LISA RENEE on “Consciousness Time Travel”

“Human beings are actually Consciousness Time Travelers, and once we develop our Meditation skills and mental focus, we can actually influence and shape time and Collective Consciousness. We can return back into the Timelines to clear out the destructive records or negative impacts of certain events and identities. We may Transit entities that we may find are stuck at that particular position in time, along with the parts of ourselves that we have recollected to be reclaimed by the source light. When that negativity is removed, when that pain is erased from the past, it changes the future time and direction for that person or group. When many people in a group are Clearing Personal Timelines, it impacts the collective consciousness timelines recorded in history. There are three main ways to describe the stages of consciousness transport in the Diamond Sun template that allow us to move our consciousness, between this point in time and another point in time, or outside of time. These extend into further stages more complex than Dreamwalking, because they are direct functions of the activated Diamond Sun body. These are Transfiguration, Translocation, and Transmigration. Transfiguration is in the first stages of activating the Diamond Sun Krystic Consciousness. When that function starts coming online there is an integration that occurs between the atomic layer of the physical body, and the light body layers that exist in the soul, and spirit body of our Monad. When we start connecting to the eternal divine source body, which is the liquid plasma field or the Christ Consciousness, this is what we call the Avatar Source. Once we undergo a level of integration with the Avatar Source, the body starts to be able to perform transfiguration. Transfiguration means that the person can shift their consciousness body into light. In the first stages of developing transfiguration, this is usually happening in the sleep state. We learn how to travel during sleep state, and the first stage is learning how to bi-locate. Bi-location means that the higher self of the person put themselves in their Merkaba body and they went elsewhere and then they came back. When this occurs, we leave the physical body here. So when in sleep state, the physical body is here, but the person leaves their body at night. The Diamond Sun consciousness leaves the physical body traveling in light, while sleeping to accomplish many other projects that are beyond the astral plane. Many people are experiencing that while doing community projects, meeting in places and having these lucid experiences in dreamtime. This is a level of where our higher consciousness intelligence is learning how to bi-locate while leaving the body here sleeping. The second stage of this is Translocation. This level is when the consciousness is able to transfigure a portion of your atoms into light, meaning the physical body can be transfigured into light. In the previous stage, the body was left here on earth and the person is projecting their consciousness out, they are going somewhere else and looking at the view, but they come back into the body. Now in the next stage of translocation, there is a certain part of the atoms in that body that are transfigured into light, temporarily. So that person can go visit somewhere else, and take a portion of their atoms or their body with them while they travel. As an example, say the body transfigures into light and the person travels to another planet. The people on the planet that is being visited are going to know that person is from the earth, because that person is still holding the space-time location of where they came from, of where they were born. The identity that person has is still holding the encryption of the birth transduction sequence that energetically reveals that person is from the earth. So that means that part of you is still genetically keyed to the earth body, and that the energetic signature reveals the location of where your identity was born. Translocation means that we can transfigure a portion of our physical body to go someplace else, but we still have the genetic imprint from our parents and where we were born on planet earth. Transmigration is the third and final stage of developing full consciousness freedom as a Cosmic Citizen. This is similar to the process of translocation, however, the person does not have to come back to the earth at all. Now the person can go anyplace in the Cosmos that they choose to go without limitation (However, if they go to another planet, they will be subjected to the laws of that planet’s inhabitants). This is the status of having a cosmic identity and being a full Cosmic Citizen. This has been accomplished a few times on the earth historically, but the current Planetary Miasma mutations can make this very hard, although it may become easier in the future. Transmigration is one way to describe what it means to be free. That when we project our consciousness body out, we don’t have to come back to the earth, nor do we have to incarnate back here. In order to be able to achieve a full transmigration of our consciousness body and physical body, we must have released the miasmatic record and the cell we inherited from our biological parents. It is a cell that was created in the chromosomes at the time the egg and sperm of our biological parents united. This cell becomes a part of the seed of the physical body that we are incarnated in. Once the family of origin cell is freed, it gets cleared from the body, and as it releases, it vaporizes. At this point of transmigration, the person is now a Cosmic Citizen. They may hold memories of being on the earth, but their identity isn’t necessarily that. This third stage is something that is very special, unique, and specific to the Diamond Sun body and Krystal Consciousness in order to achieve full Sovereignty and Spiritual Freedom.”

~Lisa Renee


  1. Consciousness Time Travelers
  2. Adaptations
  3. Consciousness Transport
  4. Adaptations

~via Ascension Glossary

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