LISA RENEE: “Traumas and Parasites”

Traumas can generate pathways in the body for various energy parasites and unhealthy spiritual attachments, that can form into energy cords, appendages and tributaries that feed into the same internal wounds of that energetic trauma that further generate miasmas. In higher sensory vision, trauma blockages can appear like a black energy octopus with many tentacles spreading out in different directions in the person ‘s energy field. The blockage or implant can be sensed as having formed from a core trauma event in the individual’s timeline, with several lines of dark energy moving throughout the layers of the body, so they are unconsciously being triggered into playing out painful memories in their cellular record. Sometimes, this can appear to be like marionette strings on a puppet that are being manipulated by a dark entity attachment to incite painful reactions or addictions, that are being activated from certain emotional or mental triggers recorded in their memories. When those deep trauma wounds are in the person’s body and there are cords connected to them, many times they also are connected to artificial mind control programs being broadcast that are specific to the current narrative pushed in the 3D belief systems. Traumas are spiritual wounds which drastically deteriorate the overall lightbody strength and have been designed in the anti-soul culture to increase parasitic exploitation. Unfortunately, negative entities and controlling types that are inherently predatorial, aggressively take advantage of others that they perceive to be weaker as a result of these internalized traumas. What can happen is that the unhealed traumatic wound attracts an extradimensional entity or negative disincarnate that is vibrating at the same frequency level of the stored pain, which then attaches to that trauma wound located within that individual. The stronger the internal environment is for vibrating to the harmonic frequency resonance of the soul, monad and avatar self, the stronger the lightbody becomes to repel parasites and demonic forces from siphoning and staying attached to the body.”

~Lisa Renee

Traumas can generate pathways in the body for various energy parasites and unhealthy spiritual attachments, that can form into energy cords, appendages and tributaries that feed into the same internal wounds of that energetic trauma that further generate miasmas. In higher sensory vision, trauma blockages can appear like a black energy octopus with many tentacles spreading out in different directions in the person ‘s energy field. The blockage or implant can be sensed as having formed from a core trauma event in the individual’s timeline, with several lines of dark energy moving throughout the layers of the body, so they are unconsciously being triggered into playing out painful memories in their cellular record. Sometimes, this can appear to be like marionette strings on a puppet that are being manipulated by a dark entity attachment to incite painful reactions or addictions, that are being activated from certain emotional or mental triggers recorded in their memories. Many times, these strings of attachment appear to be wrapped or embedded around sections of the fascia and are stimulating emotional workings or traumatic injury components connected to a core spiritual wound.

When those deep trauma wounds are in the person’s body and there are cords connected to them, many times they also are connected to artificial mind control programs being broadcast that are specific to the current narrative pushed in the 3D belief systems. What can happen is that the unhealed traumatic wound attracts an extradimensional entity or negative disincarnate that is vibrating at the same frequency level of the stored pain, which then attaches to that trauma wound located within that individual. Within this destructive parasitic relationship, the individual’s mind and body will start to adjust to the negative patterning of the entity as normalized behavior, and then the fascia will begin to reflect the same patterning, which starts to break down the distribution of life force energy at the cell to cell communication level.

Thus, healing the fascia network plays an integral role in all levels of trauma healing and pain regulation, whether from accumulative emotional events, from physical injury, inflammation, accumulative toxicity or from attachments like energetic parasites. The collagen fibers in the connective tissue of the fascia also play an active role in transferring intelligent energy between and among the muscles and the skeletal structure, which unify together to act as a harmonic frequency resonator throughout the bodily crystalline matrices. The stronger the internal environment is for vibrating to the harmonic frequency resonance of the soul, monad and avatar self, the stronger the lightbody becomes to repel parasites and demonic forces from siphoning and staying attached to the body.

The mind, emotions and body are deeply interconnected through bio-neurology, as the fascia tends to hold the unresolved emotional or physical trauma recorded in the bodily tissues, which may lock down certain patterns of negative thinking and destructive behaviors that attract negative entities. When repeated cycles of negative conditioning result from unhealed trauma wounds, this accumulates in layers upon layers of negative emotional content, growing the internal blockage so that person may struggle to control their automatic impulses that have been set up as involuntary traumatic reactions. Unfortunately, negative entities and controlling types that are inherently predatorial, aggressively take advantage of others that they perceive to be weaker as a result of these internalized traumas. Traumas are spiritual wounds which drastically deteriorate the overall lightbody strength and have been designed in the anti-soul culture to increase parasitic exploitation. [1]


  1. Fascia Crystalline Network

See Also:

Physiology of Fear



Psycho-Emotional Healing

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “12D Purification and Calibration Set Code for Crucifixion Implant Removal”


Beloved Holy Presence of God: Please open all channels of light, clear all light fibers to be fully connected and resonant with the Living Light Code.

From this Still Point of my Wholeness in manifest decision, I Decree in Sovereign Knowing, here expressed at my Command the Divine Will and Intention of the One Self-God Self. 

Set Space:

I call Upon my Group Avatar Christ, The Guardians and Aurora Races, aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of God’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.

Quick connect to 12D Hub:

North, South, East, West, and in the Earth, Sky and  into my Heart: I ask to direct the Four Corners to Be Sealed in the Light of Unity and Wholeness. I AM Impenetrable and Invincible. I ask the Krystal Guardian Forces to Anchor this Space Sacred in Service to the Law of One of which I Serve.

I ask my Christos Avatar to return all codes, fire letters, and the jewels, wings, energies and parts of bodies that have been misdirected and return them now to the Rightful Owner in the name of Self Sovereignty herein stated and commanded into presence now.  We invalidate the beings by commanding a full dissolution and dissolve into the One Source God Source Light through Forgiveness and Forgetfulness. Completely Heal and Seal the personal Auric Field from any further intrusion. Return all energies and essences that were in divine right order now. I call back all that is my self sovereign god power and right. I call in my personal Genetic Technicians and Ascension teams to support me in fulfilling this command.

I ask now God Force and Guardians, Higher Self Councils to administer the CORE SOUL PROTECTION PACKAGE to the Multidimensional Identities, Ancestral Identities and those Attached seeking the Release of this Dispensation at this Moment of self, Fully, Completely and totally, through all Parallel Realities and existences. Through the order of Mother Arc, open the portal to establish the passage to escort all ancestral identities, all fragments to their proper time and space vector, cleansed in the Cosmic Christos Light Source.

In the Zero Point Field and Unity Consciousness: I Command my Presence of Perfection in One Source Light. Cleanse all of the Ancestral or Miasmatic Record through my human Holographic record, through my Families of Origin and throughout the planetary interface records of cellular memory. Reinstate my Divine blueprint record to all layers of my Family of Origin to be Unified in the truth vibration, liberated, sovereign and free now. I request the complete removal of all lower formed energies or misqualified vibrations from my individual and group identities present. Terminate and Remove All imbalanced matrices, devices or structures all At once. Transmute all manipulation energies into Neutral Association through the Zero Point.

As the 12D Avatar and the Light of God that I am, I cancel all contracts and/or agreements I have made with any entity, Guide, or ___________, in this timeline or in any reality, that were not in my highest alignment and expression of my Light Source in the Cosmic Sovereign Law of One. I terminate all false matrices or illusions that may have obscured my highest soul purpose and soul mission, in past, present and future timelines. I terminate redemptive vehicle and crucifixion contracts and their related phantom systems from impacting my consciousness and all of my 12 bodies. I further declare that the cancellation of all such contracts is to be irrevocable and permanent in all time frames and realities. I choose my perfection to stand in the Light and represent my full sovereignty and freedom for all human beings on this planet. I receive this Gift now as I will Share this Gift with all. All is One with the Light. I AM UNITY.

Universal Harmonics Alignment (Crucifixion Removal):

Beloveds Bring in the Universal Harmonics in an Oscillating Wave Format from the point 3 Feet above my head entirely saturating my Left Side, from top to bottom and releasing from my feet anything unneeded or unnecessary. Bring Waves from Top through the Bottom. I request the Removal of All Crucifixion patterns and their implants to be removed from my bodies in all areas, in the sequence necessary to support my optimization and Ascension. Terminate all inorganic and alien influences from this impacting my being in all of my bodies.

First – Left Side – Visualize the Gallbladder meridian filled up with Rainbow Rays of Aurora Pattern and releasing astral or gunky debris from the Temple to release all the way down the lateral side of my body and out of my small toe, or see the Waves moving through the 12 Tree Grid Lines on the Left side of my Female Aspect Body.

Second – Right Side – Visualize the Gallbladder meridian filled up with Rainbow Rays of Aurora Pattern and releasing astral or gunky debris from the Temple to release all the way down the lateral side of my body and out of my small toe, or see the Waves moving through the 12 Tree Grid Lines on the Right side of my Male Aspect Body.

Third – Center – The Sushumna or Hara line,Visualize a direct PERFECT Vertical Center Line in your Body. Correct the alignment of the vertical central column, align its axis perfectly calibrated to the main chakra cones and a diamond grid attunement. Phase Align into my Core Soul Being.

Last – Entire Body – Universal Harmonics in all Three Sections of vertical body as One large Wave Pattern. I spin and align the merge of my physical centers and layers to be perfectly synthesized into my highest spiritual bodies with harmony and perfection.

Open all Spiritual links and Cognition Upgrades in order and priority as God would have it be.

Reweave and reconnect, synchronize with light, open all pathways of communication between the template bodies and the 12th dimensional body that allow communication and direct cognition with my Christos spiritual family.

We call upon all Biological Encodements of the Christ Blueprint Body, The EUKA-KRIST, The Silicate matrix DNA Template activations to install the Transharmonic Pillars of Eternal Living Light Source.

Upgrade, Download, Recalibrate Etheric Nadis, Electro magnetic Battery Body and the KA Body to the new spiritual link communication download connections.

Activate all Energy receivers in our divine Lightbody, the Apparthi receivers to be activated as appropiate for our service mission.

Reconnect and axiatonally align all of my etheric axiatonal and meridian Channels to the New Earth Frequency Hubs Axiatonal lines, in order of priority as necessary for my ascension. Align and open the handshake to the Home Soul Frequency through my Starseed Identity matrices in the hubs. Recalibrate, Synchronize and Align my field to my Monadic Families and my Star Lineages.

I ask for any axiatonal line or etheric nadial upgrades needed now for the optimum functioning and comfort of my bio-energy field and for activating all spiritual links of communication that are outside the scope of my request or understanding. Download all cognitive upgrades needed for the clearest communication and comprehension or translation of language or light codes and that which serves our current spiritual mission.

Permanently, Totally & Completely.


I State my Intention of Sovereignty:

I harmonize and Hold this space in the name of One Self God Self. As witness to One, I seal my declaration into the Light of Union and Wholeness in Service to the One Self.

Please take my agreements into completion through the Outer Levels, Mind Grid, DNA, Karmic Contract, Core Soul Level and Beyond.

Take this and record it through the Morphogenetic Field and subtle energy systems, all levels and components of our Group Being. Fully, Completely, Totally and Permanently. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Hologram. Anchor Lock and Seal through the Time Matrix.

Beloved Family, I thank you for this Opportunity. I open to all processes required to Align Fully To my Highest Soul Purposes. It is with great joy and reverence I am home in the Light! 

And So it is. I Seal and End this Request and Prayer into the Light of Wholeness and Union with One God Source.

Thank you.


LISA RENEE: “Spherical Energy Domains”

“When we incarnate into a three-dimensional electromagnetic domain we are imprinted with the holographic template of the complete Universal Tree of Life, and all of these five harmonic universe layers direct the instructions for our consciousness life stream that is experiencing time and space. Each harmonic universe is comprised of three spherical energy domains that are nested within each other and surrounded by a frequency barrier, at the center of which exists the electromagnetic mathematical program that projects a hologram into three dimensions of time. Within the Universal Time Matrix there are five nested harmonic universes, each with three shields or three spherical energy domains. Each subset of three make up the dimensional spaces that exist within that particular three-dimensional spectrum of frequencies, or the electromagnetic domain in that harmonic universe. The five levels of the harmonic universes govern the spin rates for all of the merkaba fields which transmit electromagnetic currents that are based upon the architectural laws and frequency characteristics that exist within each system. As an example, the spin rate of the planetary merkaba fields govern the birth, evolution and death cycles of the entire planetary species. As we are made aware from the Guardian Host context, alien machinery was installed into the planetary body for the main purpose of controlling these merkaba spin rates, and thus genetically modifying and controlling the direction of the collective consciousness stream of the planetary inhabitants. As a result, planetary ascension and full biological ascension in a silicate matrix 12 strand template was not made possible. All of this changed in the 2012 and beyond ascension timeline, and now these energetic connections exist between the personal lightbody which is the microcosmic merkaba field, and the macrocosmic merkaba fields that are transmitting vast amounts of ray currents from the planetary, galactic and Universal levels.”

~Lisa Renee


On the macrocosmic scale of the Universal Time Matrix, within the center of a merkaba field is a shield or spherical energy domain in which the process of individuation occurs within a holographic template form manifestation. In the exact center point, this sphere of energy exists in the center of the merkaba field in which the blueprint of that form is held to project that consciousness into matter, so the individual consciousness experiences a three-dimensional time and space. Each harmonic universe is comprised of three spherical energy domains that are nested within each other and surrounded by a frequency barrier, at the center of which exists the electromagnetic mathematical program that projects a hologram into three dimensions of time.

Within the Universal Time Matrix there are five nested harmonic universes, each with three shields or three spherical energy domains. Each subset of three make up the dimensional spaces that exist within that particular three-dimensional spectrum of frequencies, or the electromagnetic domain in that harmonic universe. As an example, the first harmonic universe is where we have incarnated in this evolution cycle here on earth. This is made up of three layers of dimensional spectrums of frequency in 1D-2D-3D, that make up the three spherical energy domains of the personality matrix and the physical plane of matter. During the Ascension Cycle, the planetary body is transitioning into the next three layers of dimensional spectrum that exist in the 4D-5D-6D layers, that make up the next three spherical energy domains which include the entire soul matrix and this is located in the second harmonic universe.

Horizontal Triad Bodies

When we incarnate into a three-dimensional electromagnetic domain we are imprinted with the holographic template of the complete Universal Tree of Life, and all of these five harmonic universe layers direct the instructions for our consciousness life stream that is experiencing time and space. The five levels of the harmonic universes govern the spin rates for all of the merkaba fields which transmit electromagnetic currents that are based upon the architectural laws and frequency characteristics that exist within each system. As an example, the spin rate of the planetary merkaba fields govern the birth, evolution and death cycles of the entire planetary species.

As we are made aware from the Guardian Host context, alien machinery was installed into the planetary body for the main purpose of controlling these merkaba spin rates, and thus genetically modifying and controlling the direction of the collective consciousness stream of the planetary inhabitants. Thus, each individual receives the life force current, consciousness level, matter form and the holographic projection experience from their light body DNA template and the connections it has made with the merkaba spirals that transmit from within these five harmonic universes. This is required to align the merkaba fields to corrected positions that facilitated planetary ascension, as well as the continued biological spiritual expansion of the planetary inhabitants. In the dark cycle following the Luciferian Rebellion, the planetary architecture in the lower harmonic universe was blocked from interacting and receiving organic energy transmissions from the higher harmonic universes. As a result, planetary ascension and full biological ascension in a silicate matrix 12 strand template was not made possible.

All of this changed in the 2012 and beyond ascension timeline, and now these energetic connections exist between the personal lightbody which is the microcosmic merkaba field, and the macrocosmic merkaba fields that are transmitting vast amounts of ray currents from the planetary, galactic and Universal levels. The macrocosmic ray currents are transmitted through the electromagnetic domains to be received into the microcosmic radiation bodies, or the Radial Body of the individuated consciousness forms that exist in the lower harmonic universes. For many people on the earth, their lightbody has been damaged or blocked with trauma so these macrocosmic energy connections are disconnected from these five layers that make up the Radial Body and the lightbody is unable to run the life force currents properly throughout their bodily systems.

In order to expand the life force current beyond the control mechanism of the base 10 artificial merkaba fields on the earth, and begin to repair the metatronic reversal fields and miasmas, the individual will need to intend to spiritually develop towards removing alien machinery and false identities and begin running the tri-wave current of the Christos shield. The Christos blueprint is a base 12 holographic template that continually expands to circulate the life force currents that exist from the God Source fields all the way into the lowest harmonic universe. These trinity wave forces re-string the subharmonics through every electromagnetic domain that holds the original divine human template of the entire 12 Stranded DNA.

The Christos imprint begins to circulate and expand the Radial Body layers of the higher frequency life force currents into the DNA-RNA from the axiom lines, which send it directly into the personal spherical energy domain, running current into the horizontal triad bodies. Each spherical energy domain is a template for the horizontal triad body that corresponds to three grouped DNA strands that are connected to the electromagnetic domain of that particular harmonic universe. The activation of the merkaba fields in each of the harmonic universes relates to one set of the three DNA strands, which corresponds to the triad of the spiritual bodies; the soul, monad, avatar and rishic consciousness levels.

The horizontal triad bodies are made up of trion fields, the ante-matter consciousness units from the highest harmonic universe which allows the individuated consciousness to make the energetic connections to the primal light source that occurs beyond or outside of the time matrix. The corridors leading into the God worlds are also referred to as the Center Point of All Union, these are the transmigration levels and home domain of the true Ascended Masters and Cosmic Citizens.

The interconnected collective layers of all of the five horizontal triad bodies which includes all spherical energy domains, is called the Radial Body. These are multidimensional radiation identity spheres that encompass and protect the horizontal triad bodies. The Radial Body controls all of the internal spherical energy domains which further govern the holographic projection in the timelines that the individual consciousness experiences while incarnated in the harmonic universes. The merkaba field circulation of the instruction sets that pass into the personal Christos shield and then into the individuals’ DNA template are what inform the Radial Body about the specific design for the actual holographic manifestation that is being experienced in time.

The Radial Body

Most are unaware that the extensive connective tissue of the fascia network is the manifestation of the pre-matter instruction set of tissue capsules and complex crystalline webbing that make up the multidimensional identity spheres energetic structure of the Radial Body.

Within the spiritual anatomy of the human lightbody, there are extremely refined layers of tissue capsules that act as an energetic skin which holds together the five spherical layers of the horizontal triad bodies that are collectively referred to as the Radial Body. The five horizontal triad grids are spherical energy domains that hold the morphogenetic field for the mental bodies and the stations of identity in time. Each formation of the energy sphere in a triad body shield builds a layer in the horizontal structure of the 12 Tree Grid and is directly connected to the mental body and the masculine principle that builds the internal Rod configuration. The Radial Body holds spheres within spheres that form tissue capsules or membranes around all layers of our horizontal triad bodies, which are structural shields that act similar to load bearing beams and flooring to our inner spiritual dwelling. [1]



  1. Fascia Crystalline Network

See Also:

Krystal Diamond Sun Matrix

Radial Body

Term first found in HGS Manual: Page 57


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Addiction Webbing”

“The most common area for Alien Implants or Mind Control is the Atomic Doorway, the 9th Chakra, where the inner spirit light reflects out of the eyes. That inner light will die or become dead in the eyes after this implant takes over the body. The implant is a NAA reptilian NRG brain implant that is placed in the structure of the brain stem via the medulla oblongata. In the application of a NRG coded implant, its mechanism acts like a ‘tick’ or ‘leech’ that burrows itself deeper into the lower areas of the astral body, mostly into the 2nd Chakra and into the Instinctual response functions of the central nervous system. From the 2nd level of Chakra layer ‘infection’ — if the Addiction becomes severe over time it eventually embeds itself deeper into the energy matrix of the Lightbody. A False webwork (like a film or spider web), is an overlay on the nervous system, winds up the spinal cord and will have a trigger implant placed in the back of the head and neck. Once the implant is fully embedded and operational, severe Addiction, mood swings or Possession occur as the target becomes more bi-polar and manic. These are signs of mental and emotional instability which further weaken the person into potential Soul Fragmentation.”

~Lisa Renee


The most common area for Alien Implants or Mind Control is the Atomic Doorway, the 9th Chakra, where the inner spirit light reflects out of the eyes. That inner light will die or become dead in the eyes after this implant takes over the body. The implant is a NAA reptilian NRG brain implant that is placed in the structure of the brain stem via the medulla oblongata. In the application of a NRG coded implant, its mechanism acts like a “tick” or “leech” that burrows itself deeper into the lower areas of the astral body, mostly into the 2nd Chakra and into the Instinctual response functions of the central nervous system. From the 2nd level of Chakra layer “infection” — if the Addiction becomes severe over time it eventually embeds itself deeper into the energy matrix of the Lightbody. A False webwork (like a film or spider web), is an overlay on the nervous system (sections become infected until the entire system is infected), winds up the spinal cord and will have a trigger implant placed in the back of the head and neck. Once the implant is fully embedded and operational, severe Addiction, mood swings or Possession occur as the target becomes more bi-polar and manic. These are signs of mental and emotional instability which further weaken the person into potential Soul Fragmentation.

Biological Warfare Strategy

However, it has been observed to attach through the two pyramids that contain the motor fibers that pass from the base of the brain stem and into the Medulla Oblongata. This area in the base of the brain is called the “Decussation of the Pyramids”. Since this area controls motor fibers — it controls the stimulus and information flow throughout the Central Nervous System and its impulses to the brain. This is how these Reptilian Alien Implants work, they stimulate the nervous system with artificial stimulus systems to control the nerves/transmitters to promote whatever “energy-vibration”, or thoughtforms, emotional state or addictive state they want to remain in the “target”. This is bio-neurological Mind Control which is a biological warfare strategy through the use of Holographic Insert and other technologies.

Since motor neurons control the flow of neurotransmitters to the brain, as well as muscle twitches, in this way they can stimulate responses of rage, anger, anxiety, agitation, addiction (or rape or hurting another person) for whatever they are culling. When there is biological neurological control exerted on certain test subjects, such as people that have been subjected to alien or milab abduction for experimentation, the person can be triggered neurologically to commit certain behaviors or criminal acts. That person that is triggered by certain key words, phrases or energetic phasing, into these actions involuntarily is called a “Sleeper”. After repeated bio-neurological manipulations of use on the target-person – the control system moves to the Parietal Lobe to block sensory responses of awareness or direct cognition. The person is now “locked inside a 3D window” and cannot perceive anything outside of that window of perception. Essentially, the consciousness is trapped in a small material cell block in the reality. The parietal lobe may be “caged” or higher sensory function is controlled by the manipulating entity or programming. This is how Holographic Inserts of projected images and thoughtforms can be controlled to the perception of the human being. This is how the masses are controlled, put to sleep or “mind slided”.

As an example, if a human is abducted or astrally raped — the Negative Aliens entity programs a reality dream of happy serenity with something or someone the person relates to as a positive subject at that time/space the person was violated. This is a type of manipulation of the person’s Timelines. However, if one pays attention they can ask if this memory was artificially placed, many times something will feel “off” and if the answer is yes, one can regress the subject to that timeline or reveal the real memory recorded in the cellular system in order to surface the pain and release and heal the damage. All damage can be healed this way — what we repress or deny can hurt your body. This is a form of hypnotic regression which allows access into the root memories of the subconscious mind.

Archontic Deception Behavior Strategy

This implant “tick” function will impulse “Addiction” symptoms for a multitude of reasons, mostly to continue the spiritually destructive behavior into multiple repetitions to embed deeper into the Lightbody of the targeted person. The more you repeat the self-destructive action, the closer you are to “invasion to Possession” by a Reptilian NAA or Satanic level of force. Once your auric energy body or Lightbody is invaded you are a slave and automaton to be used by these NAA and human Controller groups. Generally, a person is unknowingly influenced by these Alien Implants and will be driven to “obsession”, an obsession for whatever the addictive substance or thoughtform is. If the Addiction is sexual in nature, the tick will continue to burrow itself in the astral/Soul Matrix body to collect more of it. When this Addiction matrix and its mechanism is in full swing, the person is haunted and driven by cravings that they feel they cannot control which spirals their life into destruction, pain and suffering. Most of the severe addictions are sourced in causal point of energy body trauma and that damage is located in the Etheric Nadis in the 4th Chakra and the deep 2nd Chakra complex of the person.

All severe Addictions on the planet are caused by these severe Soul Fragmentations caused by astral body splitting and therefore damage to the nervous system (Etheric Nadial Complex nadial system and Lightbody energy receivers) and later the brain itself. Therefore all addiction can be ultimately healed by soul fiber and nadial plexus repair to reorganize the central nervous system and the brain impulses.

Since the person is his/her most powerful healer and this information has been hidden from the masses, it creates a block in healing addiction problems for many. People do not understand the causation of most severe addictions are entity Possession that is promoted by this most harmful addiction network and their own submission to the consent of the Mind Control system. Many times this thoughtform and addictive pattern is inherited genetically and passed down through the family of origin bloodline.

False Ascension Matrix

The False Ascension Matrix is a inorganic alien technology NAA that was installed into the Astral Plane (4D) and is primarily controlled in the higher sound field dimension of 5D. It is a False White Light current (aka False Christ Consciousness light used by the Imposter Spirit) that is sourcing and manipulated from the lower Soul Matrix dimensional realms. This false white light creates an intricate webbing with many Alien Implants and bio-neurological Mind Control technology which is exerted upon the human’s soul body and mind (through use of lower frequency wave manipulation) of the human being.


See Also:

Artificial Machinery

Alien Implants



~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Alien Implantation is Reptilian Ownership”

“Many humans on the earth today are the result of alien hybridization, and as such, have a genetic predisposition that allows them to be a host body for a variety of extradimensional entities. When a human has been genetically modified by an alien species, it allows that body to be used as a portal for that alien consciousness. Whether a person is abducted and subsequently genetically altered with enhancements to perform certain roles, or digressed in order to be made a spiritual zombie, both methods of genetic modification are the result of the invading species agenda to completely dominate earth resources. Humans are grouped into the planetary resources as slave labor, replicated into Clones, imaged into future synthetic holograms, or used as bargaining tools with other species. The mindset of the Reptoids and other invading species of the NAA, is that humans are their personal property to be used as a resource that serves their domination agenda. The degree to which they perform benevolent actions towards humans, is the degree to which that action serves their enslavement agenda. Overall they are calculating liars and masterful deceivers, and will say anything the human wants to hear, in order to manipulate the results to serve their agenda.”

~Lisa Renee


Many people on this earth carry an assortment of Fragments, Attachments, ancestral beings, Alien Implants, Fallen Angelics, and potentially one or more alien hosts as a result of hybridization, Miasma, karmic bloodlines, or alien abduction. Mind Control programming and their Holographic Inserts, allow the consciousness body of the individual to be infiltrated through the energetic signature of the alien implant. Mind control programs enforced through alien implantation, and their entity attachments or Possessions, are two sides of the same coin. The energetic signature of the alien implant will depend on the genetic and consciousness relationship that person has, to the entity that has placed the implant in their human target. Many of these entities believe that humans are their personal property, so the alien implant will have specific information from the extradimensional source of the species that have “laid claim” to that individual, family line or group.

The mindset of the Reptoids and other invading species of the NAA, is that humans are their personal property to be used as a resource that serves their domination agenda. The degree to which they perform benevolent actions towards humans, is the degree to which that action serves their enslavement agenda. Overall they are calculating liars and masterful deceivers, and will say anything the human wants to hear, in order to manipulate the results to serve their agenda. Like a farmer that may tend to a sick cow in the herd, it is so he can get more milk out of the cow and continue to make money from his farm. This is similar to the collective thought form of the NAA, who consider human beings as a portion of their overall portfolio of investments.

Multiple Occupants = Soul Possession

Through the Law of Consent, it is your sovereign right to command your space and demand Single Soul Occupancy in your body, mind, and consciousness. Single Soul Occupancy is the original Soul Matrix design for the 4th, 5th, and 6th dimensions that unite these three layers into one wholly merged and integrated consciousness within your physical body. Many people on this earth are not Single Soul Occupied, and have multiple occupants, soul fragments, attachments or entities hosting them. How has this happened?

The hidden agendas of multiple invading extradimensional species include hybridization programs, breeding programs, genetic modification and manipulation of human DNA. The manipulation of human DNA works both for the genetic enhancement of the preferred bloodlines that are hybridized with primarily reptilian genetics, while others are genetically digressed and “dumbed down” to be a working slave class. Whether a person is abducted and subsequently genetically altered with enhancements to perform certain roles, or digressed in order to be made a spiritual zombie, both methods of genetic modification are the result of the invading species agenda to completely dominate earth resources. Humans are grouped into the planetary resources as slave labor, replicated into Clones, imaged into future synthetic holograms, or used as bargaining tools with other species. As an example, children are coveted for abduction and sold on and off planet for sexual slavery by these NAA groups. This is why Sexual Slavery is a global epidemic and will not improve until humans realize that the Sexual Misery programs and pedophilia are sourcing from the NAA. This is not human.

The primary species that are supported by human hybridization, through alien abduction and alien genetic manipulation, are varieties of Reptoid and Insectoid species. Military Controllers prefer enhancements with reptilian genetics because the Reptoid species have higher psionic abilities, which include remote viewing, astral projection and shapeshifting. From many years of bloodline and genetic manipulation, many family lines that are subjected to alien abduction and genetic experimentation are recruited into the military for a variety of covert operations. This includes MILABS and Secret Space Programs that are ultimately designed to support the Archontic Deception and Negative Alien Agendas. This is to further enforce human enslavement and thus, impose complete ownership over all human beings. Many humans on the earth today are the result of alien hybridization, and as such, have a genetic predisposition that allows them to be a host body for a variety of extradimensional entities. When a human has been genetically modified by an alien species, it allows that body to be used as a portal for that alien consciousness. It does not matter what kind of hybridization has occurred, every being has the right to command Single Soul Occupancy and learn how to rehabilitate their consciousness as a God-Sovereign-Free being. The key is practicing the Law of One and healing the Predator Mind that you were downloaded with. [1]



  1. Single Soul Occupancy

See Also:

Possession is Common


~via Ascension Glossary