed through mass Mind Control enforced by the Controller forces. When the person broaches subjects that are “unapproved” for public awareness, the person is labeled Conspiracy theorist in order to persecute, ostracize and to victimize any person that dare ask for answers or accountability for very harmful or troubling world issues, such as sightings of UFOS, or investigation of MILABS, Geo-engineering and Chemtrails, and Negative Aliens. No person enjoys being publicly crucified, humiliated with character defamation, and so this intimidation tactic works as a powerful method to shut people up.

Thank you so much for that question, and I hope that’s helpful.

(Source: Transcript April 2013 Q&A, Ascension Glossary-Geoengineering, Conspiracy Theorist)

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE on “Evolutionary Journey” (Starseed Session)

“The planetary body would give birth to consciousness, to the consciousness forms of life that would inhabit the planetary body. And at that point the consciousness in the planet and the planet itself as a consciousness, all were aware of each other as a single harmonic tone. That tone was a note. They came in, they saw the harmonic tone and note of the creations in here, and these tones were operating at levels they didn’t want to operate at. And namely I think we’re talking about the Draconian races and the races that have been the ‘bullies’ of this system. We could say that the life forms inhabiting in this system, were still resonant. I don’t want to say they weren’t at complex levels because they were. But there weren’t discordant notes or tones. And that’s when they started to take over. Because what happened when we had something from another world come into ours, this moment that this new tone came in, this discordant note became a part of this creation. Even though they were not developed consciousness, their presence in our system corrupted it like a virus. Even though they couldn’t understand the higher realms of consciousness that existed in this universal system, their very presence in it corrupted it in both directions. The progenitors of the human race and of others, saw this issue and it was growing and it was spreading like a virus does. But they couldn’t see quite the implication of what that would mean. It would take millions of years to understand how that was going to impact this creation. It’s almost like an organism outside of the natural organic source of the universe, is creating itself and it’s expressing, and all of the sudden there’s a ‘foreign object’ introduced. That object, whatever it was in terms of the Draconian races or the races that were ‘anti-Christ’. We could call this the Draconians and their agendas. So they land here somehow and they start corrupting our system. This is what happened. And further because of the technological advancement of those levels of beings, even though they were not spiritually or emotionally connected, they manufactured and replicated a tremendous amount of life that became like a machine. It’s almost like down here in this creation then, it became a mixture of robots and organic creations. The creations became threatened because the original intentions of those harmonic notes and tones were being destroyed. In a sense it’s the self-realization of God consciousness, even at that level as all of its little fragments are playing out its holographic dream. Dreaming the dreams in the dreams that are made through the hologram, through all these permutations through all these mirrors of consciousness. Well somehow the mirrors got broken. And the decision is okay, the mirrors have now detached and they now believe that they are their own identity. They now believe that they are physical density rather than the connection into the God consciousness light. So its like a danger happened during that period of evolution, because the creation now believed it was the creation only. Because outside of connection to the Living Light Source, becoming identified with the physical structures created, there is nowhere to go but digression and further fragmentation. There was nowhere else to fragment except into minimization consciousness, it’s basically like going backwards instead of forwards in the evolutionary scale. Yet we’ve seen it grow larger and larger like a cancer if you will. And if it maintained that level of belief it would have nowhere to go but to destroy itself. The first part is how do we synthesize and integrate harmony back into this big discordant note that’s been dropped into the center of the universe? So the question then became from a logos perspective that has created universes and created souls at that level of consciousness, what do we do with this? Do we annihilate it and shut it down? Or do we attempt to rehabilitate it? The decision was to rehabilitate rather than close down the creation. A very painstakingly intricate, I don’t know what to call this, is it a rescue mission? Is it a rehabilitation mission? It’s all of these things. We granted this gift to all creation to actually experience itself in the many fragments that it is, to come back into the cohesive whole at some point in its evolutionary journey. And we did this in the natural organic expression of pure joy and unconditional love.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Magnetic Anchor

THEY LIVE… “THE VIDEO THAT SPOOKED THE INTERNET…” ~ Stranger Than Fiction News Must-See Video!

As Lisa Renee has been warning the world for years… THEY LIVE… and they preside over the United Nations as you’ll see in this revealing video. This is a true conspiracy because they have been conspiring against us (angelic humans) ever since they invaded our planet EONS ago… poisoning us, our food, our water, our air… mutilating our DNA… killing us with lethal injections called “vaccines”… but they are rapidly losing their game and their ability to continue existing on heavenly Mother Earth…


~via Stranger Than Fiction News

LISA RENEE: “Thothian Zephilum”

“These Black Sun entities work directly with the human Controller groups in the Power Elite to carry out the NAA for world domination, and are behind the AI transmissions used in 2020 for generating the current global plandemic orchestration to bring in the One World Order through Technocratic Totalitarianism. These factions include the warring Zeta Drakonians whom are incredibly violent and hostile to all human beings, especially holding an dripping disdain and vengeance for the targeting of the Christos Starseeds or Indigos supporting the Christos Mission on the Earth. These entities use extensive Alien Machinery and assorted weaponry for Mind Control purposes to infiltrate spiritual groups or group projects designed to serve the planetary Ascension, by infecting minds with Red Cube programs such as Victim-Victimizer to generate Confusion and chaos, while projecting elaborate Holographic Inserts with fake virtual reality images to destroy Unified Cooperation in any group effort or spiritual community. By attacking online spiritual groups with mind control transmissions supposedly sent by Jesus or other religious figures, to purposely render awakening Starseed people as inert and ineffective, this is designed to derail their mission by preventing spiritual ascension and further corral them into obsolete or fanatic religious programming. This particular group are the main architects of the false Emerald Order AI matrix used to control the Emerald Founder Records along with propagating its clones, AI timelines, imposter Ascended Master identities, as well as the new age and Disclosure hijack agendas, and the current global plandemic.”

~Lisa Renee

In ongoing interdimensional fieldwork recovering authentic Emerald Order and Azurite coding connected to the authentic Emerald Founder Records and Ascended Masters, Guardian groups repeatedly encounter skirmishes with assorted AI weaponry warfare in the grid with a faction of entities defending the Black Sun agenda referred to as Thothian Zephilum or Zephilum. This particular group are the main architects of the false Emerald Order AI matrix used to control the Emerald Founder Records along with propagating its clones, AI timelines, imposter Ascended Master identities, as well as the new age and Disclosure hijack agendas, and the current global plandemic.

These are Draco reptilian hybrid strains that appear to be architects and administrators to the extensive AI networks forming the base 10 Artificial Tree of Life, Dragon Moth Grid, Red Cube and phantom matrices that are connected to the Black Sun agenda. These factions include the warring Zeta Drakonians whom are incredibly violent and hostile to all human beings, especially holding an dripping disdain and vengeance for the targeting of the Christos Starseeds or Indigos supporting the Christos Mission on the Earth. These entities use extensive Alien Machinery and assorted weaponry for Mind Control purposes to infiltrate spiritual groups or group projects designed to serve the planetary Ascension, by infecting minds with Red Cube programs such as Victim-Victimizer to generate Confusion and chaos, while projecting elaborate Holographic Inserts with fake virtual reality images to destroy Unified Cooperation in any group effort or spiritual community.

One of their favorite Divide and Conquer Tactics within the online spiritual community is to infect the astral bliss bunny, undisciplined Negative Ego profile, or new age thinker with religious zealot programming. By attacking online spiritual groups with mind control transmissions supposedly sent by Jesus or other religious figures, to purposely render awakening Starseed people as inert and ineffective, this is designed to derail their mission by preventing spiritual ascension and further corral them into obsolete or fanatic religious programming.

These Black Sun entities work directly with the human Controller groups in the Power Elite to carry out the NAA for world domination, and are behind the AI transmissions used in 2020 for generating the current global plandemic orchestration to bring in the One World Order through Technocratic Totalitarianism.

Zeta Drakonian Agendas

The most aggressive and violent of the Zeta groups are those that come from the star system Rigel, and thus are called Rigelians or Zeta Drakonian Rigelians. They are extremely dangerous to humans as they endorse aggressive genocidal and eugenicist agendas to takeover the earth, and present themselves as Guardians or benevolent humanoids in order to seduce earth humans to further their invasion and hybridization agendas. They generally prefer to use a Nordic blond fair skinned human body, or Tall White when they are masquerading as a human being. Therefore, they are known to be one of the most hostile of the NAA intruding entity groups, they can shape-shift into appearing human like and are referred to as H.A.V.’s, placed in the category of Hostile Alien Visitors.

Dragon Moth Grid

In 75,000 BC the Black Dragon APIN was created by Drakonian groups. Its head extends into far Eastern Siberia, China and Japan, and its body reaches into South America. It runs on reverse D10 current and forms a connection between Earth and descended planets in the Phantom Matrix. Rebel Drakonians aim to defeat both the Guardians and the UIR in the 2000-2017 final battle. See Red Nile Cube technology.

Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon

An Artificial Tree of Life was cloned into a sub structure in which this Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon tree is used as the main grid architecture for cloning Serres-Egyptian identities from Tara that are connected to the Azurites on Gaia. These red cube cloned identities are used to power up the black magic money debt enslavement structures put in place by the Orion Group, and used by the cabal bankers to manipulate financial markets and maintain global wealth in the hands of their satanic and luciferian bloodlines. [1]


1 ↑ Solar Synthesis

See Also:

Orion Group

Black Sun Program

~via Ascension Glossary