LISA RENEE on “Cosmic Monad”

The first individuated expression of God consciousness in our Universe is referred to as the Cosmic Monad or Monadic Wave. The Cosmic Monad exists as the first cause of sound that further generates a resonating tone principle for the theme of our entire Universal Time Matrix, the first primal sound tone in the Blue Flame which exists from within the body of God consciousness. The Cosmic Monad projects itself into Gender Principle, Holy Mother and Holy Father, as conscious sound and conscious light, expanding and contracting the sound fields to become light fields and cycling back the light fields to become the sound fields continuously. This dynamic perpetually transmutes the light fields back into sound fields in all of the densities everlastingly, in order to serve as the perpetual motion for the ongoing evolution of the individuated consciousness travelling in the Universal Time Matrix. In some cases, as a result of the anti-female and reversal forces released into matter, these are non-human and Artificial intelligence hybrid creations that have been used to hijack the Mother principle into fallen consciousness that further prevented the emanation of Divine Sophia into the earth. The fallen entities do not want the true Mother Sophia to return to matter because it means the end of their satanic rituals co-opting her body and the end of their breeding and life span extensions. Upon the destruction of the Lyran Royal Houses, the original sound body for the Solar Female Christ template, the Sophianic Sound Plasma Crystal Shield, and the possible evolution to ascend and evolve back into the genetic lineages of the Mother principle lineages, were severely damaged. As a result of the destruction of the Cosmic Mother principle and disfigured sound body templates blocking passage and connection to the Cosmic Monad, the NAA believed that the Mother and her Sophianic embodiment would never return to be physicalized on this earth and reclaim her children. They were wrong. Thus, the sound tone vibrations of the original living sound currents are being systematically retrieved in direct relationship to the ongoing repair of the female principle instruction sets and the ongoing emergence of the divine feminine aspect in her Sophianic plasma body.

~Lisa Renee

~via Sophianic Plasma Shield

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