LISA RENEE on “Consciousness Traps”

“Most people think that what they see is real and what they think is happening is actually happening. Tyrants, Dictators and Despots through the ages have withheld information and even erase historical facts to retain power and control over who they seek to exert their rule. So the goal of the Archontic Controller is to keep the information erased and hidden — to deprive the right of liberty and freedom of every individual to have the conscious choice to discern their personal energy and decide where they want to place their energy. Humanity is cultivated to shape values and ideas that the Controllers have cast through the lens of the predator mind. There are also spaces that are used as soul traps or consciousness traps, which are used to keep a person’s consciousness stuck like a hamster on a wheel, going in circles and not moving anywhere. From this perspective I have personally viewed many unconscious human beings totally unaware they are carrying dead energy, displaced entities, negative Alien Implants, unaware that they are soul disconnected and mind controlled to limit further consciousness expansion. In other terms, this is enslavement of the person without their consent. This is why discernment and comprehension of how consciousness works and placing your value and attention on developing personal consciousness is so important. When we allow the collective consciousness as a consensus to exert complete control over our consciousness, we allow this to overlay a superimposition over our individual Consciousness matrix. Or we identify with the feelings being generated and we jump on the bandwagon of what we are being told even if it is not true for us. Once you allow yourself to be sucked into the masses, one loses their internal rudder and is unable to decide how your personal consciousness energy is being directed. This is the most common way a person’s consciousness energy is easily stolen from them, without their participation or consent. Their individual consciousness is drained or siphoned from them as they feed into the mass consciousness matrix and its Mind Control programming. Once enmeshed with the collective matrix and feeding into the program, you become hypnotized by the external events that are primarily run by deception and illusion. To Mind Control the consciousness of the masses and control their perception is how slaves and drones are created. This is the most common Consciousness trap on earth that is taken advantage of by the Controllers. Until the individual can identify and sense the Predator Mind construct, they are engaged with that lower mind and what has been created in deception and illusion to trap the individual into feeding into the collective consciousness program. Sometimes, we will be pulled inside these traps to learn about them, the danger is if we allow ourselves to be tricked by the illusion and stay there. This is high risk as that person will be genetically controlled to be made subservient to the NAA. They risk being reborn into the lower material realm of the lower astral where they are disconnected from upper soul entirely, and are harvested for nonphysical slave labor in the lower realms. In a reality where deception is used continually as Consciousness Traps to enslave people’s consciousness, it is important to comprehend the nature of consciousness traps. Becoming aware of what forces are stifling your force of will and taking away personal consent, is your responsibility. If you are willing to be a truth seeker the deception will eventually reveal itself. It is only then it is possible to move away from the deception and begin to spiritually develop into new realms of consciousness intelligence. It is critical to know that the stealing of personal will, the absolute death of your personal will, is the death of your consciousness. If you are willing to take responsibility to exert control over your own consciousness, the control mechanism to the collective consciousness that you had been engaged with previously, will die. This breaks the mass hypnosis and spell that you had lived under. This will scare the people around you that are still connected to the consciousness matrix mind control program. When we break away from the mass consciousness programming, it can be very difficult. Yet, retaining our awareness and choosing to stay awake and conscious in all of day to day life, makes all the difference. Ask your Higher Consciousness to locate any Consciousness Traps and to bring them to your attention. Ask to release your attachments to the consciousness traps and that you intend, with consent and authority to be released and Freed. I am God! I am Sovereign! I am Free!”

~Lisa Renee

~via Attachments / Consciousness Traps / Enslavement

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