LISA RENEE: “Reuniting with Holy Father”

“Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our sustenance, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into falsity, and deliver us from the bondage of darkness. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.”

We intend to Identify, Locate, Remove and Repair the subconscious mind aspects which inflict negative ego delusions, inflict mental bondage of pain and suffering in any part of the spiritual and energetic layers from the False Father (FKOT) mind control programs through the entire course of this treatment. We bring to our immediate attention the Heart of Australia, in your inner vision, see yourself travelling to the center of the Australian continent to the large sandstone rock formation in the southern part of the Northern Territory in central Australia called Uluru. Intend to ask permission of the Gatekeepers to enter the Mother Arc Gates of the Alpha and Omega, the place where time has no beginning and no end. Beloved Father God, through your compassionate witness and hand, I ask to be reunited with you in perfect trust, perfect faith and perfect virtue to reflect the Holy Spirit and the virtues within your highest expression and image. Beloved Holy Father, please help me to know of you directly in my heart and mind, to gain trust with your true presence, please help me to heal my spiritual fears, from the pain I have endured in my mind, in my heart, in my body and in my spirit, on this earthly plane. Holy Father, all deceiving and interfering spiritual oppression or demonic essences and their impostor spirit structures and programs are cast out of my body in your Holy Presence and Christ Name permanently completely and totally, I accept and allow the power and healing of Father Gods eternal light as the plasmic spirit of Christ to unite me with the Holy presence of Father God.

Meditation Transcript

Beloved Holy Presence of God- In Pure Love Open All channels of light, clear all light fibers to be fully connected and resonant with the Eternal Living Light Code.

Set Space

We call Upon Our Group Avatar Christos Spirits and God Selves, The Guardians, Aurora Families and Guardian Mentor Band, The Krystal Star Matrix aligned to the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of GOD’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony. We command this space as sacred in the name of God and consecrated to the service of the One Source Light.

Connect to Inner Core

a. Authentically declare your Intention from your Heart to resolve authority issues and defer your Ego to Serve God/Oneness

b. Declare intention: My declaration of intention is to serve my Source. I commit to serve my highest power, fully, completely and totally, I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free!

c. Activate your Inner Spirit and Core Shield (12D Shield field Hub)

d. From within your 12D Hub, create the Hub Handshake with Unity Intelligence/Krystal Star

e. Boundary Test (I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free! GSF)

Statement Of Prayer

Beloved Presence of Holy Father, Through your compassionate witness and hand, I ask to be reunited with you in perfect trust, perfect faith and perfect virtue to reflect the Holy Spirit and the virtues within your highest expression and image. Beloved Holy Father, please help me to know of you directly in my heart and mind, to gain trust with your true presence, please help me to heal my spiritual fears, from the pain I have endured in my mind, in my heart, in my body and in my spirit, on this EARTHLY PLANE…..with these words NOW I intend to consecrate and dedicate all levels of my identity, all levels of my intelligence, all levels of my heart and spirit, all levels of the gift of my life to serve the goodness, the glory, the truth of my relationship with you, the Holy Father.

May this intention and blessing be wished through the Father’s Prayer which I dedicate now:

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our sustenance, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. Lead us not into falsity, and deliver us from the bondage of darkness. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.

Through my inner spirit and Avatar Christos, I request that which is my eternal nature and Holy Self, to be commanded in the Natural Laws of God, and to which I resign and renounce all unnatural laws and structures that have been unintentionally made within my entire living existence, throughout all time and space. I choose to be made whole, I choose to be made in my highest expression to God, and I ask my Holy relationship to Father God be revealed to me personally in Truth, In Love, In Eternal Light and Nature that I believe and know with all of my heart is the Only Thing that is Real. Holy Father, please consecrate my body, mind, and spirit, please deliver my Inner Child from the bondage of pain and suffering. With all of my heart, with all of my might, with all of my mind, I pray to be released and relieved of the bondage of the False Father the False King of Tyranny, to restore the correct Rod function as aligned to Christos and end any confusion from not knowing who you really are.

I ask with all of my heart to be shown directly who my real Father is in this LIFE ON THIS EARTH, and that my relationship to the Heavenly father, that my relationship to the Holy Father Arc, be revealed in my heart in your perfect alignment, in divine right order and harmony throughout all of my EARTHLY LIFE. Holy FATHER, NOW and ALWAYS…. I PLACE MY TRUST WITH YOU… I PLACE MY HEART AT THE ALTAR OF YOUR HEART… I AM ONE WITH MY REAL FATHER IN GOD.

Holy Father, Remove all structures of False Father deception, remove all structures of illusion, remove all structures of ego mind walls, terminate all artifices of Victim, Victimizer and Bullying from any person, place or thing… human or nonhuman, any spiritual force which separate my existence from experiencing your direct love, protection, security and compassionate hand in directing my life. Please Guide me now through the Reorganization in divine perfection and timing, please through these intentions Resurrect my Personal Tree of Life to represent the True Holy Father of Infinite Love and Compassion, terminating all substructures and dark matter architecture that contains the False King of Tyranny programming and their impostor light and false structures of ego and corruption.


Holy Father, All deceiving and interfering spiritual oppression, demonic essences and their impostor spirit structures and Fallen Angelic programs are cast out of my body and returned in your HOLY PRESENCE AND CHRIST NAME, permanently completely and totally, I accept and allow the power and healing of FATHER Gods eternal light as the plasmic spirit of Christ to unite me with the HOLY presence of FATHER God. Every personality, identity, multiple personality, alter, generational or ancestral identity located in any time and space, any identity that has inhabited this body in any shape or form, I terminate any legal agreement and energetic law that serves demonic spirits or harmful entities, from pre-birth, birth, childhood, teenage-hood and adulthood through the act of my personal will NOW to choose self-determination for my core spirit to unite with my TRUE FATHER GOD– I choose sanity, wholeness, integration and healing as the perfected truth inside my body, mind and spirit which I know is made in Gods image. I am the Cosmic Sovereign Law Made Manifest!

From Today and in ALL TIME I dedicate my body, mind, spirit, personalities and all essences of being to the service of God and the power of the living spirit of Christ. Holy Mother, Holy Father, Holy Christ, may the sacred trinity ignite your powerful healing spirits within my heart and body to propel me to purity, and perfection in the highest expression and True Light of God. Now bring your focus back to your physical body, feel your consciousness returning back from the root areas and moving upward to expand back into the full witness presence of your heart complex, and feeling your heart compass, allow the compass of your heart to return you back to center, back to core, return you back to present time, return you back to your station and residence in your Now Self.

As you feel back in the present time, confirm, I AM ONE WITH MY TRUE FATHER, AS HE IS ONE WITH ME THROUGHOUT ETERNITY.

Beloved God we ask for all human beings on this earth to be a knower of their soul and to release the burdens of humanities servitude to false light, false power through deception and hatred. We pray for all humanity and this planet, for peace, love, compassion, mercy, and forgiveness, in so that every being may find its way back home to the living light. Please comfort those who are in great pain, so that they may come to know peace, and therefore know the perfect peace of God’s love existing within the Christ consciousness.

I harmonize and HOLD this space in the name of One Self God Self. AS witness of One, I seal this into the Light of Union of Wholeness in Service to the One Self. Take this through the Morphogenetic Field and subtle energy systems on all levels and components of the Being. Fully, Completely, Totally. Seal our bodies as consecrated to the Eternal Light of God Source, and our Family of Oneness. Beloveds, we thank you for this Opportunity. It is with great joy and reverence we are Home in the Light. Our Infinite Stream of Love is with you in ALL ways. I Seal this Session Container into the Light of Wholeness and Union. And SO it is. THANK YOU!


Reuniting with Holy Father Meditation, December 2013

See Also:

Mother Arc Hubs

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Returning to the Father”

“It is this spiritual journey of gaining self-knowledge traveling through the Tree of Life, which is used to persecute and terrorize the human race through victim-bullying archetypes. This False King of Tyranny archetype or False Father, uses intimidation tactics of bullying and victimization to enforce oppression through circulating spiritual fears in the masses. This massive mind control program used through the patriarchal domination agenda is called the Victim-Victimizer software. If we are weakened by fear, confusion, intimidation and bullying tactics, we can easily be served up into the chomping teeth of the Victim-Victimizer mind control programs. This spiritual fragmentation is designed to destroy our real inner relationship to our God parent by enforcing external terrorism, misogyny and Armageddon scenarios. We are able to heal these distortions if we are willing to move beyond fear, insecurity and low self-esteem. This is one reason the Cosmic Holy Father principle is returning us back to look at the base issues now, to learn how to cultivate the character building virtues and ethical principles, that we need to strengthen our own spiritual roots. As we become more adept at feeling completely safe with God, we can build trust with the father principle that exists inside ourselves.”

~Lisa Renee


We are being pushed incredibly hard now to grow beyond our base auric frequency to strengthen our entire vibrational foundation for progressive and integrative spiritual embodiment. Without a strong spiritual-energetic foundation we are unable to integrate our soul, oversoul and Avatar Christos, thus we are not able to create the dwelling for our inner Christos spirit to reside. When we begin the stages of embodying our inner spirit with a loving, surrendered and open heart, we eventually experience becoming increasingly freed through the gradual process of energetic integration. Energetic integration or sacred union occurs through the synthesis of polarities held in the pairs of opposite, which is the alchemy of harmonizing opposing forces, which leads to embodied states of higher consciousness and spiritual development. As we make progress in clearing energetic blockages which transform into increased self-awareness and self-realization, we ascend upward on the branches of the Tree of Life, which hold consciousness experiences throughout time. These timelines are in the many branches which hold instruction sets traveling between and within the dimensional spheres located in the Tree of Life. This is how we gain self-knowledge as a multidimensional and spiritual being, we travel through the spheres of time held in the holographic layers of the Tree of Life.

It is this spiritual journey of gaining self-knowledge traveling through the Tree of Life, which is used to persecute and terrorize the human race through victim-bullying archetypes. This False King of Tyranny archetype or False Father, uses intimidation tactics of bullying and victimization to enforce oppression through circulating spiritual fears in the masses. This massive mind control program used through the patriarchal domination agenda is called the Victim-Victimizer software. If we are weakened by fear, confusion, intimidation and bullying tactics, we can easily be served up into the chomping teeth of the Victim-Victimizer mind control programs. When we are fearful we disconnect from our inner spirit, closing down our heart, and we accelerate our servitude to the mind and bondage to the outer spirits of materialism, through energetic fragmentation. This spiritual fragmentation is designed to destroy our real inner relationship to our God parent by enforcing external terrorism, misogyny and Armageddon scenarios. The religious rhetoric tells us we are doing something wrong that offends or separates us from our real Father and Mother. The mind control abuse generated from these false parent archetypes further promotes these distortions into beliefs spread throughout our biological family of origin. We are able to heal these distortions if we are willing to move beyond fear, insecurity and low self-esteem.

Healing the Father Archetype

This is one reason the Cosmic Holy Father principle is returning us back to look at the base issues now, to learn how to cultivate the character building virtues and ethical principles, that we need to strengthen our own spiritual roots. As we become more adept at feeling completely safe with God, we can build trust with the father principle that exists inside ourselves. When we have full trust in our relationship with God, we know we are ultimately protected and we stop generating fear based karmic backlash to ourselves and others. We can stop being victims or bullies. As such, we will find ourselves being sent back to heal the unconscious issues located at the base or root in our personal Tree of Life. These are wounds that have kept us weak, stagnant, blind or unable to expand further from beliefs that promote archetypes of victimization or bullying.

When we are in right relationship to the masculine principle, we are grounded, stable, and secure with a strong sense of the inner core self. When one has strength at their foundation, one can progressively build upon that foundation which generates self-esteem and self-worth based upon the inner and not the outer. The inner sense of security and stability has nothing to do with the external, this feeling of secure connection is available even if one finds themselves currently homeless or penniless. (See the Spiritual Nomad article).

Humanity will not progress beyond self-enforced tyranny or evolve spiritually until the Father principle is healed, grounded and integrated at our base and root level. At this time we are returning to the origin of the root blockage to overcome the damage perpetrated from the mind control of the False King of Tyranny. We must discern the difference between the outer imbalanced False Father archetype that operates as a tyrant and bully in the material world and the Cosmic Holy Father principle, that is the internal aspect of our inner Christos and compassionate witnessing. In order to recognize what base frequency and belief systems are operating in our spiritual foundation, we must see this father paradox working in our consciousness within the inner, outer and in-between worlds.

This is being accomplished by moving the individual into the places and spaces in which this consciousness experience can be best comprehended and mastered, before moving further into any higher access of knowledge contained within the Tree of Life. Hence, during this transformative time of wound healing there will be much activity related to relocation, such as transits, exits, deaths, re-births, beginnings and endings. We will be moved to the place that is most beneficial to continue learning how to build a strong spiritual foundation through character building life experiences and alignment to our spiritual purpose.

As the Cosmic Holy Father principle embodies into the matter world, his ongoing influence is pushing us to recognize the base principles from which we operate. These are the thought forms we choose that are shaping the decisions that we make every day in life. These choices reflect the belief systems we embody, which further reflect the overall base frequency of our entire energetic existence.

This surfacing of our base frequency level is magnified a hundredfold so we can identify harmful or destructive patterns in our sense of security, stability, and protection. This is transpiring with great benevolence, in order to learn how to build the right relationship to the masculine principle and experience the true Holy Father.

Identifying Root Weakness

First we must identify which mind control programs the False Father archetypes have used that still have a stronghold over our unconscious beliefs and conscious thoughts and feelings. The False Father or patriarchal domination, has been aggressively used by the controller mechanism to deliver the victimization and bullying mind control, to our root system throughout childhood and adulthood. In this way, this has become a standard belief system that is self-enforced by humans who treat each other as victims or control each other through bullying. This agenda enforces that many humans feel unsafe, insecure, ungrounded and unprotected so they will continue to promote fear. Further, this agenda is encouraged by the N.A.A. as the False Parent archetype in our society to destabilize and disassociate the child from inner bonding and core integration. This prevents accessing the base human requirements for improved wellbeing, such as having experiences of love, acceptance, safety and security. Without this foundation, this fragments the child’s self-love, self-worth and self-esteem. This lack of self-esteem will generally stay broken into adulthood and throughout the person’s life, so they are easily controlled by the external. This reinforces the destructive patterns repeatedly into cycles of age markers, in which the person experiences the same childhood sensations repeated into adulthood, which results in disconnected unhappiness. This destructive cycle repeats generation after generation, inherited in ancestor after ancestor, and continually degenerating DNA if not corrected.

The first internal layer of our mind is our 1D unconscious mind and it functions like a hard drive for the conscious ego mind. This means that unconscious memories from past lives, present lives and future lives may all be stored in this memory hard drive and used to manipulate belief systems held in the ego’s conscious mind. Because the planet was invaded and our individual memory and identity erased from those tragic events, most all human beings have four main areas of painful cellular memory record in their 1D unconscious mind at varying degrees. Those four main areas are: Abuse, Trauma, Shock and Devastation.

To heal these four main areas that are used to build upon the beliefs that generate bullying or victimization into the ego mind, first we must see them when they are operating in our thoughts.

When we identify what it is stimulating fear into victimhood, we stop giving it power over us. Second, one must leave all false beliefs of security, stability and protection as a measurement made in the material reality. This is the true understanding that money, houses, careers, bank accounts, credit ratings and marriages are not the real sense of one’s security. To use any of these items as a life boat to feel secure and stable, is a total delusion of power and is designed to eventually fail. This is to break one’s self esteem through continued betrayals of trust, calculated by the False King of Tyranny to create codependence, frailty and apathy. Many humans are learning this lesson in a very painful way during this cycle. We must learn to identify the difference between the False King of Tyranny and the Holy Father in order to find true security, stability and grounded spirituality within.

Finding Base Security and Inner Stability

One must make a sincere effort to stop the delusion of basing one’s self esteem on the appearance or assumption of outer circumstances. For many of us this is our immediate task at hand, to be mentally and emotionally freed of being bullied, intimidated, and threatened in one’s sense of inner security, stability, foundation and wellbeing. We must master this lesson with the Cosmic Holy Father. He is embodied here in matter to give us his hand in supporting this truth. It is only the trinity of the Godhead which leads us back to the inner One, that is our real security. That relationship is totally up to each of us. Only you can develop trust in that relationship with God, no one can do that for you on the outside.

The foundation of our lightbody is our form holding energetic blueprint, which exists as the holographic Tree of Life. We are being pushed hard to surface that which has stunted our spiritual and personal growth, which exists at the base levels or unconscious levels. When we hold unresolved and unconscious pain in our base frequency, it weakens our entire foundation, it erodes the roots which hold the base of our personal Tree of Life.

If we have moved too high in frequency or knowledge too quickly, this means we have jumped onto the higher branches of the Tree without having mastered the vibrational qualities that would weaken one’s base.

Without having grown the strong stable roots for building the strong stable spiritual foundation of one’s personal Tree of Life, one may topple or be redirected in their path. One is easily manipulated, controlled or potentially hijacked by the Controller forces when not spiritual strong in virtues and ethics. At this time one will be moved to the life path that is vibrationally matched and appropriate in order to accomplish the learning required through the highest consciousness pathway.

(Source: ES News – Returning to the Father)


~via – Time Shift Blog – December 3, 2019

LISA RENEE: “Yod of Father God”

“The Yod of Father God is the aspect or finger of God that works through the principle of Compassion in Action to restore the Law of Compassion for humanity on the earth. He returns the Rod of Masculine Power to balance with the Staff of his Wife, and together, they restore Balance to the Universes. Through their marriage of equal force, Mother’s Sound of Love and Father’s Light of Compassion, together they are the Hieros Gamos of the living holy spirit of the Unity Logos. Upon Mother Arc’s return to this Universe, and through her eternal love for him, she collected her husband’s parts and restored him to his True Glory and Power. Yod is the first letter of Yeshua, the Guardian Christ which is also a reference to the Father principle of God of which he as the (Christos) embodies in human form while on the earth. The Yod is Spirit of One and from the One all other things are created in this Universe, through the power of his spoken word all is made in Universal Love and Compassion.”

Lisa Renee


The Cosmic Monad of Holy Father God returns through the Emerald Order, along with the transmission of the liquid light Plasma Waves of the Cosmic Christos at the end of the Ascension Cycle. Holy Father and Holy Mother unite to activate the Permanent Seed Atom in the Crystal Heart and return the blueprint of the Permanent Seed Atom to those it should belong to as divine human beings. This enacts Universal Law through “return to rightful owner” or RRO to those human beings that have developed their heart center, and aligned themselves with their true essential nature, the embodiment of spiritual consciousness in unconditional love and Compassion.

The Yod of Father God is the aspect or finger of God that works through the principle of Compassion in Action to restore the Law of Compassion for humanity on the earth. In this context, the Yod of Father God is related to the original cosmological blueprint that influences the organization of stellar bodies and constellations made from the Father’s principle in the Universal Law of Structure. As the Law of Structure re-organizes the cosmological planes into higher harmony and balance as consciousness increases, the Yod is formed in the creator’s blueprint during the expansion into higher consciousness to shower loving compassion upon those who have open hearts that may receive it. When the Yod appears in the astrological timeline or blueprint of a human being, that person experiences a deeper relationship that connects into the presence of the Holy Father. The interpretation of the Yod presence, compassion in action, is left with each person to experience directly and intrepret as it relates to higher spiritual purpose.

Awakening Father God

The Emerald Order beings are connected to the Cosmic Monad and are a part of carrying out the divine will of the Universal Father Arc or Father God principle. They were beyond our reach in previous timelines because of a “ring–pass–not” placed around our Solar System, related to the Orion Cross implants. During this time they return to activity with the earth plane and humanity. The Rishic Suns uphold the principle of divine law in that they dispense to those people that have merged themselves with their divine (spiritual) principle; those human beings who are not controlled by the material forms of the lower three worlds (1D-2D-3D). The awakened Rishic Suns, as a Cosmic Monad principle, will pour this new Solar Spiritual Source, or Kunda-Ray into the human monadic principle, so this builds, repairs and alters the monadic bodies here on this material plane. So this timeline begins as the great adjuster of the recorded memories of the many polarities experienced in the energetic principle of Universal Law, the Gender Principle that functions in the Law of Polarity or Pair of Opposites. This dispensation of Universal Law is an adjustment of energy that must be accounted for through divine or cosmic justice to be reconciled in this end time cycle period. The Cosmic Monad of Father God and the transmission of the next phases of the liquid Plasma Waves of the Cosmic Christos are returning now to activate or return the Permanent Seed Atom to those whom the permanent atom seed should belong to. [1][2]

HGS Amplifier

As an Amplifier (Talisman) it is defined as Rod of Power – Magenta Wand:

Magenta and Gold Founder Ray merged with Mother Arc. Yod of Father God, also Father Arc, is the Living Compassion of the God head, and the Hand of God’s compassion in action, which is activated through our Heavenly Father. Together, with his counterpart, Mother Arc, Father is overriding the Gold Ray by creating the Universe’s Golden Rod, and also creating a new Cosmic Green Ray, to bring healing to his children and the earth. He is the healer and re-animator of the Family of Michaels, the Male Christ principle. He is the rehabilitator of patriarchal domination and masculine tyranny through his Hand of Compassion, which is his Yod, or Rod of Power. He returns the Rod of Masculine Power to balance with the Staff of his Wife, and together, they restore Balance to the Universes. Through their marriage of equal force, Mother’s Sound of Love and Father’s Light of Compassion, together they are the Hieros Gamos of the living holy spirit of the Unity Logos. When male principle healing, mental body healing, or physical demonstrations of an compassionate action to resolve disputes is needed, Heavenly Father will give his hand to help. Upon Mother Arc’s return to this Universe, and through her eternal love for him, she collected her husband’s parts and restored him to his True Glory and Power. (All 14 dimensions of his parts were collected to restore him.) In his Hand is the Rod, and can be called upon when a compassionate action, resolution, movement or clarity in a situation has been requested in heartfelt prayer. Father issues are best resolved through his hands. He is committed to end war throughout the patriarchy lines. His Tetramorphic or Animal Symbol is a Bi-pedal Golden Eagle with Spread Wings, wearing a Gold Solomon Shield with an encrusted Diamond Heart Breastplate (Overtone & Resonate Tone).

Astrological chart

A Yod is a name for an aspect which forms a triangle shape. The two sextile (60° apart) planets means that they are harmonious to each other but weak where as the quincunx (150° apart) planet is incompatible to that pairing as it shares neither gender (masculine/assertive or feminine/receptive), element (fire, water, air, or earth), or modality (cardinal, fixed, or mutable). This aspect activates a powerful conduit of energy, and/or a deeply felt block, in the direction of the third, separated planet. [3]


In the Guardian reference Yod is a symbol code and holographic architecture that forms within a blueprint that refers to the presence of the “Finger of God”. This is not an explicit reference to the mystical Hebrew tradition of Yod as the beginning of the Hebrew alphabet letters that spell the name JHVH. (Jehovah). We have learned that Jehovah is an Annunaki ET that decided to inflict salavationistic models of violent religion upon humanity. Although there are some other similarities in the use of the letter Yod in this Guardian terminology, the main distinction is the deviation from the 10 base alphabet and 10 base Sephiroth as represented in the Kabbalah mystical science and Black Tree of Life.

As we have been informed, the base of creation is 12, and the 12 Tree Grid of Life represents the 12 Forces and their 12 timelines. The Guardian material presents that the Male Christ Electrical pattern is 12:12 and not 10:10. We use the term Yod to refer to Base 12 Krystic architecture in the God Masculine principle, represented as the Finger of God in creation to dispense the Law of Compassion. When we call upon Father’s Yod, we are calling for the Law of Compassion, we are asking for the compassionate action of God’s finger to be with our inner masculine principle to guide us through our challenging life circumstances, in Divine Right Order. Yod is synonymous with the Virtues of Humility and compassionate action of the Universal Father principle being taught to us in example. To know the Holy Father, we must develop our inner spirit to become more like him. The Yod can only be represented while in the Three Parts of its inherent Trinity. The Holy Father, The Holy Mother and the Holy Son. The Yod means “hand” and it suggests an outstretched hand or arm that is reaching from Heaven to earth, it is the bridge of God consciousness made between heaven and earth. Yod is the first letter of Yeshua, the Guardian Christ which is also a reference to the Father principle of God of which he as the (Christos) embodies in human form while on the earth. The Yod is Spirit of One and from the One all other things are created in this Universe, through the power of his spoken word all is made in Universal Love and Compassion.



  1. Bifurcation of Time, September 2013
  2. December 2012 Newsletter
  3. Yod Astrology
  4. Page 161, HGS Manual


Father Arc

Mother Arc


~via Ascension Glossary

KARA DEMONET (Soulstice Rising): “Fear Is An Illusion”

Fear seems to be very prevalent in the old world. Yet, it is an opportunity to see it is an illusion; to hold you back and empower the fear. Don’t! Go beyond the fear and focus on Love instead, for within the fear is Love. The fear is also an opportunity to release any residual fear you still hold. Look into the fear; whatever it is; and see at its core Love. In every instance, focus on your own Integrity; your Truth. Being in your Integrity keeps you on your Path of Love. You can see fear as just another distraction; something to cling to; complain about or take on. It’s best to be Love instead. And what is Love? It is who you are. It is Source and by being authentically you, you transform the fear to Love simply by being you; simply by being your Integrity; your Truth.

Realize too that the phase we’re in requires each of us to be patient with ourselves and others. It requires us also to share our gifts; whatever they are and how large or small they may be. Some are writers, some are poets, some are photographers, some are Earthkeepers, some are conduits of a greater Love. It matters not how you express your gift; as long as you do. It can be as small as caring for a pet or loved one or caring for a plant…as long as you do it with Love; share your gift or expand your gifts. Be sure to ground often, for Earth is shifting as we are. Everything is shifting…your beliefs and concepts, your identity…everything. Trust only in Source, for this helps balance and ground you. The Sacred is where to place your attention, for from Source all else is born. Source is who you are.

We often want to control things by believing we must work at a loveless job or keep certain people in our lives. Yet, control is also an illusion. You control nothing and no-one. This is why it is essential to know; truly know; that the Power is within you, for you are Source. If you stay in neutrality as well, then you maintain your Sovereignty. You do not attach to “good” or “bad;” you observe with Compassion, knowing a deeper Truth.

Trust and have Faith that all is in Divine Order. This includes the many things and people that are no longer on Earth or choose to remain asleep. If it feels like everything is falling apart; rejoice; for it is and must. You have consciously let go of much; this also occurs on an unconscious level. I have said there is a great Transformation occurring. Perhaps some of you didn’t feel beneath words or you just skimmed over that word, since it is used so much. Transformation is a complete let-go. From the goo that is left, a New World and a New You is reconstructed cell by cell. Even your DNA is changed, as is your consciousness. All is so all of Who You Are is aligned with and as Source. None of the old can remain. Of course, you must choose. Some may not want to let go of certain things; some may want to continue their complaining and complacency; and yet many will do anything to bring forth the New…not just for themselves and Gaia, but for the All.

If there are still old wounds that you carry around, heal and transform them to Love. This requires you to be in the Now Moment and to have loving support. Your support can be like-hearted others or the invisible realm. When you are in Stillness, call upon support. Ask for what you want and remember just because you have a memory of something it does not mean it is still actively creating in your life. Go into the memory and see if it gets you to react. If it does, ask to have the energy of it removed. If you do not react, trust that you have healed and transformed that particular wound. Just because you remember something does not necessarily mean it is still creating in your life.

If you are one who is asking to ascend and you feel as though nothing is happening, pay attention to your messages. Whether they are in your dreams, meditations or in regular life, pay attention. Stay in the Moment; stay in your Integrity. You are being guided. Yes, there are baby steps, for Ascension doesn’t happen when you want it to (control). It can happen in a second or in a lifetime, for everyone is unique. Remember that you aren’t alone; you are being guided in each moment. Are you listening? Be strong, committed and patient. Each choice you make leads you to Ascension or leads you away. You know the difference. If you feel overwhelmed by too many choices, take a deep breath and do just one thing at a time. Keep it simple.

Are you experiencing gold? This is the essence of Christ Consciousness as well as the New Earth. Do you experience purple? This is the essence of Transformation. Do you experience green? It is your Heart expanding. Do you experience blue? It is your New voice (and could also be the Blue Beings of Sirius communicating with you as well as other beings of Light). As we move toward 11/11, these colors/essences will intensify. Do you experience sensations in your higher chakras (Pineal, 3rd Eye, Crown)?These chakras are being updated. Along with the colors/ essences, there probably are some physical sensations. Flow with it all; observe without wondering what it is or why; just observe without attaching to whatever is going on. How you can help yourself…ground, be in Nature, take care of yourself and be gentle. Don’t push; flow.

If it feels as though you are taking one step forward and one step back, do not despair. It simply is the way it works. Energy ebbs and flows and since you are energy, you ebb and flow! Linear time is an illusion. Nothing goes by Point A to Point B to Point C, etc. Nothing goes in a straight line. Energy is a spiral. You are not a victim; nothing happens to you except when you have disempowering or limiting thoughts and beliefs (you create it; it only seems as though it happens to you). If you don’t like or resonate with your creation, begin again. You are not on a timetable either; all is in Divine Order and in Divine Time. Everything occurs in the Moment. Think of the popular word, “timeline.” Time is an illusion and line is linear. Very 3D. Of course, this is only my perception. What is yours? Or do you just go with whatever is fed to you without Discernment? Use Discernment with everything you see, read or hear. Always ask, “Is this true?”

Much seems to be sensationalized these days. By using Discernment, you are guided. If you feel victimized in any way regardless of who a person says they are or where they get their information, ask to be removed from the situation. Remember, you have a support team ready to help you in any given moment. They will not interfere, so you must ask. Discernment is a tool you have within. It is a Soul Essence. It rests within your Heart.

Here are some examples of being awake or awakening more: you lose track of time (yesterday I was speaking with a daughter and mentioned it was Tuesday; she replied, “Mom! It’s Friday!” I couldn’t stop laughing). You might not even remember what you did just an hour ago. If things seem strange or you get lost in familiar surroundings, this is another message that you’re awakening even more. Sometimes you’re clear; sometimes you are in a fog. Only wanting meaningful relationships; feeling tired of “small talk.” You may want to spend a lot of time alone. Of course, there are lots of physical phenomena too. I won’t go into these, as everyone is unique as to what they are experiencing.

Trust yourself and love yourself. These are the two things to always have in the forefront of your life. Be gentle and peaceful in all you choose to do. Stay neutral without going into judgment. Remember that you are loved and guided and cared for.




Do you perceive Beauty everywhere?  Do you see it even when the intellect says it’s ugly?  Do you perceive a difference between you and those you judge to be “less than” like so-called immigrants, those you judge that linger in 3D (according to you), folks who hurt others?  Or do you perceive a difference between you and those you deem “more than?”  Remember, we are all One.  You are connected with everyone and everything.  There is no “us and them” in the New.  You may observe some doing things you wouldn’t choose to do.  Can you see that perhaps the “others” help you transform all lower energies (and integrate higher energies) in yourself?  Can you see the Love within all that reflects the Love that you are?  If so, you indeed are firmly in the New.  If not, perhaps there’s more work to do.  You can love all and yet choose not to be in relationship with those who vibrate differently than yourself.

There is and has been an expansion of your Heart and Crown chakras.  This expansion helps you be more accepting and compassionate.  Be aware of how you feel moment to moment.  One minute you seem to be flowing in expansion and the next minute not feeling as though anything has shifted.  This fluctuation is how it is for most as we continue to detach from 3D and embrace the New.  Some physical manifestations you may experience as expansion occurs are tingling (especially in or on the head and in and around the Heart).

You may feel dizzy as well, yet notice the choices you are making; notice how you are expanding; especially in your thoughts and actions.  Notice how fearless you are.  Be aware too that if it seems things happen to you, like others not choosing to be around you or being fired from a job or not having enough money, that it still is your choice… whether it’s a conscious one or not. Remember you attract to you what is within your consciousness.  Breathe, flow and ground.  Take care of yourself.  What life do you choose to create?  The energies that integrate within you help you create your ideal life (based on how you want to feel) without chaos or confusion.

As the energy continuously builds, remind yourself that you are not alone, even though many are on different paths and going at different speeds.  Some may feel exhilerated, while others are anxious and angry.  I notice that the ones I truly feel connected with are children, while some adults in my life seem belligerent. (Hmmm; do I have both energies within me?)

Engage where and when you can as you are called to and let the rest go, for each being must choose for themselves.  You need not become definsive or match others’ vibration or take anything personally.  Stand in your own Truth and honor others for wherever they may be.

Never doubt that all we’ve been doing is merging with our Soul/GodSelf/Divinity.  This is our True Self.  Being fully immersed as our True Self, there is no more seeking outside of ourselves; actually, there is no seeking at all; there is only a Knowing.  This immersion is more than being “spiritual”; this is true being. How do we do this?  First, we must release and transform all old patterns, emotions and beliefs, along with anything that limits or holds us back in duality.  When we clear all of the old, we experience true self-worth.  We experience true Wholeness; not just in one moment, but in every moment; this is being authentic.  We truly know that we are One with all of life; we are Source.

Generally speaking, the phase we are in now, if you’re ready and committed, is to practice; putting all you know into action everyday and in every moment… walking your talk.  It is not enough to read others’ words only; it is essential to put words into action, to be what you say you are.  Work for all; be in Divine Service.  When we serve all, we serve ourselves and most importantly, we serve Divine Will.  Isn’t that one of the main reasons of why we’re on Earth at this time?  We each have a path; a mission; it is based on our gifts and where we are drawn.  When you are Joy, you trust, you love, you serve.  You are free.

Meanwhile, continue to release and trust your process.  Allow yourself to not be comfortable, for the New is not comfortable.  Trust that all is in Divine Order.  You may want your loved ones to join you, yet trust they have their own path, so honor them.  Attempting to change others is of the old and it not only distracts you, but pushes them further away.

Trust that as you become somewhat comfortable in one phase of your Journey, another arrives.  It is so very important to take care of yourself through diet, rest and being still.  Only you know what is self-loving for you.  Fill your own cup first and then you will be able to serve others unconditionally.

In my own life, I see so much has shifted. People I was once close with have distanced themselves.  My diet has shifted, as have so much in my life.  The biggest shift is that I am extremely aware of not only where I resist, but where others resist as well.  I notice old longings surface and I see where I am; whether it’s here, there, nowhere and everywhere.  I know many of you can relate to this ebb and flow of life.

Each of us has a calling.  No one calling is better or worse than another.  Each is an aspect of Divine Service; be it healing, collecting refuse, nursing, teaching or simply being Love without a career of any kind.  Sometimes you’re called to be somewhere.  When you arrive, you may not resonate with the place at all.  However, there are no mistakes.  Some years ago, I was called to Idaho.  I had never even heard of it before and when I arrived I uttered, “Uh-oh!”  Idaho has never felt like home to me and yet I am here; I’m here for a purpose.  It’s not necessary to know what that purpose is and you don’t need to know the whys of where you are either.  The main thing to do is to say Yes.  We share our Light no matter where we are or what we do.

Each of us is unique; what works for one may not work for another.  This is why it’s essential to follow one’s own guidance.  We integrate Light and release all uniquely.  Realize too that much occurs without us consciously willing it to be so.  We can observe the changes and I do love this, as when the changes bypass the separate ego, they cannot be interfered with.  However, we on a deeper level choose everything; consciously or not.  When we give our Power away to others, we stop our own Transformation, for others cannot truly know what is best for us.  This allows us to take full Responsbility for our own Transformation.  What helps this is to fully merge with our Souls and then step out of the way.  Instead, we follow our guidance, even when it makes no sense.  While we surrender to the unconscious aspect of evolution, we still must act in a way that goes beyond the separate ego; the patterns we have anchored that are of the old.

To integrate the higher frequencies that bring healing and wholing to our cells and DNA, we must do the clearing work.  Some happens spontanously; with others we consciously choose to shift.  Whether we integrate unconsciously or consciously, we may experience many physical sensations such as electrical currents in different parts of our body, weight fluxes, sleep disturbances, headaches, blurry eyes (or as if there is something irritating in the eye), shifts in elimination and all sorts of things not mentioned here.  When in doubt, ask your body and your guidance to see if it’s related to Ascension or not (it usually is!).

Be aware that your Sensitivity is expanding and upgrading.  This includes more acute hearing, seeing, feeling, smelling and more.  Certain situations may be irritating.  If you feel overloaded by stimuli, rest or step away.  If you take things personally, realize this is not true Sensitivity; it’s separate ego-sensitivity.  It also means that you may still be attached to what others think of you.  Let this go so you may experience true Sensitivity.

Are you ready to move onto new phases of Discovery?  Are you committed to your Ascension and evolving into being New; brand New?  Are you still teetering on the edge, not sure if you want to jump?  Wherever you are is fine.  Trust yourself and follow your guidance/Intuition.


