LISA RENEE: “Organic Ascension Time Wave”

“Those of us who can stay awake, alert and connected to the truth spirit and God self during the current Plasma Activations and planetary Dark Night of the Soul, are able to anchor into their Lightbody the organic krystal directions which are the correct positions within future time and space. From within this eternal moment, we are synchronized into now from all of the past timelines, organic and inorganic, which merge into the one future organic timeline that unites us in truth. Where the promised future of spiritual freedom is made available to all human beings, during some point in their consciousness journey, when they too will embody an ascending identity to merge into the one future of the organic ascension timeline. As the plasma activations transmit levels of plasma body activation coding, this allows us to visually sense or see more of the alien architecture embeds or strange harness implants within our own bodily system, in which we continually peel off and clear through the layers. The return of the Solar Rishi is changing the experience of perceiving alien machinery in multiple stations of reality, where there appears to be the physicalization of the AI technology server systems or random alien cube machinery components which make the reversal current networks much more visible from this realm. This can greatly impact our perception of time and may lend to the sensation that we can bounce in and out of time, sense moments when time feels faster or slower, and then have sensations that we are experiencing a void space in no-time. There has been an acceleration in the war over the timelines involving artificial base 10 architecture that supports the holographic projections of Artificial Timelines used by the NAA to generate splits and inversions throughout the earth’s dimensional fields. This escalating conflict has intensified the outer chaos, as well as dark aggression aimed at those awakening groups of Starseeds and Indigos that are supporting the base 12 timelines that reassemble the organic planetary architecture. An awakened human with an active 12 Strand DNA imprint may run base 12 frequencies throughout the planetary grid, which has the potential to heal the dimensional splitting that occurred between the organic reality and phantom reality. The Christos frequencies may feel discordant, unpleasant and even repellent to those humans and non-humans who are unaware of the negative influences of the Predator Mind or who have not chosen to embody their Christos blueprint.”

~Lisa Renee

Those of us who can stay awake, alert and connected to the truth spirit and God self during the current Plasma Activations and planetary Dark Night of the Soul, are able to anchor into their Lightbody the organic krystal directions which are the correct positions within future time and space. This Organic Alignment allows us to stay in the eternal moment of now presence while simultaneously travelling forward towards our true north position, which is the consciousness evolution towards spiritual Ascension. As the Collective Consciousness voyages into the egoic death passage to discover the spiritual process of consciousness rebirth, the trajectory takes us to explore the past darkness in order to shed the dead energy of previous trauma. We clear our past pain in order to expand into the garments of light which hold the plasma spiritual body record, which builds the plasma ascension vehicle for our highest consciousness. See The Collective Awakening Event.

From within this eternal moment, we are synchronized into now from all of the past timelines, organic and inorganic, which merge into the one future organic timeline that unites us in truth. Where the promised future of spiritual freedom is made available to all human beings, during some point in their consciousness journey, when they too will embody an ascending identity to merge into the one future of the organic ascension timeline.

As the plasma activations transmit levels of plasma body activation coding, this allows us to visually sense or see more of the alien architecture embeds or strange harness implants within our own bodily system, in which we continually peel off and clear through the layers. The return of the Solar Rishi is changing the experience of perceiving alien machinery in multiple stations of reality, where there appears to be the physicalization of the AI technology server systems or random alien cube machinery components which make the reversal current networks much more visible from this realm.

The Rha Solar Consciousness factors of spiritualizing Paliadorian-Starseed krystal rainbow blood codes are being transmitted from the Rha God World Creation through the liquid plasma sheath flowering nerval system which is rapidly upgrading in our vertical channel and crown energy centers, forming the corrected coordinate directions to the star map constellation points from within the Maji Grail Crown.

As krystal plasma air elements and krystal vapors begin to spiritualize the cellular waters and fluids in the physical human body, then it may become visible to notice that the human race has been blocked with artificial black goo and black gel rings forming around the vertebrae and spinal column which have been used to enforce the Death Seal and consciousness lockdown through cycling AI net frequencies. The spinal column encloses the spinal cord and the fluid surrounding the spinal cord. We note that dark matter template correction along with mother’s sound tones from the new harmonic universe begin to circulate a series of holy spiritual vapor waters that flood into the kidneys, the cells, the cerebral spinal fluid, and the interstitial fluids to upgrade the entire water management system. The plasma activations can generate stages of excessive dryness and thirst, where replenishing the hydration of the cells and cellular bio-chemic salts are required.

From the Guardian Perspective, this plasma activation is a sequence level in the fulfillment of the Paliadorian Covenant which is initiating plasma sheath bodies, advanced chakra flowering systems, sextant matrix shifts, krystal atomic body and atomic regulator shifts, which greatly reconfigure the solar plexus and 3D Conscious Mind matrix. This in turn begins the build out of the plasma luminary body which stations our authentic spiritual identity in eternal now presence, all time is spherical and accessible from this eternal now. This can greatly impact our perception of time and may lend to the sensation that we can bounce in and out of time, sense moments when time feels faster or slower, and then have sensations that we are experiencing a void space in no-time. [1]

Solar Synthesis

The increased solarization of the planetary grid network is occurring rapidly in the stellar grid areas where the Sun-Stars are being reconnected into multiple layers of crystalline grids and diamond diagonal grid networks that power up the master controller grids in the Albion. As there is a reconnection of the Sun-Star Stellar maps into sections of the crystalline grids on the Earth, this is beginning to build higher liquid plasmic ray frequencies to the level that the planetary magnetic field is exponentially weakening. The magnetic field is shifting to the extent that the gravitational pull is lessening which causes the collapse of alien frequency fences and assorted controller machinery, which begins the transfiguration of the raw substances in physical matter and mental body matrices. As changes in the magnetic field occur, this can impact the electromagnetic balance between the left hand and right hand positioning in the body. The lightbody adjusts itself to the organic alignment of correct left and right positioning towards the true north star leading into the future timeline.

Organic Magnetism

The solar streams in the form of solar winds enter the Magnetosphere which is located in the ultraviolet layer of the Ionosphere and directly control the planet’s internal magnetic field, which is currently being reconfigured into organic states of magnetism. [2]

War Over Timelines

Recently, we have witnessed some of the mysteries of the mechanics of creation unfolding, with revelations and advances in the war over consciousness and more specifically over Timelines. There has been an acceleration in the war over the timelines involving artificial base 10 architecture that supports the holographic projections of Artificial Timelines used by the NAA to generate splits and inversions throughout the earth’s dimensional fields. This escalating conflict has intensified the outer chaos, as well as dark aggression aimed at those awakening groups of Starseeds and Indigos that are supporting the base 12 timelines that reassemble the organic planetary architecture. An awakened human with an active 12 Strand DNA imprint may run base 12 frequencies throughout the planetary grid, which has the potential to heal the dimensional splitting that occurred between the organic reality and phantom reality. The organic layers co-exist with phantom layers, side by side in timeline stacks. It is possible to discern the organic timelines versus the Artificial Timelines, when running the Christos Blueprint 12 base code frequencies within the Lightbody. See War Over Timelines. [3]

Artificial Timelines versus Organic Timelines

The planetary body has reached an important milestone in the shifting of timelines, and the enhanced revelation of perceiving the technologically induced Artificial timelines versus the Organic timelines throughout creation is being emphasized. There has been a massive shifting of the ratios between artificial timelines and organic timelines in the overall field architecture. As a result there are some surreal events happening in the multidimensional fields that have heightened the war over timelines between the various competing factions. The current conflicts are primarily over maintaining the base 10 architecture and metatronic Fibonacci coding that uses the Artificial Tree of Life constructs, which exist as NA controlled artificial machinerywithin the planetary body. The base 10 architecture uses an artificial core manifestation body and distorted birth transduction sequence that runs reversal 10 current. [4]

Timeline Wars

Thus, during the timeline wars, the Christos Mission is the incarnational agreement made by many Starseeds that came to the earth during the Ascension Cycle. To help realign the planetary grid back into Krystic architecture, building the Christos Blueprint, in order to restore energetic balance and the natural order to the consciousness evolution cycles. When a human being chooses to devote themselves to the spiritual embodiment of their personal Christos blueprint, their consciousness and physical body become the highest expression of the Natural Order and serves the divine plan for all. Their consciousness body will naturally transmit loving, balancing, healing and harmonizing frequencies to the earth and to all of humanity. The Christos frequencies may feel discordant, unpleasant and even repellent to those humans and non-humans who are unaware of the negative influences of the Predator Mind or who have not chosen to embody their Christos blueprint. [5]


  1. Solar Synthesis
  2. Solar Coding, Crystal Body and DNA
  3. Artificial Timeline Wars
  4. Language of Living Knowledge
  5. Artificial Timeline Wars

See Also:

Solar Consciousness

Solar Dragon

Return of Solar Rishi

Winter Solstice Gold Body Activation

Guardian Host

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Quantic Field Impact to Space-Time”

“Currently, the planetary body is undergoing a space-time reorganization that ripples out many strange anomalies that influence the quantic field. As a result, there are new patterns of electromagnetic disturbances, interruptions or distortions in the collective field. The quantum field, also referred to as inner space-time, is rippling these effects into the unmanifest layers of the core manifestation template, otherwise known as the blueprint matrices that make up the layers of morphogenetic fields in the earth. Gridworkers may feel the Blueprint structure in the planetary field transforming completely with the shifting timelines, and this feels like something very different, extraordinary and even bizarre is occurring in the earth fields. It feels like it is a new design that is encompassing our consciousness with the necessity to learn a foreign language, and yet it feels distantly familiar and vastly powerful. This is comprehending that our human energy field and physical body is reaching a new threshold of consciousness experience, through which we can directly experience the mechanics of wave and particle duality, happening in our body simultaneously. This was always functioning in our body at the quantum level, but we now can recognize and participate with that function in our consciousness, as its happening. We are form and we are formless, simultaneously. In this new structure, we are able to experience our consciousness body as formless, shapeless, and moving through time functioning as a wave, while our physical body form is connected to earth and still functioning within the principles of matter. Ascending humans are becoming aware that both states of being, formless and in form, are possible to exist within simultaneously or in spiral time, and as the conscious observer of time, we can still remain unbound to the station of time and its constructs. As an example, in meditation or consciousness transport, we are experiencing another level of timeless, formless, and flowing movement that is not bound to space and time, in which our consciousness may more easily time travel or bi-locate. The lightbody becomes free from the constraints of time and space to more easily time travel. When time travelling or Dreamwalking we can merge our consciousness body with the available consciousness energy to generate more Plasma substance, uniting with the manifestation of new structural supports, such as holding pillars, Stargates and portals that help the earth and humanity to evolve in the Ascension timeline. The Diamond Sun consciousness body has the capacity to function as its own Stargate, from the inner space, quantum level, where the consciousness transforms into non-visible waves of light and travels great distances very quickly. This is very important, as for many multidimensional people on the path of Ascension, this means how we connect into many levels of the consciousness structure has radically changed, our lightbody is radically changing, and our physical body is undergoing a series of adaptations in order to meet the new energy requirements. Our body may feel different and exhibit strange symptoms. Our previous ways of consciousness connection and communication are in fluctuation, while our lightbody is being reconfigured to accommodate the changing planetary architecture, solar architecture and beyond.”

~Lisa Renee

Currently, the planetary body is undergoing a space-time reorganization that ripples out many strange anomalies that influence the quantic field. As a result, there are new patterns of electromagnetic disturbances, interruptions or distortions in the collective field. The quantum field, also referred to as inner space-time, is rippling these effects into the unmanifest layers of the core manifestation template, otherwise known as the blueprint matrices that make up the layers of morphogenetic fields in the earth. Gridworkers may feel the Blueprint structure in the planetary field transforming completely with the shifting timelines, and this feels like something very different, extraordinary and even bizarre is occurring in the earth fields. It feels like it is a new design that is encompassing our consciousness with the necessity to learn a foreign language, and yet it feels distantly familiar and vastly powerful. The blueprint alterations impact the dark matter template, and this appears to have direct consequences to altering and changing the Earth Elements, and the elemental structure of the earth body.

This also changes our Consciousness interface while we are on the planet, which forces us to adapt and find new ways of communicating with the earth and our connections with Star family. The architectural changes extend to include areas connected as portals on the earth, leading into off planet structures that reach into the Solar System and beyond. All communication systems connected to these levels of planetary architecture are undergoing fluctuation, reconfiguration and it appears to be re-building interstellar links that reconnect earth portals to realign into multiple star systems and celestial bodies. Some of these platforms being built are for the purpose of transiting out many inhabitants that have existed in the space-time areas on the earth that must be moved somewhere else, and as a result are undergoing space-time reorganization at the end of the Cosmic Time cycle.

The Subatomic particles of elemental matter are re-arranging within the new atomic structure that is in the process of being built to support the planetary body shift into the next harmonic universe. Subatomic particles are particles that are much smaller than atoms, and describe particle shifts at the quantum scale of matter and energy. Subatomic particles, such as electrons, protons and neutrons, make up atoms and are the building blocks of matter. As subatomic particles rearrange, it stimulates ionization of atoms which produces electrical energy and a series of chemical reactions in the body. The human body when subjected to strong electromagnetic signals, or activated Kundalini, is capable of biological ionization that can generate plasma fields. In the ascending human body, ionization produces higher frequency Plasma light for continuing to build our liquid plasma spiritual body. Eventually, we evolve to the point that we shift out of the Chakra configurations in the Lightbody that exist in the lower creation realms, in order to build a plasma lightbody structure. This structure (merkaba) is for a traveling orb body that can house our higher plasma consciousness. This state of lightbody structure, chakras or orb body, signify the difference between reincarnation through the lower densities of space-time, or being freed from the lower constructs of space and time that allow our consciousness body to travel beyond the Solar System.

We are Form and We are Formless

The planetary elements of earth, water, air and fire are the fundamental building blocks of nature and form into compounds that make up our physical body. If we recognize our physical body is made up of these elements, particles and atoms, and our light body is made up of consciousness units that exist at an even smaller scale, and those quantum units are generating new levels of photonic or plasmic energy, then we realize that our entire consciousness body is undergoing a massive change at the quantum scale. This massive shift at the quantum scale is changing the laws of structure in the architecture that governs functions over our matter body, as well as our consciousness bodies. Ascending humans are evolving into developing new abilities that change the characteristics of what was previously thought to be a human.

Adaptations are occurring so that our higher consciousness intelligence can exist in matter, and simultaneously, we can experience multidimensional awareness in other timelines, yet be as unbound to time as Plasma Waves while travelling in the field.

This is comprehending that our human energy field and physical body is reaching a new threshold of consciousness experience, through which we can directly experience the mechanics of wave and particle duality, happening in our body simultaneously. This was always functioning in our body at the quantum level, but we now can recognize and participate with that function in our consciousness, as its happening. We are form and we are formless, simultaneously. In this new structure, we are able to experience our consciousness body as formless, shapeless, and moving through time functioning as a wave, while our physical body form is connected to earth and still functioning within the principles of matter. Ascending humans are becoming aware that both states of being, formless and in form, are possible to exist within simultaneously or in spiral time, and as the conscious observer of time, we can still remain unbound to the station of time and its constructs. As an example, in meditation or consciousness transport, we are experiencing another level of timeless, formless, and flowing movement that is not bound to space and time, in which our consciousness may more easily time travel or bi-locate. The lightbody becomes free from the constraints of time and space to more easily time travel. When time travelling or Dreamwalking we can merge our consciousness body with the available consciousness energy to generate more Plasma substance, uniting with the manifestation of new structural supports, such as holding pillars, Stargates and portals that help the earth and humanity to evolve in the Ascension timeline. The Diamond Sun consciousness body has the capacity to function as its own Stargate, from the inner space, quantum level, where the consciousness transforms into non-visible waves of light and travels great distances very quickly.

For those that have embodied beyond the Soul matrix and into Monadic consciousness, this new sensation of the change of quantum scale and properties in the function of one’s Consciousness energy, will be experienced in much more tangible ways. Something intangible that is occurring in the quantum of our own body, is gradually becoming more tangible and substantial in the physical. The consciousness body is adapting into new functions that provide structural supports for the planet outside of time, and to bridge for the genetic tribe or group to which we are connected, to achieve higher consciousness attainment in this ending cycle. For those that are newly awakening, and beginning to embody the soul and Chakra functions, this macrocosmic structure will not yet be apparent. The primary focus for those Soul groups will be to work on self-mastery over the lower chakras, and to develop the foundation of the structure for the inner spirit to fully inhabit the physical body.

This is very important, as for many multidimensional people on the path of Ascension, this means how we connect into many levels of the consciousness structure has radically changed, our lightbody is radically changing, and our physical body is undergoing a series of adaptations in order to meet the new energy requirements. Our body may feel different and exhibit strange symptoms. Our previous ways of consciousness connection and communication are in fluctuation, while our lightbody is being reconfigured to accommodate the changing planetary architecture, solar architecture and beyond. [1]


  1. Adaptations

See Also:

Genetic Mutation

~via Ascension Glossary

IRELAND CLARK: “April 2023 Energy Update, HOLY SHIFT”🌋

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

Comments from the thread:

“The sensation of not remembering who I used to be has been huge for me lately. I keep getting that feeling and it’s actually very cool! It’s like I’m looking at my life from a clean lens and I’m able to spot the things I need to change. Thank you Ireland” ❤️

“This year has been exhausting so far, even though I knew that it would be something huge. I’m being tested like hell, but I know that I’m being prepared for everything I’ve ever wanted, which gives me strength to endure it. So kudos to all of us keeping up a good fight and planting the seeds of the new Earth! I’m proud of all of us!” ✨

“Amazing content, Ireland! Completely resonated— I happened to life, the shifting in energy and knowing exactly what to do. Remembering to make every action with my full intent. Lava!” ❤️


“This message was PERFECT! Thank you for sharing this.”🌈🦄❤️🌋

“Huge shift for me last night. Woke up extremely exhausted!!! However, currently feeling Great and ready for more abundance!!”😍

“Loved today’s live Ireland, let’s all celebrate!! God Won, HUMANITY WON!” ✨🙌🎉

~via Ireland Clark

IRELAND CLARK: “Starseed Time Travelers | Hologram Hacks to Ascension”

“I just want you to know that this transmission truly spoke to my soul and makes me realize more and more who we truly are and what we are here to do and the mission that we signed up for. Thank you so much for helping all of us beautiful souls out here to wake up to who we truly are in such a way that we can process it and understand it and innerstand it.”

~Comment from the thread

Ascension Avatar note: For the clearest, best quality playback, select 720p in the video settings in Quality options (I never watch YouTube videos on the 240p Auto mode… too blurry… so distracting!)…

~via Ireland Clark

LISA RENEE on “Consciousness Time Travel”

“Human beings are actually Consciousness Time Travelers, and once we develop our Meditation skills and mental focus, we can actually influence and shape time and Collective Consciousness. We can return back into the Timelines to clear out the destructive records or negative impacts of certain events and identities. We may Transit entities that we may find are stuck at that particular position in time, along with the parts of ourselves that we have recollected to be reclaimed by the source light. When that negativity is removed, when that pain is erased from the past, it changes the future time and direction for that person or group. When many people in a group are Clearing Personal Timelines, it impacts the collective consciousness timelines recorded in history. There are three main ways to describe the stages of consciousness transport in the Diamond Sun template that allow us to move our consciousness, between this point in time and another point in time, or outside of time. These extend into further stages more complex than Dreamwalking, because they are direct functions of the activated Diamond Sun body. These are Transfiguration, Translocation, and Transmigration. Transfiguration is in the first stages of activating the Diamond Sun Krystic Consciousness. When that function starts coming online there is an integration that occurs between the atomic layer of the physical body, and the light body layers that exist in the soul, and spirit body of our Monad. When we start connecting to the eternal divine source body, which is the liquid plasma field or the Christ Consciousness, this is what we call the Avatar Source. Once we undergo a level of integration with the Avatar Source, the body starts to be able to perform transfiguration. Transfiguration means that the person can shift their consciousness body into light. In the first stages of developing transfiguration, this is usually happening in the sleep state. We learn how to travel during sleep state, and the first stage is learning how to bi-locate. Bi-location means that the higher self of the person put themselves in their Merkaba body and they went elsewhere and then they came back. When this occurs, we leave the physical body here. So when in sleep state, the physical body is here, but the person leaves their body at night. The Diamond Sun consciousness leaves the physical body traveling in light, while sleeping to accomplish many other projects that are beyond the astral plane. Many people are experiencing that while doing community projects, meeting in places and having these lucid experiences in dreamtime. This is a level of where our higher consciousness intelligence is learning how to bi-locate while leaving the body here sleeping. The second stage of this is Translocation. This level is when the consciousness is able to transfigure a portion of your atoms into light, meaning the physical body can be transfigured into light. In the previous stage, the body was left here on earth and the person is projecting their consciousness out, they are going somewhere else and looking at the view, but they come back into the body. Now in the next stage of translocation, there is a certain part of the atoms in that body that are transfigured into light, temporarily. So that person can go visit somewhere else, and take a portion of their atoms or their body with them while they travel. As an example, say the body transfigures into light and the person travels to another planet. The people on the planet that is being visited are going to know that person is from the earth, because that person is still holding the space-time location of where they came from, of where they were born. The identity that person has is still holding the encryption of the birth transduction sequence that energetically reveals that person is from the earth. So that means that part of you is still genetically keyed to the earth body, and that the energetic signature reveals the location of where your identity was born. Translocation means that we can transfigure a portion of our physical body to go someplace else, but we still have the genetic imprint from our parents and where we were born on planet earth. Transmigration is the third and final stage of developing full consciousness freedom as a Cosmic Citizen. This is similar to the process of translocation, however, the person does not have to come back to the earth at all. Now the person can go anyplace in the Cosmos that they choose to go without limitation (However, if they go to another planet, they will be subjected to the laws of that planet’s inhabitants). This is the status of having a cosmic identity and being a full Cosmic Citizen. This has been accomplished a few times on the earth historically, but the current Planetary Miasma mutations can make this very hard, although it may become easier in the future. Transmigration is one way to describe what it means to be free. That when we project our consciousness body out, we don’t have to come back to the earth, nor do we have to incarnate back here. In order to be able to achieve a full transmigration of our consciousness body and physical body, we must have released the miasmatic record and the cell we inherited from our biological parents. It is a cell that was created in the chromosomes at the time the egg and sperm of our biological parents united. This cell becomes a part of the seed of the physical body that we are incarnated in. Once the family of origin cell is freed, it gets cleared from the body, and as it releases, it vaporizes. At this point of transmigration, the person is now a Cosmic Citizen. They may hold memories of being on the earth, but their identity isn’t necessarily that. This third stage is something that is very special, unique, and specific to the Diamond Sun body and Krystal Consciousness in order to achieve full Sovereignty and Spiritual Freedom.”

~Lisa Renee


  1. Consciousness Time Travelers
  2. Adaptations
  3. Consciousness Transport
  4. Adaptations

~via Ascension Glossary