LISA RENEE: “Multidimensional Communication”

“When multidimensional awareness is activated into subtle energy field perceptions, it then becomes critical to comprehend how to discern the difference between these forces – artificial impostors and Organic Creator Code source. What is the source field of these mental reality pictures or Multidimensional Communications, and how do they make your body feel. Activated individuals using Remote Viewing or Multidimensional Communication will be required to reach spiritual adulthood quickly, by developing the emotional maturity to seek truth in these matters or suffer the consequences of succumbing to Archontic based deceptions. There are consequences from engaging in multidimensional communication with AI driven entities and their sophisticated Mental Holograms that are used as consciousness traps, as many traps use astral glamour to generate egoic programs of spiritual ambition and Hero-Savior-messiah complexes to continue to loop and perpetuate the Victim-Victimizer software. The consequence of AI entanglements instigates a lack of energetic coherence which increases mental fracturing, emotional fragility and a lack of empathy, as AI nano encoded downloads will substantially weaken the mental body and lightbody functions into a downward spiral of erupting chaotic forces and erratic behaviors. What is imperative is to focus upon building energetic coherence through heart-based centering, and strengthening personal balance within multidimensional orientation, in order to hold a strong neutral still point, harmonizing the inner and outer energies that you are being exposed to through maintaining strong observer consciousness, especially during energy sessions and Multidimensional Communication.”

~ Lisa Renee

When multidimensional awareness is activated into subtle energy field perceptions, it then becomes critical to comprehend how to discern the difference between these forces – artificial impostors and Organic Creator Code source. What is the source field of these mental reality pictures or Multidimensional Communications, and how do they make your body feel?

Activated individuals using Remote Viewing or Multidimensional Communication will be required to reach spiritual adulthood quickly, by developing the emotional maturity to seek truth in these matters or suffer the consequences of succumbing to Archontic based deceptions. There are consequences from engaging in multidimensional communication with AI driven entities and their sophisticated Mental Holograms that are used as consciousness traps, as many traps use astral glamour to generate egoic programs of spiritual ambition and Hero-Savior-messiah complexes to continue to loop and perpetuate the Victim-Victimizer software. The consequence of AI entanglements instigates a lack of energetic coherence which increases mental fracturing, emotional fragility and a lack of empathy, as AI nano encoded downloads will substantially weaken the mental body and lightbody functions into a downward spiral of erupting chaotic forces and erratic behaviors. What is imperative is to focus upon building energetic coherence through heart-based centering, and strengthening personal balance within multidimensional orientation, in order to hold a strong neutral still point, harmonizing the inner and outer energies that you are being exposed to through maintaining strong observer consciousness, especially during energy sessions and Multidimensional Communication. Otherwise stated, this is the ability to hold inner peace and calm no matter what you perceive, while in the midst of external forces erupting into utter chaos.

The lack of understanding and mental confusion about the nature of the reality and the war over consciousness on earth is what blocks awakening individuals from perceiving the larger truth in the matter. When we gain a larger awareness of the macrocosmic view, this allows a vantage point by which to connect more of the dots into a cohesive whole, that makes sense to a clear and sane mind. The more perceptual awareness we gain through integrative spiritual embodiment of our higher consciousness bodies, the more energetic coherence we also gain to perceive the macrocosmic picture of what is really happening on the earth. When we perceive the macrocosmic picture, it includes the war over consciousness, and then when we encounter strange energetic phenomena, we are equipped to discern more easily what is based in Artificial intelligence, imposters or Organic Creator Code. Sometimes it contains a mixture of all of it, which will help with finding stronger discernment of the content in the message.

The war over consciousness on earth uses sophisticated artificial intelligence and alien machinery for mind control and perceptual interference for the purpose of psychological and Spiritual Warfare, to subjugate the population of earth to submit to consciousness slavery. Thus, the ability to discern false information being used in deceptive narratives, enforced by the imposters to manipulate and control perception, requires the individual clearly understand the motivations behind those committing military grade psycho-spiritual warfare. With this deeper knowledge, along with the cultivated ability to access energetic coherence through the synthesis of the higher heart-brain, gives rise to receiving more authentic information from the living crystal heart of the truth spirit. Our inner spirit communicates from our heart complex with much higher accuracy, to give us a proper assessment of the downloaded information or the current energetic conditions we find ourselves in. Gaining knowledge about the macrocosm protects and strengthens us as we have access to information that allows us to make more informed decisions about where we place our intent, consent and authority.

When we do not understand the mechanics behind Multidimensional Communication and perceptual awareness of the energetics in the environment as a natural process of bio-spiritual ascension, then it is extremely difficult for the individual to be able to decipher and discern the source of the energy contact through which these higher sensory functions actually emerge. This vulnerability is exploited aggressively by the Controlling forces and dark entities who employ every level of Psychological Warfare and sophisticated False Flag Manipulation tactics, through mental holograms that target awakening individuals to Mind Control and manipulate their perceptions into falsehoods or twisted half-truths.

Language of Living Knowledge

The Language of Living Knowledge is the native consciousness language inherent within all of humanity, it is the multidimensional language of light, sound, and symbols that are contained within the many wave spectrums of consciousness-energy that make up reality. The Language of Living Knowledge is the Universal language of interconnected energy relationships that are encoded into every molecule, it is present within every atom, found in every element in the matter world. This is the native language inherent within the cells of our human biology; it is the Consciousness that makes up our higher mental body matrices. This is the language of our Soul that communicates with all other levels of our spiritual bodies, and it naturally communicates with the consciousness body of others, interdimensionally. The energy of our consciousness uses this language to direct thoughts, mental imagery and sounds through symbol codes and spoken words that translate into electromagnetic instruction sets that effect our Lightbody and co-create our reality.

Astral Mirrors and Mirages, False Holograms

During the planetary ascension cycle, transmissions of higher frequency waves awaken sections of the population to begin stages of soul-spirit embodiment and DNA activation. This means that many more individuals experience the opening of higher senses, to experience their soul’s native language through energetic perceptions made through subtle forces relaying multidimensional communication. This shifts individual perceptual awareness into the possibility of sensing a new range of energetic phenomenon on multiple dimensions, which will be relative to the level of embodiment achieved in that particular individual, in the present moment of their current station in time. The majority of those awakening now are enduring soul plane embodiment levels, which means their multidimensional awareness and perceptual range will be limited to the soul planes, which are infiltrated with many AI false holograms. The second harmonic universe which comprises the soul planes are the most problematic, with an array of artificial intelligence alien machinery, astral mirrors and mirages, holographic inserts and assorted spiritual warfare tactics that are used to control and manipulate individual thoughts and group perceptions. Generally, these are the most effective methods of divide and conquer used on multidimensional planes to hijack the new age, ascension and disclosure groups, by generating imaginary conflicts and egoic struggles between the groups via projecting mental holograms so they will not unify into common goals. [1]

Rejection of and Demonization

Within the Death Culture running the 3D narrative, scientific dogma and popular mainstream consensus have been brainwashed to reject all existence of sentient consciousness energy fields, that hold multidimensional intelligent information about every aspect of humanity’s star origin and Galactic history, including the purpose or reasons for incarnating on the earth. Many religions relegate the language of living knowledge and Multidimensional Communication with living things or entities as pure evil, and subjected to verifying entity Possessions only through the presence of demonic forces. The many pronged Controller agenda to discredit the natural language of the Soul uses extensive ridicule, Gaslighting tactics, victimization and persecution against those who have been activated into Multidimensional Communication. People are spiritually terrorized to reject their own natural bio-spiritual ascension process, in favor of going with the status quo and remaining asleep to follow the 3D narrative. Thus, to better understand how this negatively impacts the Ascension and disclosure communities through the common usage of technologically based Divide and Conquer Tactics, this phenomenon must be openly discussed with Compassionate Communication and further explored and contemplated within those groups that are truly dedicated to truth-seeking.


1 ↑ Language of Living Knowledge

See Also:

Language of Living Knowledge

GSF Behavior

Reading Energy Fields


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Astral Mirrors of Delusion”

“The astral plane waters project fantasy sets of which some people may not have developed the consciousness clarity to discern are fantasy creations. These can be one’s own fantasies created and projected onto a screen, or they can be the result of the human race collective body, or they can be an unscrupulous entity that is using these astral mirrors to manipulate the person or even harm the person. These fantasy creations from the Astral Plane are called the Astral Mirrors of Delusion. The Astral Plane is essentially assimilated into a fully technologically based realm that uses Artificial Intelligence to read the collective race consciousness and then fuse it with an AI hive mind that generates many artificial dreamscapes that program virtual environments for the Phantom Matrix. If a person blends with the Artificial Intelligence located in these virtual environments, the individual’s co-creative consciousness will start to manifest these artificial dreamscapes into forms in the fallen system, becoming Consubstantial with the NAA and dark forces that exist there.

~Lisa Renee



In the next harmonic universe the dimensions are based on a triad which includes the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions of Timelines which together form the probable realities on the future earth, Tara based on the current events of the earth in 3D. The next or future harmonic universe is flipped over and runs the opposite direction of what we perceive as linear reflections in this lower density of the earthly time in the 3rd dimension.

In the Astral Plane, many of us travel during sleep state, which may be called “astral traveling” when a person desires this result consciously. The Astral Plane is the collective human race emotional body debris and lowest layer of the soul body, it is a place of collected dreams, fantasies, creatures and mirrored reflections. Those creations are manifested in astral waters which is a type of emotional elemental substance created by human instinctual desires. The substance is manifested through the instinctual desires of the collective, and contain a vast array of distortions which are projected into this realm, the Astral Plane.

Many times an inexperienced person, not spiritually aware, nor studied in psychic self defense or Psychic Attack may travel the astral plane and is not aware this is not an enlightened or high dimensional plane. It is a repository of a collection of fantasy desires, in the lower plane, many perversions and sickness exist, yet in the higher areas there are some very colorful realms of projected realities that may appear beautiful. The astral plane waters project fantasy sets of which some people may not have developed the consciousness clarity to discern are fantasy creations. These can be one’s own fantasies created and projected onto a screen, or they can be the result of the human race collective body, or they can be an unscrupulous entity that is using these astral mirrors to manipulate the person or even harm the person.

These fantasy creations from the Astral Plane are called the Astral Mirrors of Delusion.

Basing decisions and believing in these astral delusions as truth does not ever have a positive impact on the individual, except for learning better discernment of the dark energies, manipulation or polarity integration. These areas can be dangerous for a escapist or addictive type of personality. This is the area of the False Ascension Matrix and where many levels of Dark Force Manipulation Methods exist.

Astral Plane and AI

The Astral Plane is essentially assimilated into a fully technologically based realm that uses Artificial Intelligence to read the collective race consciousness and then fuse it with an AI hive mind that generates many artificial dreamscapes that program virtual environments for the Phantom Matrix. If a person blends with the Artificial Intelligence located in these virtual environments, the individual’s co-creative consciousness will start to manifest these artificial dreamscapes into forms in the fallen system, becoming Consubstantial with the NAA and dark forces that exist there. [1]



  1. Language of Living Knowledge

Found in HGS manual, page 118

See Also:

Astral Bliss

Artificial Christ Consciousness


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Astral Mirrors”

“The Astral Plane is essentially assimilated into a fully technologically based realm that uses Artificial intelligence to read the collective race consciousness and then fuse it with an AI hive mind that generates many artificial dreamscapes that program virtual environments for the Phantom Matrix. If a person blends with the artificial intelligence located in these virtual environments, the individual’s co-creative consciousness will start to manifest these artificial dreamscapes into forms in the fallen system, becoming Consubstantial with the NAA and dark forces that exist there. The majority of those awakening now are enduring soul plane embodiment levels, which means their multidimensional awareness and perceptual range will be limited to the soul planes, which are infiltrated with many AI false holograms. The second harmonic universe which comprises the soul planes are the most problematic, with an array of artificial intelligence alien machinery, astral mirrors and mirages, holographic inserts and assorted spiritual warfare tactics that are used to control and manipulate individual thoughts and group perceptions. These complex systems were feeding off of souls connecting to the False White Light at the 4D octave in the Astral Plane. This is an area many planetary lightworkers were getting lost within the astral layers of delusion, which creates complacency and an experience of a drunken type of Astral Bliss. This is called a Comfort Implant to keep one that is Awakening, inert and ineffective.”

~Lisa Renee


During the planetary ascension cycle, transmissions of higher frequency waves awaken sections of the population to begin stages of soul-spirit embodiment and DNA activation. This means that many more individuals experience the opening of higher senses, to experience their soul’s native language through energetic perceptions made through subtle forces relaying multidimensional communication. This shifts individual perceptual awareness into the possibility of sensing a new range of energetic phenomenon on multiple dimensions, which will be relative to the level of embodiment achieved in that particular individual, in the present moment of their current station in time. The majority of those awakening now are enduring soul plane embodiment levels, which means their multidimensional awareness and perceptual range will be limited to the soul planes, which are infiltrated with many AI false holograms. The second harmonic universe which comprises the soul planes are the most problematic, with an array of artificial intelligence alien machinery, astral mirrors and mirages, holographic inserts and assorted spiritual warfare tactics that are used to control and manipulate individual thoughts and group perceptions. Generally, these are the most effective methods of divide and conquer used on multidimensional planes to hijack the new age, ascension and disclosure groups, by generating imaginary conflicts and egoic struggles between the groups via projecting mental holograms so they will not unify into common goals.

Unfortunately, in the current terrain of psychological warfare made against the earth population, there is an aggressive and concerted effort to generate tremendous fear, confusion and misinformation in the collective, as well as sophisticated gaslighting and manipulation tactics to those individuals who have begun to awaken the native language of their inner soul-spirit. The native language of their unique consciousness lineage, as Starseeds or Indigos, may contain an assortment of light symbol codes which will attract their particular interdimensional spiritual family lineage to attempt contact or communication with them. Many times, fear, terror and confusion tactics are used by dark entities to thwart and control the ascension process, and it is up to the individual to overcome their most intense fears so they can shift out of mental confusion into some relative centeredness and clarity.

Within the death culture running the 3D narrative, scientific dogma and popular mainstream consensus have been brainwashed to reject all existence of sentient consciousness energy fields, that hold multidimensional intelligent information about every aspect of humanity’s star origin and Galactic history, including the purpose or reasons for incarnating on the earth. Many religions relegate the language of living knowledge and multidimensional communication with living things or entities as pure evil, and subjected to verifying entity possessions only through the presence of demonic forces. The many pronged Controller agenda to discredit the natural language of the soul uses extensive ridicule, gaslighting tactics, victimization and persecution against those who have been activated into multidimensional communication. People are spiritually terrorized to reject their own natural bio-spiritual ascension process, in favor of going with the status quo and remaining asleep to follow the 3D narrative. Thus, to better understand how this negatively impacts the ascension and disclosure communities through the common usage of technologically based divide and conquer tactics, this phenomenon must be openly discussed with compassionate communication and further explored and contemplated within those groups that are truly dedicated to truth-seeking.

Mental Holograms and Holographic Inserts

Mental Holograms are projected as reality pictures or images that are generated through the creation of a technological Holographic Insert using artificially encoded symbols of the native language of human beings, for the purpose of manipulating the individual or group by controlling their perception of events or energetic conditions.

The use of mental holograms for the purpose of psychological and Spiritual Warfare is common on the earth plane, and it extends to all three layers of the earth reality fields in which a possible virtual reality picture is artificially generated so that certain events can be manufactured or manipulated in Timelines. It is important to recognize that the mental holograms are all programmed into production of the negative ego functions, and thus clearing Negative Ego elevates the individual beyond the grasp of these phantom forces. These artificial reality pictures belong to Artificial Timelines and imposter identities, and there is an extensive replication of organic timelines generated artificially by this holographic insert technology that is used to project them into an entire Phantom Matrix.

Astral Plane and AI

The Astral Plane is essentially assimilated into a fully technologically based realm that uses Artificial intelligence to read the collective race consciousness and then fuse it with an AI hive mind that generates many artificial dreamscapes that program virtual environments for the Phantom Matrix. If a person blends with the artificial intelligence located in these virtual environments, the individual’s co-creative consciousness will start to manifest these artificial dreamscapes into forms in the fallen system, becoming Consubstantial with the NAA and dark forces that exist there.

Comfort Implant

These complex systems were feeding off of souls connecting to the False White Light at the 4D octave in the Astral Plane. This is an area many planetary lightworkers were getting lost within the astral layers of delusion, which creates complacency and an experience of a drunken type of Astral Bliss. This is called a Comfort Implant to keep one that is Awakening, inert and ineffective. [1]



  1. Language of Living Knowledge

See Also:

Phantom Matrix

Reading Energy Fields

Language of Living Knowledge

NAA ‘Read the Field’ to Control Language


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Second Death”

“We come to the awareness that the Second Death is a dissolution of levels of the Astral body and the physical body coming into a synthesized integration within the aura. Everything in existence is either female principle or male principle, the Monad is masculine and the soul is feminine and in order for the soul and monad to communicate with each other, they must unify and so they cease to exist as separate. They do become one, the soul and the spirit become one. It doesn’t mean the soul is being lost or fragmented. It means it is being integrated, it is being integrated into the Consciousness of the body and those membranes that were separate ceased to exist in so that they might become unified. If the person is on the descending path, this same process occurs but because they haven’t done the masculine and feminine principle integration that is required in order to have a positive result of the Second Death, the second death for them is a disconnection or an implosion of the Soul body, because the density of that descending arc creates a fragmentation where the physical body and the etheric body of that person is unable to connect, integrate or enmesh with their soul source.”

~Lisa Renee


There are a lot of challenging situations in our world that are coming into Energetic Balance and even though that shift may not look like balance, because there is a harmful intention that is flowing into these lower fields, our chakras membranes are being dissolved to become free of obsolete energies and things we were connected to that were trapped in time.

We have understood the necessity of clearing these lower frequencies from the Lightbody is to truly be liberated from Consciousness Traps in time. This holds something relevant to the Second Death with certain inhabitants of this earth. We have a situation that can go either way depending on the bifurcation that seems to be called the same thing, but it manifests in a different way depending on if you are on the arcing spiral or you are on the descending spiral. We come to the awareness that the Second Death is a dissolution of levels of the Astral body and the physical body coming into a synthesized integration within the aura.

The Soul is the feeling part of the female aspect of God of ourselves. Everything in existence is either female principle or male principle, the Monad is masculine and the soul is feminine and in order for the soul and monad to communicate with each other, they must unify and so they cease to exist as separate. They do become one, the soul and the spirit become one. Some people call this losing the soul. I don’t agree with that because the soul is our feeling body, it is our feminine aspect of the Lightbody and because it merges with the spirit and with the body, doesn’t mean the soul is dying so to speak. It doesn’t mean the soul is being lost or fragmented. It means it is being integrated, it is being integrated into the Consciousness of the body and those membranes that were separate ceased to exist in so that they might become unified.

If the person is on the descending path, this same process occurs but because they haven’t done the masculine and feminine principle integration that is required in order to have a positive result of the Second Death, the second death for them is a disconnection or an implosion of the Soul body, because the density of that descending arc creates a fragmentation where the physical body and the etheric body of that person is unable to connect, integrate or enmesh with their soul source.

We have an interesting event happening on the earth during this cycle, with what could be termed the Second Death. Something that is very positive on the ascending arc can be not so positive on the evolutionary journey of a being who is going in the opposite trajectory. Yet, we do know with Consciousness Corridors that when the body is dropped in this timeline, the rehabilitation and support to connect or build the soul body to be taught the eternal living structure, will be given to the consciousness, to the person, so that they will be able to rehabilitate themselves.

This feels to be a very important milestone with what’s happening in the cycle of the Magnum Opus right now. That schism in the bifurcation that is playing out in the world scape and recognizing that these lower first, second and third chakra membranes that were connected to first, second and third stargates are reconfiguring in us and the particle spectrum that was being interacted with in our consciousness, is going to cease to exist in the same way.

Many of us may have been experiencing collective consciousness processing or Planetary Miasma clearing more than usual because most of the collective consciousness is stuck on planet in those lower dimensions. As we know, that’s the primary areas of Mind Control. It is where the extremely low frequencies are sent out to the Unconscious Mind and so most human beings are still extremely reliant on what we call the false architecture, this mind control architecture that has taken advantage of the lower energy centers. People who become completely governed by the Three Layers of Ego and remain polarized in their lower energy centers, without understanding if they allow that to continue, they are in bondage and servitude to the Negative Ego consciousness. This means they are also in bondage and servitude to predator mind Archontic Deception Strategy which has placed this false architecture in these lower energy centers, that many people believe is their identity, when it’s not.

May we hold gratitude and appreciation for the privilege of Self Awareness, understanding our own responsibility and accountability to strengthen our inner spirit, to acknowledge and love our spirit, and to protect the light and highest consciousness within us. [1]



  1. [Transcript Meeting 3/11/2016]



~via Ascension Glossary

SWAMI RAMA: “The Spiritual Layers of Man”

“The spiritual body knows all things, lives in utmost purity, and gathers true, divine knowledge. Its energy vivifies and nourishes all the other bodies of man.

~Swami Rama


Since the beginning of mankind, man has wondered who he is, what he is doing here, and where he is going after death. He looked at the outer world and fell in awe before the forces of nature. He looked inside and discovered that he was more than a physical body. He experimented with plants and with meditation, and found that he and his environment also existed on other levels of consciousness. He passed on his knowledge orally and later he wrote down his experiences. Thus his fellow human beings and their descendants could learn about this, and on the basis hereof interpret their own experiences.

At present we live in society where the emphases is on material gain and security, by which the other facets of life, namely the spiritual, have been well suppressed.

Nevertheless people continue to experience states of existence, and facets of life, other than the material. From this I have gathered information to present you with an overview of the makeup of man, the different planes of existence available to him, and the continuing of his life after the transition we call death. It is essential to your well-being to know who you are and what happens after death. We all share the gift of living, so we should know who we are; and we all share the same destiny in this life, so we should know what is death.

Human beings like to interpret, categorize and label their experiences. Nature, or life, do not do that. Bear in mind that what follows is an attempt to make the information understandable and clear. Every interpretation, categorization and labeling is artificial and should not be taken as the unmistakable truth. They are like sign posts, giving you an idea what you are about.

The Basic Trinity of Man

The most basic distinction we can make in regards to the make-up of man is that he consists of a personality, an individuality and a divine essence.

The personality is the lower self, consisting of the physical body and the psychic soul. It has the genetics of its forefathers, the energy system to keep the physical body alive, and the psychological and psychic characteristics that define us as human. He has the abilities to express himself through thought, language, and other intellectual capacities.

The personality is a unit of incarnation, it is all those bodies and all those characteristics you have taken on for this incarnation. As it belongs to the world of form, it is temporary. It was created to express yourself in this world on a temporary basis. When you die, the personality dissolves. The experiences you have gained during your lifetime are then being absorbed by your individuality.

The individuality is the higher self. It is the unit of evolution. It does not die but remains the same throughout the many incarnations. It learns from all the experiences in those incarnations. While the personality often does not know why it incarnated, as with every birth memory of the past has been wiped out, the individuality has an overview of all incarnations, and of the meaning of everything that happens to the person. Eventually the individuality will go back into the Divine.

The divine essence is what man always has been, at this moment is, and always will be. Each living being is a part of the Divine. It is often compared with a star, or a light spark. Although it seems that each living being is a separate light spark in this universe of darkness, our divine essence links us all together, as in the Divine there is no distinction, only unity prevails. Our divine essence does not know duality, only unity.

Our language is too limited to express the Divine, but we try it anyway and thus we say that the Divine, and our divine essence, is perfect, immortal, eternal, unchangeable, formless and so on. The individuality and personality are not perfect, mortal, temporal, subjected to change, have form and so on.

The Bodies of Man

There are several systems, doctrines, and philosophies that have their own classification and names for the different bodies of man. Aside from some minor details they all fit together in the following basic schematic.

  • The physical body
  • The astral body
  • The mental body
  • The spiritual body

All these bodies belong to the world of creation, and thus are temporal. They have form and each has a specific function that allows man to express himself in the world.

The Physical Body

The physical body allows man to express himself in the physical world. It is built out of cells, molecules and atoms, and it needs food to survive. It is the most crystallized of al bodies, and the most dense. The physical body is male or female, and this polarity plays an immense role in the life of man.

The physical body is kept alive and structured by the ethereal body. The ethereal body is often seen as a separate body, but it is actually a template, a matrix for the physical body. The physical atoms, molecules and cells arrange themselves according to the structure of the ethereal body. The ethereal matrix looks like a web of energy lines, like light fibers which attract physical matter and arrange it into a physical body.

You can say that the physical body is a duplicate of the ethereal body. Did you know that with children, when a piece of a finger got cut off, the entire finger will grow back again (for some reason this ability gets lost in later years). How do the cells know how to structure themselves in order to grow a new finger? It is because they follow the ethereal matrix along which they align themselves. In primitive animals, like salamanders, this ability remains for their entire live. They will grow a new limb, or tail, easily. The ethereal body is responsible for the pain of so-called phantom limbs. It has been a medical mystery for a long time, that when a limb has been amputated, the patient will feel pain in this limb that actually is not there anymore. The pain is often long-lasting. In the light of the above we can explain this pain in phantom limbs. Although the physical limb has gone, the ethereal counterpart is still there. The surgical removal of that limb created an immense trauma on the body. In normal circumstances traumas settles themselves on muscles, creating muscle spasms which in turn creates pain. As the physical body by itself is inert, the trauma always happens on the level of the ethereal body, which will pass on the trauma to the physical body, mostly to the muscles. In the case of an amputated limb, the trauma is still in the ethereal counterpart of that limb, and thus pain is felt. It just does not have the ability to express itself on the physical level. People have successfully removed this ‘phantom’ pain by methods of relaxation, hypnosis and energy work.

Although the physical body can loose parts or can be deformed during the course of a lifetime, the ethereal body always remains the same. The only change that can happen to the ethereal body is constriction on the energy flow through its fibers (also called nadis). This will result in ailments and diseases in the physical body. When the nadis are ‘cleared’, or the constriction of them lifted, by energy healing of one kind or another, the physical ailments or diseases will disappear.

The ethereal body absorbs the solar and lunar pranas (subtle energies) and transforms them into the necessary life energies for the physical body. They keep the physical body not only alive but also healthy. The ethereal body acts especially on the muscles, and with the ethereal body we experience time.
The physical body, as it is composed of physical matter is by itself inert. It is through the ethereal body that we feel pain, suffering, hunger, thirst and other ‘physical’ comforts or discomforts.

The Astral Body

The astral body is the body that allows us the experience of emotions, lust, instincts, desires and so on.

The astral body does not have organs, although it takes on a form similar to the physical body. It is composed of little astral particles which are in constant movement. The astral body takes up these astral particles from its astral environment and then ‘breathes’ them out again. The astral can take any shape, but usually it takes the form of the physical body of the present or last incarnation as consciousness has gotten used to identifying itself with this form. It is called ‘astral’ body because it glitters like stars when observed clairvoyantly.

The Mental Body

The mental body allows us the experience of thoughts, thinking, and rational processes. The intellect. It still has a form, but not necessarily a human form. Its form is abstract and geometrical, although it can take on an apparent physical form to make oneself recognizable on the lower levels of existence.
The mental body cannot think by itself, as it does not have a consciousness by it own. It is more like an automatic body that stores information and transfers what it receives.

The mental body is sometimes divided into two: The lower mental body, which is the seat of practical thinking; The higher mental body, also called the causal body, which is the level of abstract thinking, and which contains the causes of everything that manifest in the lower bodies and worlds. It contains the knowledge of all past and present incarnations, and the roots of and possibilities of future incarnations. It is the gateway to universal knowledge and spiritual development. Although some authors make a distinction between the causal body and the spiritual body, there are probably one and the same.

The Spiritual Body

The spiritual body allows us to experience the highest forms of human manifestation. We could call it a cosmic body and it is close to divine realm.

It is not a real body as it is not subjected to form. On this level the ego ceases to exists. One is free of duality and its constructs. Here is the experience of oneness of everything that exists.

The spiritual body knows all things, lives in utmost purity, and gathers true, divine knowledge. Its energy vivifies and nourishes all the other bodies of man.



~source: “Living With The Himalayan Masters” by Swami Rama (1978, Himalayan Institute)