ALLISON ENGEL: “The Psychopath Archetype”

Generally speaking, when we think in terms of psychopathy, we think serial killers and a few names come to mind; Manson, Gein, Dahmer and so on and so forth.  What if the behavioral mechanism that constitutes these extreme behavior patterns weren’t that far from home?

  • In the archetypal suite, there is a fine line between spirituality and psychosis, a fine line between genius and madness.  We walk this line every day in our waking life.
  • Is there a torture chamber within the recesses of your subliminal reality?
  • Are you trying to escape a certain set of rules or trauma?

It is quite possible that obeying the rules of society is harder because of the anima/animus within your own psyche.  Anima/Animus possession will cause a neurotic, often narcissistic/egoic and predatory behavior in seemingly every day people.  It is the energetic imprint of trauma.  We know that trauma begets trauma, but what is the correlation and the energetic exchange between authority/aggressor/perpetrator/narcissistic parent and the child/victim/abuse?  It is the fact that these worlds actually collide.

The child/victim archetype merges with the perpetrator/predator and it fractalizes behavioral elements due to the loss of innocence and imprint of paralyses, shock, and horror.

  • Is it helpful to be shocked and disgusted by others or world events?
  • Does it separate you into a class of world citizens that are not also able to shock and disgust others with your beliefs?
  • How do you become a victim by being challenged into cognitive dissonance and by new thought processes or concepts?

Your shadow is trained to stay resilient by focusing and reminding you that the problem is out there and not within.

  • Is it more painful to be you than you would like to admit?
  • Is there still a traumatic imprint that hasn’t been healed from yet?
  • Is shying away from this archetype helping your hard-drive function or is it continuing to affect you and others in your experience?

This pressure cooker will continue to steam if we are not able to separate the facts from fiction in our waking life.  This serves as an analgesic and an escape route into the other realms.  When we experience anima/animus possession there is a voice in our head reminding us that we are never going to approximate to anything and at the same time augments into specialness or righteousness. It is the ultimate bi-polar regimen.

The child is covering over its impermeable and nihilistic and confused frustrations with efforts to self-aggrandize and hold onto a layer of unneeded and unending suffering.  It is very much there to rob the individual of its accomplishments and of the present moment.  This is very much the issue with people who just can’t seem to get it together.

There is a need to separate the anima/animus from the shadow.

  • What do you believe about others in your experience?
  • Are they being de-humanized by your belief systems in your fragmented archetypes?

There will continue to be whispers of specialness with the savior archetype attached to the idea that the rules simply don’t apply.  There is a lack of linear time awareness and thus the regression into opposing archetypes happens quickly and like a landslide.

Due to the temporal deficit, the child is only able to micromanage other’s causes and effects and blame the institutions and parents, siblings.  Once the parents, the government, or institutions are fixed, then the child or self will be okay.  Unopposed this creates an unwillingness to conform.  Then it landslides back into the recesses of the unconscious to continue to blame and shame others.  There is any underlying need to fit in and an inability to accept rules.

There is a ghost in the archetypal suite that forms the base layers of consciousness that drives the ego.  The ego is not fully formed though, as it wears a narcissistic mask to hide the monstrous and tiny incoherent self.  The only way to stop this is to call out the shadow and at the same time observe the anima/animus and its effects.  The key here is to see the dark and the light attributes in both the father and the mother and coherently structure a self between the two perceptions of evil and divine in both.  When we are unable to see these distortions in our “selves”, we continue to project and augment others and the world strategy.

We continue to battle light and dark as if the human psyche within is not both capable of war and love.  Once these two concepts are de-fragmented, the light joins the shadow and it then can empower the individuation instead of the person’s power continuing to be withheld and outside of itself.

The psychopath archetype is an imprint of formidable psychosis that suggests that fear will best train and control the masses.  Just turn on the news and see if this energy resonates within your structure.  Are you either obsessed with listening or looking into the fear programs or is there a fear of hearing people with other ideas speaking?  Mass media has become a church that is subdivided in what will illicit and entice and what is safe and marks fervent debauchery.  How is this actually your own inability to be challenged or communicate effectively?  Are you not being heard and can you actually hear others?  Logic is not communicated easily when all affronts are up and ready for combat.  You can’t hear clarity if you have to protect a small self from identification with static ideas that serve nothing but self-gratification.

  • Is fear constituting your bandwidth on either side of this polarity?
  • Would you be able to be challenged outside of your comfort zone to see that psychopathy is leading and is possibly innate within each other’s own consciousness?
  • Would you be able to question the concept of sanity/insanity within authority or are you still subdivided within your own unconscious parts that store this energetic signature?

War is not love.  Murder is not a blessing in disguise.  Torture is not something to be shared on Facebook.  What is it in you that is so fragmented that sees brutality and thinks it is needed?  Delineation is hard when the formatted hard drive wasn’t in linear fashion.  This is anima/animus possession and is part of the loss of time constructs in the psyche.  It is not readily talked about but can be seen as projected matter into the ideation of others.

Inconsistencies then rear their ugly head within the psyche until the archetypes are seen and heard and healed.

The archetypes are all polarized and have been for centuries.

Are you ready to fight the war within your own consciousness to battle directly and lovingly the consciousness of others?

Allison Engel




THOMAS ALEXANDER: “Are Rapidly Shifting Energies Driving You Mad?”

Going Mad 2.jpg

Sometimes, being yourself means being a bit mad. It’s okay to be a bit mad. All the best people are. Some of the worst may at times appear to be. However, there is a subtle, but distinct difference in being mad, from being insane. The insane person lives (if you can call it that) their entire existence, in abject fear and loathing of it. The slightest thing can send them into a fit of rage. Violent, ‘insane’ behavior, that is repellant to ‘sane’ people. The worst most mad people can be accused of, is being violently happy. Some people find even this, to be a bit too much. That’s okay. The mad person finds the company of ‘sane’ individuals to be a bit of a drag. Doldrums. ‘Keeping it real’. The struggle is real, you know… Bollocks!

The mad person’s behavior is typically repugnant to sane individuals, due to the fact that the sane individual is far too busy worrying about the trivial concerns of daily existence, to engage in such a frivolous and silly emotion as ‘joy’.

The sane person thinks, “Silly mad person… don’t you know there are real things, that must be worried about! Like, where’s the car parked; Where might I have to go next and how to get there, how much is the petrol going to cost, where is the money to pay for it going to come from.”

The ‘sane’ person entertains many such trains of thought simultaneously; Concerning sustenance, shelter, companionship etc… Worry, worry, worry. While it is natural to be occasionally concerned about these important items, it is unnatural to be overly concerned about them. This is, what drives good, hardworking, ordinarily ‘sane’ people; To insanity. Deluged under an inundation of out of control worry trains, roaring and thundering into the mental station of consciousness at a rate beyond which, they cannot continue to cope. And so they don’t; And yet, they do. The affected individual is rendered incapable of action – By caring so much – that they can’t even.

By allowing the equilibrium of your mental state to be overrun with too many thought trains, insanity is likely to ensue. This leads to congestion, angry passengers, lost parcels, and mental breakdown. On the other hand, what good is an empty train station? Find the balance that is right for you. Keep positive thought trains going! Send them forth from your station, full of happy passengers, brimming with valuable cargo. Thought trains, that others will be pleased to entertain in their own mental stations. Stop negative trains at the border, and turn them around. Those trains will go in search of other, more accommodating stations. After all, misery does love company. Joy loves company too. People that are ‘too happy’ for ‘no reason’ are weird. It’s okay to be weird. Existence is reason enough to be happy.

Does a flower question its existence? Does it worry if rain will fall, or if there are enough nutrients in the soil for it to grow? No. It exerts only the very slightest of efforts, growing towards light, water and food. It sends out tendrils, seeking for the right way. If something is found, the plant ceases to exert effort in that direction and begins to absorb the available nutrient. As the nutrient is absorbed, the plant pushes further until it meets resistance. Resistance is not the universe telling you, ‘you cannot’ only that there is perhaps an easier way. Sometimes, there is no easy way. Plants are grown from small vulnerable seeds, easily crushed under foot. But yet, a single blade of grass can crack pavement, which a million trodding feet could not crush. Pursue those things that make you feel strongly; Like a plant in search of sun, and you will achieve what you seek. There will be no resistance.

Resistance can be thought of as ‘negative energy’. Do you wake up in the morning, to some clamorous noise, wishing only to stay abed, hating the very thought of putting your feet on the floor? Wishing, that for once, the cares of the day would just care about themselves, and leave you out of it? Did you know, you can do that? The world, will indeed go on. If the Pope can quit, so can you. Sometimes, ‘doing’ just gets to be too much. Resistance. Perhaps, it is time to be instead of do. It’s hard for a reason. Maybe it’s the universe trying to tell you, you’re cutout for something else. Not a pre-punched cardboard cutout; A special snowflake, made by the hand of a child; That child is you. You shaped yourself by participating in a shared reality, full of other individuals shaping, and being shaped. Your snowflake is unique, there is no other quite as unique as yours. Some people will think it’s weird, misshapen, or tatty. That is okay. If you wanted your snowflake to fit in a mold, you’d have used a die cutter.

Die cut snowflakes are perfect, perfectly uniform; Perfectly the same. Like the ticky-tacky cookie-cutter houses, in a large development conglomerate. There, you must participate in a home owners association, and mustn’t to anything to upset the perfect uniformity of the neighborhood. You’re likely to be brought up on charges, if your front grass is half an inch too long, or… Your undisciplined and irresponsible child left their bicycle in front of the garage door. Some people find such outward displays of conformity to be comforting, and pleasing. I do not. I find places where everything and everyone are nearly identical, a bit like the Twilight Zone. As if, the matrix in an effort to conserve memory, has rendered at the lowest possible complexity. Recycling, and reusing a many textures, and interaction scenarios as possible. Woe betide unto you if your khakis are the wrong shade of tan, in these bastions of uniformity. Or, heaven help you, your skin! If you look closely enough, even at things that appear on the surface to be identical, you will find an infinite number of minute differences; Determined by the resolution at which you are viewing a thing at a given time. Do to the fractal nature of ‘reality’ you can zoom in, or out indefinitely. By zooming in, you can observe the minutest detail. Or by zooming out, have an epiphany about the ‘big picture’; Perhaps, coming to realize that things are the same on every level (more or less). It’s the contrasting minutia that highlights the differences between the very large, and the very small. Only when you cease struggling long enough to observe these details without resistance, do they come in to focus.

When you achieve focus, everything becomes clear. You will face no resistance in making choices. You can enjoy your journey fully, and if faced with a crossroads, the signs will be clear and you will instinctively select the correct path. If you arrive at a crossroad, and none of the signs seem to be pointing to something you feel strongly about, maybe you aren’t on the correct path. Meandering is okay. It’s an important part of finding the correct path. Like a plant, putting forth many tendrils in all directions, growing more where it finds the good. But, you aren’t a plant. Your place in life is not static. You don’t have to grow where you are planted. If the place in which you are planted, is devoid of joy; If it feels like you’d just be better off not living… By all means, pick yourself up by the roots, and plant yourself somewhere else. Fleeing in the face of adversity isn’t always the best course of action. Just as there is a fine line between bald faced cowardice, and fleeing an over-matched foe – ‘living to fight another day’. There is a difference between a dry spell, and the Sahara desert. It’s up to you to discern that difference.

Polite society is built upon the repression of the self, for the good of the whole. i.e. Don’t be too weird, or other people won’t like you. Don’t be an individual; Be individualistic. It’s quite easy to be driven mad by an inundation of mixed messages. It’s like being a giant centipede of people sewn together arse to mouth, defecating into each other’s faces. Come to think of it, that’s a rather fitting analogy for a certain social media site… Look at me, Look at my FACE. Look at my fodder. Look at my cool stuff. Look at what an ‘amazing’ time I’m having! Look at the other people, who have looked at my stuff. They said it was cool, ’cause I said their stuff was cool too. Look at it… LOOK AT IT! Tell me how much you like it. LIKE IT NOW! It’s a bit silly really. Why?

Because at the end of the day, the only person who has to listen to the voice in your head;  Possibly taunting you with the success of others, or sniggering at their failures, being overly concerned with how many people liked what you said; Or, the things that you have, the things that you do; Or… Only said that you did or have, because you thought other people would think it was cool… That voice is still you. Ergo, the opinions of others are in fact, self-inflicted. Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself? Stop hitting yourself! Except, the proverbial big brother on the other end of your arm, is still you.

A mad person couldn’t care less about societal norms. A mad person is truly themselves, for the sake of being so. The opinions of others are utterly irrelevant to the mad person; Just as irrelevant as if they were instead, insane. The circumstances under which someone may become mad, or insane are quite similar. However, the reaction to the circumstance is what makes the difference. At some point in your life, you will be presented with a very clear choice. Do you choose to be oppressed, or do you choose to be free. Do you choose to love your life, or to hate it. Is your life worth dying for; Is your death worth living for? ‘Till the sheer joy of existence, drives you mad. Perhaps, you choose to hate your very existence, ’till its repugnance drives you insane… Or maybe, you choose to constantly float someplace in the middle; Ever fluctuating between madness, and insanity. Dwelling in a special little place between the two, lovingly called by the poor frightened sheeple who live there, sanity. Dutifully taking care of the worries as they come, and enjoying some occasional joy while floating above the doldrums.

I choose joy. I choose a bit of madness. You may choose as you like, which is why it is called a choice. A choice you get to make a hundred times a day. Will you do what is expected, or will you do what you want to do. Will you say what is customary, or will you say what is really on your mind?

Life is a series of choices, doing or not doing – To be or not to be – Be a round peg in a square hole, fit in… But don’t fit in. A circle has no corners in which shadows may hide. Don’t be a square, don’t fit into a box. When you are ‘square’, aspects of your true self, you hide in the corners. In shadows, that others may not know your true self, because of fear. Fear nothing; Do not fear nothing. A void is but an empty canvas, and a fully laden palette awaiting the artist’s stroke. That artist, is you. Be yourself, and encourage others to do likewise! If everyone spent more time being themselves, there would be a good deal fewer busy bodies.




by Thomas Alexander
Guest writer,

About the author:  After many fruitless years of cubicle farm doldrums, I found a way out of the Matrix. The invisible ‘mind prison’, that keeps many firmly ensconced in their cubicles; Dutifully carrying out the bidding of their bovine overlords. I can show you the door, only you can open it.

-Thomas Alexander
