2020 ELECTION PREDICTIONS ~ Redefining God: “Global Agenda Watch — November 5, 2020”

“There is a very good chance that after the vote counts are fully complete (either the initial counts or the recounts), the election is going to swing back to Trump. Today’s claim of victory by Biden after Nevada announces their count is meant to ensure that the Democrats will go berserk when the swingback happens. What occurs after that will be determined by whether or not Trump meets with an unfortunate fate by then (assassination or incapacitation). So keep an eye on Trump, because this might be the last you see of him for a while. His removal by assassination or medical incapacitation appears imminent. The globalists have put an awful lot of preparation into the Pence/Parolin scenario, and I sense that they would very much prefer to go in that direction over the communist one. Let’s see how bad they want it…”

~Ken @ Redefining God — 11/5/2020


There is a very good chance that after the vote counts are fully complete (either the initial counts or the recounts), the election is going to swing back to Trump. Today’s claim of victory by Biden after Nevada announces their count is meant to ensure that the Democrats will go berserk when the swingback happens. What occurs after that will be determined by whether or not Trump meets with an unfortunate fate by then (assassination or incapacitation).

It looks like they’ve momentarily backed off of the Nevada scenario, but I doubt they’ve changed their basic plan yet. So let’s have a look at the plan starting with what I wrote about our current situation back in the 25 August update…

…In the leadup to the election, the mainstream media will heavily publicize manipulated polling data showing a Biden lead, and soon after the election, they’ll declare Biden the projected winner “based on exit polls of in-person voters and telephone polls of mail-in voters.” This MSM declaration of Biden’s victory will come long before the actual vote counts are completed and verified.

The actual election result will likely show a Biden victory if disputed and invalid mail-in votes are counted and a Trump victory if only valid votes are counted. This, paired with Trump’s unwillingness to accept a loss by Democrat fraud, will lead to an escalating showdown between the two sides…
Except for the part about the exit polls, things are breaking pretty much as expected. And the globalist strategy for escalating the showdown between the two sides is becoming clear…

First, prematurely call the election for Biden amidst clear signs of election fraud. This will get Republicans fighting mad over “a victory stolen with suspicious ballots.”

Later, call the election for Trump after the suspicious ballots have been disallowed. This will get Democrats fighting mad over “a victory stolen with legal technicalities and disenfranchisement of voters.”

Pissing off the Republicans first makes sense because they aren’t the kind of people who will go out in the streets and create chaos (they’re the kind who will go out and stop it). And pissing off the Democrats second makes sense because they are the kind who will get out and create chaos, to which the pissed off Republicans will happily respond. Of course, the globalists will send their agents-provocateur out on the streets to draw both sides together and get the fighting started. And once it does, the President can invoke the Insurrection Act and clean house. But which President, Trump or Pence?

If Trump is still in office when the election outcome flips back, he’d do the “Whole of the Deep State” Mass Arrest Psyop and start taking us towards the “good” NWO. But if he is replaced by Pence before then, Pence would do the “Communist Deep State” Mass Arrest Psyop and start taking us towards the “evil” NWO. And the swingback election victory would be necessary to give Pence a legitimate claim to the presidency after the end of Trump’s term.

So keep an eye on Trump, because this might be the last you see of him for a while. His removal by assassination or medical incapacitation appears imminent. The globalists have put an awful lot of preparation into the Pence/Parolin scenario, and I sense that they would very much prefer to go in that direction over the communist one. Let’s see how bad they want it…


~via RedefiningGod.com

THE NARCISSISTIC CHILD ~ Tom Leonard on “Think the President’s a Bully Now? You Shoulda Seen Him as a Boy!”

A pint-sized bully who loved to pull girls’ hair and once lobbed rocks at a toddler in his playpen. A loud-mouthed classroom know-all who could never admit he was wrong and boasted of giving the music teacher a black eye. And a sporting show-off who yearned to hear the crowd’s applause…  but who would smash his baseball bat in fury if he didn’t win.

Arrogant, over-bearing, thin-skinned, determined, and not exactly great with the ladies — does this portrait of a child growing up in Fifties surburban New York sound like a certain grown-up (well, sort of grown-up) currently strutting the world stage?

It was Aristotle who said “Give me the child until he’s seven and I will show you the man”, and Donald Trump, now 73, would certainly agree. The 45th U.S. President insists he’s much the same character now as he was when he was in junior school.

According to Trump Revealed, a new biography compiled by Washington Post journalists who spoke to dozens of people who knew Trump as a child, he’s not wrong. The psychological resemblance is uncanny, and not a little disconcerting.

Born in June 1946, Trump was the fourth of five children to Fred Trump, a ruthless Queens builder and property developer, and his Scottish-born wife, Mary, an immigrant who had fled poverty on the Isle of Lewis and met Fred at a dance in New York. Trump Sr was a dour, authoritarian patriarch who dressed in a jacket and tie even at home.

They were the envy of their neighbours with a chauffeur, cook, colour television, intercom system and two Cadillacs with consecutive personalised number plates (virtually nobody had one back then but, of course, the showy Trumps had two).

Donald — with his ten-speed Italian racing bike and a huge, elaborate model train set — made the local children green with envy.

He clearly left an impression on his neighbours, classmates and teachers because so many could remember at least one chilling anecdote about him 60 years later.

When a ball bounced into their garden, he threatened to tell his father and the police about those responsible.

Dennis Burnham, who lived next door, was a toddler when his mother briefly put him in a playpen in their garden. She returned a few minutes later to find the current U.S. president, then aged five or six, standing at his fence throwing rocks at the little boy.

His mother warned Dennis to “stay away from the Trumps” as they didn’t want him “beaten up” by the family bully.

Another local child, Steven Nachtigall, now a 66-year-old doctor, said he never forgot Trump, a “loudmouth bully”,  once jumping off his bike and pummelling another boy.

The disturbing image remained in his brain decades later, he said, because “it was so unusual and terrifying at that age”.

The 45th U.S. President insists he’s much the same character now as he was when he was in junior school

Young Donald — whose nicknames at school included Donny, The Trumpet and Flat Top (for the blond pompadour hairstyle he had even as a child) — picked mercilessly on his own little brother, Robert, a quiet and sensitive child.

The future property tycoon later liked to boast how he once stole Robert’s building blocks and, so pleased with what he built, glued them together so his brother could never use them again.

With his siblings, Donald went to a smart private primary school called Kew-Fores, where he quickly became notorious for being unruly, going around with a gang of boys who pulled girls’ hair and talked during class.

“He would sit with his arms folded with this look on his face — I used the word surly — almost daring you to say one thing or another that wouldn’t settle with him,” recalled former teacher Ann Trees.

It’s an image that anyone who saw one of the 2016 Republican presidential debates can easily imagine.

Ditto, a former classmate, recalled a boy who would never admit he was wrong, no matter how trivial the subject. “He had a reputation for saying anything that came into his head,” he added.

Trump spent so much time in detention that the punishment was nicknamed “DT” in his honour.

When he was seven, he yanked classmate Sharon Mazzarella’s pigtails. She chased him downstairs and smashed him over the head with her metal lunchbox.

Trump admits he was a troublemaker at primary school. “I liked to stir things up and I liked to test people,” he said years later. “It wasn’t malicious so much as it was aggressive.” Trump bragged for a long time that, aged eight, he almost got expelled for giving his music teacher a black eye “because I didn’t think he knew anything about music”. 

However, it later emerged he had exaggerated. The teacher, Charles Walker, remembered Trump as supremely attention-seeking. Told on his deathbed that Trump was running for president, he reportedly remarked that even at ten, Donny had been a “little sh*t”.

“When I look at myself in first grade and I look at myself now, I’m basically the same,” Trump told a biographer.

“The temperament is not that different.”

From most other adults, such an observation would sound endearing. Now, as he stands with his finger on the nuclear trigger, as President of the United States, it’s more than a little terrifying.


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Trumpty Dumpty


~via Daily Mail

‘PEARLS BEFORE SWINE’ ~ Caitlin Johnstone on “America’s Two-Headed One-Party System”

“There’s a scene from John Steinbeck’s ‘The Pearl’ that’s been coming back to me over and over again ever since I started writing about US politics. ‘The Pearl’ is a short novel about a poor fisherman, Kino, who discovers the titular enormous gem in an oyster and goes to sell it to the pearl buyers in town. What he doesn’t know is that the buyers, while they have multiple offices and pretend to compete with each other, all actually work for the same owner. This is exactly how the two-headed one-party system works, in America and elsewhere. One party owned by one imperialist oligarchic class is placed in two separate offices ‘to give some semblance of competition,’ just like Steinbeck’s pearl buyers. And just like Steinbeck’s pearl buyers they work together to deceive the people into accepting the lowest possible bid, in their case meaning the acceptance of virtually no change at all from the imperialist oligarchic status quo. You see this kleptocratic dynamic at play regardless of who is in office. This pattern repeats over and over and over again, whether it’s the presidency or Congress, and the people never learn their lesson. They’re trained to think of the two parties as competing, when really they’re more like the left fist and the right fist on the same boxer. An orthodox-stance boxer uses the left jab and the right cross in conjunction with each other in one-two punch combinations to accomplish the same goal, namely to leave his opponent staring up at the arena lights and rethinking his life decisions. And in this case, the boxer’s opponent is you. This is the kind of clear seeing we all need to have. We need to not fall into the drama of the two-handed puppet show and mistake what we are seeing for two separate and competing entities. We need to see and be aware of the puppeteer at all times. Look past the ‘semblance of competition’ and watch what the pearl buyers are actually doing. Ignore their words. Ignore their fake pro-wrestling kayfabe combat over impeachment agendas they know will never bear fruit and their Russia conspiracies they know are pure nonsense. Watch their actual behaviors instead. Don’t fall for the illusion. Don’t get sucked into the drama of the two-handed puppet show. Don’t be deceived, Kino. Don’t sell your pearl.”

~Caitlin Johnstone



America’s Two-Headed One-Party System