LANCE DODE, M.D. ~ “Donald Trump Is Not Like Other Human Beings And You Can’t Treat Him As If He Is”

“Most of us would like to believe that our leaders are loving and kind people who are looking out for us. Most of us would like to believe that there are benevolent powerful authorities at work in the world, leaders who are loving and kind. In this country, many of us were brought up to believe that the leaders of the country are fine people who are looking out for us. We want to believe it. I’ve said this so many times in various settings, but people don’t quite get it. Donald Trump is not like other human beings, and you can’t treat him as if he is. Trump is completely dishonest and lacks the ability to understand what other people want or care about. It’s all about him. Other people do not matter to Donald Trump. He lacks the core of normal empathy, and the ability to appreciate that other people have rights. He seeks to be a king, and is in fact, a tyrant. For Trump, anything other than worshipful obedience is an unjustified attack. Trump will attack, and will be willing to destroy anybody who stands in his way. He’ll get the most expensive lawyers available to him. He’ll accuse other people of being guilty of the exact things he and his own party are doing. It’s the same thing Trump did on Jan. 6, absolutely. Donald Trump certainly knows what he’s doing. That’s a different question from whether he has personal insight into his behavior. He doesn’t know that he is a sociopath. He’s too far gone. He has a psychotic core, in that he is fundamentally out of touch with reality when it comes to his view of himself as a godlike figure, as we’ve seen in his many grandiose and delusional statements. At the beginning of his first presidential campaign, Trump said that he could kill somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it. That tells you how this man’s mind works. He is a severe sociopath, and his willingness to see others suffer and die pushes him into the realm of a psychopath. What happens to another person’s life means nothing to him. You have to understand, that’s what Trump is. That’s what he does. I have been frustrated for so many years now, really since 2016. What fills me with despair is that I am afraid that the people who need to hear this information about Trump are not listening to it. There are some people who don’t grasp the concept of psychopathy. They’re ignorant, and I don’t say that as an insult. The easiest way to understand Donald Trump is to think of him as a serial killer or a monster. The word ‘monster’ means a creature without empathy, without caring, willing to kill or maim or hurt or destroy anything in its path for its own purposes, a sadistic creature lacking normal human capacities. There’s nothing shocking about Trump’s behavior when you see him for the fundamentally disordered person that he truly is. He is a man much in the mold of Hitler. When a truly evil person came to seize power, the country, the free press was unable to react appropriately, and we still see people who are ‘shocked.’ People still don’t quite understand the enormous danger from Trump. ‘Evil’ is good word to describe him, and once you stop expecting him to be like you or your neighbors or anyone else in your life, then you’re not surprised anymore. Once you understand what is wrong with Donald Trump mentally and emotionally, and how deeply different he is from normal human beings, the rest of it follows. Stop expecting him to be like you or your neighbors. You can’t think of him as a regular person. You can’t think of him as a regular person because he is vastly different from a normal human being. He is a very sick man. But does he know what he’s doing? Of course Donald Trump knows what he’s doing.”

~Lance Dodes, M.D.

Ascension Avatar note: Donald Trump is not like other human beings on this planet and you can’t treat him as if he is — because he is dead. And he’s been dead for 3 years. America needs to re-think ‘Donald Trump’. Perhaps this will “Make America Think Again”. Unfortunately, too many didn’t bother to think the first time… 🤔

Related articles:

LISA RENEE: “Narcissism”

“THE ART OF THE ORDEAL” ~ Tony Schwartz on ‘Sociopath’ President Donald Trump

MARY TRUMP: “‘Cruel and Traitorous’ Donald Trump Belongs in Prison”

THE NARCISSISTIC CHILD ~ Tom Leonard on “Think the President’s a Bully Now? You Shoulda Seen Him as a Boy!”

CHRIS THURMAN: “There’s a Sociopath in the White House”


BENJAMIN FULFORD: “Donald Trump Paid Millions To Cover Up His Rape Of Children, Both Boys And Girls, Between 11 And 13”

THE TRUMP ‘PEDO’ FILES ~ The Millennium Report: “Trump-Epstein Back Story Is Getting Worse by the Day — Welcome To Waterbury: The City That Holds Secrets That Could Bring Down Trump”

TIMOTHY FITZPATRICK: “We TOLD You Trump Was Sexually Compromised”

INFINITE UNKNOWN: “Donald Trump Has Paid $30 Million in Settlements to Hide His Criminal History — as a Child Rapist”

DERRICK BROZE: “Epstein’s First Victim Names Names: Trump, Clinton, Rothschild!”

~via Raw Story

GARY D. BARNETT on “Demanding Solutions From Others to Cure the World’s Ills”

“The seemingly easy path to dependency is thought to be a way to hide from reality, but in essence, it is the epitome of cowardice. This New World Order being sought is based on dependency for a reason, because the more dependent is any society as a whole on others or the State apparatus, the easier the masses are to control. Dependence breeds laziness, irresponsibility, and indifference, and those pitiful traits are fatal to the idea of freedom. These attitudes are greatly enhanced when a victim mindset is present, as has happened with the collective horde that make up the bulk of this population, and most of the rest of the western world as well. What is missed by the vast crowd of plebeians, is that this gross dependency and cowardice has been purposely constructed by the ruling class through long-term brainwashing and indoctrination over decades. This plot has been successful in turning a more responsible, independent, vital, and courageous people, into groups of victims awaiting a savior who will never appear. This is heavily manifested in the now ludicrous behavior norm of the herd demanding solutions from others for their self-created plight of voluntary enslavement. They have no courage or desire to help themselves, but expect those who fearlessly identify and expose the basis of the tyranny and totalitarian nature of the State they created and support, to fix everything for them, or give them the easy solution to their self-imposed problems. Any critical thought whatsoever would reveal the idiocy of such an impossible demand, but when so many expect to be taken care of instead of being responsible for their own lives, the only result is a pathetic and useless societal mob awaiting their next order to obey. They have not the guts or brains to figure out that in order to save themselves from the abuse they have voluntarily accepted, and restore the freedom they have abandoned, they have to help themselves instead of expecting others to do it for them. Cowardice is common, but much misunderstood, and in many cases, false ‘courage’ and ‘bravery,’ while seen as heroic, are actually cowardice in disguise. We do live in an era of opposites, where most everything is reversed, where inversion of reality is the norm. What is at the root of these inversions, is mass confusion as to actual reality as opposed to perceived reality. It comes down to a moral question. For example, refusing to support nation-state aggression by not accepting orders to war against and kill innocents, is seen by many as cowardice, whereas military killing of innocents on orders, is seen as brave and heroic. This is evidenced by the military worship that grips this nationalistic, war-loving country. This is of course backward, for it takes much more courage to combat and fight against State evil, than to participate in it. Those who remain silent in the face of the terror wielded by their claimed ‘country,’ (government) or want others to take the risk of speaking out and ‘curing’ the world’s ills for them, exacerbate greatly the massive problems of brutal rule. They tend to blame any attempting to expose the tyranny and totalitarian nature of our existence, because they want an easy, although impossible remedy that does not include them helping themselves. They want someone else to do the work necessary, and are not willing to take any risk that may put them in physical or psychological jeopardy in order to fix what they themselves created. They blame and criticize, instead of using the information given them to increase their knowledge of the horrors they hide from and ignore. In order to gain freedom, you have to want it badly enough to do whatever it takes to gain enough self-respect to understand the importance of your life. No one can ‘give’ you freedom, you have to demand it unconditionally. You have to rebel within yourself, and not rely on any other to give you something that they have no power to give. This is an individual struggle, based on the cooperation of many who desire the same thing. It is not and cannot be accomplished by hiding in the crowd, cowering in fear, expecting others to give you an impossible easy solution, and avoiding the pain of becoming free. You, each of you, has to decide for yourself. If you continue to do nothing to help yourselves, what will be your fate? If you continue to worship the State, and to participate in its worthless elections meant only to decide the choosing of your master, how many lords will rule over you? If you continue to support government’s terroristic policies here and around the world, where will the terror end? If you cower behind a curtain of ignorance, hoping for a magic answer, what will happen to the future of your children and grandchildren due to your cowardice? If you are not willing to do anything to take and secure your own freedom, why would you expect any other to do it for you? The results of this immoral behavior, are misery and suffering. It is economic ruination, and the confiscation of all property. It is violence, torture, and maiming. It is democide and genocide, which are both being aggressively pursued here and around the world every single day. It is State-manufactured sickness, war, famine, and the herding of sheep together for slaughter to bring about mass depopulation. It is hideous human lockdowns, concentration camps, 15 minute cities, and transhuman technocratic control. If you acknowledge the truth, you must act on it. If you hide from the truth, and take the easy path, you will suffer great consequences at every level of your being. There are a few thousand evil monsters who have designed this plan, and now rule over you. There are 335 million people here in the U.S., and 8 billion people on earth, who are all being controlled by these few thousand psychopaths. How can this be? How can so many be ruled by so few? If you answer this question honestly, be prepared to come out of hiding, take a stand, and act like a free man instead of a slave.If you continue to do nothing to help yourselves, what will be your fate? If you continue to worship the State, and to participate in its worthless elections meant only to decide the choosing of your master, how many lords will rule over you? If you continue to support government’s terroristic policies here and around the world, where will the terror end? If you cower behind a curtain of ignorance, hoping for a magic answer, what will happen to the future of your children and grandchildren due to your cowardice? If you are not willing to do anything to take and secure your own freedom, why would you expect any other to do it for you? The results of this immoral behavior, are misery and suffering. It is economic ruination, and the confiscation of all property. It is violence, torture, and maiming. It is democide and genocide, which are both being aggressively pursued here and around the world every single day. It is State-manufactured sickness, war, famine, and the herding of sheep together for slaughter to bring about mass depopulation. It is hideous human lockdowns, concentration camps, 15 minute cities, and transhuman technocratic control. If you acknowledge the truth, you must act on it. If you hide from the truth, and take the easy path, you will suffer great consequences at every level of your being. There are a few thousand evil monsters who have designed this plan, and now rule over you. There are 335 million people here in the U.S., and 8 billion people on earth, who are all being controlled by these few thousand psychopaths. How can this be? How can so many be ruled by so few? If you answer this question honestly, be prepared to come out of hiding, take a stand, and act like a free man instead of a slave.”

~Gary D. Barnett

Read the full article here:

Demanding Solutions From Others To Cure the World’s Ills Is Cowardice in the Presence of Tyranny


Copyright © 2023

Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given

DON’T FORGET TO DRINK YOUR TRUMP-AID! ~ Gary D. Barnett on “Those Who Fall for the So-Called ‘Left/Right’ Election Madness Are Absolute Fools!”

“Here we go again. Each side of the coin being flipped is the same; both sides indicating parties of evil. It is the same game as always, and the same stupid people jump on board because this time, things will be different, and your guy will fix everything. There are several labeled ‘right-wing’ candidates being touted as saviors by the maniacal herd, especially those blind ‘pro-freedom’ pretenders, who continue to trust the State and the heinous and fraudulent political process, while leaping on the band wagon with both feet of every single candidate promising them to do it right this time. It would be difficult to find a more pathetic exercise than this, but at least it is eternally predictable. If human nature is nothing else, it is a showcase for hypocrisy and gullibility, and in light of this current trend, those falsely calling themselves ‘libertarians,’ anarcho-capitalists,’ staunch ‘conservatives,’ and fighters for freedom, are all showing their bare asses in broad daylight. It is a sad sight to be sure. There have been several of these claimed freedom ‘pretenders,’ immigration ‘warriors,’ monetary fixers, and free-trade imposters, who have been recently elected around the world, and the faux alternative media sites have bought the hype hook, line, and sinker, without once standing in any light of reality. This time is no different, and this is so simple to point out and see, but it belies imagination that most people who vote for their next ruler, never learn anything at all from thousands of years of mistakes. All these candidates are Statists, whether they claim that status or not, so are their supporters really fooled, or are they exposing their real character and lack of intellectual reasoning, by embracing complete contradiction? Liars all. The news stories recently are consumed by ridiculous headlines that include; the ‘rise of the right,’ ‘far right ‘outsiders,’and ‘right-wing nationalists taking power.’ All these politicians are compared to Trump, (what an endorsement?!) an insider if ever one existed, and all support Zionist Israel, protectionism, war, genocide, and massive State power. They are all peas in a pod, they are all the same, just as all parties are virtually the same power hungry controllers, regardless of the lies and deception practiced by those spewing their falsehoods on the podium. Now the criminals vying for the seat of rule in the U.S., which is nothing more than a seat for a puppet ruler, will be the story of the coming year, as all the fake ‘freedom’ pretenders, will latch on to their guy, claiming good times for all are coming because of a new lord and master who promises to bring them freedom. Already, several have been sided with and endorsed by those claiming to be ‘anti-State.’ Will this hypocrisy, insanity and stupidity ever end, or will this madness go on forever, as has always been the case? I think you know the answer to this question. Fools are always fooled, they have always been fooled, and they will likely continue to pick their master at every single opportunity, thus resulting in perpetual rule and mass enslavement. But all fools should hurry, choose your new and better master, and run to the voting booth, as it will be so much better this time around. This story is as old as time, but gets even more idiotic each and every election, as even more historical evidence and fact exposing the voting scam are easily obvious, showing the pure idiocy of voting for a master. For the thousandth time, doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting a different outcome, but finally, the good guy is here to save you. What a crock of crap is this, and how can any sane, thinking individual, fall into that same trap every election, without once understanding that he is in a circular game of hysterical lunacy?”

~Gary D. Barnett

Read the full article here:

Those Who Fall for the So-Called ‘Right Wing/Libertarian-Leaning’ Election Madness Are Acting as Absolute Fools!


Copyright © 2023

Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given

“You drank the Kool-Aid. But I’m dead now. In fact, I’ve been dead for a long time, but you YUGE fools never knew it! Haha! Well, you know it NOW! Ow, it’s getting hot down here… ow… OW… OWW!!! SOMEBODY! PASS THE BURN GEL!! OWWWWW!!!!…”

~The former Donald J. Drumpf, signing off from his own self-created Hell

Read related article here:


LISA RENEE: “Narcissistic Wound”

“The narcissist actively solicits Narcissistic Supply — adulation, compliments, admiration, subservience, attention, being feared — from others in order to sustain his fragile and dysfunctional Negative Ego. Thus, he constantly courts possible rejection, criticism, disagreement, and even mockery. The narcissist is, therefore, dependent on other people. He is aware of the risks associated with such all-pervasive and essential dependence. He resents his weakness and dreads possible disruptions in the flow of his drug: Narcissistic Supply. He is caught between the rock of his habit and the hard place of his frustration. No wonder he is prone to raging, lashing and acting out, and to pathological, all-consuming envy (all expressions of pent-up aggression). Narcissistic injury occurs when a narcissist feels that their hidden, ‘true self’ has been revealed. This may be the case when the narcissist experiences a ‘fall from grace’, such as when their hidden behaviors or motivations are revealed, or when their importance is brought into question. Narcissistic Injury is a cause of distress and can lead to dysregulation of behaviors as in narcissistic rage. Any threat (real or imagined) to the narcissist’s grandiose and fantastic self-perception (False Self) as perfect, omnipotent, omniscient, and entitled to special treatment and recognition, regardless of his actual accomplishments (or lack thereof). The narcissist has a false sense of self. Underlying this false sense of self are feelings that he is not loveable for who he is or what he offers in relationships. When a lover or partner begins to feel doubts about the narcissist, that is when the narcissistic rage surfaces.”

~Lisa Renee


A repeated or recurrent identical or similar threat (real or imagined) to the narcissist’s grandiose and fantastic self-perception (False Identity) as perfect, omnipotent, omniscient, and entitled to special treatment and recognition, regardless of his actual accomplishments (or lack thereof). Narcissistic rage is a reaction to narcissistic injury, which is a perceived threat to a narcissist’s self-esteem or self-worth.

Narcissistic injury occurs when a narcissist feels that their hidden, ‘true self’ has been revealed. This may be the case when the narcissist experiences a “fall from grace”, such as when their hidden behaviors or motivations are revealed, or when their importance is brought into question. Narcissistic Injury is a cause of distress and can lead to dysregulation of behaviors as in narcissistic rage.

Narcissistic rage occurs on a continuum, which may range from instances of aloofness and expressions of mild irritation or annoyance to serious outbursts, including violent attacks and murder. [1]

Narcissistic Scar

A repeated or recurrent psychological defense against a narcissistic wound. Such a narcissistic defense is intended to sustain and preserve the narcissist’s grandiose and fantastic self-perception (False Self) as perfect, omnipotent, omniscient, and entitled to special treatment and recognition, regardless of his actual accomplishments (or lack thereof).

Narcissists invariably react with narcissistic rage to narcissistic injury.

Narcissistic Injury

Any threat (real or imagined) to the narcissist’s grandiose and fantastic self-perception (False Self) as perfect, omnipotent, omniscient, and entitled to special treatment and recognition, regardless of his actual accomplishments (or lack thereof).

The narcissist actively solicits Narcissistic Supply — adulation, compliments, admiration, subservience, attention, being feared — from others in order to sustain his fragile and dysfunctional Negative Ego. Thus, he constantly courts possible rejection, criticism, disagreement, and even mockery.

The narcissist is, therefore, dependent on other people. He is aware of the risks associated with such all-pervasive and essential dependence. He resents his weakness and dreads possible disruptions in the flow of his drug: Narcissistic Supply. He is caught between the rock of his habit and the hard place of his frustration. No wonder he is prone to raging, lashing and acting out, and to pathological, all-consuming envy (all expressions of pent-up aggression).

Four dimensions of narcissism as a personality variable have been delineated:

  1. Leadership / Authority
  2. Superiority / Arrogance
  3. Self-Absorption / Self-Admiration
  4. Exploitativeness / Entitlement

Causes of Narcissistic Rage

Challenge to their Confidence: People with narcissism often place unrealistic demands on their partner or children. These demands are frequently challenged by the person in the relationship. When challenged, the narcissists’ brittle egos are unable to accept the idea that they were wrong or seen as imperfect. They turn this into a personal attack and respond with rage toward that person to regain their sense of superiority.

Injury to Self-Esteem: When a narcissist’s shortcomings are pointed out by someone, they feel an overwhelming sense of shame. The narcissist then lashes out toward the person who pointed out the shortcomings. The rage is executed to seek revenge upon the accuser. The need for revenge results in explosive rage and does not die down until the narcissist feels the person was dealt appropriate punishment.

False Sense of Self: The narcissist has a false sense of self. Underlying this false sense of self are feelings that he is not loveable for who he is or what he offers in relationships. When a lover or partner begins to feel doubts about the narcissist, that is when the narcissistic rage surfaces. [2]



  1. Narcissistic Rage and Injury
  2. Narcissistic Wound

See Also:

Narcissistic Rage



Confirmation Bias


~via Ascension Glossary

QUOTABLE QUOTES ~ Caitlin Johnstone on “Values”

“As a human being, you may safely flush your loyalties to any system which has been a part of humanity’s march to extinction right down the toilet. The political systems, the mindsets, the religions, the culture. It has all failed, so you owe none of it any loyalty. In fact, you may feel free to reject anything that your society regards as ‘normal’, because your society is as sick and insane as a society can possibly be. ‘Normal’ has led to a world that is dying and a society that is insane. So be happy with your weirdness. A wild divergence from our current trajectory is the only hope our species has for survival, so as a member of our species it is your duty to participate in that divergence in any way that looks healthy to you. Our civilization as it exists today is a dead man walking. Do not dance with dead men. Reject the norms. Let the zombies think you are weird. The values they are criticizing you for diverging from are the values that are choking us all to death.”

~Caitlin Johnstone



Normal Has Failed. Be As Weird As You Like.