REFLECTIONS FOR THE DAY ~ Lisa Renee on “The Afterlife”

“Most people do not think of what they will experience or feel when they reflect on what they have done with their life on earth, when they have transitioned to the next dimension. When communicating with earth based humans that have passed their body, the most prevalent experience I found was regret. Regret that they did not do more with their life. Regret they did not unconditionally love everyone. Regret that fear stopped them from achieving important events that would have changed their timeline and improved the lives of future generations. Life goes on after we drop the physical body, and it is as real as you can feel yourself right now. It is even more real than our lifetimes spent on earth.”

~Lisa Renee


~via Overcoming Fear

JAIMIE KULIKOWSKI: “Is Our Search For Power Driven By 3D Ego Or 5D Soul?”

The answer is… both.

The third law of physics is for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. When energies are different and the same simultaneously, they can oftentimes look and feel very similar. The ego and soul are equal and exact opposites. Both energies are equal in that they are yin (feminine source) and yang (masculine spirit). Where their opposition comes in is in the way they treat each other. In ego, masculine and feminine are at war. Spirit is out in front, dominating and controlling to the point that source gets frozen. In soul, masculine and feminine are at peace. Source is out in front, open and receptive while spirit is responsive with conscious action. When it comes to the human experience, it can be hard to discern if we are being driven by our warring ego or our peaceful soul. It depends on which of our dimensions is out in front.

I was recently talking about the healing modality I practice with a young man and he asked, “Why do people want power?” I immediately started talking about our ego and how our world is being dominated by ego’s hunger for power. Then he explained how he was drawn to power. He said, “There was just a stirring inside of me that knew.” My reply to that was, “Oh, well in that case, you were led by your soul.”

Our 4th dimension of feminine source is the stirring within us that just knows our life’s path and is certain we are going to be alright as we travel on it. When we allow ourselves to be guided by our inner knowing, we are being led by soul because source is in front of spirit. Masculine spirit is the stirring around us that just knows we have been here before and have suffered. Masculine’s energy essence is protection. When we allow ourselves to be guided by our external knowing, we are being led by ego because spirit is in front of source. Our ancestral spirit guides have their shields up at this point in space and time because they have been not only hurt, but killed, by war too many times.

When at war, we see power through the lens of a starving person who is fighting for survival. There is not enough power to go around. We have to get it by dominating, controlling, and winning. Power is achieved through force in the warring ego. When at peace, we see power through the lens of a full person who is looking for truth. There is more than enough power to go around. We find it by connecting, releasing, and sharing. Power is created through surrender in the peaceful soul.

Therefore, in ego, we are power hungry and our wounded masculine spirit guides are out in front. The need to control and win prevails. In soul, we are power seeking and our rejuvenating feminine source guide is out in front. The need for connection and relationship prevails.

The process of awakening is one of getting in touch with and integrating these equal and opposite dimensions that are within and around our human energy bodies. At this point in space and time, everyone has an ego and everyone has a soul. There is no shame in being driven to power by 3D ego. The human experience has been trapped in it for about 59,000 years. There is also no reverence in being driven to power by soul. The soul is not an energy we look up to as it is within and all around. Integration takes time. What we are being called to do in the beginning of this New Earth era is to start recognizing which dimension is out in front in our search for power. Are we being controlled by wounded spirits or led by wise source? The opportunity we have each time we discover we are being controlled by wounded spirits is to figure out the cause of and story around the wounds in order to bring them into consciousness and let them out.



NEZEL PADAYHAG: “The 7 Biggest Differences Between A Human Spirit And A Human Soul”

The spirit and soul are part of the essential elements of the human being. But often times these terms are misunderstood used interchangeably.

Even if these two are both parts of who you are, they’re not one and the same. Knowing how they differ from each other is a great help in knowing more about yourself.

In his book, One Solitary Life: From The Unknown To The Known?, Anthony Fisichella tried to explain that the Spirit is like the electricity that lights up the bulb, which is the soul.

The spirit is The One source that lights up our souls. If this stretches your imagination, let’s just know the different characteristics of each to make an elaborate distinction.

Indeed, the ‘spirit’ of a warrior and a ‘soulful’ song sound much different, right? Here are the greatest differences between these two.

7 Biggest Differences Between A Human Spirit And A Human Soul


The Spirit:

– It provides you the Consciousness of Self.

– It is an awareness that is always present in the Now.

– It is a vessel serving as your direct connection to the Source.

– It’s where your intuition connects.

– It’s where your life purpose stems from.

– It is one aspect, a projection of your soul, just like your body.


A lack of connection to the Spirit results to:

– Depression

– Disconnection

– Unworthiness

– Lack of purpose


The Soul:

– It is unique to each one.

– It contains all the memories of your lifetimes.

– It consists of your ancestral karma, perception, and experiences.

– It carries your potentialities, talents, and abilities.

– It is your blueprint in life.

– It is the book you’re writing across all The Universe, and which imprint you will leave.

– It’s heavily influenced by the ego mind but underneath is your greatest unfolding.




JAMYE PRICE (Weekly LightBlast): “The Name of Love”

Blessed Being, do you recognize the profound Love that you are? Do you recognize how special and unique you are to Life? Do you recognize how much Life Loves you?

It is unconditional, infinite, and eternal. Just as you are.

Being human is a unique experience within Life. Your path is to adapt Life to you, whereas many other aspects of Life are more resonant to adapt. This is overly simplified, and therefore only part of the whole story. Yet this shaping of Life is your path.

You offer harmony to chaos, and chaos offers opportunity to you.

The power to adapt life troubles some because they observe how life on Earth has been shaped by greed, egoic power, and disregard for the sanctity of life.

It is frightening because it means that you must risk coming out of the safety of your shell, and letting your seed of compassion root deeper into the depths for the strength to reach higher toward the Light.

Everyone around you is interacting from a place of Love, whether you recognize it in the moment or not.

Perhaps in one moment, it is an easy and wonderful reflection of your highest hopes for life. Maybe it’s a different way of Love that makes you uncomfortable. It may be in opposition to you, causing you to fear it, resist it, or push against it. Perhaps another is reflecting an immature aspect of self-preservation that causes harm in a moment.

Yet each being, and indeed all aspects of Life, are deeply connected to Love and interacting from a resonance within the full spectrum of Love, even what seems like its opposite.

Where you are in that spectrum determines your experience.

Your current time calls for your empowerment to hold your boundaries of Love so that your resonance stays strong, maintaining a powerful vibration that interacts with humanity—affecting the vibration of life on Earth.

The Name of Love?

You see it all around you.

One is called human, one tree, one flower, one challenge, one moment.

Recognize the Love, the sacredness of each, and you recognize Love amidst all Life.

Your awareness gives Love strength, nourishing it to grow.

As we sit to Blast The Name of Love, we are recognizing that every aspect of separation is another name for Love. We are seeing the sacred in all expressions, even those that call us to greater strength through opposition in a moment.

We are clarifying our desires and holding our bond of Love strongly within, as the human experience touches our unique vibration. We are becoming strong enough to sway with the winds of change while rooted deep in supportive Love. We are compassion in human form, echoing that I am into future form as humanity transforms. Blast on!

Jamye Price



~via Jamye