QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE ~ “Is there a Reptilian Agenda for the English Monarchy?”


“Is there a Reptilian agenda for the English monarchy??”


“I am on a need-to-know basis. While walking into the mysteries of God, I had no idea that this is what many of these larger issues as they reveal themselves, would look like. I have been given the opportunity to look at the larger pieces in the architecture of the planet, while looking at the breadcrumbs that piece into these larger systems. Doing session and remote grid work, shows many of these histories and their energetic signatures which can be read. Everything has an energy signature and can be recalled from the consciousness fields and the timelines. This is the way to coherently see how these patterns function and who operates them. I have had not an iota of interest in political systems, or governances, to say the least. I am a celestial being and would rather get on a star ship than learn about this level existing in the political arena. This topic is about as uninteresting personally as I could imagine. Clearly, if all of a sudden in the last few months, I am being asked to step up into a role of support clearing miasm and syphilis from Tudor bloodlines within these particular issues of monarch timelines, it would lead us to believe as we become aware of this, that there is a purpose for that awareness and knowledge. We are starting to see the web of deceit that has been woven at every possible level in order to control human intelligence and evolution from naturally moving into the destiny of the divine embodied soul. That has been the most mind blowing part of this discovery, to see how incredibly detailed and orchestrated this control has been. How random it may have appeared that Henry VIII was slaughtering most all monks in Europe during his reign, I had no idea he had done that until coming into the awareness of seeing it happen in the time fields. He was orchestrated by Draconians controlling the Vatican to go and steal all of the light bearers money, possessions, value, wisdom, texts, books, and to destroy and kill them all. This is the same program of ethnic genocide and holocaust that has been played out on earth so many times by the Negative Alien Agenda. As a Tyrant King, he had no clue to the larger purpose of infiltrating the monarchy, he just wanted the power and money. After the Vatican purposes were served he was used to create another rift with those reptilians in the UK area, which was the whole debacle of the Protestant reformation, Act of Supremacy, changing out the House of the Lords, to reptilian bloodlines and making himself as a direct conduit and representative of the Church. Wars over God and more bloodshed were now secured in plenty of future battles used to fuel these Church and State bindings. This was an reptilian agenda and action used to ensnare satanic ritual into the places of ‘worship’, which also supported more killing over Gods and religion. However his actions created a future timeline which supported the Reptilian Agenda to infiltrate deeper into the monarch bloodlines. This was a systematic takeover to give ruling power to the bloodlines the Reptilians directly control. It is a direct repercussion to what we are dealing with today, with the Tyrant King ruling and warring on the earth. This man’s actions from the 1500’s have manifested grave consequences that the planet is still dealing with karmically today. The incredible part is in observing how human beings from their negative ego consciousness have been manipulated at such deep levels over the power structure of the earth, then and now. This is all about gaining ultimate dominion over the earth power resources yet these beings played into these agendas having no clue what this galactic fight and genetic preferencing was about. While Henry VIII was taking all the light bearer’s’ wealth and information was to disempower those indigenous peoples and light peoples, the peoples who held the wisdom and kept it in hiding until the lights would go on, the golden age would return. They were being systematically dismantled and destroyed so they could not have the unity and power that would render them as a threat against the dark agenda of control. So the dark control was using humans to trap and kill ourselves, having some of us sell out the others from personal greed and power, while genetically mutating us to become more like them. War mongers, Tyrants and emotion-less killers. Henry VIII was one man, like many before him, and more after him, that played into the reptilian agenda and changed the future history of the human race through usurping the monarchy. The repercussions are still operating as miasms, controlling the actions the Tyrant Kings of today. Once we understand where we actually come from and what we have been doing to lead us into this moment, we are empowered to have a choice, to make the timeline change into a higher reality structure. So every effort to hide the real human history and lie about alien involvement in our world affairs and its corruption into the ruling blood lines, has been made possible. We all have been tricked and deceived by smiling faces with blood on their hands. I truly feel this is what we are entering into at this time, we must face what has happened to this planet and to the human race. Those that control the world, have controlled our record of human history, and we have been lied to. It is not pleasant, but it is necessary to develop the spiritual maturity and wisdom required to be accountable for our actions and understand our role of responsibility to this reality. Only when we understand the Alien Invasion and ET history will we, as a species, be able to put into place humanitarian systems on this earth that are truly in place to be of service to support the potential of the human race. Until the ET disclosure is made, humanity has only a small Band-Aid for the gaping wounds that have been created by the hidden reptilian manipulation and control. This infiltration of the Monarch lines is just one small slice of the overall deception.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE on “Satanic Ritual Holidays: Archontic Deception Strategies for Sexual Abuse”

“If a technologically advanced extradimensional race has decided to implement a gradual takeover of a planet and its inhabitants, what kind of strategy would it use? First, they would look to how they could maximize the efficiency of the invasion process by generating mind-controlled slaves, and find methods to reduce the expenditure of resources and energies that they would have to generate themselves. Therefore, they mind control humans to carry out the slavery agendas as their prison wardens, who then they become complicit with these criminal acts in ways that buy their silence. To achieve these goals the secretive infiltration of the highest power positions in the core societal organizational structures such as: religious institutions, medical, financial, governmental and legal systems, would be ideal to shape the death culture as a value system that generates the belief systems they want to manipulate in the masses. Otherwise said this is the mainstreaming of satanism into greater acceptance to become normalized within the human culture. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self–enforced enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation among the earth inhabitants, learned helplessness and accepting tyrannical control through the invasion process is made much easier. The people on earth would be effectively groomed to enforce their own enslavement as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their human rights and handing over their resources to the predators. This is very effective for planetary takeover and generating a full spectrum invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants who are completely unaware they are being gradually invaded and set up for increasing levels of global slavery. Out of the five main Archontic strategies discussed, two of them are focused upon psycho-emotional-spiritual attacks to cripple human civilization through setting up the conditions in which assorted forms of sexual abuse and sexual misery are spread throughout society. The sexual misery program extends to creating this sexual abuse as young as possible by targeting the world’s children in an assortment of mind control methods. The more covert strategy is actual child sacrifice through satanic ritual abuse and its related activities, in which the predators, human and nonhuman actually enjoy and even get intoxicated and addicted to the ritual torture and murder of children. Thus, the goal of mass human slavery is to keep them with a never-ending supply of mostly kids, which connects to the mass organized levels of human trafficking across the globe, which is further hidden behind multinational corporate fronts in order to maintain the supply in demand. Although child sexual abuse and child molestation is at epidemic levels, the advanced levels of black magic learned by corrupt humans and inherited by the anti-Christ alien influence includes the dark realm of Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). This level is in the caste system of Satanic priesthood on the earth which is found to be propagated at the highest metaphysical levels by the seed of anti-Christ, these are nonhuman entities that entered our system through the Wesa Tunnel and then gained control over the Black Sun entities with AI further comprising the Orion Group. These entities value the killing of children and those that worship these satanic forces believe in the necessity of child sacrifice killings to maintain their wealth and power on the earth, which buys them protection and connection with the extradimensional parasitic entities of the NAA. They have gotten away with these crimes without prosecution for millennia, because they have been protected by the alien machinery and sorcery of assorted NAA forces. The NAA entities themselves consider children to be the most desirable object of which to torture the soul and to consume blood and body parts in order to illicit an addictive euphoric consciousness state. The entities have trained the criminal cabal members into an anti-human religion that the blood of a child is the purest, they can extract vital essences and power from the blood sacrifice and through consuming adrenalized blood of ritually sacrificed children. When they want more power for material success or something to gain, or there is something to cleanse, they believe to cleanse it with a child’s blood sacrifice. During the ritual sacrifice the nonphysical anti-Christ entities are present and feast on the tortured child’s painful emotions, fear and terror. Most commonly those in the higher caste bloodlines will abduct a child or children or a satanic family will give up one of their children from ritual incest as an offering during satanic ritual holidays. In order for the Power Elite criminal cabal to remain in power and in control over all the wealth and resources on this planet, their satanic and luciferian religion tells them that they are to practice satanic ritual abuse and black magic sorcery with blood sacrifice of the innocents, or make human sacrifices to their dark ‘gods’ on specified religious holidays or seasons. Satanic high holy days or seasons can require as many human sacrifices as possible to the practicing Satanist, which can be blood sacrifices in their back yard, multiple child sacrifices on a church altar, or false flag operations in which many people are ritually killed in some kind of public event reported on the news as a lone shooter or random psychopathic killer.”

~Lisa Renee, via Archontic Deception Strategies for Sexual Abuse

JOACHIM BARTOLL: “Queen Lizard-Breath II Announced Dead at 96 — By the Numbers”

“Yesterday, on September 8, the media announced that Queen Elizabeth II’s doctors were concerned for her health and that the Royal family had gathered by her side at Balmoral Castle, as in ‘Baal-Moral.’ No surprise there as for the choice of location for this ritual. As soon as we heard about this, we checked the numbers for September 8 and it was obvious that they would use this pretext of her frail health as a foreshadowing to announce her death. As you should know by now, they do everything by the numbers. This knowledge is expressed in the Kabbalah, the Sepher Yetzirah, or in English, in The Book of Formation. It states that God created his universe by three forms of expression: Numbers, Letters and Words — hence the use of numerology and gematria. You should also know that the British Royal Family is at the upper end of the pyramid of power, of those who rule the world. That also means that The Jesuit Order, The Pope, and The Freemasons will be deeply involved in her death ritual. The Queen was also the real owner of America, and close to 70% of all land in the world. What is interesting though is the fact that Q is simply an CIA operation, a tactic employed to control those who are slowly waking up and want to rebel against the system. To give them small crumbs of the ancient good vs. evil tale where good is winning by covert and invisible operations, as long as you ‘trust the plan’ and sit back and do nothing, of course. Now, this is relevant since the first ‘Q-drop’ was posted on 4Chan, October 28, 2017. That was exactly 1776-days before the announcement of Queen Elizabeth’s death on September 8, 2022. 1776, as in the year the United States was declared as a nation. As they involved ‘Q’ in their ritual, as well as the birth of the United States of America, it’s more than obvious that they control it all. That should be the last nail in the Q-coffin, but Q’tards tend to be so gullible so they will most likely go on and ‘trust the plan’ for another 5 years without one single proof that anything has happened or changed. The rest of us though, has seen quite a decline in living standards since 2017 with staged and fake pandemics and wars used as excuses to tear down people and their lives, which has continued with skyrocketing costs for food, gasoline and electricity. And that takes us to the extremely fake Corona Virus, or simply ‘Corona’ as in ‘Crown.’ Remember that it was declared as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. That was exactly 911-days before they announced the Queen’s death on September 8, 2022. 911-days as in 9/11 — their previous biggest psy-op and inside demolition job. It’s all tied together. As for the corona and vaccinations, she died exactly 201-days after allegedly testing positive for something that does not exist, which also was 20 weeks and 1 day, as in 201, after her birthday. And you should know everything about the Jesuit number of 201 by now. The Queen was born on April 21, the 111th day of the year. The announcement of her alleged death came at 6:30 p.m. local time, that is the 1110th minute of the day, as in ‘111.’ 111 is symbolic of the closed gate. This also ties back to the staged and fake coronavirus pandemic and the vaccinations, as previously decoded in 911. And keep in mind, on that date, 9/11, there is 111-days remaining in the year. Also, Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation was on June 2nd, 1953. And she allegedly died exactly 69 years, 3 months and 6 days later. That’s a hidden ‘369’… And, of course, we also have the Queen’s full name, which is… Elizabeth Alexandra Mary = 369. That is also 3 months and 6 days after the anniversary of her coronation, as in 36. And 36 is the triangular number of 666. Again, everything that has happed, is happening, and is going to happen has been planned and scripted for a long time. That includes Trump, Q, the fake pandemic, the fake war in Ukraine, and the death-date of the Queen. All connected.”

~Joachim Bartoll

Yesterday, on September 8, the media announced that Queen Elizabeth II’s doctors were concerned for her health and that the Royal family had gathered by her side at Balmoral Castle, as in “Baal-Moral.” No surprise there as for the choice of location for this ritual.

As soon as we heard about this, we checked the numbers for September 8 and it was obvious that they would use this pretext of her frail health as a foreshadowing to announce her death. A few hours before the media announced her death, I posted the message that the ‘London Bridge is Down’ Note: “London Bridge is Down” is the code-word for the plans surrounding the Queen’s death and her funeral.

As you should know by now, they do everything by the numbers. This knowledge is expressed in the Kabbalah, the Sepher Yetzirah, or in English; in The Book of Formation. It states that God created his universe by three forms of expression: Numbers, Letters and Words hence the use of numerology and gematria.

You should also know that the British Royal Family is at the upper end of the pyramid of power, of those who rule the world. That also means that The Jesuit Order, The Pope, and The Freemasons will be deeply involved in her death ritual. The Queen was also the real owner of America, and close to 70% of all land in the world. This is why Q’tards and QAnon love to speak about the Queen as a lizard, about drinking the blood of children and child sex trafficking. While there might be some merit to the child stuff, it’s all muddled in psy-op after psy-op. What is interesting though is the fact that Q is simply an CIA operation, a tactic employed to control those who are slowly waking up and want to rebel against the system. To give them small crumbs of the ancient good vs. evil tale where good is winning by covert and invisible operations, as long as you “trust the plan” and sit back and do nothing, of course.

Now, this is relevant since the first “Q-drop” was posted on 4Chan, October 28, 2017. That was exactly 1776-days before the announcement of Queen Elizabeth’s death on September 8, 2022. 1776, as in the year the United States was declared as a nation.

As they involved ‘Q’ in their ritual, as well as the birth of the United States of America, it’s more than obvious that they control it all. That should be the last nail in the Q-coffin, but Q’tards tend to be so gullible so they will most likely go on and ‘trust the plan’ for another 5 years without one single proof that anything has happened or changed. The rest of us though, has seen quite a decline in living standards since 2017 with staged and fake pandemics and wars used as excuses to tear down people and their lives, which has continued with skyrocketing costs for food, gasoline and electricity.

And that takes us to the extremely fake Corona Virus, or simply ‘Corona’ as in ‘Crown.’ Remember that it was declared as a pandemic on March 11, 2020. That was exactly 911-days before they announced the Queen’s death on September 8, 2022. 911-days as in 9/11 their previous biggest psy-op and inside demolition job. It’s all tied together. Again, everything that has happed, is happening, and is going to happen has been planned and scripted for a long time. That include Trump, Q, the fake pandemic, the fake war in Ukraine, and the death-date of the Queen. All connected.

Queen Elizabeth II was born on April 21, 1926, and her alleged death comes exactly 140-days after her birthday.

Queen of England = 140

Her successor, first born son, and now King, Charles III, was born on November 14, which comes 67-days after her announced death.

King = 67
September Eleven = 67 (the 911-days as in 9/11)
Satanic = 67 (what the ritual is)

He will officially be crowned as King on September 9, as in 9/9/2022. As you invert the nines, as they do in Satanism, you get 6/6/2022 as in 6/6/(2+0+2+2) = 6/6/6 or 666.

The Queen was born in 1926, as in (1+9) + (2+6) = 9, and she died in 2022, as in (2+0) + (2+2) = 6. That is 96, her age when she died.

The most recent book about her life, “Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II: Platinum Jubilee Celebration: 70 Years: 1952-2022” just happen to be exactly 96 pages. Also note that the other book by Alison James is 144 pages, as in Jesuit Order that equals 144.

The oldest Freemasonic Grand Lodge in the United Kingdom is the ‘Freemasons Hall’ of Edinburgh,’ located at 96 George Street, Scotland.

British Royal Family = 96
Freemason = 96
Satanism = 96
Six Sixty-Six = 96 (as in 666)
Corona = 96 (as in Crown and her death ritual is tied to the fake pandemic)

And Elizabeth II was Britain’s longest-reigning monarch and head of state for 69 years, as in 96 backwards.

Queen Elizabeth = 69
The Jesuit Order = 69
Catholic Church = 69 (home of the Saturn-worshipping Jesuit Order)
Saturn (their Sun God) = 69 Saturnian Order = 69 (what they are)
Six Sixty-Six = 69 (again, and as in 666)
Trust the Plan = 69 (what the ‘Q’ tells us as they’re part of this)

Also, Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation was on June 2nd, 1953. And she allegedly died exactly 69 years, 3 months and 6 days later. That’s a hidden ‘369;’ the alleged Tesla’s keys to unlock the Universe. And, of course, we also have the Queen’s full name, which is…

Elizabeth Alexandra Mary = 369

That is also 3 months and 6 days after the anniversary of her coronation, as in 36. And 36 is the triangular number of 666.

69 years, 3 months, and 6 days also happen to be exactly 25300 days, or 253 as you drop the zeroes in numerology. 253 is very relevant and ties back to the Freemasons Hall in Edinburgh, the home of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry = 253

The Queen was born on April 21, the 111th day of the year. The announcement of her alleged death came at 6:30 p.m. local time, that is the 1110th minute of the day, as in ‘111.’ 111 is symbolic of the closed gate.

This also ties back to the staged and fake coronavirus pandemic and the vaccinations, as previously decoded in 911. And keep in mind, on that date, 9/11, there is 111-days remaining in the year.

As for the corona and vaccinations, she died exactly 201-days after allegedly testing positive for something that does not exist, which also was 20 weeks and 1 day, as in 201, after her birthday. And you should know everything about the Jesuit number of 201 by now.

If you want to see how all this ties into the fake coronavirus and the vaccinations, check out Derek Tikkuri’s post here:

~via Joachim Bartoll Official

TORY SMITH: “Meet the REAL Mike Pence: Child Rapist and Serial Killer” (2 Videos)

Ascension Avatar note: One of the reasons I’ve been so skeptical of Donald Trump since the beginning of his presidency is because he appointed MIKE PENCE as VP, and I was aware of many horror stories such as these about Pence being a serial child rapist/murderer/trafficker, and I absolutely believe it. You cannot tell me Trump has never known about this! Warrior-Whistleblower (and unfortunate Mike Pence child-Rape victim) Tory Smith died in July, 2016. He claimed the government was force-injecting him with ‘multiple strains’ of HIV and other poisons. He was also aware the Indiana police had plans to kill him, and mentions it in these gut-wrenching videos…

“I can’t tell you how disgusting it was to be raped by this Reptilian monster 9 times, I could see him choking to death children while he was raping me.”

~Tory Smith (1964-2016)



~via Tory Smith

ALLISON ENGEL: “The Psychopath Archetype”

Generally speaking, when we think in terms of psychopathy, we think serial killers and a few names come to mind; Manson, Gein, Dahmer and so on and so forth.  What if the behavioral mechanism that constitutes these extreme behavior patterns weren’t that far from home?

  • In the archetypal suite, there is a fine line between spirituality and psychosis, a fine line between genius and madness.  We walk this line every day in our waking life.
  • Is there a torture chamber within the recesses of your subliminal reality?
  • Are you trying to escape a certain set of rules or trauma?

It is quite possible that obeying the rules of society is harder because of the anima/animus within your own psyche.  Anima/Animus possession will cause a neurotic, often narcissistic/egoic and predatory behavior in seemingly every day people.  It is the energetic imprint of trauma.  We know that trauma begets trauma, but what is the correlation and the energetic exchange between authority/aggressor/perpetrator/narcissistic parent and the child/victim/abuse?  It is the fact that these worlds actually collide.

The child/victim archetype merges with the perpetrator/predator and it fractalizes behavioral elements due to the loss of innocence and imprint of paralyses, shock, and horror.

  • Is it helpful to be shocked and disgusted by others or world events?
  • Does it separate you into a class of world citizens that are not also able to shock and disgust others with your beliefs?
  • How do you become a victim by being challenged into cognitive dissonance and by new thought processes or concepts?

Your shadow is trained to stay resilient by focusing and reminding you that the problem is out there and not within.

  • Is it more painful to be you than you would like to admit?
  • Is there still a traumatic imprint that hasn’t been healed from yet?
  • Is shying away from this archetype helping your hard-drive function or is it continuing to affect you and others in your experience?

This pressure cooker will continue to steam if we are not able to separate the facts from fiction in our waking life.  This serves as an analgesic and an escape route into the other realms.  When we experience anima/animus possession there is a voice in our head reminding us that we are never going to approximate to anything and at the same time augments into specialness or righteousness. It is the ultimate bi-polar regimen.

The child is covering over its impermeable and nihilistic and confused frustrations with efforts to self-aggrandize and hold onto a layer of unneeded and unending suffering.  It is very much there to rob the individual of its accomplishments and of the present moment.  This is very much the issue with people who just can’t seem to get it together.

There is a need to separate the anima/animus from the shadow.

  • What do you believe about others in your experience?
  • Are they being de-humanized by your belief systems in your fragmented archetypes?

There will continue to be whispers of specialness with the savior archetype attached to the idea that the rules simply don’t apply.  There is a lack of linear time awareness and thus the regression into opposing archetypes happens quickly and like a landslide.

Due to the temporal deficit, the child is only able to micromanage other’s causes and effects and blame the institutions and parents, siblings.  Once the parents, the government, or institutions are fixed, then the child or self will be okay.  Unopposed this creates an unwillingness to conform.  Then it landslides back into the recesses of the unconscious to continue to blame and shame others.  There is any underlying need to fit in and an inability to accept rules.

There is a ghost in the archetypal suite that forms the base layers of consciousness that drives the ego.  The ego is not fully formed though, as it wears a narcissistic mask to hide the monstrous and tiny incoherent self.  The only way to stop this is to call out the shadow and at the same time observe the anima/animus and its effects.  The key here is to see the dark and the light attributes in both the father and the mother and coherently structure a self between the two perceptions of evil and divine in both.  When we are unable to see these distortions in our “selves”, we continue to project and augment others and the world strategy.

We continue to battle light and dark as if the human psyche within is not both capable of war and love.  Once these two concepts are de-fragmented, the light joins the shadow and it then can empower the individuation instead of the person’s power continuing to be withheld and outside of itself.

The psychopath archetype is an imprint of formidable psychosis that suggests that fear will best train and control the masses.  Just turn on the news and see if this energy resonates within your structure.  Are you either obsessed with listening or looking into the fear programs or is there a fear of hearing people with other ideas speaking?  Mass media has become a church that is subdivided in what will illicit and entice and what is safe and marks fervent debauchery.  How is this actually your own inability to be challenged or communicate effectively?  Are you not being heard and can you actually hear others?  Logic is not communicated easily when all affronts are up and ready for combat.  You can’t hear clarity if you have to protect a small self from identification with static ideas that serve nothing but self-gratification.

  • Is fear constituting your bandwidth on either side of this polarity?
  • Would you be able to be challenged outside of your comfort zone to see that psychopathy is leading and is possibly innate within each other’s own consciousness?
  • Would you be able to question the concept of sanity/insanity within authority or are you still subdivided within your own unconscious parts that store this energetic signature?

War is not love.  Murder is not a blessing in disguise.  Torture is not something to be shared on Facebook.  What is it in you that is so fragmented that sees brutality and thinks it is needed?  Delineation is hard when the formatted hard drive wasn’t in linear fashion.  This is anima/animus possession and is part of the loss of time constructs in the psyche.  It is not readily talked about but can be seen as projected matter into the ideation of others.

Inconsistencies then rear their ugly head within the psyche until the archetypes are seen and heard and healed.

The archetypes are all polarized and have been for centuries.

Are you ready to fight the war within your own consciousness to battle directly and lovingly the consciousness of others?

Allison Engel


