LISA RENEE on “Easter Event, Cosmic Dragon Egg and Pearl Activation”

“The Christian holiday of Easter is the first Sunday after the first full moon that occurs after the Spring Equinox and symbolically represents the resurrection of Christ. Although eggs have been a symbol of fertility and rebirth, in the religious context easter eggs came to symbolize the empty tomb of Jesus from which he was resurrected. The Church of Rome imposed its beliefs to coerce and convert those who remembered the ancient cultures and histories, in order to destroy much of the original Celtic traditions and festivals that were connected to the Mother Goddess and original Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings. Thus, they hijacked the same Celtic festivals and pagan celebrations through the use of the lunar calendar and by adding their own symbols and bloodied martyrs so these same festivals could be considered to be ‘Christianized’ and approved by the pope. Further adding in imposter overlays of dogmatic patriarchal domination upon these same traditions in order to mimic the celebratory rituals of the Goddess and harvest their powerful energies that were connected to certain cosmological alignments that are greatly impactful to the planetary grid network. Last year, Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia was reawakened as the first emanation of the Triple Solar Goddess returning into her female Solar Dragon form to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ, joining with her sacred husband Christ Michael in the first stages of their hierogamic union. His divine counterpart Solar Female Christ Mary Sophia, also a Solar Dragon King, will be referred to from now on as the 13th Solar Dragon Queen or 13th Maji Grail Queen. This celebratory moment in time begins the first emanation of the Triple Solar Goddess returning into her female Solar Dragon form in matter to reclaim her rightful place as the Solar Feminine Christ, joining with her sacred husband Christ Michael in Hierogamic Union. We have learned the location of their sacred hierogamic union wedding into Cosmic Dragons is taking place on the Saint Michael Line and Avebury henge during the upcoming Easter holiday. This is called the Pearl Activation as a solar anointing of the marriage union between the pineal and pituitary glands which opens the solarization process of the human lightbody, the transfiguration of lunar to solar consciousness made in the Robes of Glory. As Solar Christ Mary returns into our world as the Cosmic Dragon, so do these buried histories rise into the awareness of the ancient Essene Celtic Church sacred texts of the Pearl Activation, along with many of the hidden cellular memories of our long-forgotten past. Now it is time to reveal the return of the Cosmic Mother Dragon Mary that is his divinely wedded wife. The Benedictine monks in the 7th century that were dedicated to Mary’s Dragon Teachings were responsible for building many of the churches and abbeys upon the Saint Michael line with the intention of maximizing spiritual communication links from the heavens with the parishioners. The Saint Michael’s Dragon Line completely encircles the Earth. This well-known Dragon Line connects the many sacred places that were dedicated to Saint Michael in the southern areas of the United Kingdom. The major epicenter for the Easter activation is Avebury transmitting the planetary Pearl Activation, further linking these solarized energies into Glastonbury’s Tor, Burrow bridge Mump, Saint Michaels Light Tower and to the furthest southern point of Saint Michael’s Mount. The Sirius and Canopus relationship with Avebury Henge are the DNA spiraled transmissions of the gold and silver braided energy of the unified masculine and feminine, which are designed to run this braided silver-gold current into the Michael-Mary lines, in order to birth the Cosmic Egg which hatches the solar initiation into the Pearl Activation. Whereby their heavenly coupling in their Cosmic Christos-Sophia solarized marriage bed produces a Cosmic Christos offspring for the Earth, which takes form as the hatching of their Cosmic Golden Dragon Egg.”

~Lisa Renee

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-19-2019/ 7-25-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (7-19-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (7-25-2019)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018/ 7-19-2019/ 7-25-2019)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018/ 4-22-2019)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (7-4-2018/ 4-22-2019/ 7-19-2019/ 7-4-2018)

Photos: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

Photo: Ascension Avatar (4-22-2019)

~via Cosmic Christos Dragon Teachings

LISA RENEE on “Spiritually Activated Couples”

“When the merge between the 6th layer and 7th layer has reached a certain accretion level, the Lightbody is holding the first layer of the inner template for Hierogamic Union. This is the ascension stage of Divine Union that occurs within the three layers of the Soul unite and that intelligence embodies within the cells of the human body. At this stage of Ascension development, many people magnetize soul family or intimate relationship with another that is also entering into this same ascension stage. As a result, spiritualized couples come together to experience and work with the soul frequencies and timelines that are connected to the perfected male and female in balance, represented in the divine archetypal forces of Christos Michael and Christos Mary Sophia. At this stage of Spiritual Initiation, some people move out from karmic 3D relationships and alchemical union lessons, to outwardly manifest the first stages of co-creating Divine Union partnership or Hierogamy. These Spiritually Activated Couples may endure incredible resistance and Dark Arts Training, as it becomes imperative to recognize the dark aggression of the imposter forces, who desire that these couples break up or not continue to do their ascension work. Generally this means deep Emotional Healing work, being brave in order to clear and transmutate shadow forms, negativity and destructive relationship patterns, as all Hierogamic Partners are tasked with the hard work of clearing out destructive relationship patterns. In relationship, we must choose truth and honesty in all interactions, in order to flush out deceptions and untrustworthy behaviors. Building a healthy relationship towards spiritual actualization of Hierogamic Union requires an all guts on the table approach, being able to speak safely in a range of deeply challenging topics, building trust and remaining unconditionally loving and accepting of each other in every circumstance.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: on “At-One-Ment with God”

“Clockwise is the male principle (CW Male), Counterclockwise is the female principle (CCW Female). The Merkaba spin ratio for CW Male is 33 1/3 clockwise (electrical), over CCW Female 11 2/3 counterclockwise (magnetic). These constellation coordinate points are the Time Vector Codes responsible for electromagnetic energy placement within spin points and rotational axis. This controls the rate of spin of electrons, protons, neutrons that exist in both matter and anti-matter. The rate of spin and axis of rotation at microscopic scales are the Quantum Mechanics which govern the measurement of time and space in our Harmonic Universe. As Mother Arc brings access back of the Krystal Star Frequencies, the magnetic field encodes the template of Hierogamic union between the Rod and Staff functions in the human and planetary Krystallah Merkaba Fields. There is an assignment to build the template for Sacred Union, assigned ‘Rod and Staff’ couplings to work on bringing this as template into a physically manifested accomplishment. This is happening at various octave levels (relationship assignments, Soul, Monad and Avatar Christos-Sophia dimensional levels) to eventually achieve a complete re-encryption of the masculine rod function to the spinning 12:12 Electrical Christ Male electron pattern, that merges perfectly into the female Monadic core, a 13:13 Electrical Christ Female field. This is a template prototype that is called the KRYST HALA or the Krystallah Pattern, which is the Krystal Gene Gender Merge between Genetic Equals. This means that the Unity Field pattern is being built into the planetary architecture that allows our gender-paired merkaba spiral to spin and merge into a perfect unity or oneness pattern. We are moving to another level of experience within these Rod and Staff Sacred Unions, and many males are also feeling reconnected through these new patterns of Heart-Brain Complex integration, as they are becoming available in the planetary architecture, to those who have harmonic resonance to the unity frequency and the Christos-Sophia. This is a wonderful development. When we have the correct ratios of spinning merkaba fields in our Lightbody we are able to experience Unity or At-One-Ment with God.

~Lisa Renee

~via Changing of the Guard / Krystallah Merkaba Fields

LISA RENEE on “Three Levels of Sacred Marriage”

“The perfect balance and union between masculine and feminine principles united as One, is our true destiny of spiritual freedom. By seeking inner balance through the perfect union made between the masculine and feminine forces, the consciousness is made into the image of God through the Hierogamic Union of the inner Christos-Sophia. The term Hieros Gamos is used generally to refer to the Sacred Marriage between two divinities, or between a human being and Mother/Father God, or between two human beings under certain special conditions; the ultimate alchemy of forces which harmonize polar opposites. Guardian Host defines the usage of the term Genetic Equal as the original spiritual male-female gender pair that share one unified Hierogamic consciousness body from outside of the time matrix sourcing from the Kryst-Krystallah God Worlds. Genetic Equals were birthed into one of the Krystal Star lineages from the God Worlds and share the same realm of their source origin when they were simultaneously created for each other in gender pairs. The Genetic Equal partner holds the same original Krystal gene gender coding of the Diamond Sun silicate matrix in the Christos-Sophia family line. The Christos Mission included the reclamation of gender pairs that had been separated as a result of damage to the genetic codes in the time matrix caused from the NAA Invasion (Negative Alien Agenda), and usually one of the genders has a mission to repair their personal DNA imprint on the Earth in so to be reunited with their Genetic Equal again during the Ascension Cycle. In Ascension context, the synthesizing of the pairs of energetic opposites into unity is also referred to as polarity integration, energetic synthesis or Spiritual Marriage. There are distinct Stages of Spiritual Body development in relationship to the energetic merging of these polarity of forces that directly impact gender centers. The integration of these forces is that which result in the integration between the masculine and feminine counterparts existing within each triad. All of these Spiritual Marriage stages of development may be held by an extension ‘Twin’ or Genetic Equal incarnated or existing in another dimension. With spiritual relationship awareness at certain stages, couples can travel through the Spiritual Marriage developments together consciously. Each gender polarity may have a timeline stage that is the complement required for their gender opposite partner’s polarity integration. More humans will attract relationships from these future timelines that are designed as levels of Spiritual Marriage to support the integration of gender polarities and end past timeline karmic patterns. This changes the nature of all gender based relationships to be brought into energetic reconciliation. Level One of Sacred Marriage is ‘Building Wings’. In the angelic human lightbody, these two energy centers operate as portals and are called the Wings. The 6D-7D ray frequencies connect into vertical Axiatonal Lines and horizontal meridians that are connected to energetic portals that are on the top of our shoulders and run down each side of our body. The 6D portal is connected to the celestial body in the third layer of our Soul matrix, and when activated, begins the process of the Soul Twin Flame Merge that occurs within our bodies that synthesizes the first stage of Sacred Marriage. When the merge between the 6th layer and 7th layer has reached a certain accretion level, the lightbody is holding the first layer of the inner template for Hierogamic Union. Level Two of Sacred Marriage is the building of the blue ‘Crystal Lotus Heart’. The Crystal Lotus Heart and Crystal Rose Heart flowers through the Diamond Sun Body and is capable of transporting consciousness into the semi-physical, etheric and pre-matter density states, while straddling all of those timelines simultaneously. When the Monad starts coming in like this, the whole Heart changes pattern, meaning the Heart Chakra is no longer an Astral Heart 4th Chakra, it is a Blue Heart. Your Heart Chakra turns blue and the frequency coming through starts turning blue, this is a connection to the turquoise of the Mother Arc which ignites the Inner Holy Spirit is also called the Amoraea Flame. Level Three of Sacred Marriage is ‘Hieros Gamos’, the hydroplasmic liquid light of the Risen and Embodied Christos Principle. When we marry God through this sacrament, Christos-Sophia returns in our Sacred Crystal Heart. This is represented in the spiritual Alchemical Union of unified polarities, the Hierogamic Union of a God and Goddess, a perfected being.”

~Lisa Renee

Photo: Ascension Avatar (7-19-2019 / 7-25-2019)

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “That Ultimate Union of Opposites in Sacred Marriage”

“All things exist within the Gender Principle of Creation, The Natural Law of Polarity, also referred to as the Pairs of Opposites. Every person, place or thing will have an energetic polarity that is balanced or weighted in one form of energetic polarity or its opposite. To be balanced, harmonized and peaceful with one’s self, one must acknowledge the inner polarity and acknowledge the value and necessity of both gender principles in order to truly ‘know thyself’. To deny polarity exists is to deny Universal Mechanics and the organic Natural Laws of Creation. To unify polarity is to come into balance and unity between the Pairs of Opposites. Our life experiences show us the lessons for our consciousness to learn to bring balance to our inner polarities so that we may achieve sacred marriage and union with our internal spirit. Generally the Soul is the female principle, and the Monad is the male. As we bring balance to the inner polarities we exude that balance into the world, becoming a harmonizing and healing influence with everything around us. We exude peace and contentment as we feel our sense of purpose being fulfilled. Our sense of connection and life purpose is radiated throughout all living things as we live within the synchronicity of our divine alignment with spirit. Human beings with balanced polarity have embodied a massively higher frequency to a zero point field, with much larger auric systems which are capable to amplify and direct these balanced energetic forces into the environment. This is achieved through the energetic synthesis of these inner polarities brought into unity and balance. Every being is ultimately designed to accomplish this with their consciousness, and is fully capable to achieve this return to balance in order to experience connection with all things. This Hierogamic system is to support those remembering to return to inner balance and to manifest the ultimate sacred marriage both as wedded to your inner spirit and as the external representation of that sacred marriage. That ultimate union of opposites in sacred marriage is the Hieros Gamos. This creates a trinity of Ascension Creational Energy as the embodied Ascended male and Ascended female combine their energies to birth a new world paradigm through service. This spiritual template may also be for Divine Union Couples to embody the proverbial Rod and Staff, and combine soul missions to accomplish greater world service with their mutual strengths to serve. The awakened and embodied human being is then a strong force of balanced frequencies which can perform incredible healing, manifestations and events. This is the power of transformation and transmutation, as experienced within the True force of Love as an energy signature. The awakening Albion and Rise of King Arthur to find his beloved counterpart, the Triple Solar Goddess Guinevere (Brigid), Meri-Scotia and Mary Sophia, informs us how humanity was seeded here from the stars in twin aspects, and why the divine mind of God has chosen to express in this manner. We come from the stars, for we are the stars.”

~Lisa Renee

Image 1: “Triple Solar Christ”

Michael-Mary / Arthur-Guinevere / Yeshua-Mary

(Solar Christ Michael-Metatron-Melchizedek)

Image 2 Photography: Ascension Avatar

Photo 1: “13th Solar Dragon King” (7-19-2019)

Photo 2: “13th Solar Dragon Queen” (7-25-2019)

~via Ascension Glossary