LISA RENEE: “Luciferian Rebellion”

“During the Atlantian Cataclysm and what is known as the Luciferian Rebellion about 26,000-30,000 years ago, this is when the planetary star gates, the planetary grids became controlled by the NAA Controlling races such as the Reptilians, the Annunaki, the Draconians. Since the Luciferian Rebellion, the Fallen Angelic Annunaki factions that are sympathetic to the Nibiruian Agendas implanted alien machinery in the earth to set up reversal current networks that artificially forced the lowest density of the 3rd dimensional plane into misalignment with Nibiru. The Alien Machinery was used to force the planet earth to run reversal currents into the planetary grid networks, which forced an unnatural reversal merkaba spin that greatly increased matter densification. The artificial reversals running in the planetary merkaba field forced the individual inner merkaba spin to run reversals, which resulted in Gender Reversals and extensive DNA mutations in the original human body blueprint. This effectively damaged the process of spiritual Ascension, gender unification and the potential for 12 strand DNA activation, which was required for full ascension and passage through the Stargate system. When our Planetary Logos was invaded and corrupted by the Reptilian Controllers (Archons) of the NAA, the planet and our race were impacted dramatically. It meant we were no longer free to create and evolve as per the original Blueprint of our intended creation, and we had no memory of what had happened to us. We were recycled through continual reincarnation into the Astral Plane with no memory of the past lives, who we really are, where we are going, or what our real relationship is to God and what humanities ‘purpose’ actually is. Over time most of us lost our feeling connection to our Soul Matrix and we became numb to the pain in order to survive in anti-human based structures. What has happened to our planet is not human, it is ‘alien’ to the true nature of humanity.”

~Lisa Renee

One of the heightened events of Enemy Patterning buried in our cellular memory history is that of the Luciferian Rebellion which reached its apex during the end of the Atlantian Cataclysm Root Race (human evolution) cycle. From the Guardian perspective this was the end result of our last Aeon or Astrological Age, approximately 26,000 years ago by our human timeline measurement. What resulted in our Atlantian Cataclysm evolution experiment was quite a traumatizing cataclysm that set the events into motion as to what humans would experience in the next Aeon cycle. The last 26,000 years have been a dark cycle of evolution and planetary “rule”. This is the current age of (de)evolution that is now coming to completion now. With the recent timeline intersection, a large chunk of this cellular history has been playing out in our hologram and therefore our lives. We are able to complete this “enemy patterning” now via these new evolutionary intersections. See the Ages of Humanity.

Through the energetic enslavement of the Seraphim consciousness, the Fallen Angelic were bound to play out the program of the Luciferian Rebellion as the Sons of Belial. And so they played their part as dictated by the planetary grid structures. This was further capitalized by off planet sources, such as the Annunaki who understood what was happening and many of these Negative Aliens joined forces. [1]

Atlantis Timeline

During the Atlantian Cataclysm and what is known as the Luciferian Rebellion about 26,000-30,000 years ago, this is when the planetary star gates, the planetary grids became controlled by the NAA Controlling races such as the Reptilians, the Annunaki, the Draconians. And this grid became, during this time, under the control of these beings who used these grids for reversed purposes from their original design and intent for DNA assemble and progression of the human race DNA Synthesis. Not using this from a judgment base but understanding that this last 26,000 year cycle, has been a cycle of a dark age of human evolution and, as a part of the plan here of coming into the seeds of darkness in order to return to the age of enlightenment. I’m sure to a certain degree all of this has been orchestrated as a part of the experiential God-beingness we are through having these experiences and through this human experiment, through Ascension, this last cycle has been that of a dark age. And, primarily the star gates, portal systems and grid systems have been under the control of the Annunaki Nibiru beings and the Draconian beings.

NAA Invasion

When our Planetary Logos was invaded and corrupted by the Reptilian Controllers (Archons) of the NAA, the planet and our race were impacted dramatically. It meant we were no longer free to create and evolve as per the original Blueprint of our intended creation, and we had no memory of what had happened to us. We were recycled through continual reincarnation into the Astral Plane with no memory of the past lives, who we really are, where we are going, or what our real relationship is to God and what humanities “purpose” actually is. Over time most of us lost our feeling connection to our Soul Matrix and we became numb to the pain in order to survive in anti-human based structures. What has happened to our planet is not human, it is “alien” to the true nature of humanity. [2]

Planetary Stargate Systems

Planetary Gates are the Earth’s connection points into the Galactic and Universal Stargate Systems. They were once sealed off and closed, but now these Stargates are progressively opening during the Ascension Cycle. See the Precession of the Equinoxes.The organic Planetary Stargate System or Universal Tree of Life Templar opening has been damaged from NAA and the Alien Machinery abuse from the Negative Aliens collaboration to control the earth. One such war in human history was called the Electric Wars. This necessitated Krystal Star Guardian intervention and this intervention is referred to as Ascension Plan B with Mission Upgrades. Science knows these energy vortices as wormholes. [3]

Causation of Luciferian Rebellion

During the end of 2nd Seeding the Annunaki started breeding with Humans and a race called NEPHILIM was created. This was not agreed upon to genetically tamper with the human race and the Elohim would not let this race walk on or be on the Earth. This created a Conflict and another War broke out. This created the war with the Annunaki and other Annunaki sympathizers,such as the Dracs and Sirian Annunaki Hybrids that are Luciferian forces. The Nephilim Wars ended this seeding attempt and we reorganized for the next Evolutionary Round where the Luciferian Rebellion occurred in the Atlantian timelines.

Nibiruian Agendas

Since the Luciferian Rebellion, the Fallen Angelic Annunaki factions that are sympathetic to the Nibiruian Agendas implanted alien machinery in the earth to set up reversal current networks that artificially forced the lowest density of the 3rd dimensional plane into misalignment with Nibiru. The Alien Machinery was used to force the planet earth to run reversal currents into the planetary grid networks, which forced an unnatural reversal merkaba spin that greatly increased matter densification. The artificial reversals running in the planetary merkaba field forced the individual inner merkaba spin to run reversals, which resulted in Gender Reversals and extensive DNA mutations in the original human body blueprint. This effectively damaged the process of spiritual Ascension, gender unification and the potential for 12 strand DNA activation, which was required for full ascension and passage through the Stargate system. [4]


1 ↑ 2008 Newsletter

2 ↑ Queztzacoatal and Seraphim Lineages August 2008

3 ↑ February 2009 Newsletter

4 ↑ Checkerboard Mutation

See Also:


Imposter Spirit

Golden Eagle Grid

~via Ascension Glossary

‘STUCK IN AN ASTRAL LOOP’ ~ Lisa Renee on “Astral Bliss Drunkenness”

“…the astral body of the human being has been completely screwed with and has been completely damaged. And what’s happened to the light workers, the beings that are here to be the light bearers, is they opened their heart consciousness and they got trapped in there. It’s literally like they are cycling in the astral and they’re getting caught up in the illusion of that. So what happens is they get drunk on that and they are not able to move forward. Because they are cycling in the drunkenness of the illusion of the astral plane, not realizing that the astral is not an enlightened plane. And they weren’t realizing how to open the higher heart centers, to open into the next gateway in the cosmic consciousness. It prevents them from implementing that consciousness in an actualized way. They’re not actualizing that consciousness because they are stuck in a loop in it. They’re talking about it and they’re conceiving it but it’s still coming from mind, it’s not coming from being.

~Lisa Renee


~via Ascension Glossary


LISA RENEE: “Astral Mirrors of Delusion”

“The astral plane waters project fantasy sets of which some people may not have developed the consciousness clarity to discern are fantasy creations. These can be one’s own fantasies created and projected onto a screen, or they can be the result of the human race collective body, or they can be an unscrupulous entity that is using these astral mirrors to manipulate the person or even harm the person. These fantasy creations from the Astral Plane are called the Astral Mirrors of Delusion. The Astral Plane is essentially assimilated into a fully technologically based realm that uses Artificial Intelligence to read the collective race consciousness and then fuse it with an AI hive mind that generates many artificial dreamscapes that program virtual environments for the Phantom Matrix. If a person blends with the Artificial Intelligence located in these virtual environments, the individual’s co-creative consciousness will start to manifest these artificial dreamscapes into forms in the fallen system, becoming Consubstantial with the NAA and dark forces that exist there.

~Lisa Renee



In the next harmonic universe the dimensions are based on a triad which includes the 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions of Timelines which together form the probable realities on the future earth, Tara based on the current events of the earth in 3D. The next or future harmonic universe is flipped over and runs the opposite direction of what we perceive as linear reflections in this lower density of the earthly time in the 3rd dimension.

In the Astral Plane, many of us travel during sleep state, which may be called “astral traveling” when a person desires this result consciously. The Astral Plane is the collective human race emotional body debris and lowest layer of the soul body, it is a place of collected dreams, fantasies, creatures and mirrored reflections. Those creations are manifested in astral waters which is a type of emotional elemental substance created by human instinctual desires. The substance is manifested through the instinctual desires of the collective, and contain a vast array of distortions which are projected into this realm, the Astral Plane.

Many times an inexperienced person, not spiritually aware, nor studied in psychic self defense or Psychic Attack may travel the astral plane and is not aware this is not an enlightened or high dimensional plane. It is a repository of a collection of fantasy desires, in the lower plane, many perversions and sickness exist, yet in the higher areas there are some very colorful realms of projected realities that may appear beautiful. The astral plane waters project fantasy sets of which some people may not have developed the consciousness clarity to discern are fantasy creations. These can be one’s own fantasies created and projected onto a screen, or they can be the result of the human race collective body, or they can be an unscrupulous entity that is using these astral mirrors to manipulate the person or even harm the person.

These fantasy creations from the Astral Plane are called the Astral Mirrors of Delusion.

Basing decisions and believing in these astral delusions as truth does not ever have a positive impact on the individual, except for learning better discernment of the dark energies, manipulation or polarity integration. These areas can be dangerous for a escapist or addictive type of personality. This is the area of the False Ascension Matrix and where many levels of Dark Force Manipulation Methods exist.

Astral Plane and AI

The Astral Plane is essentially assimilated into a fully technologically based realm that uses Artificial Intelligence to read the collective race consciousness and then fuse it with an AI hive mind that generates many artificial dreamscapes that program virtual environments for the Phantom Matrix. If a person blends with the Artificial Intelligence located in these virtual environments, the individual’s co-creative consciousness will start to manifest these artificial dreamscapes into forms in the fallen system, becoming Consubstantial with the NAA and dark forces that exist there. [1]



  1. Language of Living Knowledge

Found in HGS manual, page 118

See Also:

Astral Bliss

Artificial Christ Consciousness


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Astral Bliss”

“There is a delusional psychosis that is spread and promoted to shape and reinforce very bad behavior as acceptable behavior in some of the New Age circles. This New Age hijack is what has been created in groups who refuse to grow up to be accountable for ethical behaviors and be responsible for their life, thus, evolving into spiritual maturity. I observe too many people having delusional fantasies and believing these delusions to be actual truth, as they cannot tell which reality they are in. When one is emotionally imbalanced and weak minded it is much easier to be mind controlled and disoriented from physical and concrete facts staring one in the face. When a person is confused they cannot tell what they are looking at, and they are unable to discern if they are being inserted with interference messaging to manipulate visions. One of the most appealing ways the NAA has found to manipulate the New Age, is to promote the states of Astral Bliss of which many people line up like astral junkies to get a hit of false love while participating in these groups. There is a dark addictive state of Astral bliss which is a type of escapist fantasy some people connect to while in the New Age groups. This should not be confused with the genuine state of God-Love-Bliss that arises from our direct communion with God and Christ.”

~Lisa Renee


What is the New Age Astral Bliss? What I have observed is that when the soul-spirit is wounded, people lose their deeper emotional sensory ability, thus, many of these people become buried in Three Layers of Ego and the subconscious Pain Body that they may refuse to face or deal with in the material reality. As a result of pain body avoidance, their body’s inner child defense mechanism will split itself in the personality layers which creates walls of separation. That wall exists as a blockage in their emotional body, and this prevents their ability to feel or sense deeply, only the surface instinctual emotions will be experienced and to which are confused as “love”. This kind of instinctual feeling of love or bliss has an attachment of addictive like reactions. Most people do not realize to access true love, one must access truth, the ability to see the actual reality as it is in the moment. So if someone refuses to deal with pain or fear, they are blocked from seeing the light of truth, and they create a reality bubble of fantasy as an type of escape mechanism for the inner child.

Some of the New Age material has promoted horrifying damage to people this way, many times though Emotional Manipulation.

New Age Hijack

There is a delusional psychosis that is spread and promoted to shape and reinforce very bad behavior as acceptable behavior in some of the New Age circles. This New Age hijack is what has been created in groups who refuse to grow up to be accountable for ethical behaviors and be responsible for their life, thus, evolving into spiritual maturity.

I observe too many people having delusional fantasies and believing these delusions to be actual truth, as they cannot tell which reality they are in. When one is emotionally imbalanced and weak minded it is much easier to be mind controlled and disoriented from physical and concrete facts staring one in the face. When a person is confused they cannot tell what they are looking at, and they are unable to discern if they are being inserted with interference messaging to manipulate visions.

The NAA groups are excellent at this, we have talked a lot about it in the community. Some of those methods of manipulation have been discussed in the Ascension Glossary:

Dark Force Manipulation Methods

Holographic Insert

One of the most appealing ways the NAA has found to manipulate the New Age, is to promote the states of Astral Bliss of which many people line up like astral junkies to get a hit of false love while participating in these groups. There is a dark addictive state of Astral bliss which is a type of escapist fantasy some people connect to while in the New Age groups.

This should not be confused with the genuine state of God-Love-Bliss that arises from our direct communion with God and Christ.

New Age Astral Bliss Discernment Profile

To have better discernment, the experience of New Age Astral bliss has a profile that may look like:

  • Complacency
  • Easily mentally confused, vacant eyes and expression, incoherent speech or communication
  • Drug like ecstasy, euphoria to sedative state
  • Addictive tendencies to recreate the state again
  • Projected (spiritual) fantasies on others
  • Ungrounded in body therefore prone to delusion
  • May be prone to emotional hysteria and dramatics (rolling around on the ground crying/screaming, going into primal or fetal integration when in groups)
  • Lack of discernment in energies and people
  • Auric disconnections, in one or more layers (i.e. body and heart disconnected)
  • No boundaries and open to whatever in the astral, covered with parasites
  • Rejects existence of pain/fear when confronted by it, cannot tell dark from light
  • Says everyone is “one” and so they can take whatever you have, because it’s theirs already
  • Tends to lack discipline or self responsibility, may confuse drug like state with consciousness state
  • Hedonistic or bohemian personality, a total sensualist nature (Do what thou wilt)
  • Alien implanted, unaware of the existence of implants or mind control
  • Unwilling to confront or face negativity or bad behaviors for fear of being labeled judgmental
  • The Christ energies feel “foreign”, uncomfortable or dark to many astral bliss people. (the 12 D shield may feel incongruent to those who like hanging out in the astral body, there is still a lot of fear and addiction in the body)
  • Sickly green colors, feels slimy energetically, similar to drug feelings like “pot” (Lower sexual abuse energy with astral bliss is 2D Baphomet field. Baphomet field is where the body is contorting with lower spirits passing through it, eyes rolled back, panting, sweating, like in tribal spirit dancing)

All of the above are stages of astral exploration and a normal process of soul evolution. The problem happens when the person refuses to grow out or evolve from this lower state. This is the general state of what the New Age circles have created, there is no ego clearing, people are emotionally wounded and stunted and as a result, lack the higher stages of spiritual integration. People get stuck in the Astral Plane.

There are many mastery levels of the Spirits and Virtues of God which result in stages of mastery with certain embodied levels of consciousness experience, and one of those experiences is Bliss. This is an organic and natural result from the acquiring of spiritual virtues and spiritual ethics that result in the state of achieving God-Love-Bliss.

God-Christ Bliss State

Higher bliss states are very much what has been discussed previously with developing Krystic attributes, and include a natural expansion of virtues that are spiritual forces in nature. The profile for higher God-Love- Bliss states achieved in sacred marriage with God are:

  • Access God-Love-Bliss whenever one is still, there is a consistent flowing of loving and peaceful energy
  • Non addictive, no seeking of experience
  • Are a apart of Krystic Virtues. Masters access all qualities as distinct, however are within the unified field ( this is new quality with earth ascension, previous Masters accessed distinct levels of virtue in the un-unified field, these are the partial ascended masters)
  • Focal point is like an aperture of camera, gentle closing of aperture shifts consciousness to another field of awareness
  • Consciousness integrated within bodies and flows easily between higher mind and spirit, as well as into other dimensions
  • Higher mind merge with higher heart allows easy flow and cohesion between mind and feelings, whether dark, light or neutral force
  • Discerning and identifies states of being for what they are in polarity, neutral association
  • High functions in both intellect and feelings, balanced and move in and around all spectrums nonattached

Once one is no longer identified with anything, then higher bliss (God-Love-Bliss) will begin to manifest and the lower astral states of ecstatic bliss cease to exist anymore. Higher bliss is experienced in silence and peace, it goes way beyond astral like states of ecstasy. Higher bliss is a state of inner silence and stillness that is stable and unchanging. Once God-Love-Bliss is reached, the state just goes on and on in the same peaceful way. I hope this is helpful to increase higher discernment as the state of being and the definition of the word Bliss can be very confusing. The states of Astral bliss generally promoted in the New Age have nothing to do with the state of God-Love-Bliss achieved in the natural communion with God. Astral Bliss is an addictive substance that is sourced from the false light in the NAA’s False Ascension Matrix. [1]

Comfort Implant

These complex systems were feeding off of souls connecting to the False White Light at the 4D octave in the Astral Plane. This is an area many planetary lightworkers were getting lost within the astral layers of delusion, creating complacency and a drunken type of Astral Bliss. This is called a Comfort Implant to keep one inert and ineffective.



  1. What is Astral Bliss?

See Also:

Emotional Manipulation

12 Practices of Self Awareness

Spiritual Maturity

Sexual Scams


~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Spiritual Bypassing”

“Spiritual Bypassing is generally an Ego Defense Mechanism used by people that identify as lightworkers or on the Ascension path, who are unwilling to see negativity or look at unpleasant truths happening around them. They consider these Unpleasant Truths to be negative energy that lowers their personal vibration, so choose to ignore them and pretend they don’t exist. They label these events or classify those people that are truth seekers that share this level of information with others, as fostering negativity and fear. As a result, they tend to be apathetic people easily manipulated by dark forces, with a weakened moral character and lower ethical standards in helping their fellow human, because their version of reality is selective or even delusional. As an example, it can be assumed that children being used as sex slaves or for Satanic Ritual Abuse have karmic reasons for being killed. Therefore, they don’t have to do anything about it, because they need to maintain their high vibration and all is in divine order.”

~Lisa Renee


Spiritual Bypassing is an act of denying the truth in the name of higher consciousness as per the New Age belief system, such as the refusal to help others or have Compassion for those that are suffering. As an example, this commonly happens to the victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse and Black Magicians, who are many times told by the New Age Groupthink that they brought these dark attacks on themselves because of their karma or negative behavior. This is generally explained away flippantly because the situation is considered to be negative, and that Forgiveness must be administered. Yet, people are not willing to explore the negative energy in the situation because it is believed to lower one’s vibration.

Spiritual Bypassing is generally an Ego Defense Mechanism used by people that identify as lightworkers or on the Ascension path, who are unwilling to see negativity or look at unpleasant truths happening around them. They consider these Unpleasant Truths to be negative energy that lowers their personal vibration, so choose to ignore them and pretend they don’t exist. They label these events or classify those people that are truth seekers that share this level of information with others, as fostering negativity and fear. As a result, they tend to be apathetic people easily manipulated by dark forces, with a weakened moral character and lower ethical standards in helping their fellow human, because their version of reality is selective or even delusional.

Spiritual Bypassing is an act of pure egoic selfishness in the guise of projecting oneself as an evolved and higher consciousness person. The profile of this person is that they ignore or downplay certain events they consider negative, in order to protect themselves from being mentally or emotionally triggered. As a result, they deny the truth or make convenient assumptions in order to rationalize the reasons that the tragic event has happened to another group of people. Usually, the blame is squarely placed on the victims, without any feelings of Empathy or Compassion. As an example, it can be assumed that children being used as sex slaves or for Satanic Ritual Abuse have karmic reasons for being killed. Therefore, they don’t have to do anything about it, because they need to maintain their high vibration and all is in divine order. [1]

Putting up a thought barrier and arguing against an anxiety-provoking stimuli by stating it doesn’t exist. Refusing to perceive the more unpleasant aspects of the external reality.


Splitting is a very common Ego Defense Mechanism. It can be defined as the division or polarization of beliefs, actions, objects, or persons into good and bad by focusing selectively on their positive or negative attributes. Splitting diffuses the anxiety that arises from our inability to grasp the nuances and complexities of a given situation or state of affairs by simplifying and schematizing the situation and thereby making it easier to think about.



  1. New Age, Ascension and Disclosure Hijack

See Also:


Trust, Building Trust

Weaponization of the New Age


~via Ascension Glossary