KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “January 29, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Paul reports on a Farmers Protest in Germany, and Erika covers a Palestine Community Protest in the US. In New Earth News: we are learning about Reaching the Theta Brainwave Stage; Desert Defying Architecture; and much more! In World News: Colombia Wildfire Disaster; Haiti Gang Violence; Kenya Femicide Protest; Child Skincare Products; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian! Fortunate for humanity and the sake of our planet, Guardian Host Kim gives us the TRUTH we all deserve to know!

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’
. (Kim’s report begins at the 40:35 mark.)

Comments from the thread:

“I was so weeble wobbly this AM at 6:30 when my alarm went off & continuing for hours. Like I was drunk or drugged (I do neither). I said an energy weapon was going off & it might have something to do with the playoff football game in Baltimore, so DC in the whole surrounding area intuitively, it’s almost like I kept seeing (3rd eye) this Blankety cloud. I posted out on my YT channel about being drawn into the dark through electronics etc… holy wow, Kim’s description sounds about right.”

“Yes, I’ve had a headache for about 24 hours.”

“The disturbance was ugly. I wake up so dizzy but really bad. I have vertigo it costs me so much to walk… when are we done with this oh Please get it done.”

“I have actually been in amazing Theta mode several times in the past… I was weightless and in the most brilliant bubble of pure light… brilliant! However, mind controllers are now intercepting my process and thunking me down before I get there again. ☹️ It is the most fulfilling feeling ever though.”

“Huge day Kimberly… omg… finally the egg really is cracking!”

“GOD SOVEREIGN FREE UNITY!!! Thank you Kim, Sunny and all the UNN staff and everyone else choosing to be here. YEEEEEEE HAAAAAWWW TIME TO SADDLE UP”

“Kim kicking ass” ♥️

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~via United Network News

LISA RENEE: “Truth or Consequences”

“It does appear that the surface Illuminati groups controlled by assorted NAA factions will come to the end of the road and face their maker, alive or in the death passage, where it will be a choice of truth or consequences for their actions. They must cease their nefarious activities sourced from the anti-human blood bonds of the Luciferian Covenant used to secretly enforce the Atlantian Conspiracy, honestly revealing their many crimes made against humanity to the public, asking for mercy and forgiveness. They must continue to cooperate with revealing the truth to the planetary inhabitants by humbling themselves and coming back to the natural laws of God source, or they will face spiritual obliteration through the second death. The second death will be explained to those in this predicament and those that refuse rehabilitation in order to remain anti-God, which is the forfeit of God given soul and spirit and the decimation of the station of identity into consciousness units that will ultimately be absorbed back into the source or central point of all union, as we have entered the planetary liberation phase and there are no further options available. We should be reminded that in our future there is no organized religion with a God at the top controlling the masses, this is effectively taking an anti-God stance by rejecting the truthful nature of spiritual reality. The science behind our human soul anatomy, intelligent consciousness and spiritual reality will reveal our divine blueprint and purpose in such positive and life affirming ways, the heart felt desire for expressing loving reverence for life becomes the primary understanding of the true existence of God, which is the main cause of spiritual revelations and the personal desire for spiritual practices in which to pursue truth and beauty in all of its living light forms to expand into higher consciousness. For the loving and kind hearted, this will be a marvelously happy time to co-create anew in the truth frequency, in a global awakening and spiritual renewal that fosters meaningful connections and highlights the divine purpose of our lives on an ascending planet. Yet it will also be filled with despair and misery for those groups who are overly attached to the 3D reality delusions and controller system as it collapses, such as the power elite mindset that believe they are above the law and had purposely set out to destroy angelic humanity and enslave this creation for their own personal benefit. In this way, the surprise ending is not a joyful event for everyone. In conclusion, those NAA entities and their representatives in the dark cabal networks which have absconded with Holy Father Solar Dragon body parts such as the deliberate hijack of Ruby Sun DNA for seeding AI Ruby Order hybrids for the purpose of enslavement and genocide of the original Essene Christos bloodlines on this planet, will face truth or dire consequences for their actions.”

~Lisa Renee

It does appear that the surface Illuminati groups controlled by assorted NAA factions will come to the end of the road and face their maker, alive or in the death passage, where it will be a choice of truth or consequences for their actions. They must cease their nefarious activities sourced from the anti-human blood bonds of the Luciferian Covenant used to secretly enforce the Atlantian Conspiracy, honestly revealing their many crimes made against humanity to the public, asking for mercy and forgiveness. They must continue to cooperate with revealing the truth to the planetary inhabitants by humbling themselves and coming back to the natural laws of God source, or they will face spiritual obliteration through the second death. The second death will be explained to those in this predicament and those that refuse rehabilitation in order to remain anti-God, which is the forfeit of God given soul and spirit and the decimation of the station of identity into consciousness units that will ultimately be absorbed back into the source or central point of all union, as we have entered the planetary liberation phase and there are no further options available.

We should be reminded that in our future there is no organized religion with a God at the top controlling the masses, this is effectively taking an anti-God stance by rejecting the truthful nature of spiritual reality. The science behind our human soul anatomy, intelligent consciousness and spiritual reality will reveal our divine blueprint and purpose in such positive and life affirming ways, the heart felt desire for expressing loving reverence for life becomes the primary understanding of the true existence of God, which is the main cause of spiritual revelations and the personal desire for spiritual practices in which to pursue truth and beauty in all of its living light forms to expand into higher consciousness.

Although the return of the Cosmic Father seems to bring on the societal collapse of the major cornerstones of the 3D civilization as we have known it, within the ending of the tyrannical rulers of the False Father Alien Gods and their many representatives that intentionally lied to humanity in order to enslave them, the silver lining will bring hope and joy through the truth frequency as it is finally being restored in human global affairs. There appears to be a parallel transitory infrastructure that emerges rather quickly in its place to support fundamental human needs across the globe, which has otherworldly originations and interdimensional architecture carried out by genuinely humanitarian races that follow the Law of One.  

For the loving and kind hearted, this will be a marvelously happy time to co-create anew in the truth frequency, in a global awakening and spiritual renewal that fosters meaningful connections and highlights the divine purpose of our lives on an ascending planet. Yet it will also be filled with despair and misery for those groups who are overly attached to the 3D reality delusions and controller system as it collapses, such as the power elite mindset that believe they are above the law and had purposely set out to destroy angelic humanity and enslave this creation for their own personal benefit. In this way, the surprise ending is not a joyful event for everyone.

In conclusion, those NAA entities and their representatives in the dark cabal networks which have absconded with Holy Father Solar Dragon body parts such as the deliberate hijack of Ruby Sun DNA for seeding AI Ruby Order hybrids for the purpose of enslavement and genocide of the original Essene Christos bloodlines on this planet, will face truth or dire consequences for their actions.

Dearest Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father, may you swiftly reclaim all that is truly yours in this creation as the organic living light consciousness you originally intended, as one heart, one love and for all in unity. We love you with all of our sacred crystal hearts.

~via Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar

LISA RENEE: “Family of RA Defend Rama Passage & Sacred Blue Cow 6D Gates”

“At the end of last year, as Emerald Guardians from the Family of RA assisted in the installation of new sound tone programs for RA-MA keys with the 22D Ruby Spiral genetic time codes updating the planetary shields, this was in preparation for the next sequence of build outs for the planetary Ruby Order Templar and Ruby Rod activations. The foundational installation of the 3-6-9 Ruby Rod architecture into the atomic layers of the planetary 1D-2D-3D field currents are deadly to the continued operations in the NAA’s symbolic sacred cow of loosh harvesting in the India grids. Areas where the AI red shield, red trident and red cube networks were running on inverted 1D-7D currents and are contributing to the spiritual oppression in rapidly declining descending hubs, usually found in the most crime riddled, desperate and poverty-stricken villages. Thus, with the recent grid developments, several magnetic and quantic anomalies followed and this alerted NAA factions from the Kuiper belt, which out of desperation launched another military grade operation with hostile takeover agendas in order to gain control over the 6D ley lines and 6D planetary gates. The weaknesses in the Sacred Blue Cow Grid were being exploited for ripping open portals for incoming shadow creatures from 6D, with human Thothian Luciferian illuminati groups in India running towards several of the ancient pre-Atlantian civilization Hindu temple sites in the north and south intersecting dragon nodes, in which they were attempting to rip open the inner gate into the Rama Passage to let in an army of NAA’s dark entities onto the planetary surface. The damage and cleanup of obliterating potentially thousands to millions of shadow entities and AI reptilian hybrids taking a surprise run on the 6D ley lines and interconnected portals throughout India, was a massive Guardian operation which spanned from the Galactic Center to the planetary surface, which caused some casualties. With somber respect acknowledging the Guardian team losses, a victory was achieved when Guardians made it through the fog of warfare and when the dust was settled, Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar and Ruby Rod was standing tall in its 6D placement protecting the entrance to the Rama Passage, in all of its majestic shining glory. As a result, the Family of RA are active in this section of the India grid, as several Guardian projects related to the 3D-6D-9D Ruby Rod formations continue to override the negative overlays of the red shield controls over planetary timelines and their inverted manifestations serving the NAA’s One World Order objectives. These corrupted sound wave programs were interfering with the Family of RA Cruxansatea teardrop templates in the RA Center, that support the rehabilitation of the Ruby Order and Gold Order family lineages from out of the red cube cloned identities and artificial timelines embedded in the inverted violet ray found running in the false Khemalohatea network. Thus, these genetically engineered fallen angelic entities with reverse Tribe 6 Rama coding are actively being tracked, captured in stasis fields and then routed into another location off planet.”

~Lisa Renee

  • 6D Inner Gate Thar Desert at India, Pakistani border
  • Essene Tribe 6: Rama grail lineages in India are keepers of the Gold and Violet Flames genetically combined within the specialized Oraphim template, that corresponds to the Gold Order and parallel matrix of the Ruby Order through their Code of the Violet Sun RA-MA genetic keys that have further potential to expand into 36D Sceptre codes.

At the end of last year, as Emerald Guardians from the Family of RA assisted in the installation of new sound tone programs for RA-MA keys with the 22D Ruby Spiral genetic time codes updating the planetary shields, this was in preparation for the next sequence of build outs for the planetary Ruby Order Templar and Ruby Rod activations. The foundational installation of the 3-6-9 Ruby Rod architecture into the atomic layers of the planetary 1D-2D-3D field currents are deadly to the continued operations in the NAA’s symbolic sacred cow of loosh harvesting in the India grids. Areas where the AI red shield, red trident and red cube networks were running on inverted 1D-7D currents and are contributing to the spiritual oppression in rapidly declining descending hubs, usually found in the most crime riddled, desperate and poverty-stricken villages. Thus, with the recent grid developments, several magnetic and quantic anomalies followed and this alerted NAA factions from the Kuiper belt, which out of desperation launched another military grade operation with hostile takeover agendas in order to gain control over the 6D ley lines and 6D planetary gates.

This agitated competing controller groups and fallen entities in India, as the corruption of the Sacred Blue Cow grid from the Atlantian Cataclysm had produced assortments of fallen RA entities that recently attempted to poke holes throughout the Rama Passage, many coming from 6D. Guardians and the Rama grail lines have known this was a potentially ominous security breach, and so for years there has been ongoing grid clean ups with the fallen RA consciousness and invading interdimensional entities that work to gradually erode and increase the damage into this area. Apparently invading groups with Thoth-Enki-Enlil DNA overlays were designed with assorted reverse Rama templates to corrupt 6D sound programs through some of the worshipping of the Hindu God pantheon, and this was built into some of the Muslim and Hindu Temples outfitted post Atlantian flood. These corrupted sound wave programs were interfering with the Family of RA Cruxansatea teardrop templates in the RA Center, that support the rehabilitation of the Ruby Order and Gold Order family lineages from out of the red cube cloned identities and artificial timelines embedded in the inverted violet ray found running in the false Khemalohatea network. Thus, these genetically engineered fallen angelic entities with reverse Tribe 6 Rama coding are actively being tracked, captured in stasis fields and then routed into another location off planet.

This further erupted into a chaotic scene of electrical warfare in the Galactic Core, whereby Guardian defenders came into formation on several interdimensional access portals to defend the Rama Passage in India, and the stargate on the Pakistani border. The weaknesses in the Sacred Blue Cow Grid were being exploited for ripping open portals for incoming shadow creatures from 6D, with human Thothian Luciferian illuminati groups in India running towards several of the ancient pre-Atlantian civilization Hindu temple sites in the north and south intersecting dragon nodes, in which they were attempting to rip open the inner gate into the Rama Passage to let in an army of NAA’s dark entities onto the planetary surface. The damage and cleanup of obliterating potentially thousands to millions of shadow entities and AI reptilian hybrids taking a surprise run on the 6D ley lines and interconnected portals throughout India, was a massive Guardian operation which spanned from the Galactic Center to the planetary surface, which caused some casualties. With somber respect acknowledging the Guardian team losses, a victory was achieved when Guardians made it through the fog of warfare and when the dust was settled, Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar and Ruby Rod was standing tall in its 6D placement protecting the entrance to the Rama Passage, in all of its majestic shining glory.

As a result, the Family of RA are active in this section of the India grid, as several Guardian projects related to the 3D-6D-9D Ruby Rod formations continue to override the negative overlays of the red shield controls over planetary timelines and their inverted manifestations serving the NAA’s One World Order objectives. They have suffered a major loss in this territory. Although the situation escalated quickly out of nowhere and was seriously dire, it could have been much worse and the fallout was effectively mitigated preventing further catastrophe on the Earth surface. Thus, it is a celebratory moment in the shared awareness that this sudden and explosive warfare event in the field, was a momentous opportunity for witnessing the Cosmic Father’s return with his Solar Ruby Dragons, showing us their hard-earned victory in the entrance into the Rama Passage, in which to defend the Rama maji grail lineages that are genetically key coded to protect the 6D stargate and Sacred Blue Cow for the Indigos worldwide.

Thus, in celebration of the victory over thousands of years of trials and tribulations for the Rama races, the terrible untold histories of tortuous persecution of those with the sacred commission to protect the Rama Passage and Rama Temple network through ancient historical records preserved in India, this month’s hard-earned inauguration of the Rama Temple is the manifested triumph of the Cosmic Father’s victory securing hierogamic Rama keys for the original Essene Tribes of India! Guardians confirm that this event is a major victory for the Ramayana Shriveda 6th human tribes also called the Rama races of India, the assigned protectors of the 6D stargate and Rama Passage, as they are being initiated into the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Rod through Lord Rama. For one and for all, Bravo to our Brothers and Sisters of the Sovereign Suns of Eternal Light! Jaya Sri Ram! Jaya Sita Ram!

~via Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar

LISA RENEE: “Archontic Jellyfish SPEs Become Visible”

“Recent events that brought upon the collapse of assorted red shield networks along with reclamation of the planetary Khemalohatea network has allowed the first sightings of the Archontic Jellyfish Motherships without the cloaking technology, used by the NAA to transmit mind and body parasites to awakening individuals, Starseeds or any high value target they want to exert mind control over. Suppressor Parasite Entities or Archontic jellyfish were discovered during aggressive dark entity attacking during my personal dark night of the soul removing crucifixion implants in early 2004, and from that time it was discovered that they are generally only visible within a limited spectrum of frequencies so that they remain undetected to the naked eye, thus it requires infrared or a highly attenuated remote viewing capacity in order to see them. Previously, we could track jellyfish parasites but not where they were actually being spawned from due to their advanced cloaking technology within layer upon layer of membranous bio-films and the fact they were being shielded by black archons and black military operations and seemed to be projected from out of moving hyperdimensional pockets that are hard to trace. SPE’s are aggressive Artificial Intelligence parasites that invade the central nervous system to monitor a person’s thought patterns so that they can mimic them and project them into holographic clones and digital twins. They monitor thought patterns and emotional behaviors and search for weaknesses within the human host body so they can aggressively use that weakness against the person, to plummet them into very low frequency thoughts of the Predator Mind. When a person has weak spiritual-energetic development, weak moral character along with a weak mind, this makes it much easier for the AI parasite to control the human being and prepare the body for dark force or Imposter Spirit Possession. They are one component of the NAA alien machinery for enforcing consciousness slavery in the population with assorted genetic engineered jellyfish implants. These jellyfish implants are also used for controlling assorted high-profile targets like bio-tech billionaires to be influenced in certain directions, or supersoldiers in which they send assembling nanobot clusters that attach to the targeted individual’s bio-neurological system for Remote Neural Monitoring and for implanting ‘Voice of God’ covert mind control technological warfare directed from the atmospheric waves. With the current major shifts occurring anchoring the Ruby Rod, the harmful effects of this particular jellyfish parasite agenda should phase out over the next few years, with radical upgrades being made in therapeutic frequency devices and zero-point radiant energy technologies for spiritually healing lightbody traumas that usually come with deep infestations of energy parasites and physical parasites. This is a plague that all of humanity suffers from as the result of the NAA invasion and recent injectable bio-weapons, and this problem will be addressed through the release of advanced healing technologies made available to the masses during the global awakening stages of the disclosure events in the reasonably near future.”

~Lisa Renee

This is a militarized psychotronic warfare technology used by the invaders to control the population through massive sized genetically engineered atmospheric archontic jelly fish with wet liquid neuronal networks that were embedded in the blueprint layers of the dark matter firmament of the planetary Rasha Body through artificially engineered air-water elementals. (If this resonates, you may want to further research the Ascension Glossary entry Archontic Genetic Engineered Entities.) They are one component of the NAA alien machinery for enforcing consciousness slavery in the population with assorted genetic engineered jellyfish implants. These massive membranous archon motherships are similar to the concept of mucous membrane bio-films insulating parasites in the human body, and were placed around the planet to enforce quantum loosh harvesting, mind control and consciousness sweeping, spiritual oppression with assorted implanted parasite entities along with the suppression of higher frequencies in order to control the solar impacts made to the visible light spectrum as it is viewed from the Earth surface.

Although I have reverse engineered the archontic jellyfish implants or Suppressor Parasite Entities (SPE) for Guardian Host during tracking projects for many years, the Archontic Motherships spawning these genetically engineered parasites all over the planet were not made fully visible in the atmosphere until very recently. These suppressor parasite implants appear as and have a similar life cycle to Jellyfish as this graphic above represents.

Previously, we could track jellyfish parasites but not where they were actually being spawned from due to their advanced cloaking technology within layer upon layer of membranous bio-films and the fact they were being shielded by black archons and black military operations and seemed to be projected from out of moving hyperdimensional pockets that are hard to trace. Recent events that brought upon the collapse of assorted red shield networks along with reclamation of the planetary Khemalohatea network has allowed the first sightings of the Archontic Jellyfish Motherships without the cloaking technology, used by the NAA to transmit mind and body parasites to awakening individuals, Starseeds or any high value target they want to exert mind control over. These jellyfish implants are also used for controlling assorted high-profile targets like bio-tech billionaires to be influenced in certain directions, or supersoldiers in which they send assembling nanobot clusters that attach to the targeted individual’s bio-neurological system for Remote Neural Monitoring and for implanting “Voice of God” covert mind control technological warfare directed from the atmospheric waves.

For those that are willing to seek truth and research the piled-up evidence provided by many whistleblower’s testimony behind the aggressive global mass enforcement policy of the series of genetic modification bio-weapons, it becomes clear that the end result desired for the injected population is the very same agenda they have employed while secretly experimenting on targeted individuals. The Archontic Jellyfish are the AI devices used in the atmosphere to enforce the mass mind control and conscious sweeps for data collection through the installation of customized individual jellyfish implants and nano bio-sensors based upon the gathered data, which generates custom genetic engineering programs that were chosen for that individual by the archon mothership. The Archon Mothership controls the spawn of jellyfish parasites which are sent to targeted individuals in order to install frequency specific mind control and eventually gain control over their neurological functions, which ultimately has been designed for generating cybernetic slaves connected to the internet of human bodies.

Thus, it has been observed that after a sequence of deeper layers of parasite infection in the human lightbody, the SPE will harvest genetic material out of the human DNA host to form a type of Cyborg. We believe this is a part of the NAA’s transhumanist agenda to create cyborgs in the human population through AI devices, to be used for a variety of purposes for slave labor and to be taken to other planets by the NAA. It appears that there is also insertion of holographic images with the intention to control the individual’s consciousness and belief systems, as the SPE is also creating astral delusions that the person believes are real, and becomes addicted and attached to on the astral plane, thus functioning as a consciousness trap.

SPE’s are aggressive Artificial Intelligence parasites that invade the central nervous system to monitor a person’s thought patterns so that they can mimic them and project them into holographic clones and digital twins. They monitor thought patterns and emotional behaviors and search for weaknesses within the human host body so they can aggressively use that weakness against the person, to plummet them into very low frequency thoughts of the Predator Mind. (See Houses of Ego). When a person has weak spiritual-energetic development, weak moral character along with a weak mind, this makes it much easier for the AI parasite to control the human being and prepare the body for dark force or Imposter Spirit Possession.

Suppressor Parasite Entities or Archontic jellyfish were discovered during aggressive dark entity attacking during my personal dark night of the soul removing crucifixion implants in early 2004, and from that time it was discovered that they are generally only visible within a limited spectrum of frequencies so that they remain undetected to the naked eye, thus it requires infrared or a highly attenuated remote viewing capacity in order to see them.

Over the years, we have found that the most effective way to dismantle and deactivate artificial intelligence used by these jellyfish parasites and other forms of nanotechnology alien implants is to commit to a loving spiritual practice that connects to the higher self or God, genuinely seek to develop your heart center, connect to the Inner Christ, detoxify and purify your body and consciousness from parasites, and intend to cultivate authentic virtue ethics as valued spiritual qualities that emanate expressions of loving kindness, compassion and empathy.

With the current major shifts occurring anchoring the Ruby Rod, the harmful effects of this particular jellyfish parasite agenda should phase out over the next few years, with radical upgrades being made in therapeutic frequency devices and zero-point radiant energy technologies for spiritually healing lightbody traumas that usually come with deep infestations of energy parasites and physical parasites. This is a plague that all of humanity suffers from as the result of the NAA invasion and recent injectable bio-weapons, and this problem will be addressed through the release of advanced healing technologies made available to the masses during the global awakening stages of the disclosure events in the reasonably near future.

~via Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar

LISA RENEE: “Rehabilitation of the Red King in Khemalohatea”

“For many years, the Emerald Guardian Paliadorian teams have been working behind the scenes to build out the corrections required for expanding the Universal Diamond Pillar Gateway to run dual krystal spirals for the Rosetta currents, which ignite the Crystal Lotus Heart and Crystal Rose Heart flowers throughout the Albion Lightbody. Each of the Universal Diamond Pillars contain the records for the Universal Melchizedek Collectives and their true genetic origins, those spiritual families from the God worlds that have incarnated through the Emerald Order, Ruby Order, Gold Order, and Amethyst Order lineages at every developmental stage of the Christos Diamond Sun DNA template and its fall and progression throughout the Universal Time Matrix. This is to restore the Red Kings and rebuild the Ruby Rod architecture that overrides the AI Red Cube systems installed by the NAA throughout the telluric field ley lines to enslave angelic humanity, collapsing the Fallen Ruby Order and hijacked Ruby Sun DNA histories of genetic hybridization and cloning into the Enki DNA Overlays. During the rehabilitation of the Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea for the 7D-8D-9D Pink Lotus Temple being hosted by the Family of RA in the Metagalactic Core, the Pink Lotus Heart synchronized with the 8D Golden Sun in the Galactic Center, in which the Ruby Order came through and anchored Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar instruction sets into the Temple of Khemalohatea. These are Cosmic Father 48D Ruby Order instruction sets for the corrected Red King position within the planetary Ruby Templar Master Shield for the planet, which are systematically collapsing and disintegrating assorted red shield networks, artificial red wave rod and staff, and red cube clones used by Fallen Ruby Order branches for hijacking the Ruby Sun DNA template that was running the false Khem-Khemalohatea. The cloned version of Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea was transmitting artificial Ruby Sun DNA signals, lunar sound tones and archontic voices throughout the Stonehenge gateways and Grual points (2D-5D-8D-11D) which have been instrumental in enforcing gender reversals and transmitting assorted male and female sexual misery miasma into the collective consciousness of humanity. Additionally, the extraction of masses of dark entities as they fled from certain demographics with atomic changes in the field caused by the installation of Ruby Rod architecture, also hastened the confiscation of archontic jellyfish overlays or Suppressor Parasite Entities (SPE) found within the air and water elementals positioned in the in-between spaces of interdimensional pockets. These events generated extremely aggressive spiritual warfare against Starseeds with Ruby Sun DNA rehabilitation missions, during the span of the bifurcation into solar templating (during Virgo through Sagittarius), in which assortments of fallen angelic entities and reptilians attempted to possess, hitchhike or harass those groups with jellyfish parasites if they were embodied with spiritual missions working for the return of the Emerald Order reuniting with the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Order.”

~Lisa Renee

For many years, the Emerald Guardian Paliadorian teams have been working behind the scenes to build out the corrections required for expanding the Universal Diamond Pillar Gateway to run dual krystal spirals for the Rosetta currents, which ignite the Crystal Lotus Heart and Crystal Rose Heart flowers throughout the Albion Lightbody. Each of the Universal Diamond Pillars contain the records for the Universal Melchizedek Collectives and their true genetic origins, those spiritual families from the God worlds that have incarnated through the Emerald Order, Ruby Order, Gold Order, and Amethyst Order lineages at every developmental stage of the Christos Diamond Sun DNA template and its fall and progression throughout the Universal Time Matrix. During the rehabilitation of the Tri-Flame of Khemalohatea for the 7D-8D-9D Pink Lotus Temple being hosted by the Family of RA in the Metagalactic Core, the Pink Lotus Heart synchronized with the 8D Golden Sun in the Galactic Center, in which the Ruby Order came through and anchored Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar instruction sets into the Temple of Khemalohatea.

These are Cosmic Father 48D Ruby Order instruction sets for the corrected Red King position within the planetary Ruby Templar Master Shield for the planet, which are systematically collapsing and disintegrating assorted red shield networks, artificial red wave rod and staff, and red cube clones used by Fallen Ruby Order branches for hijacking the Ruby Sun DNA template that was running the false Khem-Khemalohatea. The cloned version of Red Shield Temple of Khemalohatea was transmitting artificial Ruby Sun DNA signals, lunar sound tones and archontic voices throughout the Stonehenge gateways and Grual points (2D-5D-8D-11D) which have been instrumental in enforcing gender reversals and transmitting assorted male and female sexual misery miasma into the collective consciousness of humanity.

To prepare for the return of legitimate Universal Melchizedek Ascended Masters from the parallel time matrices which include the true Cosmic Father Ruby Order representatives, the 11D Stonehenge stargate access has been moved and Holy Mountain architecture has been merged into the Capstone Codes or Godhead of the Universal Quadrant. This quad configuration runs genetic time codes through assorted Rainbow Arc Bridges uniting through the Universal Diamond Pillars and then transmits them into the diamond rainbow center of the Albion Lightbody. There are White Diamond Rainbow, Blue Sapphire Rainbow, Pink Dark Matter Rainbow Arc bridges for the Cosmic Solar Dragons such as the Ruby Order to pick up genetic time codes and travel through dragon rings within these parallel systems. More recently, there has been the launch of the Ruby Rainbow Arc system into this reality which highlights the momentous return of the authentic Cosmic Father Ruby Order.  

The Universal Diamond Pillar Gateway emerged into the clock shield template that was built for the organic Ruby Pillar stationed in the 6’o clock southern position of the Cosmic Clock, in which to restore the organic ruby spiral source for the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar architecture in the Metaglactic Core for supporting the Family of RA and authentic Ruby Order Father Melchizedek Collectives spanning the multiverses.

During phases of reconstruction of the Universal Ruby Diamond Pillar, the Ruby Order dragon families began to reveal themselves as returning Ruby Solar Dragons, bringing with them Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar instruction sets from the God Worlds in which to fully restore the Ruby Spiral, Ruby Pillar and Ruby Sun DNA templates for the authentic Ruby Order families.  Cosmic Father’s Solar Ruby Dragon Kings appeared during the beginning of the Cosmic Energy Cycle last year, in which to merge into the Universal Ruby Pillar that was further linked into the parallel Father Arc Universe through the Godhead Capstone of 22D, 23D and 24D.

During the Sagittarian Cycle in 2023, it was revealed the Godhead Founder Capstone of the parallel Universal Twin Matrix was the 22D Ruby Flame, 23D Sapphire Flame and 24D Emerald Flame and those flames were reconnecting into the planetary logos. During the Sagittarian Solar Cycle in 2024, it reveals the mission of the Ruby Grail lineages and Indigo 3’s to embody the incoming Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar instruction sets for the incoming Ruby Rod, accessing the genetic time codes of the Cosmic Father Universes to return organic Khemalot coding. This is to restore the Red Kings and rebuild the Ruby Rod architecture that overrides the AI Red Cube systems installed by the NAA throughout the telluric field ley lines to enslave angelic humanity, collapsing the Fallen Ruby Order and hijacked Ruby Sun DNA histories of genetic hybridization and cloning into the Enki DNA Overlays.

Additionally, the extraction of masses of dark entities as they fled from certain demographics with atomic changes in the field caused by the installation of Ruby Rod architecture, also hastened the confiscation of archontic jellyfish overlays or Suppressor Parasite Entities (SPE) found within the air and water elementals positioned in the in-between spaces of interdimensional pockets. These events generated extremely aggressive spiritual warfare against Starseeds with Ruby Sun DNA rehabilitation missions, during the span of the bifurcation into solar templating (during Virgo through Sagittarius), in which assortments of fallen angelic entities and reptilians attempted to possess, hitchhike or harass those groups with jellyfish parasites if they were embodied with spiritual missions working for the return of the Emerald Order reuniting with the Cosmic Father’s Ruby Order.

~via Cosmic Father’s Ruby Templar