LISA RENEE: “Common Causes of Weak Aura”

“There are many things that weaken our general health and well being, through the weakening and fracturing of the human energy field or aura. When we develop Self Awareness and learn basic Spiritual Housekeeping through Psychic Self Defense one can be proactive in generating a strong aura, or Lightbody, which increases energetic balance and health in every layer of the multidimensional bodies. The goal is to focus time and attention on developing your spiritual body and to work your meditation tools to build energy, strengthen your energy body, and stop energy leakages, with directed single-mindedness. Additionally, during the times the human is in between states of consciousness is when the spiritual-energetic bodies of that person are in some kind of transitional state between dimensions. These moments of energetic transition are windows where the aura is more easily attached to or infiltrated. It is important to comprehend the stronger your auric field and the more awareness you have, the less exposure you will have to all of these vulnerabilities and risks.”

~Lisa Renee

There are many things that weaken our general health and well being, through the weakening and fracturing of the human energy field or aura. When we develop Self Awareness and learn basic Spiritual Housekeeping through Psychic Self Defense one can be proactive in generating a strong aura, or Lightbody, which increases energetic balance and health in every layer of the multidimensional bodies.

  • Negative emotions, AD Behaviors, destructive thoughtforms of Negative Ego
  • Unresolved Emotional or psychological conflicts, destructive relationships
  • Pharmaceuticals, drugs, alcohol, Addiction and consuming recreational drug substances
  • Surgery, hospitalization and cutting into the body
  • Low EMF fields generated from technology (cellphones, computers, TV)
  • Solar Flares and strong Magnetic Field ShiftingEMF Fluctuations.
  • Accidents, events that cause physical stress, shocks or emotionally traumatic experiences
  • International Air travel, traveling to areas of the earth with different grid system or hemisphere
  • Extreme grief, depression, guilt, shame or loneliness

In-Between Dimensional States

It is important to comprehend the stronger your auric field and the more awareness you have, the less exposure you will have to all of these vulnerabilities and risks.

The goal is to focus time and attention on developing your spiritual body and to work your meditation tools to build energy, strengthen your energy body, and stop energy leakages, with directed single-mindedness.

Additionally, during the times the human is in between states of consciousness is when the spiritual-energetic bodies of that person are in some kind of transitional state between dimensions. These moments of energetic transition are windows where the aura is more easily attached to or infiltrated. Pay special attention and amplify the use your 12D shield, command personal space when you or loved ones are:

  • Giving birth to a child, both mother and baby
  • In the death transition, passage of the body
  • During the sexual act or in the presence of others’ sexual activity
  • Any injury where loss of consciousness is the result (i.e. blow to the head)
  • Group meditation or spiritual class with non-shielders (lacking experience with NAA)
  • Hospitalization, especially when drugs are administered
  • Sleeping in hotels or places you have not visited previously (hypnogogic state)
  • Involved in extreme traumatic events or compassionate witnessing to these events

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE: “Galactic Warrior”

“Now what is wonderful is that our communication and telepathic channels are much more open now because of the planet’s support of these ascending higher frequency energies that connect with the Solar Logos, and we can access very high refined energies rather quickly. So on some level this is a wonderful opportunity. On another level, if you’re not psychologically or emotionally integrated, if you haven’t been working with Spiritual Housekeeping for clearing dark energies, or doing some personal homework to clear the Pain Body in the emotional field, clearing your subconscious or understanding these components of yourself, then this dark debris can come like powerful force through blind spots and that may feel like a hammer on top of your head. Many of us are Intuitive Empaths, and we must remember that we are connected to the human collective consciousness, we are part of the human species, so until every last one of us on this planet, as a part of the human species, is not feeling fear, is not feeling hunger, is not feeling poverty, enslavement, suffering well we are going to feel that pain and fear deeply, because we are connected to a part of that collective. And that is exactly what we’re here to do, to feel and sense very deeply what has actually happened to the earth, and to alchemically transform the lower vibrations of emotion and of negative thought forms of the collective consciousness, transmuting them into higher vibrating patterns. When we expand our spiritual bodies into new realms, where the human biology has not gone before, there can be the requirement that comes as the clearing of collective human pain body and planetary miasma that is attributed to the process of spiritual growth. And I will say that in a very physical way, there can be intense pain that we feel coming from the collective body of humanity. I do notice that this kind of intense Spiritual Warfare, I would call the spiritual battle of the Galactic Warriors, the specific Christos Starseeds that are here to really endeavor to develop group stewardship or leadership position to support mentorship towards Ascension on the earth, providing support for reeducation away from the NAA mind control tactics. The wheat from the chaff initiations are very intense for this particular group of Galactic Warrior and Intuitive Empaths and that is not going to be everybody’s role here. There are certain Starseeds or Indigos that are here to be the emissary of light, to be in their heart source and to share that with people, and radiate that heart quality of Empathy in their day-to-day. That is their role and that is just beautiful and fine. But for those of us that are Galactic Warriors for the Ascension and reclamation of the Christ mission, we undergo a specific type of spiritual battle with the NAA who are very unhappy that we have come to the earth at the end of the Ascension Cycle.”

~Lisa Renee

Transcript – Now what is wonderful is that our communication and telepathic channels are much more open now because of the planet’s support of these ascending higher frequency energies that connect with the Solar Logos, and we can access very high refined energies rather quickly. So on some level this is a wonderful opportunity. On another level, if you’re not psychologically or emotionally integrated, if you haven’t been working with Spiritual Housekeeping for clearing dark energies, or doing some personal homework to clear the Pain Body in the emotional field, clearing your subconscious or understanding these components of yourself, then this dark debris can come like powerful force through blind spots and that may feel like a hammer on top of your head. Many of us are Intuitive Empaths, and we must remember that we are connected to the human collective consciousness, we are part of the human species, so until every last one of us on this planet, as a part of the human species, is not feeling fear, is not feeling hunger, is not feeling poverty, enslavement, suffering well we are going to feel that pain and fear deeply, because we are connected to a part of that collective. And that is exactly what we’re here to do, to feel and sense very deeply what has actually happened to the earth, and to alchemically transform the lower vibrations of emotion and of negative thought forms of the collective consciousness, transmuting them into higher vibrating patterns. This happens at a gradual level and at certain times during an individual’s Ascension process and spiritual development. When we expand our spiritual bodies into new realms, where the human biology has not gone before, there can be the requirement that comes as the clearing of collective human pain body and planetary miasma that is attributed to the process of spiritual growth.

And I will say that in a very physical way, there can be intense pain that we feel coming from the collective body of humanity. I do notice that this kind of intense Spiritual Warfare, I would call the spiritual battle of the Galactic Warriors, the specific Christos Starseeds that are here to really endeavor to develop group stewardship or leadership position to support mentorship towards Ascension on the earth, providing support for reeducation away from the NAA mind control tactics. The wheat from the chaff initiations are very intense for this particular group of Galactic Warrior and Intuitive Empaths and that is not going to be everybody’s role here. There are certain Starseeds or Indigos that are here to be the emissary of light, to be in their heart source and to share that with people, and radiate that heart quality of Empathy in their day-to-day. That is their role and that is just beautiful and fine. There is no difference in the value of the expression that each one of us is here to contribute to the larger collective, and to help support this beloved planet during the ascension. But for those of us that are Galactic Warriors for the Ascension and reclamation of the Christ mission, we undergo a specific type of spiritual battle with the NAA who are very unhappy that we have come to the earth at the end of the Ascension Cycle. Many of us must master these dark forces as a Galactic Warrior navigating on the earth, and it is the initiation required to attain the Virtue of the Spirits of Christ, which is greatly needed in planetary leadership or in any circumstance of which power over others is being granted from access to higher knowledge.

I am addressing the particular groups that have gone through severe lessons in the genetic pathcutting roles, that have gone through some really intense spiritual processes, and they can feel its connected to a larger group endeavor project that serves the Christ mission. It’s not about just an individual field ascension, it is because they are ascension hosts, Guardian Hosts and these Galactic Warriors are here to have the direct experience with the spiritual battle over consciousness, they must have the experience in order to fully realize the inner light consciousness, in order to hold the purity that is required for representing the Law of One, to hold and discern the difference between dark force and the eternal light source, to be developed beyond some of the ego pitfalls that would place us in ‘power over other’ energetic imbalances and thus easily committing power abuses. This imbalanced relationship is something that has been done in the past with the guru and disciple relationship, and we cannot engage with that archetypal role and relationships any longer. We are now moving out of guru-disciple archetypes, which at some point was a necessity, because that was one way of focusing on enlightenment through an enlightened guru as a focal point, but now the guru is inside you. The guru is within you. We are here to hold the example of the newly integrated Ascension consciousness energy, to become integrated in our personal ascension by understanding the multidimensional dynamics of which we exist in and upon, and travel through those multidimensional energetic layers. Also by understanding that there are many covert dynamics that are not well published or known in terms of the NAA agendas, that are en route and very actively engaged on this planet in the hidden, and not so hidden realms. This anti-human agenda is hiding in plain sight, but most people are unable to see or recognize what they are actually looking at in the macrocosm.

There is basically a conflict over power and control on this planet. We know that well. And the lightworker groups are here to assume the true power of God self and the dispelling of illusion as created by the finite space of ego, as we leave the past into the infinite space of the superconscious, and experience the God consciousness that we are and I AM. I hope that this as a foundation will assist as the basis of understanding the dynamics of why we have so much shadow integration work that we must complete. Many of us have been unceasingly working on shadow clearing, and have undergone this process in the past years. Depending on each one of us and our soul contracts here, is really dependent to the level of how much that has been a part of your experience that is related to ones influence over other people. I do know that the healers that serve others, the council members that are representing other races here, the certain beings that are here to be in more leadership and sponsorship positions, have gone through really intense initiations so that we would not abuse our power to influence other people. This is why I wanted to talk about that, to address the mission of the Galactic Warrior

I have undergone really intense challenges and incredible pain in my life. As I sit here today, I am able to say I am so glad, I am so blessed, and I know that all of you if you are in that particular time frame of that particular level of your evolution, working extreme polarity integration or shadow work, I know how confusing and how painful that is at the time when you do not comprehend why this extremely difficult life lesson is happening. It is a phase of Dark Arts Training and it is something that is temporary. Once you understand that these forces actually do exist, the Dark Arts Training gets easier. That they actually do single certain groups of us out for targeting. I will explain to you the different themes and patterns I have seen of those that are more susceptible and vulnerable to psychic attack. It seems to be the pattern if you are here to influence large groups as an agent of change or transformation for the Ascension, you are more vulnerable to V/V targeting. If you have specific ET genetics that are very desirable to a certain group of ETs or beings, you are very vulnerable for targeting and manipulation. I would say really that those are the two main things. If you are a Starseed with really desirable genetics and if you are here with a really big contract, and that is going to affect a lot of people, and they feel you are taking a piece of their claimed territory of humans. They do not want any of us to show people how they can free themselves from consciousness enslavement and Mind Control. I do notice is that if you are a lightworker and you are off in an ashram and you’re just not bothering anybody, they don’t seem to really care about that. They get more aggressive to Galactic Warriors, and if you are here to influence big waves of change with groups of people, or you are quickly Awakening, that is when you’ll feel the resistant dark forces coming in and experience a wide range of manipulation and interference from a variety of forces. 

When you are at a certain level of spiritual integration in your light body, and we have a lot of different spiritual body layers, but just think of it this way. Once we start to access planetary ascension energies which is somewhere between the fifth, sixth, and seventh planes, you become visible in another realm to particular level of beings and basically they can see that your Lightbody is now either leaving or starting to leave the frequency centre of the 3D or third dimensional earth, and when you’re at this particular level of embodiment, this is when aggressive resistance starts to come in. They don’t like sheep getting out of the pen

Now it’s not fair to say that all resistance is coming from Negative Aliens that are trying to control the earth, I mean that’s not necessarily so. There is a lot of levels of interference, this is where discernment must be developed, because a lot of it can be from your own subconscious mind or from the minds of 3Dpeople. Interference can be sourcing from your own fears, because as you purify your body and heart, your mental and emotional bodies will start to reorganize and all of the patterns, every single thought you have had through your incarnational realm throughout all lifetimes, and we are talking simultaneously. So you are resolving issues through the multidimensional planes in your parallel existences that come up for observation or sensory feeling. So that content is what can be so confusing too as well. There are mental and emotional issues that are coming up through your bodies that at this level of identity, and with memory erasure, and without Ascension context, it can be hard to understand why those feelings are even there. [1]

Shifting into Multidimensional Awareness

If you start to develop clarity and Discernment, and again this is what I want to do is awaken these higher senses within you, because when you start to focus your consciousness as a multidimensional being, even as simple as your personality consciousness and then shifting into your higher self, imagining your higher self on your shoulder as a sphere of energy and allowing yourself to focus ‘okay what does it feel like to be in my personality at a 3-D level as Lisa? What does it feel like to be my higher self? It’s like putting on a different layer of energy but that simple act allows you to shift dimensions, You are actually shifting the focus of your consciousness multidimensionally, and even though its very simple, it’s very profound and how your consciousness will start to be trained. The neurological net start will start to be built and create associations, to allow you to have more multidimensional consciousness in simultaneous time. And that is where we are going, for those that are coming into a new expansion of their leadership of holding this particular mission for Ascension, reclaiming the Diamond Sun body, we are going to be embodying a different level of multidimensional awareness in our physical selves that we can’t even describe the semantics around this process, because we haven’t done this level of embodiment quite yet in our current biology. [2]

Mastery in Discernment

Discernment – Without using Ego Mind judgment , test the personal resonance of people and events you choose to engage or exchange with, as in which is either aligned to your resonance or not aligned to your resonance, in that moment. There is no right or wrong, only personal resonance. That answer may change continually in different timelines, depending on when you ask for Discernment. Learning personal discernment builds your necessary boundaries to discover what is productive and supportive for fulfilling your Soulspirit path, or not. Discernment allows for the continual productive growth and the effective use of your personal energies and focused attention. Uphold your personal boundaries by applying Discernment towards all things you focus energy or attention upon.

Observer Point

The Controllers have zero power over you (one’s thoughts and emotional state) when you are outside of their frequency reach by maintaining neutral balance or the Observer Point. If you stay out of mental and emotional polarity (inferior and superior thought forms) it is very hard for them to manipulate or control you. The Controllers have no access to control Now Moment Consciousness and do not understand the self-organization of God Force in Action as the Compassionate Witness. When you are capable to maintain and then embody energetic balance (through observer with no attachment to outcome) God Forces can access your being and bring resolution, reconciliation and peace to the most despairing of circumstances. Remember Fear closes the door to God Force while holding the inner Balance (Peace and Love) opens it. [3]


  1. [Transcript -Psychic Self Defense Class One]
  2. [Transcript -Psychic Self Defense Class One]
  3. September 2011 Newsletter

See Also:

Where Can I Start?

Trusting Yourself

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Princess Code”

“The Princess Code is an collective planetary archetype ‘filter’ that was inserted technologically by the NAA into human consciousness to purposely distort the female principle and female gender roles. As a result this archetype can also be referred to as stemming from the ‘dark female’ or ‘dark mother’ Baphomet forces that are manipulated by the Satanic and Luciferian spirits (Imposter Spirit) in their ritual alchemy to impose their timelines and future probabilities upon the current earth consciousness. When the NAA invaded the planet during the Atlantian cycle, the consciousness program installed in the Planetary Logos was designed to enslave the inhabitants of the planet based in Orion Patriarchal Domination through a strategy of shaping mind control through Archontic Deception Behavior. This began the planet’s dark age of misogyny. The Orion group was aware that to manifest creation they require both male and female counterparts to merge with each other, just as the reversal electrons were manipulating the male principle, the protons were removed to descend the female principle energies into the underworld dimensions. To keep the false female energy trapped in the lower dimensions, the Princess Code hologram was installed to be used by the NAA forces as the counterpart to the False King of Tyranny. The False King of Tyranny archetype mates with the Princess Code archetype to maintain the control through the Power Elite, and the belief systems are promoted throughout media, society and as an inherent part of grooming both boys and girls to adopt this abusive behavior and belief system as adults. This dysfunction further promotes the sexual misery program and the Moloch related soul abuse in so that children will not grow into well balanced adults capable of creating truly loving, healthy, happy spiritual marriages.”

~Lisa Renee

The Princess Code is an collective planetary archetype “filter” that was inserted technologically by the NAA into human consciousness to purposely distort the female principle and female gender roles. As a result this archetype can also be referred to as stemming from the “dark female” or “dark mother” Baphomet forces that are manipulated by the Satanic and Luciferian spirits (Imposter Spirit) in their ritual alchemy to impose their timelines and future probabilities upon the current earth consciousness. The timelines used to feed this false female archetype are related to the painful histories of Tiamat. This is a False Female consciousness program designed to inflict pain and suffering upon the earth. When the NAA invaded the planet during the Atlantian cycle, the consciousness program installed in the Planetary Logos was designed to enslave the inhabitants of the planet based in Orion Patriarchal Domination through a strategy of shaping mind control through Archontic Deception Behavior. This began the planet’s dark age of misogyny. The Orion group was aware that to manifest creation they require both male and female counterparts to merge with each other, just as the reversal electrons were manipulating the male principle, the protons were removed to descend the female principle energies into the underworld dimensions. To keep the false female energy trapped in the lower dimensions, the Princess Code hologram was installed to be used by the NAA forces as the counterpart to the False King of Tyranny. The False King of Tyranny archetype mates with the Princess Code archetype to maintain the control through the Power Elite, and the belief systems are promoted throughout media, society and as an inherent part of grooming both boys and girls to adopt this abusive behavior and belief system as adults. This dysfunction further promotes the sexual misery program and the Moloch related soul abuse in so that children will not grow into well balanced adults capable of creating truly loving, healthy, happy spiritual marriages. Sexual Misery manifests genetic distortions which are generally known as “sexually transmitted diseases”.

The Princess Code Narcisstic Profile

1. Astral fantasy that the Knight in Shining Armor will save her from doom, poverty, low status and unhappiness.

2. Superior beliefs that she is a “Princess” and then “Queen” thus she makes demands of self-entitled treatment.

3. Beliefs she has to manipulate the male target of her “Knight Fantasy” in order to marry her and become the “King”. Sexual manipulation is common.

4. Generally feels that she is deserving of wealth, jewels or status symbols and will blame or use others to get these material goods.

5. General disregard for others, even those she is close with, in the relentless pursuit of her fantasies and personal goals.

6. Cosmetic surgery or extreme manipulation methods to make her appear to be a “princess” to others.

7. Spin doctors the reality (creates self-promotion stories) to suit her image of perfection, or image based on her reality bubble which is based in delusion.

8. Narcissism through emotional fracturing is masking her outward superiority complex and potentially, tantrums, hysterics and upheavals.

9. Refuses to listen to facts and may lash out when her delusion or reality bubble is being threatened.

10. Key themes: manipulator, seducer, jezebel, Femme Fatale, Victim-Victimizer, lasher/slasher, guilt trip punisher, man-eater, strings attached, conditional

Sexualization of Cartoon Objects

In order to separate humans from true sacred marriage (Hieros Gamos) through divine union, the NRG Grids promote Sexual Misery and disconnection through all means sexual, such as internet porn, the sexualization of inanimate objects and the belief that the grass is always greener with another sexual partner. Once a person becomes addicted to the bait of this rapidly descending pathway, the architecture of this fantasy control system hooks into all of one’s lower energy centers (Three Layers of Ego) to capture one’s vital force. When something vampirizes one’s vital forces (sexual chakra) all one will instinctively want is to get it back, so commonly people will seek the next “seduction” to vampirize someone or something else. Through this continual addictive behavior of energy drain, one never succeeds in feeling satiated or fulfilled and so the person may become addicted to all things external. The mind becomes obsessed, fixated on latching into another external outlet, sex, food, drugs, clothes, or any object or person to experience instant gratification and a moment of “astral bliss”. In its advanced stages the fixation becomes obsessive compulsive in order to relieve the discontent to the level of anxiety experienced, courtesy of the NRG grid.

As an example, at this time the Asian grids are feeding “Princess Code” female principle distortions as well as “sexual robot” fantasies through the Seducer Archetype. Hello Kitty products (princess code) and Anime cartoons (sexual robot) have extensive architecture powering into the NRG networks as a battery source. This means huge Asian populations are feeding distortions to power this NRG in the same way the reptilians NAA are using, this does not mean these items in itself are “negative”. It means these items are being exploited into shaping trends or beliefs which create massive deviations that are imbalanced and unhealthy to the human being who is unaware they are being negatively manipulated through these mind control systems. During this time, many young Asian girls have decided to have radical cosmetic surgery on their features to appear like their favorite or adored anime or manga cartoon character. Sexualization of cartoon characters also has themes that lead to the progression of the sexualization of children. This is a Archontic Deception Behavior method and NAA strategy to traumatize children as young as possible into Sexual Misery programming and further, produce pedophiles. Traumatized and abused children grow into traumatized and abusive adults that feed the cycles of the Victim-Victimizer mind control programs, thus making it excessively easy to control the mentally and emotionally traumatized population through Addiction Webbing. [1]

Article Reference:

“Why is Anime Overly Violent and Sexual?” [2]

Men in Japan have it tough. The typical “salary man” is frustrated at work, constantly pushing himself and getting almost no satisfaction from his job. Marriage is a kind of serfdom for women, and men are culturally conditioned to regard women as servants and brood mares, so wives have no emotional outlet. Young girls are encouraged by the intense consumerism to date older men, sell their underwear on the internet and engage in all sorts of prurient behavior because of the need for that new trendy purse. The Yakuza gangsters feed this emotional vacuum with prostitution in a myriad of forms, and there is some indication that incest is a problem under the refined surface of Japanese culture. These three demons: emotionally unsatisfying marriages, grueling and grinding work, and rampant consumerism, combined with the absence of a Judaeo-Christian antipathy towards licentiousness fuels the need for sexually oriented anime, so there is a very grim dark side to anime.

Healing Destructive Archetypes

Breaking Away from Destructive Archetypes: No partner, or casual relationship that you have intimate relations with, either sexual or platonic is accidental or by chance. We are ending casual relationships and all relationships will be first and foremost about personal transformation and spiritual development. The new Hieros Gamos template will emphasize this change in human relationships this year and ongoing. Relationships entered into with a basis of pathology, such as astral delusion, addiction or fantasy (Princess Code, Hero/Savior Knight, Tyrant King, Ice Queen) will create the most emotional pain through event backlash. We are being taught to move away from destructive archetypes that play mind games and delude our perception between our intimate relations.

Once it is realized that all relationships are about spiritual growth through applied life lessons, you can participate with that comprehension in order to easily graduate to the next level. Applying nonattachment and unconditional forgiveness in your relationships will allow you to skip the harder (more painful) lessons. Eventually through your balanced self-mastery, you will have access to create the most loving, spiritual marriage you ever could imagine. However we have been manipulated and lied to about our sovereign right to experience a balanced, loving and glorious sacred marriage. We have been filled with shame and guilt from painful distortions promoted from the reptilian control and patriarchal domination. We will have to overcome our emotional pain and our memory of inner spirit crucifixion to be resurrected into the Light of Truth. To become whole again, we will need to relearn and remember our sovereign right to access inner and outer Hieros Gamos. This year we have this possibility and it will continue to grow stronger as more of us wake up and remember to live our divine purpose and love again. [3]

Healing Inner Violence

Take steps to clear and heal your emotional state, as well as mind, body and spirit, when you recognize inner pain, or inner violence towards self or others, to inquire on the nature and source of the pain or fear. Continue to develop skillset to transcend pain and fear and improve communication skills and lifestyle habits. We have a bevy of tools here in ES to help with that process.

When these skills are mastered as a way of everyday life, they are much easier to apply in husband-wife/partner/spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend/Alchemical union. Some changes that are unique in these types of Krystic partnerships extend further to extremely deep transparency, honesty and intuitive knowing in the evolving dynamics of the relationship. This new type of Christos based relationship is ever evolving. Some key descriptors of a Krystic union are included in this article: [4]


Seducer Archetype is very energetically profitable to siphon for an Negative Ego controlled by sexual addiction and hooked into the mass consciousness Sexual Misery program and belief systems. When a human being is “choosing” to play out the game of seducer, they are in unconscious consent to be energetically implanted to feed the NRG network and spread its NRG Implants. The NRG and the Michael-Mary Reversal are systems of which are designed to split apart male and female energies in so that internal balance is not capable of being achieved through the consistent abuse of one’s sexual energies or gender energies. The Seducer Archetype is enmeshed with the Baphomet reversal mother or Satanic fields in the earth layers at the 2nd Chakra and 2nd dimensional layers.

Seducer: (i.e. Surface: Oooh.You’re cute! Flatter, Flatter. Hidden: Let me tangle you in my false flattery webbing and cord your 2D centers for my insatiable vampire and lure you into Sexual Misery)

A Femme Fatale or “player” is very good for an ego addicted to receive external attention or energy cords from the opposite sex to feel loved or worthy of attraction. This is related to the Seducer Archetype.

Archetypes of the Seducer include Charismatic Leader, Fame Seeker, Status Seeker, Publicity Seeker, Escapist, Princess Code, Pathological Liar and Sociopath. These are listed in the HGS Manual under the Victim-Victimizer 3 clearing under Addictions/Phobias.


1 ↑ June 2011 Newsletter Showdown

2 ↑ [1]

3 ↑ Hieros Gamos January 2012

4 ↑ Krystic Qualities Article

See Also

Seducer Archetype

Archontic Deception Behavior

Moon Chain



~via Ascension Glossary


“The Baphomet Deception was mainly carried out by the Luciferian Knights Templars in order to distort and twist the original Gnostic teachings from the Christos Essene Templars, the blue flame grail lines of the original 12 Essene Tribes. From the earliest Luciferian Templar sects, this signature was promoted over many generations to be adopted into Islam and to pervade the Satanic sects, in which it became the Church of Satan’s GOAT (god of all things) symbolism. Some of these secret society brotherhoods referred to God as the God of All Things, which was turned into the acronym GOAT. Hence, the symbolism of the goat faced demons Baphomet and Pan that have been commonly associated with the horned devil in Satanic rituals and occult seals used to evoke demonic powers. Recently, a special op has been involved in the safe transit of people that have been mutilated by the injection and the AI related signal spray with the CV insignia connected to G.O.A.T., that has rendered them in the past timeline. G.O.A.T. is God of All Things, and this insignia is Satanic and appears as a Baphomet head that has overlaid itself on the person’s brain and or 3D mental body. This is a recent development, and seems to be a feature of the injection that is mixed in with the severe mind control of the victim who suffers from terrorizing fear, in which an inversion of the consciousness body takes place which thrusts their Lightbody into a past timeline somewhere in phantom 3D realms. This is like an electrocuted brand in the person’s head and crown, identifying them through this brand as satanic entity food.”

~Lisa Renee


The Baphomet Deception was mainly carried out by the Luciferian Knights Templars in order to distort and twist the original Gnostic teachings from the Christos Essene Templars, the blue flame grail lines of the original 12 Essene Tribes. From the earliest Luciferian Templar sects, this signature was promoted over many generations to be adopted into Islam and to pervade the Satanic sects, in which it became the Church of Satan’s GOAT (god of all things) symbolism.

Some of these secret society brotherhoods referred to God as the God of All Things, which was turned into the acronym GOAT. Hence, the symbolism of the goat faced demons Baphomet and Pan that have been commonly associated with the horned devil in Satanic rituals and occult seals used to evoke demonic powers. One of Albert Pike’s influences was the French occultist, ceremonial magician and author Eliphas Levi who he quoted in his masonic handbook. [1]

Guardian Defender Special OPs

Recently, a special op has been involved in the safe transit of people that have been mutilated by the injection and the AI related signal spray with the CV insignia connected to G.O.A.T., that has rendered them in the past timeline. G.O.A.T. is God of All Things, and this insignia is Satanic and appears as a Baphomet head that has overlaid itself on the person’s brain and or 3D mental body. This is like an electrocuted brand in the person’s head and crown, identifying them through this brand as satanic entity food. This is a recent development, and seems to be a feature of the injection that is mixed in with the severe mind control of the victim who suffers from terrorizing fear, in which an inversion of the consciousness body takes place which thrusts their Lightbody into a past timeline somewhere in phantom 3D realms. It appears they leveraged the G.O.A.T. brand recently with AI Signals transmitted out from the Satanic Superbowl rituals and their propaganda-based commercials. [2]



  1. Baphomet Deception
  2. Gaian Matrix

See Also:


Mind Control

War Over Consciousness

Basic Principles of Psychological Warfare


~via Ascension Glossary

‘BEING A SPIRITUAL WARRIOR’ ~ Lisa Renee: “Life is a Battlefield”

“Whether spiritual people like to admit it or not, Life in this dimension is a battle that one must develop strength and discipline. Even the great Paramahansa Yogananda said, ‘Life is a Battlefield’. This discipline exists on a variety of levels and one must learn to be a spiritual warrior in life. First you are disciplining your mind to remain conscious and stay awake in a reality where the mass populace is generally asleep to their environment and their divine nature. Staying out of automatic pilot and from letting the subconscious mind control your life takes constant vigilance to stay mentally alert and stay present in the moment. Second, keeping negativity and negative thoughts away from your energy field and thought processes takes disciplined awareness. As well does the ability to maintain staying in the flow and remain balanced and in harmony with yourself in order to have clarity and inner peace. However one of the biggest things you must face and deal with, along with energies within yourself not coming from the soul, are the negative energies coming from other people and the environment.”

~Lisa Renee



Spiritual Housekeeping