‘MUST-SEE VIDEO’!!! ~ Larken Rose: “The Trump Thing”

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Comments from the thread:

“I never fell for his garbage, nor did I fall for Obama’s garbage, nor will I EVER fall for any political garbage.”

“I am happy to say that I’m 46 years old and have never voted… and never will”

“I voted once when I turned 18 due to persuasion by my parents. I woke up & never voted for any of this political b.s. con artist circus show afterwards.”

“The system has become so blatantly obvious it’s a miracle anyone falls for any of it on any level.”

“Parasites and Clowns!!!!”

“Actually the day after the inauguration they had a big White House event and Trump told everyone what wonderful people the Clintons are and that they were lifelong friends. People have selective amnesia and forget what they don’t want to remember.”

“Voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil. Choosing evil will not lead you down the path to freedom. Slavery is still slavery, even if your master is ‘nice’ about it. Principally, I choose to NOT vote for evil by not voting at all. If you really want to make a difference, tell the people who still ‘play the game’ about these ideas.”

“What’s really sad is that Pro Trumpkins wont listen to a word of this. It’s too hard for them to hear that their orange god is anything other than their saviour. (Trumpkins): “LALALALALA I cant hear you!’”

“He is a fictional character. Trump has had 5 actors playing him in real time.”


“Exactly — in fact there is no real person as of over a year ago.”

~via Larken Rose

LARKEN ROSE on “The Trump Thing” (Selected Transcript)

“Hey, Larken Rose here, and whether you completely despised Donald Trump or totally adored Donald Trump, you’ll probably be offended by this either way. Because the two sides, the sides that are going, ‘Rah, rah, rah’, put him on the throne. And the side that’s going, ‘anybody but him on the throne’ are falling for the exact same game. And it’s worth explaining the phenomenon and how, oddly enough, both sides are examples of — they’re driven by good intentions but they’re driven into playing an inherently, immoral and destructive game known as politics. Now the thing that the leftist media just has complete tantrums about is the same thing that makes a lot of people like Donald Trump. It isn’t principle because he doesn’t have any. It isn’t being pro-freedom because he isn’t. What’s kind of hysterical is that anybody imagines that he’s any different. He isn’t. He’s one more clown in the clown show. So lots of people love Trump because they picture him as an outsider, which he’s not. They picture him as anti-establishment, which he’s not. And they hallucinate that he’s in favor of freedom, which he isn’t. Because the fake respectability that politics has received for so long, including in the mainstream or formerly mainstream media, is sickening. Like we’re supposed to treat these people like, oh, there are lords and masters and they’re above reproach. And no, there are a bunch of corrupt, lying psychos. And the fact that Trump points that out and says so, gets a lot of people excited. And then they want to believe that he is fundamentally different, even though he’s not and he’s never given any reason to think he’s fundamentally different. Because he isn’t. He openly adores literal dictators. So if you’re going ‘Rah, rah, rah’ for Trump, because you think he’s anti-establishment, I commend you for being anti-establishment. I can’t commend you for being very observant because he’s not anti-establishment. He appointed all the same warmongers. He appointed all the same bankers, all the same parasitic control freaks. And he talks a little bit different. Donald Trump IS professional wrestling. And he’s literally been involved in professional wrestling. He was the thing that they brought in to get attention back on politics because nobody cared. You have a bunch of lukewarm, boring politicians on both sides. Nobody was paying attention. Nobody cared. Voter rolls were going way down. They needed to shake it up by fabricating a fake drama. So in comes Donald Trump with all his bluster and bravado and arrogance — here’s the problem. Literally, every single historical tyrant you can think of, rose to power by bashing an injustice that was there before them. And in almost every case, it was a real injustice. And that’s why people said, ‘Rah, rah, rah, we want him’. They went ‘Rah, rah, rah’ because they were so sick of what was happening, that if somebody came along who pretended to be something different, they didn’t bother looking closely at what he was actually proposing. Every single time tyrants come to power, it’s because they’re bashing, usually rightfully bashing, some past injustice, or present injustice when they’re in the process of bashing it. That’s all Trump did. And people were so sick of the liberal collectivist establishment that they decided, well, the enemy of my enemy must be my friend. And they didn’t bother. It was so much wishful thinking. They didn’t bother looking closely and realize Trump is literally a New York liberal. And he’s been pretty open about that. He’s literally buddies with the Clintons and that whole crowd. And he knows how to put on a show, à la professional wrestling, literally being involved in professional wrestling. He knows how to put on a show to get people’s attention by bashing his enemies — the ones he pretends are his enemies and totally aren’t. ‘Lock her up. Lock her up.” Then the moment he’s elected. ‘Well, she’s been through enough.’ He never meant a word of it. He didn’t care. He’s buddies with them. He puts on a show and you fall for it because you’re eager to have somebody in power who’s against the establishment. So eager that you’ll ignore everything he actually says and actually does. And that’s why Trump is Trump. It’s because he is a very good bullshitter. Well, I can’t even say he’s very good at that. He’s just convincing enough to have gotten his way in a lot of different ways throughout his life, and to dupe a bunch of people into thinking he’s pro-freedom. What has he said that’s pro-freedom? It’s more of what the puppets have always done. Authoritarian garbage. Like how far are you going to stretch to pretend he’s a good person who believes in good things. But instead of just letting your emotions carry you away, look who you’re actually supporting. And ultimately, what that comes down to is, don’t support anybody being on the throne. If you believe in freedom, bickering over which jackboot’s going to be on your throat or which clown is going to sit on the throne, that’s not freedom. That’s not in the direction of freedom at all. Your brain isn’t even in the direction of freedom. If the entire discussion you can comprehend is which crook should we put on the throne? The only pro-freedom answer is ‘none’. Don’t have there be a throne. And I know that’s past what most people want to think about right now. And so it’s sad to watch so many people’s hopes and enthusiasm be thrown into the Trump camp as if that is the path to freedom. No, it’s not. Look more carefully. Don’t support what you blindly wish he was. See what he actually is. See what he’s actually done. See what he’s actually said. Watch what he did in his first for years in there. And then recognize that you’re not pro-freedom. You can’t make it that easy to trick you into cheering for your own subjugation and victimization and then be baffled by why we aren’t free. We’re not free because you fall for crap like that. You think Trump is pro-freedom when he hasn’t even pretended to be. He was this lukewarm, you know — finger to the wind — constantly seeing what would get him approval and him praise and bring him money. That’s all he has ever cared about. And anyone paying any attention should be able to see that Trump cares about Trump. Nope, that’s the whole list. Just Trump. That’s all he gives a shit about is himself, his glory, his power, his money. He makes that as obvious as anybody could possibly make it. Like, could the narcissism and ego be any more obvious and blatant than the way he openly talks in front of the cameras. And if you’re trying to imagine him to be an advocate for principles instead of just an advocate for Trump, that’s just your imagination. That’s just your wishful thinking. If you’re still looking for a political solution, you’re doomed. If you’re a Republican, you’re a giant freaking hypocrite. If you’re a Democrat, you’re a giant freaking hypocrite. Shut up. Until you advocate freedom for everybody, just shut the hell up. If you’re supporting Trump, you’re supporting authoritarian mass extortion and domination. If you’re supporting Biden, you’re supporting mass authoritarian extortion and domination. If you’re on the losing end of the game, tough crap, you deserve it because you legitimized that game. You said it was okay. You said you wanted that. You just wanted the violence used in a different direction so that you’d win and they would lose, instead of them winning and you losing. The thing is, there’s only one way for humanity to win, which is stop advocating violent authoritarian domination. And that means do not support Trump. Do not support Biden. Do not support Vivek or DeSantis or any other clown that says, ‘If you give me power, I will do the right thing with it’. No, they won’t ever. Have they ever? No. Trump supporters, Biden supporters, everybody else, they need to recognize that their own goodness is being used to trick them into supporting evil with them as the victim of it. You are supporting your own extortion and subjugation every time you vote, every time you ‘rah, rah, rah’, for any political candidate. I don’t care what party. And it’s really frustrating to watch. Once you’re outside of the game and you recognize how it works. And they don’t get that the politicians are just sitting back, they’re laughing their asses off, probably hanging out and having parties together like Trump and the Clintons used to. They don’t care. They’re both getting your money. They’re both controlling you while you bicker and hate each other. And if you actually want something different, Trump isn’t it. Biden certainly isn’t it. If you actually want something different, you have to be able to comprehend something different than bickering over which clown is going to be on the throne for the next how many years. So yeah, if you want freedom, you have to change what’s inside your own head. Because if you’re playing politics, you don’t even want freedom. You’re not even advocating freedom yourself. And if you expect government to advocate freedom when none of the people voting for it, including you, believe in freedom, you’re going to be waiting a while — like forever. So my question to you is, do you care enough to pause long enough to reexamine your own assumptions and your own words and your own beliefs and your own actions to see if you might be accidentally empowering evil? Because you are.”

~Larken Rose, via The Trump Thing

Transcript courtesy of Truth Comes To Light

LISA RENEE on “The Synagogue of Satan”

“The Hibiru Hosting Tribes are the 12 original Hebrew tribes that incarnated into the area of the planet known as Israel today. Temple Mount is the location of the 2D planetary Stargate, thus this is a hotly contested area for the Controller forces who desire to completely dominate the region. Before the rise of the Black Nobility behind the Vatican City, Carthage was the bustling capital of the ancient Carthaginian civilization in what is now Tunisia, the northernmost point of Africa. Carthage was one of the most important trading hubs of the Ancient Mediterranean world and one of the most affluent cities, from which descended the contemporary lineages of the Canaanites, which later became the bloodlines of the Black Nobility and Khazars. The Black Nobility branch went on to found the secret society power centers in Italy and Switzerland, such as through the Vatican, Knights of Malta and Venetians, which would grow into occupying one sector of the unholy trinity of its current globalist power base. It appears that the NAA’s Hyksos Kings and Khazar preferred lineages gathered this esoteric knowledge about the Universal Tree of Life from the Melchizedek teachings that were given by the Aryans when they came to the Carpathian basin. They rebranded it into the controlling narratives to serve them as the exalted Hibiru Tribes chosen ones, a process of name stealing over many generations. They rewrote the knowledge to suit themselves in the Talmud-Kabbalah based distorted teachings designed for amplifying their ruling power. This is the ruse of the Satanic forces, who want to steal creation and life force away from humanity, and thus steal the inherent knowledge of humanities own consciousness bodies away from them. Hence, the Star of David is used in Black Magic by people that have been taught to defile its true meaning in occult rituals by the Imposter Spirit and NAA. This is to prevent the true meaning of its use to inspire unity in human beings. The Khazars are the present occupants of Israel that are now behind the globalist push to instigate world wars and fully occupy Ukraine. These are Satanic-led imposters who present themselves deceptively to the public leaders of the Jewish people, in order to infiltrate into the local culture with a benign storefront, yet behind closed doors are heavily organized in practicing Satanic Blood Cult worshipping rituals across the planetary grid network as demanded by the invading NAA forces. It is these groups that were originally behind the creation of the Jewish state of Israel, and are not to be confused with the Jewish people, many of whom have no idea this is happening within their top politicians and religious leadership. Some of them are practicing Satanists yet call themselves Jewish, while behind closed doors are using Child Blood Sacrifice to the Alien Gods via the Synagogue of Satan.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Sapphire Diamond Shield / Black Magic Use of Creation Symbols / Khazars

Image via Ascension Avatar


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“Many people are unaware of how to test the energies of cloned or false identities that are projected through AI machinery and discern the quality of their messaging. Very few people are aware of the depths of spiritual warfare with artificial or cloned identities, of the dark night of the soul, or aware of what weaponry is being used to take control over our minds and attach false identities. If we start to think more deeply on the reasons why the Controllers and the NAA work so hard to diminish our perception of reality in the external world by controlling the thoughtforms and beliefs we hold in our minds, then by what other methods can you imagine they would implement as Mind Control weapons? This is an example of how Divide and Conquer Tactics are used to manage intelligence, control perception, and direct collective consciousness levels into ignorance and subjugation. Once the perception of reality is controlled, formatted into the majority consensus or the approved version of history that was devised by the NAA, then the common people self-enforce the same fabricated narrative, without knowing they are being used as pawns in the controller game that covers up the Archon-Alien deception. This is why it is absolutely critical for us to remove those intermediary identities and those false or cloned identities that use glamourous spiritual entertainment to interfere with our ability to connect directly with God and our higher spiritual selves. So please heed my loving warning: do not get glamorized with famous identities, so that you are easily manipulated into Hero-Messiah complexes run by dark forces and their AI consciousness sweeps.”

Lisa Renee

~via Edict of War against Starseeds / Implanted Thoughts