LISA RENEE: “We are Form and We are Formless”

“The planetary elements of earth, water, air and fire are the fundamental building blocks of nature and form into compounds that make up our physical body. If we recognize our physical body is made up of these elements, particles and atoms, and our light body is made up of consciousness units that exist at an even smaller scale, and those quantum units are generating new levels of photonic or plasmic energy, then we realize that our entire consciousness body is undergoing a massive change at the quantum scale. This massive shift at the quantum scale is changing the laws of structure in the architecture that governs functions over our matter body, as well as our consciousness bodies. Ascending humans are evolving into developing new abilities that change the characteristics of what was previously thought to be a human. Adaptations are occurring so that our higher consciousness intelligence can exist in matter, and simultaneously, we can experience multidimensional awareness in other timelines, yet be as unbound to time as Plasma Waves while travelling in the field. Eventually, we evolve to the point that we shift out of the Chakra configurations in the Lightbody that exist in the lower creation realms, in order to build a plasma lightbody structure. This structure (merkaba) is for a traveling orb body that can house our higher plasma consciousness. This state of lightbody structure, chakras or orb body, signify the difference between reincarnation through the lower densities of space-time, or being freed from the lower constructs of space and time that allow our consciousness body to travel beyond the Solar System. As an example, in meditation or consciousness transport, we are experiencing another level of timeless, formless, and flowing movement that is not bound to space and time, in which our consciousness may more easily time travel or bi-locate. The lightbody becomes free from the constraints of time and space to more easily time travel. When time travelling or Dreamwalking we can merge our consciousness body with the available consciousness energy to generate more Plasma substance, uniting with the manifestation of new structural supports, such as holding pillars, Stargates and portals that help the earth and humanity to evolve in the Ascension timeline. Ascending humans are becoming aware that both states of being, formless and in form, are possible to exist within simultaneously or in spiral time, and as the conscious observer of time, we can still remain unbound to the station of time and its constructs. In this new structure, we are able to experience our consciousness body as formless, shapeless, and moving through time functioning as a wave, while our physical body form is connected to earth and still functioning within the principles of matter. We are form and we are formless, simultaneously.”

~Lisa Renee

The planetary elements of earth, water, air and fire are the fundamental building blocks of nature and form into compounds that make up our physical body. If we recognize our physical body is made up of these elements, particles and atoms, and our light body is made up of consciousness units that exist at an even smaller scale, and those quantum units are generating new levels of photonic or plasmic energy, then we realize that our entire consciousness body is undergoing a massive change at the quantum scale. This massive shift at the quantum scale is changing the laws of structure in the architecture that governs functions over our matter body, as well as our consciousness bodies. Ascending humans are evolving into developing new abilities that change the characteristics of what was previously thought to be a human.

Adaptations are occurring so that our higher consciousness intelligence can exist in matter, and simultaneously, we can experience multidimensional awareness in other timelines, yet be as unbound to time as Plasma Waves while travelling in the field.

This is comprehending that our human energy field and physical body is reaching a new threshold of consciousness experience, through which we can directly experience the mechanics of wave and particle duality, happening in our body simultaneously. This was always functioning in our body at the quantum level, but we now can recognize and participate with that function in our consciousness, as its happening. We are form and we are formless, simultaneously. In this new structure, we are able to experience our consciousness body as formless, shapeless, and moving through time functioning as a wave, while our physical body form is connected to earth and still functioning within the principles of matter. Ascending humans are becoming aware that both states of being, formless and in form, are possible to exist within simultaneously or in spiral time, and as the conscious observer of time, we can still remain unbound to the station of time and its constructs. As an example, in meditation or consciousness transport, we are experiencing another level of timeless, formless, and flowing movement that is not bound to space and time, in which our consciousness may more easily time travel or bi-locate. The lightbody becomes free from the constraints of time and space to more easily time travel. When time travelling or Dreamwalking we can merge our consciousness body with the available consciousness energy to generate more Plasma substance, uniting with the manifestation of new structural supports, such as holding pillars, Stargates and portals that help the earth and humanity to evolve in the Ascension timeline. The Diamond Sunconsciousness body has the capacity to function as its own Stargate, from the inner space, quantum level, where the consciousness transforms into nonvisible waves of light and travels great distances very quickly.

For those that have embodied beyond the Soulmatrix and into Monadic consciousness, this new sensation of the change of quantum scale and properties in the function of one’s Consciousness energy, will be experienced in much more tangible ways. Something intangible that is occurring in the quantum of our own body, is gradually becoming more tangible and substantial in the physical. The consciousness body is adapting into new functions that provide structural supports for the planet outside of time, and to bridge for the genetic tribe or group to which we are connected, to achieve higher consciousness attainment in this ending cycle. For those that are newly awakening, and beginning to embody the soul and Chakra functions, this macrocosmic structure will not yet be apparent. The primary focus for those Soul groups will be to work on self-mastery over the lower chakras, and to develop the foundation of the structure for the inner spirit to fully inhabit the physical body.

This is very important, as for many multidimensional people on the path of Ascension, this means how we connect into many levels of the consciousness structure has radically changed, our lightbody is radically changing, and our physical body is undergoing a series of adaptations in order to meet the new energy requirements. Our body may feel different and exhibit strange symptoms. Our previous ways of consciousness connection and communication are in fluctuation, while our lightbody is being reconfigured to accommodate the changing planetary architecture, solar architecture and beyond. [1]


  1. Adaptations

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Translocation II — The Anti-Soul AI Agenda”

A person will not deeply comprehend the nature of authentic Embodiment until they have experienced levels of soul-spirit integration within their physical self. The deeper meaning of embodiment is not fully understood by the uninitiated and unconscious, it only begins to occur during Soul integration, which leads into sensory experiences of multidimensional awareness. Thus, when speaking of any level of Embodiment, the basis of comprehension must start with the reality of the existence of the Soul and Spiritual anatomy that is inside every living creature. The real agenda behind Transhumanism is to interfere with the true higher consciousness embodiment process during the Ascension Cycle, by sublimating higher consciousness embodiment to be replaced with the insertion of artificially intelligent machines and virtual realities. Mind Uploading effectively locks down people’s consciousness body into controlled virtual reality systems in which they cannot leave, and this has occurred to some humans in the future timelines. Artificial intelligence devices and technological machines that are merged with the incarnated human body and brain repel the higher mind matrices of the spiritual consciousness, preventing higher consciousness from coming into actual physical Embodiment. This is to attempt to further thwart higher consciousness embodiment potentials and prevent translocation abilities in the human public. Ideally, the Black Suns want to integrate mass technological fusion into the human bio-neurological matrix through an assortment of high tech propaganda, like mind uploading for achieving immortality, before people wake up to the damaging effects it has on higher consciousness embodiment and Translocation. Translocation happens in sleep state, where it is possible for spontaneous translocation to occur during Soul integration, without the person actually willing it to happen. What does it mean to say that the higher mind is embodied? People change greatly when they have authentically embodied their spiritual layers, thus life altering changes in career, residence and relationships are usually the result of some level of the spiritual embodiment process.”

~Lisa Renee

Read article 1: Translocation

Currently, there are substantial disagreements between the many different anti-soul philosophies, like the cognitive sciences that attempt to define the meaning of embodiment. What does it mean to say that the higher mind is embodied? Generally, the sciences describe the functional role the Brain has for computational processing and the body’s purpose for connecting the external environment with the internal biology, which generate random yet meaningful symbolic representations for that person. The human body in this academic definition is reduced to a soulless, yet intelligent biological machine taking input from the physical universe with an automated computational brain. The deeper meaning of embodiment is not fully understood by the uninitiated and unconscious, it only begins to occur during Soul integration, which leads into sensory experiences of multidimensional awareness.

Thus, when speaking of any level of Embodiment, the basis of comprehension must start with the reality of the existence of the Soul and Spiritual anatomy that is inside every living creature. A person will not deeply comprehend the nature of authentic Embodiment until they have experienced levels of soul-spirit integration within their physical self. Unfortunately, many people may have undergone earlier phases of embodiment without the comprehension that this is the explicit function of their spiritual layers, which then ripple out impacts that shift their perceptions, beliefs and life experiences. People change greatly when they have authentically embodied their spiritual layers, thus life altering changes in career, residence and relationships are usually the result of some level of the spiritual embodiment process.

Without comprehending the necessity of including the soul-spirit anatomy as inherently defining the deeper meaning of intelligent consciousness coming into physical Embodiment, in most circles the term is profoundly misinterpreted. Intelligent consciousness that makes up the anatomy of the soul-spirit bodies are fully responsible for animating the human body and brain with levels of intelligence that become increasingly and sequentially embodied through the mechanics of the biological spiritual ascension process.

AI Interferes with Embodiment

Additionally, Transhumanism generally seeks to explain the body and brain function as purely computational machinery that is responsible for our cognitive capacities and informational processing. Its proponents believe these are what make the merge of artificial intelligence technology with the human body a positive technological advancement towards humanity’s future evolutionary direction. Nothing is further from the truth. 

The real agenda behind Transhumanism is to interfere with the true higher consciousness embodiment process during the Ascension Cycle, by sublimating higher consciousness embodiment to be replaced with the insertion of artificially intelligent machines and virtual realities.

Ideally, the Black Suns want to integrate mass technological fusion into the human bio-neurological matrix through an assortment of high tech propaganda, like mind uploading for achieving immortality, before people wake up to the damaging effects it has on higher consciousness embodiment and Translocation. Mind Uploading effectively locks down people’s consciousness body into controlled virtual reality systems in which they cannot leave, and this has occurred to some humans in the future timelines. Artificial intelligence devices and technological machines that are merged with the incarnated human body and brain repel the higher mind matrices of the spiritual consciousness, preventing higher consciousness from coming into actual physical Embodiment.

Therefore, in the next few years the global push towards integrating transhumanism will be more aggressive in the blended realities on earth, through bio-technology and pharmaceuticals enmeshed with the AI agenda rolled into high tech consumer products marketed to niche groups in a variety of social media. This is to attempt to further thwart higher consciousness embodiment potentials and prevent translocation abilities in the human public. Translocation happens in sleep state, where it is possible for spontaneous translocation to occur during Soul integration, without the person actually willing it to happen.

Enormous global online platforms with free access to mass social media are used to spread harmful conditioning steering evolution towards Transhumanism and brainwashing agendas carried out by intelligence agencies. Please be hypervigilant and discerning about the direction of personal energy and attention that is given towards any of these social networking and mass media news platforms. [1]


  1. Embodiment

See Also:

Law of Structure

War Over Consciousness

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Translocation”

“There are natural consciousness transport functions in the Diamond Sun lightbody that have been mutated and reversed on the earth to prevent their access. There are three main ways to describe the stages of consciousness transport in the Diamond Sun template that allow us to move our consciousness, between this point in time and another point in time, or outside of time. These extend into further stages more complex than Dreamwalking, because they are direct functions of the activated Diamond Sun body. The second stage of this is translocation. This level is when the consciousness is able to transfigure a portion of your atoms into light, meaning the physical body can be transfigured into light. In the previous stage, the body was left here on earth and the person is projecting their consciousness out, they are going somewhere else and looking at the view, but they come back into the body. Now in the next stage of translocation, there is a certain part of the atoms in that body that are transfigured into light, temporarily. So that person can go visit somewhere else, and take a portion of their atoms or their body with them while they travel. During translocation, the person is still encrypted or connected to the space-time location of where they were physically born. As an example, say the body transfigures into light and the person travels to another planet. The people on the planet that is being visited are going to know that person is from the earth, because that person is still holding the space-time location of where they came from, of where they were born. The identity that person has is still holding the encryption of the birth transduction sequence that energetically reveals that person is from the earth. So that means that part of you is still genetically keyed to the earth body, and that the energetic signature reveals the location of where your identity was born. Translocation means that we can transfigure a portion of our physical body to go someplace else, but we still have the genetic imprint from our parents and where we were born on planet earth.”

~Lisa Renee

DNA Fire Codes are related to time vectors, and as such, they are relational to being able to function in a consciousness transport in between time fields. When there is change directed into the planetary magnetic field, that shifts electromagnetism, whether natural or artificial, the result is that is directly stimulating changes to occur in the DNA and its Fire Codes. There are natural consciousness transport functions in the Diamond Sun lightbody that have been mutated and reversed on the earth to prevent their access. There are three main ways to describe the stages of consciousness transport in the Diamond Sun template that allow us to move our consciousness, between this point in time and another point in time, or outside of time. These extend into further stages more complex than Dreamwalking, because they are direct functions of the activated Diamond Sun body. These are Transfiguration, Translocation, and Transmigration.

Translocation: The second stage of this is translocation. This level is when the consciousness is able to transfigure a portion of your atoms into light, meaning the physical body can be transfigured into light. In the previous stage, the body was left here on earth and the person is projecting their consciousness out, they are going somewhere else and looking at the view, but they come back into the body. Now in the next stage of translocation, there is a certain part of the atoms in that body that are transfigured into light, temporarily. So that person can go visit somewhere else, and take a portion of their atoms or their body with them while they travel. During translocation, the person is still encrypted or connected to the space-time location of where they were physically born. As an example, say the body transfigures into light and the person travels to another planet. The people on the planet that is being visited are going to know that person is from the earth, because that person is still holding the space-time location of where they came from, of where they were born. The identity that person has is still holding the encryption of the birth transduction sequence that energetically reveals that person is from the earth. So that means that part of you is still genetically keyed to the earth body, and that the energetic signature reveals the location of where your identity was born. Translocation means that we can transfigure a portion of our physical body to go someplace else, but we still have the genetic imprint from our parents and where we were born on planet earth.

Read next article: LISA RENEE: “Translocation II — The Anti-Soul AI Agenda”


  1. Adaptations

See Also:

Consciousness Transport

Genetic Mutation

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Dreamwalker”

“As the quantum field impacts the organization of space and time, those of us on the Ascension path may be more easily entering altered consciousness states that could be defined as Dreamwalking. In this definition, the function of dreamwalking is not entering or interfering with any person’s dreams. A person who can dreamwalk through the different timelines and stations of reality is called as Dreamwalker. Dreamwalking is an altered state of heightened consciousness while in the pure observer state, it can occur while in another timeline, reality or even existing outside of time. While in this altered state, we can bring that which was unconscious into our conscious awareness, we can directly participate with that content while in our higher consciousness, the compassionate witness. The path of awakening is to bring that which is unconscious into awakened consciousness, to heal the darkness or reveal the deception in order to see the greater truth. This is the state of bringing the eternal light to illuminate the shadows of darkness, thereby alchemically transforming its nature to reflect the higher truth as the light shines upon it. While Dreamwalking, it is possible to observe any kind of event that has occurred in a location, that has recorded collective consciousness archetypes, symbols, number codes, geometric patterns, Holographic Inserts and the narratives they create, to influence the minds and control the operating consciousness levels of the people on the earth. We may prepare for entering this state by opening into deep prayer, meditation, and focused attention, calling upon our Avatar Christ, Solar Logos to help guide us through difficult emotional terrain in the compassionate witness.”

~Lisa Renee

As the quantum field impacts the organization of space and time, those of us on the Ascension path may be more easily entering altered consciousness states that could be defined as Dreamwalking. In this definition, the function of dreamwalking is not entering or interfering with any person’s dreams. A person who can dreamwalk through the different timelines and stations of reality is called as Dreamwalker.

Dreamwalking is to walk or transport one’s consciousness to observe and heal the patterns and events transpiring in many alternate realities and timelines. To see the nature of the structure of what created them and to partner with God to find and remove reality boxes or dark portals that are used as Consciousness Traps. Dreamwalking is an altered state of heightened consciousness while in the pure observer state, it can occur while in another timeline, reality or exist outside of time. While in this altered state, we can bring that which was unconscious into our conscious awareness, so we can directly participate with that content while in our higher consciousness. The path of awakening is to bring that which is unconscious into consciousness, in order to heal the darkness or reveal the deception, to see the greater truth. This is the state of bringing the eternal light to illuminate the shadows of darkness, thereby alchemically transforming its nature to reflect the higher truth, as the light shines upon it.

While Dreamwalking, it is possible to observe any kind of event that has occurred in a location, that has recorded collective consciousness archetypes, symbols, number codes, geometric patterns, Holographic Inserts and the narratives they create, to influence the minds and control the operating consciousness levels of the people on the earth. [1]

Dreamwalker Codes

Indigenous peoples, Native Americans, Aborigines, Tibetans and the Celtic peoples are the earth tribes which carried the codes of the dreamwalkers in time, and were helping to protect the earth by keeping this genetic pattern alive and its memory available for the human race during the Dark Age. The earliest Dreamwalkers after the cataclysm, were the women of this earth that formed from the Grandmother Turtle Codes that were carried over from Lemuria’s matriarchal society, to keep this secret consciousness knowledge away from the invaders. Lemuria suffered a great holocaust to obliterate the power that the women had developed on the earth, with dreamwalker and Essene Templar abilities. As the Mother principle and daughter codes surface onto the earth from deep within the crystal caverns, this codified language is returning to some of the women or men in their current embodiment, that were incarnated at the time or are descendants of those original tribes in Lemuria. This group of dreamwalkers, have returned to help restore the balance of the divine feminine principle on the earth, and many are found in the Native American or aboriginal culture.

  1. Adaptations

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Interdimensional”

“In the context of direct Consciousness Transport experiences, which many Starseeds, as well as Awakening people perceive as other realities of time and space that are co-existing alongside of our earth reality, we use the term Interdimensional to define consciousness traveling to other dimensions, or being aware of Sentient Beings that are sourcing from another dimension of reality, and are thus, interdimensional beings. These are common experiences during remote viewing, Dreamwalking or other forms of consciousness transport. Mainstream science still considers interdimensional realities a hypothesis and as unproven. As the quantum field impacts the organization of space and time, those of us on the Ascension path may be more easily entering altered consciousness states for Consciousness Transport that could be defined as Dreamwalking. Dreamwalking is an altered state of heightened consciousness while in the pure observer state, it can occur while in another timeline, reality or existing outside of time. While in this altered state, we can bring that which was unconscious into our conscious awareness, so we can directly participate with that content while in our higher consciousness. The path of Awakening is to bring that which is unconscious into consciousness, in order to heal the darkness or reveal the deception in order to see the greater truth. This is the state of bringing the eternal light to illuminate the shadows of darkness, thereby alchemically transforming its nature to reflect the higher truth, as the light shines upon it.”

~Lisa Renee

In the context of direct Consciousness Transport experiences, which many Starseeds, as well as Awakening people perceive as other realities of time and space that are co-existing alongside of our earth reality, we use the term Interdimensional to define consciousness traveling to other dimensions, or being aware of Sentient Beings that are sourcing from another dimension of reality, and are thus, interdimensional beings. These are common experiences during remote viewing, Dreamwalking or other forms of consciousness transport. Mainstream science still considers interdimensional realities a hypothesis and as unproven.

Consciousness Transport

As the quantum field impacts the organization of space and time, those of us on the Ascension path may be more easily entering altered consciousness states for Consciousness Transport that could be defined as Dreamwalking. Dreamwalking is to walk or transport one’s consciousness to observe and heal the patterns and events transpiring in many alternate realities or timelines, and to see the nature of the structure of what created them, and to partner with God to find and remove reality boxes or dark portals that are used as Consciousness Traps. Dreamwalking is an altered state of heightened consciousness while in the pure observer state, it can occur while in another timeline, reality or existing outside of time. While in this altered state, we can bring that which was unconscious into our conscious awareness, so we can directly participate with that content while in our higher consciousness. The path of Awakening is to bring that which is unconscious into consciousness, in order to heal the darkness or reveal the deception in order to see the greater truth. This is the state of bringing the eternal light to illuminate the shadows of darkness, thereby alchemically transforming its nature to reflect the higher truth, as the light shines upon it. [1]


  1. Adaptations

See Also:



~via Ascension Glossary