JOACHIM BARTOLL on “Gullible ‘Truthers’ Still Think the Russia-Ukraine War is Real”

“I still see a lot of posts on social media claiming that if you support Zelenskyy and Ukraine, you support the ‘New World Order’ with the evil United States and European Union behind it, but if you support Putin and Russia, you support the good guys and something like the coming of a paradise on Earth? Say what? Yes, it’s embarrassing to say the least. Absolutely no critical thinking, discernment or logic. Simply repeating some Q’tarded CIA-nonsense from this obvious psychological operation. Now, repeat after me: The Russia-Ukraine War is FAKE. The world is a stage. Every one of its actors who get time in the spotlight are controlled puppets, and everything that is staged is to further the rulers’ agendas. If the war was real and fought like actual wars was fought a few hundred years ago, before the ‘elite families’ came together behind the Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church, Russia would have taken little Ukraine within a few days. If wars still were fought, and not totally staged and faked, and if military power actually was real and of importance and not an illusion for the dumbed down sleeping masses, Ukraine would have been swatted like a slumbering little fly. Instead, they have dragged it our for 1.5 years of silly computer-generated graphics, crisis actors and staged props; and it’s still going on, keeping the sheeple in a trance of accepting increased costs of living and other fabricated lies based on this fake war. We have thousands of Ukrainians showing us that every single news report of alleged attacks is fake, that every demolished building is simply computer graphics. Within a few days of the media showing us razed buildings and ‘war-like’ pictures, these brave souls film the area where it supposedly happened showing us that it is completely untouched. Again, there is no war! I have about 70 articles on this, including many decodes as everything is done and scripted by the numbers. Both Ukraine and Russia are ruled by a club of oligarchs belonging to the ancient bloodlines, answering to the rest of the elite families. They all work together as a hive mind. Thus, every single person on the world stage is mind-controlled and picked for their position. Everyone is following orders set out by the agendas of the elite families. Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Vladimir Putin, Pope Francis, Xi Jinping, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Angela Merkel, David Cameron, Benjamin Netanyahu, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, and whatever name you like to bring up, they are all actors assigned different roles, but all playing for the same team. It’s that simple. And if anyone would go rogue, that person would be replaced. So, no. The Russia-Ukraine war is not real. And because it’s not real, there cannot be a ‘victor.’ And once they fake an end to the staged war, it will be both ritualistic, by the numbers, and to further their agenda. As it is all theatre, just as in the left vs. the right, you should not take sides like a gullible little sheep, you should expose it for what it is.”

~Joachim Bartoll

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

LISA RENEE: “Militarization of Global Society”

“With the social engineering of the death culture, militarization is used by those in the world governmental power as a strategy for maintaining global dominance, ensuring geopolitical interests, as well as exercising exopolitical power and control. Thus, the military industrial complex is the deep cover used to conceal the presence of the NAA to carry out their long term divide and conquer warfare strategy against the people of this earth. The Controllers are addicted to maintaining coercive power on the world stage, the same way abusers and tyrants gain and maintain total control over a victim for selfish gain and abusive purposes, such as perpetrating physical, psychological, sexual or financial abuse. The goal of the power abuser is to control and intimidate their victims on the earth into learned helplessness, and to influence the general population to feel that they are powerless to change anything in their lives. Military war strategists that have identified enemy targets for divide and conquer agendas, whether they are human or nonhuman, apply the exact same kind of war strategies. Whether that target is nations, populations or an entire planet, when assuming the strategy for takeover the strategies are the same. One obvious conclusion for experienced military personnel that attack enemies from the ground or from the air, is that long term planning for implementing soft kill methods have a far better performance record. This is especially so when the intelligence operation can remain concealed and thus requires much less physical resources than hard kill methods. Such as applying electronic technology countermeasures for crowd control that alter the electromagnetic signature of a person, whether used on individuals, groups or entire populations. Thereby altering the physical body, as well as psychological and emotional behavior of the group that is being targeted for subjugation through the use of electromagnetic technology and mind control. An example of current soft kill agendas is the enforcement of legal poisoning in the general public that is made through vaccinations, water fluoridation, GMOs, chemtrails, herbicides, pharmaceutical drugs and other chemical biological weapons. All of these examples change the electromagnetic frequency and chemistry of the body, brain, CNS and DNA signals, which are designed to radically impair immunity, consciousness and intelligence factors over the longer term. Also understood to be serving the Blood Sacrifice or killing of the human race. If we can see the current soft kill measures in the environment that have been methodically put in place through the well thought out long term planning of the Controllers, we can easily see the hidden purpose of these genocidal methods, including the eugenicist policies leading back to the divide and conquer agenda of the NAA. Gaining knowledge that this divide and conquer agenda is happening against the people of this earth, and to identify what it looks like in everyday life is the first important step. We have to see it operating and understand what the motivation behind the agenda really is, before we can find the courage to take productive steps forward.”

~Lisa Renee

Militarization is the process by which a society organizes itself for military conflict, war and violence that is based upon the glorification of the military and the cultural values that are placed upon military based power. With the social engineering of the death culture, militarization is used by those in the world governmental power as a strategy for maintaining global dominance, ensuring geopolitical interests, as well as exercising exopolitical power and control. Militarization can inject massive amounts of cash and resources to revive an industry, boost a nation’s faltering economy or to carry out an assortment of dominance based agendas through the strong-arm of the military industrial complex. The military industrial complex outwardly appears as the alliance made between a nation’s military and the defense-arms industry, the massive corporate transnationals that supply all military technology and weapons meant for waging war. Also understood to be serving the Blood Sacrifice or killing of the human race. Thus, the military industrial complex is the deep cover used to conceal the presence of the NAA to carry out their long term divide and conquer warfare strategy against the people of this earth. See Black Sun Program.

The defense or arms producing industry is a global commercial industry responsible for the manufacturing and sales of weapons and military technology throughout the world. Departments of government also operate in the arms industry, buying and selling weapons, munitions and other military items, which infuse billions into the vast political network that is supporting the endless war economy.

The driving force behind this relationship between the government, defense contractors and arms dealers are the corporate conglomerates behind them that massively profit off of the suffering of humanity. One side of the deal is obtaining the weapons to kill or make war, while the other side is being paid exorbitant amounts to manufacture and supply the weapons. Thus, the setup is for the Controllers to make obscene profits on both sides, while promoting the negative narrative of ever-present enemies. The manufacture of endless enemies maintains the external focus of control over humanity, to suffer in endless wars and live in a permanent war economy.

The Controllers are addicted to maintaining coercive power on the world stage, the same way abusers and tyrants gain and maintain total control over a victim for selfish gain and abusive purposes, such as perpetrating physical, psychological, sexual or financial abuse. The goal of the power abuser is to control and intimidate their victims on the earth into learned helplessness, and to influence the general population to feel that they are powerless to change anything in their lives. When the human race is subdued and distracted through the various psychological warfare tactics that condition learned helplessness into the human psyche, they can only deal with the current pressures of today. When we only look at today we look for instant gratification and do not consider the long-term consequences of today’s actions. We remain ignorant of the long term consequences of the Soft Kill Agendas in play around us.

What are Soft Kill Agendas?

Military war strategists that have identified enemy targets for divide and conquer agendas, whether they are human or nonhuman, apply the exact same kind of war strategies. Whether that target is nations, populations or an entire planet, when assuming the strategy for takeover the strategies are the same. One obvious conclusion for experienced military personnel that attack enemies from the ground or from the air, is that long term planning for implementing soft kill methods have a far better performance record. This is especially so when the intelligence operation can remain concealed and thus requires much less physical resources than hard kill methods.

Soft kill is a military term used to describe the covert agenda for slow killing without the knowledge of the person or persons under attack, using disinformation, withholding evidence and psychological warfare tactics.

It is the act of disabling an enemy target without the use of outward physical destructive force. Soft kill also refers to the use of hidden technologies to subdue enemies. Such as applying electronic technology countermeasures for crowd control that alter the electromagnetic signature of a person, whether used on individuals, groups or entire populations. Thereby altering the physical body, as well as psychological and emotional behavior of the group that is being targeted for subjugation through the use of electromagnetic technology and mind control.

If we can see the current soft kill measures in the environment that have been methodically put in place through the well thought out long term planning of the Controllers, we can easily see the hidden purpose of these genocidal methods, including the eugenicist policies leading back to the divide and conquer agenda of the NAA. An example of current soft kill agendas is the enforcement of legal poisoning in the general public that is made through vaccinations, water fluoridation, GMOs, chemtrails, herbicides, pharmaceutical drugs and other chemical biological weapons. All of these examples change the electromagnetic frequency and chemistry of the body, brain, CNS and DNA signals, which are designed to radically impair immunity, consciousness and intelligence factors over the longer term.

The majority of the population is on high stress overload trying to meet the most fundamental and basic human needs. As a result, many people cannot begin to fathom the larger reality of the off planet NAA divide and conquer agendas, combined with the Controllers on the ground implementation of soft kill methods. However, there are individual and collective actions that we can take that help us to empower our selves and each other, and to know that we can make a difference.

Gaining knowledge that this divide and conquer agenda is happening against the people of this earth, and to identify what it looks like in everyday life is the first important step.

We have to see it operating and understand what the motivation behind the agenda really is, before we can find the courage to take productive steps forward. The most empowering step we can take now is developing our heart based relationship to our higher self, and working on ourselves spiritually. We must find within our heart our direct connection to God, our highest power, whatever that sacred heart connection to all of life truly means to you. When we are spiritually connected we gain the inner strength, courage and higher intelligence that lends itself to the coping skills we need to overcome the dark night of the soul and spiritual warfare. Challenging circumstances can often lead us to work towards making important changes in our lives that shift our awareness and priorities to be aligned with our inner spirit. No matter what is happening in our world, we can move into states of greater wisdom that bring more deeply meaningful experiences with others, so that we can exchange unconditional love, peace and contentment. [1]


  1. Divide and Conquer Tactics

See Also:

Basic Principles of Psychological Warfare

Divide and Conquer Tactics

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE: “Distraction Principle”

“For most people, there are a limited amount of things that we can think about or focus upon at the same time. If the Controller generates an incredible amount of External Distractions and bogs down the conscious mind with many personal problems that we have to think about, we pay less and less attention to what is going on around us, in our environment or in the larger global scape. It is evident that the Controllers rely heavily on using Distraction Principles to incite survival fears, as the fear agenda exists everywhere and is heavily exploited in the mainstream media. Their thought process is that if they can distract your attention into fear, they can slip around your guard and remain unseen. When distracting someone the Controller is attempting to take full control and to manage what that person notices or is able to perceive. The magician uses this to manipulate the viewer’s perceptions of sensory input, leading them to draw false conclusions. One way of gaining control in a dispute is to distract the person from the real point, leading them to argue over side issues that are completely irrelevant to the real subject. Misdirection is a form of deception in which the attention of an audience is focused on one thing in order to distract its attention from another, generally to take the advantage or controlling position on an issue. Misdirection is the cornerstone of nearly all magic, so it is good to remember that Magicians, or people that use trickery to paint a false picture, are commonly using tactics to misdirect attention. In misdirection techniques, the Controller deliberately misdirects the attention to focus on something else such as don’t look here, look over there, where I want you to look. There are many common military strategies that are based on distraction and misdirection. As we become clearer on seeing the everyday use of Divide and Conquer Tactics, the natural extension in the macrocosm leads us to see the Controller agenda operating in the total militarization of our planet”

~Lisa Renee

For most people, there are a limited amount of things that we can think about or focus upon at the same time. If the Controller generates an incredible amount of External Distractions and bogs down the conscious mind with many personal problems that we have to think about, we pay less and less attention to what is going on around us, in our environment or in the larger global scape. It is evident that the Controllers rely heavily on using Distraction Principles to incite survival fears, as the fear agenda exists everywhere and is heavily exploited in the mainstream media. Their thought process is that if they can distract your attention into fear, they can slip around your guard and remain unseen. Distraction and Misdirection of Attention are very similar and are tactics that are often used at the same time.

Distractions can come from both external sources and internal sources. The motivation of someone intentionally creating external distractions is that they generate an assembly line of interference, which disables their ability to focus their attention on meaningful, accurate and truthful things. When people are unable to focus their attention, they effectively have attention deficit and scatter themselves. Thus, it is much harder for them to manifest anything meaningful to their spirit that requires a deeper concentration of focusing ones energy and intention. External distractions may include a variety of factors such as internet click bait, social media, phone or text messages, emotional dramas, substance abuse, porn, and fear based media and television shows. There are also Internal Distractions, which are mostly caused by the unruly Negative Ego’s survival fears such as anxiety, worrying, obsessions, and fantasizing.


Misdirection is a form of deception in which the attention of an audience is focused on one thing in order to distract its attention from another, generally to take the advantage or controlling position on an issue. Misdirection is the cornerstone of nearly all magic, so it is good to remember that Magicians, or people that use trickery to paint a false picture, are commonly using tactics to misdirect attention. 

Misdirection takes advantage of the limits of the human mind and attention span in order to give False Impressions, for the wrong mental picture to form a faulty memory. The magician uses this to manipulate the viewer’s perceptions of sensory input, leading them to draw false conclusions.

When distracting someone the Controller is attempting to take full control and to manage what that person notices or is able to perceive. One way of gaining control in a dispute is to distract the person from the real point, leading them to argue over side issues that are completely irrelevant to the real subject. In misdirection techniques, the Controller deliberately misdirects the attention to focus on something else such as don’t look here, look over there, where I want you to look.

There are many common military strategies that are based on distraction and misdirection. As we become clearer on seeing the everyday use of Divide and Conquer Tactics, the natural extension in the macrocosm leads us to see the Controller agenda operating in the total militarization of our planet. [1]


  1. Divide and Conquer Tactics

See Also:

Basic Principles of Psychological Warfare

~via Ascension Glossary

JOACHIM BARTOLL on “Donald Trump Announces 2024 Presidential Run while Fake Missile Hits Poland in Big ‘666’ Antichrist Rituals”

“Again, a lot is happening at once on the world stage. While puppet Donald Trump handed in the paperwork for being able to run for president in 2024, a ‘Russian’ missile allegedly exploded in Poland, close to the Ukrainian border. Of course, this staged ‘missile’ explosion keep the narrative of upscaling the war on the table, and the possibility of greater NATO involvement. But mostly, it’s to keep this silly war script relevant in the minds of the sheeple and to keep them in fear and trigger thoughts of a ‘World War III.’ Also, it’s ritualistic and done by the numbers, as always, proving that it was staged. The word ‘Missiles’ sums to 666 in Reverse Sumerian, and this is clearly an Antichrist, ‘666’ ritual. And interestingly, counting forwards from this date of November 15, there will be exactly 666 days to the 23rd anniversary of 9/11 in 2024! Such a coincidence! This Antichrist ritual with the fake missile goes hand-in-hand with Donald Trump announcing that he will be running for President in 2024, as we predicted. Trump’s last full day in office was on January 19, 2021, as he departed on January 20 as Joe Biden took office. From January 19, 2021 to the announcement on November 15, is a span of 666 days. How surprising, eh?”

~Joachim Bartoll

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “Nov 7, 2022 News Update”

Join Sunny and the Field Messengers for the Real News! Kim’s report begins @ 33:50 (simply tap markers shown at bottom of video to fast-track to desired segment).

0:00 Field Messenger Reports:
Texas Community Schooling
Aboriginal Elder Speaks
Germany Forest Night Life

11:05 Sunny Gault News Update:
Peru Protests
London Election Rally
Biden and China
Weapons Sales
Slovakia – Supporting Russia?
COP 27 Begins
COP 27 a Scam?
Canada Suicide Law
USA Airline Seats
Meta Facebook Layoffs
Deleted Tweet
USA Midterms Selection Day

33:50 Kimberly Goguen News Update:
Ukraine War De-escalating?
War with Iran?
Nov 8 Important Day
Non-Repairable Humans
End of the Deep State?
and more…


~via United Network News (UNN)